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Thursday, February 21, 2008

We’re back, One Week Challenge and an Apology - post author Don

The site has been down most of the day. In fact, any site hosted by has been down for most of the day. If your site is hosted by Globat, it should be up soon.

Tick, tock. The submission deadline for the One Week Challenge is fast approaching. I’ve already had a goodly number of submissions and in a couple of cases received scripts about ten hours after the topic was announced. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out this post about the challenge.

Also, an apology to the newsletter subscribers. On Friday night last I kicked off the newsletter about the challenge to the subscriber base thinking that they’d all be in your inbox by Saturday night at the latest. I forgot, however that I had to set the mail server to send out 150 at a time rather than 750 at a time (this so my webhosting provider doesn’t think I’m sending out spam). The result was that some of you didn’t receive the notification about the challenge until as late as yesterday. For this I apologize and will get the notification out to newsletter subscribers earlier.

By the way,, this month’s sponsor of the One Week Challenge, is now offering iScript Previews of your script for only $9.99. And, better yet, if you like the preview and want to have the full script audio performed, the cost of the iScript Preview is credited to your next full iScript order. Click here to check it out. (tell ’em SimplyScripts sent you). – Don

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