i.2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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he TEXT SCROLLS UP while a deep VOICE OVER narrates it. DEEP VOICE OVER Once every generation the forces of good and evil have locked in an internal battle over the control of Earthrealm. Some seek to use the ancient tournament to destroy all humanity. Others seek vengeance, power, or internal life. Time after time each individual threat has been vanquish. Earthrealm has enjoyed relative peace for many years, now, the tournament calls upon Earthrealms mightiest warriors in a tournament known only as... BEGIN TITLE SEQUENCE: MORTAL KOMBAT FADE IN: OPENING ON A FULL MOON: Brightening up the hot night. PULLBACK... EXT. arena platform - nIGHT TWO MEN stand across from each other on a large stone platform, elevated 60 feet above a bed of spikes that stretches far as the eye can see. It is known as The Pit. One of the men is young, very young. DANIEL KANG. His opponent, a powerful and deadly sorcerer, SHANG TSUNG. Shang is a demonic shapeshifter who consume souls in order to sustain his health and life. The silent standoff last about five seconds, when.... Daniel attacks! Shang stands his ground. Daniel moves quick and fearless, but Shang blocks and counters every attack with only one arm. Faster than Daniel. He now attacks. Out powering Daniel. Blood spews from his mouth with every deadly blow. Shang stops. Daniels face is bloodied and seriously bruised. Daniel crumples to the hard stone platform. Shang stands over his inert form a moment, and then turns to gaze impassively down at us. SHANG You will fail like your brother. Daniel moans in pain. Shang lifts Daniel up with his dark art powers. Levitating him six inches off the platform. Blood drips from his face like a broken pipe. Forming a pool of blood. Then, SHANG POWER KICKS Daniel. Sending him down to the bed of spikes. 00020000063C00000730636,DANIEL (screams) LIU!!! BAM! His body is impaled by giant spikes. SMASH CUT TO: INT. LIU KANGS APARTMENT - NIGHT Liu awakens in a tangle of sheets, calling his brothers name. Liu blinks at the familiar surroundings of his room, simple but modern furnishings, a TV.... and nearly smiles at the reassurance the familiar things that give him after the nightmare. A nearly packed duffle bag reminds him of something. His eyes fix on the crumpled telegram, and a red head-ban on the night table next to his bed, and another nightmare floods over him like a tidal-wave.... Only this one will not go away. Liu switches on the lamp, picks up both items. He rereads the telegram. But the message has not changed... he hasnt dreamed it. Liu (grieving) Oh, Daniel. Liu throws the telegram down. CLOSE UP: The telegram reads: BROTHER DEAD. COME HOME. GRANDFATHER. INT. ABANDON HOTEL - EMPTY LOBBY - NIGHT ON DOOR: BAM! The rotting doors EXPLODE OPEN. Tearing off the hinges. A swarm of FBI SWAT teams flush in. Tactical lights probe the rotting darkness as the FBI units continue to move in. The Lead Man... or Woman is SONYA BLADE, blonde, beautiful, and hard as nails, steps into FRAME. KACHAK! Cocks back on her slung HK UMP45. Sonya (into wireless headset) Lets go! Sweep all floors, grab any communication gear! (turns to Jax) Are all the exits secured, Jax? Behind her, JAX BRIGGS, African-American muscle man. Jax is clear-headed, careful, Sonyas second hand-man. KACHUNK! Pumps a 12-gauge slug into his H&K FP6 shotgun. JAX Locked tight. SONYA Then lets get this fucker. 00020000063700000D66631,The two teams storm up the stairwell into the hotel. O.S Automatic fire ensues. INT. stairwell - close up - nIGHT Boots CLATTER up the wooden staircase. Like a roaring thunder. INT. hallway - nIGHT Exiting the rooms are the bosss men. His soldiers of The Black Dragon Clan. Well dressed and heavily armed. FBI strike teams lay down a vicious spray of hot lead. BADADOW!BADADOW!BADADOW! Black Dragon blood sprays and splatters the rotting plastered walls. INT. another hallway - nIGHT Sonya and Jax flood the eight floor, rushing everything in their path. A group of Black Dragons spring out from a room. Sonya and Jax unleash a combination of 12-gauge and 9mm rounds. BADADOW! -- BOOM! They go down bloodlessly. INT. suite - nIGHT Only thing that is high-tech in this shit-hole of a suite, are a bank of monitors that show live feed of the action within the abandon hotel. We PAN from the monitors to -- KANO. He smiles. A rugged, steroid looking Australian with a dark five o'clock shadow. Originally a mercenary and leader of the international crime cartel known as the Black Dragon Clan. KANO Oh, baby. Baby, baby, baby. Shes here. Like you said. Kano turns. We see the rest of his face. The right side of his face is covered with a chrome plate, with an eye being a glowing red orb. KANO (CONTD) Shang Tsung. The CAMERA PANS ACROSS to Shang Tsung. He sits across from Kanos desk, watching impassively. Kano saunters over to a large packing crate, KICKS it aside with is incredible strength, to reveal a large heavy grate, leading down into the basement. 0002000006F0000013976EA,KANO (CONTD) You sure shell follow me? SHANG After what you did to her partner, shell follow you into hell and beyond. Just make sure she gets on that boat. Again using his brawns, Kano lifts the heavy grate. KANO Oh shell be there... Special Delivery. SHANG Deliver her...alive. CLOSE UP: Kano grabs an AK-47 with a grenade launcher and tapped clips. CUT TO: INT. ROOM 1312 - NIGHT A Black Dragon thug sails backwards as BULLETS POUND him against the blood-spattered brick wall. INT. last hallway - nIGHT Sonya, Jax, and a handful of FBI agents take cover behind a wall. At the end of the hall is Kanos suite. Black Dragon thugs are securing it with ravage gun fire. Peeking out from doorways and squeezing off single and three round bursts. INT. basement - nIGHT A GROUP OF FBI AGENTS stand post. This part of the basement, a dark concrete cavern, was the main mechanical room. There are four enormous boilers, dinosaur-like technology that once pumped hot water like arteries. Suddenly, KANO CRASHES THROUGH THE CEILING. Tactical blinding lights cut through the dark just as Kano rises with his AK-47. KANO Say hello to my little friend! KRATAKratakrack! Kano LAUGHS WILDLY as he cuts loose a barrage of armor piercing rounds that slice through their vest. Blood erupts from their bodies like a volcano. INT. lAST HALLWAY - nIGHT The FBI teams are still pinned down. JAX We need to get to Kanos office! SONYA (tired of waiting) FUCK IT! Sonya leaps out of position. JAX SONYA! She fires off rounds after rounds. Driven, kinetic, never stopping as she uses all available cover to further infiltrate Kanos suite. Her HK runs dry, CLICKING against metal. She throws it down and draws out her SIG-SAUER P228. BLAM! BLAM! --- BLAM! Perfect accuracy. 00020000064600001A81640,INT. SUITE - NIGHT Suddenly, a Black Dragon thug flies through the door. Complements of Sonyas pistol. Sonya rushes through the opening, trucks, rolls, and comes up ready to blow anyone that stands in her away. Sonya sees the open grate. She grabs the thug she blasted through the door, yanks him up... SONYA Where is he?! INT. bASEMENT - close on grenade launcher - nIGHT PHWOP!... INT. sUITE - nIGHT Seconds later... O.S BOOM! A muffled explosion that ROCKETS the hotel. Sonya dashes over to the window. EXT. side of hotel - streets - nIGHT Emerging from the enormous hole, smoke and rebel: Kano. He tosses his bone dried AK-47 to the curb. Kano walks pass the FRAME. The CAMERA PANS UP, Sonya gazes out the window. Kano turns around and looks up to find his long time nemeses staring at him. He responds by smiling and bowing. Seconds later a black van shows up. Kano jumps in and leaves. INT. sUITE - nIGHT Sonyas face grows in anger. SONYA (pissed) FUCK!!! Her screams echoes... INT. press confrence - dAY Dozens of reporters, photographers, journalists, and camera-men take up most of the space. Constant flickers of flash bulbs. The cast of a summer flick and its director answers questions... Film director Ladies and gentlemen, I give you this summers Blockbuster star, Johnny Cage. The crowd goes crazy with questions and flash photographers for the handsome, and most athletic action star in Hollywood: JOHNNY CAGE. He walks onto the stage. Waving to the crowd. He sits down. Johnny (into mic) Ill take your questions. Hundreds of hands sprout up. A reporter stands up. 000200000616000020C1610,Reporter #1 Johnny, do you have any comments to the report that you use stunt doubles during your fight scenes? JOHNNY Oh cmon, man, do you really believe that crap? REPORTER #1 (O.S.) Just answer the question please. JOHNNY Okay. No. No I dont use doubles for either of my films. Its all me, baby. Next question. Another reporter stands up. REPORTER #2 What about the photographs that were taken by The Globe from your last movie? Doesnt really look like you. REPORTER #3 (O.S.) Some fans think that youre a fraud. REPORTER #4 (O.S.) Are you a fraud, Johnny? Johnny doesnt say anything. Silent, until... JoHNNY Fuck yall. Johnny gets up. Smacking the microphone off the table. CUT TO: INT. JOHNNYS LIMO - DAY Johnny enters his limo. Slamming the door. He then, notices a MAN sitting casually across from him. Reading the inside story. Johnny is on the cover. JOHNNY Hey, pal, I dont give interviews without... The man lowers the paper, MASTER WU, middle age, smiling. Johnnys expression turns from anger to one of awe and respect. Master wU Hi, Johnny. JoHNNY (astonished) Master Wu. Sorry, I didnt... Johnny has lost his arrogance. He eagerly shakes the old mans hand. CUT TO: EXT. JOHNNYS LIMO - DAY The limo travels down Hollywood Blvd. Light flow of traffic. MASTER WU (V.O.) I see that the press is giving you a rough time. INT. jOHNNYS LIMO - dAY Johnny sits next to his old trainer, drinking scotch. JOHNNY Yeah, they think Im a big fake. But what do they know. Paparazzi assholes. Johnny drinks his scotch. 000200000612000026D160C,MASTER WU I know youre not, Johnny. The students know youre not. JoHNNY (new thought) It means a lot to hear you say that, sir. MASTER WU Johnny, youre one of the worlds best fighters Ive seen. And I found a way how you can prove it. JoHNNY Prove it?... how? MASTER WU A tournament. The Tournament. Held once a generation. Wu takes a small scroll with ebony handles out of his pocket. Hands it to Johnny. ON SCROLL: When unrolled, is inscribed with black Chinese characters and the Mortal Kombat logo in the center. JoHNNY I guess I need to brush up on my Chinese. MASTER WU Its the most ancient tournament in the world... held on an isolated island in the South China Sea. JohNNY How come Ive never heard of it? MASTER WU All the participants are sworn to secrecy. JoHNNY How can a secret tournament on an isolated island get me better press? MASTER WU The worlds best fighters are invited. If you win The Tournament, youll win their respect. Theyll tell your story to the world for years. JoHNNY Im supposed to be preparing for my next film as soon as this one raps up tonight. I just dont see... Wu stares silently at him, then reaches for the scroll. MASTER WU Of course. If your reputation isnt as important as the box office, then... JoHNNY No! I mean... Ill work around it. Im honored, sir. (beat) How do I, uh....? MASTER WU Theres a ship docked at pier thirty. Hong Kong, tomorrow night. Be there. Off Johnnys thoughtful reaction: Wu shakes hands with Johnny. MASTER WU (CONTD) Good luck, Johnny. JoHNNY Luck? 0002000006AD00002CDD6A7,(smiling) Im Johnny Cage. Both men laugh. EXT. jOHNNYS LIMO - dAY The limo stops. Wu exits. Turns to Johnny. MASTER WU See you in the movies. He closes the door. The limo drives away. CUT TO: EXT. BACK ALLEY - DAY Wu walks down the alley, and, once out of sight, we hear very faintly, the cacophonous sound of many voices crying out in anguish... pain... suffering. A dissonant music we will hear again... as Wu morphs slowly into the features of Shang Tsung, the Sorcerer. INT. fbi briefing room - dAY We recognize Sonya and Jax. Dressed in black suits and badges. They are sitting with FBI Deputy Director DAVID CAMPBELL. A debrief is in progress. A Black Dragon family tree has been erected behind them with a photo of Kano at the top. David Kano is rumored to have performed in excess of one hundred and fifty contract murders, including one of the bureaus decorated agent. Agent John Greene. Sonya makes a slight look. Feelings for her old partner. DAVID (CONTD) -- your Intel corroborates what we already know. Hes going to Hong Kong where he plans to purchase a very large shipment of contraband firearms. On a ship that will be coming in on that same night. Which is tomorrow. (beat) We have a Gulf Stream on stand by at Reagan International to transport you two to Hong Kong. (pauses, with weight) Its very simple girls. Arresting Kano will give us everything we need to bring down the Black Dragon. Dismissed. EXT. backwater river - dAY A Kettuvallam slowly makes its way down the steady stream. INT. KETTUVALLAM - DAY Liu Kang, in his jeans, T-shirt, and sunglasses, sits quietly. Watching his culture moving pass him. Its everything he left behind to go to America. 