This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
The Lunchroom Episode 2x09 "Prozac Candy" Written by Vincent Biga and Bruce Snyder Created by Bruce Snyder FADE IN: INT. LUNCHROOM – BEFORE SCHOOL Will, Reicther, Brock and Joel are sitting down. Reicther and Brock are working on something. BROCK What are some other facts about Kenya? REICTHER starts with a K? BROCK There has to be more than that. REICTHER No there isn't. BROCK How? REICTHER It's a two mile strip of land what else do you think there is about it? JOEL I thought you guys went to Brian's house to work on that over the weekend. BROCK We did. WILL So why isn't it done? REICTHER Doing anything at Brian’s house is too "risky" if you get my meaning. INT. BRIAN'S ROOM – DAY (FLASHBACK) Brian, Brock and Reicther are all around a Risk board with several figurines on it. REICTHER Brian I'm attacking your Siberia. BRIAN Go ahead, take the frozen wasteland. They pick up some dice. REICTHER Uno! Dos! Tres! Reicther throws the dice. REICTHER Ha ha! Six! Brian throws the dice. BRIAN Six, defender always wins! REICTHER Dang it! He slams the Risk board with his fist the pieces fly everywhere. Brian and Brock look like they are about to kill Reicther. REICTHER Oops... INT. LUNCHROOM – PRESENT Everyone listens in, while Brock and Reicther look guilty. WILL So you guys played Risk the entire time? REICTHER Make fun of me if you want, but I had five continents. OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: INT. LUNCHROOM – SAME Casey and Chris walk in and sit down. SARAH THORMAN walks by and sits at an other table. Casey seems nervous. WILL What's the matter with you? CHRIS Well this morning I had to take some – WILL Not you. I meant Casey. CASEY I like Sarah. Reicther gives Casey the evil eye. WILL And? CASEY And I think she likes me back but I'm not sure. JOEL What makes you think that? CASEY One of her friends told me. JOEL So what's to think? Sarah walks over to them. SARAH Anybody have any gum? REICTHER (very quickly) I do!! Reicther pulls some gum out of his pocket and gives her some. JOEL Looks like you got some competition there Casey. CASEY Oh yeah I guess so. Casey and Reicther stare each other down, suddenly Brian enters and sits down. BRIAN You didn’t get that done? BROCK No. BRIAN I thought you said you were going to work on it when you got home. BROCK I was playing online all night with you remember. BRIAN Oh yeah. He sees Reicther and Casey staring at each other. BRIAN What are they doing? REICTHER I'm wearing down his mental defenses then I'm going in for the kill. BRIAN Cool. CASEY No I'm going for the kill. BRIAN Right... The bell rings, they all leave, Reicther and Casey continue to stare at each other as they get up and walk to class as well. INT. HALLWAY – MINUTES LATER Joel and Brian are talking, they see a sign and stop JOEL "Yenom" Rock Candy, buy some today BRIAN Don’t think I’ll be buying any. JOEL Yeah... They leave. INT. SPANISH CLASS - LATER Casey and Reicther are sitting on the opposite sides of the room but are still staring at each other. Reicther notices the sunlight, He takes his Spanish book and tries to blind Casey with its reflective surface. We see the light on Casey’s Face but he seems unbothered by it, he takes his own Spanish book and shines it back at Reicther. Reicther is blinded by the light and falls backwards out of his chair the teacher walks up to Reicther. KLINE Mr. Reicther is there a problem? REICTHER No. Reicther gets back into his chair, as soon as he does he begins to stare at Casey again. INT. SCIENCE CLASS – SAME Brian walks in and sits down, he looks tired. James Cordray turns around. JAMES Hey, Brian. BRIAN Go away. JAMES We have a sub today. BRIAN Wa-hoo. JAMES Guess what time I woke up today. BRIAN No. JAMES 6 in the morning. BRIAN Fascinating. JAMES Wanna know why? BRIAN Nope. JAMES I had to get ready for school, that's the time I wake up every day. BRIAN Wow. JAMES Shut up Brian. What time do you wake up? BRIAN 4:30. JAMES No you didn’t. Brian stares at James. James stares back. James laughs. JAMES That’s good. Brian still stares. James laughs again. JAMES Come on cut it out. Brian continues to stare. James turns around slowly. Brian lays his head down on the table with a loud thump. KARA NEWSONE enters and sits next to Brian, she has several containers, people start crowding