82Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ade In INt. iNSTITUTE EARLY MORNING Elegant ABBY HILL, is walking the empty halls of the Institute. The cleaning crews are still doing their work vacuuming and emptying trash cans. Abby, being the first person to arrive notices a crumbled piece of paper on the floor. She quickly picks up the paper as she walks past. INt. Waiting room early morning The reception desk is empty as Abby walks into the waiting room. Abby shows disapproval as she notices smudges on the glass doors to her office. She quickly puts her things away and puts on a hands free phone in her ear. She dials a number. Abby opens her desk drawer. A Discarded picture of herself with LAWSON REED is clearly seen. She pushes the picture away with little thought and grabs a bottle of glass cleaner with a rag. She starts cleaning the smudges. ABBY Mr. Jordan. This is Abby Hill. Your donor has been secured. INT. Hospital morning Forty year old LAWSON REED, is leaning on a wall in a hospital waiting room. He looks relaxed as he watches his surroundings. Lawson puts his briefcase on ground as he takes a bottle of pills from his jacket pocket. He pours the pills into his hand and quickly swallows. Lawson puts the bottle back into his pocket. LAWSON V.O. I never been a reader. I couldnt tell Dickens from a comic book. But I never been able to escape the words of this obscure passage from a book whose tittle I don't remember and whose Author is just a shadow... We have the same eyes at night that we have during the day. But we are not able to see at night because we lack the light of the sun... I could never understand what it meant. But those words always come to my mind right before I make a collection. Thirty year old CRUISE walks up to Lawson. Lawson seeing Cruise, is amused. CRUise (Disappointed) Damn It! How in the hell did you get here so fast? Lawson (Smiling) Thats me to know and for you to never find out. Cruise Come on Lawson, This should be my contract. Lawson I was here first. Cruise By sinister methods, you were here first. Lawson Alls fair. CRUISE Damn you, Lawson. LAwson Dont be so disappointed. Theres always a next time. You'll get there kid. Cruise (Annoyed) Kid? This kid has better numbers then you do this month. Lawson The month is not over yet. Cruise (Walking away) Your an ass hole. Lawson Love you too. 0002000009FA000009189F4,Lawson chuckles to himself as a nurse walks over to him. Nurse Shes ready for you. Lawson grabs his briefcase and follows the nurse into a patients room. INt. Patients room early morning A man is connected to a ventilator. His wife stands next to the bed. Lawson entering the room quickly grabs her attention. Wife Are you the collector? LAWSON (Handing out his card) Yes. She takes the card and looks at it briefly. Wife How much for a total recovery? LAwson (Opening briefcase) A total Recovery will get you between $50,000 to $100,000. Depending on the quality of the donor. Wife (Smiling) Well, I guess that depends on who you ask. Take a look. Lawson walks over to the man on the ventilator. He studies the man as if he is buying a used car. Lawson Hes in his, what, fifties. Is his heart good? No cardiac arrest? Wife As far as I know. There is nothing wrong with his heart. Hell never wake up again but hes heart will probably pump until hes eighty. The bastard. Lawson Any diseases? Wife No hes clean. He had a stroke. Lawson I cant use his face. Hes too old. Legs and arms are a no go. To much weight. With a younger donor youd do better. I can give you sixty. And I am being very generous. Wife Ill take it. Do I have to sign anything? LAWson (Taking out a form and pen from briefcase) Is he brain dead? Wife Does it matter? Hes close enough. Lawson smiles politely. Lawson (Giving her a form and pen) All I need is your John Hancock. We also like a signature from an attending physician. But if you cant get one. Its not a big deal just as long as youre legally responsible for him. Wife (Signing the form) That wont be a problem. Lawson Ill Have my boys here within the hour. Wife Will they have the check? Lawson They take the donation back to the lab. If the donation is clean we give you the check. Ext. Hospital Day As Lawson exits the hospital, the sun is just starting to rise. He dials his cell phone. ABBy O.S. Abby Hill. Lawson Abby, I just got a total recovery at Saint Lukes. INt. AbbYS OFFICE EARLY MORNING Abby,with a hands free phone at her ear, is in her office. Abby is surveying a wall of shelves full of knickknacks. She is touching each shelve for dust. Their is none to be found but she wipes the shelves with a dust rag anyway. Abby Up early again. I knew there was a reason you're my best collector. Lawson o.S. Well, I didnt exactly have to talk the wife into it. And the donor is a little on the mature side. Abby adjusts the knickknacks and again wipes them of there imaginary dust. 000200000B3D0000130CB37,ABBy Still, Your numbers last month put you in the legend category. Ill send the boys right now. Are you coming in. EXt. HosPITAL DAY Lawson is in front of the Hospital. Lawson No. I have an appointment and a few more collections to secure. Ill Check in later. Abby O.S. (Laughing) Oh, Do you have a tooth ache? See you soon. Lawson hangs up the phone. He walks away from the hospital with a satisfied look on his face. Lawson V.O. I am a collector. And no I dont mean I collect base ball cards or civil war memorabilia. I collect what remains of a life after it is lived or one that no longer wants to be lived. I am the guy who procures organs, body parts, sperm,eggs. What ever we can use. And the institute can use just about everything. The human animal has become just another product to be bought and sold. Like a box of cereal... And as Abby said I am a legend as far as collectors go... Ext. INSTITUTE Early MORNING Delivery trucks are driven up to the institute's docks. The dock door open and men and women in white lab coats come to unload the days product. Coolers full of organs and bodies that are not yet harvested are unloaded. Lawson V.O. Everyone is making money. The institute finds the donors and the recipients and they charge a reasonable fee. And its all legal. Sure there are a few toothless regulations but they can be easily over come. The only one that matters is the donor has to be of legal age or a legal guardian has to sign off on it. The bodies are rolled into the lad on gurneys. SAMUEL wearing a white lab coat oversees the product. Samuel Looks like we have lots of work today. Lawson V.O. There is always a demand for good product. Int. HOSPITAL EARLY MORNING A DOCTOR walks the halls of a hospital. She is looking in on patients in hospital beds waiting for surgery. A Old men with oxygen tubes in his nose is in bed smoking a cigar. Doctor walks into his room. DOctor Mr. Tate should you be smoking? Mr. Tate (Coughing) What does it matter I get my new heart and lungs tomorrow. DOCTOR (Taking the cigar) There is still no smoking here. Youll set the whole place on fire. Doctor walks out of the room. She walks to another room. DOctor (CONTD) Mrs. Stephens, how are you today. In a few minutes well take you into surgery. Mrs. Stephens (Smoothing the lines in her face) Is it here yet. I hope its worth the price. Doctor The institute will deliver any time now. I am sure youll be very pleased with the results. Int. HOSPITAL DAY A wife is in hospital waiting room. Lawson V.O. You dont even have to be dead anymore. Hell, you dont even have to be almost dead anymore. Its all about your quality of life. And who decides about that? Everyone does. A wife is seen signing a form. Lawson V.O. (CONTD) Your wife who cant stand your ass. INt. Home day A son is with his elderly father. He is given a form to sign. 00020000067200001E4366C,Lawson V.O. Or your son who is just sick of taking care of you. All I need is for someone to sign on the dotted line. And you belong to me... Hell, a lot of people do it themselves. They line up at clinics in the inner city. Ext. KirBYS OFFICE early morning A line starts to form outside Kirbys clinic. Kirby opens the clinic doors and ushers the people in. Lawson V.O. You need to pay rent or an electric bill. Sell a kidney or a piece of your liver. Sure you might die of a massive infection but thats just a risk people are willing to take.. To chicken shit about that. Give some sperm or a few eggs. No big deal, Its all for sale... But you got to do it smart. INt. MotEL ROOM DAY A man is alone in a motel room. He puts a gun to his head. Lawson V.O. Some idiots. They go off themselves in some motel room to pay for their kids braces. The man in the motel room shoots himself in the head. Lawson V.O. (CONTD) Why they dont call me first. I dont know. By the time I get there. There isnt anything left to salvage. No one makes money... What a waste. Ext. HOSPITAL DAY Lawson is again seen walking away from the hospital. Lawson V.O. Some people have this holier then thou attitude about collectors. They say Ill never be collected. No. Not me. But we get everyone in the end. We get you all... I do about eight contracts a day. On good days I can do about ten... And why shouldnt I do it. We're no different then the cat or dog. Hell, it was just an evolutionary mutation that made us top of the food chain. Here one day. Gone the next. This is what I do. This is what I am good at. I am a collector. Int. Fast food restaurant 0002000007A0000024AF79A,We see Sixteen year old SARA working. Sara, a pretty blue eyed blonde, is filling an order. Fast food Manager Hurry Sara. The customer is waiting. Sara fumbles getting the order completed and spills the tray all over the counter. The customer looks annoyed. The Fast food Manager becomes angry. Fast Food MANAGER (CONTD) What are you doing! Your fired! Get out of here! Sara is overwhelmed with tears. She runs out of the restaurant. Fast food Manager (CONTD) (To customer) I am so sorry well get your order out real quick. Ext. Fast Food restaURANT We see Sara walking out the door. She wipes back tears as she takes off her uniform. INt. DENTIST office day Lawson is in the dentist chair. The DENTIST is looking at his teeth. DENTIST (Pushing chair away ) Everything looks good. I dont see anything to worry about. LAwson Doc, Are you sure? I woke up with this major pain. It goes all the way to my head. DENTIST (Looking at X-ray) I dont see anything on your x-ray Maybe Its a problem with your sinuses. Maybe Its a sinus infection. Have you seen your physician? Lawson Yes, he said my sinuses were clear. DENTIST (Unsure) Well, the tooth probably has abscessed. Its just not showing up on the x-ray. You will need a root canal. I can do it now if you like? Lawson I have go back to work. Can you give me a few pain pills to get me through? DENTIST (Writing prescription) Sure, but you have to get the root canal done soon. Dentist hands Lawson the prescription. Lawson (Taking prescription) Sure, Doc. Ill make an appointment today. Its crazy at work. DENTIST I understand that. But you got to take care of this. Lawson I will. Ext. Street Day Sara is walking the streets of a rough neighborhood. Her eyes are sharp as she navigates the streets. A PIMP starts to follow her. Pimp Hey, Honey you come work for me. We can make lots of money together. You coming to work for me, baby. Sara quickens her pace as she tries to get away. 000200000DAF00002C49DA9,INT. INStiTUTE DAY Abby walks to a podium in a large conference room. A group of new collectors are waiting. Abby Good afternoon. My name Is Abby Hill. As many of you know I am the director of the Institute Of science and technology... You here are because you have shown qualities which may allow you to become a collector. Out of this group here, only a small number of you will actually become collectors. Weeks into training, many of you will decide this admirable profession is just not for you. Others will find our rigorous training too difficult. But those who do make it will be glad to know that a collector is a noble profession with a long history. Back to the fourth century B.C. Chinese texts tell us about Tsin Yue-Jen switching the hearts of two soldiers. Ninth Century B.C. Ancient folklore speak of super natural forces weaving different animals body parts together. Such as Chimaera, in Homers The Odyssey. Who was mixture of a goat, a lion and a dragon.... Third century A.D. Christian mythology tells us about Saints Cosmos and Damian taking a leg from a cadaver and sewing it on to a patient... Myth and folk lore a side. The modern age has bought advances. In 1818 James Bundell preformed the first human blood transfusion. 