0002000005FB000033845F5,EXT. LIU KANGS VILLAGE - DAY Liu steps off the Kettuvallam, and onto the dock. The CAMERA LIFTS above him, revealing his home. A Chinese village. Shaolin monks walk about on lushes green grass. Liu looks over the rice paddy at the neighboring hill. No one stands there, now. Lius GRANDFATHER, comes slowly toward him, his back bowed with grief, but his face full of joy at seeing Liu. The old shaolin embraces his grandson. Grandfather Its good that youre here, Liu. LIU I wasnt here for Daniel. GRANDFATHER (a moment) He spoke of you, daily. He always looked up to you.... almost a father since your parents left us. He was proud of you living in the States. Liu is pierced by pangs of guilt as they walk into the Village. Entering the garden. LIU (V.O.) How did he die? GRANDFATHER After you left, he followed in your footsteps.... training for The Tournament. Liu stops and stares. His voice rises in anger. LIU The Tournament? It wasnt enough you filled my head with that... folk-tale? Grandfather is hurt. Liu feels even more guilty. GRANDFATHER Saving the world from an... unspeakable fate is not folk-tales. LIU Mortal men fighting in a simple contest doesnt decide these things, Grandfather! Its all nonsense? GRANDFATHER Daniel believed in it. He trained for it. But he could never be as good as you, Liu... but he tried to be worthy to represent the Order of Light. LIU How did it happen? GRANDFATHER I didnt know for certain. I was away when... a stranger came. HIGH ANGLE - THE VILLAGE 00020000068800003979682,FLASHBACK: As the Grandfather NARRATES we see the stranger entering the village, dressed in black silk, his back to us. High overhead, a raven turns in a narrowing gyre, crocking its strange call. The stranger continues to stride to the village to... EXT. RICE PADDY The stranger stops. Lius brother, DANIEL, is working knee deep in rice paddy, when he sees the stranger. He is puzzled, but then a friendly smile. GRANDFATHER (V.O.) He sought out your brother and told him that he, too was training for The Tournament. The two decided to train together. Daniel was... naive... he mistrusted no one. REVERSE ANGLE: We now see that the stranger is SHANG TSUNG. EXT. HILL TOP - ALTAR OF LIGHT Daniel now stands facing Shang atop the hill. Practice fighting. GRANDFATHER (V.O.) When I returned that evening, Daniel was gone. Disappeared. A day later we found him on the crest of the hill near the Altar of Light. His body was filled with holes. And bruises... but it was like... life had been drained from his body. OVERHEAD: Daniels body is decade. Blood streams from the giant holes. END FLASHBACK. EXT. village - present Liu looks to the hill, but it is deserted. Liu puts his arm around the frail old man, and they walk toward the village. INT. Shaolin TEMPLE - LIU - DAY Has been recounting his dream to a circle of shaolin priests and elders. The priests wear simple white robes that symbolize the teachings of the shaolin White Lotus Society. In the center of the circle is a large, bowl-like torch, its flame fed by sticks of wood. The Grandfather sits to one side. The CHIEF PRIEST has listened. He now turns his eyes on the Grandfather. 00020000066600003FFB660,GRANDFATHER Liu Kang has been given The Dream. He is the Chosen One. Second priest (angry) NO! He left us... turned his back on his people. The Order of Light and its teachings! GRANDFATHER For many years he was the best student among you! He was a shaolin monk, like you! SECOND PRIEST Look at him! He disgraces his people with the clothes on his back! Hes no longer a shaolin monk! Hes forgotten everything he learned! Chief priest (to Liu) Liu Kang, is this true? LIU I have not forgotten my teachings. (then; humbly) I want to represent The Order of Light and the Shaolin White Lotus Society at The Tournament. CHIEF PRIEST Why? LIU The man who killed my brother will be there. The Chief Priest is disappointed. GRANDFATHER Revenge cannot be your only reason for going! Or you will fail! The Tournament is not a quest of vengeance. There is too much at stake... LIU (angry; sarcastic) Oh, yes, thats right. Were fighting for the fate of the world! CHIEF PRIEST (shocked) You see! He mocks our sacred teachings! He will not represent The Order of Light in The Tournament! The Grandfather approaches Liu and speaks solemnly. GRANDFATHER In your heart, you remember the teachings and know they are true. LIU I know youve poured fairy tales into my ears since I was a child! You want to know if I remember the teachings? (paces; agitated) The teachings say that I am the direct descendent of Kung Lao. Five hundred years ago he returned from The Tournament victorious! But a generation later he was defeated. Lius eyes blaze as he walks around the circle, challenging the old men and the monks with his look. 0002000006820000465B67C,LIU (CONTD) The teachings say the last blood descendent of Kung Lao must be chosen. Listen to your own teachings. You must send me! I promise that I-- Suddenly, a voice like thunder booms into the temple, cutting Liu off. RaIDEN (dark) Promise nothing, you babbling fool! Everyone turns to find a large figure standing in the doorway: a coolie hat keeps his face in shadow. His clothing is unique. He carries only a long wooden staff. The imposing figure approaches. RAIDEN (CONTD) You reject all that you have learned, and dare to come back... spraying pronouncements around the sacred flames like mule spit! (mocking tone) I remember everything. Raiden moves face to face with the stunned Liu and raises his head, revealing his features at last: LORD RAIDEN. The eternal god of thunder and protector of Earthrealm. Lius Grandfather is the first to recognize him. GRANDFATHER (awe; fear) .... Lord Raiden. The others murmur in astonishment. As one, they throw themselves to the ground and prostrate themselves, still in a circle, around one of their principal Gods. Liu is too astounded to react. He stares at the priests and elders, then back a the wizened face before him. Raiden You have forgotten everything. Lius Western experience takes over. LIU Grandfather. Get up! Hes just a beggar! The other monks wail and groan in unison, truly terrified. Liu is amazed. Some pray in low a tone. LIU (CONTD) Him? No, this isnt your god of thunder and lighting. Youve scared yourselves stupid with the stories you feed to your children! GRANDFATHER (desperate plea; prostrate) Please. Spare him, my lord. Forgive him of his ignorance. 00020000064800004CD7642,Raiden squints at Liu. Then he turns his back, and speaks with surprising gentleness. Raiden helps the Grandfather to his feet. The others are in awe, now, of the Grandfather. RaiDEN His skull is as thick as these temple stones. LIU Leave him be. Play your con game some place else. A flash of anger illuminates Raidens face. Then he turns to Liu. RaiDEN Spoken like a true champion and defender of his people. Scared, weak, and frail people. Suddenly, Liu lunges after Raiden. But moves with insane speed. He now stand behinds Liu. Liu turns around, Raiden lunges in with his staff. Liu parries the stroke, tries to counter, but Raiden moves the staff with lighting-like speed, and sweeps Lius feet out from under him. The younger monks laugh. The elders look grave as Liu gingerly climbs to his feet. Raiden whips his head around to the younger monks. Who instantly bite their tongues at the site of Raidens eyes. CLOSE UP: Replaced with tiny lighting bolts. RaiDEN (CONTD) The last living descendent of the great Kung Lao. You are indeed the last of the last. Your brother at least had Kung Laos heart, if not his skill. LIU If you really are Lord Raiden, why didnt stop Daniel? Why didnt you protect him?! The temple falls utterly silent. Raiden speaks simply. RaiDEN Why didnt you? Liu is devastate. His face is flushed with guilt. LIU (nearly emotional; holds it in) I know I shouldve. Raiden softens at this real show of sorrow and contrition. RaiDEN The gods do not control mens destiny... and they cannot protect you from it. Im not your bodyguard, nor Daniels. 0002000006310000531962B,Liu still thinks hes talking to an old fraud. He looks around the temple once more, and sees he has convinced no one. LIU Ive had enough of this! Im going to find Daniels killer at The Tournament... with or without your consent! Liu stalks out of the temple. The Grandfather speaks quietly to Raiden. GRANDFATHER He isnt ready, my lord. And weve lost so much time. Raiden begins to walk out the temple, then turns and speaks to all of them. RaiDEN You shouldnt have tried to replace him with his brother. And, with a weary, regal tread, the beggar-like figure leaves the temple, leaving the shaolin monks inside with their guilt. EXT. village - sundown The old Kettuvallam once more waits at the docks. Liu says goodbye to his Grandfather. In the distance, all of the shaolin monks are on the crest of the hill, lighting an enormous bonfire, which sputters, catches, then towers high into the darkening sky and reflects off their white robes. Other villagers stand at a respectful distance from Liu and the old man, watching them silently. Liu nods, moved with affection for the old man. The two men hug, then Liu gets in the Kettuvallam, sails off down the stream. GRANDFATHER (V.O.) (alone) Lord Raiden, give him wisdom. Watch over him. The old man fights back his tears. Out beyond the village, heat lightning dances for a second in the sky, followed by a distant rumble. Grandfather nods with a smile and turns, along with every villager, to gaze up at the magnificent beacon of fire - brighter than the setting sun - on the hilltop overlooking the temple. 00020000065A00005944654,DISSOLVE TO: EXT. pier - hong kong - nIGHT A dark, ragged-looking Chinese junk is moored at the pier. It has two enormous sails jutting out on either side of the ship. It has a dragon head on the mast jutting out over the water and a huge cabin deckhouse at the back of puddles of water littering the ship. Men walk up the gang plank and go aboard, staring at the strange craft in disbelief. Men and women from many different walks of life congregate on the dock. Others already go on board. A sleek black limousine pulls up and stops. The rear window slides down and Johnny Cage gawks at the vessel. INT. limo - nIGHT Johnny talks on his cell phone. JOHNNY Nancy you cant believe the shithole Im looking at right now. Nancy (V.O.) Dont be a grouch. Im the one who should be upset. My star client is disappearing to some mysterious island for a secret contest. EXT. LIMO - NIGHT Johnny climbs out. Still eyeballing the pier and the ship. JoHNNY I need to do this, Nancy. The people should know that Im the real thing. Not a fraud. The menagerie of fighters is growing more bizarre by the moment. NANCY (V.O.) If you say so. Johnny, you dont need to prove anything. Youre a star. JoHNNY Thanks for your support, Nancy. Ill call you in a week. Johnny hangs up. The driver has unloaded the last bag. Johnny pays the driver. Johnny eyeballs a MAN reading a Chinese Insider with the same Johnny cover. He walks over to him. He snatches the magazine from the man. His name is KELLY KOBRA BLACK. Neck length blonde hair, he is a gifted young martial artist, eager to put his skills to the test. 00020000063E00005F98638,KOBRA Hey, man, dont let them get to you. JOHNNY Sure. (studies Kobra) Hey youre Kelly Black! The Kobra. I saw you fight in New York, man. That shit was tight. KoBRA Thanks man. Ive seen a couple of your flicks. Theres no way you can fake those moves... JoHNNY Yeah maybe you should tell that to the press. ANGLE: Liu Kang has exited his taxi and pays the driver. The taxi drives off. Liu stands next to one of Johnnys suitcases. He looks up at the junk. Johnny turns, sees him, and mistakes him for one of the dock hands. JoHNNY (CONTD) Hey, pal, you wanna take my stuff up to the ship? LIU Come again? JoHNNY I pay. You carry bags. Ring any bells? LIU (glares; then; slyly) Oh? The suitcase? Very very nice. (fake coolie accent) Oh, shuah thing, mistah! Chop chop! And with a demonic grin, Liu takes the suitcase and shuffles with gleeful exaggeration up the gang plank. Half way up, he turns, loses the grin, and throws the heavy suitcase into the black water. It floats away. He turns to Johnny, astounded, back on the dock. LIU (CONTD) (mocking) So solly! And turns and walks onto the boat. Johnny stares at his watery suitcase. ANGLE ON VAN: An unmarked black van is parked under a tin roof just off the pier. INT. van - nIGHT Wall-to-wall surveillance set-up. Sonya and Jax man the post, staring at video monitors. Both hold telephoto images; shaky, long lens shoots of the dock some distance away. Jax tacks photographs to a corkboard on the van wall. One is labeled subject Kano: Boss/Black Dragon Clan. Voices begin emitting over the vans speakers. 000200000622000065D061C,SoNYA (into mic) Anything on your end, Jones? Jones (V.O.) Nah, nothing. You sure Kano is gonna show up? SoNYA (into mic) Hes a gun-freak, Jones. Hell show up. Jax rides a digital console, tweaks frequency. JAX Theres no doubt in my mind that chink was lying his ass off. SoNYA We take every lead we get, Jax. You know that. (keying the mic) Zoom and pan, Jones. Stay tight. ON THE MONITORS: The IMAGE pans, follows a figure moving across the docks. EXT. PIER - JUNK - NIGHT The gang plank is taken up, and the mooring lines are cast off. INT. van - through night vision lens - nIGHT Sonya scans the deck, holding briefly on several passengers. Then she spots him. A silhouette at first, but then Kano steps into the dim light, and the night vision lenses enhance Sonyas view of him. Almost as if he knows she is watching, he grins crookedly, and steps back into the shadows. SoNYA Shit! Hes already on board! EXT. van - nIGHT The doors spring open. Sonya leaps out. JAX Hold on. The director wants to get Kano and the trafficker. Sonya draws out her SIG-SAUER P228. KACHAK! SoNYA Fuck im! She begins running toward the mooring line, just as two dock hands cast off. She grabs the line, and swings over to the hull of The Nethership. EXT. nethership - deck - nIGHT Johnny Cage spots Liu Kang. JoHNNY Hey you son of a bit---- Just then, Sonya swings like a pirate onto the deck and CRASHES into Johnny, sending him flying. She tucks, rolls, and jumps to her feet, her eyes sweeping the vessel for Kano. Johnny jumps to his feet and spins around. 00020000066000006BEC65A,JoHNNY (CONTD) Okay, asshole, you wanna play?! He sees two things simultaneously, her pretty face... and the SIG she points at his chin. SoNYA Do you? JoHNNY (movie star charm) Oh. I mean... Im Johnny. And you...? SoNYA Where did he go? JoHNNY (deflated) Who? Sonya looks around, shoves him to the side, and heads for the hatchway and climbs down the ladder. Liu has seen it all. LIU Just another star struck fan, huh? INT. nETHERSHIP - below decks - nIGHT The wooden ship creaks and objects sway as Sonya makes her way through the bowels of the ship. She sees a door at the end of the passageway and makes for it. When... Shang Tsung steps out from the shadows. SHANG Hello my dear. Sonya whips her pistol to Shang. Aiming for his head. But lowers it when she sees that its not Kano. SONYA Im looking for a murderer. He was seen boarding this ship. SHANG I assure you there is no murderer on my ship. But if you want, I can give you a private tour. Johnny and Liu come behind Sonya. JoHNNY Hey, be nice to lady. SoNYA (annoyed) I dont think I asked for your help. Shang then turns to the door that Sonya wants to go in. It opens. Revealing two Demon Ninjas. Extremely built. Bulging biceps. SUB-ZERO and SCORPION. JoHNNY Still dont want our help? SHANG Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Rival enemies to one another. But slaves under my power. Scorpion and Sub-Zero get into their fighting stance. SoNYA Step aside! She draws her weapon. Sub-Zero darts his hand out, incredibly fast, touching the gun and freezing it to icy brittleness. Sonya stares at her frozen SIG. GUN: Sub-Zeros hand snaps off the barrel. 