around her. PERSON #1 Do you have cherry? KARA Yeah hang on a second. PERSON #2 Do you have watermelon? KARA Yeah ha- Every one starts talking at once, the teacher walks in and gets every one's attention. SUB Ok, even though that ‘rock candy’ as you call it looks suspiciously like crack to me I’ll let you buy it and you can eat it, all were doing is watching a movie today, so you know... The sub turns out the lights and a boring movie begins, after a while every one gets their candy and leaves. KARA (to Brian) You want some? Brain checks his pockets but keeps his head down. BRIAN No money. KARA That’s alright this one’s on the house I owe you anyway the way I copy off you all the time. She hands him a container of rock candy, Brian looks on the label. BRIAN Where did you get your company name? KARA Its "money" spelled backwards. BRIAN Oh...But wouldn't that mean that you don't want to make any money KARA Do you want it or not? BRIAN Sorry. Brian opens the container and takes a piece as he eats it his eyes go wide. INT. LUNCHROOM – NOON Casey, Reicther, and Stacy are sitting around a table. Stacy is drawing in a notebook. Casey and Reicther are staring at each other. Stacy looks up at them and sighs. REICTHER Face it...your going down and I'm going to swoop in for the kill. CASEY I'm not going down without a fight. Stacy, annoyed, groans. STACY Jesus. Pull out your dicks and measure them, and let's get this over with. Stacy gets up and begins to walk away. As she walks away she bumps into Will, Brian, Chris, Brock and Joel, who are walking to the table. BRIAN Hey. Where are you going? STACY I'm sorry, Brian. But those two are just annoying the piss out of me. She walks away. The five guys walk up and sit down at the table. Casey and Reicther are still staring at each other. WILL God. How long are you two going to keep this going for? CASEY Once, Reicther gives up – REICTHER - which I won't. BRIAN I know how to solve this. Brian reaches over and takes a bottle of juice that was sitting near Casey. Brian squirts some on Reicther's eyes. REICTHER OWWWWWWWWWWW!!! He grabs his eyes and falls to the ground. CASEY I WIN!!! HA HA! Brian then squirts some in Casey's eyes. CASEY OWWWWWWWWWW!!! He falls to the ground and grabs his eyes. CHRIS What was that one for? BRIAN Well, Casey was getting a little cocky. Brian sits the bottle down. Brian realizes something. BRIAN Oh you guys are going to like this. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a container. WILL What is that? BRIAN Yenom. JOEL You actually bought that crap? BRIAN Don't knock it, until you try it. He places the container on the table and opens it. Will and Chris both take a piece and quickly eat it. Will coughs a bit. WILL Holy shit. BRIAN Good? WILL Oh yeah. Joel slowly takes a piece. BRIAN Want one Brock? BROCK I'm good. Joel seems a little uneasy about eating it. JOEL I don't know about this. Is it good? CHRIS Abso-fucking-lutely. Joel eats it. He seems to like it. JOEL This stuff is pretty fucking good. Will, Brian, Joel, and Chris take another piece. Reicther and Casey slowly lift up and sit on their chairs. Their eyes are a little red around the edges. CASEY Hey, Yenom. Let me have a piece. Brian takes the juice and squirts some more on Casey's eyes. Casey falls to the ground. CASEY OWWWWWWWW!!! INT. SOLLETT'S OFFICE – DAY Dr. Sollett is sitting a chair, while Casey lays on the couch. Casey's eyes are red. CASEY And then I fell again and landed on my keys. Sollett begins to write something down. CASEY Whatcha' writing? SOLLETT Well, it seems that that day in day out you have these horrible things happen to you that are causing you to be stressed. So, I'm writing you a prescription for Prozac. CASEY Prozac? Do you really think I need Prozac. Sollett stops writing. SOLLETT Casey, your eyes are red from lemon juice being squirted in them. She rips the prescription and hands it out to him. SOLLETT I think you need it. Casey takes it. INT. LUNCHROOM – BEFORE SCHOOL Brock is sitting at the table working on something. Brian is sitting and shaking. BROCK Cold? Brian shakes his head. BRIAN Withdraw. Chris runs up. CHRIS (shaky and hyper) Brian, Brian, Brian, Brian! I need more Yenom! BRIAN (quickly and hyper) Gone, gone, gone. No more. Chris slams the table. CHRIS DAMN IT!!! I need more! Will runs up to the table and sits. He is carrying, three