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Thursday, November 13, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 script – for your consideration - post author Don

How To Train Your Dragon 2 – May 5, 2014 final draft script by Dean DeBlois (Inspired by the novels by Cressida Cowell) – hosted by: DreamWorks – in pdf format

It’s been five years since Hiccup and Toothless successfully united dragons and vikings on the island of Berk. While Astrid, Snotlout and the rest of the gang are challenging each other to dragon races (the island’s new favorite contact sport), the now inseparable pair journey through the skies, charting unmapped territories and exploring new worlds. When one of their adventures leads to the discovery of a secret ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. Now, Hiccup and Toothless must unite to stand up for what they believe while recognizing that only together do they have the power to change the future of both men and dragons.

Information courtesy of

Read more scripts up for award consideration or read other Movie Scripts.

One True Love – Short Script Review (Optioned!) - post author KP Mackie

One True Love

” Two witches wonder if they will ever find the men who will fulfill their destinies and grant them eternal youth.”

Love stories – it’s a genre that’s surprisingly complex. Couples’ personalities vary, of course. Their psyches. Their circumstance. Then there’s the emotion of love itself – impossible to categorize. At times, love’s stormy, tragic or wistful. Other times – sweet and dreamy. But above all else, no matter the tale, Love is simply magic…

Especially in William Boehmer’s award-winning short, One True Love.

You see, Esther and Vivian are witches. Both in their seventies, the two have been Bosom Buddies for years. Through thick and thin, and far too many wrinkles. Recently the septugarians have been on a search for the final ingredient in a spell that will revive their long-lost youth: the kiss of “One True Love”.

Sadly, that’s easier said than done. Especially in these modern times.

The two go about their quest differently. Able to (temporarily) look young and beautiful, Vivian frequents bars – enjoying the company of multiple men. Esther combs the neighborhood one guy at a time. But neither crone has had success.

The men are dropping – literally passing out – at their feet!

Consoled by Vivian, a frustrated Esther hatches a plan. Maybe she’s been doing things wrong. Why hit on just young men? Perhaps maturity has it’s benefits…

Appearing for once as her true self, a seventy year old Esther targets old man Theo in the park. Bewitching him with her charms, she leans in for the kill (uh, we mean “kiss.”). But with this latest man be her Prince? Or just the last frog in a line of failures…?

Clever and comedic, OTL’s an easy story to film. A sweet script with an unexpected twist. A timeless tale of searching for love – that begins and ends with a kiss.

About the writer: Talented writer William Boehmer can be reached at list “AT”

Pages: 6

Budget: Simple. Some exterior shots with a park bench. A house with Victorian decorations. Four female characters required: Esther and Vivian (old and young.) And a few kissable guys of all ages.

About the Reviewer: California über reader/reviewer KP Mackie is working hard on her animated feature. KP’s work is available at!





All screenplays are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. The screenplays may not be used without the expressed written permission of the author.




Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The October 2014 One Week Challenge Writers’ Choice (and runner ups). - post author Don

The October 2014 One Week Challenge Writers’ Choice (and runner ups).

Wherein writers were given one week to write a 6 to 10 page short Horror Fantasy on the following topic:

At sundown on October 31st the doorways to the Otherworld open, allowing the inhabitants to come into our world and also allowing humans to go to the Otherworld. Sunrise on November 1st, that door closes.

Limitations: Only one character can have dialogue. (Writer cannot use Voice Over, however the character can speak off camera.)

There were 36 entries. All were anonymous. Each participant was asked to rate the scripts he/she read. Below are the scripts that the participants chose as The Writers’ Choice. click the title to go to the discussion board thread on the script. Once there, click the title to read the script.