00020000062700007246621,Scorpion still in his stance. Mean gaze at Johnny. SCORPIONS HAND: The head of a spear slowly creeps out of Scorpions palm. Johnny gets worried. SCORPION GET OVER HERE! Scorpion throws his palm, the spear head shoots out -- when... AN ENORMOUS LIGHTING BOLT Streaks down the passageway, knocking the two attackers aside like bowling pins, causing them to glow in the dark for a moment. While miraculously leaving Sonya, Johnny, and Liu unharmed. The two strange beings disappear into the bowels of the ship. The Blue Ball streaks back down the passageway, brushing past Sonya, Johnny and Liu and leaving them crackling with residual electricity which plays over their clothing. Every metallic object below the decks crackles and glows red with the charge. They see the blue ball turn into Raiden, now standing at the far end of the passageway, leaning on his staff. His eyes are glowing brightly! A moment later, then turn to normal. RaiDEN (thunder voice) ENOUGH! SHANG (honer bow) Lord Raiden. How good of you to grace us with your presence. Raiden Your sideshow freaks attacked my fighters. That is expressly forbidden before The Tournament, as the Emperor well knows. SHANG My apologies, Lord Raiden. It wont happen again, I promise. RaiDEN It had better not. SHANG But... until we reach my island. Where you have no dominion. RaiDEN My dominions are well known, Sorcerer. Shang moves back into the shadows. Dissolving with the darkness. SONYA The hells going on here? What fuckin tournament? Raiden turns and starts back down the passageway. LIU 00020000067D00007867677,You really are him. With a pained look of annoyance, Raiden turns back to them. RAIDEN (thunder voice) Come with me! INT. nethership - shangs quarters - nIGHT The quarters take up the entire stern of the boat below decks, luxuriously appointed with Chinese silk screens and elegant ebony furnishings. Shang waits calmly as the CAPTAIN slinks in. Kano sits on a chair, legs dangling over the arms, peeling a green apple with a knife, and grinning at the Captains terror. CAPTAIN Yes, sir? SHANG Is it so difficult, Captain, to keep the mortals on deck? CaPTAIN Im sorry, sir. I didnt see them go below. SHANG I was humiliated just now... forced to apologize to a being I despise. Do you know how much I loathe apologizing, Captain? CaPTAIN Im sorry, sir. I swear on my soul that it wont happen again. Kano loses interest in the apple and stares. SHANG I believe you. Suddenly, the Captain becomes stiff. Like someone has a powerful hold on him. We hear the strange clamoring of many voices in anguish, chantlike, atonal.... yet strangely musical. WIDER: Shang transforms into a large COBRA, coiling and rising until the hooded head brushes along the bulkhead, moving toward the Captain, who squeals and stares in frozen horror. His own eyes transfixed by the hypnotic gaze of the serpent/sorcerer. The cobra hovers over the Captain another long moment, then lunges. The cobra bites off the top half of the Captain. The lower half off shoots out a geyser of blood that sprays the cabin. KANO Swallows the bite of apple in his mouth as he watches in bloody horrified fascination. The squeals of the Captain are now muffled... then silent. 00020000066E00007EDE668,WIDER: Shang once more stands before him in his normal form. Blood drips from the corner of his mouth. Only his eyes are still those of the snakes, yellow and menacing. Then Shang blinks, and the eyes are once again normal. The strange chorus of voices ceases. EXT. nETHERSHIP - DECK - nIGHT Liu, Johnny, and Sonya come up on deck confused. JoHNNY I did not sign up for this shit people! SoNYA Who the hell was that guy. LIU (disappointed to say) His name is Raiden. They are now in the bow of the ship away from the other fighters. Raiden appears right behind Johnny. RaiDEN (thunder voice) Listen! (they cringe; he softens his tone) The time for doubt... has past! The time for your petty quarrels... has past. What you are about to face is vastly more than... (to Johnny) ...your ego! (to Sonya) ...your enemy! (to Liu; quieter) ...or your quest for revenge. You are embarked on a sacred mission. You have been chosen to defend the Realm of Earth in a Tournament called Mortal Kombat! SoNYA Defend it from who? RaiDEN Your world is but one of many parallel realms. One of them is a forsaken realm called Outworld, ruled by an immortal who has crowned himself emperor. Now he seeks to conquer new worlds and enslave. JoHNNY If this guys all high and mighty, why doesnt he just invade our world? RaiDEN To enter Earthrealm, the Emperors demon Sorcerer, Shang Tsung and his warriors must win ten straight victories in Mortal Kombat... against ten generations of Earths fearless fighters. They have won nine. This will be their tenth Tournament. SoNYA So a handful of people on crummy ass boat are gonna save the world? 0002000006D7000085466D1,RaiDEN That is the point. The essence of Mortal Kombat. It isnt about death or glory... but about mortal men and women... rising to your greatest potential, putting aside your petty deferences, and defending your world. SoNYA Why are you telling us? What about the others? RAIDEN They are all superb fighters... but I have looked into their souls... and yours. You three will decide the outcome of The Tournament. The fate of billions of lives will depend upon you. LIU What about Shang Tsung? Can he be defeated? RaiDEN Yes. But if you were to challenge him now... you will lose your life and your soul. And Earthrealm will be lost. OFF THE BOW: A huge fog bank begins to engulf the ship. RaiDEN (CONTD) Its begun. Sonya, Liu, and Johnny stand staring at the approaching wall of black and red fog as it rolls over the junk. IN THE RAISED STERN: The sorcerer, Shang Tsung prowls, near the helsman. His two demon fighters Scorpion and Sub-Zero stand on opposite side. He stops and raises his arms to the enveloping mist, exalting. SHANG IT HAS BEGUN! ON DECK DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BAY - NEAR WAN SHU ISLAND - dawn Morning finds the junk anchored off a beautiful yet forbidding and mysterious island, whose cliffs rise up into the mist and clouds, thousands of feet above the masts. The bay consists of a dense cluster of 1,969 limestone monolithic islands, each topped with thick jungle vegetation, which rise spectacularly from the ocean. Several of the islands are hollow, with enormous caves. A cleft in the cliff face is carved with a large stone stairway, which winds up the fissure into the mist. On a promontory above the clouds, the ruins of ancient temples built all around the mountain gleam in the first rays of the sun. 00020000063D00008C17637,EXT. wan shu island - beach - dAY The junk rides at anchor in the distance. A dozen long boats transport the combatants to shore. Johnny sits pensively on his three pieces of luggage. Liu stands by studying the island and its surroundings. Next to him, Sonya tries to raise someone on her walkie-talkie. SONYA Bad Karma to Good Karma. Bad Karma calling Good Karma. Jax...? JoHNNY Hey while youre at it, order in some coffee. SoNYA (annoyed) Do I look like your fucking secretary? JoHNNY (hesitates) I..... forget it. SoNYA Cant make any snappy comebacks without a script? (fidgets with the talkie) Piece of shit! Sonya throws it in the water. WIDER - MOVING ALONG THE BEACH: The long boats pull up on to the white sandy beach. The mortal fighters jump out and storm the beach like D-Day. Johnny and Sonya exchange a glance. SoNYA (CONTD) Christ! Where the hell are we?! JoHNNY What am I your fucking travel agent? Sonya leaves in disgust. SoNYA (O.S.) Asshole. Liu peers around them. JoHNNY (slightly confused) Is she on the rag? LIU (sighs; shakes head) Now Im starting to believe the legends were true. A mute MONK in a black robe, acting as a Beach Master for the landing, walks along the shore with an ebony scroll, checking off names. Sonya falls in next to him, Liu and Johnny observing. SoNYA Can you tell me if theres a phone on this island? How bout a Police station? Naval base? JoHNNY Club Med...? He wont acknowledge them. SoNYA Im FBI agent Sonya Blade, on a special assignment with -- The Beach Master stops. Finds her name. Checks it off. She eyes it. 0002000006BE0000924E6B8,SoNYA (CONTD) What the hell? Whats my name doing on that list?! Hey, pal! She knocks off the cowl, revealing that the monks lips have been violently sealed with old rawhide stitches, now overgrown with scar tissue. His eyelids have been surgically removed. A little frighten by his features, she and the others follow him with their eyes as he continues down the beach. JoHNNY Been here five minutes, and Im already freaked out bout this place. Johnny contemplates his remaining three bags, piled at his feet, then looks at the steep, winding staircase. Many of the fighters have already begun the climb, appearing smaller and smaller until they disappear into the low clouds. EXT. great staircase of wan shu - dAY Fighters of Earthrealm sweat and pant as they continue their quest on the staircase. Some stop and take a breather, some vomit. Johnny tosses one of his bags. JOHNNY Fuck it! EXT. TOP OF STAIRS - DAY Johnny arrives sweating even more from head to toe at the top of the stairs with only one duffle bag. Liu walks aside him. The stairs end at -- EXT. statuARY GARDEN - DAY Which has several dozen statues of ancient warriors... some of them distinctly non-humans. Sonya is stationed at the top of the stairs, looking like she could still run a four minute mile. The two men exchange a glance. She falls in with them and they walk among the statues. JoHNNY (refers to statues) So, you know any of these guys? LIU In legends, they are the great and ancient warriors of Mortal Kombat. A SILK-SHROUDED PALANQUIN: Carried by dark monks across the garden. The curtain sways open for a second, revealing an exotic woman of startling beauty of 10,000: PRINCESS KITANA. 0002000006A50000990669F,As the palanquin comes abreast of Liu, Sonya and Johnny, she looks straight into Lius eyes, until it is carried toward the Great Hall on the other side of the garden. Lius gaze continues following the palanquin. JoHNNY When a woman looks at you like that, it usually means something. SoNYA (mutters) It means shes a bimbo. Johnny nods to a statue as they pass. It is humanoid, but has a gargoyles head, its features worn smooth with great antiquity. Like marble. JoHNNY Check this one out. LIU (wryly) Old Chinese proverb. Never fight with an ugly man. Theyve got nothing to lose. The three continue on. Moments later, Shang Tsung appears from behind a nearby pedestal and walks under the shadow of the Gargoyle statue. He speaks quietly, as if addressing some invisible presence nearby as he nods toward the palanquin. SHANG Perhaps our beloved Master has sent Kitana to observe the tournament, but nevertheless, I dont trust her... (then; decisive) Watch her carefully. Keep her away from these mortals. Contented with that thought, Shang glances up at the statue overhead, then turns and walks majestically toward The Great Hall. GARGOYLE STATUE - PAN UP: Revealing, a shimmering figure of a humanoid, standing on the Gargoyle statue. REPTILE, the chameleon, looks at Shang Tsung a moment, scowling, then leaps off after the palanquin. EXT. WAN SHU ISLAND - SUNSET We hear sounds of ceremonial drums building... INT. great hall - nIGHT Drums continue at a welcoming banquet in a long tracking shot we follow Liu, Sonya, and Johnny through the great diversity of the competitors in The Tournament, whose icon (i.e. the Mortal Kombat logo) hangs on banners from balconies. 00020000066C00009FA5666,Dozens of beautiful women wearing sheer fiberfill tops, armbands, and veils, serve the mortal fighters. The decor is largely ancient Chinese. The human contingent is a study in contrasts and cultures from around the world. KITANA: Sits at a high raised dais, where she is served like royalty by cowled Outworld monks and protected by Shang Tsungs palace guards. Right flanking the center chair is a powerful sorcerer and necromancer in the Netherealm: QUAN CHI. His skin is pale with bizarre spells painted red on his arms and the center and both sides of his head. ANGLE ON LONG TABLE: Liu, Sonya, and Johnny straddle toward the a bench across from Kobra. KOBRA Havent seen the competition yet? How bout you guys? Liu exchanges a glance with Johnny and Sonya. LIU Shouldnt worry. Johnny eyes one of the female servants. He gives her a wink. The girl blushes and looks away. Johnny turns back with a smile. He sees that Sonya has a look on her face. JoHNNY What? ANOTHER ANGLE: A frenzied thudding of oriental drums silences the hall. As if on cue fifty of Shang Tsungs palace guards from Outworld march in and give a terrifying demonstration of agility and power. Kobra stares, glances at his new friends, then swallows his food. KoBRA Hell of a show, huh? SHANG TSUNG: Appears amidst great pomp and ceremony, preceded by a cortege of black cowled monks and palace guards. He steps onto the dais. He is dressed in his most finest and elegantly embroidered silk. His eyes sweep the hall. The palace guards of Outworld practically shrink from him, their heads lowered, cowed. His appearance commands silence in the Hall. 0002000006180000A60B612,SHANG Welcome! You are all here to compete in Mortal Kombat. The greatest of all tournaments. You should all be proud of where you sit! Not many fighters get this opportunity to hone their skills and their courage! You are the best of fighters of your generation, worthy to represent the Realm of Earth... and the Realm of Outworld! The human contingent mutter among themselves, a little baffled. INTERCUT LIU AND RAIDEN: Liu spies the humbly garbed figure of Raiden standing aloof from the others. Raiden instantly senses the gaze and turns to meet Lius eyes. SHANG (CONTD) Tomorrow morning, the great Tournament begins. The opponents to be chosen by lots... the winner of each combat will progress to the next... until only one remains! (wicked gleam in his eye) Some will even have the privilege and honor of fighting Prince Goro, our reigning Champion. (chilling smile; to human contingent) You are all witnesses to one of the great turning points in the history of all mankind! (slyly ironic) Treasure these moments... because they may be your last. (beat) Now for a little taste of what to except. Shang eyes to Sub-Zero and then to Scorpion. Once more the drums roll, echoing through the hall. The palace guards rush the human contingents. Getting them away from the tables that they knock over to make room for the Outworld Ninjas. The palace guards hustle them up to higher grounds and then form a large circle around Scorpion and Sub-Zero. NEW ANGLE: Scorpion and Sub-Zero circle each other like a predator to its prey. Then... 00020000062F0000AC1D629,SHANG (CONTD) FIGHT! They attack. Their exchange is an impossible blur, fists and feet used with bolt action speed of a machine gun. It