1878 it was the first bone transplant. Followed by bone marrow in 1896. Which led to skin grafts, blood vessels, and corneas transplants. In 1909 it was kidneys. Our own age with fewer regulations and advances in medical technologies, has led to making donations second nature... We are able to use just about every part of the human animal. For transplant, for research. For just about anything our imagination has allowed. We have ended the needless suffering of our elderly, and our mentally unstable. We have asked the question. What constitutes a life? And we have found the answer is a narrow one... And the future... The future is limitless. INt. Hallway Day Abby exits the conference room. Cruise is by the door waiting for her. Cruise Do you say the same speech to every time. Because I remember that same speech. Abby One never wants to tinker with perfection. Cruise And you are perfection. Abby Do me a favor, Cruise. Cruise Anything. I would do anything for you. Abby Dont blow smoke up my ass. I know how to deal with little boys like you. Cruise I am sure you do, boss. Abby Yes, boss. Remember that... What do you want? Cruise Lawson did it again. He stole another contract from me. Abby (Laughing) Will my boys ever get along? Cruise I try to get along. But Lawson makes it impossible. I went to sign a contract this morning and he was already at the hospital. Abby Lawson is a legend. He does what he has too. Cruise Ya, thats what everyone still thinks. But hes not a legend anymore. I am beating his numbers this month. Abby You beat him this month. He beats you next month. Instead of whining about Lawson learn from him. You want to be the best learn from the best. Cruise What if hes not the best anymore? Hes been popping a lot of pills. Its slowing him down. Abby He beat you this morning didnt he? Lawson is my responsibility not yours. Cruise (Leaving) Im going to beat his numbers this month and next month. You can be sure of that. Abby looks thoughtful. Ext. Modest home day Police cars are outside of a modest home. Lawson walks up the home. A COP walks over to him. Cop Are you the collector? Lawson (Taking out his card) Yes. Lawson gives the card to the cop. The cop looks at the card and surveys Lawson. 000200000B33000039F2B2D,Cop I guess your donor is in there...Hey, I was thinking about getting a contract myself. Lawson You should. Keep my card...What happened? Cop A break in. The husband said he came home and found his wife dead. He said his wife had a contract with you. Lawson Yes, she does. Can I take a look? Cop Follow me. Lawson follows the cop into the home. A body of a woman is on the living room floor. She has been shot in the chest with a high power rifle. Blood and tissue is every where. The HUSBAND is being questioned by officers. Lawson surveys the room. His eyes fix on a picture on the mantle. A picture of a young blue eyed blonde girl catches his attention. The noise of the scene soon breaks his attention. Lawson kneels down and studies what is left of the woman. The cop watches Lawson. Lawson Damn shame. Nothing worth salvaging. I have to tell the husband. Lawson stands up and walks over to the husband. The husband sees him coming. Husband (Pushing away from the officers) Youre the collector, right. How much am I getting. Lawson Your wifes contract has been voided. Husband What does that mean? Lawson (Cold) It means its a total loss. There is nothing left to harvest. Husband Wait a minute. We had a contract Lawson And you should know. If there is damage. It voids the contract. Lawson starts to leave. The husband tries to stop him. Husband Are you sure there is nothing left. Take another look will you. What about the legs and arms. Lawson Damaged. Husband Come on guy. Give me a break. Isnt there anything? We can work something out. Lawson There is nothing to work out. There is nothing left to harvest. Lawson leaves the home. The husband yells at Lawson as he leaves. Husband You damn, collectors. You think youre better then everyone else Dont you! You screw people out of their money. We had a contract! Lawson Buddy! I am just doing my job! Ext. MOTEL DAY Sara walks into the parking lot of a sleazy motel. She quickly walks past the motel office hoping to avoid the MANAGERS gaze. The manager is checking in some customers. Sara walks to her room and walks in. INt. Motel Room day Sara locks the door behind her. She turns and leans on the door. Her body falls to the ground as she breaks into tears. Int. Drug store Day Lawson waits for his prescription to be filled. His cell phone rings. Lawson Lawson Reed. Int. Kirbys Office day KIRBY is in his sleazy office. A young woman is lying on a examining table with her legs open. Kirby, with a dirty lab coat on, is extracting eggs from the woman. A hands free phone is at his ear. KIRBY Hey, Lawson. Havent seen you in while. When are you coming by. I have good stuff for you. Top of the line. Lawson O.S. (Unbelieving) Sure you do. How many crack whores have you collected from today? KIRBY No really, I have good specimens. This stuff is going to make great product. 0002000007400000451F73A,The woman looks uncomfortable and starts to move. Kirby (CONTD) (To woman) Hey honey, stay still will you. Lawson So youre at work as we speak. KIRBY My receptionist is out with the flu. Im doing it all today. Lawson Who are you kidding. You are to cheap to pay for a receptionist. KIRBY (Laughing) I dont like to share... Business is too good. I got more pills if you need it. Int. DruG STORE DAY Back in the drug store. The PHARMACIST is filling Lawsons prescription. Lawson I am just picking up a few. KIRBY O.S. Havent you run out of dentists yet? I can keep you happy. PHARMACIST Lawson Reed Lawson nods to the pharmacist and walks to the counter. Lawson (paying) Your mark up is high. KIRBY O.S. Come on, Id give you a discount. Lawson Ill stop by soon. KIRBY O.S See you later amigo. Lawson hangs up the phone. Int. Motel Room day Sara is alone in a sleazy motel room. She is sleeping peacefully until a childs voice is heard. Child O.S. Mommy! Mommy! Sara is awaken by POUNDING at the door. Manager O.S. I know you're in there! Open up! Sara reluctantly opens the door. Manager You know why I am here. Sara I know. I just need a little more time. Manager I cant let you stay. If you dont pay. Sara Please, just a little more time? Manager Sorry, I cant. You'll have be out tonight. OK. Tonight. Sara Ya, Ill be out tonight. Sara shuts the door. EXt. Motel day The Manager walks away from Saras door. Lawson just finishing taking pills is walking toward him. Manager You the collector? Lawson Yes. I am here for a pick up. Manager What you want is down here. The Manager walks a few doors down and Lawson follows. INT. Motel room day The Manager and Lawson walk into the room to find what looks like a dead man lying on the bed. A bottle of pills sits on the night stand. Lawson walks over to the man and feels for a pulse. 0002000009DC00004C599D6,Lawson Hes not quite gone yet. But better early then too late. Its better to take them before the heart stops. Lawson quickly gets on his phone. Lawson (CONTD) I need a pick up. The Palace. Room 105. Lawson hangs up the phone. Manager You guys, are here once a week now. I have customers offing themselves all the time. Lawson Business is good then. Manager Sure business is good because I rent by the hour. But check out is messy. Lawson Theyll be here in a few minutes to pick up the donation. Manager Ya, the donation. I like that. Everyone is a donor now. Lawson studies the man on the bed. Lawson This is good product. Ive been waiting for this one. Hes thirty three. In perfect condition. His lungs are a work of art. Never smoked. His kidneys can filter, regulate with the best of them. His heart can pump 1900 gallons a day for the next fifty years. And it will... They will all get their chance. Just in some one else. MAnager Why, then? Lawson (Cool) Perfection doesn't mean happiness. I guess... But its good product. Its an amazing thing. All Organs systems have a common function... An organ is composed of two or more tissues... A tissue is just a group of similar cells... And Cells are made up of molecules. Like water,sugar, fats and proteins... Molecules are made up of atoms... Which are tiny building blocks of matter. MAnager Ya, real interesting. This going to take long? I gotta get back to the front desk. Lawson I said they should here soon...Do you have a contract? Manager Me? No way. You blood suckers arent going to get your hands on me. Im going to live until Im a hundred. Manager shows his empty ring finger. Manager (CONTD) And no one is taking out a contract on me. Lawson turns to the Manager and smiles. Lawson Well get you some way... We get everyone. Two men from the Institute walk in the room with a gurney. Man one Is he a non heart beating. Lawson His heart is still beating. Man one Good. Well get him hooked up. The two men begin prepping the body. Manager (Leaving) I dont think I want to watch this. Ill be at the front desk if any one needs me. Ext. KirbYS OFFICE hours later Sara stands outside Kirby's office which is located in the inner city. She stands outside debating wether or not to go in. Sara sees Lawson walking into the building. INt. kirbys Office moments later Kirby putters behind the counter of his dirty little office. He sees Lawson walk in with a cooler. KIRBY You came at just the right time I just finished with my last patient. 0002000007300000562F72A,Lawson Patients? KIRBY Wether you think so are not I provide service to these people. Without me where would they go. Some back alley? Lawson looks around at the walls of the office. He notices Kirby's diploma hanging on the wall. Lawson smiles. Lawson (Pointing to the diploma) Is thing even real. KIRBY (Annoyed) Of course its real. Ill have you know I went to one of the best medical schools in the Caribbean. Lawson rolls his eyes. Kirby (CONTD) I saw that. If youre not careful Ill call Cruise next time. I am sure he wont question my credentials. Lawson What do you have for me? KIRBY Come to the back... INt. Back room Kirby shows Lawson to the back room. He opens a refrigerator full of specimens. KIRBY (picking up a specimen) This one comes from a beautiful Mexican girl. Beautiful eyes. Lawson (Opening cooler) Any blondes? KIRBY (Putting specimen back) Blondes are to hard to find. I have few fresh kidneys if you want them? Lawson (Taking out cash from his wallet) Ill take what you got but I need blondes. Blue eyes. Our customers like blue eyes. KIRBY (Taking cash) Were am I going to find blue eyes, in the inner city? Lawson Thats what I need. KIRBY (Counting cash) Ill do my best. But they just dont walk in the door, you know. Sara O.S. Hello! Is anyone here? KIRBY Ill be right there. Ill leave you to it. Lawson starts putting specimens into the cooler. Int. KirBYS OFFICE DAY Kirby walks into the front room were Sara is waiting for him. Sara Hello. KIRBY Well, hello. Little one. What can I do for you. Sara I want to make a donation. KIRBY Sorry honey. I am done taking donations for today but you can come back tomorrow. Ill write you in my appointment book. Whats your name? Sara I need the money today. KIRBY Hey, I know you... You were here a couple years ago. I never forget a blonde. 