FADE IN: EXT. RIVER - NIGHT The small moonlit river flows idly by as a small wooden motorboat sits on its right bank. The boat has a small wood shingled cabin, which is faintly illuminated from the inside. INT. MOTORBOAT (CABIN) - NIGHT Two or three candles brighten the interior of the cabin, revealing dozens of family photos amongst the kitschy 70's wooden paneling. Other than the photos, the cabin isn't filled with much. A bookshelf here, an old record there. A relic of a TV probably bought in a back alley, with aluminum foil for rabbit ears sits on a bookshelf in the back of the room. In the middle of the cramped cabin is a small wooden table, seemingly bolted to the floor. The candles mentioned earlier are fused to the table's surface thanks to the amount of used wax from hours of use. Sitting at the table is a rather tall BEARDED MAN with commonplace hazel eyes. His face is bandaged in places from unknown but severe injuries. The bottom half of his face is hidden by his knees, held to his face as his arms clutch his legs in fear. The man is breathing heavily, terrified. He stares point blank into the empty night. POV: LOOKING OUTSIDE. There is nothing. The man gets up and opens a small mini refrigerator to his left. The inside is a moldy mess, with a rotten steak and empty, tipped over jars that used to contain something like blood. The man shuts the fridge, scoffing in what strangely resembles a cross between humor and repulsion. MAN Another one, huh? He looks down at his shirt, a red and black patterned lumberjack shirt, a nametag stuck to it. The handwriting is spindly like spider web thread. "HELLO! MY NAME IS- RILEY" RILEY My name...my name is Riley. A plop is heard from outside the boat, catching Riley's attention. He grabs a bulky flashlight and heads out through the back. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT Riley's flashlight pierces the darkness, revealing an ominous fog. Oddly enough, there is no sound. No toads or insects. Just silence other than the boat lapping against the river's flow. He points the flashlight down to peer at the river's surface. Floating by the boat is a small plastic bag filled with three packs of crisp $100 bills. Riley dips his hand into the water to snatch it, but he comes up with nothing but a sopping wet hand. The bag has disappeared. Riley looks up- A WOMAN IN A NIGHTGOWN is standing on the opposite bank. She is dripping wet too, as if she had just gotten out of the river. Riley recoils, giving a quick gasp. She has suddenly disappeared as well. RILEY (weary, fearful) One of your tricks again? Riley quickly wipes his face and stumbles back into the cabin, shutting the thin door and quickly locking it. INT. MOTORBOAT (CABIN)- NIGHT Riley wanders back to the table, assuming the same position as he was in at the beginning. He looks at one of the records-- "Last Date" by Floyd Cramer. He throws it to the side, effectively breaking the record inside against a bookshelf. RILEY (muttering) Turn that off. Riley's eyes dart around in paranoia. RILEY (muttering) Just got to get to the coast. Open sea. Fresh air. You can't get me there. No one can. He brings himself forward to the table, pulling out a worn map from his pocket. He unfolds it on the table, revealing a map of the surrounding area. INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT He carries it with him as he gets up and walks to the bridge, immediately connected to the cabin. It displays the signs of old age-- rust pockmarks the metal wheel and old engine grease stains parts of the control panels. Riley places the map on the panels as he fumbles in his pocket for something. RILEY Just got to get out of here. Get out of here now. NOW. He finds what he's looking for- the key. He thrusts it into the ignition and turns it, almost to the point of breaking it entirely. The boat sputters to life. The previously unseen fluorescent tube lighting above the cabin showers the small room in artificial light. The fuel gauge shakes from empty to full. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT The moderately-sized propellers spin frighteningly fast, creating a small wave before jutting the boat forward. Two lights on the front of the boat illuminate the murky water, giving very little, but still some visibility. The moonlight ripples as the wake travels through the river. However, a small section of wake is moving in the opposite direction. Something underwater is following the small vessel. INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT Riley is staring out into the darkness, occasionally glancing down at the map. RILEY OK. In a few moments I'll need to turn...right. He looks out the window. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT A right turn has appeared in the river. He takes it. The unknown object in the water is still following him. It pauses at the turn before following the boat once more. INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT Riley looks down at the map again. He's on the right path. He looks out the window and sees another object floating in the water, passing by the boat. He turns off the ignition and runs out to the deck, grabbing the flashlight as he moves along. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT Riley bursts out of the cabin and shines his flashlight into the water. The object this time is a crumpled up piece of paper. Riley grabs it successfully and opens it up. It's a Polaroid...a family picture. Riley, clean-shaven and smiling, stands behind a woman (his wife) with shoulder length brown hair and dazzling blue eyes. She is holding a newborn baby, wrapped in a blanket. They stand in front of the boat. Riley turns the picture over. It reads "OUR NEW BOAT- RILEY, MARIGOLD, AND LEIGH." Riley begins to break down in tears. RILEY (crying) ...Goldie... Flashes of images go by, set to a warped version of "Last Date"- Riley and Marigold on the steps of a church, married. Riley constructing a baby crib as a pregnant Marigold watches on, smiling. Marigold and Riley playing with Leigh, their son. Suddenly Riley is jerked away from his memories as he feels a strange sensation on his arm. He looks down... Marigold, totally submerged in the water save for her eyes up, has latched onto Riley's arm. She stares at him evilly. Riley lets out a scream as he falls backward, trying to rid himself of the spectre. Marigold slinks backs into the water, taking the picture with her in her pale hand. Riley gets back up and runs back to the bridge, slamming the door as he enters the cabin. Off in the distance, the thing that's been following the boat is slowly starting to rise out of the water. INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT Riley stumbles to the wheel and turns the key. The engine sputters and dies. Once more, same result. RILEY No. No, no, NO! EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT The object that has been following the boat continues to rise out of the water. We see it is obviously a human, though with dripping wet, clammy skin. It rises from the water as if walking on underwater steps. The engine continues to stall. The figure, its face still unseen, slinks back into the water and towards the boat. It reaches the stern... INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT Riley is still trying to start the motorboat, frantically checking all the gauges in search of any error. He is supposed to find nothing wrong, according to the gauges. Yet the boat doesn't start. Riley knows what he must do. He has to go outside again. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT Riley, flashlight in hand, steps out onto the deck of the motorboat. He looks around and checks the immediate area. The fog has lifted somewhat, although his visibility is still limited. The strange wake isn't visible. Breathing a little easier now, Riley steps down to check the propellers. He looks down slowly to see the propellers are indeed caught on something. He pulls it out, slow at first, then faster and faster, the look of incredulity and horror mounting on his face. It's fabric. Red and black checkered fabric...attached to a mutilated arm. Suddenly, out of the murky depths, Riley's own corpse floats up to meet him, a look of absolute terror on his face. The expression immediately changes to a Cheshire cat's grin and then a look of absolute menace as the corpse lifts both its arms (the other is fine), and grabs hold of the real Riley. The doppelganger grins madly as it pulls Riley into the water. Riley is lost. He cannot see four inches in front of him. Amidst the bubbles caused by his recent fall, echoing screams and the same warped version of "Last Date" surround him. More flashes of images... Riley and Marigold arguing, Marigold in tears and Riley bursting with rage. Marigold taking a bag of cash from a cabinet, pocketing it in front of Riley. She storms out the front door of their broken home, carrying Leigh. Riley hitting the walls of his bedroom, his face almost unrecognizable in fury. Out of the darkness, Marigold's face in an expression of dire hatred. Riley gasps for air as he breaks the surface of the water. He frantically swims towards the boat. After what seems like ages, he reaches the edge of the boat, clutching onto the stern. Gasping for air, he looks down at the deck. It has watery footprints leading inside. The door is open... Marigold is at the control panel. She has no expression as she turns the ignition key, which springs to life... ...causing the propellers to do the same. Riley, caught unaware for the slightest of seconds, is pulled into the propellers, causing his right arm to be horribly mutilated. Riley screams in pain as the river is stained with his blood. Several other flashes... Riley jerked awake as Marigold comes home, crying and spattered with blood. She has a head wound. Leigh is nowhere to be seen. Riley arriving to her aid, carrying her to his red pickup outside. He pulls hard, ripping the fabric off his arm as he agonizingly pulls himself to safety. The last bits of his arm are ripped by the propellers and cast away as the boat speeds off. A FLASH of Riley discovering the arm as he realizes some weird truth. The vision compelled him to do the same. One of Marigold's tricks. INT. MOTORBOAT (BRIDGE) - NIGHT By now, Marigold has disappeared once more. Riley, breathing hard, uses his one arm to accelerate the boat to around 60 MPH. The boat lurches, but Riley steadies himself. Staring out the window, he sees a vast expanse of water. The coast. More flashes of images. Riley and Marigold in the pickup truck, barreling down a forest road. The radio plays "Last Date" by Floyd Cramer. Riley asking where Leigh is, Marigold pointing off into the distance. Riley passing by a burning car- the site of Marigold's accident. His face is terrified. Riley speeding up, coming up to a cliffside turn, Marigold pleading for him to stop. The pickup truck, breaking past the road barrier and flying off the cliffside, illuminated by the moon. Riley pulling himself out of the wreckage, slightly cut but not hurt. Marigold is dead inside. Riley aimlessly walks through the forest, until breaking through a clearing... The river. On the opposite bank, the MOTORBOAT. Riley breaking into the motorboat's cabin, crumbling in front of the small table. He looks on a shelf- the key. He pockets it. Riley is close to the coast. He breathes harder than before, clutching his arm. RILEY Almost there, baby. Almost there. He is a few feet away from the river's exit when the boat lurches to a stop, causing Riley to hit against the wheel. He falls down in pain. Behind him, the cabin door opens... Marigold has arrived. Stepping towards him, she has no expression on her cold, white face. Riley knows this is the end. He shuts his eyes. RILEY Wait. He looks Marigold deep in her eyes. RILEY That's not how it happened. Flashes of images. Riley arguing with Marigold. Marigold taking the money and Leigh, leaving. Marigold coming back, tearful and holding Leigh in her hands. Marigold and Riley embracing, holding each other tight as "Last Date" plays. RILEY I loved you. You still loved me. Riley exiting the house as Marigold and Leigh watch TV. Riley reads a note on the kitchen counter, taking THE BOAT KEYS with him. It reads "LETTER OF TERMINATION." Another reads "LIFE INSURANCE POLICY." RILEY I lost my job. I couldn't stand to see you in pain. Riley barrelling down the country road, alone. He bursts through the cliff. RILEY If I died, you and Leigh would be OK. I loved you, Goldie. Riley waking up from the crash, pulling himself out from the wreckage. Riley's dead body is still inside. The truck bursts into flames. RILEY But because I still loved you, I couldn't let you go. Marigold, dripping wet, stands on the side of the riverbank. RILEY So you tried to scare me away from dying. Riley's doppelganger pulls himself into the water. Marigold, clutching the family photo, slinks back into the water. Riley cries as he drives through the cliffside barrier. RILEY But I did it for you. You'll be fine. Riley and Marigold run down the steps of a church, married. RILEY Everything will be OK. EXT. MOTORBOAT - NIGHT The motorboat silently moves past the river exit, vanishing into the night. RILEY Everything will be OK. The water is still. THE END.