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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Coen latest? and The Ruins script - post author Don

Thanks to “anonymous zer0” and Horror Lair you can read this January, 2007 draft of The Ruins. A horror flick wherein people go see ruins and bad things happen.

thanks to Aaron from the discussion board for the heads up on what may be the Coen Brothers latest A Serious Man which, according to Coenesque just wrapped filming.

Links to those and more are over on the Movie Scripts page. – Don

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dolewaller – Sloth in the Seven Deadly Sins series - post author Don

Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth – Dolewaller by Stephen Brown (stebrown) (pdf format)

Adam, the local dosser, has a new drinking partner. I don’t think he approves of his slothful ways. 11 pages

Discuss the script here

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon script or fan fic? U decide - post author Don

It has been a while since I’ve found any produced movie scriptage links on the ‘net. Scribd has a few things. I think of most interest is a purported 2nd draft of New Moon written by Melissa Rosenberg. I’ve had several folks email me the link, though I am skeptical and am more inclined to believe that this is fan fiction, albeit pretty good fan fic. Update, I guess it was the script to New Moon. It has been removed.

Over on the Movie Scripts page are two verifiable scripts – Speed Racer and Casino Royale all courtesy of Scribd

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