000200000E5800005D59E52,Sara No, I havent been here before. KIRBY Ya, sure you have. July. Two years ago. You grew up. Whats your name again, honey? Sara No, This is a mistake. Forget it. Sara begins to leave. Lawson walks out of the back room. Lawson I have to go. If I dont check in soon Abby will have a melt down. Lawson sees Sara. Lawson (CONTD) (To Sara) Blonde. You here for a donation? Sara You're a collector. Lawson You have anything that needs collecting? Sara No! Ive changed my mind. Sara runs out of the office. KIRBY (To Lawson) You scared her away. Lawson Me? It was probably this office. She looked under age anyway. Kirby Ya, Right. INt. Institute DAY A Balding MR. PEARSON and Overweight MRS. PEARSON Are entering the Institute. They pass through security check points that are similar to an airport. The security guard is watching as the couple walks through security scanners. GUARD (to the Pearson) Do you have an appointment today? MR. Pearson We have an appointment with Ms. Abby Hill. GUARD Floor three. The couple walk down a hallway into an elevator. INt. FLoor Three Day The Pearsons walk off the elevator. They begin to walk down a long hall way. As the Pearsons walk screens begin to appear on the walls of the hallway. A commercial plays. WOMaN On screen Welcome to the Institute of Science and technology. Our advances in technology have allowed us to reach heights in the evolution of humanity. You now have choices, generations before you could only dream of. You control you health and well-being. You decide your future. We at the institute have helped save countless lives. The woman fades as person one appears on screen. Person One They saved my life. Person one fades and then person two appears. Person two And mine. Person two fades as person three appears. Person three Me too. Woman on screen appears again. Woman on screen And still we have enriched others lives. A picture of a child with loving parents are flashed across the screen. The woman quickly returns. Woman on screen (CONTD) Here at the Institute, we believe that this journey we call life is what we decide to make it. What will your journey be? What ever it is. We at the Institute will help you in all your health care needs. The Pearsons reach the end of the hall and the screens shut off. INT. Waiting Room Day They open glass doors and enter the waiting room of Abbys office. A RECEPTIONIST is sitting behind a desk. She sees the Pearsons walk in. The Receptionist gets up and guides them to the waiting area. Receptionist (Smiling) You must be the Pearsons. Ms. Hill will be right with you. Please take a seat. Can I get you anything. Coffee. Soda? The Pearsons shake their heads no. The Receptionist sits back at the desk. Int. INSTITUTE Day Mr. Pearson and Mrs. Pearson wait in a posh waiting room. The wife flips through a magazine and the man plays with his phone. The Receptionist is seated behind a desk answering phones. Sophisticated Abby Hill, walks over to the couple. ABBy Mr. And Mrs. Pearson. Its a great pleasure to meet you. I am Abby Hill. Mr. Pearson (Offering hand) Ms. Hill. This is my wife. Abby (Shaking hands) Mrs. Pearson. Will you both follow me. Int. Abbys office day Abby shuts the door of her elegant office. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson are seated in front of Abbys desk. Abby (sitting at her desk) I understand you want a child. Mr. Pearson Yes, It has been difficult for us to conceive and my wife is not getting any younger. Mrs. Pearson (annoyed) Neither is my husband. Abby I understand. The institute can help you. Would you like the child to share you DNA? MRs. Pearson (moving forward in her chair) We want a perfect child. 00020000092A00006BAB924,Mr. Pearson As you can see My Wife and I are far from perfect. Mrs. Pearson You helped friends of ours. The Nelsons. They said you can create a perfect child. Abby (Picking up a remote) Well, Everyones idea of perfection is different. But the institute can guarantee your child will be your idea of perfect. Abby turns on a screen that is on the wall behind her desk. Abby (CONTD) What is your idea of perfect? Boy or girl? Mrs. Pearson Girl. Mr. Pearson Boy. Mrs. Pearson gives her husband a disapproving look. Mr. Pearson (CONTD) Girl. Abby Hair color? Eye color? Mr. Pearson Blonde. Good thick hair. Good for a girl. Mrs. Pearson (Eager) Blue eyes and a slender body. A picture of a child start to form on the screen. A child with all the characteristics that the Pearson's want. Mr. Pearson Athletic, smart. Abby Certainly. Would like to carry the child Mrs. Pearson? Mrs. Pearson Oh, no. Well want a surrogate. Abby That can be arranged. Mr. Pearson Were does the DNA come from? Who does it come form? Abby Most of our donors are young professionals or college students. We give each donor a strict back ground check. We test for any deases or genetic abnormality. Our donors are very clean. We make sure of it. Mr. Pearson What about our privacy? How do we know none of these college students or young professionals will not come looking for us some day? ABBY We keep everything private. For A little extra. Ill guarantee it. MR. PEARSON How much extra? Abby A designer child will cost about $100,000. For thirty more we keep your name out of our computer system. The only person who will know who you are is me. MR. Pearson Were do you keep us? Abby I keep you in a very safe place. No one but me knows how to get to your information. Mrs. Pearson Thats fine. Abby (Getting paperwork) Ill get the paper work for you. Abby hands the papers to the Pearsons. MR. Pearson (Pushing back paperwork) I thought our name was left out of it? Abby You will be given a number on the paperwork. Thats all. We only use numbers here. Mr. Pearson takes the paperwork and starts to look it over. Mr. Pearson What else do you sell here? Abby Well we offer many services here. Mr. Pearson You sell organs? Abby We help our clients in many of their health care needs. mrs. Pearson Do you ever feel bad about selling parts of people? Abby 000200000649000074CF643,I help people, Mr. Pearson. I help their quality of life. I help them obtain their dreams. Just as I am going to help you and your lovely wife obtain your dream. INt. Lab Samuel scrubbing his hands sees Lawson walk into the lab. Samuel Only six today? Lawson I had a off day. My last off day was about two years ago. Samuel (Drying hands) I remember that day. Still, you brought in some good product. Lawson takes out a bottle of pills. He swallows a few. Samuel (CONTD) You better take it easy with those or you could be the next person being collected. Lawson I only take what I need. Samuel Sure we all do... Hey, I got a disposal for you if want It. Lawson Give it to cruise. Hell snap it up. I never like doing deposals. Samuel I would rather you do it. Cruise doesn't have your bed side manner. Besides Its a neighbor of mine. They wanted the best. Lawson (Reluctant) Sure, where is it. Samuel hands a folded paper to Lawson. Samuel This is the address. Its a sad case but at lest we can make the ending a little better...You feel like getting a drink? I could use a drink. Lawson No. I still have go see the lady herself. Samuel Good luck. Ill see you tomorrow. Lawson Maybe not. I think shes going to make me take a day off... Ill do this on my way home Samuel (Leaving lab) Thanks...Well, have a good day off. Int. INstitute Evening Lawson swallows a few more pills as he walks into the waiting room. The Receptionist smiles at Lawson. RECEPTIONIST Hi, Lawson. Busy Day? Lawson Very busy. Lots of pick ups. Abby free? RECEPTIONIST Sure. Go in. She just finished with some clients. 00020000062800007B12622,Lawson Thanks. INt. AbbYS OFFICE DAY Abby is on the hands free phone. She paces her office as she talks on the phone. Abby Your name will be kept private at all times. Lawson walks into Abbys office. Abby is annoyed. She raises her finger disapprovingly of Lawsons interruption. Abby (CONTD) I would like to meet in person if you have the time. Should we set a date? Let me give you to my assistant. Shell set it up. It was great to talk with you. Abby presses a button. Lawson Hello, Boss lady. Abby If it isnt my most capable collector. Did you being me anything good. Lawson (Sitting in chair) I think youll be pleased. Abby Good. Did you see our mutual friend today? Lawson (Resting his head on the desk) I might have. Abby Keeping your numbers up. Lawson (Lifting up his head) My numbers are OK. Abby Are they in legend category Lawson I cant be a legend every month. Abby I need you to be. I need all my collectors to be. Lawson You know I get the job done. How are sales? Abby Dont worry your pretty little head about sales. Thats my Job. Lawson I hear your very good at you job. Abby A girl has to be... Why dont you take a day off. Lawson Now, how can I be a legend if I take a day off. Are you taking the day off? Should we spend it together? Abby If I do take the day off Ill be spending it alone. But I would like you to take tomorrow off. I dont want my best collector to burn out. Lawson It would never happen... You spend to much time alone Abby. Abby Dont worry about me...Lay off the pills too. Try to get some sleep. Lawson Getting up 0002000006FF000081346F9,Alright, Boss Lady. I have a disposal to do on the way home. Abby I thought you didnt like doing disposals. Lawson I dont... I see in about a day. Abby A day. A whole day. Lawson nods yes as he walks out of abbys office. Int. Diner Sara sits alone in the diner. She sips a soda. Knowing she has no place to go she thinks about what to do next. She notices an advertisement for the Institute. Her eyes fills with angry tears. A mother and her young child walk into the diner. Sara wipes tears away as sees them taking their seats at a table. Sara studies the young child. Sara smiles as she sees the child start to laugh. Ext. Up scale HOme Evening Lawson drives up to a up scale home. He steps out of his car and leans on the hood as he watches the house. He take a few more pills. Lawson. The moment we start out in life our bodies are already declining. As I see it, growing older is natures cruel joke. Many cells in our bodies will reproduce themselves throughout life. But others do not. Neurons in the central nervous system will reach there peak at birth and then their numbers begin a steady decline. A decline also occurs the in mitochondrial DNA. When the decline reaches a threshold. The normal function is lost... Old Age... Death is never attributed to old age. Its always something else. Like Heart failure, renal failure or stroke... But today, Old age is considered another disease... Most