U2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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nt. Atlantic Ocean - day A multitude of colorful fish and other interesting creatures of the ocean swim about. Submerged in the blue depths, a FEMALE DIVER in her late twenties shines her flashlight on the ocean floor. Strange CRAWLING FISH coat the entire bottom migrating toward land. These fish are abnormal. They have four legs, forward looking eyes, smooth flesh, and tails. A MALE DIVER in his early forties joins the woman. Both divers are intrigued by the thousands of strange creatures scurrying along swiftly. They look at each other bewildered by their discovery. EXT. Boat deck - day Standing on the boat, the male diver pulls a steel chain attached to a metal cage from the ocean. WITHIN THE OCEAN Crepuscular rays shine from above in an array of streams. The strange fish begin to gyrate. Their flesh expands. FROM THE BOAT DECK The cage is pulled from the water. As soon as the fish hit the ocean air, they shrivel and burst into flames. The divers look at each other in disbelief. Int. Boat cabin - day The attractive female diver enters wearing a wet suit. Her body is fit, skin near flawless. She places the covered cage on a table and shuts all the curtains so no light remains in the cabin. She removes the cover from the cage revealing three of the captured fish. These quadrupeds look more like amphibians than fish. They appear quite comfortable in the ocean air. They do not attempt to escape; instead, they are playful and content within the cage. Small webbed arms lead to tiny webbed hands with opposable thumbs as they grab at the cage grates. Their hind legs are more like a rabbits than a canines. Their faces have character; eyes glow emerald green with side shutting lids, red fringe flutters about their cute, smiling salamander-like faces. Their torsos are a blend of different colors with smooth skin and no scales. Their pointed tails wag. A BLUE FISH with green spots dangles upside down from the cage stretching out a newly formed neck. It relinquishes a tiny tongue and trumpets an adorable cooing sound. The fit, salt and pepper haired male diver enters the room. When the door opens and lets in a stream of light, two of the creatures scurry nervously to a dark corner of the cage. The male diver comes closer inspecting the fish and cringes. 00020000074C000008F9746,Male diver Those things give me the willies. Female diver Awe. Theyre so cute. MALE DIVER I dont know. Something just isnt right. Come on. Only devil creatures explode in the sun light. The female sticks her finger out to the fish that is hanging upside down from the cage and tickles its stomach. It seems far from minatory as it coos and enjoys her touch. She smiles delighted. Outside on the boat deck The sun dangles to the west leaving a couple more hours of daylight. Over the horizon The sun slowly dips. The couple sit on the deck drinking wine while watching the sunset. Hes wearing swim trunks; she has on a two piece bikini and little over-skirt. They cuddle on a fluffy towel lovingly fondling each other. The male kisses her a final time, swallows the remains of his wine, removes his shorts, and dives into the water. Inside the cabin It is very dark. The cages rattle. The grates bow. The creatures within expand as the sun creeps from the sky. They groan and growl as the cage bursts apart. OutSIDE on the boat deck The woman removes her bikini top and over-skirt. She walks about the deck readying herself to dive. She runs four steps and jumps instead. Just before her final step, the cabin door BURSTS to pieces. In mid-air, a long, thin, sticky tongue wraps around the womans waist. Acrid slime drips from it, searing her flesh. She is held in the air at the edge of the boat, face to face with the MONSTROUS CREATURE, inches from its oozing, hideous maw. She screams horrified by its appearance. Her eyes hold fear. Her lips quiver. The creature growls. She squirms in pain. The tip of the tongue tickles her stomach just as she did to the fish with her finger earlier. The slime from the tongue leaves a chemical burn, it doesnt tickle. Suddenly, she is split in half and falls to the water, her viscera streaming behind her. 0002000007900000103F78A,The man resurfaces to witness the fall. He looks up at the boat in horror. Two of the creatures soar with wings from the boat as he makes a futile attempt to swim away. He is pulled under after a couple strokes. Blood dissipates in the water. From within the bloody water, the moon hangs big, bright, and red above, wavering and rippling in appearance. Titles Begin On a journey to the dark depths of the ocean there is a multitude of ocean life: some beautiful, some eerily hideous. Deeper and deeper. Along the ocean floor, the strange fish scurry toward shore. Traveling rapidly against their migration, it seems there is no origin to these unusual beings. Once down deep enough, where fish most humans dont encounter swim about, billions of billiard ball sized pods are hatching. Discarded pod shells clutter the floor. CLOSE ON a hatching as hundreds of tiny tadpole-like creatures escape from a single pod. They rapidly mature to the crawling fish state and amble forward. EXT. East coast shore - night The undulations in the ocean water are unnerving. The moon hangs large and full surrounded by the maximum amount of visible stars. The fish crawl from the ocean reaching the beach. The moonlight glows upon their MONSTROUS SILHOUETTES as they morph from a few inches to eight feet standing on the two muscular legs. End titles Int. Caitlins MIND EYE - bedroom - day CAITLIN, 24, and DAVID, 26, lay on their bed, face to face, with their entire bodies covered by a blanket. Through her eyes, colorful designs blend together with his facial expressions. His lips vibrate when he speaks. His face is quite attractive even with light trails following all movement. There is a soft blue tone to his skin. Caitlins words roll slowly from her tongue with a strange vibrato accompanied by her own squeals and groans of pleasure. Thumping, lively music plays in her ears. Each song she hears sets a tone to each event. 0002000006F0000017C96EA,CAITLIN What times it? DavID Morning. CAITLIN I feel so strange. Good strange. DavID Youre okay. CAITLIN I gotta get up. DAVID No baby. Lay with me for a while. Lets talk. CAITLIN You wanna talk. Thats new. Hmm. I feel so tingly all over. She reaches to her ears. CAITLIN Why are earbuds in my ears? She takes one out. The MUSIC only plays to her LEFT. David grabs it from her and puts it back in her ear. DAVID Keep em in. I want you to listen to these new songs I downloaded. CAITLIN Okay. Whys your face look like that? And your voice sounds different. DAVID Im just a little groggy. I love you. CAITLIN I love you more. I had fun last night. I dont remember coming home. DAVID You fell asleep, so I carried you inside. CAITLIN Im so happy we hung out with Jeff. Im glad you guys are finally able to put the past in the past. I really missed him. I love Jeff. DAVID Oh, do you now? CAITLIN I always have. Well...not in that way...not the way I love you. Hes a sweetheart. David slowly strokes her pale pink arm. As he runs his fingers against her skin, sparks fly from his touch. CAITLIN Ooh. That was cool...feels nice. She returns a comforting stroke against his bare chest. Sparks fly as her pink toned fingers blend with his baby blue flesh. They are so in love, there is no flesh barrier. Their touching is penetrating. CAITLIN You make me so horny. David chuckles, she growls passionately. CAITLIN I hate Jeffs girlfriend. Shes not good for him...such a little self-centered slut. DAVID Yeah, she wa..is. Its not going to last. CAITLIN Yeah. Hes only with her cause she smokes the pot with him. Whys he need to get stoned so much? DAVID Hey, he likes it. CAITLIN I couldnt live like that. I cant. DAVID Ashlans pretty hot though. CAITLIN 0002000006D400001EB36CE,Ooh! You like her. DAVID No. No. Shes got a smokin bod I must admit. He snickers. She pushes him in the chest, it gives like Playdough. He covers her head with the sheet. CAITLIN What are you doing? I cant even see you...oh my Ford. She pulls the blanket from her face and looks around the vivid room. CAITLIN Everything is so colorful. David waves his hand in front of her. Colorful trails follow his fingers. DAVID You like what youre seeing? CAITLIN I like seeing you. I cant wait til our honeymoon. She looks at her engagement ring. The diamond is abnormally large on her slender finger. She kisses the diamond, it illuminates in response. CAITLIN Did you get to ask Jeff to be your best man? David seems confused. DAVID What? Best man? Oh, no I didnt get the chance. Maybe Ill ask him today. CAITLIN You better. She grabs his nipple and twists. It spirals like soft serve ice cream on a cone and unravels. DAVID Ouch! CAITLIN Im sorry. Did that hurt? DAVID Little. CAITLIN Wait...shh...Wheres Julia? I havent heard her yet, usually she screaming her lungs out by now. DAVID Ill check on her. Stay here. David pulls down the covers, stands, and walks over to the babys crib. His flesh flows swirling shades of blue as he moves across the room. His ass is bare; hes totally nude. He leans into the crib and baby sounds (coos and gah-gahs) fill the room. The room is a large master bedroom that appears alive. The walls undulate and bow as if the room is breathing. The rainbow carpet stands like blades of grass wavering in the wind. The furniture seems alive and pulsating as well. David returns to the bed. DAVID Jules is fine. He climbs back under the covers...fanning out the blanket in an intense array of movement. 0002000006940000258168E,CAITLIN Shes so beautiful. She has your eyes. DAVID And your smile. She smiles into his. CAITLIN I was kinda worried about providing for her. Id never consider her an accident, but it could have happened when we were more ready. Now that you got that promotion...things are fine. DAVID Yeah. You dont have to worry about waiting tables anymore. You can dedicate your time to Julia and your gardening now. CAITLIN Not gardening...botany. Im putting a cotton candy forest in the back yard for her. Its going to be so pretty. DAVID Cotton candy forest? CAITLIN Yeah. Ooh. Mmm. I told you about it. Remember? Im growing all kinds of flowery, colorful trees. She closes her eyes and imagines it. Caitlins cotton candy forest The trees grow from a vacant grassy field. CAITLIN (V.O.) White, blue, yellow, and mostly pink flowered trees dancing in the wind. From a distance, itll look like fluffy cotton candy. DAVID (V.O.) And flowers. Lots and lots of beautiful flowers sprouting up from the earth. Flowers sprout overspreading the ground. CAITLIN (V.O.) Yeah. And butterflies. Tons and tons of colory butterflies fluttering about. Yeah thats what I want. A mass of butterflies flutter about the vivid forest. DAVID (V.O.) And yellow and black bumblebees. Lots of bees buzzing by. Bees join the forest life. Caitlin opens her eyes. The flowers, butterflies, and bees flutter about Davids head. The bees quickly disappear. CAITLIN No. No bees. Im allergic...remember. DAVID Okay. No bees then...but...yeah...I got it. I know of such a place that exists. CAITLIN Ooh. I wanna go. DAVID We can take Julia there this afternoon. Ill invite Jeff and Ashlan to come with us. 00020000063200002C0F62C,The butterflies circling Davids head take flight. Caitlin follows their flutter as they disappear into the undulating blue ceiling tiles. CAITLIN Dont invite that bitch...just Jeff. DAVID All right. I dont think shes around today anyhow. CAITLIN Mmm. Im so excited. Awe. The butterflies are gone. DAVID Theyll meet us there. CAITLIN Okay. Hmm...I feel so relaxed. She kisses him. As their mouths and tongues meet, they blend spiraling together. His hands caress her all over as if he had eight, maybe even ten new appendages. He massages her breasts. She quivers and moves onto her stomach with her right cheek against the pillow staring at the babys crib. She groans in pleasure. CAITLIN Mmm...your hands are magical. She purrs. Her flesh illuminates to his touch when his fingers move into her view massaging her right shoulder like a pro. He does not rub her skin; instead, his fingers push into her flesh penetrating her. She roars in ecstacy. The music in her ears heightens the experience. As they passionately kiss, their tongues take the form of a female and male. Both remain the color and texture of a tongue as they caress each other in passion...twisting together boneless. Their human features emerge from the tongue flesh. The pleasure is overwhelming. They no longer lay in bed; instead, they are in a pinkish red, soft tube making love to each other. Their bodies fade from the flesh of their tongues until she is pink and he is soft blue once more. Their bodies and hair float weightless in fleshy love making vessel as if it is filled with fluid. 0002000006E80000323B6E2,With their bodies only inches apart, their hearts pound under their rib cages causing their chests to pulsate. With every caress, their molecules break down a little more until they are completely penetrating each other. Their particles cling together when they pull away. His fingers drag through her body like running them through sand. While his head is between her legs, she sensually runs her fingers through his hair. His hair comes to life caressing her hands in return as if each follicle has a mind of its own. Soon her fingers penetrate his head like squeezing bread dough. She screams in passion. CAITLIN Oh...David! Ah, ah, ah. He returns to her mouth with a kiss. Their bodies intertwine. Bones no longer exist. They are like two sexy, slithering snakes in human form, able to bend with each other in any position. Their necks, torsos, and legs braid together like chains linking. Their entire bodies become one, twisting and turning into each other. A psychedelic array of colors fill the fleshy tube as they travel rapidly through it while passionately penetrating each other, grunting and groaning. Simultaneously, they let out orgasmic howls and are shot from the vessel through the air, landing softly on the bed. Their molecules retract until Caitlin lay still on her back. Colorful, thick globs rain from above and coat her face, neck, and breasts. Caitlin scoops a little with her fingers and eats it. CAITLIN Tastes like candy. David chuckles, stands, and walks toward the crib. CAITLIN Where you going, love? David Just getting a towel. He walks to the crib, reaches inside, and happy baby noises fill the room. The room expands and retracts with each of Caitlins exhausted, yet satisfied, long, deep breaths. He exits the room. 0002000007B00000391D7AA,Caitlin remains in bed staring at the ceiling which continues to shift patterns; at times, rolling like waves on the ocean. She giggles at the ceiling in motion and rolls to her side. In the crib, the happy pink baby stands up and blows colorful bubbles into the air. Thousands of different sized bubbles fill the room. Caitlin catches her obscured reflection in a large bubble floating right in front of her face. The door opens and David returns with a towel. He sits on the edge of the bed and wipes her face, neck, and breasts. CAITLIN I feel really tingling now. Do you see the bubbles Julia made? DAVID Yeah. I see them. The bubble with her reflection bursts. Ext. Oceanfront Beach house - balcony - day JEFF, 25, shaggy and tall, stares down on the beach Two women sunbathe. Though his girlfriend lay right next to her, Jeff stares at Caitlin with a hint of regret in his expression. He sighs. He glances at ASHLAN. Sure, shes beautiful with a gorgeous body, but that doesnt make up for her shallow, self-centered demeanor, nor does it excuse her from being a bitch. Caitlin, on the other hand, radiates a soft, natural beauty. Her personality is kind and welcoming; evident just watching her lay there in the sun reading her book. Her strawberry blonde hair sparkles in the rays as she rolls her neck. She is gorgeous. A MAN walks his DOG along the beach with no leash. The dog gets away from his owner and happily runs to the women. Ashlan throws a fit when the dog slobbers over top of her. She stands and shouts at the owner. Caitlin gets to her knees and plays with the dog...rubbing it firmly behind its ears. While Ashlan throws a fit, Caitlin interrupts speaking friendly with the man. Ashlan grabs her towel, moves away from the conversation, lays down on her hips and elbow, and violently flips through her Cosmopolitan magazine. She keeps glancing over, obviously annoyed by the dogs presence as Caitlin continues stroking its fur. 0002000006DF000040C76D9,The man says goodbye to Caitlin and walks down the beach. The dog hesitantly runs behind him, stopping to sniff a patch of beach sand. Caitlin goes back to reading her romance novel. The muscular, shirtless man embracing a beautiful woman on the front cover indicates the genre she enjoys reading. Ashlan tosses her magazine in the sand, gets to her knees, undoes her bikini top, and lay flat on her stomach to tan her back. ON THE balcony David sneaks up behind Jeff, startling him. DAVID Hey bro. Jeff snaps out of his daze. JEFF Hey. David is wearing a sweatsuit. The gray top is soaked with sweat under his neck, armpits, and the center of his back. He grabs the railing and stretches his arms, back, and shoulders. DAVID Great run. Rejuvenating...you shouldve come. He heaves a leg up on the banister and