is like a Jackie Chan movie at high speed, fists and feet striking from every angle as both fighters presses on their attack. Suddenly Sub-Zero exude a frigid blast of air from his fingertips and palm. Scorpion flips out of the way, and a palace guard freezes solid in his place. They resume their fighting styles. Scorpion attacks him and it is like nothing we have seen. His feet and fists are everywhere, taking Sub-Zero apart. For every blow Sub-Zero blocks, five more hit their marks until -- SCORPION GET OVER HERE! Scorpion launches his spear from his palm. Sub-Zero shifts to the side to let the hurtling spear head streak through the air and impale a palace guard through the head. SCORPION (CONTD) COME HERE! He violently YANKS on the rope thats connected to the spear head. The palace guards lifeless body soars through the air, past Scorpion and CRASHES into the frozen palace guard that shatters into a thousands of gleaming red ice shards. The fighting continues on when.... SHANG ENOUGH! Both Ninjas stop simultaneously. Facing Shang Tsung. Silence builds. SHANG (CONTD) Enjoy your stay. Shang Tsung steps from the dais. Quan Chi follows. ANGLE ON HEROS: Liu is deeply troubled. He starts after Shang. Johnny and Sonya see, they go after him. JoHNNY Where you going? LIU After Shang Tsung. JoHNNY Like hell you are. You heard what Raiden said. Frustrated, nothing to say. But Sonya continues past them. 0002000006110000B24660B,SoNYA But he didnt say anything to me. She spots the departing Shang Tsung, and heads after him. JoHNNY You gotta love that women who carry a badge thing. Both men watch her go after Shang Tsung. They exchange a silent look, and slowly follow after her. A RAISED STONE LATTICEWORK WALL: Set about ten feet off the ground, unnoticed by most in the hall. But a huge shadow stands on the other side of it, peering out. BEHIND LATTICEWORK WALL: The figure, back to us in a long silk cloak, reveals only massive chiseled shoulders and long black hair, which fans out over the cloak to neck level. PRINCE GORO. His golden gauntlets gleam in the torchlight as he watches through the latticework. THROUGH LATTICEWORK WALL: Johnny and Liu walk just below him and out the hall. A low brute murmur, nearly a growl, comes from Goros throat. He turns and leaves FRAME. EXT. sTATUARY GARDEN - nIGHT Shang Tsung leaves the Great Hall unescorted and makes his way across the lushes garden, when his accosted by Sonya. SoNYA I wanna talk to you! Suddenly, the tone in Sonyas voice draws out two shadows that loom, the Ninjas Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Sonya wheels to face them, but Shang waves them off. SHANG Leave us. Like bass sinking back into deep water, they recede into the night. Shaken, Sonya turns to Shang, more conciliatory in tone. SoNYA Do they always follow you around like lap dogs? SHANG That is one of their functions. SoNYA Shitty job. SHANG I suppose. SoNYA Why am I here? ShANG Ive already told you. SoNYA You shanghaid me! SHANG 00020000065F0000B851659,You boarded the ship of your own free will. I didnt force you to come. SoNYA I was after someone. And I know you have him somewhere on this goddamn island! SHANG Catching Kano is the most important thing in your life. The only thing thats driven you. SoNYA Where is he? SHANG Oh, hes here... somewhere on this goddamn island. Shang smiles. SoNYA I didnt come here to fight in your bullshit tournament! SHANG Then youll never see Kano again. (almost sensuous) Tell me you havent dreamed of killing him the way he killed your partner? The attraction that Shang seems to feel for Sonya gives her the creeps. Shang smiles, and starts off again across the moonlit statuary garden. Johnny and Liu step from behind. They are close enough to have heard it all. SoNYA What are you two doing here? JoHNNY Watching your back. SoNYA In case you havent figured it out, I dont need your damn help! Liu, meanwhile, starts after Shang, who has crossed the garden and disappears as they watch. SoNYA (CONTD) Where you going? LIU (coldly) Shang Tsung is mine. Liu silently moves through the garden. Exasperated, Sonya and Johnny follows. EXT. ORNATE TUNNEL ENTRANCE - NIGHT Shang Tsung disappears through the portal. Moments later, Liu, Sonya, and Johnny appear. Liu enters the cave. Johnny grabs a torch and reluctantly brings up the rear. CUT TO: INT. caverns - nIGHT Johnny carries the torch, dimly illuminating the three faces. SoNYA (whispers) Face it, were lost. JoHNNY I prefer directionally challenged. DISSOLVE TO: INT. tunnel - nIGHT The group continues down the creepy tunnel. In the distance there is light. 00020000059C0000BEAA596,LIU (hears something) Listen. There is rumble of male voices coming from somewhere. They creep towards the light source. The enlarged shadows of stalactites and stalagmites are projected onto one wall. They all look where he is staring, and their eyes register his amazement. Just for a brief moment we see the shadow of a huge figure with four arms. Johnny tries to combat his own fear... whistling in the graveyard. JoHNNY (whisper) Please tell me theres shadow puppets down there? LIU Come on. INT. goros throne room - nIGHT Sonya, Liu, and Johnny creep onto a concealed ledge at the back of the throne room. They can now see down into the throne room. Matters of great importance to the Shokan race are brought before the Pillars of Ancient Heros in Goros throne room. Illuminated by giant pots of flames. Gold and silver ornaments and tableware gleam in their flickering light on a polished ebony table with high-backed chairs. In one corner sits a chained pet Tiger. Goro sits, draped in his cape, his large potato like thumb under his chin. Like hes thinking. While the other hand rather daintily holds a metal file, which uses to file-down his nails. Four palace guards, Goros retainers, stand nearby. Across from him, at a table with food, Kano eats his fill, speaking with his mouth full. A monk carries a tray full of food. KANO Hey, give me some of that! Bastard. (grabs some food from the tray) 0002000006350000C44062F,So then, he changes into this giant-ass snake and swallows the Captain whole. Cool. Goro (mock horror) Disgusting. Kano misses the irony; and belches... KANO Bastard gives me the creeps. Bad juju. ON THE LEDGE: Sonya recognizes the human below her. SoNYA (murmers) Kano.... Almost unconsciously, she starts to rise. Liu and Johnny, on either side of her, reach out simultaneously and pull her back down. JoHNNY (murmers) Wanna get killed? THRONE ROOM: Goro examines his finger tips. GoRO That was his intention. Shaun Tsung is a Great Sorcerer. The wise cultivate his favor. Those who challenge his power... will become his slaves. KANO Havent seen any of em around. GoRO He enslaves souls.... (uneasy at the thought) He learned the Black Crafts from the Emperor, Shao Kahn himself. KaNO Youre some kinda royalty, too, right? Goro abruptly stands up, wearing only a simple dark red loin covering, with a Ying-Yang symbol on his belt sash. His body is toned and massive. Ten times ripped than a Mr. Universe. GoRO I AM GORO! General of the armies of Outworld and Prince of the subterranean realm of Shokan! KANO Subterranean? Whats that, is that something like underground? GORO (condescending; walking toward Kano) Yes. Something like that. Goro starts approaching Kano. He nervously eyes the giant as he nears Kano. KaNO Yeah, well Im kinda an underground boss myself. Yknow, back home an all. Goro stands three feet from Kano. GoRO How lucky for them... (smashes a metal cup with fist) ... back home. Kano is really scared now, but he tries not to show it. 0002000004CD0000CA6F4C7,SHANG (o.S.) Its true! Shangs voice burst in on them, startling the four palace guards, who never heard him coming. They fall back, bowing low. SHANG (CONTD) Prince Goro. Why else would I chose such a... disreputable-looking creature? Shang Tsung walks on the red carpet like a movie star, hauty, amused. The palace guards grovel at his feet and inch away from the Sorcerer. SHANG (CONTD) Look at him. No dignity. No class. But... in the Realm of Earth, men like him can amass wealth and almost godlike power. Goro bows formally to Shang. Shang returns a nod. KaNO (nervous; miffed) Yeah well Id like to get back to my amassing ASAP. Now when do I get paid? SHANG After youve fought Sonya. That was our deal. She mustnt be harmed... humiliate her. I have plans for beautiful Sonya. KANO Fine! Think I like hiding down here like some kinda slimy toad? He suddenly realizes that Goro might take this the wrong way. Goro plants two big three fingered hands of his two upper arms on the table, leans down until his huge head is on a level with Kanos. KANO (CONTD) (nervous) No offense intended. Goros lower arm picks up a drum stick off Kanos plate and rising up, he tosses the food to his pet tiger. 00020000061F0000CF36619,ON THE LEDGE: Johnny, Liu, and Sonya watch in astonishment. THRONE ROOM: GORO (arrogant) To what do we owe the honor of your presence, Shang Tsung? ShANG Ive come to warn you that Kung Laos descendent is competing in the Tournament. You must handle him carefully. GoRO (scuffs) I saw this Liu Kang in the Great Hall. He has the scent of Kung Lao. Hell pose no problem. SHANG Dont underestimate the power and resourcefulness of these... mortals! It will be your downfall. GoRO You lost to Kung Lao, a Shaolin monk, no-less! I defeated him... (arrogance growing) And every mortal since.. for the last five hundred years! This time will be no different! Shang is chagrined. He glowers, then controls his emotions. SHANG This is no time for foolish pride! We have never been so close to absolute victory. We cannot allow these humans or even that meddling Princess Kitana to stand in our way. The Emperor will not tolerate failure... and neither will I. A beat. GoRO I do not fail! ON THE LEDGE: Johnny turns to the group. JohNNY I think weve over stayed our welcome. The group finally leaves the scene. CLOSE UP - TIGERS HEAD: The tiger senses something and turns his head. ROARS! INT. GOROS THRONE ROOM - NIGHT The tiger roars again. Shang and Goro become alert. Kano looks up, wondering. KANO What is it? SHANG Uninvited guest. Goro signals the palace bodyguards, they move quietly towards the exits. INT. tuNNElS - nIGHT Liu, Johnny, and Sonya enter a chamber with three possible exits. SonYA Wait a minute. I dont remember any of this. 0002000006640000D54F65E,At a distance down one of the passageways, Kitana stands, holding a torch. Liu sees her. Kitana turns and hurries away. LIU I think thats Kitana. JoHNNY Just because they dont trust her, doesnt mean we can. Liu heads down the narrow passage. Johnny shouts after Liu. JOHNNY (CONTD) (whisper) Liu! INT. tunnELS - nIGHT Liu enters a new chamber, just in time to see Kitana disappearing down another tunnel. He moves towards her. As Liu advances, the wall seemingly comes to life as Reptile steps away from the stones. REPTILE: He mouth hisses hot, vaporous acid. Liu momentarily blinded by the steam, Liu cannot react as Reptile sweeps him. He falls hard to the paving stones, as Reptile rushes past him and scuttles up the wall, disappearing into a large hole in the rock face. LiU (cries out) Aaaahhhh!! Moments later, Sonya and Johnny appear and pull him to his feet. JoHNNY Liu, what happened? Liu quickly wipes the acid from his face and eyes. LIU Theres something here... I think its following Kitana. Sonya glances back. She sees palace guard shadows. SoNYA We have to get outta here. INT. CAVERNS - NIGHT Sonya, Johnny, and Liu cross a carved design rock bridge over a gaping chasm. They are lost once more in the underground labyrinth. SONYA (V.O.) Are you sure youre going the right way? JoHNNY (V.O.) Believe me. I have a natural sense of direction. DISSOLVE TO: INT. gOROS THRONE ROOM - nIGHT The throne room is now empty. Johnny leads Sonya and Liu into the room. For a moment we see the shock on their faces before we reveal that they are right back where the started from. Sonya turns to Johnny. 0002000006D10000DBAD6CB,SoNYA Natural sense of direction my ass. Suddenly, a MOB of palace guards storm the throne room from the entrance. JoHNNY We got company! The palace guards ATTACK! The group, every blow breaking some bones and spilling tones of blood. Liu and Johnny scramble at the surrounding palace guards, dodging their spears and swords with lighting speed and countering their attacks with brutal blows. WIDE: Their attacks are a devastating onslaught of speed and power, closing in around the group. But the group is a mirage, slipping and flipping around them in a deadly counter, heaving a few palace guards. Our three heros fight off the first wave, using bone breaking, blood splattering martial arts. Whatever it takes to evade the deadly spear and samurai swords, and lighting like attacks. But its over in a FLASH. The group stands in a defensive stance. Panting. Eyeballing the bloody palace guards. O.S Someone claps. Slow, steady applause. They turn to discover. Raiden. Sprawled comfortably across Goros throne room, still applauding.... RaiDEN Wonderful. Absolutely... wonderful. So please, show me what you plan to do about... (nods behind them) ...them? The threesome turns to find... MANY MORE PLACE GUARDS, closing in. Goro steps out from behind them. JoHNNY (friendly surprise) Oh shit. Goro takes in the devastation. GoRO (angry) KILL THEM! The palace guards approach the humans but, Raiden steps between them and our heros. RaiDEN (veiled threat) We were just leaving. RAIDENS EYES: Glowing for a second. BACK TO SCENE: The palace guards lower their weapons. Raiden moves calmly forward, and the palace guards jostle one another, spear heads rattling against each other, making a path for him and his fighters. 