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Monday, September 21, 2009

Jennifer’s Body script (and others) - post author Don

Thanks to The Script Collector and My PDF Scripts we have a dozen or so (give or take) scripts to fairly recent releases, including Jennifer’s Body which has been floating around the interwebs for quite some time. This script, by Academy Award winner, Diablo Cody, is about Jennifer who likes to eat boys. In addition, there is The Informant! about an informat who can’t keep his lies straight. In addition, there are also several other recent releases over on the Movie Scripts page.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Original Scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are 23 original scripts. We are heavy on the shorts this week. However, the randomly selected script to feature on the front page is a feature length family western, Rough Riders by Arthur Martin Jr. . An Arizona Judge, tired of the revolving doors for young offenders created by the system, develops his own brand of rehab. His solution turns out to be poignant and permanent! 118 pages (pdf format)

You can check it and other scripts out on the Unproduced Scripts page.

And, I’ve refreshed the Unproduced Script of the Day listings. Many of the scripts are “blasts from the past” scripts posted over the last year and a half or so. This will surely cause consternation among the board moderators when they wonder why folks are dredging up old scripts to discuss. My fault. – Don

Friday, September 18, 2009

So Many Words – filmed - post author Don

James Redd’s short script, So Many Words (2 pages – pdf format) has been filmed.

A couple have a fight in their backyard. Why are the harshest words the easiest to say?

Discuss the script.

Discuss the film

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moon, 500 Days of Summer and Ghost Rider - post author Don

My PDF Scripts is keeping up with the script goodness with Moon and first drafts of (500) Days of Summer and Ghost Rider.

Head over to the Movie Scripts page and check them out. – Don

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Original Scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page there are forty one scripts up. Among them, Jacob’s Sci Fi Adventure and story of redemption Dead World
A convicted murderer becomes the surprising savior to the aborigines of a mysterious planet facing genocide. 95 pages, pdf format.

Head over to the Unproduced Scripts page to read Dead World or any of the other 40 scripts. – Don

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Soulshadows II: Grave Messages - post author Don

Soulshadows II is a weekly supernatural anthology series. Join Tanis, each week, as she highlights an item from her collection – each one containing the shadow of a very special soul.

Next up is Grave Messages by Michael Cornetto, Tanis by Robert Newcomer.

A young man is determined to prove that the messages he is receiving on his cell phone are not coming from his dead friend. 33 pages (pdf format).

Rated R for language and supernatural electronic telecommunications
Listen to the Script

Discuss this script on the Discussion Board

Friday, September 11, 2009

Short Play Festival in New York City this weekend - post author Don

Chris LaPanta in Aluminium FoilStrings Attached Theater Company presents:

Page to Stage
Short Play Festival

See the result of Strings Attached’s collaboration with up-and-coming playwrights and directors as their work makes its stage debut.

The exploration of filling the void in one’s life often leads to happenstance experiences. One finds fulfillment or merely ends up where they started… Come see what happens!

Empiricalby Tariq Hamami
directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh
Mike Lavoie, Amanda Broomell, Paul Terzenbach

Mission Unaccomplished by Craig McNulty
directed by Amanda Joshi
featuring Benjamin Becher, Aubrey Mozino

Aluminum Foil by Geoff Schuppert
directed by Alexis MacDonald
featuring Keith Boynton, Christopher LaPanta
(pictured above)

Night Train by Mel Nieves
directed by Shawn Renfro
featuring Brendan Wahlers, Alexis MacDonald

Sept 9th, 11th, 12th @ 8pm
Sept 13th @ 3pm
above dates include all plays including Night Train

Exclusive performances of Night Train:
Sept 10th @ 7pm & 9pm
Sept 12th @ 2pm

Roy Arias Studios & Theatres
300 West 43rd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY
1-800-838-3006 event #77543

Tickets $20.00

  • Strange Template problems. Hang On. (0)

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Golden Age of Radio - post author Don

Generic RadioThanks Marie for the heads up these scripts and transcripts from the Golden Age of Radio. Generic Radio, which is probably the definitive radio script and transcript site on the ‘net, has a vast treasure trove of material. You can read speculative episodes of X Minus One and Tales of Tomorrow as well as creepy tales from Witch’s Tale, Creaking Door and Strange Doctor Weird.

Slink on over to the Golden Age of Radio page and enjoy. – Don

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