stretches his hamstrings. JEFF You know Im not into the whole exercise thing. DAVID How do you keep in shape without exercise? If I didnt run, Id be mistaken for Buddha. JEFF Ha. Always referring to yourself as some kind of God. I just eat properly. My job is manual labor...dont sit around an office on my ass all day like you. DAVID Come on now. I dont consider working behind a grill manual labor. JEFF Yes it is. Plus, I sweat my ass off. David continues to stretch. Jeff stares down on the girls. David looks on as well. On the beach Seagulls fly about. A glob of white plummets from a bird and lands on Ashlans back. She jerks upward, covers her breasts with her forearm, stands, and storms angrily toward the house. On the balcony DAVID Damn! I just saw your girlfriends titties. Sweet. JEFF Yeah...sweet. Gonna steal her too...start yourself a harem. DAVID Come on now. Its not like that...she seems like a nice girl. 0002000006F9000047A06F3,JEFF Who are you kidding? Ashlan walks onto the balcony. Her voice is shrill when she complains. Ashlan A bird just fucking shit on me! Its bad enough I got some fucking rabid dog slobberin all over me. Now I got to deal with this shit! This weekend sucks! She turns and stomps back into the house. A door slams with force. David smiles at Jeff. DAVID Yep. Nice girl. Got a mouth on her...pretty one though. JEFF Pretty when its shut. Cant all be as lucky as you. Jeff folds his hands over the railing and stares down and Caitlin who waves to the guys. DAVID What can I say? You had your chance. Jeff See, this is why I had to get away. This is the shit that pisses me off. You...rubbing it in my face. Jesus Christ, you had the nerve to give her that ring. David Im sorry, Bro. I saw my opportunity and took it. You threw it away. Plus, you fucked up my shit, I earned it. I dont mean to gloat. I know you have your regrets. Jeff stares down solemnly at his feet. JEFF Yeah. I blew it. I guess I cant hold you completely accountable for robbing me of love. DAVID I didnt rob you of shit. She made her choice. You cant force someone to love you. David rests his hand on Jeffs shoulder. DAVID ...and you cant let a woman stand between brothers. Hey...look... Jeff looks into his eyes. DAVID I love you, man. Thats why I wanted to ask you... Davids cell phone rings. The ringtone is his own recording of Julias happy baby noises. JEFF Nice ring tone, dude. David looks at the phone and doesnt answer it. DAVID Yeah. I record Julias baby sounds. Makes me smile every time it rings. I got tons of her cute, little noises recorded on there. JeFF Thats cool...I guess. The phone stops ringing. A door is furiously slammed inside the house. A baby wails from within. 000200000AB700004E93AB1,DAVID There she goes. I better go check on her. David turns. Ashlan is standing in front of the door wrapped in a towel drying her hair with a cloth. ASHLAN Can somebody shut this fucking baby up! David looks at her like what the fuck? She walks away. David turns to Jeff, shakes his head, and smiles. David Is her money worth all this, dude? I mean, I know this is her beach house and all, but fuck. Jeff stares sadly at the beach ignoring the situation. Julia cries louder. David enters the house. The baby stops crying. Jeff looks down on Caitlin and remembers the past. DISSOLVE TO: Montage: Jeff, 20, is on a BEACH running on a beach in SLOW MOTION blowing a whistle that hangs from his neck. Hes wearing red swim trunks and has a red life preserver held to his side. He dives into the OCEAN and swims rapidly against the waves. He reaches Caitlin, 19, submerged in the water. She is limp in his arm as he swims her to shore. He gently places her on the sand and performs CPR. A CROWD of PEOPLE form a circle around the action. With his lips pressed securely to hers, water shoots from her mouth in a desperate cough. She appears confused and shocked, then smiles warmly staring into his eyes. He smiles back as a couple of PARAMEDICS kneel next to her. Jeff accompanies Caitlin as they exit the emergency room at a hospital. They both smile and are enjoying the company as they walk. She gives him her phone number before they part. Jeff and Caitlin sit at a RESTAURANT flirting with each other on a date. They are laughing and smiling during their conversation. Jeff stands in front of a door with flowers in his hand. The door opens. He hands the bouquet to Caitlin. She smiles and leaps into his arms. They kiss. Jeff and Caitlin cuddle on a couch watching television. He smokes a joint and offers her a hit. She tells him no with a smile. They make out. Jeff and Caitlin ride his motorcycle down a winding road. Caitlin puts her hands up in the air enjoying the ride. She wraps her arms tightly around his waist and rests her head lovingly on his back. Jeff and Caitlin have sex. He is on top of her kissing her mouth. She plays rough, clawing at his back and pulling his hair. Jeff, 23, introduces Caitlin, 22, to David at a BAR. She smiles and grasps his hand. He pulls her in for a hug. They sit. He flirts a little with her. All three of them are at a table laughing and sipping their drinks. Jeff answers his cell phone, stands, and walks away to take the call. David gets closer to Caitlin and gently caresses her hand. She smiles and appears spoony over him. Jeff finishes his phone conversation and becomes concerned when he notices the advance. He pulls a stool up between Caitlin and David and sits. 000200000ADC00005944AD6,Caitlin sits on Jeffs lap nude in front of a computer. They are laughing hysterically. Japanese speaking and sexual groans come from the speakers. She points at the screen. CAITLIN She looks so ridiculous. Shes completely smothered. Her eyes open wide. Jeff cackles as he fondles her breasts. CAITLIN Oh my Ford! That man is blasting her like a fire hose. Thats disgusting. Bukaki...I have to remember that. She laughs as Jeff grabs her chin, pulling her mouth to his, and kisses her fervently. Jeff, 24, in a clean, white chef jacket, sits on a chair in an office. He appears worried as an OLDER BALD MAN is nonchalantly explaining something to him. Jeff gets angry and starts shouting at the man. He flips his chair to the floor, throws some papers at him, and storms out of the office. Caitlin, 23, is furiously yelling while holding up a bag of pot. She throws it in his face. She stamps her foot on the floor and points angrily at the door ordering him to leave. Jeff slowly walks to the exit, looks back at her tearing, frenzied eyes, and leaves. She places her back against the wall and puts her hand to her forehead hysterically crying. David sits on the couch with Jeff consoling him. Jeff is upset, his eyes red and irritated. David pats him on the back. David and Caitlin sit on the couch. Her face is wet with tears. He pulls her head to his chest and kisses the top repeatedly. He kisses her soft lips. At first, she pulls away then her eyes open wide and close as she succumbs to his tongue. DISSOLVE TO: Ext. BeACH HOUSE - PATIO - day Jeff stares down at Caitlin. David returns with Julia sucking a binky. David shouts down to Caitlin. DAVID Hey hon! Julia needs fed. Caitlin bookmarks her page, looks up and nods, and gathers the beach equipment. David turns to Jeff. DAVID I should probably get the grill fired up. He holds the baby facing him with his arms stretched out before him. DAVID You made Daddy hungry. JEFF You should get in the shower. You smell a bitch. Ill fire up the grill. DAVID Cool. Here...take her. Jeff takes his niece and cradles her in his arms. ASHLAN (o.S.) (shouting) I cant find my purse. Did somebody move my fucking purse?!? DaVID Damn...how you put up with that, Ill never know. Jeff snickers. JEFF Me neither. Ext. Beach house - patio - day Jeff is setting up the grill. Ashlan is having a glass of wine and conversation with Caitlin while Caitlin breast feeds Julia. Actually, its not a conversation at all, just Ashlan going on and on about herself and her modeling career, not letting Caitlin get a word in edgewise. Caitlin listens attentively. Ashlan lights up a cigarette. A stream of smoke drifts toward Julia causing her to rub her eyes with her chubby little arm. Caitlin fans the smoke away with her hand. 00020000072E0000641A728,CAITLIN Ashlan... ASHLAN ...so I was all like fuck you bitch, Im prettier than you are any way. Im gettin this job and their aint no ifs, buts, or ands about it...know what I mean? CAITLIN Ashlan! ASHLAN What? CAITLIN Would you please take that cigarette elsewhere? Julias trying to eat. Ashlan makes a bitter face and speaks with attitude. ASHLAN Fine. I guess Ill just take it down to the beach. You guys just hang out at my beach house without me. Fuck! She grabs her glass of wine and mumbles about the fucking baby as she saunters away. Caitlin shakes her head slowly while watching Ashlan stomp to the beach. She stops passed the edge of the grass and stands in the sand staring at the ocean. Jeff puts the food on the grill, shuts it, and sits down next to Caitlin. She smiles at him shaking her head. caITLIN Ford, that girl...shes insane. Jeff looks down and slowly shakes his head. JEFF Ha! You dont even know. Jeff looks up smiling. cAITLIN Really...I think I do. Girlys told me everything about her from her conception through this day...and you know how I absorb everything people say. JeFF Yeah. I know you too well. You are a great listener. ON THE BEACH, Ashlan looks back at them pissed. She kicks something in the sand stubbing her toe. Jeff stares at the feeding baby. Caitlin catches him staring. He blushes. JEFF Wow. Shes really hungry. That stuff must be delicious. CAITLIN Youve never tasted breast milk before? Jeff shakes his head no. Caitlin looks around to make sure theyre alone. ON THE BEACH, Ashlan is sitting in the sand with the cigarette dangling from her lips, rubbing her foot with her back to them. Caitlin pulls Julia away from her breast, picks a plastic cup off the table, and squirts a shot into the cup. She places it in front of Jeff and returns Julia to her nipple. 0002000006E500006B426DF,CAITLIN Go ahead. Try it. Jeff stares at the cup. He hesitates, then downs the shot. He smacks his tongue around his mouth. JEFF Its kinda warm and sweet. CAITLIN Ha. Thats exactly what David said. HEAR the sliding glass doors open behind them. David walks onto the patio fresh from the shower. He throws his arms around her shoulders, kisses her cheek, and rubs Julias head. DAVID What I say? Caitlin smiles guilty at Jeff gesturing to the cup with her eyes. He picks it up and tosses it in the trash. CAITLIN Oh...nothing sweetheart. David opens the grill. DAVID Dude, youre burning these filets. INT. CaiTLINS MIND EYE - BEDROOM - day Caitlin stares up at the kaleidoscope of colored images blending on the ceiling. Everything in the room is pulsating. She is very relaxed. Soft music plays comfortably in her ears. CAITLIN I feel so weird. Whatcha doin baby? DAVID Im just building the stroller Jeff gave us. CAITLIN Ooh, I love it. Jeff always knows what to get me...us. DAVID I know. Int. Master bedroom - night It isnt day after all. Jeff sits on the floor by the glow of a lamp while building something from different baby accessories. He reaches into the toolbox and pulls out a screwdriver. The room no longer pulsates. Its just a normal bedroom. Baby noises come from the crib. Jeffs torn shirt and face is splattered with blood, and he seems to be distraught. He finishes building the makeshift device and stands it up and walks to the window. Through the window PEOPLE and CARS pack the street in front of the house. Everyone is running around frantically. Traffic is at a standstill. A MAN grabs a GUY out of his car, drives up onto the sidewalk, and speeds away, running a COUPLE OF PEOPLE over while doing so. It is pure chaos. 00020000070F00007221709,Inside Jeff turns and heads for the door. He speaks calmly, yet looks panicked. JEFF Ill be right back, baby. Just wait there. When I get back, well go. CAITLIN (o.S.) Yay! Living room Jeff turns on the television. The stations signal is out. He flips through the channels until he finds one with a signal. On television The NEWSCASTER appears disheveled and shocked. He speaks softly to the camera. His tone is solemn. Newscaster New York City is gone...destroyed. Every city up and down the Atlantic Coast is annihilated. Do not try to contact loved ones. Do not take the highways, they remain at a standstill. The government is advising everyone take any clear routes heading west. Jeff turns up the volume and sits on the coffee table. NEWSCASTER These relentless monsters continue to migrate west tearing apart everything and any one in their path. Seemingly indestructible, the government is working hard to take control of the situation. Most of all...remain calm. If you encounter one of these hideous beasts, stay as far away as possible. They spit an acid like substance that devours human flesh. People do not stand a chance against them. They are extremely strong and carnivorous, ripping victims to shreds. Jeff puts his hands to his face and looks on in horror. His eyes tremble in fear. NEWSCASTER (o.S.) Here is an artists depiction of one of these hideous creatures. Jeffs pupil reflects the image on the screen. NEWSCASTER My God. Is this for real? The newscaster pauses and looks into the camera intensely. NEWSCASTER We were just informed that the creatures are emerging from the Pacific Ocean tearing apart cities along the West Coast as well. The military has set up stations up and down both ends of the continent to get citizens to refuge. Here is a list of stations. 00020000092D0000792A927,Jeff gets closer to the television. He watches for a while and finally recognizes a location. The power goes out. He writes the destination on a piece of scratch paper. BASEMENT Jeff enters the dark basement with a flashlight guiding the way. He shines the light around. A large terrarium is built against the entire length of the wall. An electric generator sits in the corner. He finds an empty box. The light shines on the terrarium. Jeff walks over and stands before it. He sits the flashlight on a flat surface and begins removing the neodymium basking lighting. He places the bulbs and fixtures in the box. He walks over to the generator, puts the flashlight in his teeth, and lifts it with a grunt. Master BEDROOM Jeff enters carrying a bunch of lights in a box with the flashlight clenched in his teeth. Caitlins voice is weary. CaITLIN Mmm. Baby, are we going now? JEFF Im just tightening some bolts and were on our way. CAITLIN Goodie. I dont want to lay here any more. Jeff sits the box down and begins rigging the lighting to the contraption he built. The vehicle sits on four wheels and is made out of mostly baby furniture. The top is flat with a circular hole in the center with security straps attached around it. Under the flat surface is the portable generator. CUT TO: The device is completely built with all the lighting attached around the circumference. He wheels it around testing it for sturdiness. He picks up a baby carrier that straps to a parents back and leans into the crib. He picks up Davids phone from the crib and looks at the console. The baby noises stop. There are only two bars of battery left. He drops it into his pocket and reaches into the crib. He is bent over rustling around for a while then straps the carrier to his back and walks over to the bed. Caitlin lay there with blood-soaked gauze wrapped around her eyes. She appears dazed with the comforter pulled up to her neck. JEFF You ready, baby? CAITLIN Mmm hmm. Ext. Beach - day Jeff and Ashlan are arguing. The sun is just about set. He holds a joint in his hand, hits it, and hands it to her. ASHLAN I cant stand these fucking people, Jeff. I want them to leave. JEFF Well, this is my only family, so deal. ASHLAN And that trashy whore. Who the fuck is she to tell me where I can smoke? Fuck! And I see the way you look at her. 0002000006210000825161B,JEFF Dont...well...Caitlin and I have a lot of history. I love her. ASHLAN Fuck you asshole! She flicks the joint at his face. It strikes his cheek and falls to the sand. As he looks down at it, she slaps him with all her might in the ear. JEFF Ouch! He looks at her like he intends to kill her. She stumbles backward toward the Atlantic. The sun totally sets. Jeff slowly walks toward her as she backpedals. ASHLAN I fucking hate you, Jeff! I knew I am out of your league. She cackles wickedly. Jeff stops, his eyes go wide, and he stands still. Ashlan lifts up her shirt and flashes him. ASHLAN You see these. Get a good look, Jeff. You can kiss them goodbye. Jeff trembles. Behind Ashlan, large, HIDEOUS CREATURES morph before his eyes. Hes speechless. ASHLAN What? Am I scaring... Suddenly, Ashlan is soaked in acrid ooze. Her head and upper torso smoke and dissolve before his eyes. She screams in pain and shakes around her body. With every shake, flesh drips from her bones until her entire upper body is dissolved down to her waist. Her lower half falls to the sand. The creatures rush toward Jeff. He turns and runs quickly up the beach toward the house. INT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - BEDROOM - day David sits on the edge of the bed. The room is colorful and pulsating. CAITLIN Wheres Julia? David Right here, strapped to my back. He turns his shoulders to show her the baby. Julia giggles and blows more colorful bubbles from her mouth. Caitlin reaches for her. CAITLIN Can I carry her? DaVID No, I want to. You said you feel kinda funny. CAITLIN 0002000008210000886C81B,Okay. I do feel quite peculiar. Ive never felt so warm before. David stands up. DAVID What do you want to wear? CAITLIN My pretty pink sundress. Its in the closet. You know Ive been waiting for the perfect occasion to wear it. DAVID Well, I cant think of a better day than this one. Int. maSTER BEDROOM - night The room is dark. Jeffs flashlight is the only source of light. He fishes through the closet, locates the pink sundress, and tosses it over the vanity chair. He returns to the bed and pulls back the comforter. Caitlin lays there nude except for her panties. He shines the light on her face. Her eyes are wrapped in blood soaked gauze. He shines the light below her waist. Her legs are bloody stumps wrapped in gauze about six inches above where her knees once were. He lifts her up onto the device and straps her on top securely. She reaches her hands out for the dress. Jeff hands it to her. She fans it out and drapes it over her body in front of the mirror. Her lactating nipples soak through the slightly sheer material. CaITLINS MIND EYE - BEDROOM She studies herself in front of the mirror. Sun rays stream in from the windows on her, making her appear radiant. Her face glows beautiful. She adjusts the dress appropriately, pulling at it around her breasts. Every move she makes is followed by trails. She seductively dances, grabs her breasts, and turns to David. CAITLIN I look so weird. Do you think I need a bra? DAVID No, its not necessary. You look stunning. MastER BEDROOM The dress drapes over the machine below her. Jeff folds the dress up over the lighting. Caitlin stands in front of the mirror wavering her hands and arms around drunkenly trying to dance. She looks a bloody mess. Jeff tries to pin up the dress to prevent the powerful lights from burning the fabric. He shines his light on the vanity searching for something. He locates a pair of scissors. With the scissors, he cuts slits in the dress for the ten bulbs to poke through. He ties a rope to the vehicle and slides it through a slit in the dress to pull her along. 