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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Help Glitch get made - post author Don

Help Glitch Get Made

Got a little coin? For £5 British Pounds or $6.50 American Money (or 82 degree Fahrenheit – I’m crap at English conversion) you can help get this made. Check out the trailer. Read a little more below and then go to Indiegogo and donate a few bucks.

Anthony Cawood’s award winning short script, Glitch (pdf format), is being made by a filmmaker based in Edinburgh and will hopefully shoot in September.

The Director is currently crowd-funding to pay for the special effects required in the film, so if anyone is interested throwing a little coin to the campaign, it can be found on Indiegogo.

For those interested in the script… it’s a dystopian dark dramedy and sees a wife operate on her husband’s inflamed appendix using a temperamental VR headset, it won the best Horror/Thriller Short Script at the Nashville Film Festival in 2016.

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