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Saturday, October 30, 2010

The October, 2010 One Week Challenge selected script is… - post author Don October One Week Challenge selected script is Glass Rain by Julio Weigend (reaper creeper)
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The October, 2010 One Week Challenge genre was Horror. The theme was It was a dark and story night. The limitations were: two male and one female actor, male actor is in a wheelchair, all events must occur sometime between October 30th to November 1st, can’t use the word Halloween, everything occurs in and around an abandoned, rundown house and the writer could do anything to the house, except burn it down.

Participants had one week to write a 10 page script on the genre and theme. There were 45 scripts which were read and discussed over on the discussion board. One script was selected to be audio performed by the fine folks over at That selected script is Glass Rain by Julio Weigend (reaper creeper).

A brother’s been fatally mutated due to his sister’s dabbling into the occult. What is to be done?

You can read along with the pdf version of the script. You can discuss this script and all the OWC entries here. Click the “Play” button to listen to the script.
{note: This audio recording is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it. }

Thanks to everyone who participated in the challenge. – Don

Very special thanks to for sponsoring the challenge and selecting the final script.

Glass Rain image courtesy of

1 Comments so far


SimplyScripts - Movie Scripts and Screenplays » The October One Week Challenge Theme is…
October 13th, 2012 at 7:52 am

[…] script from each of the challenges. Check out some from past years:Veil of Blood – Ryan Lee. Glass Rain – Julio WeigendOld Ninty-Nine Face – Cameron MitchellMister Schultz’s Zombie Army […]

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