000200000D7E00009087D78,JEFF Okay, that should about do it. CAITLIN Do you think I should put on some makeup? She studies her face in the mirror in her visual memory. JEFF You dont need makeup. You look beautiful. She grabs Jeffs face and kisses him passionately. He doesnt resist. He grabs the rope and guides her through the door. Ext. StreetS - night A SILVER SEDAN with a smashed in hood and spider-webbed broken glass windshield moves fast through residential streets avoiding the PEOPLE who run around panicked through the neighborhood. Inside car Jeff drives frantic. The tires squeal around each bend. He is panicked, speaking under his breath, crying tears of fear. JEFF What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? Caitlin flops around unconscious secured to the passenger seat by her safety-belt. Her eyes are wrapped in bloody gauze. Behind her is a portion of the baby carrier. OutsiDE The car pulls up in front of a row housing community. Jeff steps out of the car. The street is vacant, but he hears people inside the houses crying and arguing. He looks through the windshield at the baby. Tears stream his cheeks. He hurries to the front door of one of the houses, knocks hard, and shouts. Jeff Slicx! Slicx! SLICX opens the door. He is a wiry, lanky black guy wearing gold fronts. His shirt adorns a Trinidad flag: Red with a black stripe with white borders stretching from his right shoulder to his left hip. The back of the shirt is identical leading down to a pair of blue and white basketball shorts. His feet are covered in long white socks pulled to his knees with slippers. His head is a glistening dome of brown. A large gold chain with SLICX in bold, diamond studded lettering dangles from his neck. He speaks with a severe island accent. To greet Jeff, he puts his right hand in the air and slams it down into Jeffs right palm grasping his hand firm for a moment. Slicx What up, mwa bwoy! Whew shit, you fucked the fuck up. Come in. Come in. Inside slicxs house Behind Slicx, smoke lingers in the air. The whites of his eyes are severely bloodshot with a yellow tint. Jeff follows him inside. The house should be condemned. The ceilings are moldy, paint peels from the walls, the carpet is dirty and torn. They sit down on the couch with all its ragged splendor: rips, gashes, cushion poking through the fabric, drink stains, burn holes, general wear and tear. The coffee table in front of them is polluted with empty baggies, a heaping pile of loose pot, a digital scale, bongs, glass bowls, bags of pills, and discarded seeds and stems. The table is solid oak shaped like the number 7 with a large, rusty, tin ashtray built into the curve. In the enormous ashtray, severely needing dumped, burns a large blunt. Slicx picks the blunt out of the ashtray and hits it four times quickly. A thick cloud escapes from his mouth. He sucks it back into his lungs. With smoke pouring from his nose, he speaks. Slicx Be some fucked up shit goin on out there tonight. Jeff bows his head shaking it around. Slicx passes him the blunt. Slicx You a-ight, mwa bwoy. Jeff This may be...the end...end of civilization. Slicx Yeah, might be. Slicx picks a shotgun off the floor beside the couch. He rests it in his lap. Slicx Any them muthafuckas come round here, Ima fuck em up. He points the gun in front of him, cackles, and pretends to shoot. Slicx A-bo-bo, a-cack-a-cack-cack. He smiles as he sets the gun on his lap. Jeff does not smile. 00020000060F00009DFF609,JEFF I need a favor. Slicx What favah ya need? JEFF You got any more of that shit from Trinidad. Slicx Fuck yeah, mwa bwoy. I gots the chronic shit. JEFF No...no. That shit we did that one night...you know...awe...I cant remember what you called it..that brew...that brewed shit. Slicx Ohhhh. Gloaming. That shitll fuck you up. JEFF Yeah, Gloaming. I need it. Slicx Ha. Ya gonna get all fucked up ta handle dis shit. Im wit ya, mon. JEFF No...no, its not for me. Slicx A-ight. Let me see if I got the right ingredients. Ya fuck up juss even a bit a gram and it can kill ya...but I know the correct portions. Slicx sets the gun next to the couch, stands, pulls a laptop case from under the table, sits back down, and unzips it. Inside the case are baby food jars full of different herbs. He goes through each jar placing some on the table and leaving some in the case. Slicx Ya know, Shaman of my home land brew dis shit for niggas on their death bed...some take it for a spiritual journey. Its not recreational. Dey tell ya, ya should take it at night...after sun down. He opens one of the jars and holds it under Jeffs nose. Slicx Smell dis shit. Jeff cringes at the mephitic odor. Slicx sits it on the table. JEFF I know what it did to me. Will it do the same for her? Slicx Of course...who it for? JEFF Caity. Slicx Ah, Caitlin. How she doin? Jeff shakes his head slow and sad. JEFF Not good. Slicx She be in her own world after she drink dis shit. Slicx cant seem to find one of the ingredients. Slicx I need da fras, da sassafras 0002000007C90000A4087C3,He stands and pulls open a drawer on the table. He pulls out a jar and flops back down on the couch. Slicx This be it, root dat make you feel so good dat it kill ya...if you put in the wrong amount. He sits the jar with the rest on the table. Slicx Yeah, yeah, I can brew this shit for her. He gathers as many jars as he can carry. Slicx Grab the rest, mwa bwoy. They exit the room. OutSIDE Slicx and Jeff peer inside the car. Slicx hands Jeff the pitcher and beerbong funnel he is carrying. He looks into the backseat through his cupped hands. Slicx Datz some sad shit. JEFF I know. Slicx Why you dont bury her? JEFF I cant bear to. Slicx opens the passenger door. Caitlin sits unconscious with her head tilting to her shoulder. Slicx Awe, fuck. They fucked ya girl up, took her eyes...and legs. JEFF Will she be able to see, or think she does at least, after she takes this stuff? Jeff hands Slicx the funnel. Slicx Uh...think so. I dunno...I guess she should have visual memory. Ask her later. Youll know what she can see. Wont see what you see. After a while, you cant even talk to her. She not hear you. She be somewhere else, wit choo in person, but not in mind. Slicx Ya wanna do this? Slicx lifts the funnel to Jeff. He shakes his head. JEFF No, you better. Slicx leans over Caitlin, moves her head back, and inserts the plastic tube deep into her throat. Jeff hands him the jug, and Slicx pours the contents into the funnel. Slicx You able to help her trip. Talk to da girl while you can. Be happy. Act like you goin on a mystical venture. She like that, she like that a lot. She probably even think she can walk...fly even. He stops pouring once the jug is half full. JEFF Okay, I just want her to feel no pain, to avoid experiencing the horror, to be in peace, in case...in case we dont make it. Slicx sets the jug on the car roof and slowly extracts the tube from her throat. Slicx She feel no pain, have no clue. Hey, aint she be your brothers girlfriend now? JEFF 000200000D840000ABCBD7E,Yeah, well, no, they got him. Slicx Awe shit. It be a fucked up night. Slicx shuts the door. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a small MP3 player and hands it to Jeff. Slicx Here. Put dis shit in her ears. Dat way she not hear what be goin on. Plus, it good music, make her happy. JEFF I dont think, well...okay. You know your shit. He puts the player in his pocket and looks up at Slicx. JeFF Im gettin the fuck out of here, going to head west. You want to come? Slicx Naw, mwa bwoy. I gonna drink the rest that shit and juss wait. Fuckas come for me, at least I die feelin good, feelin great. JEFF All right, man. Good lookin out. How much I owe you? Slicx Its on me, mwa bwoy. Jeff nods and mouths, thanks. JeFF They saying anything on TV? Slicx Yeah. Talkin like its the end of the world. Tings cant get much worse. Army guys shootin the muthafuckas, aint killin em though. JEFF Fuck. Were screwed. You know they explode in certain light, if its bright enough. Thats how I got this far. Slicx Da light. I got light. JEFF Take care, Slicx. Slicx A-ight, you take care of yaself and ya girl. Good luck, mwa bwoy. They pound fists, and Slicx walks toward his house. JEFF Good luck to you, too. Slicx I hope...I hope. Slicx holds up a peace sign as he walks away. Jeff gets in the car and drives. Int. BeaCH HOUSE - night Jeff runs into the house. David is standing there peering out the sliding glass doors in shock. DAVID What the fucks going on? JEFF I dont know. Some things are crawling out of the ocean. They killed Ashlan. DAVID I saw. JEFF Wheres Caitlin? We gotta go. DAVID Shes in the shower. JeFF You go get Julia. Ill get Caity. DAVID Okay. They run off in different directions as the monsters burst into the house. Beach house Bathroom Caitlin stands in front of the mirror in a bathrobe humming as she dries her hair with a hair dryer. A creature bursts through the wall from outside. She falls and smashes her head off the sink and lands on her back. As the creature steps over her, a stream of slime drips from its hideous maw and lands across her eyes. Her flesh smokes. The monster bursts through the bathroom door into The hallway Jeff ducks behind a wall while the creature scans the hallway for its next victim. It goes in the opposite direction. Jeff slowly creeps into the BaTHROOM He finds Caitlins body sprawled out on the floor. Her eyes are burned away and bloody. JEFF Oh, no. He gets down on his knees and feels her jugular vein with his index and middle fingers. He heaves her over his shoulder and grabs a first aid kit from under the sink. He pokes his head into the Hallway Vacant. He moves quickly. Spare room David stands in front of an illuminated tanning bed strapping Julia into her car seat. There are FIVE CREATURES shielding themselves from the light while huddled against the wall. The light sears their flesh bringing them pain. Jeff rushes into the room carrying Caitlin and the first aid kit. Both brothers are frantic. DAVID Here...just stand here for a minute. The tanning bed hurts them. We have to get the girls out of here, oh my God, is she okay. JEFF Shes alive. Jeff looks down at Julia in the car carrier. Her head leans limp to her shoulder. When David moves the seat, her head bobbles lifeless. Jeff looks like his heart just broke and remains speechless. The room has two escape routes: one where Jeff entered and the other next to the cowering monsters. 0002000007190000B949713,DAVID Im going to create a diversion. You get Caity and Jules to the car and get the fuck out of here. Go that way... He points to the door Jeff entered. DAVID ...after I run that way. They should follow me. As soon as Im through the door, you take off. Ill meet you at the car. Okay? Jeff nods as he hyperventilates. David slaps his face. DAVID Cowboy up, Bro. He grabs Jeffs shoulders and looks him in the eyes. DAVID If anything happens to me, I want you to do everything you can to get them to safety. Promise me. Jeff calms down and looks sadly at Julia. JEFF But... He doesnt say what he was thinking. David taps him on the cheek again. DAVID Promise me...hey...promise. JEFF Okay, okay. I will, I promise. DAVID Good. The power goes out. The tanning bed shuts down. David runs for the door barely escaping a creatures grasp. The monsters all chase him. Jeff grabs Davids cell phone and car keys from the tanning bed and runs through the exit carrying Caitlin, the first aid kit, and the baby carrier as directed into the HALLWAY While passing the corridor David ran down, Jeff witnesses the creatures ripping him to shreds in a bloody attack. Each monster has its tongue wrapped around his entire body. His flesh unravels like ribbon. Jeff inhales deep and runs out the front door with the car keys ready. OuTSIDE DOZENS of CREATURES wreak havoc on the street tearing PEOPLE to pieces and flipping over cars. Jeff hustles to the car avoiding the creatures at all costs. He opens the backseat and quickly tosses the carrier in. As he opens the drivers side door, one of creatures relinquishes a long, thin tongue and lassos it around Caitlins legs. Jeff pulls her from its grasp. Her legs are ripped clean off her body. He throws her to the passenger seat, gets in, and starts the car. 000200000F6B0000C05CF65,ThrOUGH THE WINDshield A hideous beast jumps on the hood of the car, caving it in. It peers through the window at him. He steps on the gas and the monster falls into the window, smashing it, and rolls over the car to the StREET The car speeds off avoiding the creatures like an obstacle course. Ext. DarK STREET - nighT The car pulls over on the side of the road. The area is monster free. Jeff stares down at the diamond engagement ring on Caitlins left ring finger. Cars whiz by almost knocking Jeff over when he climbs out of the drivers side. He has the first aid kit in his hand as he hustles around to the passenger side. He opens the door then the case. He pulls salve, bandages, and gauze from the kit. Caitlins wounds are bloody, but not gushing blood. The acid in the slime must have staunched the blood flow. He rubs salve into what used to be her eyes and wraps them with gauze. He does the same to her thigh stumps. He places the items back into the box and shuts the lid and closes the passenger door. He opens the rear passenger door and removes Julia from the car carrier. Her head rolls around limp as he pulls her out. He quivers, tears striate his face. He pants and hugs the baby to him and falls to his knees. He holds the baby by the back of her head and wails painfully, shaking his head slowly while staring into her face. JEFF Why...why...no...God, why? He squeezes the corpse firmly to his chest with his face pressed against the top of her head, kissing her soft flesh repeatedly. He looks up to the sky, sniffs real hard, and slowly stands. He cradles the limp baby in his arms and walks around aimlessly trying to defeat the intense trepidation. He gets control of his emotions and walks to the car and opens the back door and straps Julia into the baby seat and shuts the door and saunters slowly around to the drivers side as a pick-up truck whips passed him going well over a hundred miles an hour. He gets in the car and drives off. EXT. Caitlins mind eye - outside - day Caitlin is flying through the air. A playful beat pumps in her ears. The sky is pink and yellow swirls with buttery clouds. Her hair flows loosely in the breeze. Birds fly in a V-formation around her. Below, David holds a spool of kite string. He runs faster causing her to fly higher. The ground is covered in colorful flowers. The grass is long and green blowing in the wind. Caitlin Higher! Higher! David lets out more string and runs even faster. The sun is so close to her she reaches up and draws a smiling face on it with her index finger. It winks and gives her a thumbs up. The land below is colorful and glorious. The landscape is different shades green rolling through hills and mountains. Trees. She spreads her arms wide and soars through the sky still guided by the birds. EXT. dark street - night Jeff pulls Caitlin by the rope attached to the contraption. The street is crowded with PANICKED PEOPLE as he hurries quickly to the car. Caitlin has her arms stretched out wobbling along to his pull. She slurs her speech. CAITLIN Wanna go higher! Jeff Okay. Here you go. He pulls her to the car and stops. A MAN practically knocks him down while running by panicked. Jeff tilts her wheels between the curb and the car to secure her. PEOPLE scream in terror in the darkness. He opens the drivers side door and takes off the baby pack and sits it on the passenger seat. The baby is a pale blue lifeless form. Inside the car He sits down in the drivers seat and tries to start the car. It screeches with each turn of the key. He pulls the lever and pops the hood, peers sadly at Julia in the passenger seat, and stands up. Davids cell phone beeps alerting him the battery is dying. Jeff pulls it from his pocket, stares at the screen, sighs, and places it on the driver seat. OUTSIDE He walks to the front of the car and gets down on all fours. Theres a pool of fluid underneath the engine. 