The Writers’ Choice
This Tornado Loves You by Eric Wall (EWall433) – A young woman, held in captivity, has one chance to ensure her freedom… and one last night to endure her captor. (R )

Four Way Tie for Runner Up
Conversion by Henry Christner – A 62-year-old woman faces a point of no return while seeking treatment for a forgotten early trauma. (PG)

Halloween Baby! by John Robbins (oJOHNNYoNUTSo) – A hip scientist invents a way to summon his dream girl from hell, but is she everything he’s dreamed of? (PG)

Pins and Needles by Ryan Lee (ryan1) – Desperate to save his afflicted wife, a tailor decides on a drastic last resort. (R )

The Price by Bill Sarre (Reef Dreamer) – A desperate woman struggles with the high price of the one thing she wants most – her dead son brought to life. (NC 17)

Read the rest on the Discussion Board

Interviews – A heart to heart with Bob Thielke - post author Anthony Cawood

Marnie Mitchell Lister sat down with Bob Thielke, a scriptwriter that’s not only written an adaptation of The Virginian (with Ron Perlman and Victoria Pratt), but also penned Lonesome Dove Church, starring Tom Berenger. Bob’s got a lot of experience to share… and he’s not afraid to do it here.


M: Hi Bob. Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions for us here at Simply Scripts.

B: Totally my pleasure, Marnie. I always enjoy talking to you.

M: I guess the best place to start is, when/how did you get into screenwriting?

B: Well, it all started with DUDE WHERE’S MY CAR. Actually it didn’t, but that’s what I like to tell people. Honestly, growing up I never had any grand design to write for a living, but I was always a very creative storyteller, at first mostly to my mom and dad to get out of trouble. Here and there I dabbled in writing short stories for my company newsletter and people seemed to find them funny. In 2004 I saw a story about this little venture Kevin Spacey was undertaking called Triggerstreet and it really interested me. I’d never thought about screenwriting because I figured not living in California, it’d be impossible. But with this new fangled internet, it seemed like that was no longer a barrier. Anyways, my new year’s resolution for 2005 was to write a screenplay and upload it onto Triggerstreet to see what would happen…and the rest, as they say is history.

M: Speaking of Triggerstreet, that’s where we met, way back when, over ten years ago. How important do you think sites like Triggerstreet and Simply Scripts are, as far as helping people become better writers? And, how did it help you?

B: Ten YEARS AGO!?! Maybe nine years ago, don’t try to make me feel old. Oh gosh, these types of sites are amazing for new writers. I learned so much by participating on Triggerstreet. From basics like formatting to some really subtle stuff like how to work scene transitions and how to create subtext in your dialogue. I’d truly recommend it for anyone who wants to really learn how to write. And it was great too, for making contacts, I’ve met writers, producers, actors, directors on that site. For several years, I referred to it as a modern day Chautauqua for moviemakers, where hungry, talented, and thoughtful people could gather and talk about film, review each other’s work, and really get better at the craft. I still have several friends from my days on Triggerstreet, like you Marnie, who continually push me to improve.

M: I hate to break it to you…you must be old because it’s definitely been ten years. For those of you who don’t know, Bob wrote an adaptation of The Virginian that was released on DVD in January 2014, which starred Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy) and Trace Adkins (The Lincoln Lawyer). How did it feel….watching a feature you wrote with actors like Perlman and Adkins speaking your lines?

B: Thanks for the plug, still available at Walmart and on Amazon. It felt…really odd watching it the first time. Thankfully the film followed the script at least 95% of the time, but every time something was different, it was like a needle screeching across a record player (think a CD skipping for those of you too young to remember vinyl). Naturally, I felt really proud and it was definitely a thrilling moment to hear your words in a film for the first time. It’s interesting, but I’ve only watched the movie twice. I enjoyed it much more the second time, because I could just watch the darn thing. The first time, I was also really apprehensive that it would stink. But it was a decent movie for a low budget western.

M: Well, we’ve watched it at least five times in my house. So, The Virginian has been adapted many times before. It was even a TV series. You obviously read the book, but did you watch any or all of the adaptations to make sure yours had an original spin? And how hard was it to come up with something fresh?