collectors dont mind doing disposals. They are relatively simple. No waiting for around for the Institute guys. Just do it and leave. The Local coroner takes care of the rest... Ive never liked them. They dont do anything for your numbers... Sure we used organs from people on the mature side before but now that you pay. No one wants anything from an eighty year old. 000200000A570000882DA51,Ext. Up SCALE HOME EVENING Lawson KNOCKS on the door. Daughter (Opening door) So youre the collector. Come on in. Int. UP SCALE HOME EVENING Lawson enters the home. Lawson I am Lawson Reed...Where is... Daughter She is upstairs. LAwson (Opening briefcase) I need you to fill out some paperwork. Daughter Sure. Lawson (Handing her the forms) I take it youre the legal guardian. Daughter I am her daughter. Lawson If you need a minute to look everything over. Daughter I dont a minute. The daughter signs the form and quickly hands it back to Lawson. Daughter (CONTD) We made up our minds a long time ago. The daughter motions for Lawson to follow her. Lawson follows the daughter up the stairs. Daughter (CONTD) Her mind is a little cloudy. Some days she doesnt even remember my name. Her body is shot too. She cant walk. I have to feed her and bathe her... I am tired Mr. Reed. Can you understand that. Lawson Of course I do. Is she in any pain? DAUGHTER I dont think she would even know if she was... They come to a bedroom door. Daughter (CONTD) Will it hurt? Lawson No. She will just fall sleep. Daughter Good. Thats good. Int. Bedroom evening The daughter opens the door. JOANNA, an old woman is laying in bed. The old Woman watches the light on her ceiling. Lawson and the daughter walk into the room. Daughter Mom, the collector is here. Lawson walks to her bed carrying a briefcase. Lawson sits on the womans bed. Lawson Hello darling, Whats your name? JoAnna My name? I cant recall at the moment. Daughter Her name is Joanna. Lawson Joanna, I am here to make things better. Joanna Are things bad? I dont remember. Daughter Mom, we talked about this remember. Joanna Oh yes, I remember. Sure I do. Lawson opens briefcase and loads a syringe. The daughter walks out of the room. Joanna (CONTD) Jake is that you? You look so much like my Jake. Lawson smiles at Joanna and injects her. Lawson Yes its Me Jake. I have come for you. Joanna I am so glad. Joanna closes her eyes and her breathing comes to a stop. Int. UP SCALE HOME EVENING Lawson walks down the stairs. The daughter is sitting on the sofa starring off into space. Lawson Its Done. Daughter Good. Thats real good. Lawson Youll be mailed a bill. Daughter Yes, Ill take care of that as soon as I get it. Lawson Ill let myself out. Daughter Thank you. Lawson looks thoughtful and leaves the house. Int. Lawson APARTMENT evening Lawson walks into his stylish apartment. BROTHER is sleeping on the sofa. Lawson looks annoyed at finding his brother in his apartment. He leans down to the sleeping young man. Lawson flicks Brothers ear. Brother wakes up. 0002000006310000927E62B,Brother What are you doing? Lawson What am I doing? What are you doing here? Brother I have a Key. Remember. Lawson I thought I took the key back. I thought I got rid of you. Brother You cant get rid of me. Lawson You cant stay. Brother I dont have any place else to go. Lawson (Reaching for his bottle of pills) Find a place. Brother Come on Lawson. Let me stay. Lawson (Swallowing pills) Fine you can stay the night but tomorrow you have to leave. Brother You still on the pills? Lawson Its none of your business. Brother You need to get off of them. Lawson Look, I said you could stay. But only if keep your mouth shut. Lawson walks to his bed and slams the door shut. INt. KirBYS OFFICE night Kirby is asleep on his office chair. A knife is seen going to his throat. Kirby is startled awake. KIRBY (frightened) What do you want? Money? Sara I dont want your blood money. KIRBY Blonde. Is that you? Sara presses the knife to Kirbys throat. Sara You dont know me! KIRBY OK. I dont know you. Sara Were do the specimens go? KIRBY I don't know were they go. Sara (Pressing the knife) You know! KIRBY (Shaky) Ya, You're right. I know. They go to the institute. Sara How can I track a specimen KIRBY You cant track a specimen. They dont have names on them. Sara Presses the knife. KIRBY (CONTD) OK just calm down. Maybe we can track it. I can only tell you who the collector was. Sara Find it. KIRBY You were given a number when you became a donor. Your specimen would have the same number. But no one ever remembers their number. And you. It was two years ago right? 0002000006C9000098A96C3,Sara 313. KIRBY 313. OK. I just need to look in my computer then. If youll let me. Sara lightens her grip on KIRBYs throat. KIRBY types at his computer for a few minutes. KIRBY (CONTD) 313. Lawson Reed. Sara Where is he? Int. LawSON APARTMENT morning Lawson walks out of his bedroom to see that his Brother is missing from the sofa. He begins making a shake when he hears a KNOCK at the door. Lawson goes to answer it. Lawson opens the door to find Sara staring at him. Lawson What ever youre selling. I am not interested. Sara I am not selling anything. Are you Lawson Reed? Lawson Yes, I am Lawson. Who are you? Sara walks past Lawson into the apartment. Lawson (CONTD) Well, Why dont you come in. Sara Youre the collector? Lawson Yes, I am a collector. Who in the hell are you? Sara You took my specimen. I need to find it. Lawson What? Are you crazy. No one looks for their specimen. Who are you? Sara I want to find mine. Lawson Are you going to tell me who you are? Wait a minute. Ive seen you before, right. At Doctor Kirby's. Sara I was a donor about two years ago. Lawson Wait. How old are you. Sara I turned sixteen two months ago. Lawson We dont use underage donors. Two years ago you would have been. Sara Fourteen. Ya, thats right. Lawson I know nothing about any underage donors... Sara What, you think places like doctor Kirby's look at peoples birth certificates. Lawson I dont know what Kirby does? Sara Or dont care. Lawson Ok. Lets say you were a donor two years ago. Theres no way to trace a specimen. Sara They have numbers right. Lawson Yes, they have numbers. Sara My number is 313. You can tell me were it went. Who it went too. I know you were my collector. I found out at Doctor Kirbys. 00020000094F00009F6C949,Lawson Kirby told you... How in the hell did you get anything out of him. What did you do put a gun to his head? No you dont look the type. Sara What does the type look like. I do what it takes. Lawson Dont we all... I am just glad you didnt do it to me. Sara Its still early. Lawson Well, arent you quite the woman. Too bad your not older. I think we could get along. Sara My age never stopped anyone before. Lawson I dont like little girls. Look, I dont know what you want by coming here. But I cant help you. Sara You could if you wanted. Lawson If I wanted...I need to use the bathroom can you excuse me for a minute. Youll be OK here. Sara nods yes. Lawson (CONTD) Dont steal anything. INt. Bedroom Lawson walks into his bed room were dials his phone. KIRBY O.S. This is Kirby. Lawson (Upset) What the hell are you doing sending some psycho girl over here! KIRBY O.S Did blonde pay you a visit. She paid me a visit last night. I am still recovering this morning. Lawson Shes in my Living room. KIRBY O.S Well At lest she didnt try to give you a close shave. Call the police. Lawson Sure, Ill call the police. So she can tell them that you have been collecting from underage girls. KIRBY O.S. (Upset) Hey man you never cared about who I collected from. Its all about the numbers. Keeping boss lady happy! So I use underage donors. So what. They have what we want . I give them What they want. Its business I say you humour the girl. Keep her happy. Say her donation was never used. I dont care what you tell her. Just find away to dump her. Lawson Dump her! This is your problem! Kirby O.S No, it was my problem. Now its yours. Lawson You bastard, Kirby. You come take care of this! Kirby (Hanging up the phone) What! I cant hear you. Good luck with that. Lawson That son of a bitch. Lawson hangs up. Brother walks out of the bedroom bathroom. Lawson (CONTD) I thought you were gone. Brother I told you I dont have any place to go... I think you should help the kid. Lawson Stay out of this. And stay in the bedroom I dont want her to see you. Int. Livingroom Sara is looking around the apartment. Lawson walks out of the bedroom. He goes to a cabinet and fumbles for a bottle of pills. He pours a few pills into his hand and swallows. Sara turns around to see the source of the noise. Sara Who were you talking too? You didnt call the police? 000200000A000000A8B59FA,Lawson My brother is staying with me for a few days. Hes in the bedroom. Sara Oh, I thought you were on the phone. Lawson Yes, I was on the phone. In fact, I called the institute about your specimen. And I found out it was never used. Sara You didnt call the institute. Youre lying. I know My specimen was used. Dont try to scam me. Lawson You cant know that. Sara I know. Lawson How do you know? Sara I feel it. It was used. Its a girl. I want to find her. Tell me were she is and I will leave you alone. Lawson Youre right I didnt call. But you cant know any of that. I dont know any of that. Sara I know...I hear her calling to me. If you dont help me Ill go to the police. To the press. Whoever will listen. Ill tell them the Institute uses underage donors. Lawson Kirby may use underage donors. The institute is a whole different matter. Sara Do you really think I am stupid. Lawson Look, Maybe I can help you. But it might take a little time. Ill have to go to the Institute. Sara Ill come with you. Lawson (Annoyed) Oh, no you wont. Sara Fine Ill Stay here. Who knows what type of trouble Ill get into... I dont have any place to go. Lawson Of course. No one has any place to go. Fine you can come. Int. Lab Abby walks into the lab. Samuel wearing a mask is beginning to take a body into the operating room. Samuel Hello Abby. Abby Before you go in I want to talk. Samuel nods. Samuel (To nurse) Take him in. Ill be there in a minute. The nurse takes the body into the operating room. Samuel pulls down his mask Abby Im worried about Lawson. Samuel Whats worrying you? Abby How are his numbers? Samuel His numbers are down. Its nothing to be concerned about. Hell make it up. Abby I dont know. Maybe hes taking to many pills. Samuel DO you want me to talk to him? Ill call him after I am finished with this donation. Abby Not today. Hes taking the day off. Samuel Thats good... Abby, are you worried about Lawson or about your numbers. Abby About Lawson, Of course. Samuel Hell make the numbers up. He always does. Abby I hope youre right. Samuel I have to get into surgery. Abby Yes, By all means. Samuel pulls up his mask and enters the operating room. Int. Car day Lawson is driving. Sara is in the passenger seat playing with radio. Lawson slaps her hand away. Lawson Stop that. Sara Fine... This is a nice car. Collectors do well. Lawson Yes, we do. Sara I mean why else would you be in the business. Sara looks out the window. Lawson searches in his coat pocket for a bottle of pills but he cant find it. 00020000073B0000B2AF735,Lawson Damn! Sara Whats wrong? Lawson Nothing. Lawson reaches over to the glove compartment and looks through it while still trying to keep his eyes on the road. Sara Youre going to hit something. Lawson I am going to hit you in a minute. Lawson finds a bottle and takes it out of