0002000007920000CFC178C,Jeff Shit! Fuck shit! He opens then slams the hood down with force and kicks the fender. He shuts the drivers side door and pulls Caitlin away from the car. She awkwardly wavers her arms. The baby is left on the passenger seat. The phone sits on the drivers seat. Jeff stares through the window longingly at Julia for a moment and leaves her there...alone. The street is backed up with traffic as he hustles pulling Caitlin along. Jeff Im going to reel you in now. EXT. Caitlins mind eye Caitlin continues to soar through the sky like a kite. CAITLIN No, David! I wanna fly. David Were going to take a motorcycle ride. CAITLIN Yay! I love bike rides. Okay. Get me down. David twists the string around the spool to bring her down for a safe landing. Ext. Dark Street - night PEOPLE continue to run around panicked. An SUV slams into a car causing a pileup. It is dark on the sidewalk. The power has been knocked out. People scream in trepidity. The monsters are getting close. Jeff pulls Caitlin by her rope to him. JeFF You okay, baby? CAITLIN Everythings wonderful. Love you. Jeff stares at her. He shakes his head in disappointment. She looks terrible. Shes pale. The blood from her eye gauze streaks down her cheeks. She sits wobbling on the contraption. In a moderately lit area of the street, a MAN and WOMAN run through the crowd. The man is carrying a four year old GIRL with blonde hair. The woman is cradling a BABY BOY wrapped in a blue blanket. PEOPLE shove by them. The woman is knocked to the ground. The man grabs the womans left hand with his left hand to help her up. The creatures swarm. In a bloody display, everyone is ripped to shreds. Body parts fly through the air. The womans SEVERED HEAD lands on the concrete with her eyes wide-opened and a portion of her face melted. The couples SEVERED LEFT HANDS bearing rings of til death do us part land next to her head still grasping one another. 0002000006670000D74D661,Jeff witnesses the attack from the distance. It is a blur of blood and carnage from where he stands. He turns on the generator and the lights brighten the entire sidewalk and street. The generator purrs and rattles loudly. The creatures squeal and scatter from the bright lights. Beyond the lights is bitter darkness. Screams of pain and panic echo in the distance. Jeff grabs Caitlin by her arms. JEFF Okay. Get on the bike. He ties the rope around his waist. She wraps her arms around his mid section and squeezes firm. He runs as quickly as he can, though hindered by her extra weight. The light shines in all directions from her contraption. EXT. Caitlins minD eye - day David and Caitlin ride on a bright purple Harley Davidson. David is wearing a bikers outfit and looking real cool. She is still in her pink dress. To each side of them are rainbow waterfalls leading to bordering bright blue streams with fish of many colors continuously jumping in arches from the water. The street is paved with baby blue brick. A travel worthy tune plays in her ears. Her long hair trails behind them. The sky remains pink and yellow swirls. CAITLIN Everythings so pretty. She stretches her arms out and rejoices. DAVID Hang on, sweetheart. The bike accelerates and does a wheelie as she wraps her arms back around his waist. CAITLIN This reminds me of when Jeff would take me for rides on his bike. I miss those days. She squeezes his waist, hugging him tight to the thought. CAITLIN Wheres Julia? David doesnt answer. CAITLIN Baby? DAVID Yes. CAITLIN Wheres Julia? DAVID Jeff took her in the car. Hes going to meet us there. 0002000007020000DDAE6FC,CAITLIN Where? DAVID The cotton candy forest. CAITLIN Oh, good. I love Jeff. They ride along the swirling path. A pack of deer run along side them. They gallop back and forth between each other. The movement is followed by an array of trails. CAITLIN Baby, I want chocolate. David doesnt respond. CAITLIN Honey, do another wheelie, please. David accelerates and pulls the bike up onto its rear tire. Caitlin holds tight and screams. They ride on the rear tire for a while until the bike launches into the sky. CAITLIN Whoo hoo! Ext. Contraption lit street - night Jeff struggles to pull Caitlin along. Bloody body parts litter the concrete. He tries not to look at the carnage while avoiding the obstacles as he awkwardly runs. He rounds a corner. Slicxs house is doors away. The attackers screech and scatter from the light as he approaches. He runs up in front of Slicxs house. Dim light shines inside. CAITLIN Why are we stopped? JEFF Were going to visit Slicx. CAITLIN Cool. Slicx is awesome. I didnt think you were friends with him, David? JEFF Jeff asked me to stop by. CAITLIN Okay. He probably wants the pot. Ext. Slicxs house - night Jeff pulls Caitlin to Slicxs porch steps. He bends down to lift the vehicle, but the bulbs are too hot for him to get close enough, so he shuts down generator. As soon as the lights shut off, the creatures rush them from the darkness. Jeff sears his hands hastily lifting Caitlin up the steps as the creatures quickly approach. He turns the knob on the door. It is unlocked. Smoke pours out the entrance as Jeff enters and slams the door shut. Int. Slicxs house - Entrance Jeff secures the lock. The creatures violently bang against the door from outside. Thumping reggae music plays from the living room. Jeff pulls Caitlin into the 0002000007690000E4AA763,LIVING ROOM Slicx is dancing in the middle of the room with a large blunt in his hand and a gas mask filled with smoke covering his face. He takes off the gas mask, hits the blunt rapidly, and puts on sunglasses. Hes dressed in the Trinidad flag jersey with shorts, knee high white socks, and shower shoes. He gyrates in an unusual way to the Island Music. Areas of his flesh are seared. Nasty wounds run up and down his arms. His clothes are tattered and left jawbone is exposed right above his neck. His right knee is a gory, bloody mess. In a metal bowl on the table, a brick of marijuana is burning filling the room with smoke. Jeff and Caitlin cough. Jeff has a horrified look on his face. On the couch are THREE of the monstrous CREATURES, side by side. They are in an absolute daze appearing quite docile. The smoke is undulating through the air around their heads. They move slow and awkward. One of them is sloped over the arm of the couch. EXT. Slicxs mind eye - island party - night It is a beautiful, clear evening on the beach. The group sits around a flaming beach fire pit. Slicx wears swim trunks. His head is clean shaven. THREE beautiful, topless, EXOTIC GIRLS wearing only thong bottoms sit in beach chairs next to the fire. Slicx dances around the fire smoking his blunt. He no longer has the wounds. He appears in perfect health when he notices Jeff and Caitlin. Caitlin is in a two piece bikini. Jeff wears baggy swim trunks with no shirt. Slicx Mwa bwoy. How you get all the way down here to the isle? I thought you still be up in Jersey. JEFF Slicx, are you okay? Slicx Im good, feelin great. Weze partyin mwa bwoy. I want you to meet my girls here. This is Lilia, Janella, and Chioma. The girls giggle and wave to Jeff. Slicx leans into Jeff and passes him the blunt. He takes and hits it. Slicx They be really feelin me, bro. If you want one, take a pick. 000200000AC50000EC0DABF,Caitlin starts dancing. CAITLIN Hey Slicx, I love this song. Slicx This song be the shit yo. Take your top off and get comfortable. Caitlin undoes her bikini top. Everything shakes and morphs. EXT. CaitLINS mind eye - BEach - day The vision of the beach shifts from Slicx view to Caitlins much different interpretation. It is a beautiful, sunny day. The beach is combed clean and perfect. The ocean is a lovely, bright blue. Dolphins constantly bound from the water through the air. Slicx and Caitlin grab hands and dance about the beach. His hair is in thick dread locks like she remembers it. He is dressed in a flower patterned shirt with shorts and no shoes. David is dressed similar with a different pattern and color scheme to his flowered shirt. Caitlin is wearing a completely different bikini than in Slicxs vision. The sky still swirls pink and yellow above. Slicx has the blunt in his hand. He hands it to Caitlin. CAITLIN Oh. I dont smoke anymore. Slicx Come on gril. Dis be a party. Dis be a celebrat-shawn. Hit dis shit. CAITLIN Okay, I guess once wont hurt. Caitlin hits it and coughs. She hands it to David. CAITLIN Here baby. You can have a hit, just one. David takes a hit. He relinquishes a huge cloud of smoke in a cough. DAVID Im going to swim. David dives into the sand and swims through it. CAITLIN How can you swim in sand? DAVID Come on in. Its perfect temperature. Caitlin and Slicx run and dive into the sand. Slicx cant swim. Caitlin doggy paddles to him and pulls him out. David gets out of the sand and shakes it off him. Slicx pants as he recovers from the near drowning. David takes Caitlin by the hand and pulls her to her feet. He guides her away from Slicx. DAVID Im going to set off some fireworks. I want you to stand back here. Okay? CAITLIN Alright. Be careful. Dont blow your hand off. Howd we get to the beach all the sudden? DAVID We drove the motorcycle. Remember? David walks over to fireworks on the beach. Int. Slicxs liVING ROOM - night Slicx continues to hit the blunt. It is about half way gone. The monstrous creatures still sit on the couch in a daze. Jeff looks horrified as slime drips from their maws. They are hideous and menacing. There is banging coming from the doors and windows. People scream outside the house as the Island Music plays the smooth melody. Slicx moves around still dancing and hands the blunt to one of the monsters. The creature does not take it from him. It falls into its lap. It jumps up from the couch startled by the burn. The smoke remains thick and lingering from the burning brick in the metal bowl. Jeff observes confused. Slicx grabs the creature by its arms as it leaps upward. Slime drips onto his arm. Slicxs flesh dissolves where it landed. 000200000DD30000F6CCDCD,Slicx Gril, you wanna dance. He dances with the heinous being. Jeff pulls him away from it. The thing plops back down on the couch. JEFF Dude, you have no clue whats going on here. That shits got you fucked up. Slicx Why you wanna spoil the party, mon? Everything is going great. We got some lovely ladies. Im ready to get my dick wet. Caitlin remains across the room still strapped to her device. She moves oddly to the music. Jeff glances at her and lowers her voice. JEFF Slicx, these arent women. These things are...I dont even no what they are. This could be the end of everything. You need to snap out of this. Slicx Im fine, mon. Why you come down to the isle juss to cock block? JEFF Listen to me. There is no cock block... Jeff realizes it is futile to try to convince Slicx. He is in his own private fantasy. JEFF Okay. Im going to set off some fireworks. Slicx Cool, mwa bwoy. Now you comin round. Jeff walks over to Caitlin. She wraps her arms around him. Blood leaks from the gauze around her eyes. Jeff Hold onto me, baby. The fireworks are about to go off. CAITLIN Sweet. Jeff reaches to the contraption and turns on the generator. The lights illuminate the entire room. Everything is pure white in the bright lighting. The three creatures screech, bound upward, and burst into flames. EXT. CaITLINS mind eye - BEach Fireworks shoot into the sky and burst in a loud squealing. Caitlin covers her ears. She turns to David. CAITLIN Its so loud, honey. The fireworks squeal and burst in the sunny, pink sky. It is a colorful array of glittery rain. Each rocket delivers a different shape. One bursts into an umbrella shape. Another kind of looks like a pineapple. The next explosion is pink and looks like Julia. CAITLIN Baby, that one looks like Julia kind of. Above the pink glittering another rocket explodes neon blue in the shape of Jeffs face Slicx Whatchoo do, mon? You burnt up the grils. What the fuck? DAVID Calm down dude. The girls are fine. Slicx They runnin around burnin. They aint fine. CAITLIN Im trying to enjoy the fireworks, boys. Another firework explodes into a tree shape. EXT. Slicxs mind eye - iSLAND PARTY - night The beautiful ladies are running around the beach in flames. They burn until they are nothing but black embers. Slicx runs over to a toasted girl and touches her. She crumbles to ash. Jeff pulls him away. Caitlin stands with an ill informed smile on her face. Int. Slicxs house - hallway Jeff smacks Slicx across the face a couple of times. JEFF Dude, I need you to snap out of this. You took Gloaming. Youre all fucked up. Slicx I aint take that shit. Where are we? JEFF Were in your house, Slicx. Come on. Youre all fucked up. Look at your arms. Your skin is falling off. Slicx looks at his arms horrified. There are red chunks of his flesh missing. Jeff pulls gauze from his pocket. Slicx panics and walks into the living room. Slicxs living room P.o.v. Slicx Slicxs arms are dripping flesh. It looks like hes melting. He continues screaming and falls to his knees. The room has a bitter, red tone. The walls pulsate. The floors undulate dark as if they are on water. Jeffs face is horrifying, as it shifts constantly in a warped pulling of the flesh. Slicx sees Caitlin on her vehicle. Her eyes are covered in gauze and bloody. She appears grotesque as she wavers on her contraption with a smile on her face. Slicx screams. The three bodies of the creatures are blackened and charred on the floor. Everything combines for quite a hellish vision. 0002000007D8000104997D2,Slicx What da fuck? Jeff gets down on his knee and unravels the gauze. Slicx scurries away from him in fear. Jeff slowly approaches him. JEFF Reality bro. Let me help you out. Quit running from me. Slicx Stay away from me. This is some shit. Slicx stands and runs out of the room. JEFF Slicx, no! Jeff runs to the window. ThrOUGH THE WINDOW Slicx runs out into the street. He is attacked by a dozen creatures and ripped to shreds. Inside Jeff bows and shakes his head. JEFF Slicx. CAITLIN David, the fireworks are done. What are we going to do now? EXT. CONTRAPTION LIT STREET - NIGHT Jeff slowly pulls Caitlin along on the device. He appears defeated. The creatures are all around scurrying in the darkness. Jeff notices a HOUSE lit up bright in the distance. All around him, houses and vehicles burn consumed by fire. He walks toward the brightly lit home. EXT. Caitlins mind eye - bright white Blinding. Caitlin hears voices behind a futuristic tune in her ears...five different, distinct speeches. As David leads her down the path to the house, the shapes are blurs in the bright light. They appear alien-like. Silhouettes. Enormous heads on thin bodies. Two ninety degree angles from their shoulders to their ears. Another set of arms extending to their sides. A FAMILY. As they approach, the voices are more clear, their bodies evidently human. Held in front of their heads are large round fishbowls with a single Beta fish swimming in the water. Their faces are magnified through the glass: eyes large and round, noses bulbous, lips full, mouths Cheshire-like. An ADULT MALE is in the center holding hands with an ADULT WOMAN and a YOUNG LADY. A SMALL BOY and LITTLE GIRL hold hands with the women at each end falling slightly behind like ducks flying in a V. They keep their hands locked together as if they are one. They are dressed in colorful suits and dresses that shift a rainbow of colors...every color imaginable. The adult male extends a fifth hand from his chest. David shakes it. 00020000063100010C6B62B,Bernard Man, you two are a wreck. What the heck you folks still doin out there? Its dangerous tonight. Things not goin right at all. A dark night, but we have light, the right light. It is safe here, safe. This lovely angel to my right is my wife, Lenina, to my left is my daughter, Sarojina. The tots on the end are my son, John, and my youngest, Fanny. And I am Bernard. We are the Fords. Caitlin shakes his weird hand. CAitlin Im Caitlin and this is David. You are a peculiar looking family. Arent they quite queer darling? DaVID Quite queer indeed. Lenina Grab the childrens hands and dont let go. You are welcome to rest with us. We have light. Caitlin grabs hold of Fannys hand. David extends his fingers to John who grabs it with his tiny appendage. Caitlin You are the family submerged in the light. But why? David They need the light to survive, the right light. CAITLIN Strange. The group holds hands as they walk toward the bright white. Rays from the lights streak through the air. They arrive in a grassy yard. Caitlin takes Davids free hand and holds it firmly. All seven beings stand in a large circle. Behind each individual is bright white. BerNARD Everyone step to the right. The circle shifts to the right. Sarojina glares at Caitlins huge engagement ring. Sarojina Are you married? Caitlin looks at her mesmerized by the Beta fish. It is the same blue color as Sarojinas eyes. It swims facing her in front of the left eye, staring at Caitlin. Sarojinas face is enlarged from the water in the bowl. CAITLIN Not yet, soon though. Right honey? 