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August 28, 2005 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have twelve new scripts for your reading pleasure.

August 23, 2005 - Quick update. Thanks to The Daily Script you can read What About Bob?. Read it on the Movie Scripts page. On the TV Scripts and Transcripts page read an episode of South Park.

Written in Haste,


August 17, 2005 - Thanks to Alex (used to run the excellent Screenplay Resource) we can read the shooting script to the recent Adam Sandler flick Spanglish. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

August 14, 2005 - Did I mention that on the Movie Scripts page you can read Secret Window?

Let me mention that there are Thirty-seven (37) new, origial scripts on the Unproduced Scripts page for your reading pleasure. 37~! That is like some freaking record! Gosh!

August 13, 2005 - On the Movie Scripts page read Secret Window thanks to JBM and The Movie-Page.

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have the first ten of thirty new scripts for your reading pleasure. I'll be adding scripts to the unproduced page throughout the weekend.

{Later that day} Another ten scripts are up on the unproduced scripts page.

{Even Later that day} Yet another ten scripts up on the Unproduced Scripts page.

August 11, 2005 - Thanks to "Ted" and DailyScript we can now read where Spider-Man got started. We can read the script that started it all. Read the very, very first draft of Spider-Man on the Movie Script page.

August 7, 2005 - O.K., finally got up all the submitted unproduced scripts. We have eight more new or revised scripts up on the unproduced scripts section.

With deep regret that I alert you that appears to be out of commission. I have found replacement links for AMS hosted scripts. Do note, however, the search database has not been updated with the replacement links.

August 6, 2005 - Thanks to The Movie Page and "johnryder" you can read this draft of The Hitcher. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have twenty new and revised scripts up for your reading pleasure.

August 2, 2005 - Thanks to The Movie Page and "J.B.M." we can read this August, 2004 draft of Romero's Land of the Dead. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

August 1, 2005 - Thanks to M for the heads up on these four from the golden age of radio. Read transcripts of August Heat from Suspense, Sometime Every Summertime from Studio One, and Three Skeleton Key from Escape. Read a script of Hamlet from The Columbia Shakespearian Cycle. Check them out on the Radio scripts page.

What was new, but now isn't. Check out the previous month's updates


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