the glove compartment. He pops the top with one hand and swallows a few pills. Sara studies Lawson as he takes the pills. She turns to look out the window. Sara Do you know that are four levels of happiness. Have you ever heard that before. Lawson (Annoyed) No. I havent. Sara The first level is instant gradacation. The second level is happiness you get from having the best car or making the most money. You know. That sort of thing. Lawson Oh, really. Whats the third? Sara The third is serving you fellow man. Lawson The fourth? Sara The fourth is oneness with the universe. You know, the reason we are all here. Lawson (Smiling) There is a reason we are all here? I think I am in level three. I serve my fellow man. Sara (Unsure) You do? Are you sure? Lawson Yes, I am sure. What I do helps people. Sara It can hurt people too... I think youre still in level one. Lawson What are you talking about. Level one? Sara Most drug addicts are in level one. Lawson Are you calling me a drug addict? I am not a drug addict. Sara Look you dont fool me. I may be just a kid but I know a drug addict when I see one. My mothers last three boyfriends shot heroin. Lawson I dont do heroin. These are prescription medication. Prescribed by a doctor. Sara Whatever...besides I know the type of doctors you know... Dug addicts are like an infant. Lawson (Interrupting) I am not a drug addict! Sara I want. I need. Make it stop hurting. Now. Lawson You think youre real smart dont you. If your so smart why dont you find what your looking for on your own. Sara 00020000075D0000B9E4757,I am sorry. Ill shut up. Lawson Hey, Dont you have a family. Parents? Sara No I dont have anyone. Lawson How do you live. Besides donating. Sara Ive never been a whore. If thats what your thinking. I had a few fast food jobs. Lawson That cant pay for much. Sara No. Its better then your job. Lawson Theres nothing wrong with my job. Lawson pulls into the parking lot. Lawson(CONTD) (parking the car ) You have to stay in the car. Sara I want to go with you. Lawson Its easier if you stay. Who am I going to say you are? Sara You could say I am your daughter. Lawson Everyone knows, I dont have kids. Sara I could be your daughter. Youve been a donor. Lawson Once. A long time ago. How did you know? Sara You look the type... I could be the daughter you never new about. Lawson I am not telling anyone youre my daughter. Sara You could tell them I was your niece. Lawson shakes his head no. Sara (CONTD) Cousin from Alaska. Lawson No. Sara Ill wait in the car. Int. INstitute DAY Lawson walks through a security point as he walks into the Institute. He shows his ID to the guard. The guard grants him clearance. Guard Hows it going Mr. Reed. Lawson (Smiling) Its going. INt. Operating room Lawson stands behind a glass wall looking on what looks like surgery going on. Samuel and the Nurse are working on a donor. Lawson puts on protective gear. Samuel is cutting into a donor. Samuel Oh, Just look at that. Have you seen anything so lovely. Nurse Looks pretty good. Samuel Good. Better then Good. Beautiful. Perfect. I bet this guy didnt smoke a day in his life Samuel pulls out the donors heart. Samuel (CONTD) Young too. We dont get them this young. Well get top dollar for these organs. Nurse Are we taking the arms and legs too? Samuel Yes, Its a total recovery. Lawson taps on the glass. Samuel nods to Lawson as places the organ in a solution. 0002000007B90000C13B7B3,Samuel (CONTD) Its Lawson. I thought he was taking the day off. I guess not. Lawson walks into the operating room. Samuel (CONTD) (Cutting again) Hey, Lawson. Abby said you were taking the day off. Lawson Ya. I need to ask you something. I need a favor. Samuel (Removing another organ) Sure. I figure I own you for the hockey tickets. They were great seats. I also want to talk to you too. Just let me finish up here. Lawson looks at the face of the donor. An uneasy feeling comes over him. Lawson What happened to this guy? Samuel Suicide. Hung himself. Snapped his neck. Lucky for us all the organs are in perfect condition. Lawson Are we sure it was suicide Samuel Since when does a collector ask if we are sure. Does it matter? Lawson I guess not. Got to keep the numbers good. Keep the boss lady happy. Samuel (Putting the organ into the solution) Thats for sure. Whats up? Lawson A small matter really. No big deal... I never looked at a donors face before. Samuel stops his work and looks at the donors face. Samuel Its a nice face. That reminds me we are taking the face too. Special order. Nurse We dont get too many of those. Samuel (To nurse) We have come a long way baby. Int. Lab Lawson and Samuel walk into the lab. Samuel goes to a refrigerator and opens it. Next to specimens is a sub sandwich. Samuel takes the sandwich and closes the door. Samuel You mind if I eat? Lawson shakes his head. Samuel puts the sandwich on a counter and takes a bite. Samuel (CONTD) (Swallowing) So whats the favor? Lawson I need you too trace a donation. Samuel (Laughing) Trace a donation? Who does that? Not a collector. Thats for damn sure. Lawson Can it be done? Samuel Of Course it can be done. All live donations have a number. Decreased Donors have a letter and a number. Its pretty simple. But no one wants that information. No one cares were we get the parts. Just as long as we get them. Lawson I want that information... So you can do it for me. 0002000009350000C8EE92F,Samuel Ya, sure I can. Does the lady know? Lawson What do think. Samuel (Taking another bite) Shes not going to like this. But what she doesnt know... The donor alive or dead. Lawson Alive. Samuel (Putting down sandwich) By the way how are doing with the pills. Whats the number? Lawson Pills? The pills are fine. 313. Samuel walks to his computer and starts to type. Samuel 313. I see it here. Ovum. Eight. Blonde blue eyes. That product sells well. But wait. Most were destroyed in the lab. Lawson Why. Samuel Who knows. Someone wasnt careful. How many do you take a day? Lawson I take what the bottle says. You said most not all. Samuel Yes, There were three left. Looks like they were fertilized with a customers sperm and implanted into a surrogate. You only take what it says on the bottle? Lawson Yes. You know the back pain I have. Who was the customer Samuel It wont let me access that information. Maybe you should look into surgery for your back. Lawson (Looking at computer screen) TO busy. Why cant you access that information? Samuel (Pointing to the screen.) See Its classified. Lawson Classified? Samuel Sure. Special clients pay more to have their information classified. Lawson Who would do that? Samuel Who wouldnt do that? The rich, famous, politicians. Whoever didnt want some hacker stealing our customer list and doing God knows what with it. Are you sure you wouldnt considered surgery? Lawson When I get some free time...Who has access to classified information? Samuel One person. The lady herself. Lawson Abby. Samuel She is the only one who has it. She keeps it on her personal computer. Its not connected to our system. Lawson I never knew that. SAMUEL No ones suppose too. But I hear. Without being told. I am good at that. Lawson (Running out the door) Sure you are... Samuel (Biting into his sandwich) Is there anything else I can help you with? Lawson No, I think thats just about it. Ive got to go. Samuel But I still want to talk to you. Lawson No time. Samuel (Defeated) Another time, then? Lawson Yes, later. Int. Lobby Receptionist sits at desk. She sees Lawson. Receptionist Hi, Lawson Lawson Abby here? Receptionist No, she left early. Lawson Did she go to the beach house. Receptionist I think so. Lawson walks away. Int. Car DAY Lawson gets into the car where Sara is waiting. 00020000062E0000D21D628,Sara Well, that took forever. LAWSON Im going to drop you off at my apartment. I need to go see a friend. Sara Did you find out anything about my donation? Lawson Thats why I am going to see this friend. Its near the beach. Sara You sure you want me at your place all alone. Lawson My brother is there. He can baby-sit you Sara I think I should go with you. I dont trust you. Lawson You dont trust me? Sara I d like to see the beach. Lawson Havent you ever been to the beach. Sara Not much. Lawson Well, I guess were going to the beach. Ext. beach Evening Sara and Lawson walk along the waters edge. Sara has her shoes off. She buries her toes into the sand. Lawson I cant believe you havent been to the beach. I use to come here all the time. Sara I said I havent been to the beach much. I didnt say never... My mother would drop me off at my grandmas house for days at a time. Most of the time I would stay in the house all day. She was old. But one time my grandma took me. I must have been about three years old. I remember playing in sand for hours... It was a good day. Lawson Is your grandmother still around? Sara No. She died when I was six. I think she was the only person who really cared about me. Lawson Your mother? Sara She only cared about her latest boyfriend. She didnt have time for me... Its OK though. I can take care of myself. Lawson How can you take care of yourself working fast food and being a donor. You need to go back to school. Sara I was only a donor once. Lawson Well, It looked like you were about to become a donor again. 0002000009EA0000D8459E4,Sara I would have never done it. It was a moment of weakness. The first time was bad enough. Its just that I got fired and I was out of money. I didnt know what else to do...Whats wrong with being a donor? Dont you make your living off donors? Lawson (Unsure) Theres nothing wrong with it. Its not going get you anywhere. Is all. Lawson reaches for his bottle of pills and swallows a few. Sara grabs the bottle out of Lawsons hand. Sara Were does being a collector get you? Lawson (Upset) Give those back. Sara smiles and tosses them back to Lawson. Sara and Lawson stop in front of Abbys Beach house. Sara Why did you stop coming here? Lawson I dont know. I didnt have a reason anymore... Wait here. Sara Ill wait here. Sara sits in the sand as Lawson walks away. Ext. Beach House evening Lawson watches Abby from the beach. Abby is sitting on the patio of her elegant beach house. Abby is polishing a sliver tea set. She rubs the metal with great force. She sees Lawson walking towards her. She stops polishing the tea set and gets up from her chair. She leans over the railing and smiles at Lawson. Abby What are you doing here. I thought this was a private beach. I guess theyll let any Rif raft in. Lawson (walking on to patio) Hello Abby. You left early. Abby (Sitting back down) Yes, I did. We cant all be workaholics. Lawson (Leaning on railing) Thats funny I thought you were the workaholic. Lawson notices the silver tea set. Lawson (CONTD) Your mother finely gave you the tea set. Abby I guess she didnt need it anymore... She was collected last month. She wanted to go before her mind went. I agreed. Lawson Why didnt you tell me. Abby Youre not part of my life anymore Lawson...Why are you here? Lawson Ill always be a part of your life...I used to come here all the time, remember. Abby That was a long time ago. Why are you here? Lawson I have a problem. I thought you could help me. Abby Whats the problem? Lawson I have this girl. Abbys eyes glance over to Sara. Sara is playing with sand. She grabs the sand with her hand and lets it slip through her fingers. Sara A little young for you. Isnt she? Lawson Its not what you think. She is a donor. She wants to find her donation. Abby Why would