Theme: Urban legend.
Challenge: Write a 2-6 page script that surrounds an Urban legend. One of two options: Create an original one, or you can take an existing one, but you have to put your own spin on it, 2 to 5 characters.
Scripts due to Friday at Midnight on October 25thth (11:59 PM EST on October 25th - see also timer)
- Genre is open .
- 6 page maximum
- Do not put your name on title page. Anonymous challenge.
- Scripts are due to by Friday, October 25th at midnight edt.
- Please put (c) 2024 on title page.
- This is a challenge, not a contest.
- Participants are expected to read and comment on as many scripts as they can.
- Any other questions can be answered on the Dicussion Board.
SimplyScripts OWC Submission / Release form