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Monday, April 27, 2009

April OWC selectee is… - post author Don

Of Sound Mind by Cameron Mitchell
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As you all know, in early April we had the April One Week Challenge wherein participants were asked to write a 12 page dramatic script about a secret revealed at a family picnic . We had 33 entries. The fine folks over at were kind enough to select one script out of the group to be recorded.

The selected script is Of Sound Mind by Cameron Mitchell .

The wealthy Hogarth clan gathers for a picnic in the woods, to be followed by a reading of the patriarch’s will. The family will never be the same.

You can read along with the pdf version of the script here. You can discuss this script and all the OWC entries here. Click the “Play” button to listen to the script.
{note: This audio recording is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it. }

Thanks to everyone who participated in the April One Week Challenge. – Don

Very special thanks to for sponsoring the challenge and judging the final scripts.

Picnic basket image courtesy of MD Resort Bed and Breakfast in Fort Worth Texas

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