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Monday, August 17, 2009

The One Week Challenge cometh – August 21st - post author Don

What is the One Week Challenge?

The One Week Challenge is a Free exercise where you will have one week to write a script (properly formatted) 12 pages or less (courier 12 point font) on the selected theme and genre to be revealed on Friday, August 21st at 11:59 pm e.d.t..

The script must be received by Friday, August 28 at 11:59 pm e.d.t..

Please do not put your real name on your script, however, please use your real name and real e-mail address on the submission form (After the exercise closes you can either have your script removed or resubmit the script with your name on it). Please put “(c) Copyright 2009” on your script.

No gambling! No running with scissors. This is completely Free to enter.

This is only an exercise. There is no prize for winning (after all, we all win if we have fun). There will not be an official judging for the best script (after all, we all win if we have fun). All submitted scripts will be posted anonymously for a week before the writers are revealed.

Please visit the discussion board for an idea of what is going to happen.

The Schedule:
August 21 11:59 pm edt – theme and genre revealed
August 28 11:59 pm edt – submissions due
August 29 – 31 – scripts posted without author’s names
August 31 – September 5th – review, critique, comment, guess who wrote what
September 6th – authors are revealed.

Additionally, I’m in talks with to see if they are willing to audio produce one selected script.

And, I’m also in talks with Norm Sherman of The DrabbleCast to help put a little twist into the August ’09 Challenge. Take a moment to pop over to The DrabbleCast, a short fiction podcast that is often humerous, often bizarre, always fun. With sci-fi, fantasy, wierd, disturbing tales- narrated by Norm Sherman.

Try and figure out what the OWC twist will be. You’ll never guess. When the twist is reveled, I’m sure I’ll anger and alienate just about everybody. – Don

2 Comments so far


John Brooke
August 19th, 2009 at 6:43 pm

Hola, How do I sign up for this ‘ONE WEEK CHALLENGE’?

Today is the 19 – please respond.


August 19th, 2009 at 7:24 pm

You need to wait until August 21st at 11:59 pm edt to find out what the topic is going to be. When the topic is released, there will be a link to submit your work. Nothing to signup for. Relax, you have time…

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