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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sasquatch Mountain (Devil on the Mountain) script - post author Don

Thanks to Gail and Grizzly Peak Films and Sci Fi Scripts, read this draft of Michael Worth’s Sasquatch Mountain (written as “Devil on the Mountain”). It premiered on the Sci Fi Channel last year and starred Lance Henriksen (Aliens and Millennium fame) as a tow truck driver caught between bank robbers, a beautiful hostage, local cops and, of course, a flesh eating monster. The script is in PDF format and can be found on the Movie Scripts page.

I simply can not get Amy Winehouse’s Rehab out of my head. Driving me nuts. – Don

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Andrew Kevin Walker’s X-men script - post author Don

Thanks to DailyScript and Donovan for this June 7, 1994 second revised first draft script of X-Men by Andrew Kevin Walker. Needless to say, this was never filmed. According to Donovan “…Andrew Kevin Walker’s scripts are always great to read, but I’m pretty sure this one is unfilmable: wildly ambitious and astronomically expensive, shoehorning (very skilfully, but still) way too much of everything you’d ever want in an X-Men film into just 129 pages. It’s still a great read, though. He wrote this shortly before “Seven” went into production.”

Skip on over to the movie scripts page and check it out. – Don

Monday, June 4, 2007

Unproduced scripts and Congrats to J.D. - post author Don

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have 29 original scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Congratulations to JD for his 3rd Place finish for drama in the Global Art Film Festival Hollywood 2007 Screenplay Writing Awards with his work Newton?s Cradle. – Don

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