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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Original Scripts - post author Don

Taking a little break from getting links up to Scripts up for Oscar consideration.

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page we have 24 original works (a could of revised scripts from last December’s Seven Week Challenge).

Among the 24 that caught my eye was the World War II, Suspense, Drama On the Corner of Rue St. Aloise and Rue Du Cheval by Samuel Clark.

November 1944, Strasbourg, France. A solider wakes up with amnesia in “La Zone Occupée”. the only thing he remembers is his duty to deliver a package on the corner of Rue St Aloise and Rue Du Chavel at 10:30pm. No name, no date, and under no circumstances is the package to be opened. 102 pages (pdf format)

World War II not your bag? There is plenty to read on the Unproduced Scripts page. – Don

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