containers of Yenom. CHRIS All right! Will scored some! Chris and Brian reach for it. WILL BACK AWAY YOU ANMINALS!!! Chris and Brian quickly retreat. He opens all three containers. He begins to eat from all three at the same time very quickly. BROCK My God. You people are like heroin addicts. BRIAN Hey! That's what we should do! We should shoot the Yenom into are veins! CHRIS Yeah! That way we'll get the sugar rush faster! BROCK My God. You people need help. Joel walks up and sits down. He holds himself and begins to rock himself. JOEL (weakly) Cold...why is it so cold? Will has now eaten all the candy is licking the containers. INT. CASEY'S HOUSE – BATHROOM – SAME Casey is sitting on the toilet. He is sitting back looking sedated. On the sink is an open bottle of Prozac. CASEY'S MOM (O.S.) Casey! CASEY (dazed) Yeah... CASEY'S MOM (O.S.) Did you take your meds? He smiles. CASEY Yeah. CASEY'S MOM (O.S.) Okay, then get ready school. Pause. CASEY This a great feeling...I don't feel anything. He smiles. INT. ENGLISH GLASS – LATER THAT DAY Will is sitting in the back, while MRS. O'MALLEY teaches the class. Will can barely sit up. O'MALLEY Okay, we'll pause their and take a five minute break. Everyone gets up and slowly leave the room except for Will. He slowly gets up and heads for O'Malley. WILL Mrs. O'Malley? O'MALLEY Yes? WILL I was wondering if I could go to my locker. O'MALLEY What for? WILL Well see, I'm kinda falling asleep back there. And I want to go to my locker to get his candy that will wake me up and keep my peppy for the rest of the class. O'MALLEY You want to get candy? WILL Well, it's just so I can you know, be alert for the rest of class. O'MALLEY I don't think so. WILL C'mon, Mrs. O'Malley. I need a blast. O'MALLEY No. WILL C'mon, just one blast. O'MALLEY Sit down, Mr. Cooper. Will sighs. EXT. SCHOOL – FRONT LAWN – SAME Joel and Chris are laying on the lawn, quietly shaking. Pause. JOEL ...Chris... Pause. CHRIS ...Yeah? JOEL ...I think...we need to give Yenom up... Long pause. CHRIS ...Yeah. Pause. INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – LITTLE LATER Reicther is at his locker. Casey staggers over to him. CASEY (very sedated) There you are Reicther. Reicther begins to stare at him. CASEY Please, please. My eyes are too tired to blink. REICTHER ...What? CASEY Reicther...I've been thinking... Long pause. REICTHER And? CASEY I've been thinking...I don't want this Jill...Laura, Katie, whatever the hell her name is. Anyway, I don't want her to come between us. So...I will not try to chase her. Good day. Casey slowly begins to stagger away. REICTHER Are you high? CASEY I'm high on life. REICTHER No PCP or ecstasy? CASEY Nothing but life. And by life I mean these... Casey reaches into his pocket and pulls out his bottle of Prozac. He walks away. INT. BRIAN'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - AFTER SCHOOL Brian is lying on the couch. He seems ready to pass out. On the floor next to him is about fifty containers of Yenom...all empty. Stacy enters from the hall. STACY Hey, Brian, do you... She notices Brian and Yenom. STACY The hell have you been doing? BRIAN Err...eating...err...Yenom. STACY There's about fifty containers of this! I'm surprised you haven't gone into a diabetic coma. BRIAN (gibberish) Mah...bah...err...shorburt... STACY Okay. No more Yenom for you. Brian continues to speak gibberish. FADE TO BLACK TITLE CARD: "FOUR DAYS LATER..." FADE IN: INT. LUNCHROOM – NOON Will is walking toward the table. On his way there, he encounters a MALE STUDENT. STUDENT Hey, Will. Good day ain't it? Will knees him in the balls. He falls to the ground. WILL What's so good about it? Will walks over to the table. There sitting are Brian, Joel, Brock, Reicther, Chris, and Casey. Brian, Joel, and Chris look like they have a headache. JOEL You know, I'm starting to sympathize with druggies who try to quit. Cause this sucks. BROCK At least your not shaking anymore. BRIAN (sarcastically) Oh yeah. Thank God for that. MALE STUDENT #2 walks up to Brian. STUDENT #2 Hey, Brian. Brian quickly punches him in the balls. He falls to the ground. REICTHER You know, just because you have to quit, doesn't mean have to hit people. BRIAN It's not that. I just don't like him. FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE
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