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Welcome to the New and Improved Unproduced Page
A Showcase for Original Scripts on the Net!
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Suddenly Suicide by S. Francis Berman (blewkarma)

(Comedy, Dark Comedy) - The right to life . The right to die. It's all been in the new's recently. Now get it straight from the horses mouth. Dudley a formerly posh business man takes the leap that set;s off a chain of event's that have us all examining the dark side. (pdf - formatting: )

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Rabid: Part 1 by Chris Rhives (Ziggy_W)

(Series, Horror) - A infection breaks out in a small American town. (html - formatting: )

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Reporting Live by Edward Drogos (eddied2

(Series, Drama) - The Pilot Episode of a new dark comedy series. Louis Duncan loses his girlfriend and trademark news chopper all in one complicated accident and is unable to sort out how he should feel in the aftermath. The News Crew has to deal with the complex egos and convoluted reasoning of their superiors, and as always personal issues and problems get in the way of everything. Reporting Live... bringing you inside the lives of the people who give you the news. (html - formatting: )

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Trenches by Erik Lindstrom

(Short, World War II) - Two U.S. soldiers are hunkered down in a trench in the last days of World War I, minutes before an impending German attack. (doc - formatting: )

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The Farm by Robert Newcomer (Bert)

(Horror, Supernatural Thriller) - A troubled family at Christmas. A snowbound northern farm. A young niece who might be crazy, or dangerous, or both. And something else. Something sinister. (doc - formatting: )

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Mathilda: Leon/The Professional 2 by Joe Granby

(Drama) - This is a re-titled, updated version of Mathilda: LEON2. Here, not only has the title changed for those who might have only known Luc Besson's film as The Professional, but certain scenes have been added. Making this now a long screenplay than before. It is still set in Palermo - Italy - 1952 and New York - 2004. And cuts back and forth as we catch up with Mathilda and her becoming a hit-man, and how Leon came to be in New York. (htm - formatting: )

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