she want to do that? Lawson She thinks she has a child from the donation. Abby Does she? I know you found out. Lawson Yes she does. But the customer is classified. Abby You want me to give you the customer's name. Lawson Yes. Abby Look Lawson, why are you helping this girl. What is she to you? 0002000006A10000E22969B,Lawson Nothing. She is a confused kid. She has nobody. I thought if we just let her see the product. Shell knows its OK. Shed leave me alone. How can it hurt? Abby Right, who could it hurt. Did it ever occur to you that our clients pay us to keep there privacy. That the Institute's reputation is built on that ability. If I tell her were her donation ended up. I have tell every donor were there donation went. It would be anarchy. Lawson Its just one girl. One sixteen year old kid. Abby (Upset) Shes underage too. Thats great! Is she one of your collections. Lawson Yes she is. Abby Is that how make your numbers with underage donors. Lawson Who are you trying to fool. You Set me up with Kirby. You knew he was using underage donors. Abby You cant know that. Lawson I do know it. Abby You cant prove I had any knowledge of it. Lawson I looked away. You looked away. We all looked away. But we knew... Abby What do you want me to do? Lawson Tell her the truth. Abby I cant do that. And neither can you. It would mean you job. Just get rid of her. Thats what you should do. Lawson I know what I should do. Its just that she believes. I mean she doesnt have any doubt. Abby She didnt know anything until you told her. Lawson I havent told her. She just Knows. Abby How could she possibly know it. Lawson She felt it. Abby (Laughing) She felt it. Oh Come on. Thats insane. No one could feel it. She is just a flesh and blood girl. Just like the rest of us. She cant feel or know anything. Lawson Maybe she is more then flesh, and blood. Maybe some part of her just knows. Abby Dont be silly, Lawson. Why dont you call the police on this girl. Report her as a runaway. 000200000E060000E8C4E00,Lawson Ya, I thought about that. Abby Well good. Do it. She cant say anything. She cant prove anything. Lawson I dont know. Maybe its not the right thing to do. Abby The right thing. Youre worried about the right thing. Ill tell you what wasnt the right thing to do. Bringing her here was not the right thing. You made your problem into my problem. Lawson I am sorry Abby. You are right . I shouldnt have brought her here. Abby No. You shouldnt have. But you did... Let me talk to her. Woman to woman. Ill know what to say. Ext. BeaCH EVENING Abby walks up to Sara. Sara seems to be in a world of her own as she watches the sand slip through her fingers. Abby stands over her. Sara looks up. Abby Can I sit with you? Sara looks unsure. Abby (CONTD) Im Abby. A friend of Lawsons. Sara Youre the one he came to see. Abby (Sitting down) Yes. Sara Can you help me? Abby Do you really want me too? Sara If you can. Abby Then I will try. Sara I want to find my baby. Abby (Calm) How can you be so sure that you have a baby? Sara I dont know but I am sure. Abby We cant be sure of anything, really. What you may be feeling is just a miss fire of neurons. A figment or your imagination. I can help you with these feelings. I know doctors. Sara (Upset) What! You think I am crazy? Abby (Calm) No. Not crazy. Just unclear about what you are feeling. Sara Hey, lady. I am not unclear about anything. I understand your angle. Abby My Angle? Sara (Angry) Thats what I said. You like to keep people unclear about a lot of things. But I see through you... You dont want to help me. Dont help me. Ill find the truth anyway. Thats a strange thing about the truth. No one can hide it forever... And to be very clear, lady. I think youre the crazy one... Ya, I am clear about that. Sara walks away. Lawson walks up to Sara as she is walking way. Lawson Sara, Where are you going? Sara (Upset) Im getting out of here. Shes not going to help me. Shes not going to help anyone. Lawson Ill take you home. Sara No! I dont need you to take me anywhere. Sara walks off by herself. Lawson looks over at Abby. Lawson (TO Abby) What did you say to her? Lawson goes after Sara. As Abby watches them leave she takes her cell phone out her pocket. She dials the phone. Abby (Into phone) I need you to follow Lawson Reed. Ext. BeaCH EVENING Lawson is in his car following Sara as She walks the street. Lawson Sara! Were are going? Sara ignores Lawson Lawson (CONTD) Sara! Sara stops walking. Sara What do you want? Leave me alone. Youre not going to help me. Lawson I think I can help you. Sara You dont want to. Lawson Maybe I dont know what I want... Get in the car... You dont have anyplace to go. Sara is thoughtful. She gets into Lawsons car. INt. Car night Sara and Lawson are in the car. Sara is upset. Sara Is that woman your friend? Lawson She was. Sara Something tells me she was never your friend. No, I dont think you have very many friends at all. Lawson drives off. INt. Lawsons APARTMENT night Sara and Lawson walk into the apartment. Lawson I am tired. I am going to bed. You can stay on the sofa. My brother usually stays there but I think you can sleep there tonight. Sara sits on the sofa. Sara Does your brother live with you? Lawson Only when he needs a place to stay. Hell be back. Sara Do you think we can find the information another way? Lawson I did find out some information today. I found out that most of your donation was destroyed. Sara What happened to the rest of it? Lawson Three eggs were fertilized by a customer and implanted in a surrogate. 0002000008260000F6C4820,Sara Three. Then I could have three kids. Lawson Its never likely all three take. Our records show one product was formed. Sara One Product. You mean one baby. Lawson (Uncomfortable) Yes, one baby. Sara (Excited) OK. Were is she? When do we go. Lawson Wait a minute. I dont know were she is. And you dont know its a girl. SARA I know. Lawson (Mocking) Ya, right you feel it... Lets say we go and find this product. I mean, baby. What are you going to do then. Run off with her. You cant even help yourself! Sara I would know that she is alright. That she is safe. That she is loved. Lawson Dont you feel it? Sara becomes sad and starts to tear up. Sara Why dont you know? Lawson The information is classified. Sara Classified Why? Lawson Some of our clients dont want to be known. Can you blame them? Sara That woman knows? Lawson She knows. Sara Theres not a chance in hell of her helping us. Lawson Shes the only person that knows who the classified clients are and she going to keep them that way. Sara Is there another way? Lawson No. There is no other way. Sara looks thoughtful. Lawson (CONTD) I dont think there is any more I can do. Sara (Tears running down her face) Why did you come after me then? You should have let me go. Lawson I dont know why. I didnt want you on the streets. Sara What do you care? Lawson (Angry) You are right. What do I care . You can leave tomorrow. Sara Why not now! Lawson (Angry) Why not now? Lawson walks to his bedroom shutting the door behind him. Sara is left alone. INt. Bedroom night Lawson is sleep on his bed. He is awaken by brother walking into the room. Lawson Were have you been? Brother (Lying on sofa in bedroom) Around. I see shes still here. Shes asleep on the couch. I thought Id sleep in here. Lawson She hasnt left? Brother I dont think she wants too. Lawson Then you both have something in common. She is leaving tomorrow morning. Brother Do you want her too? Lawson is thoughtful. Brother (CONTD) Did you find what she was looking for? Lawson I did all I could but its not possible. Brother 0002000005B90000FEE45B3,Are sure, you have done all you could. Lawson All but break into Abbys computer. Ive done all I can. Brother Shouldnt be hard. You know her. Lawson I am not breaking into a computer. Id get fired. We both be out on the street. Then what would you do? Brother We would sleep at night. Lawson grabs a bottle of pills from the night table. He fumbles opening the bottle. Brother (CONTD) Dont you ever want to sleep? Lawson I sleep fine. Lawson swallows the pills and falls back asleep. INt. Bedroom night Lawson wakes from a restless sleep. He turns to see the clock. It reads four o'clock. Lawson notices Brother is gone. He gets out of bed. Int. AbbYS OFFICE early morning The sun has yet to rise as Lawson makes his way into Abbys office. He sits at her desk and starts to type on her computer. The screen asks for a password. Lawson Password. OK, Abby what is your password. Larson searches her desk hoping to find a password written down but finds nothing. He is thoughtful for a moment. Lawson (CONTD) Beach house. Lawson types the password and access is granted. He is shown the classified customer list and finds number 313. Ext. INSTITUTE early morning Lawson walks away from the building. He dials his cell phone. Int. Lawsons Apartment early morning Sara is up and starting to leave when Lawson phone rings and the machine answers. Machine This is Lawson. Leave a message. Lawson O.S. Sara dont go! Sara stops and listens to the message. 00020000066B00010497665,Lawson I got it. I got the information. Ill be there in few minutes. Wait for me. Dont leave! Ext. InSTITUTE EARLY MORNING Lawson sees Abby walking toward him. He quickly hangs up the phone. Abby Youre here early. I didnt think anyone got here before me. Lawson Good Morning Abby. ABBY Why are you here so early? Lawson (Tense) I Knew had a big day. I have that total recovery this morning. In fact I am on my way there now. Abby Its a little early to meet with a donor. Lawson His request. Early Or late. As long as I get the donation what does it matter. Abby I am impressed Lawson. It shows dedication. I like it. That little matter was taken care of then? Lawson Yes, It was taken care of last night. Abby Good. I thought I was losing you. Ill see you later? Lawson Sure. Abby walks away. Int. Car early Morning Lawson gets into his car. He is shaky and out of sorts. He reaches to the back seat to pull out a briefcase. He opens the briefcase. It is filled with forms and a bottle of pills. Lawson grabs the bottle and starts to open it. He stops mid way and is thoughtful. He puts the lid back on and throws the bottle out of the window. Int. All Night coffe shop Early Morning The sun is just starting to rise as Lawson walks into an all night coffee shop. He carries a briefcase. BILL waits at a table drinking coffee. Bill sees Lawson walk in. Lawson walks over to the table. Bill You the collector? Lawson (Sitting down) Yes, I am Lawson Reed, from the Institute. Bill You want coffee Lawson No, thanks. Bill I thought you forgot. I was getting worried Lawson I am sorry, I was a little late. I had a day off yesterday. 