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April 29, 2004 - Yet even more thanks to M for the heads up on Gerald Vizenor's award winning script, Harold of Orange. It is a movie script. You'd find it on the movie script page. Also, just so's you don't think I'm foisting crap on you, Harold of Orange won the Film-in-the-Cities national competition, Robert Redford Sundance Film Institute, summer 1983 and Best Film at the San Francisco Film Festival for American Indian Films.

April 28, 2004 - More thanks to M for the info on At Land (thanks also to The Great American Screenplay) one of many of Maya Deren's experimental films. We can see some echos of Deren in a recent exeperimental piece on the unproduced section of the site with Silent Treatment. Read At Land on the Movie Page.

April 27, 2004 - Thanks again to M for the heads up on two different presentations of the 1968 Burt Lancaster movie The Swimmer. You can check them out on the Movie Script page.

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have three more episodes of The Lunchroom, LJL's short comedy Trent Finds Peace, and Larry is back again with Material: Lifeless Still Life. Casey brings out another horror script with Axe Mutilation, Tommy has The Surprise, Andrew has another draft of Red Manor, there is another episode of On Our Own, Derek shows off his fan fic of Jason Vs. Michael which has been floating around the net for a few years, and Tanner brings out his horror script Valerie

April 26, 2004 - Thanks to M and Dennis for the heads up on The West Wing transcripts (courtesy of The Unofficial West Wing Transcript Archive) and another episode of The Twilight Zone (courtesy of The Weekly Script). Check these out and more on the TV Scripts and Transcripts page.

April 25, 2004 - Thanks to David for the heads up on the second draft of Diamond Dead. Check it out on the Movie Scripts page.

April 24, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have Phil's 2nd and 3rd in his Silouette series, Edward has an interesting script with The Thirty Third Dajjal (Antichrist), Eddie has Echoes from Heaven, Ash has his Midnight Rain, Bruce brings out the first in his series The Lunchroom, Troy has his action script Kill or be Killed, Anthony has his take on Superman with I am Superman and "Freak" has begun his collaborative effort The Undead.

April 23, 2004 - On the Movie Scripts page, thanks to Green Wasabi and DailyScript for this early draft of Taking Lives.

April 21, 2004 - On the Unproduced Scripts page we have the very interesting thrill American Stalingrad - The Real Buffy the Vampire Slayer submitted by Paul. And, there are two new episdes of On Our Own and Chris & Sunday.

April 19, 2004 - On the Movie Scripts page, Richard was kind enough to send over another one of his scripts. This for the made for TV movie Deceptions.

On the TV Scripts and Transcripts Page, thanks to Dani for the heads up on transcripts of The L Word. And, thanks to The Daily ScriptDennis for the heads up on another script from The Twilight Zone.

April 18, 2004 - On Unproduced Script Page we have twenty new scripts for your reading pleasure. The Discussion Board is back up.

April 17, 2004 - Discussion board is still down. (sigh). Also, J dropped me a line to let me know that his site, The Ringworld, now has its down domain! So, go visit the most complete information available on the 'net about the horror series Ringu (The Ring).

April 14, 2004 - Well. The Discussion Board is still down for "cleaning". Somehow I managed to delete every single user from the discussion board. I'm getting the tape back up from my delightful service provider Ipower and should have everyone restored shortly.

Last weekend was Easter and M sent me this link to the cutting continuity from a certain 1950 motion picture based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Mary Chase (which was originally copyrighted as "The White Rabbit"). Yes, you can now read the James Stewart classic Harvey. M also points out that "although Jimmy Stewart usually gets most of the credit for this movie, it was Broadway veteran Josephine Hull who won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for her performance in the very difficult role of his sister.

Oh, and the site "Horror and Suspense" is now with a new look.

April 13, 2004 - Still a week behind in the updates. Apologies to all. On the Unproduced Scripts page LJL has The Silent Treatment a short experimental narrative script.

Thanks to my arch nemisis AllMovieScripts Dot Com for the heads up on the television movie script Full Body Massage. It starred Mimi Rogers. It came out in 1995 on the USA network. You can check it out on the TV Scripts page.

Lastly, apologies to all who have sent in script updates and scripts of all manner over the last week. I'm a week behind in updates.

April 12, 2004 - Sorry, folks. No update. Had a great weekend, tho.

April 8, 2004 - Jew know what? I got no update. I did read some interesting news, tho.

April 7, 2004 David is back again with a heads up on Diamond Dead from the fine folks that brought you "Night of the Living Dead" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Check out their site for news and info on the upcoming comedy, fantasy, horror, musical Diamond Dead. Get the skinny on the Movie Script page.

On the Unproduced Scripts page, LJL has a short, dramatic piece, After Hours.

April 6, 2004 On the Movie Scripts page we have an unproduced screenplay for the 1930's novel An American Tragedy thanks to The Great American Screenplay and M for the added into.

April 5, 2004 On the Movie Scripts page, you can read the script Encrypt, that was turned into the movie Encrypt. Richard Taylor writes, "A film was produced from my screenplay ENCRYPT, a science fiction piece which premiered on the Sci Fi Channel last June. Now you can read it as it was originally envisioned." This is the script that was turned in. It was later re-written. The TV Movie differs greatly from the original script.

You might want to check out run by Doug Herman. I like to read the Weekly e-mail.

April 4, 2004 On the TV Scripts and Transcripts page, thanks to "David" for the heads up on this excellent site that is all things Wonderfalls. Also, there is a pitch for an unproduced TV Series Unleased on the TV page.

On the Unproduced Scripts Page there are sixteen new scripts. To name a few of the many, there is Jordan's action script Always look on the bright side, Rick's sci fi script AU New Adventures, Dan's short Dragon, Anonymous' The Toast of New York, Butch's interesting action script Ice, Chase's take on the end of the Terminator series with Terminator 4: Bleak Future, and more!

April 1, 2004 On the Movie Script page - thanks, again, to "Anonymous" and Daily Script for this 1941 draft of The Maltese Falcoln.

What was new, but now isn't. Check out the previous month's updates


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