00020000063A00011296634,DAVID Soon. Fanny (o.S.) Mommy, Johns trying to put Pfitzner in my bowl again. Little John has his emerald Beta fish, green as his eyes, in his third, chest hand stretching it across the circle ready to drop it in to Fannys bowl. Her fish and eyes are light blue. Lenina Everyone under twenty years old take one step backward. Fanny, John, and Sarojina take a step back making the circle more of a crown shape. LENINA There. Now he cant reach, baby. FaNNY He always tries to kill Clara. She will get him if he puts that wretched thing in her bowl. John smiles devilishly and plops his fish back in his own bowl. Bernard Stand down. Everyone unlocks hands. John sneaks up behind Fanny and plops Pfitzner in her bowl. Fanny becomes horrified as the Beta fish puff their necks ready for battle. FaNNY Mom! He did it again. Lenina sighs and walks over to Fanny. The fish nip at each other. LENINA Damn it, John! Youre going to kill that fish if you keep doing that. In one motion Lenina reaches her right hand into Fannys bowl, grabs the blue fish, and tosses it. Pfitzner arches through the air and lands in Johns bowl. John Pfitzner is the strongest fish ever. He will kill Clara. Lenina scolds him with her massively magnified eyes. John Sorry, Mom. Itll never happen again. Fair enough. Lenina smiles wide and rolls her eyes to Bernard. LENINA What do you teach this kid? Bernard Hey, hes gonna be a salesman like his ol Dad. Right, kiddo? Bernard rubs Johns head behind the fish bowl. John smiles wide and nods causing some of his water to flow up over the edge of the bowl. 00020000063D000118CA637,BERNARD Whoa! Watch it there, Son. He looks at David and Caitlin. Bernard Have you folks eaten lately? We found quite the delicacy if you are hungry. CAITLIN Im starving. I could use a shower as well. Sarojina grabs Caitlins hand. SAROJINA Ill take you to the bath. I want to shower, too. Ext. Ford yard - night Jeff lets go of Caitlins hand. Sarojina stares at him sadly and leans into his ear. She is young and beautiful with long, brunette hair and a similar body shape as her mother. Stacked. SAROJINA Dont worry. Ill take care of her for a little while. Jeff whispers back. JEFF Make sure you put her headphones back on when you finish. Sarojina leads Caitlin inside the house. The house and yard is a typical suburban dwelling, well kept, upper-middle class living standards. The family is quite ordinary. Bernard has a beer gut under his T-shirt. Fanny and John are cute kids. Lenina is thin up top with wide birthing hips. The adults are in robes, the children wear pajamas. The kids have plastic fish bowls with plastic fish toys. John chases Fanny playfully around the yard with the fish weapon. Bernard walks into the house. INT. Caitlins mind eye - shower - day From the shower head swirls streams of vivid green and blue. The shower stall is bright purple. The walls breath and move like countless worms squiggling along. Sarojina stands to the rear washing Caitlins back with a free hand. Two of her hands keep the fishbowl in place in front of her face. Caitlin turns to her. Sarojinas flesh is a vibrant rose color. Caitlin glances at Sarojinas perfect breasts. 0002000006C400011F016BE,CAITLIN You dont have an arm coming out of your chest. Sarojina giggles. SAROJINA Youre silly...oh...I mean no. Women dont have an extra arm. CAITLIN That makes sense. Sarojina sensually washes Caitlins breasts with a fluffy cloth. Her movement is followed by trails. SAROJINA Your fiancee is hot. Caitlin smiles. CAITLIN I love him... Sarojina slowly washes Caitlins stomach in a circular motion. CAITLIN ...and our daughter, Julia. Sarojina gestures with the washcloth. SAROJINA May I wash down there for you? Caitlin thinks about it. CAITLIN Well, yeah, go ahead. Sarojina drops the cloth, squirts green soap into her hand, and washes Caitlin between her legs with her bare hand. Caitlin squirms. CAITLIN Ooh, that tickles. I feel so tingly. SaROJINA You have a daughter? Caitlin hums in pleasure. CAITLIN Yeah, Julia was born seven months and eight days ago. Mothers always remember that kind of stuff. SAROJINA Youre still pretty tight for having a child so recently. The walls pulsate. Caitlin grunts as Sarojina gently strokes. CAITLIN I had a C-section. All the pushing from a natural birth messes with the shape the babys head...I read that somewhere before. I wanted her to be beautiful. SaROJINA You excited to get married? Caitlin squirms uncomfortably. Sarojina continues washing between her legs, working her fingers a little faster. Caitlin quivers and groans. CAITLIN Life is confusing, quite mystifying. I met David through Jeff, my ex-boyfriend, his brother. Caitlin shakes her head slowly still enjoying Sarojinas soft yet firm touch. CAITLIN I love Jeff. I love David too...but Im not sure. Jeff has a wonderful sense of everything that involves me. His touch makes me melt, his kisses as well. 0002000006DC000125BF6D6,She guffaws and pauses. CAITLIN The amazing thing about Jeff is he really knows me. He understands what I love, where I like to be touched and how, my favorite foods, all of my likes and dislikes; for example, he knows my favorite book is Brave New World even though I mostly read romance novels. My favorite dessert is marshmallows. He knows what I want versus what I need. David is so consumed by his work, he doesnt. Caitlin continues to grunt in pleasure as Sarojina rubs her chest with her one hand still with the fishbowl obscuring her face and her other hand working between Caitlins legs. SAROJINA Then why choose David? It seems you love Jeff desperately. CAITLIN Jeff is a dreamer. He smokes the pot. He surfs and skateboards and rides motorcycles. I met him cause he saved my life when he was a lifeguard. David is in business. He makes good money. When I learned Julia was coming, it was difficult, but I made my choice. Jeff hasnt been the same since. Funny thing is... Caitlin relinquishes an orgasmic growl. The water oozes from the shower head more like slime than H2O. SAROJINA How did that feel? CaITLIN Wonderful. SAROJINA Lets switch. Will you wash me? The water runs like thick jelly as Sarojina squeezes passed Caitlin to get under the stream. Their bodies cling together briefly. Sarojina hands her the washcloth. Caitlin squirts thick soap onto it and starts with her back. Countless bubbles fill the shower area. SAROJINA That is a pretty tough decision you made. Do you really think the money is that important? Love seems to be more of a road to happiness than money. CAITLIN Havent you ever loved two men at once, Sarojina? SarOJINA Just my dad and brother. Im a lesbian. Caitlin drops the cloth and stops washing. 00020000067400012C9566E,CAITLIN You like girls? SAROJINA I love girls. Dont be afraid. Sarojina picks the cloth from the tub and firmly presses it into Caitlins hand. SAROJINA I only bite if thats your thing. CAITLIN Im sorry...Ive never been with a girl before. I guess I always wished to try it though. Im just not sure how to even do it. The walls pulsate. The shower streams glistening green and blue slime that striates their different tones of pink flesh. Sarojina grabs Caitlins hands. SAROJINA Please let me show you. You wont regret it. Ext. ForD YARD - night Bernard, Lenina, John, Fanny, and Jeff sit at a picnic table. Big chunks of meat cover their plates. The food looks like nothing Jeff has eaten before...and hes a cook. He slices a piece with a steak knife. It cuts like butter. He stares at the family digging into their feast. Bernard speaks with a mouthful of food. BERNARD What you are doing is quite valiant. You must really love her. Jeff pauses and stares at the food on his fork. He looks up at Bernard. JEFF I truly do, more than anything. Bernard pulls Lenina close to him on the bench, squeezes her lovingly, and kisses her forehead with his greasy lips. She eats a bite from her plate. Jeff stares at her chewing and forking another bite. The kids are scarfing down their smaller chunks. They are all sweating profusely. BERNARD Youre welcome to stay here with the kids and us. Its much safer than trekking out there. Its a war zone. These lights should hold until morning. Not sure what will happen in the morning, but they were saying on TV that these monsters cant survive in the sun rays...before the stations went out. 0002000006DB000133036D5,Jeff decides to take a bite. He chews it slowly. His eyes open with amazement. Without swallowing, he asks, JEFF What is this delectable meat we are eating? Its like nothing Ive ever tasted. Bernard smiles wide. BeRNARD Its them. Food falls from Jeffs mouth to the picnic table. He turns and spits the rest to the grass and jams his fingers in his throat. Bernard Its okay. Its scrumptious. Serves the bastards right after they destroyed our kitchen. Caught us one, so we thought wed dine. Jeff heaves as fluid flows in chunks from his mouth. He looks at the sweaty family as they chew on. JEFF These things could be poisonous...or mutants. You dont know if they are safe to eat. Everyone is silent. In the distance, terrifying screams, growls, and clattering of utter destruction fill the night. Lenina grabs at her stomach. Her flesh is reddening. She jerks and gags. Jeff looks around the table. The children and Bernard are quite red as well. They violently quiver. LENINA I feel so hot. Jeffs eyes dart as they rip off their robes and pajamas. Everyone is gyrating abnormally but him. BERNARD I feel like Im on fire. The entire family reels in pain. Fanny Stop, drop, and roll. The kids drop to the ground and roll around like they are on fire. Their flesh begins peeling from them with each roll. Jeff looks on in horror. BeRNARD The lights! Bernard runs into the house in a flash. Lenina screams in pain and shakes as if shes having a seizure. Her flesh splits down the center and peels away. Fins rip through her face. The children are reeling on the grass, just lumps of muscle and blood with fins. Their bodies morph before Jeffs eyes. He stares at Lenina as her bra bursts open and fatty tissue relinquishes through the air. 0002000006CA000139D86C4,Int. sarojinas bedroom - night Sarojina wheels Caitlin inside. Both girls are nude. The walls are blush plastered with Indie Rock chicks, actresses, and models on posters and pictures: Ani DiFranco, Indigo Girls, Tori Amos, Dixie Chicks, Kate Moss, Madonna, Ellen Degeneres. The bedding is rainbow. Makeshift fixtures hold bright lights that illuminate the room. Sarojina lifts Caitlin from the device to the bed. She stares at her gauze wrapped gory eyes then at her stumps. She holds Caitlins earbuds to her own ears, smiles, and places them in Caitlins ears. SAROJINA Well, this will be a new experience. CAITLIN Ohh. This song is pretty. Sarojina straddles Caitlin and kisses her. She kisses her breasts and makes her way down. INT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - BEDROOM Soft, sensual drumbeats play in her ears. Sarojinas fish bowl rests on Caitlins pink stomach with her head below it, her huge eyes staring at her through the bowl. Caitlin wiggles in ecstacy. Sarojinas fish stares at her. Colorful trails follow the fishs swim. Caitlin groans and grunts in pleasure. The walls breathe and appear as if countless wriggling snakes consume them. The bed has a consistency and color of red gelatin. Their bodies sink into the bed. Sarojina lifts her bowl back in front of her face and moves up to Caitlins lips. Caitlins face penetrates the bowl kissing her lips fervently. Caitlin fondles Sarojinas breasts. Their bodies are completely consumed by the jelly like bed. They move torridly, kissing and stroking. Like with David earlier, it is as if their flesh has no barriers. CAITLIN This feels so nice, unbelievably wonderful. Sarojina moves her pelvis between Caitlins legs. She presses her labia to Caitlins and grinds. 0002000006B30001409C6AD,Int. SarojinaS BEDROOM - night Sarojina continues to grind. Caitlin wiggles in return. Caitlins gauze around her stumps is sticky with blood. The blood streaks Sarojinas stomach flesh. Both girls groan passionately. Caitlins mangled body arches in extreme pleasure. The lights go out. Black GRUNTING, PASSIONATE SUCKING AND GROANING. From OUTSIDE: Painful SCREAMING, monstrous HOWLING, flesh TEARING. Jeff (o.S.) Caitlin! CLOSER howls and grunting. A small flashlight clicks on. Sarojina shines the light to the window while putting on a long nightshirt. A CREATUREs claw bursts through the glass. She screams. It has red hair just like Leninas. She searches Caitlins device. CAITLIN Whats going on? Why did you stop? That was fun. SAROJINA How do you turn this damned thing on? CAITLIN You already turned me on. Caitlin cackles strangely. SAROJINA Shut the fuck up. This isnt funny. Footsteps quickly approach the room. The door bursts open. Sarojina shines the light in the direction. Its Jeff. JEFF We need to get out of here...NOW! A CREATURE appears in the doorway. SaROJINA No shit. Jeff hits a switch on the device and the lights illuminate the room. The hideous creature bursts into flames in the doorway. The monster that was crawling through the window explodes into flames and squeals in pain. Glass shatters when the beast explodes. Jeff grabs Caitlin from the bed. The bed is soaked under her lower region. JeFF Come on, baby. We got to go. CAITLIN Awe! But Sarojina was teaching me how to scissors. Jeff looks at Sarojina bewildered. She shrugs her shoulders. SAROJINA Might be my last opportunity for sex. Jeff shakes his head with a half smile. He straps Caitlin into her device. 00020000067800014749672,Jeff Wheres her dress? SAROJINA Whats it matter anymore? Jeff gives her an angry glare. SAROJINA Chill. Its in the bathroom. Im not going in there. Here, I have something that should fit her. Sarojina pulls an outfit out of the closet. Its an old time maidens dress. SAROJINA She doesnt need to be such a tatterdemalion, this ones not as bad. Jeff rips the dress from her and lets it fall over Caitlin. It gets caught on her head. From within the dress, she speaks. CAITLIN Where are David and Julia? Jeff pulls the dress down from her head. JEFF I am David. CAITLIN You are not. Youre Jeff. I know your voice. Jeff turns to Sarojina. Jeff Do you have any scissors? CAITLIN Yay! Scissors! Sarojina shakes her head. SAROJINA Not in here. Jeff bites at the dress to form a hole then rips slits to put over the lights. CAITLIN I want to hold Julia. JEFF David took Julia in the car. Remember...we rode the bike. Caitlin slowly shakes her head as Jeff continues to bite at and rip the dress. The coagulated blood clings to her cheeks from the gauze around her eyes. CAITLIN Im so confuged. Yutergerdin. Caitlin sloppily dances on top of the contraption. Sarojina smiles. SAROJINA You go girl. Shake that booty. The smile falls from Sarojinas face. She pulls Jeff close and whispers. SAROJINA Are my parents okay? Jeff looks sadly to the floor and slowly shakes his head. Sarojina wells up and bursts into tears. SAROJINA No, no, no. They went peacefully I hope. Please tell me they went peacefully. Jeff finishes the final hole and loops it over the remaining light. He ignores the request. She grasps him by the collar and gets in his face. 00020000080900014DBB803,SAROJINA Answer me! Jeff Something must have gotten to the generator. Once the lights went out, it was all over. Im sorry. Sarojina runs toward the opened door. Jeff grabs her shirt from behind and stops her. Caitlin continues dancing on the cart. JEFF Wait for us. Theres nothing you can do, theyre gone...besides, you dont want to see that. INT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - NIGHTCLUB A whimsical disco beat plays in Caitlins ears. Jeff is standing cocked to his side, leaning, while holding his arms at an angle making a motion like hes reeling in a fish with an invisible fishing rod. Sarojina motions as if she is trying to start an non-existing lawn mower. A strobe light flashes like they are in a music video. CAITLIN Howd we get to the club? She laughs uproariously. CAITLIN You guys are dancing so peculiar. This has been such a strange day. EXT. FORD YARD - NIGHT Sarojina trembles with tears streaming from her eyes. On the grass next to the discarded pajamas and robe is the thick flesh of her siblings and mother, peeled as though they shed their skin. Sarojina stops and stares in horror. She picks up the coat of her mother. Jeff pulls Caitlin through the yard as she oddly gyrates above the vehicle. JEFF Come on. Put that down. Shes gone. Just keep moving, Sarojina. Caitlin points her right index finger to the sky and swirls her hips. CAITLIN Webongagiicankerdgunter. Jeff looks at her and shakes his head. Sarojina controls her emotions, gently places her mothers remains over the back of a lawn chair, and follows Jeff as he pushes Caitlin along. Ext. ConTRAPTION LIT STREET - niGHT Jeff pulls Caitlin along by the rope. Sarojina walks beside them, crying. As they move down the road avoiding the bloody, torn body parts and carnage that pollute the concrete, the creatures howl and scurry in the darkness to avoid the bright lights. There are no human screams, the area is wiped out. One of the ten lights has burnt out, but the remaining bulbs illuminate a circular area around them. Caitlin moves oddly on the contraption. 