0002000006DD00010AFC6D7,Bill (Somber) Ya, I know when I was working. A day off left me a little rattled the next work day. But I been having a lot of days off lately. Work is hard to come by now. I used to remodel houses. No one wants to remodel anymore. No money. And If they do. They can hire some illegal for half the price. That's why I called you. Lawson Yes, Mr. Jones. Bill Call me Bill. Lawson Bill, You called about a total recovery. Bill Ya, thats what I want a total recovery... What do you take. Lawson (Rambling) Everything. Standard stuff like heart, kiddys, lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, blood vessels, connective tissue, bone marrow, stem cells,and corneas. Sperm for male. Eggs for female. And more exotic things if there is a special order for them. Legs, arms. Sometimes the face. What ever we have a customer for. Bill How much? Lawson (uncomfortable) A total recovery start at $50,000. More for younger donors and the right tissue type. Bill You mean the right color. Lawson (uncomfortable, rambling) Yes race is a factor in procreation. Our clients make certain requests in their offspring. With organ donations race doesnt matter. Since we are all basically the same without our skin. But our clients are of all races just like our donors. Bill I hear you get more for blondes. Lawson (uncomfortable) The market decides. Bill Well it sounds good to me. Where do I sign? Lawson takes out forms and a pen from his briefcase. He passes it to Bill. Lawson This is the standard contract. You just place the name of the donor here and you put your name as the person who gets the check. Bill What if I want some one else to get the check. Lawson (Uncomfortable) Thats up to you. Just put their name in that spot. Who's the donor? Bill I am. 0002000009A4000111D399E,Lawson (Uncomfortable, rambling) Yes... We do that... Are you sick? You have to inform us of any diseases you may have. We test all donations. We make sure that your donation will not infect our clients. If we find your donation cant be used. The money is not paid. We are just a collection of body parts. Organ Systems are just a group of organs that share a common function. Organs are composed of two or more tissue types. A tissue is a group of similar cells. And Cells are just basic structural units made up of molecules. Such as water, sugar, fats, and proteins. Which are formed from atoms. Tiny building blocks of matter. Nothing more then that. Here one day gone the next. Once less human animal on the earth. Bill looks confused and shakes his head. Bill Is this your first time. Leave it to me to get a rookie. Lawson No. Ive done this thousands of times. Bill (Signing form) I am clean...I am in tip top shape. My Doc said My heart is strong. Lawson We will still test your tissue... Then its a suicide? Bill Yes. Suicide. Lawson We will need to know when and where so we can pick up the donation. Bill Ill at the Sea Side Motel. Today. Four o'clock. Lawson (Uncomfortable) Please see that the death is in a way as not to damage the dontation. Damage drops the price and it may cancel the contract altogether. Bill Ya, nothing messy. I know how to do it... My family needs the money. I havent worked in months. I have a kid to support. And I can do it better dead then alive... My family doesnt know and I dont want them too. Lawson We will keep it confidential and until after you have been harvested... But dont you think they would rather have a father then the money? BIll (Angry) Youre a collector right? Lawson Yes. Bill (Angry) Then just do you job and let me worry about my family! Do your job! Lawson (Thoughtful) My Job. Ext. all night coffee shop early morning As Lawson walks out of the coffee shop the sun can be seen coming over the horizon. Lawson stops for a moment and frantically searches his coat pocket for a bottle of pills. He finds nothing. He stops his search and is thoughtful for a moment. He breaths deeply. INt. Car DAY Lawson and Sara are driving. Sara Youre risking everything arent you? Your job. Your whole life. Why? Lawson Maybe I am making things right. Sara Maybe... Do you think they will let me see her? Lawson I dont know. Lawson looks into his rearview mirror. He notices hes being followed. 00020000062700011B71621,Ext. HIGH-END HOme Day Lawson and Sara are standing in front of a beautiful home. Lawson rings the door bell. A maid answers. Maid Yes. Lawson I am Lawson Reed. I am from the Institute. Is Mr. Or Mrs. Long at home. Maid I am not suppose to let you in. They told us you were coming. Lawson Who told you? Maid You need to leave. Lawson We just need a minute. Maid No, You have to leave. The maid starts to shut the door. Lawson tries to push his way in. The Maid struggles to shut the door. Maid (CONTD) NO! You cant come in! Int. High-end Home day Lawson over powers her and walks in with Sara following behind him. Maid I am going to call the police Mrs. Long is watching what is happening. Mrs. Long (To maid) Its alright! Its alright. Mrs. Long walks over to Sara. Mrs. Long (CONTD) (To Sara) I know your face. Follow me. Sara and Lawson follow Mrs. Long along a long hallway. They come to a childs room. A little blonde girl about one year old is playing with toys. Mrs. Long (CONTD) They told us you might show up. My husband was so upset. If he were here now he wouldnt let you in. I didnt feel the same way. I always thought you might come. I dont why. I just knew... What do you think of her? Sara She is beautiful. What do you think of her? Mrs. Long (With tears in her eyes) I love her. She is the most precious thing in my life. I would give my life for her. Sara (Taking Mrs. Longs hand) Me too. Mrs. Long (To Sara) Go. GO. Say Hello to her. Mrs. Long smiles at Sara. Sara kneels next the little girl. Sara Hello, I am Sara. Can I play with you. 0002000007E8000121927E2,Lawson watches Sara and the Child. Mrs. Long I know you're from the Institute. I wont say anything to anyone about any of this. I just thought it was right that her mother would want to see her. Lawson She is a beautiful girl. Mrs. Long Just like her mother. Lawson (Taking Mrs. Longs hand) Yes, just like her mother. Ext. high-END HOME DAY Lawson and Sara walk out of the home. Lawson sees the Guy that is following him. The guy is from the Institute. He is standing waiting by his car. Lawson rushes toward him. Lawson (Angry) What do you want! Why are you following us? Lawson grabs the Guy and shakes him. Sara Stop! Stop It! Guy You dont know! Come on! Youre a collector! Youre a collector. Lawson calms. Guy (CONTD) I am just doing my job. Lawson (Thoughtful) We are all just doing our jobs. Tell Abby I am coming to see her. Lawson lets the man go and walks to Sara. The guy gets into is car and drives away. Lawson (CONTD) I am taking you home. Sara Home? Lawson Yes. Home. And I what you to stay there. We could get you back into school. You could be a real kid again. Besides you could be my daughter. I made a donation once. Or at the very least a cousin from Alaska... I am not perfect. God knows I am not perfect. Hell, you know I am not perfect. Who knows I might be a little crazy. But I would try to be a be a good parent... A good dad. Sara smiles and nods yes, as tears run down her cheek. Lawson (CONTD) You lock the door and you dont let anyone in. Not even my brother. Lawson and Sara walk to the car and get in. Int. Kirbys office EVENING Kirby sits at his desk. He pours himself a drink after a long day. He hears POUNDING on his front door. Kirby gets up and walks over to see who it is. He sees its Abby and lets her in. KIRBY MS. Hill. Long time no see. How are you honey? Abby (Disgusted) Just fine Doctor. Abby walks around the office with an air of superiority. Kirby What can I do for you? Abby You can tell me whats going on with Lawson? Kirby Is there something going on? 0002000005810001297457B,Abby He has a girl with him. He is helping her. Kirby Another girl... You want a drink? I was just pouring myself a drink. Kirby sits back down at his desk and finishes pouring his drink. Abby No... Tell me what you know? KIRBY (Relaxed) I dont know any girl. ABBY That is shame. Perhaps I can persuade you. Kirby (Eager) Whats on your mind? Sara Oh, I can have your license reviewed. Kirby (Suddenly remembering) Oh ya. That girl. 313. She made a donation a couple of years ago. She wanted to find it. She paid me a visit a few nights ago and I gave her Lawsons name. Abby Why? Kirby (Taking a drink) The little bitch had a knife at my throat. Thats why. Abby You didnt call the police? Kirby Why would I do that. I am not exactly running a ice cream stand here am I... Abby I am not losing my best collector over this little girl. KIrby You knew Lawson had an expiration date. Abby I dont have a expiration date. Neither do you. Kirby Lawsons different from us. Abby (Annoyed) From us? Kirby (Leaning forward in his chair) You think youre so different from me, little lady. Because I work in this hell hole. This dirty pit... You sit in your office with glass doors and designer furniture. And you are nothing like me. Well Missy, I do business here. I do your business here... Were both the same, baby doll. The same... Lawson, never has been. Thats why he always needed the extra push. 000200000D2F00012EEFD29,Abby I want the girl taken care of. Kirby I am not collector. You find yourself a collector. Abby Fortunate for me I know quite a few. Kirby I know you do, Honey Abby Ill handle this problem of ours and after I do, you are going to give us a nice discount for a while. Since we are so much alike. I am sure youll understand. Kirby I understand, honey. Abby You can call me boss. In fact I think I will have to insist on it. Kirby (Powerless) Boss. Sure, Ill make it work. ABBy I knew you would. Abby leaves. INt. Health club night. Cruise is in the mens locker room. He is dressing after taking a shower. Other men in the locker room are changing. Abby walks into the locker room. She seems unaware of the discomfort she causes. She walks up to Cruise and shuts his locker door. Cruise What, dont you knock? The other men leave the locker room. Abby You want to be the best? Cruise (Unsure) What do you mean? Abby I mean. I have a collection for you. Cruise You do. Who? Abby A girl. A blonde. Taking a piece of paper out of her purse. Cruise Do we have a contract already? Abby (Handing cruise the paper) No, but I am sure you will find away to make it happen. Cruise looks at the address. Cruise This is Lawsons place. Abby I know. I dont want a non heart beating donation. Cruise No cardiac arrest. I get it. For A special customer. Ill just knock her out for a while. Abby (Leaving) Be the best! CRuise Oh, I intend too. Int. Sea Side Motel night Bill sits on the bed he is thoughtful for a few minutes. Tears start to form in his eyes. They run down his cheeks and he wipes them away. We hear POUNDING on the door. Bill Youre early. I havent done it yet. Son o.s. Dad! Wife o.s. Bill! Please open the door! Sadness overwhelms Bill. Son o.s. Dont you dare do anything Wife o.s. We want you! We want you! Bill rushes to the door and lets his family in. They embrace and Bill sobs. Wife We want you. INt. BEACH HOUSE EVENING Abby walks into a dark living room. Lawson, sitting in a chair turns on the light. Lawson I have been waiting for you. Abby How did you get in? Lawson I have my ways. Abby (Putting things away) You certainly do...I thought you would show up. Lawson It seems that you want to know were I am at all times. Abby walks over to the kitchen sink and leans over it. Abby It seems I need to know were you are at all times. I know what you pulled. Stealing the classified list. Taking that girl to see our client. What were you thinking. Did you think I wouldnt find out. Abby takes comet and starts to clean the sink. Lawson Her name is Sara. Abby (Scrubbing) I dont care what her name is! You shouldnt have done it, Lawson. You could have put us all at risk. The Institute, you , everything. Lawson I think you only care about the Institute. ABBY You would be wrong. But it doesn't matter any more. LAWSON Mrs. Long said she wouldnt say anything. Abby (Stops scrubbing) Is that how we are suppose to handle things. Relying on the good will of our clients. Lawson Do I still have a job? Abby (Starts scrubbing again) Do you still want it? Lawson I am not so sure. ABBY I should have gotten the stainless steal sink... I am not letting you go. You just need time to think. The job gets to us all... The white shows every stain. Lawson I dont need time to think. I am done. Abby (Angry) Youre not done! Youre just confused. 