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Monday, April 5, 2021

Introducing Mikey’s Discount Drive-In! - post author Don

Mike Kospiah has been reviewing great short scripts and has started his own podcast. Check out episode 1: Ramen Noodles & Screenwriting featuring actor Clay von Carlowitz. And, listen to Mikey talk about screenwriting, getting fat, and Kevin Revie’s hilarious demon possession horror-comedy script “Bad Influence.

Follow Mikey on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter so you can see his rants on being a broke, unsuccessful, degenerate screenwriter. ​And, if you’re interested, this is his IMDB.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Off Grid by John Staats – audio produced - post author Don

Off Grid (short, Sci Fi script in pdf format by John Staats (JEStaats) writing as A Prime Customer has been audio produced by Anthology Zone

When it’s either Prime or premium for basic services.


Listen to Off Grid on Anthology Zone to hear other stories.

Talk about it on the Discussion Board

ABOUT THE WRITER: As a fly-fishing fanatic and skier living in the Arizona desert, John Staats finds plenty of time for writing. His feature Impasse was a 2019 Filmmatic Season 4 Drama Screenplay Finalist and has been published as an e-book on Amazon. In addition to features and shorts for the screen, John has found a niche writing for the illustrated page (comics!). John can be contacted at jestaats (a) hotmail.

The Anthology Zone podcast is a fresh mix of short stories. The episodes for season one are an eclectic group of comedies and dramas presenting the everyday challenges of ordinary people. The stories are brought to life by talented writers, directors and actors. The writers are from the US to the UK; the cast and directors are based in Los Angeles where the episodes are produced.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Trail to Halloween – T Minus 0 days - post author Don

Now that we are through the Brown Water, we push through the … Veil of Blood

The October, 2011 One Week Challenge genre was Gothic Horror. The theme was Ghosts are not bad, just misunderstood.

Participants had one week to write a 6 – 12 page script on the genre and theme. There were 38 scripts which were read and discussed over on the discussion board. One script was selected to be audio performed by the fine folks over at

That selected script is Veil of Blood by Ryan Lee.

A young woman ventures to her uncle’s crumbling plantation in 1874 Louisiana.

You can read along with the pdf version of the script. You can discuss this script and all the OWC entries here. Click the “Play” button to listen to the script.
{note: This audio recording is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it. }

Thanks to everyone who participated in the challenge. – Don

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trail to Halloween – T minus 1 day - post author Don

The next bend on the trail to Halloween leads through some …

Brown Water (8 pages in pdf format) by Dena McKinnon

What if the only thing you were scared of was the only thing that could save you?


Brown Water is a fascinating little tale set in a rural place near a swamp. Something is up with the swamp that gives little Tadpole a sickening fear of water. Her mother used to say the brown water is not cursed, but blessed and it takes the evil away. Day after day Tadpole comes to the swamp and watches the water in attempt to understand what evil her mother was talking about.

Characters – 2 main, 4 episodically, a few extras
Locations – 4 – swamp, church, cabin, road.
Prop – canoe

About the writer: Dena McKinnon is a talented writer with a number of produced shorts under her belt. Check out Dena’s IMDB credits and website at

About the reviewer: Khamanna Iskandarova is a dedicated mother and wife. She was born and raised in Azerbaijan, a small country at the shores of the Caspian Sea, but she has been living in the US for the most part of her life. She has several features completed, as well as a dozen shorts, some of which were produced by independent productions. Khamanna can be reached at khamanna “AT” hotmail. Check out her IMDB Creds

The October 2017 One Week Challenge is a short screenwriting exercise wherein writers are given a week to write a short script on the theme and genre provided. These are quickly done and may be a little rough around the edges considering the short time frame in which they are written.

Note: This audio recording is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it.

This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Matt Dressel has a new web series! - post author Don

Matt Dressel, long time FotS, wrote, directed, edited and acted in a web series.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Script Shop Show – No Place Like Home by Mary Alexandra Stiefvater - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of many supporters of the show. You should be a supporter, too. Mark and LC both got shout outs!

They most importantly talk about this feature script No Place Like Home by Mary Alexandra Stiefvater.

Set in the not too distant future, No Place Like Home, begs the question where does real life end and virtual life begin?

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them. And check them out on twitter. Twitter is their jam.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Script Shop Show – The Hit by Clint Horvath - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of many supporters of the show. You should be a supporter, too.

They most importantly talk about this feature script The Hit by Clint Horvath.

In the midst of his hired kill, a Hitman is visited by his drug abused Uncle and learns the essence of life from his six-year-old cousin.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them. And check them out on twitter. Twitter is their jam.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Script Shop Show – Lunch Meat by Mike Hale - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of many supporters of the show. You should be a supporter, too.

They most importantly talk about this feature script Lunch Meat by Mike Hale.

In order to get out of a poisonous relationship, a confused twenty-something enlists the help of his stoner best friend and his disgusting roommate.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them. And check them out on twitter. Twitter is their jam.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Script Shop Show – The Buffinator by John Maslowski - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of many supporters of the show. You should be a supporter, too.

They most importantly talk about this feature script The Buffinator by John Maslowski.

The survival of the human race against Alexa rests with Buffy a Yorkie targeted for Buffination.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them. And check them out on twitter. Twitter is their jam.

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    The Dream by Sean Elwood

    A woman visits her therapist about a recurring nightmare that may be more than it seems. 9 pages
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