0002000006470000E278641,Johnny glances nonchalantly at Goro. JoHNNY Catch you later big boy. Goro quivers with repressed rage, unable to do anything in the presence of Lord Raiden. As they leave, Goro unleashes his fury and FLATTENS an unsuspecting palace guard standing innocently by him into a bloody mess. EXT. tunnel entrance - nIGHT Beautiful foliage bathed in the moonlight, as they step outside, Johnny, Sonya, and Liu follow Raiden. He stops, fixes them with a stern eye. RaiDEN (a bit serious) Im glad youre so proud of yourselves, but that little show is nothing compared to what youll be facing in the tournament. JoHNNY You mean Goro. RaiDEN And Shang Tsung. LIU Will Shang Tsung fight in the tournament? RaiDEN If he chooses to. As a former champion he has the right. Shang Tsung is far more powerful than Goro. His demon power comes from the souls of vanquished warriors... to fight Shang Tsung is to face not one, but a legion of adversaries. SoNYA Then how can Shang Tsung and Goro be defeated? RaiDEN They can be killed. Shang Tsungs power can be destroyed by mortal men and women. But you must believe that. You can overcome any adversary, no matter how bizarre their powers may seem. Now matter how strong. There is always a way. But only one thing can defeat you... your own fear. JoHNNY What if were not afraid? RaiDEN Then you are dead before the fight begins. You must first face your fears if you are to conquer them. (to Johnny) You, Johnny are afraid that you are a fake. So youll rush into any fight to prove youre not. Youll fight bravely enough... but foolishly... and die. 0002000006940000E8B968E,(to Sonya) You, Sonya are afraid to admit that even you need help. If you are afraid to trust... then you will die. LIU (challenging) And what about me? Raiden approaches and speaks almost gently, but with the darkest urgency. RaiDEN You fear your own destiny. You already proved it once when you fled to America... and now that fear has brought you guilt for the death of your brother. LIU I am responsible for-- RaiDEN (cutting him off) Every mortal is responsible for his own destiny! Daniel believed this. (intense; hoarse whisper) Despair is the most dangerous fear of all. Guilt over the past... dread of the future. These are your enemies. (to them all) I know this. And so does Shang Tsung. SoNYA How? RaiDEN He can peer into your soul and use the fear he sees there against you. You must be prepared. DiSSOLVE TO: EXT. WARRIOR village - nIGHT Closed markets, fruits and vegetable stands attract no businesses in the night. The village consist of hundreds of small cabins for mortal men and women to rest in before the tournament. Liu, Sonya, and Johnny enter under a Chinese Gateway. EXT. street - nIGHT They walk down the soil street entering the cabin quarters. They separate. Johnny walks up the small steps and enters his cabin. INT. johnnys cabin - nIGHT The fireplace illuminates the room. His bags are in a corner by a window with no glass or screen. Just a shabby cloth that dances in the soft breeze. Johnny enters to find -- the Great Hall servant girl that was giggling and blushing at Johnny. She stands by his bed. No veil. Her beauty is painted by the fiery glow. Johnny is impress that his Hollywood look can attract a girl like her. 0002000006460000EF47640,The servant girl begins to dance seductively. Moving her body along side of the bed. Removing her top. Her moves are more sensual than raunchy like a stripper. Pure and full of grace. She now moves onto the bed. Johnny removes his shirt. She tells him to come here with her finger. Johnny mounts her. Kissing her over and over. EXT. WAN SHU ISLAND - SUNRISE The island is beautiful, majestic, mysterious as the red sun illuminates it. EXT. beach - mORNING The air is thick with tensions from both sides. Outworld and Earthrealm warriors surround an arena that is built five feet off the ground and is made of wood. Shang Tsung watches from his dais. ShANG (to the crowd) Welcome fighters! As of now, my island will be your battle ground. (to Liu) Liu Kang! You will be first. (to the crowd) Let Mortal Kombat begin! Liu walks up the steps. His opponent, JAREK walks up the steps. After each opponent gives the mean stare.... SHANG (CONTD) FIGHT! The combatants circle one another. Studying their movements. Then, they attack! Striking like viscous vipers. Feet and fists moving with thought speed. Both men have brutal attacks and counter blocks. Spewing out blood. But Liu seems to have the upper hand. Moving faster than Jarek. Overhand punches, rising punches, parallel punches, spinning rear elbows, deep kicks, on and on and on and on in an orgy of bloody martial arts violence until... Liu jumps into a SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE, and snaps Jareks neck. Hearing the bones go CRUNCH! Seeing the blood fly out from his mouth. Jarek hits the wood hard. Drooling out blood. 0002000006EB0000F5876E5,Liu gives Shang a mean gaze. He responds with a mean gaze. EXT. shang tsungs courtyard - early noon HIGH ANGLE VIEW: His courtyard is large and made of stones with the Ying-Yang symbol painted in the center. Stone bleachers on either side of the courtyard, dragon statues at the four corners. Shang Tsung sits in a high raised stone dais. Sonya stretches her arms. Waiting impatiently in her arena. Shang stands from his seat. SHANG Sonya Blade! She turns to him. SHANG (CONTD) I have something for you. SoNYA Whatever it is, sit on it and rotate. SHANG (smiling) Trust me. There is one thing you want very much. He nods behind her. She turns to find walking out of a temple.... KANO. Gives her the Death Stare with his one good eye and smiles. KaNO Hola chica. Did you miss me? Sonya turns to Shang Tsung. ShANG I know how impatient youve become. SoNYA I thought he was your bitch? ShANG But of limited use as my queen and consort. SoNYA Fuck you. Shang smiles and sits back down. Kano walks onto the courtyard. Sonya eyeballs him. The two circle warily. Giving each other the meanest stares weve seen. Then.... THEY FIGHT! She batters his face with a quick series of round kicks that have him spitting out blood. Kano lunges, rolls, and comes up with a knife from his waistband. He smiles. KaNO Ooh, now look at this! This little baby brings back memories now, doesnt it? SoNYA Used it to stab your whore of a mother in the back? KANO Nah, but it did put a big smile on your boyfriend though. Ear.. (motions the blade from one side of his face to the other) ...wwsshh, to ear. Kano starts laughing. Sonyas face goes white with rage. Kano tries to slice her with his knife... he misses, Sonya grabs him by the wrist. Holding him back. 0002000007160000FC6C710,KANO (CONTD) Give it up, bitch! Ive studied all your moves. SonYA Yeah, study this, bitch! Sonya kicks him in the balls. His face goes down enough for Sonya to knee him in the face. Cracking his nose. Gushing blood. Kano scrambles to the ground. ShANG Sonya! Shang Tsung uses his black arts power and tosses a black pouch to Sonya. She catches it in mid-air. She pulls out a pair of Kali fighting sticks. She wields them just as Kano charges her with his knife. Sonya attacks with a flurry of bloody blows, and the battle is on in earnest. Shang Tsung looks on with interest. The fight continues on. Kano with his skilled knife attacks, slices Sonya across her arm. Spilling blood across the ground. She rushes him with a blur of Kali attacks. Finally, she disarms him with the Kali sticks, and he uses his strength to grab both Kali sticks before they could make their mark. Brutally kicks Sonya in the chest that sends her flying backwards, tumbling. Kano takes both Kali sticks, and breaks them across his knee. Kano walks toward Sonyas body. She slowly gets up, when, Kano kicks her in the gut, that puts her on her back. Blood travels down the corner of her mouth. She spits out a tone of blood. Kano walks over to one of the corner statues. With his amazing strength, and jacked up on steroids, he lifts up the stone statue. Sonya looks up to see Kano, lifting the statue above his head, ready to drop it... she rolls out of the way just in time. The statue crumbles into little stone pieces. Sonya is back on her feet. Keeps her eyes on Kano. Kano charges, she uses aikido to nullify his charge. But Kano is a savvy street brawler. He knows aikido and more. Suddenly, the tables have turned. He has Sonya in a powerful choke hold. Lifting her four inches off the ground. 0002000006920001037C68C,Shang Tsung becomes tense. Kano looks to him for permission to kill her, knowing it wont be granted. Shang shakes his head. Kano looks like he just might do it anyway. He exerts more pressure on her throat. Face turning red, lips blue, eyes welled up with tears. She does a Mike Tyson and brings her mouth to his right ear, bitting down hard. He yowls in pain, she rips off a chunk of his ear. He lets go. Grasping his ear or whats left of it. Sonya spits the piece out along with a spoon full of blood. KANO YOU FUCKIN, BITCH! Sonya gets back to her feet. Takes the chance. She rushes him, but, Kano takes her down with a powerful clothes-line. Liu looks on, as this may be it. She doesnt seem to be moving. Kano slowly walks around her. Circling his prey. Just as he leans into grab her... Sonyas legs catches Kano off guard. Wrapping around his neck. Like a Venus fly trapper. Squeezing tighter and tighter, strangling him. His face begins to turn red. But he still manages to lift her up. But she still has the lock on. Applying more pressure. SHANG FINISH HIM! Sonya grabs Kano from under his chin, then... SNAP! A second later, he falls backwards, and Sonya just slides off and lands on her feet. She looks on Kanos lifeless body. Walks over to his knife. Then throws it into Kanos chest. EXT. WU SHI ACADEMY - NOON Suspended above a symbolic abyss, warriors hone their martial arts skills on this stretched canvas arena. Five Masters Academy has trained many Outworlds greatest fighters. Johnny walks onto the canvas arena. Dressed in black dress pants and a short silk sleeve shirt. WIDE: Hes all alone - no one else is around. 0002000006E500010A086DF,CLOSE ON JOHNNY: The CAMERA moves to the right to find - SCORPION walking down the bamboo like bridge. BACK TO SCENE Johnny turns around, eyeballing Scorpion. He wears a KICK ASS outfit with two sheathed samurai swords strapped to his back. They both get into their fighting stance --- circling each other... Suddenly.... they FIGHT! Fists and feet are a blur. They both dodge, duck, and dash each others attack. Every so often Scorpion throws his palm and the spear flies out. But Johnny is too quick to get stabbed. Scorpion gets his share of hits. Using Hapkido fighting style. Beatin the shit out of Johnny. A powerful palm punch sends Johnny soaring backwards. Fifteen feet away. He lands hard. Scorpion leaps from where he stands. Johnny rolls out of the way just as Scorpions knee hits the canvas. The entire arena shakes like a trampoline. The fighting continues to rage on --- Johnny ROUNDHOUSE KICKS Scorpion. He drops to his back, but gets back to his feet faster than thought speed. He does a BACKFLIP, kicking Johnny in the face in mid-somersault sending him to his back. Scorpion draws out a samurai sword. Johnny jumps to his feet. Scorpion doesnt need a second invitation, he ATTACKS with the sword. Johnny deftly moves out of the way. The fighting style is now like an Old Shaw Brothers film, with Johnny dodging at will of his rapid samurai sword slashes. Quick and skillful as his moves are, theyre also full of spirit and grace. While Johnny moves out of the swords path. Suddenly, Johnny KICKS the sword out of Scorpions hand. We TRACK the sword as it twirls through the hot air, then comes straight down, and impales the canvas arena in the F.G. In the B.G. Johnny and Scorpion are back in a ragging battle. 00020000062D000110E7627,RETURN TO BOUT Johnny fights hard. Desperately trying to put Scorpion back on his ass so he can grab the samurai sword... but then he gets his chance. Johnny mad dashes for the sword. Scorpion jumps back to his feet, second samurai sword drawn, chases after Johnny. Johnny rolls just as Scorpion slices the air, nearly taking off Johnnys head. Johnny grabs the sword and blocks Scorpions sword attack. Then sweeps Scorpion off his feet. Both men jump back to their feet. ....The two fighters circle each other.... They SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE...CIRCLE...SWING -CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE... Scorpion LEAPS in the air does a somersault over the Johnnys head, landing behind his opponent. He brings his sword down in a slashing swing... SLASHING Johnny across his back - spinning him around... Scorpion goes in for the kill...Johnny meets his blade... Johnny clash and lock...the men's faces come together as the blades become entangled... CLOSE UP: Johnnys beautiful Hollywood eyes.... CLOSE UP: Scorpions white sinister eyes.... Scorpion moves his arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring his sword handle hard into Johnnys mouth... Knocking him backwards - Flat on his ass. Johnny gets back to his feet. Spitting the blood from his mouth. The two men clash swords furiously, their attack ends with Johnny striking Scorpion - not fatally - but deep. They separate... Scorpion looks down to his wound, then back up to Johnny. The respect for the Johnny's ability is transparent. The two men circle stalk each other again... 0002000006980001170E692,They Attack, the Demon Ninja figurine and The tall Western movie star. They swing - twist - turn - clash, matching blow for blow till they both back off. With all the quickness and skill at their command, they clash in a superb display of Samurai Swordplay. UNTIL... They both SWING... ...can't tell who got who... A spray of blood splatters the canvas arena. A beat later.... Scorpions head pops off. A geyser of blood showers the arena. Like a Quentin Tarantino flick. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. fortified monastery - dusk Ebony wood all around a lushes foliage. Moments later, Liu POUNDS against the giant twin doors, knocks ECHOING deep within... A GRINDING noise within. Liu STOPS, straightens. The doors SWING OPEN. DARKNESS. INT. FORTIFIED MONASTERY - GREAT HALL - DUSK Liu shuffles forward into a low-ceilinged wooden hall lit by flickering lamps. He STARTS as the doors THUD shut behind him. Eyes moving from one place to another, excepting a trap set by Shang Tsung. But so far nothing. At the far end, on a raised platform, sits SUB-ZERO. Sitting Indian style. Meditating. His breathing is deep and sonorous, like the lowest, almost inaudible notes of a pipe organ. Liu continues to push forward. Suddenly, Sub-Zeros eyes SNAP OPEN. Liu doesnt stop. Not even when Sub-Zero gets off of the platform. Sub-Zero walks towards Liu. Suddenly... THEY FIGHT! WIDEN: The battle rages the length of the monastery. They both move with lighting speed and quick reaction time. Countering each others move before even performing it. Suddenly, Sub-Zero delivers a ball of ICE. Liu DUCKS with a split. The BALL OF ICE turns the wooden door behind Liu into an ICE WALL. 00020000067E00011DA0678,Liu jumps back to his feet. But only to be suckered kicked into the wall of ice. EXT. fORTIFIED MONASTERY - arena - nIGHT Liu EXPLODES through the wall of ice. Tiny ice shards raining down on him His body slides across a marble arena. Mountains and the full moon surround the area. Sub-Zero comes flying out of the monastery. Hungry for blood. Liu spits out a spoon of blood and jumps back to his feet. Liu isnt going to make the same mistake twice. His fist and feet are a fucking blur. Sub-Zero is unable to overcome Liu. Its insane - a stalemate. Liu dishes out several combinations. Uppercuts, roundhouse kicks, anything that can put down the Demon ninja. Sub-Zero drops his guard for a moment, he appears defenseless. Liu takes the opportunity to run at Sub-Zero. Liu flies through the air, his feet extended for a kick. Sub-Zero side-steps out of the way, creating an instant ice sculpture of himself. Liu CRASHES through it. But Liu is back to his feet. Sub-Zero stands, motionless, in complete concentration. He begins to lower his body temperature. NEW ANGLE Liu stares in disbelief. Waves of intense cold emanate from Sub-Zero like concentric ripples on a pond. The frigid force field expands. The concentric circles nearly envelop Liu. As they touch him, the intense cold sears his flesh. He staggers back. SUB-ZERO His body colder than any ice on the fucking planet, willing the tremendous biological engine inside him to lower the temperature further and further, until his features are cobalt blue, glistening like polished lacquer. He slowly strides toward Liu. He continues to backup. Afraid to touch Sub-Zero. 0002000006350001241862F,Sub-Zero throws a punch, Liu rolls out of the way. Sub-Zeros PUNCH freezes the pillar. Liu slowly moves back. At the corner of his eye he sees A BUCKET OF WATER. Sub-Zero slowly turns around. Liu snatches the bucket - gripping it by the handle - he begins spinning it around like an Olympian making a hammer throw. Just as Sub-Zero faces Liu, with a fierce cry, he releases his grip. The bucket flies off in a straight trajectory IN EXTREME SLOW MOTION it tumbles through the air, releasing its contents: WATER. The water separates into several smaller streams that elongate as they hurtle through the air, and one long, jagged stream that stretches out into a jagged conical form. Instantly the water freezes, forming a long heavy icicle. Sub-Zero is struck by the LARGE ICICLE. It impales him in such a violent way that it flings him back against the frozen pillar. At the end of the icicle, Sub-Zeros icy cold blood drips off the tip of the icicle. Sub-Zero is bewildered as he stares, in no apparent pain now, down at the huge icicle sticking through him. Then, as if the frigid internal reactor inside him had reached critical mass and IMPLODES! Frozen body parts fly across the arena. A bloody mess. EXT. wAN SHU ISLAND - BEACH - dAY It maybe day but the clouds are grey and its pouring down rain. But that doesnt stop the tournament and its fighters. We catch Princess Kitana and another FEMALE FIGHTER named KIRA in a mid-fight. The other fighters sit under thatched cover bleachers. Liu comes just in time. He heads toward Johnny, Sonya, and Kobra. 0002000006A200012A4769C,JoHNNY Hey, Liu, youre just in time. Your girlfriend is kickin some major ass. He looks on. Kitana is doing very well. But then he turns his attention to Shang Tsung. Mean gaze fixed on Kitana from his dais. RETURN TO BOUT Kitana and Kira are like wild Outworld Cats. Moving with such style and grace. Dodging fists and feet. Throwing their hooks and kicks that slice through the warm rain. Brisk of wind whipping through their hair. Blood spilling from Kiras mouth. But, Kira scores the upperhand. Finally pulling off a series of kicks and hooks. Her last kick knocks Kitana on her ass, she then pulls out her dual knives. BIG ONES. Kitana jumps back to her feet, instantly drawing out her Japanese fans. Swishing them open, revealing their razor blade points. The female combatants circle each other. Rain dripping off their tired but gorgeous faces. Eyes following each other like hawks. A five second beat later... THEY ATTACK!! Both warrior babes dodge each others attack. Escaping the blades from both weapons. Instead of cutting flesh and spilling blood, the slice through the rain and air. Moments later.... Kira makes the first cut, on Kitanas right arm, then a second one, across Kitanas thigh. Kitana staggers back. Shang looks on with a smile. Hopping that Kitana fails. RETURN TO BOUT Kitana sucks it up and gets back into fighting stance. Fan blades ready to do some fucking damage. They circle each other slowly. The crowd cheers on. Loud and hungry for some blood. Fueled by the crowds cheers, Kira GOES HEADSTRONG, lunging her knives at Kitana, but she spins around, slicing Kiras stomach, a spit of blood comes pouring out. Kira stops. 0002000006DE000130E36D8,Kitana slices her back, then, arm, leg, all over her body. Tons of blood spraying like a broken fire hydrant. Kitana turns to Shang Tsung. A mean gaze. Shang returns the same look. Upset at Kitana for being so damn good, and for Kira, for failing him. He stands up. SHANG FINISH HER! Kitana SPINS ALL AROUND KIRAS BODY, her razor blade fans slicing every point of her body, spilling more and more blood that covers the arena. Even slicing off a few limbs. Kira drops dead to the ground. Kitana swipes her fans, blood flies off the wet steel. LIU As the crowd begins to leave, Liu stares at Kitana, covered in blood and rain. She removes her half mask. Also staring at Liu. EXT. ocean - pre-dawn The red sun rises above the horizons. Beginning another day of fighting. EXT. sHANG TSUNGS COURTYARD - dAY The air is hot and thick with blood and violence. The crowds are anxious. Johnny prepares himself for his bout. Dressed in his fighting attire. Tapped fists and feet. He stretches his arms. Beside him are Sonya and Liu. JoHNNY Yall should take your seats. Youre bout to see a real fight. Sonya scuffs. Johnny gives her a grin. JoHNNY (CONTD) So where the hell is this guy? Suddenly, an evil wind moans through the area. Then, a dark cloud covers the sun, and every part of the island. From day to night. Giant lantern magically come to life. Raven calls overhead. Everyone looks to the black sky. Liu eyeballs Shang Tsung. His eyes are white. The black arts are taking over. He summons a flock of shadow birds that burst into the sky, devouring whatever light is left in the sky. The Darkness reaches out to envelope everything... a surging Void which flutters, pulsates, swarms over the fighter, WIPING THE FRAME. 0002000006BE000137BB6B8,Suddenly, A FIGHTER DISSOLVES onto the courtyard. NOOB SAIBOT. A ninja in all black, waves of smoke ripple off his body. Noob flashes into a fighting stance. Pulling off some sick ninja powers. Johnny can only look on. He walks towards Noob. Suddenly, A CAGE APPEARS AROUND THE COURTYARD. GIANT SPIKES ALL AROUND. SHANG TSUNG He smiles. Pleased with the bout. RETURN TO BOUT The combatants circle each other. Johnny eyes the dark ninja. Johnny gets into his fighting stance. A second later... THEY FIGHT! Johnny moves with lighting speed. But Noob is literarily a fucking blur. Johnny uses every fighting move he can think of, but Noob dodges each attack, teleporting, then reappearing behind Johnny, fists over fists. Spilling Johnnys blood across the courtyard. Beating his pretty Hollywood face. Johnny gets a brief moment of having the upperhand, but Noob disappears and comes down hard on Johnny with a spinning kick. Johnny staggers to the ground. He spits out a spoon full of blood. Forming a pool of crimson on the ground. He looks towards the crowd. JOHNNYS POV: Some are LAUGHING. He realizes that he has no fans here. But he is going to prove the world wrong. BACK TO JOHNNY He clenches his teeth. Pushes off the ground, and gets back to his feet. Returning to his fighting stance. Now, he means business. No more fucking around. He charges head on. Noob rushes him. As Johnny sets up for an attack, he stops, Noob instantly teleports behind Johnny. Johnny anticipated the attack, just as Noob reappears, Johnny THROWS A RIGHT HOOK. Then a left hook. A combination of kicks. Every chance that Noob disappears, Johnny counters the attack. Noob cannot escape Johnnys storm. 00020000075900013E73753,SONYA AND LIU They cheer on. Giving the fuel he needs to win. RETURN TO BOUT Johnny has the upperhand. Noob doesnt have any strength left. Johnny is winning. Johnny sends Noob to the ground. Slowly.... Noob staggers to his feet. Johnny RUNS, JUMPS THROUGH THE AIR, INTO A SHADOW KICK, that sends Noob backwards into the giant spikes. Impaling his whole body. Blood everywhere. SHANG TSUNG He grows tired of the mortals. Theyre winning match after match. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. vILLAGE - dAY The cotton clouds have returned. Blue sky all around. Sonya is being escorted by two monks in dark robes. They signal her to enter a DOJO. The monks leave. Sonya takes a moment, then, walks up the small steps. INT. dojo - dAY Sonya steps into a low-ceilinged wooden hall then enters a very sparse Japanese-style Dojo. She walks across the tatami floor. Looking all around for her opponent. Suddenly she sees someone behind the white washi paper is a silhouette FIGURE. A WOMAN. Sonya gazes at the figure. Moments later, another silhouette FIGURE comes in. A MAN. The female silhouette caress the male. Very seductively. It last about five more seconds when... BLOOD SPLATTERS ACROSS THE WASHI PAPER. Sonya gasp for air and goes bug-eyed, then, THE FEMALE SILHOUETTE FIGURE BURSTS THROUGH THE WASHI PAPER. Sonya jumps back, the woman rolls to her feet; ITS MILEENA. She wears a remarkable top that is closed on the neck and inversely revealing of the breasts, ending to long, flared sleeves. The top has some 'straps' lacing her exposed stomach. The lower part of it is covering what's necessary, leaving her thighs exposed, although on the back it has a flowing piece of textile with intricate patterns. She wears no gloves and instead of a mouth-cover, she wears a veil that is semi-transparent from close inspection. Her hair is worn in a tall ponytail. 000200000742000145C673C,SonYA The hell are you?! MILEENA Your worst nightmare, bitch! Mileena ATTACKS! Flexible, athletic, hot as hell, but totally evil. Sonya moves quicker than before. Mileena is faster than Sonya anticipated. Quicker than thought-speed. Mileenas attacks are hard and brutal. Sonya tries to fight back, but Mileenas reflects are astonishing. Sonya snatches up a WOODEN STAFF from the walk rack. Mileenas SAIS spring out from her giant sleeves into her dangerous hands. Both female combatants circle each other. Blood seeps down from Sonyas mouth. But she can care less. Her eyes focus on the bitch in front of her. After the five second standoff, they ATTACK. Sonya dodges each sai attack. Every chance Sonya gets, she swings or flings the wooden staff. But Mileena dodges it with style and grace. Both fighters move like the wind. But are dying to shed some blood. Suddenly, Mileena lets her guard down, Sonya takes the chance, a WHACK to the BELLY then to the FACE. Mileenas veil comes flying off. She quickly turns around, hiding her face. Sonya looks on, staff in her hand, ready for anything. SONYAS POV: Between Mileenas feet a pool of blood forms. BACK TO MILEENA She whips her body around. Her face is hideous. Her mouth anyway. Sonya looks disgusted. Mileena ROARS and ATTACKS. Sais cutting through the air. Mileena is seriously pissed off and looking forward to killing Sonya. The rage inside Mileena is shocking and yet fucking awesome. Sonya dodges, ducks, side steps all sai attacks. Suddenly, Mileena breaks the lower part of the wooden staff. Mileena still charges after Sonya with fierce confidence. With FLASH of QUICKNESS from both ladies, Sonya takes the chance and VIOLENTLY RAMS THE SHARP END of the staff into Mileenas mouth. Blood and brain matter explodes through the back of her head. 0002000006C900014D026C3,Sonya pants. Watching Mileenas body slump to the blood splatter tatami floor. INT. gOROS THRONE ROOM - nIGHT Goro sits impatiently on his throne. Tired of waiting to fight. He turns to the throne rooms entrance. Shang Tsung enters. GoRO Is it time? ShANG Yes. Goro stands up. GoRO AT LAST! CUT TO: MONTAGE OF GOROS DESTRUCTION Goro is an ultimate killing machine. Mortal men and women who face him end up broken in-half, ripped to pieces, bloody and finally dead. Tosses them through walls, pillars, and statues. No one can stop the mighty Shokan warrior. DISSOLVE TO: INT. KAHNS BATTLE arena - dUSK The crowd is thick with excitement, maybe its the fact that the Lord Emperor Shao Kahn has graced the fighters with his presence. He sits on a raised stone dais with Outworld fighters sitting behind him. The Mortal fighters sit around the arena. Kobra is already there, warming up, staying loose. His shadow punches and kicks are beautiful to behold. Johnny watches with admiration. He continues his vigorous punch kick combinations. Liu looks at the monks. As one, the monks begin to stamp their feet. The sound is deafening. Then, there is a terrific ROAR - - a sound Johnny has heard before in the caverns: GORO. JOHNNY AND KOBRA Both turns at the sound and watch the far entrance. GORO AND SHANG TSUNG A retinue of surly Palace Guards come first, coming in as a formation. The huge drums are beating in a slow cadence as Shang Tsung and Goro make their appearance. Goro in his crimson cape. Their is a wave of exclamations from the arena at the sight of him. He moves majestically into the arena. HIGH ANGLE VIEW, Goro waves to the crowd with four hands. Feeling the crowds hands touching his body. 00020000062D000153C5627,BACK TO BOUT He unbuckles the cape and lets it drop, revealing his muscular four arms. The crowds cheers grow. The drums beat more rapidly. Goro and Shang Tsung turn to Shao Kahn. He gives them a worthy nod. Shang Tsung and Goro bow their heads with honor. SONYA AND LIU Liu silently joins Sonya both almost hypnotized by Goros presence. Shang watches from his place of honor, attentive, missing nothing. WIDER: Goro turns his back on his adversary, and with two of his arms, ties his flowing mane of hair in a long pony tail. He turns to Kobra. The two combatants walk towards each other. But Kobra doesnt hesitates. He ATTACKS full out, punching, kicking, landing many of his blows, but Goro feels nothing, he doesnt react. Johnny cheers him on from the stands. The human contingent of the crowd joins in, while the fighters of Outworld cheers wildly. Kobra feints, then LEAPS and LANDS a powerful KICK, Goro staggers a bit. Goro bellows with rage, his voice shaking the stands, and counter attacks, his FOUR FISTS flailing like windmills. Kobra dodges a few, but doesnt dodge them all. One fist throws Kobra ten feet backwards. He drops hard to the ground. Goro leaps from a single bound. The landing shakes the arena. Goro raises his gigantic foot, Kobra rolls out of the way. BOOM! He jumps back to his feet. Quickly dodges a FISTS, then another one. Goro snatches Kobra like a bag of potatoes. Tosses him into the air, and lets him drop hard to the ground. Hes bruising badly, spitting out blood. He crawls across the ground, moments of sob. 000200000644000159EC63E,Goro stomps his way to Kobra. Laughing at his worthless opponent. He gently places his foot on Kobras back. Kobra stops crawling. Stretching his hand out to Johnny, Liu and Sonya. Goro looks towards Shang Tsung. Shang becomes engraved at this. He holds his hand up, commanding. SHANG Finish him! Goro looks down at Kobra. GoRO Worthless Mortal. Goro STEPS DOWN HARD ON KOBRAS BACK. CRUNCH! Destroying his spine. Kobra pukes out a ton of blood before lying dead on the ground. ShANG (eyes closed; almost chantlike) Flawless. SHANG TSUNG His eyes are closed, his finger outstretched, pointing down at Goro. Goro stares up at his master. His huge head sags a moment, then he carries the lifeless Kobra, goes down on one knee. His two free hands form a gesture of offering. Shang raises his hand. A mysterious dark wind begins to blow, causing the large torches to flicker. Everyone looks around, baffled.... even frightened. A ghostly ethereal form begins to rise from Kobras body as if ascending to heaven. Liu, Johnny, and Sonya look up as Kobras SOUL rises into the air. He seems at peace. Suddenly, there is a terrible SOUND, a mixture of moaning, crying, and shrieking, a dissonant chorus, almost a frightening musical. Shang Tsung, as he reaches out with his right arm extending towards Kobras soul form. SHANG (CONTD) Your soul is mine. KOBRAS SOUL Begins to be pulled towards Shang. His face distorting in agony pain. His arm claws the air but to no avail. He is dragged shrieking towards Shang. His face and body twisting in pain into a grotesque parody of itself. 