0002000004CC00013C184C6,Abby scrubs the sink violently Lawson walks over to the counter. Lawson I am done, Abby. Abby (Trowing the comet across the room) Damn it, Lawson! You're not done! Lawson looks stunned. Abby calms. Abby (CONTD) What bothers you now, that didnt bother your yesterday. Lawson I dont know. Abby Dont leave me Lawson. Stay with me... Lawson I cant stay with you, Abby. Abby Do you need something? I can get you anything you need. Lawson I dont need anything, anymore. Lawson starts to leave. Abby (Somber) You dont know what you are doing. Lawson stops and turns back to Abby. Lawson I know... I think you lost me a while ago. Lawson leaves Abby in despair. Int. Lawsons APARTMENT night Sara sits alone in the apartment when there is a KNOCK at the door. Sara is uneasy as she walks to the door. Sara Who is it? Cruise I am a friend of Lawsons. Sara What do you want? CRUISE Can you let me in? Sara I am not supposed to let anyone in. Lawson said so. CRUISE Yes, I know. Lawson sent me. Hes worried about you. He sent me to keep a eye on you. Sara Why did he send you? Why not his brother? Ext. Hallway night Cruise is outside the door with two men from the Institute. They wait quietly as Cruise speaks to Sara. 000200000C3A000140DEC34,Cruise (Confused) Brother? Lawson doesnt have a Brother. Hes an only child. Cruise and the two men break in the door. Frightened Sara runs and fights but is overpowered by the men. The two men hold her down as Kirby takes out a syringe from his pocket. Cruise (CONTD) Dont worry. This wont hurt a bit. Cruise injects Sara. Sara falls unconscious. Cruise (CONTD) (To men) Well, That went well. Didnt it. Get her out of here. Int. LaWSONS APARTMENT NIGHT an hour later Lawson walks into his apartment he notices the broken door. Lawson Sara! He rushes in hoping to find Sara. A look of despair comes over him as he realizes that she is gone. Brother sits at the kitchen table. He is calm as he looks through a book. Lawson (CONTD) Why did you let them take her. Brother How could I stop them. Lawson You could have stopped them. Brother I am just a delusion. Remember! Lawson You are not real. Brother Oh, I am real. If I wasnt real you wouldnt have taken thousands of pills trying to kill me. Lawson Were have they taken her? Brother You dont know? Lawson I know Brother I knew you would. Lawson Why would Abby do this ? Brother Because no one told her she couldnt...They came for Sara. They will come for you. They come for everyone. Lawson runs out of the apartment. Ext. INSTITUTE Night Abby waits by the dock of the Institute. A van pulls up. Cruise quickly gets out with the two men following. Cruise nods to Abby as he opens the back of the van. Sara unconscious is carried out of the van to a waiting gurney. Abby Bring her inside. The two men do as they are told. Cruise walks next to Abby and watches the men carry off Sara Cruise SO this is what it takes to be the best. Abby Can you handle it. Cruise What ever it takes. Abby heads back into the building. INt. INSTITUTE NIGHT Abby and the men are pushing Sara down a hallway. Abby notices a stain on her blouse and tries to rub it off. INt. Lab Night Samuel is in the Lab looking at slides under a microscope. Abby and the two men walk in with Sara. Samuel looks up from his microscope. Samuel Whats this? Abby New product. Samuel SO late or should I say so early. What time is it? Samuel walks over to Sara and studies her. ABBY ITs time to get to work. Samuel Oh, shes a real beauty. What are we doing? Abby A complete recovery. Take everything. Samuel It going to be a real pleasure harvesting these organs. But the nurses are gone for the night. Abby Call someone in. Samuel Who collected this fine specimen. Abby I did. Abby walks off. INt. Lab NIGHT Samuel prepares for surgery as a nurse walks into the lab. SAMUEL (To nurse) Good, you are here. Nurse I am here with bells on. Samuel Scrub in. We have a donor waiting. The lady brought her in. Nurse Well, I guess I should be honored. INt. Institute Night Lawson runs into the Institute. Two guards stop him from going further. Guard one Mr. Reed We are not allowed to let you in. Lawson I have some paper work to do. Guard one No sir. You dont. Lawson I need to get by. Guard one Your clearance has be revoked. Ms. Hill said so herself. If we let you in. We could lose our jobs. 000200000FBF00014D12FB9,Lawson (Turning to leave) OK. I'm going. The guards start to go back to their post. Lawson runs past them. Guard one (Drawing gun from holster) Stop! Guards run after Lawson. Guard one fires his gun. He Just misses Lawson. Lawson runs the halls of the Institute as the guards try to catch up. INt operating room Night Samuel and the nurse walk into the operating room where Sara is unconscious. They begin to prepare to harvest Sara, without ever noticing her face. INt. InstiTUTE NIGHT Lawson runs to the elevator doors as he reaches them they start to open. Cruise is coming off the elevator. Cruise What the hell are you doing here? Lawson pushes Cruise back into the elevator with one punch. Cruise falls to the floor. The elevator doors shut with Lawson and Cruise inside as the guards reach them. Int. HalLWAY NIGHT Guard one talks into his radio. Guard one Hes in the building. INt. ABbys office Night Abby hears the radio call from her office. Annoyed she leaves her office. Int. ELevator Night Lawson and Cruise are together in the Elevator. Lawson Why did you do it! You Bastard! Why! Cruise Its what it takes! I got there before you this time. Lawson kicks Cruise in the stomach as the elevator doors open. Lawson runs out of the elevator. Int. Operating room Night Samuel is just about to cut into Sara as Lawson comes to the glass wall. Lawson pounds on the wall. Lawson Stop! Stop! Samuel looks up to see Lawson. Samuel Its Lawson. What is he doing here? INt. HallWAY NIGHT Abby walks quickly down the hallway to the lab. She sees cruise crawling to his feet. Abby Where is he! Cruise He went to the lab. Abby runs down the hallway. Int. OperaTING ROOM NIGHT Lawson runs into the operating room. LAWSON Dont do this. Samuel You cant be in here without a mask. Lawson Dont do this. Shes still alive. Samuel Technicality. They are all still alive. I have to get this done before morning. Lawson Look at her face! Look at her! Samuel Looks at Saras face and notices a bead of sweat run off Saras face. Samuel (Dropping scalpel) Shes just unconscious. Sara starts to stir as Abby reaches the operating room. Abby What are you doing, Lawson? Lawson What are you doing? Abby You are ruining everything Lawson This needs to be stopped. Dont you see that? Abby I see, that you have lost your mind. Lawson lifts Sara off the operating table. Lawson I am taking her out of here. The guards reach the operating room but Abby motions for them to stand down. Lawson carries Sara out of the operating room and down the hallway. Int. hALLWAY NIGHT Lawson and Sara make their way down the long hallway. Abby Follows them. Abby Lawson! Lawson turns with groggy Sara in his arms. Abby (CONTD) You can have her. Ill give you that. Lawson Abby, shes not a thing to be given or taken. She a human being. With her own value. A value you or I can not understand. We are more then our body parts. There has to be something more to us then flesh and blood. Because if there wasnt, Abby. I wouldnt want to know the things I want to know. Abby What do want to Know? Lawson I dont want to have to take a pill to make me feel OK. I want to be OK... I want to know goodness... I want to know what is right and what is not right... I dont want to pretend to know. I really want to know it. Abby I can give you that. Lawson You cant give something you dont see... Come with me. Abby I cant go with you. I never could... You lost me awhile ago. Lawson turns and with Sara walks into the elevator. As the elevator doors shut he watches Abby eyes fill with tears. The doors close. And Abby is left alone. Ext. INSTITUTE EARLY MORNING The sun is just beginning to rise as Lawson and Sara walk away from the Institute. Lawson. As Sara and I walked out the Institute for the last time. That obscure book passage popped into my head . We have the same eyes at night that we do during the day. But we are not able to see at night because we lack the light of the sun... Its going to feel good living in the sun. Fade Out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Suggestion*?Courier Final Draft (MORE)(CONT'D) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED:aCTR -Man 1=Man 2(`]DVۉ}P?Woman 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P?Woman 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P=Boy 1(`Q|g({DESTۉ}P=Boy 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P>Girl 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P>Girl 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P?Old Man(`]DVۉ}PA Old Woman(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P GENERAL SCENE HEADING ACTION CHARACTER PARENTHETICALDIALOGUE TRANSITION SHOTk1Arial W?Courier Final Draft 6 Cast List.  - f01/82/83/81 6/823/85/86/86/86/83/83/83/83/84/84/81/81 1/83/81 2/81 6/82 1/82/81/82/815/87/83/82 3/82/8111 4/84/81 1/83/84/83 4/81 3/84/82 2/82/87/82/81 3/81 1/84/81 2/81 5/82 6/81 4/81 6/81 3/84 1/82/82 1/83 4/84/811 7/84 5/82 2/85/83/831 3/82/83/81/83/812/84 2/82/84/86/81 4/81 2/831 2/85/82 6/85/84/81 1/85/81/813/87/81/83/82/81/83/82/83/81 1/81 1/83/8PAGE\e1111355667888999101011121315171717171819202022222324262627282832333436363737384040414346474950555557616162646971717275767677777778788383838486879091929595969797979899100100100100100101101101102103XFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005E0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-25F2E7200B7-10EB12E7315FFFF010150000100000040000000010111408105FF92E72CD105038E0002DBF92E714D000020000011700000000111, (Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer) (Based on, If Any) Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed) Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date) Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number00040000000B000000020111310005000000150000000401142D8111300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000005400000003010180480 2018010480 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A0000001B00000002EB1326315EB1326315000B00000005000000020000C00000016000000011515423E1471000F000000590000000050E010 104,77A4,4,77A4,4,um4,[z4,[].00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001113001290000000B000000011130FFFE000000060002000177AAD j LFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004F0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20F0-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 10404DC70123CE8D8010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,t4,014,F204,~4,:00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC000000003CE8D85C1AE204213CE8DC02C,E,42,>Page #1\!j?Q1\!FFFE000000060002000177AADjFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004B0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20C0-10 C264FFFF0100001000000330000000101408105AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,~4,04,14,04,04,100130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADQ6$$