B: I specifically made a point not to watch anything else remotely associated with the Virginian. I didn’t want to subconsciously take anything from the previous versions. Ironically, the biggest complaint I ever heard about the film was that it wasn’t enough like the TV series. When I read the novel, it certainly had a certain feel that fit with 1905. I wanted to have it be relevant to our times in some way, so I was looking for ways to rework some of the story and character elements to make it more topical. For example, the way Native Americans were portrayed in the novel was definitely not in tune with today’s sensibilities. As it happens, I wrote this around the time of the OCCUPY movement so I changed some of the story elements around to reflect that type of civil unrest with the balance of wealth and how there’s this perception, or truth, that the powerful get to write the rules. Really, that’s a universal truth regardless of the time or the society. So that was my new take on the Virginian. It wasn’t really hard to come up with that new approach. A good writer has to keep their eyes and ears open to the human condition, regardless of the subject.

M: How many rewrites did it take before final approval? Were you asked to change anything after production started?

B: Seemed like about three major rewrites and lots of tweaks. I probably sent them ten different drafts. Most of those were to accommodate budget concerns. I had this really awesome Gatling gun versus dynamite fight that everyone loved, but alas it had to be taken out because apparently blowing stuff up is really expensive.

M: I remember that scene in one of your later drafts. It was pretty epic. Save it for your next Western since you seem to be bringing the genre back. So, after seeing the finished product, is there anything you’d do differently? What lessons did you learn?

B: Well, if I knew how important writing to a budget was I’d have made a more conscious effort to do that upfront, it might have saved me a couple of drafts. I learned a lot about how to collaborate with other people, and I also learned how important it is to write to your budget.

M: You have another feature scheduled to be released by Lions Gate, “Lonesome Dove Church”. This one is an original screenplay and stars Academy Award nominee, Tom Berenger. Pretty awesome I must say. I couldn’t help but notice, both of these films were produced by the Nassar brothers (Jack & Joseph), who have a pretty long list of produced features. How did you hook up with these guys?

B: We talked earlier about the contacts I made at Triggerstreet. Dan Benamor, who was their Head of Development at the time, read a script I wrote called PRINCIPLES OF BUOYANCY on Triggerstreet. The script is somewhat Advant Garde (French for “out there”), but apparently he enjoyed it quite a bit and asked me if I’d be interested in developing a western for them. It was a little bit of a risk because I only got paid if it went into production. A lot of people wouldn’t take that deal. But I figured I was already working for free, so the chance of a payout was worth it. Also the chance to do an adaptation was important for me, because it seems like that was where most writing assignments that turn into major films come about.

M: I have to comment on PRINCIPLES OF BUOYANCY. By far one of the most beautifully written screenplays I’ve ever read. And I’ve read lots. Back to “Lonesome Dove Church”. Is there anything you can tell us about this project? About the story and/or writing process?

B: I’m not sure what I can or can’t say. But it’s based on the founding of the actual Lonesome Dove Baptist Church in Grapevine, Texas. Writing this one was a dream. I was given some material to research about the founding of the church and then developed an outline of a story that was reviewed with a couple little changes. I developed the first draft off that and honestly, only had about two or three days of changes and that was the last I worked on it. Apparently the director made a few changes, but I don’t have any idea what they were or how they turned out.

M: Now, to help dispel some myths…do you have an agent or manager?

B: I sure don’t. I’d love to get a good one, so if anyone knows of one let me know!! I’ve had friends who’ve had agents or manager and they’ve grown frustrated with them because they weren’t bringing in work. I think they’d be helpful to get really good deals or for getting work on bigger projects, but as you can see you can still get work without one.

M: Do you live in California?

B: No, I live in Colorado where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

M: Do you have a degree in screenwriting?

B: Sorry to say no so often, but no. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering which is about as diametrically opposed to screenwriting as you can get.

M: Have you won any major screenwriting contests?

B: I haven’t won any contests, but I have placed in the quarterfinals of Nicholls a couple of times and I have a couple quarterfinal scripts in the BlueCat and Big Break Semi Finals with my good friend David Muhlfelder on other projects.

M: There you have it kids. You don’t need any of those things to be a successful screenwriter! So Bob, what would your advice be to other aspiring screenwriters who hope to see their work on the big screen?

B: Don’t ever give up and don’t ever stop improving. If you give up, all those people that told you it was a foolish dream have won. Don’t ever give up.