00020000069F0001602A699,Kobras soul is dragged straight into Shangs eye. Shang BLINKS and we see Kobras encased within his eye. As Kobra falls away into the dark abyss. Cut to black: FADE IN: EXT. STATUARY GARDEN - LATE DUSK Johnny, Sonya and several other mortal fighters carry from the Hall - shoulder high - Kobras body, now wrapped in a white shroud. A solemn, solitary drum beats a slow cadence the are joined by a Japanese flute. They carry the corpse past Raiden, who watches in complete stoically. Liu accost Raiden. LIU You couldve stopped it. RaiDEN I told you before, I cannot interfere. LIU Thats why I left the temple. But where are you when we need you? RaiDEN If the Gods decide mens destiny, then there is no free will. No choice. In Outworld, the Emperor makes every decision. You have only to obey. Is that what you want? Liu glares at him fiercely, and Raiden, saddened, turns and walks slowly away. Liu points to the pallbearers and the corpse. LIU What choice did he have? RaiDEN (just as fierce) He chose to fight in the tournament and die a free man. If Outworld wins this tournament, no mortal man will ever have that choice again. It is a blistering rebuke. Raiden stands his ground, eyes blazing. LIU How can I defeat a sorcerer like Shang Tsung? RaiDEN Your problem is, you spend your whole life running from who you really are. (beat; intensely) Everything you need to win is within your grasp, but you must learn to trust your judgement. If you fail in trust, then you will fall. Liu, frustrated and angry, stalks off. Raiden shakes his head and turns to see that Johnny Cage has left the funeral cortege, and stands studying him. Raiden turns and walks away. 00020000066E000166C3668,FADE IN: EXT. WAN SHU ISLAND - BEACH - NIGHT Liu sits meditating. BEGIN FLASHBACK as he relives his horrible nightmare. EXT. hill - near lius village - dAY Shang Tsung looms over Daniels body. Bloodied and full of holes. The same cacophonous chorus of tormented voices cries. OVERHEAD SHOT: Shang extends his hand above Daniels body, then pulls back, as if yanking something out of it. Shang Tsung walks away, only to reveal: LIU KANG! DEAD! Just for a moment the voices reach a crescendo.... then! DANIEL (V.O.) (in despair) LIU!!! SMASH CUT TO: EXT. wAN SHU ISLAND - BEACH - nIGHT FLASHBACK ENDS: Liu opens his eyes. Panting. Wide with terror and sadness. Tears in his eyes. He breaks down in tears. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. wan shu island - panorama - dawN A huge red sun begins to peer above the fog. EXT. wan shu island - various angles - mornING The sun has swung through its arc and now throws long shadow from the buildings and statues. Suddenly, we hear it.... a faint echo..... JoHNNY (o.S.) GORO!!!! The island echoes with the call. EXT. sTATUARY GARDEN - late morning Johnny falls silent and waits among the long shadows of ancient warriors. Shang appears at the far end of the garden near the Great Hall. ShANG Interested in the Prince? Johnny turns around to see Shang. JoHNNY I wanna fight him. SHANG (amused) Youre challenging Goro? (beat) Very well. I will grant your demand. RaiDEN (O.S.) (voice like raging thunder) NO! WHIP PAN TO reveal Raiden. SHANG The rules are quite clear, Lord Raiden. RaiDEN (to Johnny) Withdraw your challenge. ShANG He cant Im afraid. A deal is a deal. Shang turns and walks away. 00020000070C00016D2B706,RaiDEN What have you done? JoHNNY I made a choice. Johnny walks away. EXT. ACID BATH ARENA - DUSK Having regained Shao Kahns favor, Shang Tsung was allowed to freely roam Outworld. As a base of operations, he constructed a small dwelling. In the center of that dwelling lays a courtyard surrounded by ACID where he would defeat and consume the soul of his captive enemies. The crowds watch from the outside of the acid moat. Johnny stands alone. Suddenly, the stillness is shattered by a terrible SOUND: Goros ferocious ROAR! The crowd GROWS with cheers. Prince Goro PUSHES THROUGH THE LARGE WOODEN DOORS to the arena. He raises his arms and roars his savage challenge again. LOW ANGLE: BOOM! Goros Godzilla like foot enters the F.G. while Johnny stands fearlessly in the B.G. RETURN TO JOHNNY Johnny removes his sleek and very expensive sunglasses. Just as he puts them in his pocket... Goro grabs Johnnys wrist with his lower left hand, and grabs the sunglasses with his upper left hand. Goro brings the glasses to Johnnys face, then, crushes them with ease. He drops the crumble sunglasses at Johnnys feet. Johnny sends Goro a mean gaze. Goro turns to Shang Tsung. Sitting on a raised dais. SHANG Finish him quickly. Pay me my tribute. Goro turns back to Johnny. GoRO With pleasure. JoHNNY (very cool) Alright.... lets dance fucker. Goro ROARS and charges, windmill fists flailing. Johnny does several backflips to avoid the onrush. But stops, realizing that he cant go any further. Goro stomps his way towards Johnny. Grunting as he walks with pride. Goro throws a right hook, Johnny ducks and rolls out of the way. Johnny gets to his feet, and ROUNDHOUSE KICKS Goro right in the face. It barely had any effect on him. He sends a KICK to the mid-section. Nothing. 0002000006BC000174316B6,Johnny backs up as Goro rushes after. Johnny continues to move back towards one of the fat Buddha like statue, holding a giant glass bowl of green acid. Goro throws another RIGHT HOOK, Johnny side-steps, and WHAM! His gigantic fist breaks through the glass. The green acid pours out and onto Goros hand. Burning through his Shokan hand. Goro SCREAMS and ROARS in pain. Holding it with his other three hands. The Mortal cheers from the crowd encourage Johnny. Goro GROANS and shoots out a MEAN CRY as his hand sizzles and burns. Goro turns to Johnny, ready for anything. Goro grows tired of Johnny. He stomps his way toward a Shokan statue holding a Gothic fail mace with a sturdy bone handle that appears to be wrapped in leather, heavy nylon rope covered in detached vertebrae attaches handle to menacing looking spiked mace. Grabs it from the statue. Twirls it around like a Roman gladiator. Johnny ducks, dodges, rolls, side-steps, anything to get pass the fail mace. The fail mace bashes into the ground, chunks of debris are pulled out. Goro goes crazy with his weapon, all Johnny can do is get out of its way, and make a few hits as he can. Some moments, Johnny can hardly escape the fail mace, but he makes it. Suddenly, the fail mace gets stuck into the ground. Goro is too frustrated to even pry it out. He goes insane. Johnny takes a serious punch. Liu and Sonya fear the worst. Shang allows the gleam of pleasure come into his face. Then.... the aura begins to grow around him. The chorus of the damned raise their hellish clamor. Goro slowly walks toward Johnny, still on his back. Bleeding from his mouth. Panting. Just as Goro leans in, JOHNNY PLANTS HIS FOOT IN GOROS BALLS. 00020000063100017AE762B,The crowd is at an awe. Goro grabs his crotch in pain. Moaning and groaning, he drops to his knees. Johnny gets back to his feet. UPPERCUTS Goro. Landing on his back. A few feet away from a Buddha statue, carrying the acid. CLOSE UP: Johnny pulls out the fail mace. Johnny carries the fail mace with both hands, using all his strength. Stands over Goro, near the Buddha statue. Goro ROARS... JoHNNY (CONTD) Yeah fuck you too. Johnny swings the fail mace into the glass. The bright green acid spills onto Goro: Burning his face and upper body. Goro spasms out of control, SCREAMING and DYING in terrible pain. Finally.... he dies. Melted away. Suddenly, Johnny hears a violent scream, not of fear, but anger. SONYA (O.S.) LET GO OF ME! LET ME GOOOOO!!!! CUT TO: EXT. TELEPORT PLATFORM - DUSK SHANG TSUNG AND SONYA Sonya is held immobile in a grip by Shang Tsung. Nearing the stone built teleport platform. Raiden and Liu chase after them. Shang turns and THROWS a green fire ball at Raiden and Liu. He strikes the ground, stopping them in their tracks. ShANG I hereby exercise my right as former champion of challenge! I challenge HER! RAIDEN You are a coward sorcerer! Stand and fight! Suddenly an invisible cyclone kicks up dust and swirls high in the air. SHANG As it is written in stone, the rules of The Tournament are legally bind. Mortal Kombat continues.... Im simply changing the place! WIDER: Suddenly a great BEAM OF LIGHT BLASTS DOWN ON SONYA AND SHANG TSUNG. Disintegrating them... SONYA NOOOOOOO!!!! Johnny comes RUSHING past Raiden and Liu. 00020000066F00018112669,JOHNNY SONYA!!!! They stop him. Within seconds, Sonya and Shang are GONE. JoHNNY (CONTD) Wheres he taken her? RaiDEN To his palace in the wastelands of Outworld where I cannot follow. LIU But we can. JoHNNY Raiden... can Sonya beat Shang Tsung? RaiDEN No. But there is one rule Shang Tsung failed to mention. JoHNNY What? LiU (remembers) She has to accept the challenge... or Mortal Kombat continues until she does. Johnny frowns, perplexed. RaiDEN (nods) I have nothing further to teach you, Liu. You possess the knowledge to defeat Shang Tsung. All that is lacking now, is the will. Raiden puts a fatherly hand on Lius shoulders. Liu and Johnny step onto the Teleport Platform. The storm that began with Shang Tsungs and Sonyas disappearance has now built in intensity. The Mortal fighters stand behind Raiden. They are at an awe, but are having a hard time believing that the fate of the world rest in Liu Kangs and Johnny Cages hands. The thunderous storm clouds surge across the Teleport Platform enveloping our characters in the darkness. With a flash of bright light..... BOOM! EXT. OUTWORLD - NIGHT Raiden and the others are gone. Johnny and Liu stand in the remnants of a devastated ancient city. The roadway of black ash leads through the ruins of jigsaw houses of corrugated tin, crumbling concrete strictures, streets lined with detritus to a distant mountain fortress - Shang Tsungs Palace. The roadway is lined with twisted metal and stone gargoyles. JoHNNY Where the hell are we? LIU Where weve always been.... Outworld. The Island was the last connection to home. The figment of a formidable imagination. 0002000006970001877B691,JoHNNY Raidens. LIU Or the Emperors. It was created for The Tournament. Now... destroyed. They start walking along a desolate avenue, past ruined buildings, toward the Palace. EXT. SHANG TSUNGS PALACE - NIGHT Brooding and ancient Chinese, it is hard to discern where the black mountain ends and the palace begins. A great beam of green light stabs through a roof. Like a swirling green vortex. INT. shanG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT A magnificent structure, pillars and ceilings that span one-hundred feet high. Staircases with solid gold snake railings. The green light is in fact, a laser-like pillar of souls. Streaming through the roof. The green light illuminates half the giant room. Sonya is chained to one of the red pillars. Black chains, but is otherwise unharmed. Shang Tsung enters the room from the staircase. SoNYA You really know how to show a girl a good time. ShANG Your childish impertinence is beneath the Emperors notice. In time you will learn respect for him... and all his works. SoNYA (unsettled; cracks wise) So, the boss wasnt thrilled with the news, huh? He chew you out, or is he brooding, silent type? SHANG The Emperor has no need for idle chatter. What he dislikes... (near shudder) He destroys. Shang turns and leaves. EXT. oUTWORLD - nIGHT Although there is not even a rustle of warm wind, a soft moan is heard. Johnny is disturbed by the sound. JoHNNY The hell is that noise? Liu stops. He closes his eyes, and hears, faintly, the sound of raspy breathing. WIDEN: A moment later... LIU KICKS A SHIMMERING FIGURE. Its Reptile. Liu follows Reptile, still in camouflage form. Throwing left hooks, right hooks, high and low kicks. 