S2Final Draft, Inc. Final DraftyTFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000007D000000002000110190499000480048-24F335D200D3-1011B311B612DF07D00647C4335D328FFFF01060101F000010000011F000000040CDA408404F130EDF2DBCCE03CE004EC7130EDF17D0CDA157840840EDF1301D0B2DB88503CC0091CF91781D0B220015781E20408401D0B1302A5D2DB8A103CC00D2A4B1302A5D15A01E202408408402A5D130335D2D45E8038E00103339130335D1300000200000CE000000000CDA,DEATH IN A DUMPSTER Rob (v.O.) Theres an old, old riddle my dad once told me. How many lives can one bullet take? Fade in: Ext. Allyway - night A SKINNY MAN carrying a .45 automatic is limping towards us. Hes bleeding badly from a bullet wound on his stomach, his leg. Darkness encompasses him. He limps onto the dumpster, keeping the weight off of his injured leg. Tries to catch his breath. Red and blue lights flood the allyway. Like a reflex, he trashes the pistol and breaks for an exit. Time lapse: Ext. Alleyway - morning ROB and MICHAEL enter the alley bouncing basketballs, Michael being more skilled at handling the ball as he bounces it in between his legs with ease. Both in their early teens, innocent in a sense that theyre pretty young. Rob sits on his ball and wipes sweat from his forehead. Rob Kahleed said he was comin didnt he? Michael Uh-huh. Michael is listlessly spinning the ball on a finger. ROB When? Damn hes taking forever. MICHAEL Whenever. Dont whine. You all ways whine. ROB Its a simple question. MICHAEL I dont know. Its a simple answer. ROB Fine. Rob bounces the ball some more. MiCHAEL Lets play a game. ROB A game? MICHAEL Yeah, one on one. Or we could play Horse. It dont matter -- Ill beat you either way. ROB You must be dreamin. MICHAEL Im not dreamin -- youre dreamin. Here comes the nightmare. Rob What? Aw, no he didnt. Pass me the rock. MICHAEL Use yours. ROB Fine well use mine. Michael tosses his away. Rob starts dribbling. MICHAEL Come on, bro, try to get it past me, you cant do it. ROB Ill do it. And Ill embarrass you in fronta all these nice rats in this alleyway, watch -- are you watchin? Rob steps forward, Michael steals the ball. MICHAEL I watched, ha-ha, guess you werent watchin though. ROB You got lucky. MICHAEL Luckys my middle name, ask around, go ahead, ask anybody. ROB Yeah, right, you lyin, your middle names Stewart. Stewart! MICHAEL Shut-up! Michael makes some moves on Rob. He gets past without breaking a sweat. Rob makes an angry, defeated gesture. MICHAEL You know you lucky, right? ROB What? MICHAEL Cause, my man, youre hangin with a future NBA star. 57, one hundred twenty pound, three-point shootin machine! Michael shoots at an invisible hoop. Then makes a the crowd goes wild type sound. ROB Yeah, okay, you wish-- MICHAEL --Wish? Dog, I should slap you. Slap you into next week. You know how many colleges be ridin my ass? ROB No, and I really dont care. MICHAEL Three -- NOT including Duke. I get five calls a week, them scouts are on me like white on rice, Rob, white on rice. ROB You aint that good. MICHAEL You clownin -- you seen my stroke? I got J-work. So much I dont even know what to do with it all. Playing defense, Rob takes a few swipes for the ball, misses. Michael bounces the ball between Robs legs and swiftly retrieves it. Rob shakes an incredulous head at Michaels prowess. ROB Youre good. But youre not NBA good. MICHAEL Youre just hating on me. ROB You know you have a greater chance of gettin struck by lightning than- MICHAEL --See, right there, nerd, you do that all the time. Talkin about statistics an shit. Michael shoots the ball off the wall; as hes catching it Rob deflects and it lands in a pile of trash. POP. FIZZZ! 