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November 24, 2005 - Happy Thanksgiving. On the Unproduced Scripts page we have six scripts for your reading pleasure.

November 22, 2005 - Thanks to Kevan and Jason and the Daily Script we can read The Ploughman's Lunch and an episode of the original TV Show Outer Limits. Check them out on the Movie Scripts page and TV Scripts page respectively. And, thanks to Dennis and The Daily Script we can read this 1991 shooting draft of Oliver Stone's The Doors.

November 17, 2005 - Thanks to Dennis and The Daily Script we can read The Doors of Perception, an unproduced Paul Schrader screenplay. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

November 16, 2005 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have six scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Seminars, Film Contests, Film Festivals, Screenwriting Contests coming up. Check them out on the Announcements page.

November 13, 2005 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have fifteen new or revised scripts for your reading pleasure.

November 10, 2005 - Thanks to Dennis and The Weekly Script we can read Stone My Heart, an unproduced screenplay by Michael Roemer. And, thanks to Daily Script we can read this undated script of The Hebrew Hammer. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

November 8, 2005 - On the Non English Scripts page we have a bunch of anime transcripts in Spanish and Italian.

November 7, 2005 - Thanks to Kevan and The Daily Script for this unproduced Raymond Chandler script Playback. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

November 6, 2005 - Thanks to Elliott and He's Very Angry for the heads up on this good transcript of Halloween H20. Check it out on the Movie Script page.

November 5, 2005 - On the Unproduced Scripts Page we have thirteen scripts for your reading pleasure

November 4, 2005 - Thanks to an anonymous submitter for these episode transcripts of Boston Legal. Find them on the TV Scripts and Transcripts page.

And, M strikes again with the heads up on the plays of Eugene O'Neill and Sherlock Holmes. Check them out on the Plays page.

November 3, 2005 - Thanks to the Mysterious M and Old Radio Script Collection We have scripts from Escape, Mercury Theatre, Arch Oboler's Plays and Roads of Romance. Check them out on the Radio Scripts and Transcripts page.

What was new, but now isn't. Check out the previous month's updates


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