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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Original script Sunday for 9/12/21 - post author Don

Over on the Original Scripts page are eighteen original scripts for you reading pleasure.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May Writing Challenge scripts are live - post author Don

Two page Horror/Thriller/Sci Fi scripts of the May Challenge are up!


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Original Script Sunday and the May challenge is coming! - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are twenty original scripts for your reading pleasure.

Friday, May 7, 2021

May Challenge is coming May 10th! - post author Don

May Challenge is coming!

– Don

Sunday, April 25, 2021

April Quickie Challenge – who wrote what and the May Challenge - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are who wrote what and writer’s choice of of the April Challenge. And, stand by week of May 10th for the May Challenge.

– Don

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Scripts of the April Quickie Challenge - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are the scripts of the April Quickie Challenge – 4 page scripts on the theme of “Calls” – audio drama/comedy/thriller/scifi

– Don

Monday, April 12, 2021

The April ‘Quickie’ Challenge – due Friday the 16th - post author Don

This is the first of three un-interrelated writing challenges… UP first

Theme: “Calls”
Genre: Open – Drama, Dramedy, Comedy, Sci fi, Rom Com, Crime, Thriller, etc
Challenge: A conversation between two people – There can be multiple conversations, but each conversation has to be between two people across an electronic device, cell/mobile, landline, walkie-talkie, ham radio, CB radio, intercom, Morse code, text, etc.

Write a one to four (1 – 4) page script, properly formatted script anonymously. Participation requires all participants to read and comment in the discussion board on all (up to ten) scripts.

Additional info & timeline:

Mon 4/12/21 8:00pm edt – Announce theme and genre
Fri 4/16/21 – Scripts due midnight edt to
Sat 4/17/21 – Noon scripts posted
Wed 4/21/21 – Start guessing no spoilers
Fri 4/23/21 – Writer’s Choice Due.
Sun 4/25/21 – Writer’s Choice announced

This isn’t a contest – it’s a challenge. There are no official prizes.

You/your team can revise the script as many times as you wish up until the deadline.

Do not put your real name(s) on your script; this is an anonymous challenge. However, please use your real name(s) when submitting your script.

After the challenge closes you can either have your script removed or resubmit your script with your name on it.

Participants must read and comment/review in the discussion board at least 10 other scripts submitted or your work will be removed (no harm, no foul. I understand that live gets in the way.

Please put ©2021 on your title page.

Any questions about the challenge, post them.

There will be a review page emailed to you for you to score the scripts you read. Please only give scores to scripts that you have read. Please do not rate scripts in your review.

Friday, December 11, 2020

The December One Week Challenge has been announced… - post author Don

and the theme is: The Enchanted Holiday Ornament* and genre is open

*I’ve used ‘Holiday Ornament’ to allow for other December holidays to be used. Doesn’t have to be Christmas.

Can you write a 6 page, or less, properly formatted script on this theme? For more information check out the Discussion Board

– Don

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Original Script Sunday and Who Wrote What October One Week Challenge - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are fourteen original scripts for your reading pleasure and we’ve released the Writers’ Choice and the names of the writers for the Twilight Zone One Week Challenge.

– Don

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