0002000008A400000CDA89E,Rob Now look what you did, NBA. You popped my ball. MICHAEL That was your fault! Rob fishes for the ball. A syringe is stuck in it. He squeezes the flattened ball and air LEAKS out. Michael Great -- just damn great. Had to, just had to land in some crack heads trash pile. ROB You owe me a new one. MICHAEL It was an accident. Leave it alone. ROB How about you gimme yours. MICHAEL No. Its mine! ROB What a gyp. Michael heads to the dumpster. He sees something that makes his eyes pop. MICHAEL Oh my God. ROB What? What do you see? Michael Come look. Quick -- its full of basketballs! ROB Nu-uh. Rob looks in the dumpster, hes been tricked. Michael laughs. Rob Thats not even funny. Rob looks again. ROB Somebody threw away a heater, look, you see it, the metal thing? ANGLE ON DUMPSTER: a metal gun handle protruding from a dirty newspaper glints in the sunlight. MICHAEL Damn, youre right. ROB Why would someone do that? MICHAEL Get it. ROB I know better than to mess with that. MICHAEL Why? You scared? Michael reaches in and gets the pistol. He releases the magazine. MICHAEL Its definitely real. Its still loaded too -- full magazine, ready to shoot. ROB Whered you learn how to do that? MICHAEL Do what? ROB That thing where you pull the bullets out? MICHAEL John Woo movies. ROB John who? Michael rolls his eyes, turns to leave. MICHAEL Lets go. ROB Where? MICHAEL I just got a good idea. ROB Thats funny. You -- with a good idea? Hysterical. Ext. Apartment complex - day Rob, Michael are walking down an asphalt hill. The sun bears callous rays down on them; theyre sweating. Rob looks forlorn. RoB Where we goin? MiCHAEL Whats it look like? ROB It looks like were goin to these apartments. MICHAEL Yeah. ROB Why? MICHAEL You ask too many questions, anybody ever tell you that? ROB Well, if youd answer em, Id stop askin. MICHAEL God damn, all right, all right! -- You know Jeremy -- Jeremy Sawyer, eleventh grade? Big dude? He mimics a fat guy with his hands. ROB Sawyer...Sawyer -- oh, you mean that dude that picks on your lil brother? MICHAEL Little shit came home today cryin-- bleedin all over the place. So I said, I gotta do something about this. And Im doin it. 0002000008AE000015788A8,RoB Whatchu gonna do? MICHAEL Come on, I thought you were smart. Int. ApARTMENT COMPLEX We come to a wooden door in a narrow hallway. Michael bangs on it. A beat.... JEREMY answers the door. He looks like he could choke a bear. JEREMY I dont want any boy scout cookies. MICHAEL Man, shut-up. JEREMY What? MICHAEL You heard me. JEREMY (scowl) Who are you? MICHAEL Im Michael. JEREMY Tysons big brother Mike? MICHAEL Yeah, thats me, whats up? JEREMY Nothin, just chillin, shootin the breeze. You wanna come in? MICHAEL Parents home? JEREMY Nah. Vacation in Florida. Int. Jeremys apartment Jeremy Cop a squat. They sit down on a dirty couch. JeREMY Yall want some drinks? MiCHAEL What kind? JEREMY Kind without alcohol. MICHAEL Im good. Rob Ill take a glass of water. Michael gives him a look. Jeremy disappears into the kitchen. Rob What? Michael Your fingerprints will be all over that glass. ROB So? (realizing) Oh, man.... Jeremy returns with a glass of water. He extends the glass expecting Rob to take it. Rob On second thought. Never mind, I just drank a whole bunch of Gatorade. Im cool. Jeremy glares at him hard, sensing the nervousness in Robs manner. Jeremy Whatever. He sits down opposite them. JereMY Tysons big brother. Damn you look just like him -- cept a little older. mICHAEL Speaking of Tyson, he came home today beat up. He said you did it. JEREMY He said I did it? MICHAEL Yeah, he said you did it. He was ballin his eyes out but he didnt stutter. JEREMY Wasnt me. MICHAEL You callin him a liar? JEREMY He is -- hes a punk too. What if I beat his ass, whatre you gonna do about it? MICHAEL What am I gonna do? JEREMY Yeah, what are you gonna do? MICHAEL Nothin. Michael grabs the gun from the back side of his trousers. MICHAEL See this? Thisll do everything for me. JEREMY (recoiling) Get that outta my house; who do you think you are?! He trains it on Jeremy. Jeremy Stop playin around. As he cocks the pistol. MiCHAEL Who said I was playin around, huh? Were you playin around with my brother, mother fucker? Were you just kiddin when you bloodied his fuckin nose?! Int. Michaels room - day Rob and Michael are situated on the bed, counting stacks of bills. 