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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cypher - post author Don

The same young crew that did Deja Vu has come out with a new film: Cypher.

Cypher, a new mobile ARG, tasks players with finding clues that lead them to specially marked bags. The winner of the game is promised a grand prize. 6 weeks into the game, things begin to go south as some players take the game too seriously.

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January 15, 2025

    Teenage souls by Lana Mequdishvili

    The main character will be a 17-year-old girl who has psychological problems and tries to overcome them, the girl also tries to understand why the world treats people so harshly, the girl also meets a girl her age who wants to kill herself. And the main character tries to help him and at the same time overcome his own problems and solve the riddle, (How is the world arranged?) 81 pages
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