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Monday, August 31, 2009

One Week Challenge – Scripts 21 to 25 - post author Don

The One Week ChallengeWriters were given one week to write a 12 page or less Romantic Drama/Comedy (Romantic Dramedy) using This piece of music (graciously provided by Norm of The DrabbleCast).

The “*” in the title of the OWC script indicates that the person who submitted the script has, in the past, read and reviewed at least three scripts in this or previous challenges. If you feel you should have a star, please let me know via email at webmaster (a) or discussion board private message. Click the title to go to the discussion board thread, then click the title to read the script.

The Next Five of 21 to 25

Tom and Jake by D. Hunter

(Short, Romantic Dramedy w/ music) – Tom and Jake go hunting together. Man gets man in this playful romp about man love. Don’t miss Tom and Jake sing The Ballad of Deer Camp. (Warning: Some professional sportsmen may object to the portrayal of hunters as gay. They aren’t all that lucky.) (pdf format)

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My Big Fat Geek Wedding Proposal by Bobba Fett

(Short, Romantic Dramedy w/ music) – A socially inept college kid enlists the help of his fraternity brother to write a wedding proposal in song-form for his girlfriend of one month. (pdf format)

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Never Let A Good Thing Pass You By by Seriously is My Real Name

(Short, Romantic Dramedy w/ music) – A broke, small town girl in the big city makes a new friend while trying to find work. (pdf format)

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Some Things Never Die by Yes, you can call me Terrance

(Short, Romantic Dramedy w/ music) – Helen rushes to get to her wedding on time. (pdf format)

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Broadway Betty by First Initial

(Short, Romantic Dramedy w/ music) – A struggling screenwriter enlists the help of an aging Broadway legend to help him write a song. (pdf format)

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