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Saturday, February 23, 2013

48 Original Scripts - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are 48 original scripts for your reading pleasure.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

God’s Empty Acre filmed as Girl(s) - post author Don

While the script is no longer available, wanted to congratulate Mark Lyons on getting his script God’s Empty Acre filmed. It recently won a Best Film Award at the 2013 Winter Shorts Film Festival.

A mother and daughter’s long ride home from a doctor’s appointment.

Talk about it on the Discussion Board

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chapter 1 – Filmed - post author Don

Chapter One (11 pages pdf format) by Tony Beaulieu has been filmed by Wes Miller

(Short, Horror) – First dates can sometimes be very frightening.

Chapter 1 from SweetUnknown on Vimeo.

Discuss this script on the Discussion Board

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Alone by Sean Elwood filmed - post author Don

We had this One Week Challenge. Write a short that takes place in one location. Sean wrote a script and later filmed it.

Alone by Sean Elwood (Aleph) – Short – A girl seals herself inside her apartment during a pandemic. 7 pages in pdf format

Talk about it on the Discussion Board

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty script – for your consideration - post author Don

Thanks Joe for the heads up. Another script for Award Consideration

Zero Dark Thirty – October 3, 2011 draft script by Mark Boal – hosted by: Sony Pictures – in pdf format

A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 in May 2011.

Information courtesy of imdb

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Life of Pi screenplay - post author Don

Another script for Award Consideration

Life of Pi – undated, unspecified draft script by David Magee (Based on the original novel by Yann Martel) – hosted by: Fox Searchlight – in pdf format

A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor … a fearsome Bengal tiger.

Information courtesy of imdb

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