000200000654000155BE64E,The moon hangs full and steady in the sky. The group rapidly moves down the street. CAITLIN Ingonatodataleaf. Jeff smirks and rubs the back of his neck. Ahead in the darkness, BOOMING BLASTS of light hit creatures in large fleshy explosions. Another and another from two different positions. Jeff halts. A sign of life. Sarojina keeps walking wiping at her tears. Jeff grabs her by the arm and pulls her back. JEFF Wait, there is something going on up ahead. SAROJINA Maybe its soldiers. They can help us. JEFF Some people are not trying to help others. Tonight is about surviving. The more the wearier. The shadowy figures approach. Once close enough, it is clearly an OLDER MAN in his fifties and a YOUNGER GUY in his twenties, maybe early thirties. Both are machismo and dressed in Army fatigues with the sleeves cut off at the shoulders. They have large, unusual looking guns strapped to their backs and hips. Both are scarred, their arm flesh seared, holding strange firearms in their hands as well. Older man Hello friends. Its great to find some survivors. He stares at Caitlins device. OLDER MAN Brilliant. Brilliant. Using light defense. Were using the light as offense. Killing the fuckers. The younger guy stands still as a statue. Jeff Were heading west...just trying to get to sanctuary. The older man cackles wickedly. His friend breaks his statue stance and does the same. OLDER MAN There aint no sanctuary. These things are tearing the world apart. Theres no choice but to fight back. He points to Caitlins vehicle with his eyebrows. OLDER MAN You reckon that generator will last the night. 0002000007B200015C0C7AC,Jeff nods. JEFF Should, we hope. Youre welcome to join us if you want. The men chortle. Older MAN You wish. We dont need yall anchorin us down. Get that messed up bitch off of there. Were taking that cart. He reaches for the device. Jeff steps between the older man and Caitlin. CAITLIN Elotrangan. Anunimeeniecom. Younger man What that fucked up bitch just say? EXT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - FIELD of sheets - DAY The sky is pink and orange swirls with yellow clouds drifting slowly by the bright red sun. The group stands in a grassy field. Jovial music plays in Caitlins ears. Jeff and Sarojina begin melting like candles. Sarojinas fish bowl drops from her hands as they liquefy. Her face is a featureless span of pink flesh under her hair. Her features were in the bowl. Caitlin grabs Jeff as he sifts through her fingers. His voice melts as he speaks. JEFF Dont worry, Caity. Ill be back. Meet you at the cotton candy... Both her friends are reduced to colorful puddles of wax. Caitlin is all alone. She looks around. In the distance to her right are large mountains. Similar glorious scenery is on her left. The landscape seems to undulate and shift. Lively, colorful, LARGE SHEER SHEETS dance weightlessly in the breeze throughout the field. A green sheet hovers in a perfect rectangle and lifts off into the air. Behind it are TWO STRANGE BEINGS. Their flesh has a fluffy, marshmallow look to it. The MAN and WOMAN approach her. They stand before her nude but not anatomically correct, or perhaps they already ate those parts. The womans breasts are lacking nipples with multiple bite marks and chunks missing. The mans groin is also bitten. That could be the remains of a marshmallow testicle down low around the picked at flesh. They both pick at each other devouring one another. Half of the mans torso is gone. The womans throat has a large chunk missing. Her left arm is consumed to her elbow. She puts it to her mouth and eats some more. 000200000688000163B8682,CAITLIN Mmm. You look delicious. May I have a taste? The sheer SHEETS wiggle in the air around them, at times getting very close. They change shapes frequently, blowing weightless, guided by the wind. When close enough, faces appear through the sheer material like there is someone behind the sheet scowling at her in disapproval, then they just drift away. The marshmallow guy extends his arm out for her to pull a piece off of him. She tears a chunk and slams it into her smiling mouth. Caitlin becomes dizzy and squeals as her body totally spirals and swirls in a boneless twist like a towel being rung out. She unravels quickly in a spin, recovers, and asks. CAITLIN Oh my. What happened? Im so dizzy now. You are yummy though. So sweet...sweeter than I expected. Marshmallow guy Theres a cost to taste something so sweet. We are gustatory creatures, we are. EXT. CONTRAPTION LIT STREET - NIGHT Caitlin awkwardly picks at the air in front of her and lifts her hand to her mouth a few times between which she twists her body oddly. OlDER MAN What is she doing? Jeff and Sarojina back away from the guys; Jeff pushes Caitlin with his back to her. JEFF Stay away from us. The older man lifts his leg and pulls a small gun from his ankle. He aims it at Jeff. Sarojina and Jeff put their hands up in the air. OLDER MAN Them big guns are for the creatures. This one here is for acquisitions. Were taking that there cart if you like it or not. EXT. CaITLINS MIND EYE - FIELD of sheets - DAY Caitlin peels another piece of marshmallow flesh from her new friend and eats it. Her body spirals once again. She stumbles around as she recovers. It is quite exhausting. 00020000064D00016A3A647,CAITLIN Delicious, but I shouldnt have any more. The man holds his leg out to her. She shakes her head no. She stares as he takes a large bite of his lady friend. The marshmallow woman bites off his ear. CAITLIN Doesnt that hurt? How do you expect to move on in life if you keep eating yourself? The man bellows deep. MarSHMALLOW GUY We are destined to devour our existence, dear. It is the purpose of life. The man takes another large piece from his friend. He speaks with a full mouth the entire time. CAITLIN What sort of purpose is that? Seems silly to me. The woman never speaks. Shes too busy chomping. MarSHMALLOW GUY A very important purpose, not silly. We are here to point you in the correct direction. The woman breaks off the mans leg from the knee down and rapidly devours it. He hops around to keep his balance. The sheer sheets continue to blow all around. CAITLIN Where do I go? MarSHMALLOW GUY Just follow the path. You will enter the Bukaki forest and, though it wont be pleasant, once you make it through you will find the truth. CAITLIN The truth? I dont understand. What truth? The man and woman continue picking each other apart. MarSHMALLOW GUY You will discover with whom your true heart lie. Everything will be clear as a cloudless afternoon: the man, the child, the truth. Portions of his lady friend dangle from his stuffed mouth. CAITLIN Please stop eating. Its gross. MarSHMALLOW GUY We are overindulgent by nature. The very beings of gluttony. Our kind only last for a few hours before we are gone. If we do not usurp ourselves, we are. We cant fight the urge alas. 00020000067900017081673,Both marshmallow people are devoured below the waist. The woman offers Caitlin another bite. She turns her back disgusted. CAITLIN No, I cant. MArSHMALLOW GUY It is quite difficult to turn down. So delectable. Caitlin quickly spins around. CAITLIN The sweetest candy Ive ever tasted, I admit. I need no more. She squats into a baseball catchers position to address the man. CAITLIN Now what path? All I see is grass and sky and all these sheets blowing around. The woman lay on the ground eating the guy in large chunks. Caitlin sits on her ass impatiently waiting for the answer. The man points with his stumps. Caitlin looks in the direction. The grass dies in a three feet wide clearing that stretches to an unusual cluster of white, dripping, humongous Japanese Banzai trees in the far distance. She squints to see it. She looks at the guy on the grass. He is only a head. The last of the woman is being chewed. CAITLIN I see. Thank you my strange friend. The head mumbles your welcome as his lip pulls up over his nose and soon nearly the entire man is gone. Only an ear remains alone on the grass. Caitlin picks it up and stares at it pinched between her fingers. CAITLIN Im sure one more taste wont hurt; besides, I may never have this opportunity again. She swipes a violet sheet, lingering very close to her, out of the air, tosses the marshmallow in her mouth, and squeals as her body spirals once more. Ext. ContraPTION LIT STREET - night Jeff continues to back Caitlin away from the armed men. The younger guy holds a gun to Sarojinas head. YounGER MAN Give us the cart or I kill her...BANG! Sarojina and Jeff jump startled. 000200000704000176F46FE,The older man has his gun drawn on Jeff. The men laugh devilishly. SAROJINA Let him just kill me. I have no reason to live. Jeff communicates with Sarojina using his eyes. She nods a bit. Jeff slides behind Caitlin. He reaches down. Just as the lights go out, Sarojinas heel strikes the younger man in his crotch. He leans forward and grabs between his legs in pain as she drops to the ground and rolls away. Two shots fire from the older mans gun in the blackened night. Sarojina lay still on the ground. Another shot and she jerks upward. Growls and rapid scurrying surround them. A tongue lassos around the younger guys waist. The older man grabs his light gun and blasts at the creatures rushing them. The monsters explode with each bolt of light. The younger guy is torn in half and falls to the concrete. Jeff rolls over to the younger mans corpse and grabs the light gun and pistol still clenched in his hand. He blasts every monster that comes close to Caitlin. The older man fires at the creatures. The generator powers up and bright lights illuminate the night once more. Every hideous creature within range bursts into fire. Some are able to retreat before they are destroyed. The older man slyly smiles and looks at Caitlin. He takes a step toward her and reaches, when suddenly, his right eye expels a gush of blood followed by a cloud of smoke through the wound. He falls dead to the ground. Jeff stands behind him with the smoking gun in his hand. He looks at Sarojina. Her eyes are wide-open with a small bullet hole centering her forehead trickling blood. Her shirt has two blood soaked holes, one at her heart, another on her stomach. Jeff slowly shakes his head biting his lower lip. He sadly sighs with a vibrato in his growl. His eyes look sunken and tired. 0002000006DF00017DF26D9,Caitlin remains on the cart wriggling her arms around in front of her speaking oddly. Her face wears an expression of imbecile happiness. Jeff cant understand what she is saying. He gathers all the weapons the guys were carrying, strapping some to his person and the rest to Caitlins vehicle. He gets behind her and pushes onward. Int. CaitLINS Bathroom - night Caitlin sits on the toilet waiting for the results of her home pregnancy test. The colors change: clear, blue, easy. She sighs and stands up still peering at the results in disbelief. She looks at her reflection for a long moment pondering her situation, at first distraught, then she shakes it off and smiles. She races into her BEDROOM And leaps excited on to the bed, holds up the test, and sits it on a night stand. CLOSE UP on her face. CAITLIN Baby, Ive got some exciting news. Int. Restaurant kitchen - day A hand sets a plate of delicious food under the heat lamp in the server window. Jeff looks at the clock. It is 2:08 P.M. He is dressed in a white chefs jacket stained with the days special and chili pepper patterned chef pants. He wears a ball cap on his head. He lifts the hat and runs his hand through his hair. His face is sweaty. He turns to his COWORKER, a similarly dressed, hefty man in his early thirties with a stylish beard and tattoos smothering his forearms. Jeff picks a towel from a metal pan and wipes down the metal surfaces. JEFF You sure youll be fine? Coworker Yeah. No one comes in between two and five any way. Everything is prepped. Ill be cool. JEFF Thanks dude. I appreciate it. CoWORKER I hope you get it, bro. Youre above this job. JEFF This is my third interview. I should know today. I passed the drug test...that was the hardest part. 0002000006C2000184CB6BC,CoWORKER If you get it, lets hook up and celebrate. Ill roll up the biggest blunt youve ever seen. I can even get a little... He holds his finger to his nose and sniffs. Jeff smiles. JEFF Nah...Im done with that shit. Im only doing this for Caity. It was devastating when she dumped me. I understand though. Id do anything for her. She deserves better than this. I never wanted to be an office jockey, but I guess everyone ends up in line for the societal meat grinder at some point...especially if you want to provide for a family. The job just pays so much more. The coworker grins as he cleans the grill. Jeff sets the towel in a pan of sanitizer and grabs a plastic bag of clothes from a table. CoWORKER Try raising three boys on this pay. I know what youre sayin dude. Jeff walks into the walk-in cooler. Int. Office - day Jeff stands up and shakes a WOMANs hand. Her hair and attire are completely business professional. Jeff is wearing a suit and tie. His face is clean-shaven and hair is neatly combed. Woman Welcome aboard. Do you have any further questions? Jeff No, youve answered everything. I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you. WOMAN Ill see you Wednesday for your orientation. Outside the office Jeff clenches his fist and jams his elbow into his chest lifting his knee at the same time in celebration. Jeff Yes! The SECRETARY sits behind his desk. He smiles at Jeff. Secretary Congratulations! Jeff nods with a grin. Jeff Thank you. He walks toward the elevator. Int. Jeffs car - night Jeff is still in his suit. He takes a diamond ring out of a box and places it around the green tissue wrapping of a single red rose. He stares ahead through the windshield with a confused look on his face. 0002000006D500018B876CF,Ext. Caitlins house - night Jeff gets out of his car and walks to the sedan parked in front of his car. He looks inside with a grimace. With the key ready in front of him, he walks up the path to the door. The rose is in his other hand behind his back. He opens the door and sneaks inside. Int. Caitlins house He walks inside and immediately hears sexual grunts and groans coming from the bedroom. He tiptoes to the entrance. The door is cracked open. His eyes open wide in shock as he stares. Inside the bedroom Caitlin grunts and squeals as she rides David in a reverse cowgirl position. David grips her firmly by the hair. She claws violently at his legs. Hallway Jeff takes a grieving step backward and puts his hand on his forehead. His eyes flow. The lachrymose feelings of loss consume him. The groans get louder and the bed rocks faster inside the bedroom. Jeff slowly walks toward the exit. He looks at the rose and ring, tosses them in the trash can, and walks out the door. Ext. Caitlins house Jeffs cars trunk opens. With tears rolling through his five oclock shadow, he pulls a nine-iron out of his golf bag and saunters over to Davids sedan. He twirls the club smoothly around his fingers and bashes the front headlights and window out in three solid strikes. The alarm goes off. He twirls the club as he moves back to his car, opens the door, tosses the weapon in the back seat, and gets in. The car starts up, the tires squeal, and it speeds away. The lights turn on inside Caitlins house. The car rounds the corner right before David storms out the front door wearing just his boxers with his keys in his hand. He shuts off the alarm, walks over to his car, and stares at it disgusted with his arms over his head. 00020000083A00019256834,Int. Caitlins house David angrily stomps inside and notices the rose in the trash can. He picks it out and slides the ring from the wrapping. He looks at it inquisitively and then to the door. He slowly walks over and looks outside. CAITLIN (o.S.) Is everything okay, baby? Outside The door slams shut. THROUGH THE WINDOW David is down on the one knee with the ring and rose held out before him. Caitlin is stunned. Excitement overcomes her. She dances in puerile celebration as tears of joy roll down her cheeks. EXT. Caitlins mind eye - field of sHEETS - day Caitlin walks along the path alone. The macadam is overspread with broken marble glistening in the sun. The sheer sheets of random colors are plentiful floating lively in the air. She snags a sheet that lingers too close and places it in her hand with many others she has collected. They wriggle in her grasp. A cloud of bees swarm at her from behind. She turns and her eyes are consumed by fear. CAITLIN Holy shit. She takes off running along the trail. Her legs take long running strides as she runs from the bees toward the forest off in the distance. The sun is shifting a deeper orange color above the mountains to her right. Suddenly, she smacks into an invisible wall and falls to the ground. BLACK Caitlin opens her eyes. Everything is hazy. Through the invisible barrier, she sees her destination. From the cluster of trees ahead, thousands of streams of semi-translucent, white cream shoots through the air and rain from above. The earth surrounding the forest is smothered with the slime, white as snow. She stands, looks behind her, and bangs on the invisible barrier in frustration. It appears the bees have given up. Not one insect buzzes in the air. A bony, wrinkled claw emerges from the edge off the macadam and grabs her by the ankle. She falls to the ground once more and pulls at the claw attempting to free herself. Two more bone-like hands grab her wrists and pull her flat to the ground. Her free foots kicks at the fist securing her other leg to the ground. Yet another skinny claw restrains that ankle. 