M: Can you tell us what are you working on now? Or any completed works you’re currently peddling?

B: Well, as I mentioned, David Muhlfelder and I have finished a script that is a satire about all this second amendment and open carry nonsense going on in the news these days. We’re aiming for Paddy Chayefsky type satire, of course we’ll fall short, because that man was amazing. I can’t tell you the name of the current title because it has a bad word in it. We’re looking for a new title for it that will be able to be on movie posters. This one is being considered by a couple agencies and was just announced as a quarterfinalist in the Big Break Contest. I’m also writing a third feature for the Nassers, this one is set in the middle east and features Arabian horses. We’re closed to finished, but still have a ways to go before it goes into production. And last, but certainly not least, I talked this really hot Jersey babe into writing a psycho-sexual serial killer thriller with me. We’re still working on the outline, which I promise to get to you this week (oops, I let that slip).

M: What kind of movies do you like watching? What are some of your faves?

B: I love intriguing dramas and smart action movies. I love what Marvel Studios have been doing especially Guardians of the Galaxy. Because I have a teenage daughter who loves to read, we watch a lot of these movies based on them, like Hunger Games, The Giver, and Divergent. I mostly enjoy them, but I’m a little too old for some of those teen angst moments that come up. I’d love to love comedies, but I just don’t think there’s been that many funny ones lately. All time, my favorite movie is Godfather II with Groundhog Day close behind.

M: Okay. Last question. When do you think you’ll put a photo on your IMDb page? I mean, you have two big writing credits up there. Are you trying to be mysterious, humble? What gives?

B: I’m too ugly for IMDb.

M: LOL. Not at all true. Thank you for your time, my friend. The link to Bob’s IMDb page, minus his ugly mug:


Bob Thielke penned “The Virginian”, released in January 2014, an adaption of the novel of the same name by Owen Wister. This gritty western stars country music superstar, Trace Adkins and screen legend, Ron Perlman. Bob also wrote “Lonesome Dove Church”, scheduled for release later in 2014 by Lionsgate. It stars Oscar nominee Tom Berenger and up-and-comer Greyston Holt. Bob is currently working on several projects including a family adventure script involving Arabian horses set in the early 20th century. In addition to his produced credits, Bob has completed fourteen original scripts ranging from comedies to epic historical dramas. Two of his original scripts have recently been optioned – “Trinity”, a biopic of the controversial father of the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer and “Frat Boys from Outer Space”, a farcical look at Greek life through the eyes of two happy-go-lucky aliens. Bob has also been a multiple quarterfinalist in the prestigious Nichols screenplay competition with a screenplay entitled “Principles of Buoyancy”, about a man stranded behind the Berlin Wall who discovers the only way back to his beloved is by doing the one thing he’s good at – being a clown.

When Bob is not screenwriting, he works at his day job as a Nuclear Waste Facility Inspector for a federal government contractor. Bob’s choice in career has given him the opportunity to travel all over the country and get to know individuals from all walks of life, colorful characters that give him rich material to work with in developing his own characters. Raised in Denver, Colorado, Bob continues to live there with his wife and two creative teenage daughters.​


Having completed 9 features and 60+ shorts, Marnie Mitchell-Lister has no plans on stopping. With awards getting bigger and opportunities getting better, she’s in it for the long haul. Projects Marnie is currently working on range from a family animated feature, to a psychological thriller about a serial killer to a TV pilot about a bored housewife whose quest for excitement gets her in all sorts of trouble. Some of Marnie’s work can be found on her website:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Android Night Punch! (a film by Chris Shalom) - post author Don

Chris Shalom (Heretic) and Jordan Mounteer (Paradoxical Shaman) have been long time members and contributors of SimplyScripts. I wanted to share some cool stuff they have been doing.