00020000068800018E0C682,Reptile grabs a whole of Liu, tosses him through a wall and into a crumbling building. INT. OLD BUILDING - NIGHT Liu gets showered by dust and rocks. Liu comes to his senses just in time to see. LIUS POV: Reptile diving through the hole in the wall and coming out of his camouflage. BACK TO LIU He rolls out of the way just as Reptile lands. Jumps to his feet. The fight begins and anything goes. Reptile tears into him. Fearless and vicious. Johnny enters the building. Finding the two fighters in the midst of an insane battle. Johnny lends Liu a hand. He attacks Reptile from behind, but Reptile must have eyes in the back of his head, because he saw it coming. Countering the attack. Johnny and Liu fight side by side against the wild ninja. Reptile seems to have the advantage, for fighting two on one, hes doing pretty damn good. Reptile sends Johnny a HIGH ROUNDHOUSE KICK that sends him to the wall. Knocking down a shelf full of bowls and other junk. Leaving Liu Kang to fend on his on. Liu takes a few hits. Spitting out some blood. Taking more hits to the face and ribs. Reptile increases his attack, until, finally, Liu fights back with everything hes got. Attack and counter attacking Reptiles moves. After moments of having the upperhand... LIU PUTS REPTILE DOWN with a combination of fists and kicks. Liu pants hard. But rushes over to Johnny. Waking him up. LIU Cmon, Johnny, we gotta go. Liu helps Johnny up. Walking towards the hole in the wall. Just as they near the hole - they see Princess Kitana, standing in the road, with a sheathed samurai sword at her side and pulling back a habu bow thats aimed right at them. 0002000006D30001948E6CD,Liu and Johnny pause. Speechless. Suddenly, she releases the arrow. It speeds towards them, but between their heads. It makes its mark. CLOSE ON JOHNNY AND LIU They turn to find the arrow in Reptiles head. Pinning him to a column. They turn back to Kitana. Kitana Youre finally learning, Liu Kang. ExT. outworld - ruined street - nIGHT The blasted cityscape oppresses Liu and Johnny as they walk with Kitana. LIU What happened here? KiTANA The same thing that will happen to your world, unless you prevent it. It wasnt always like this. My father was the rightful ruler of Outworld. Then his best fighters lost ten straight Mortal Kombats, and the Emperor entered the realm. Killed my parents and adopted me to lay claim to the throne. JoHNNY Why didnt the people of Outworld revolt and fight? KiTANA The Emperor sent the Spreading Darkness over the land. It wiped out all memory of their past The people of Outworld forgot who they were. LIU Ive seen this before. In my dreams. Only it was my home. KiTANA The dream is a warning. The reality depends on you. Before the Emperor enters Earthrealms portal, he will first send his legions, led by Shang Tsung, who will cast the Darkness before him. (ominous) Your people will wander dazed from the battlefield. Your great source of history will vanish. So that no one can relearn what has been forgotten. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. sHANG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT The fifteen foot tall ebony wood doors are guarded by TWO PALACE GUARDS. Pikes in one hand. Warm winds blowing around them. Suddenly, an arrow goes right through the first palace guards head. The other one turns to his partner, but, gets one in a millisecond. Blood seeps from the wounds. Pool of blood forming. 00020000066900019B5B663,The CAMERA PANS TO a dark area. Liu, Kitana, and Johnny emerge out from the darkness. They start up the stone stairs. INT. shanG TSUNGS PALACE - entrance hall - nIGHT They push through the doors. Entering the entrance hall with ceilings that soar to thirty feet. Large and filled with Outworld and ancient Chinese decorative art. Illuminated by giant fire pots on dragon stands. Suddenly... Liu stops. Kitana and Johnny stop to, looking at Liu. JoHNNY Whats wrong? Nothing. But then, Lius eyes widen. LIU DOWN!! The three drop to their face. Speeding out from the darkness is ARE TWO STEEL BALLS WITH SPIKES. The spike balls miss them by an inch and are embedded into the pillar. The trio look at the spike balls then to where they shot out from. SLOW-MOTION - TRACKING UP FROM LOW ANGLE Someone starts down the grand staircase. The CAMERA TRACKS up from the boot, which is not like any other weve seen. All the way up to reveal: SEKTOR. The cyborg ninja. In contrast to his counterpart Cyrax, Sektor has grown into an ever more menacing mechanized warrior. He represents the closest thing to evil a cyborg can be, and combines traits of both a stealthy ninja and a ruthless killing machine fit for modern warfare. NORMAL SPEED JoHNNY (tired) Oh god, do these guys ever give up? The trio gets into their fighting stance. In one giant leap, Sektor flips over the trio. Landing behind them. Sektor hurls himself at all three. Their exchange is an impossible blur, fists and feet used with their bolt action speed of a machine-gun. Liu at first seems to have the upperhand and delivers a vicious right cross but - 0002000006340001A1BE62E,Sektor catches it. Pile-drives a KICK to the mid-section. Liu soars backwards into a pillar. The fight goes on. Liu gets back to his feet in seconds. Their attack is a devastating onslaught of speed and power closing in around Sektor like a vise. But Sektor is a mirage, slipping and flipping around with mechanical speed in a deadly counter attack. Kitana quickly unsheathes her sword, five seconds or seven seconds out of the sheathe, shes able to nip a small part of his leg, where oil starts to spit out. Sektor kicks the sword out of her hands. The battle escalates to insanity; acrobatic, rule-bending attacks and equally impossible defenses. Sektor UPPERCUTS Johnny, but then goes after Liu and Kitana. Just as Johnny gets up, his hand smacks into a small stream of oil. He looks at it, knowing what it is just by the smell. Sektor hurls himself into a cannonball at Liu and Kitana. Knocking them back towards the doors. Sektor stands vigilantly. He starts his towards Kitana and Liu. When... JoHNNY (o.S.) (CONTD) Hey, asshole! Sektor whips his head to Johnny, gripping the dragon stand that holds the fire pot. JoHNNY (CONTD) You should really check your oil! Sektor looks on the floor and sees that his cut leg was leaking oil that has covered the floor. Johnny KNOCKS OVER the dragon stand, fire and ashes spill out onto the oily floor. A snake trail of fire quickly slithers all around the floor and finally hits the source. Sektor. KABOOOM!!! Robotic body parts and oil blood splatter and fly across the entrance hall. Johnny helps up Liu and Kitana. 0002000006730001A7EC66D,INT. shanG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT Shang Tsung is seen kneeling down on a Zabuton mat. Meditating in front of the green light of souls. A few palace guards around the sorcerer. CLOSE UP: Mumbling words that we cant make out. In the B.G. we see three figures entering the soul room. Kitana (o.S.) SHANG TSUNG!!! He slowly opens his eyes. Knowing the voice. Grinning. He stands up and turns to them. BACK TO SCENE The trio walks down the long room. Eyes on the prize. ShANG (enraged) SEIZE THEM!! The palace guards move in. KITANA (while walking) STAY WHERE YOU ARE!! The palace guards stop in their tracks. KiTANA (CONTD) Would you dare to interfere with The Tournament! And betray our benevolent Emperor. In his great wisdom, he knows that Mortal Kombat cannot be won by treachery. The palace guards fall back before the regal presence of the princess, her face flushed with righteous anger. ShANG How dare you speak to me with such treachery! KiTANA Your head-strong for glory and stupidity will lose for all time the keys to the Realm of Earth. (beat) Our beloved master knows I speak the truth. SHANG Our beloved master also knows you are a traitor! He can sense your deceitful heart. KiTANA (solemn) He senses what is there. But he cannot change it. Shang realizes he has been outwitted. SHANG So be it. (turns to Johnny) Johnny Cage! I challenge you. Liu steps forward. LIU (proclaims) No! You will challenge me. I am Liu Kang, descendant of Kung Lao! I challenge you to Mortal Kombat. Do you accept, or yield? SHANG (menacing; slowly) I... accept. (to the palace guards) LEAVE US! I will deal with this mortal myself. 0002000006030001AE595FD,The palace guards march up the steps. Leaving the warriors to themselves. Johnny helps Sonya with the black chains. Liu pulls out his red head banned. Taking a moment. Then wrapping it around his head and tieing it. Shang slowly gets into his stance. Liu does the same. This is what we have been waiting for, the ultimate Mortal Kombat. They dont circle, just a silent stand-off. It last about six seconds, when.... THEY FIGHT! Both combatants attack and counter attack each others moves. Dodging kicks, fists, and other fighting styles. Shang Tsung attacks with unrelenting fury, fists pounding Liu like jackhammers. Mouth coughing blood. Liu assumes a stance, cautiously circling until he gives a short cry and launches a furious attack. Fists and feet striking from every angle as Liu presses his attack, but each and every blow is blocked by effortless speed. Lius face is knotted, teeth clenched. Already sweating like a pig. Shang Tsung attacks him and it is like nothing we have seen. Freakish speed. His feet and fists are everywhere, taking Liu apart. For every blow Liu blocks, five more hit their marks until - - Liu falls. Panting, on his hands and knees, blood pours from his mouth, speckling the illuminated green floor of the room. Liu is frustrated, still unable to catch his breath. Gets back to his feet. Shang begins to press Liu, countering blows while slipping in several stinging slaps. Shang delivers a powerful KICK to Lius stomach that sends through the air, landing hard on his back. 00020000066C0001B456666,Shang takes a moment. Catching his breath. Then, puts his hands together, starts rolling them, like forming a perfect snowball. Slowly a black/green orb forms within Shang Tsungs hands. Within seconds, he unsheathes a SAMURAI SWORD from the orb. A black plated sword. He slowly strides over to Liu, who finally gets his act together. KiTANA LIU!! Liu turns to Kitana. She tosses her samurai sword. Still sheathed. Liu catches it, just as Shang strikes down on him. Liu holds the sheathed sword with a firm and strong grip. Shangs strength is amazing, bearing down on Liu. Liu takes the only shot he sees. He starts KICKING at Shangs leg. Again and again, when, Shang staggers back. Liu jumps to his feet, whips the sword from its sheathe. ....The two fighters circle each other.... They SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE...CIRCLE...SWING -CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE... The two men clash swords furiously, their attack ends with Shang slicing across Lius chest, not killing slice, just spilling some of his blood. They circle. SHANG You were foolish enough to come here and fight me. Much like your brother! Liu ATTACKS. CLASH - SWING - DANCE - CIRCLE...SWING. They ravage attack stops when, Liu brings his sword across Shangs neck. Not badly. Like Lius. Shang grabs his neck. Blood still running. LIU And you were foolish enough to accept my challenge. They ATTACK AGAIN! This time the speed, is insane. Both men attack with blurs of steel cutting through the air. Clashing and dodging vengeful steel. With all their quickness and skill at their command, they CLASH in a superb display of samurai swordplay ... 0002000006720001BABC66C,Liu begins to DUCK and DASH Shang's attack. Shang Tsung strives to cut him again. Each attack is pushing Liu closer to the pillar, closer and closer ... Suddenly with one last swing from Shang's sword, Liu BACK-FLIPS, landing his feet on the base of the pillar, and then kicks off, twisting his body in mid air, over Shang's head. Liu lands on his feet just as Shang turns around, and before he knows it; Liu thrusts his sword into Shang Tsung. Liu Kang ended what seemed like an endless nightmare. The Sorcerer Shang Tsung is defeated, to simply put it. Liu lets go of the handle. Panting and bleeding. Shang drops to his knees in defeat. Eyes widen in shock. ShANG Impossible... LIU No. Not impossible - flawless. In an instant, Liu pulls out the sword from Shang's chest and decapitates the Sorcerer's head. Dropping to the floor, blood shooting out from the neck like a geyser. Spraying everything. Then, from beam of souls, it slowly changes from bright green to pure white. The souls are leaving. EXT. shanG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT The pillar of intense light through the roof penetrates the low-scudding clouds overhead. We can just sense some ethereal presence contained within the beam, as the voices swell. INT. shANG TSUNGS PALACE - spectral shaft of light - nIGHT The pillar of light now begins to widen, as if great doors had been pushed open on the room, admitting dazzling sunlight to prisoners of the dark. For the briefest of moments we see the vaporous visages of dozens of fallen warriors, mouths shouting with joy, the spectral music of their many voices forming some strange harmony the room ceiling....free! 000200000A8B0001C128A85,The beam of light continues to expand, illuminating the entire room in a blinding glare, until Liu and the others are enveloped in a dazzling WHITE OUT. Moments later. The light recedes, and harmonious voices mute. Liu blinks, looks around, and sees.... DANIEL Standing there, corporeal, smiling gently. The narrow pillar of light still rises from behind him. Liu is moved to tears. LIU Daniel...? DANIEL I can see the sacred flame, Liu. Its burning brightly. Inside of you. Liu reaches out to Daniel. They cannot touch. Both smile with tears. Liu lowers his hand. DANIEL (CONTD) Go in peace, my brother. A second thin beam of light emanates from Daniel, connecting him to the larger pillar of light. Daniel becomes one with the dazzling beam.... gone. EXT. shANG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT The pillar of light streams from the roof for another moment, piercing the low clouds. Then it fades. The voices cease. INT. shanG TSUNGS PALACE - nIGHT Liu joins his friends, and Kitana. Johnny shakes his hand, unable for once in his life the words. A moment later, Sonya does the same. Then... LiU Lets go home. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. lIU KANGS VILLAGE - dAY On the hill above the temple, the beacon fire burns joyfully on the Altar of Light. The village is in the midst of an enormous celebration. Among the cheerful vivacious villagers, Sonya and Johnny stand together. There is a look in her eye that hasnt been there before. Johnny cant look away from it. To his amazement, she leans in and kisses him gently. After his initial reaction, he returns the kiss. ALTAR OF LIGHT Raiden, stands near the Grandfather, both smiling, pride of the mortal fighters, below. GRANDFATHER I knew he could do it. RaiDEN So did I. EXT. outside of village - dAY Kitana and Liu talk as they walk along the dikes of the rice paddy. The noise of celebration is more muted as it carries across to them. LIU Cant you stay? KiTANA (sadden) My people need me to lead them. Your world is safe. LiU Then let me go with you. KiTANA You saved your world, Liu. By defeating Shang Tsung youve given us hope. But only the people of Outworld can save it. LIU Will I see you again? KiTANA (flash of humor; teasing) What do the legends say? They look into each others eyes. A romantic connection. She kisses him. Tenderly. It last about five more seconds, then, she leaves. Raiden walks up behind Liu, smiling. Liu notices him. LIU (worried) Am I going to see her again? RaiDEN I suppose youll bump into her. Someday. Liu shoots a surprised look at Raiden, who smiles without taking his eyes from the beacon fire. THE BEACON FIRE It burns brightly, sending sparks into the brightly lit sky. FADE 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