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Friday, November 14, 2008

Screenwriter Expo field report - post author Don

Thanks to Slap Shot for his quick Screenwriting Expo field report.

Slap Shot writes: Here’s a couple of pics from the expo. I had a lot of fun. I’ll be going back today for some more. The one thing I took away from yesterday’s seminars is that when we write, remember that you are not writing for an audience, you are writing for the READER (who has a stack of other scripts to read) the goal is to make the words jump of the page while being as brief as possible..

iScript FolksPicture left would be Lori from the excellent which was one of the exhibitors at the Expo. Word has it that they are using one of the OWC selected scripts as a demo. has been a great supporter of the SimplyScripts One Week Challenge.

Click either of the images to embiggen them. Photos courtesy of Slap Shot.

The Screenwriting Expo is going on until Sunday. You can register at the venue only.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wall-E - post author Don

Thanks Scott for the heads up on this from Walt Disney Studios. For your consideration – Wall-E – undated, unspecified draft. It can be found on the Movie Scripts page. – Don

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Dark Knight and Eagle Eye - post author Don

Thanks to Mike for the heads up on Warner Bros posting of The Dark Knight. Shout out to JoBlo for the heads up on the posting of Eagle Eye. Both scripts and a few more “For Your Consideration” scripts can be found on the Movie Scripts page. – Don

Saturday, November 8, 2008

37 Original Scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page there are thirty seven original scripts for your reading pleasure. There is a short from the Forben series where Christmas and Halloween get mixed up, Kevin has Accidental Awakening wherein dead pet is accidentally brought back to life and hilarity ensues and Steve’s time traveling piece Sent where two Englishmen go back in time to prevent John Lennon’s murder. – Don

ScriptGirl script report for week ending November 7th - post author Don

ScriptGirl’s weekly script report. Son of a superhero defeats monsters, Asian mother obsessed with marrying off her daughter, Gulliver’s Travels with Jack Black, team of mercenaries overthrow dictator, undercover cop in crime family and Michael Crichton died.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Rules of Man - post author Don

The Rules of Manis a short comedic web series that discusses the rules and laws that all men must follow. The show revolves around four friends who deal with the rules in their daily lives. There are two episodes out, thus far, with the promise of a third coming on November 12th. Chris Landa, writer, has shared the first two scripts – early drafts – of the web series. There are fairly major changes between the scripts and the final show.

The Rules of Man: Men and Bathrooms – Steven confronts a drunk and chatty boss at the urinal. Will he talk? Will he obey the third rule of man: Thou Shalt not talk in the bathroom? Read the script and discuss (pdf format).

The Rules of Man: Men, Sex and Illegitimate Children – Patrick finds out he has an illegitimate child. Following the 819th rule of man, Patrick tries to take responsibility and gets more than he bargained for. 4 pages

Read the script and discuss (pdf format).

Transcripts from the Golden Age of Radio - post author Don

Thanks to Craig for the heads up on these transcripts of episodes of The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet and other excellent shows from the golden age of radio. Check’em at the Radio Scripts and Transcripts page. – Don

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dr. Who season four (well, actually season 30) scripts - post author Don

Thanks Tom for the heads up on six teleplays from Season 30 (season 4 of the ‘new’ series) of Dr. Who. These come from the promotional site The Writer’s Tale by Russell T Davies (showrunner for the first four new seasons of Dr. Who) and Benjamin Cook. The book explores Russell’s work on Series Four, revealing how he plans the series and works with the show’s writers, where he gets his ideas for plot, character and scenes and how actors are cast and other creative decisions are made. The book is available from

Check them out over on the TV Scripts and Transcripts page.

Edit: Thanks Peter for the clarification. This is Season 4 of the new series. Counted from the beginning of the original series, it would be Season 30. However, it is the 11th Doctor (canonical). – Don

Edit again: David Tennant, again as corrected by Peter, plays the 10th Doctor.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote! and Krull script - post author Don

For those of you who live and are registered to vote in the US and A, go vote. Bring a script to read whilst waiting in line. You could, thanks to Leon and DailyScript read a draft of the 1980’s movie Krull. Or, thanks to JBM, read a draft of Max Payne. Regardless, both are on the Movie Scripts page. – Don

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