This from Chris Shalom (Heretic) of California Balloon Films – “This one was kinda like a SS [One Week] challenge, actually… I was challenged to write and shoot a feature film in three days. So it was a feature written in one day and shot in two. From concept to wrap in only three days! This movie making challenge left us with a bizarre B movie about sex laws, androids, heart ripping, crazy punk hooligans, and more…

After she rips out her creator’s heart, Sam the Android takes to the streets to find him a new one, thinking that human organs can be replaced like defective circuits. But the mean city is no place for an android built into a mad scientist’s idea of sexy…

California Balloon Films
Android Night Punch! IMDB listing

Interview in by Jordan Mounteer (Paradoxical Shaman)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Movie Poet September 2014 short script winners - post author Don is proud to announce the winners of their September 2014 short script competition. – Impending physical destruction, cosmic radiation wiping out all life, a virus that kills everything, doesn’t matter… it’s the end of the world and your story revolves around that.

“A Kindness” by Basil Sunshine ~ First Place
A man suffering from imminent zombie-hood gives his 8-year old daughter survival advice.

“Last Run” by William Boehmer ~ Second Place
A homeless man must finish one last task before the end of the world.

“Final Respect” by Bill Sarre ~ Third Place
A gardener faces the end of the word with those he has helped.

Each month, Movie Poet runs a free short screenwriting contest. Head on over to Movie Poet and give it a go. – Don

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The October One Week Challenge scripts are here! - post author Don

Wherein writers were given one week to write a 6 to 10 page short Horror Fantasy on the following topic:

At sundown on October 31st the doorways to the Otherworld open, allowing the inhabitants to come into our world and also allowing humans to go to the Otherworld. Sunrise on November 1st, that door closes.

Limitations: Only one character can have dialogue. (Writer cannot use Voice Over, however the character can speak off camera.)

The names are Nom de Plumes. Click the title to go to the discussion thread of the script. On the thread, click the title to read the script. All scripts in PDF format

Shout at the Devil by Logan Tyler – On Halloween, 2014, the gates of Hell will open, and only the chosen one can hope to close them. (NC 17)

Mr. Nasty And The Dancing Angels by ? – Some holidays are more difficult than others – especially when taking a trip with Mr. Nasty (R )

Isle Of The Dead by Rodney – When an internet blogger is persuaded by her boyfriend and crew to investigate an urban legend, about a cursed island off shore, she will be forced to fight for her life as they all unwilling become part of the legend until the curse on the island is broken. (R )

Be Careful What You Wish For by Unoriginal nom de plume – A young boy seeks the help of an unusual Halloween artifact, as he takes flight from his abusive father. (R )

Operation: Sleepwalker by Newt – On Halloween, a young man going through withdrawal witnesses beings that can’t be seen mingling among the Trick-or-Treaters and killing them one at a time. (R )

Da Horns by Samuel Wayman – Would you go to the depths of hell to bring back someone you loved? (R )

A Soldier’s Search by David Nigel – As a raging war threatens humanity, a soldier must find his family before the horrors of another world get to them. (R )

Peanut Butter Kisses by Maria Avedici Santoya – After a Halloween party, an axe-wielding sociopath in a goat mask stalks a young woman. When she fights back, she finds he’s not exactly human. (R )

A Burning Ring of Fire by Name of First Writer – A tough guy biker must battle demonic forces in order to escape their devious trap. (R )

Demon.Star.31 by Great Dane – Neo Alchemists open a portal to Hell on a space shuttle orbitting Earth. (R )

The Soul Cleaner Vs. Hitler Vs. Kevin by Jasper Kidd – On a Halloween rave, searching for the restroom, drugged up Kevin collides with an overchallenged cleaning power, and Adolf Hitler, whose plan is to send more Ebola to the living. (R )

Danny’s Coming Home by Vlad Dumichu – The dead are returning to the land of the living and Danny is dying to go home. (PG)

Pins and Needles by Boone Helm – Desperate to save his afflicted wife, a tailor decides on a drastic last resort. (R )

For Her Lov’d Sake by Reads Way Too Much – In Victorian London, a grieving husband travels into the Underworld to rescue his wife’s spirit before he loses her forever. (PG)

Halloween Hijack by Javar Van Helsing – A troubled kid has no patience for the Halloween spirit. (PG)

Trapped by Bud Wiser – A man trying to avoid Halloween has to help a horde escape their entrapment. (R )

