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Monday, November 1, 2010

Movie Poet September winners - post author Don announces the winners of the September 2010 short script competition. Monster Vision. Your script must be a monster movie, where the monster is never seen.

Zarek, The Great Spirit by Matias Caruso ~ First Place
A family’s shaky truce with the demon inhabiting their home is put to the test by the demon’s latest demand: A human sacrifice.

Bowel Sounds by Robert Newcomer ~ Second Place
Mr. Tucker seeks aid for a problem that’s been gnawing at him.

Snipe Hunting by William Dunbar ~ Third Place

Billy’s father tries to scare him with monster stories on a night-time walk in the woods. But things look bad for Billy when it turns out the snipe is real.

Each month, Movie Poet runs a free online five page screenplay contest. On the first of each month a new contest is announced. During that month, you can enter your script. During the next month, you can read, vote, and comment on all the entries. Finally, during the third month, the results are announced.

Head on over to Movie Poet and give it a go. – Don

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