00020000062600019A8A620,A VERMILION SHEET floats in the air above her. It twists and turns in her line of view for a while until an imprint of a beautiful female face forms in the center. Below the face, the crimson sheet dangles like a dress. Above the face, the sheet splits appearing like long, flowing hair. The mouth speaks in a warbled, yet lovely, feminine voice. Vermilion sheet And where are you off to so hastily, missy? CAITLIN I am trying to get to the Bukaki Forest, but Ive seemed to ever so happened to hit a wall. The sheet hovers holding its shape. VERMILION SHEET And why would you like to wind up in such a direful place? CAITLIN My tasty friend told me that beyond the woods just so happens to be where I will find the answer. VERMILION SHEET The answer to what, my pretty? CAITLIN Im not quite so sure...to the question, I guess. VERMILION SHEET ...and what, per say, is the question? CAITLIN With whom my true heart lies, of course. Caitlin remains restrained staring up at the odd sheet. A portion of the cloth points to Caitlins right hand, which still grips the wriggling rainbow of sheer sheets. VERMILION SHEET What are you doing with my friends and family there? Caitlin releases the array of sheets. They catch a breeze and flutter away. CAITLIN Im sorry...I didnt realize... The sheet twists abruptly, the face gets closer. VERMILION SHEET And why would you care to learn the answer to a question you must already know, foolish girl? CAITLIN Excuse me, ma'am, but you certainly ask quite a bit of questions. I would like to be released now. VERMILION SHEET 00020000098C0001A0AA986,Why do you persist to seek answers when obviously only questions are being asked? The claws release Caitlin and retract into the earth. She sits up with her hands behind her back glaring at the mesmerizing beauty of the sheer cloth. CAITLIN I was told to follow the path. There must be something important passed that barrier in those trees where it appears to be snowing...yet here is quite warm and comforting. The sheet swirls in the air with a blusterous snigger and swoops down close to Caitlins face. Caitlins eyes open wide. VERMILION SHEET Honey, what makes you so sure that is snow? CAITLIN Its white. The sheet giggles. Caitlin stands. CAITLIN Enough of this foolishness. How do I get to the other side? The sheet excels into the air, shoots in spiral flight to Caitlins right, and points in the form of an arrow. It holds the form for a moment and returns to Caitlin. VERMILION SHEET Havent you noticed the cave over there? Isnt that Womb Rock? Dont you think that may be the only way? CAITLIN I was told to follow the macadam. No one mentioned such a place as Womb Rock. The trail ends here and continues on the other side. Caitlin squints to her right. CAITLIN That hole is too small. Theres no way I could ever fit. VERMILION SHEET Are you a stupid little girl? Caitlin turns as red as the sheet in anger. She stomps her foot and gets in its face. CAITLIN First off, I am not a little girl...I am a woman! And Im not stupid! The sheet hisses at her. Caitlin grabs it from the air. It relinquishes its shape and falls limp in her hand. She airs it out and stares at it. CAITLIN I am rather fond of your color. I think Ill keep you. Caitlin ties it around her head like a bandana and walks through the grass toward the opening in the mountain. It seems to shrink even more the closer she gets. Caitlin stops her amble. CAITLIN Peculiar. She walks up to the small opening wondering how she could ever fit. She touches the rocky side of the gap. It turns pink and fleshy in response to her touch. CAITLIN Oh my. She puts her other hand on the opposing rock. It too turns to warm skin and gives enough for her to squeeze through. She tries to enter when the vermilion sheet unravels itself from her head and lifts into the air. The face forms and glares at her. VERMILION SHEET Do you really think you can just climb in there? Wouldnt it be a good idea to take off your clothes first? CAITLIN I guess. She disrobes. 0002000006830001AA3067D,Ext. ConTRAPTION LIT STREET - night The moon dangles bright in the sky surrounded by stars. Jeff hurriedly pushes Caitlin on her vehicle through the blood soaked street. Buildings burn in the distance past the monstrous howls and terrified screams. White flakes falls from the sky. Jeff tastes one and notices it is ash raining from above. Another light burns out on Caitlins vehicle. Jeff flicks it wearily with his middle finger. It stays out. Only six lights remain. In a violent tug, he rips the bulb from the contraption and throws it into the darkness. He sighs and exhaustively falls to his knees and rests his head on Caitlins forearm as she wobbles unsteadily above him. She speaks, but he hasnt understood a sound shes uttered since leaving the Ford abode. Jeff remains with his head down at her side. EXT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - WOMB ROCK - DAY Caitlin stands before the vermilion sheet completely nude. Her flesh a glowing pink. CAITLIN May I enter now? VERMILION SHEET Why dont you ask the gentlemen standing behind you? Caitlin turns around. David and Jeff appear. Their bodies are fused together. Both their heads wiggle on top of extended necks. They are nude. QUICK FLASH on their double penis. CAITLIN Jeff? David? Im glad you joined me. Jeff violently thrusts his hand at her with an orgasmic grunt and pushes her into the opening. Inside womb rock Caitlin is a pink sperm cell wriggling rapidly in a blast of fluid. She races billions of other pink and blue tadpoles into a chamber. In the center of the fleshy, fluid filled chamber is an egg. She beats everyone to the egg and jolts into it, wriggling her tail to penetrate fully. 000200000ED30001B0ADECD,Once inside the egg she is trapped. The chamber is a slippery smooth surface all around her. It begins filling with amniotic fluid. Caitlin is not frightened. Her body quickly forms into a fetus. From a cluster of blood vessels within the cave, a placenta if you must, a fleshy cord wavers and connects to her future belly button. She rests surrounded by fluid in the crowded cave while growing and gaining strength. The vessel bursts and the fluid drains her into a tight tube. The cord wraps around her neck causing her to turn a bluish pink color. A slit opens above her as a tip of a sharp object rips through it. The light is blinding. INT. Caitlins minD EYE - maternity room A DOCTOR in a surgical mask and hair net unwraps the cord from her neck. The room is so bright as if she is opening her eyes for the first time. David stands there with a sharp object and a smile and cuts the cord from her. The doctor holds her upside down and smacks her rear end firmly. Her entire body is wrapped in a fluffy sheet and handed to David. She uncontrollably cries, and through blurred eyes, sees her adult self unconscious on the bed. She screams as David hands her to a NURSE. Caitlin is tiny in a comfortable, hospital crib. She stares up at the ceiling. The surface moves in spirals and swirls. She looks around the room. Hundreds of cribs contain babies, some pink like her, some blue. The BABIES simultaneously leap straight up and down in the air like theyre on a trampoline. From their tiny mouths they release bubbles into the air. The room is filled with billions of colorful bubbles. Caitlin leaps a few times and lands in the arms of a NURSE. She screams and cries. The nurse carries Caitlin into the pulsating room where her adult body lay on a bed exhausted. Caitlin screams as she is placed into her adult arms. She looks into her own face and stops screaming. She smiles an infantile grin. Adult Caitlin hands the baby to David who stands close to the bed. She begins screaming and crying again. His hold on her is sloppy. He appears distressed and annoyed as she screams loudly. Suddenly, his face morphs into Jeffs appearance. Caitlin stops screaming, her mouth forms a puerile smile, and she giggles. The man hands the baby back to the woman on the bed. Caitlin lay on the bed staring into her arms that hold little, pink Julia. She smiles cradling the baby and looks up at the guy who has half of Jeffs face and half of Davids face. She stands up and kisses Julias forehead. The baby smiles all gums at her. Caitlin looks up and is standing butt-naked next to the mountain with the vermilion sheet floating to her left. She looks into her arms. She is cradling thin air. She puts her hand on the invisible barrier in front of the vermilion sheet which remains on the other side. CAITLIN Thank you. The sheets mouth silently says, youre welcome and flutters away in the breeze. The sound of blasts of liquid fills her ears. She turns around and realizes she is in a tunnel. Wiggling fingers poke from the earth covering the entire ground. As she walks, they tickle the bottoms of her feet. She dances while laughing. A minty green, sheer sheet lingers close to her. Caitlin takes it from the air and wraps it around her breasts keeping her feet moving to lessen the tickle sensation. She knee raises through an array of different colored sheets floating in the tube. A hunter green cloth flutters feet ahead of her. She runs to it, rips it from the air, and wraps it around her waist still laughing at the annoying tickling. All the other sheets dissipate in the air and disappear. The tunnel walls are a fleshy tone and texture. She dances over to the wall and touches it. A dozen human eyes open and a fist pops out of the wall and punches her in the face. 0002000004D20001BF7A4CC,EXT. CONTRAPTION LIT STREET - NIGHT Jeff remains with his head on Caitlins arm. Ash continues to fall from the sky. Vicious howls and scurrying sounds echo from the darkness. He lifts his head slowly and looks into what were once her eyes. The gauze is thoroughly soaked gooey, brownish red streaming down her cheeks. He grabs her chin and pats it attempting to wake her. He begins sobbing. She wobbles on the device, insensate. JEFF I wish I could undo this. I regret what Ive done...didnt want to spend our last moments with each other with you in this state. Even if we were torn to pieces hours ago, at least...at least we would have died together. With you like this, I am alone...you are alone. Jeff pulls the small gun from his pocket and holds the cold barrel to her head. He stands contemplating. Tears stream through his stubble. He cocks the gun. CLOSE UP on his trembling finger on the trigger. Jeff quickly drawls the gun back and fires the remaining rounds into the darkness in a circle twist. He throws the gun overhand into the night and kneels down in front of Caitlin once more. The light guns are still strapped to his back and the machine. He slaps her softly on the cheek again and tries to talk to her. 0002000007760001C446770,JEFF Caity. Caity...you there? CAITLIN Imageetinklo. Jeff sadly shakes his head. Another light fizzles and burns dead. Jeff remains crouched at her side. Something rushes quickly behind him. He pulls the light gun from over his right shoulder and fires a bright blast of light in the direction. Slime lands on his shirt at his shoulder. The CREATURE explodes in a blast of charcoal. Jeff quickly rips off his shirt as the ooze burns through the fabric. He wipes away the searing acid with the clean section shirt. It sears his skin a little. He tosses the smoking shirt to the blood soaked earth, grabs the rope, and drags Caitlin away. The vehicle protects them three-quarters of the way around. He aims the light gun in the dark quarter. Only five bright lights remain as he spiritlessly muddles onward blasting the gun when the monsters get close. INT. Caitlins miND EYE - flesh tunnel Caitlin is down on the floor rolling along the tickling fingers. When she tries to stand, the fingers move causing her to lose her balance. She has tears streaming her face from laughing so much. She rolls close too the wall. A foot pops out amongst the blinking eyes and kicks her in the stomach. She rolls to the center of the fingers floor. The fingers continue to wiggle. She grabs four of them with each hand and snaps them. A howl rings through the tunnel. The rug claws at her feet as she stands and runs. Each time her feet hit the floor, the fingers crunch, and the tunnel echoes a scream of pain. As she runs faster, different sized balls of flesh burst from the walls. She dodges them as they roll quickly around the tunnel trying to hit her. She catches one and uses it to smack the other balls away. She stares at the ball as a red slit forms on its surface. The slit opens wider and gushes puss and blood in her face. She hits another approaching ball away with it and throws it against the wall. 0002000009A40001CBB699E,She dodges the balls, stepping her feet high to avoid the wiggling fingers, and runs tremulous and confused. She looks at one direction. Her head rips to the opposite end. She cant remember which way she was traveling. She unwraps the minty green sheet from her breasts and fans it out. She releases it, still dancing and avoiding the oozing balls. CAITLIN Can you tell me which way to go? The sheet dodges a ball and drifts down the tunnel. Caitlin high steps toward it. It gestures in the direction and hovers. She grabs it from the air and looks into the half-face it formed. CAITLIN Thank you. She dances and dodges more balls. An oozing ball of flesh hits the sheet. Caitlin twists the sheet around capturing the ball and uses it to knock away oncoming attacks. She runs as fast as she can falling down a few times while approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. Ext. ConTRAPTION LIT STREET - NIGHT Jeff continues blasting the oncoming attack. He is tiring. Caitlin is laughing and moving awkwardly on the vehicle. EXT. CaITLINS mind eye - buKAKI FOREST - DAY White cream shoots from the trees. The entire land surrounding them is overspread with the fluid. The trees look exactly like Banzai trees except they are enormous. Caitlin falls out of a slit in the air. She has the flesh ball still wrapped in the minty sheet as she lands on the grassy edge of the white covered ground. She opens the sheet and stares at the gross meat ball. She spins around in the grass and releases the ball into the sheet covered, grassy field behind her. It hits a few sheets before it lands. She wraps the minty green sheet around her breasts and stands facing the Bukaki Forest. She hesitantly steps into the fluid with her bare foot and proceeds. Her face cringes at the noxious odor. CAITLIN Gross. The substance covers her feet as she sloshes through it. Soon she is up to her ankles. She dodges globs of the fluid shot into the air from the trees out of twelve-inch, branch-like cannons with large barrels that shutter open and closed to release the enormous globs. The fluid consumes half way between her ankle and knee as she moves closer. She stands before the edge of the forest dodging the globs left and right. She hesitantly walks to the tree line and sloshes into the midst of the large, dripping trees. The fluid is slightly above her knees as she wades through it. She quickly turns her head to avoid the blast of cream heading right for her face. 0002000007640001D55475E,CAITLIN Whew. That was close. As she moves deeper into the trees, the surfeit globs shoot around her in streams with colorful trails. She avoids each stream as they fly all around her. In a flash, a vicious, small creature bounds at her, restrained and growling in her face. She backpedals startled by the thing. It shakes the slime from its body and underneath the coating appears to be a WOODEN CHILD secured by a rubber cord wrapped around its torso. It appears child-like, but evil and minatory. Its teeth are sharp triangles of wood. Its head is round, bald, and splintering. Its arms swivel unnaturally and reach at her with sharp, splintered claws at the ends of the hands. She avoids the boys grasp. Suddenly, another WOODEN CHILDs head blasts up above her shoulder. She turns her head in terror and stares into its glowing red eyes inches from her face. Both kids blast off into the air and dangle swinging around in their harnesses, clawing at the air in front of them. As Caitlin looks up into the trees, an enormous glob hits her and saturates her hair, head, and shoulders. She wipes it away from her eyes and flicks her hands repeatedly. CAITLIN Yuck! Disgusting! She looks up into the trees dodging the raining globs and more WOODEN CHILDREN on harnesses. Some are restrained around their torsos, many are secured by their ankles, and quite a few have harnesses around their necks. Every time one gets close, growling, it is pulled into the air by the rubber harness. From the trees above, many WOODEN CHILDREN hang from the branches struggling against their restraints. The things secured by their ankles hang upside down. The kids secured by their necks dangle limp. Caitlin looks at the base of the trees. Submerged in the thick fluid at the foot of each tree are the head tops of many wooden children crouched in an attack position. Their eyes follow her eerily. 