Liquide Bone Danse by Luther Rinn – It’s All Hallows Eve, and whilst attempting to cling to a worthless existence, an aging priest must come face to face with his sordid past, and the darkness it has begot. (R )

Nathan Green by Adam Stein – When a woman struggling to deal with her recent separation buys a jacket from a thrift store, she inadvertently lets another bad man into her life. (R )

Justice at Sundown by Betsy Ross – A man wakes up, tied to a chair in a greenhouse on Halloween. With only a strange man to keep him company and even stranger things happening outside. (NC17)

The Nightmare Door by Larry Huckenstuffit – A conniving Housemaster recounts a bedtime tale to a sleepless young student. (PG)

Cold Alone by David Carol – A man receives a message from his recently deceased wife and visits her grave. (PG)

Forsworcennes by Dark I. Am – When the otherworld opens on sundown at October 31st, an old man uses its forces through dark magic from the Anglo-Saxon days to avoid losing his beloved farm. (PG)

This Tornado Loves You by N.C. – A young woman, held in captivity, has one chance to ensure her freedom… and one last night to endure her captor. (R )

Humanity Speaks by Habeus Corpus – The human race is being put on trial, and the only person who can save mankind is a mute girl. (G)

Conversion by Stumpzian Farber – A 62-year-old woman faces a point of no return while seeking treatment for a forgotten early trauma. (PG)

Dust by Cliff Diver – An orphan ventures through distant memories in search of the monster that stole her mother’s life. (PG)

Exchange Student by A Horror Author – A cocky college student investigating a dimensional portal on Halloween encounters an unexpected surprise.

The Price by Chocolate Kahuna – A desperate woman struggles with the high price of the one thing she wants most – her dead son brought to life. (NC 17)

Shamed by Koutius Vomitus – Two deceased, former high school students embarrassed by the school bully when alive seek revenge on Halloween night. (R )

Head by Albertus Magnus – Every girl wants to hear the words, “I love you”. Don’t they? (NC17)

Spiral by Hieronymush Bosch – Within its pages lie some of mankind’s best kept secrets. Many try to gain it. Many will fail. (R )

Reynard: Doors & Rings by Dark Stanley – An abusive husband pushes his wife to extreme action only to have him pursue her return from a world he belongs in. (PG)

Je Me Sais Pas, Cozco by Avant Garde – After having his money stolen, a high schooler finds solace in an idiopathic Frenchman from another world who may or may not be a hitman. (R )

Impropriety by Richard Layman – A deaf, dumb and blind man, reveals his true motivations to a nurse on Halloween night. (R )

Halloween Baby! by The Other Purple One – A hip scientist invents a way to summon his dream girl from hell, but is she everything he’s dreamed of? (PG)

Fair Trade by Dr. Jeckyll – A terminally ill man inadvertently discovers a portal to a parallel world – and possible redemption for his family. (PG)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Ruins screenplay - post author Don

The Ruins – January 19, 2007 unspecified draft script by Scott Smith – hosted by: Horrorlair – in pdf format

A group of friends whose leisurely Mexican holiday takes a turn for the worse when they, along with a fellow tourist embark on a remote archaeological dig in the jungle, where something evil lives among the ruins.

Information courtesy of

More scripts, horror and otherwise, on the Movie Scripts page.

The End written by Pia Cook filmed - post author Don

Pia’s script, The EndA young mother struggles to make the right decision as civilization nears it’s end. was a Movie Poet entry for the “One For The Ladies” challenge in February 2011.

This will be available until November 1st 5:00 pm edt

Talk about it on the Discussion Board

As a reminder, All screenplays on the domain are copyrighted to their author. All rights reserved. The screenplays may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

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January 15, 2025

    Teenage souls by Lana Mequdishvili

    The main character will be a 17-year-old girl who has psychological problems and tries to overcome them, the girl also tries to understand why the world treats people so harshly, the girl also meets a girl her age who wants to kill herself. And the main character tries to help him and at the same time overcome his own problems and solve the riddle, (How is the world arranged?) 81 pages
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