0002000005EE00001E205E8,Rob Man.... MichaEL What? ROB I cant believe we just robbed someone. MICHAEL We? You mean I robbed someone. All this money is mine. ROB (sarcasticly) Ill make sure I tell the police that. Whatre you gonna spend it on? MICHAEL Whatever catches my eye, man, whatever catches my eye. ROB You could buy me a new ball. MICHAEL I could. But I aint. ROB Dont be like that. Youve been actin funny ever since you laid eyes on that stupid pistol. MICHAEL Stupid pistol? ROB Yeah. MICHAEL Dont be mad cause, you know, you coulda helped me out but you just sat there like a boulder while I did all the work. Rob rolls his eyes. He gets up and grabs the pistol from the dresser. ROB You think hes dead? Smash Cut to: Int. Jeremys APARTMENT - flashback Jeremys up against the wall, paralyzed with fear. We watch at an extreme ANGLE as bullets rip into him, one after another, after another. Cut to: Int. Michaels room Michael I mighta over-did it. Rob You think? MICHAEL Ive never seen someone twitch that much. I almost threw up. Almost. ROB I did throw up -- you kiddin? He aims the gun at Michael. Seeing his friends reaction, Rob laughs. MICHAEL Dont point that at me! ROB Or else what? Michael tackles Rob to the floor. The gun goes off. Ext. Street Robs running down, full speed, frantic -- covered in blood. We FOLLOW Rob down the street. He looks behind him for a moment, but keeps running. SIRENS BLARE off in the distance. Rob begins to cry. Fade to black. Rob (v.O.) Figure it out yet? THE END. 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(O.S.) (O.C.) (CONT'D) (SUBTITLE)(v(vo]IsTTR CUT TO: FADE IN: FADE OUT. FADE TO: DISSOLVE TO: BACK TO: MATCH CUT TO: JUMP CUT TO:FADE TO BLACK.Fade^sTSI=INTEXTI/E2 ALLYWAYAPARTMENT COMPLEXA RAGGEDY APARTMENT APARTMENT JEREMY'S ROOM JEREMY'S CARMICHAEL'S ROOM OUTSIDE STREETPIPEJEREMY'S APARTMENT_sTST DAY NIGHT AFTERNOON MORNING EVENING LATER MOMENTS LATER CONTINUOUS THE NEXT DAY FLASHBACKrYmCRO9INTINT. Scene Heading01119EXTEXT. Scene Heading01128I/EI/E Scene Heading0113@DAY - DAY Scene HeadingAction0114DNIGHT - NIGHT Scene HeadingAction0115HSUNRISE - SUNRISE Scene HeadingAction0116DMAGIC - MAGIC Scene HeadingAction0117GCONT continuing ParentheticalDialogue0118JINTER interrupting ParentheticalDialogue0119$0110GCUTTOCUT TO: Transition Scene Heading1111EFADEINFADE IN:Action Scene Heading1112KFADEOUT FADE OUT. 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Suggestion*?Courier Final Draft (MORE)(cont'd) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED:aCTR =Man 1(`Q|g({DESTۉ}P=Man 2(`]DVۉ}P?Woman 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P?Woman 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P=Boy 1(`Q|g({DESTۉ}P=Boy 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P>Girl 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P>Girl 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P?Old Man(`]DVۉ}PA Old Woman(pQ|g({DESTۉ}PeE9 CHARACTERDIALOGUEk1Arial W?Courier Final Draft 6 Cast List.  - P 1/81/87 2/81 4/812 6/81 3/82/83/84/8QFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005D0000000020001101-777C6F000480048-25F2E720075-10E5D2E72C1FFFF010C000010000003D0000000101118405FA52E7279105038E0002DBA52E7F9000020000011700000000111, (Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer) (Based on, If Any) Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed) Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date) Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number00040000000B000000020111310005000000150000000401142D8111300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000005400000003010180480 2018010480 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A0000001B00000002E5D3262C1E5D3262C1000B00000005000000020000C0000001300000001CF9201C01000F000000590000000050E010 104,77A4,4,77A4,4,um4,[z4,[].00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001113001290000000B000000011130FFFE000000060002000177AAD j LFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004F0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20F0-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 104058030123883BC010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,t4,014,F204,~4,:00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC000000003883BC5C1AE204213883C002C,E,42,>Page #1\!j?Q1\!FFFE000000060002000177AADjFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004B0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20C0-10 C264FFFF0100001000000330000000101408105AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,~4,04,14,04,04,100130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADQ6$$N8Splt