0002000006DF0001DCB26D9,Another GROWLING WOODEN CHILD rushes her face bearing its sharp teeth. It has a collar around its neck and blasts into the tree tops. Caitlin looks up at it disgusted as it hangs limp. CAITLIN Ford! She takes a running stride darting between the trees dodging everything coming at her. She is covered head to toe in thick, white fluid. One of the children swings into her feet first knocking her to the ground. She gets up and runs as quick as she can through the thick substance. During a final stride, she is engulfed by a pool of the fluid. EXT. DARK STREET - NIGHT Only three lights remain on Caitlins vehicle. Jeff stands close to her, firing the light guns at each attacker, exploding them to bits. One of the guns falters. He grabs another gun from his back and continues blasting the creatures to hell with two weapons. Caitlin wavers oddly on the cart. Both Caitlin and Jeff have more searing wounds from the caustic phlegm of the creatures. INT. Caitlins mind EYE - bukaki pool Caitlin swims through the pool of white gel. She passes the skeletal remains of other human beings and wooden children floating in the substance. She swims to the surface and slowly climbs out using tree roots to escape. She stands and runs as the children continue to attack more furiously, knocking her around like a pinball. She darts between a few more trees as the children are yanked back up into the tree tops. She trips once again and gets to her hands and knees. Her head barely reaches out of the thick fluid. She slowly stands and turns around noticing she has made it through. One more child swoops toward her harnessed by is ankles. She punches it in the face. Its head explodes into splinters as its head-ridden corpse flings back to the tree tops. 0002000006A60001E38B6A0,CAITLIN Take that, bitch! Ahead of her in the distance is a colorful, fluffy group of trees. The cotton candy forest. She smiles and wipes the globs of glutinous goop off of her as she sloshes through the white ooze until she reaches grass, renascent. She shakes as much of the substance from her as possible. CAITLIN I always wondered what those poor girls felt like. Quite humiliating, I must say. DaVID (o.S.) Quite humiliating indeed. Shes startled by his voice. She slowly turns around. Its Davids head on top of the body of a beagle. He yelps and barks between sentences. Caitlin crouches down to him. His tail wags happily. CAITLIN David, youre a puppy. He walks to her and relinquishes a long, spotted tongue from his mouth and licks the fluid from her. The tickling sensation causes her to giggle and squirm. Ext. Dark street - night Jeff protects Caitlin blasting the never ending onslaught of creatures who are coming very close. The two lights remaining on the cart destroy approaching attackers as well. He keeps the vehicle spinning in a circle with the rope wrapped firmly around his waist, firing a weapon in each hand. In the background, the sound of aircraft approaching fills the night. Jeff continues blasting and looks off to the distance. Over the horizon A bright phalanx of light moves closer. Explosions emit from the ground below it. EXT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - COTTON CANDY FOREST - DAY Colorful butterflies flutter about. Caitlin giggles as if she is being tickled. Flowers sprout from the ground overspreading the entire surface. David continues licking the fluid from her. He gets her foot completely clean. She stands and pats him on his head. He growls at her. 0002000006770001EA2B671,CAITLIN Dont growl at me. DAVID So, you have chosen me. Davids body morphs from a dogs torso to the body of a monkey. CAITLIN Why do you keep changing? DAVID I dont know. You tell me. They walk through the colorful pattern of trees. The trees are spread apart from each other. The forest is beautiful. DAVID Im going to guide you the rest of the way. Follow me. David runs in his monkey body. Caitlin is not that fast. CAITLIN You need to slow down, David. Hair consumes her flesh and soon her body takes the form of an ape. She catches up to him. He looks behind him. DAVID See...you caught up. David suddenly stops before a large tree with pink leaves. DAVID Now we must climb to the truth. Caitlin slams on her brakes and rolls her eyes. CAITLIN Ford, Im tired. Cant we rest? DAVID No. David grabs a branch and quickly scales the tree. EXT. DARK STREET - NIGHT The phalanx of light approaches as the aircraft noises get louder only miles away. In the distance, explosions continue on the earth below. Jeff continues spinning the vehicle as he blasts the creatures. Ash falls from the sky like snow. JEFF Take that fuckers! He blows more and more away with each blast. His expression is maniacal. Jeff Die! Die! Die! The creatures continue a never ending swarm. Jeff is heaving as he blasts more and more. The generator shuts down on Caitlins vehicle. JEFF Fuck! EXT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - TREE OF KNOWLEDGE - DAY Caitlin follows quickly from tree branch to tree branch up the enormous pink leafed monster. Her ape arms are massive. She climbs up beside David and goes at a steady, fast climb. David turns to her still rapidly climbing. 0002000006A10001F09C69B,DAVID You must choose me. I am the one. David stops climbing and spins full circle on a clear branch a few times. Caitlin smiles. CAITLIN That looks fun. DAVID Give it a try. She spins around her own branch in a complete loop a few times. Caitlin Whew...Im dizzy now. David chuckles. DAVID Follow me. He quickly scales the tree. He pauses and gazes down at her. DAVID You are too slow. CAITLIN Am not. Im hanging just fine. They swing playfully through the branches. Butterflies flutter about them the entire time. CAITLIN What is the answer? I need to know now. She looks up into the tree. It goes on past the clouds. CAITLIN My arms are tired. Does this thing even have a top? DAVID Ill give you your answer. What has two thumbs and would pull the rug out right from under his own mother? CAITLIN What? David twirls around a branch and lands Indian style on top of it. He point his thumbs at his chest. DAVID This guy. CAITLIN That is the dumbest, oldest joke. I dont even know what that means. David grabs another branch and scales upward. Caitlin follows. Caitlin Will this ever end? Her eyes open amazed. Pink-toned Julia crawls on a branch about twenty strides away. CAITLIN Oh my Ford! Julia! Be careful baby. David pauses dangling from a branch with his feet. DAVID Race you to the little bitch. Caitlins face lights up with choler. CAITLIN What have I told you about calling her a bitch?!? Shes my angel. David wickedly cackles and quickly climbs. Caitlin moves up the enormous tree as fast as she can, but David gets to Julia first. He grabs her like a rag doll by the arm and puts the tuft of her neck in his mouth. He speaks with her flesh clenched firmly in his teeth. 00020000067A0001F737674,David Catch me if you can. He disappears into the cloud above. Losing sight of him, she climbs quickly into the thick white. BRIGHT WHITE Blinded by the cloud, she has no choice but to slow down and carefully grab at each branch. She stops and hangs by her ape feet exhausted. CAITLIN My dear. She recovers and continues her climb. Twenty branches later, her head pops up out of the clouds. She climbs out of the tree to the top of the cloud. David stands at the top holding screaming Julia upside down by her right leg over the edge. His body is back to normal. Jeff stands before him pleading. JEFF Give me my daughter. You cant do this. Caitlin looks at her body. It too has returned to her natural form. She is dressed in a pure white, long, flowing gown. David pretends to let go. Caitlins eyes open in fear. CAITLIN No! Why are you doing this, David? You wanted to marry me. Julia is your daughter. DAVID You know Im a big, fat liar and fool. I didnt even buy you a ring. I found that one in the trash. Caitlin stops and scorns him with her eyes. CAITLIN What? DAVID Jeff got an office job and was going to propose when I just weaseled my way in and scooped up your broken heart when Jeff had his guard down. Then the dumb bastard gave up and simply disappeared. Jeff looks over to her. JEFF Hes telling the truth. CAITLIN But I love you, David! David laughs and violently tosses Julia through the air. Jeff dives and catches her before she falls. DAVID Thats the problem. I was so eager to jump all over you. You got pregnant and I felt trapped. She looks at him with question marks flying about her head. She swats at them like flies. 0002000006D00001FDAB6CA,CAITLIN I dont understand. I thought you loved me. David chuckles. DAVID Bitch, Ive been banging broads on the side the entire time you were pregnant. Jeanie at the office...did you really think I work that much? I couldnt even bear looking at your fat ass. Everything you say is idiotic. And this tree obsession of yours is fucking ridiculous. We would have been divorced in less than a year. Caitlins eyes fill with tears. She falls into him pounding his chest. CAITLIN Asshole, asshole, asshole! David violently pushes her to the cloud. She falls through leaving behind a piercing dark hole. The sound of branches breaking comes from below. Jeff dives at David. JEFF Motherfuckin thief! They both go over the edge and grasp on to the branches of the tree top. They kick at each other trying to knock one another off. Julia climbs around through the misty top. BRIGHT WHITE Caitlin lands on a wide branch. She recovers, stands, climbs back to the top. When she emerges from the cloud into the bright, blue sky, she takes a look around and sees Julia close to the edge, giggling, blowing bubbles, and grabbing at her feet. Caitlin floats to her and cradles her in her arms. She stares down at the brothers hanging from the branches. She pulls the top of her gown down exposing one breast and attaches Julias mouth to her nipple. The baby sucks hard as she lets her go. Julia dangles from her chest, feeding. Caitlin leans over and grabs both the guys by their hands. David grabs her with both hands and desperately looks her in the eyes. DAVID Help me. I love you, baby. Jeffs hand slips a little. The vermilion sheet bursts upward through the cloud. It swirls in the air and forms the lovely face. Caitlin looks at it intensely. 0002000007240002047571E,CAITLIN Can you help me? VERMILION SHEET Why dont you make a decision? Isnt it about that time? Caitlin looks down at the brothers. David has a firm grasp on her hand. Jeffs hand slips a little more. CAITLIN Im sorry, David. She lets Davids hands go. He screams as he pierces a hole through the cloud. DAVID Nooooooooooo! She quickly grabs Jeff with both hands and pulls him up. He embraces her and holds her firm to him giving Julia enough space to suckle. The vermilion sheet circles around them quickly as they make out, surrounding them in a blur of red. Jeff looks into her eyes. JEFF I love you. Caitlin smiles wide. CAITLIN I love you more. Suddenly, the sheet stops spinning around them and lingers in the air. It shoots upward and Jeff, Caitlin, and Julia are back on the ground on a bed of flowers in the midst of the cotton candy forest. Colorful butterflies are plentiful fluttering about. Caitlin sits down exhausted. Jeff plops himself down and rests his head in her lap. The vermilion sheet flutters in the breeze and soon disappears out of sight. Caitlin kisses Jeffs forehead. CAITLIN What a strange day. JEFF You got that right. She looks at his head on her lap. A bee buzzes past them. CAITLIN Jeff, I thought I said no bees? The bee disappears in mid-flight. Caitlin smiles and looks into Jeffs eyes. CAITLIN Did you really get a new job? JEFF I did...for you. Were on vacation now. No more talk about work. CAITLIN Kay. Caitlin smiles and rests flat on her back glaring up at the bright blue sky with Julia cradled in her arm. CAITLIN Im so happy, Jeff. What do we do now? Jeff pauses for a long moment and looks up from her lap. JEFF Live! Ext. DARK STREET - night Jeff fires the guns exploding more and more creatures. One of the guns burns out. He holds it firing the trigger repeatedly. 00020000084500020B9383F,JEFF Shit! He throws the gun to the ground. The military aircraft are approaching quickly, lights blazing, destroying all the creatures below. Jeff looks desperately at Caitlin wobbling on the vehicle. CAITLIN Im so happy, Jeff. What do we do now? Jeff smiles and looks at her. He shoots the approaching monsters behind her until he has a clearing and pushes her to the side of the road. He unties the rope from his waist, takes out a few more creatures with his gun, and puts his foot up on the device. JEFF Live! He kicks the vehicle over on the side of the road and quickly moves away from her. He fires at every creature in his path protecting her until his last breath. The phalanx of light is very close the area. Jeff Come on mother fuckers! The creatures swarm him faster than he can shoot until he is completely engulfed. Blood squirts and flesh flies from the massive huddle of creatures. Suddenly, the creatures look up at the aircraft approaching. Some scurry to temporary safety. Most just hold their positions, look up at the quickly approaching lights, and burst into flames. Int. Dark room - day SOLDIERS IN HAZARD SUITS catch the cute fish creatures, no longer in their monstrous form, in nets and plop them into large containers. One of the fish scurries away and is quickly scooped by a net. Ext. Road - day SOLDIERS pull the large containers from a building. As soon as the creatures within hit the sunlight, they shrivel to charcoal dust. Other PEOPLE in hazard suits stand around the burning bins cheering. MEN and WOMEN in protective gear clean up the blood soaked streets. Body parts still litter the pavement. A rubber gloved hand picks up half of Jeffs head and drops it in a garbage bag on top of dismembered body parts. The bag is tossed into the overflowing bed of a large military truck. The truck drives off and another pulls up. A BEARDED MAN in a hazard suit finds Caitlin still strapped to her vehicle. He sits her up. Her unconscious body slumps to her side. She groans. Bearded man My God! He checks her pulse. The man turns and shouts to a MEDIC UNIT across the street. 000200000D35000213D2D2F,BEarded MAN Youre not going to believe this, men. We got a live one here. EXT. CAITLINS MIND EYE - COCKAIGNE - DAY MONTAGE Caitlin and Jeff run around the forest playing. Caitlin holds the smiling baby. They spin in circles and fall to the ground. Caitlin kisses the engagement ring then Jeff. The family plays a chase game with their new friend, the vermilion sheet, chasing it through the beautiful trees. A marshmallow person joins them around a campfire. They toast pieces of the guy on the ends of sticks enjoying the sweet sensation. Jeff takes a bite and his body twists like ringing out a wet shirt after being caught in a downpour. Caitlin and Jeff make love on a bed of flowers. A view from above of the new family playing below amongst the colorful trees that look much like a mass of sweet cotton candy. It is Caitlins condign Cockaigne. CLOSE UP on Caitlins halcyon face. She smiles peaceful in utter bliss. Int. hospital - day CLOSE UP on Caitlins bandaged face. She lay on a hospital bed hooked up to machinery with tubes running through her nose and throat. Many other unconscious people lay in beds around her. Caitlins eyes are wrapped in clean gauze. She is completely covered by a sheet from the neck down. A DOCTOR and NURSE approach her. The doctor picks up the clip board from the foot of the bed. Nurse This woman here has been in a coma for three months now. They found her in the midst of the attack. Doctor In the midst? I didnt think there were any survivors? NuRSE As far as I know, she is it. It must have been a miracle. The doctor chuckles. Doctor A miracle, if she wakes up. Put her up in the ICU. Has anyone identified her yet? The nurse shakes her head as they walk away. EXT. CaitLINS MIND EYE - Cockaigne - day Caitlin, Julia, and Jeff lay on a bed of flowers. Butterflies dance around them. Her head is on his chest. He puts his hand over her heart. JEFF Baby...I think its time to wake up now. CAITLIN What do you mean? I dont ever want to leave here. JEFF Im sorry, but you cant stay here forever. Its time. Suddenly Jeff, Julia, and the cotton candy forest fade away and all she sees is black. BLACK There is a television on tuned to the local news. Caitlin hears a reporter speak. NeWSCASTer Rick (O.c.) Its been six months since the attack destroyed the coasts of every continent. Some of the creatures still lurk in dark areas. It is important to stay in well lit areas. If you come in contact with one of these vicious monsters, run. They are dangerous and will kill. The Navy have combined efforts with military personnel worldwide to vanquish any of the creatures that remain in the oceans. Well it looks like the world is safe once again... Caitlin sits up in her bed. Int. Hospital icu room - day A NURSE spots Caitlin awakening from the corridor and shouts. NuRSE Shes awake! She runs to Caitlin and helps her into a sitting position. CAITLIN I cant see. Nurse Do you know your name? CAITLIN Caitlin Powers. Nurse You are a survivor. This is a miracle. Caitlin pulls the bedding down and reaches around her legs. She feels they are nothing but stumps. She touches her face and feels the gauze around her eyes. She laughs maniacally slowly grazing her fingers down her cheeks. CAITLIN No...no...noooooo! CLOSE ON Caitlins face as she lets out a blood curdling scream. Fade TO BLACK. Rolls end 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