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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Fight Belle filmed as Fighting Belle - post author Don


Fighting Belle has been released!


And you can rent or buy it on Amazon Streaming!*

When a sassy Southern belle is stood up at the altar by her boxer fiancé, she dons the gloves hoping to salvage her pride by hooking up with her ex one last time – in the ring. 108 pages

Almost ten years ago Aimee Parrott & Antonio Gangemi submitted Fight Belle to the Unproduced Scripts page. About five years ago, Aimee told me that it has been discovered on SimplyScripts and was in pre-production with Integral Pictures. Fighting Belle premiered on Saturday, March 18th 2017! I think this is the first feature to get picked up from the site.

Sean Riley has graciously allowed us to post the draft as it was when it was discovered on SimplyScripts – Fight Belle (108 pages in pdf format) Filmed as Fighting Belle

Please check out the Fighting Belle Facebook page and get more information about the movie on the Fighting Belle IMDB page.

For you old-timers, you can check out the old thread on

(note: it takes a while to load.)

*I get a few pennies if you rent or buy the movie through the link.

1 Comments so far


June 6th, 2017 at 10:59 pm

Thank you! I hope that everyone who sees the movie enjoys it. We had an awful lot of fun making the film.

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