2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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dAY A burning white sun high in a clear blue sky. An ultra-wide establishing. Rocks. Cactus. The occasional tree. Not a place youd like to spend your summer vacation. EXT. HANGING TREE - dAY A group of MEN climb into a pair of trucks, squat, Broncos or other off-road vehicles with fat tires and winches in the bed and racks of roof lights. The trucks drive off, leaving behind a cloud of dirt and... a MAN, standing on a small footstool with one leg shorter than the others. He has a noose around his neck. The rope leads to a thick tree branch. His hands have been tied behind his back. His feet can barely touch the footstool - hes fucked. Meet the unfortunate JOHN BRANDT, late-thirties, light-color hair, solid build -- did have a handsome face, until someone used it as a punching bag; its bloody, beaten, and torn. A pulpy mess. Hes wears a white dress shirt stained with his blood, grey dress pants, and no socks or shoes. A harsh, whipping wind kicks up some dirt into Johns face. The wind causes him to lose his balance. But quickly regains it. He tries to stand still. After a few wobbly moments, the footstool finally stops moving. John stares at the sun. As he remembers, it starts with a phone ringing, voices. Mona (V.O.) Its Joe. He wants to talk to you. Should I tell him to call you back? john (V.O.) No. Ill talk to him. INT. johns bedroom - dAY (flashback) John lies in bed next to the smoking hot MONA. His face is handsome... for now. He hangs up the phone. Mona So? Whatd Joe want? JoHN Archie Lewis gotta job lined up for me. MONA Really? john Yeah. MONA Thats great. He hasnt given you a job since Boston. JOHN Yeah. I cant stop thinking about Boston. She holds his face. MONA Hey. Forget about Boston, and Archie. Start thinking about me. He looks at her, feels sudden desire like a worm twisting low in his belly. He stops thinking about Boston and gets on top of Mona, kissing her. John goes down south between Monas legs. EXT. dallas, tx - dAY It is early afternoon, a hot mid-summer day. The city is sun-blanched white and is getting cooked under the red fiery ball in the sky. EXT. parking garage - top level - dAY 000200000804000008A97FE,Only a few cars and a MAN. JOE HAHLER (pronounced holler), late-thirties with dark hair, slick good looks with linebacker shoulders. Moments later, John arrives in his 72 Monte Carlo. John parks and gets out. He approaches Joe. jOHN Whats the job, Joe? Joe Hey, Joe. How you doing? Nice day were having, huh? Yeah, John. JOHN Yeah nice fucking day. So whats the fucking job? John takes out an old deck of cards, years of abuse. He performs a scissor cut. Joe Courier. John doesnt like the sound this. JOE (CONTD) Yeah, I know, I know. But at least its bumping you up from grunt work. jOHN Alright give me the details. JOE Tomorrow morning youre gonna make a visit to the Texas Capital Bank. The manager is gonna meet you out back and give you a black duffle bag. Take the duffle bag and drive it to Caesars Palace in Vegas. Thats it. jOHN Vegas? Its like an eighteen-hour drive. Why doesnt Archie spring for a train ticket? JOE Because Archie doesnt feel like he owes you anything ever since that fuck-up in Boston. He thinks you should pay for it yourself. jOHN Fuck that. JOE Plus he thinks driving might throw off the IRS and the FBI if theyre watching. jOHN How much is in the duffle bag? JOE Eighty-thousand. (pulls out an envelope) Heres your per diem. Seven large. Now I fought to get that for you. So at least say thanks. jOHN Yeah thanks. Joe hands it to John; he tucks it into his pocket. JOE Hey, you do this right you might win Arch and the others over. A moment of silence. jOHN Is that all? JOE ... no. Archie says if you fuck him on this, you better dig yourself a deep hole. John starts shaking his head. He pockets the cards. jOHN If hes not careful with his mouth and Im gonna dig him a hole. John walks to his car and drives away. INT. JOHNS kitchen - nIGHT Jules is at the table cleaning his Smith & Wesson snub-nose. After cleaning it, he loads it up and slaps the cylinder shut. EXT. johns house - mORNING John walks out the front door, adding the last piece to his attire: shades. 0002000007DA000010A77D4,He climbs into his car. INT. johns monte carlo - mORNING His car barrels through downtown Dallas. EXT. back of texas capitol bank - mORNING The Monte Carlo pulls into the back lot. John gets out and walks to the back of the car. He unlocks the trunk, but doesnt fully open it. He gets back into the car and waits. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING John smokes a cigarette, waiting. He glances in the rearview mirror, sees the BANK MANAGER exiting the bank with the black duffle. EXT. Johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING The bank manager opens the trunk and tosses the duffle bag into the trunk and slams it shut. He walks back to the bank. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING John puts the car in reverse. EXT. interstate - mORNING John snakes through the traffic. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING Hes calm and cool. EXT. highway - mORNING Off the interstate and now on a two lane highway all to him, driving like a bat out of Hell, surrounded by rolling hills and nothing else. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING John leans back in his seat, smoking his cigarette, bored already. One hand guides the steering wheel. He looks out the window, gazing at the badlands spreading out on all sides of him. EXT. hIGHWAY - mORNING He drives for hours and hours on the sizzling road. Seeing the same thing. EXT. highway - mORNING The Monte Carlo speeds past the Welcome to New Mexico The sun sits high in the sky. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - dAY John reaches over to the glove box and takes out two mini-bottles of Vodka. He opens one and chugs the whole thing. Tosses it out the window. Opens up the second one and does the same thing. EXT. hIGHWAY - dAY John flies past a large billboard. Moments later, a highway patrol car comes out from behind the billboard. Sirens screaming. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - dAY John doesnt hear it at first. The patrol car gets closer. He looks in the rearview mirror, sees the patrol car. Makes a disdain look. Tucks the empty mini-bottle in his pocket. EXT. hIGHWAY - dAY 0002000007DD0000187B7D7,Both vehicles begin to slow down and veer off to the shoulder. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - dAY John stops the car and puts it in park. He looks at his rearview mirror, sees a stout middle-aged, DEPUTY exiting his vehicle and walking towards his. He reaches down to his ankle for his S&W snub-nose, tucks under his ass. The deputy reaches the car. Deputy License and registration please. John takes out his wallet and removes his credentials. JOHN Was I speeding, sir? He hands it to the deputy. Deputy Ninety-miles-an-hour. The deputy checks out Johns credentials. jOHN Damn. John sighs. The deputy looks at John. Sniffs the air, knows that somethings off. deputy Have you been drinking, sir? jOHN I was last night. You must be smelling the hooch on my clothes. The deputy takes a moment. deputy Turn off the engine and step out of the car, sir. joHN Okay. John kills the engine and unbuckles his seat belt. EXT. hIGHWAY - dAY Just as he opens the door and steps out, John raises his snub-nose and fires off three shots at the deputy. The first two hit him in the chest while third hits him square in the throat. The deputy chokes as he falls to the pavement, still alive, gagging. John puts a slug in deputys head. He picks up his license and registration and pockets it. John looks around. He holsters his piece and climbs back into his car and drives away. EXT. rural new mexico - eVENING The sun, huge and lurid, melts into the hills. Out west where the sun descends gloriously over desolate hills. A sense of timeless and incorruptible beauty. EXT. hIGHWAY - nIGHT Still hot as hell. The middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. A tumbleweed blows across the road. The Monte Carlo zooms on by. INT. johns monte carlo - nIGHT The oncoming headlights hurt Johns eyes. He is getting sleepy and his vision is blurring. His eyes close, involuntarily, snap open again. He stretches them wide, as if forcing them to stay open. The oncoming lights seem to glare to a point beyond endurance. 0002000007A6000020527A0,John spots a sign up ahead: Motel - One Mile Ahead. EXT. four aces - nIGHT The Monte Carlo pulls into a motel/diner/gas station. But the whole place looks out of date, like a dusty old junk place built back in the late-fifties. The neon lights glow eerily in the dark. An assortment of vehicles is in the parking lot. John parks his Monte Carlo. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - nIGHT John opens up the glove box and takes out the large envelope. He opens up the envelope and withdraws a couple bills. EXT. fOUR ACES - nIGHT John gets out and walks towards motel office. INT. motel office - nIGHT An OLD MAN sits behind the counter reading a newspaper. John enters the office. The old man folds the paper. Old man Need a room? joHN Just for the night. John signs a name into the motel log book - he writes Joe Byrd. OlD MAN The bars just about to open up over at the diner if youre interested. The old man hands John the keys to his room. joHN Thanks. John exits the office. INT. diner - nIGHT John walks in to a semi-dead place. Its dim and Hank Williams My Heart Would Know plays on the jukebox. John saunters over to the bar. A WOMAN with a prominent bust and dark hair sits at the bar, drinking a gin and tonic. He sits a few bar stools down from the woman. The BARTENDER approaches John. Bartender What can I get you, sir? John Scotch. Straight up. BARTENDER Sorry, mister. Were out of Scotch. joHN Fine... Irish Whiskey. BARTENDER Straight? jOHN Yeah. The bartender makes the drink. John breaks out his pack of smokes and lights one. Woman down the bar (O.S.) Dont that just ruin your night. John turns to the woman down the bar. jOHN Excuse me? The bartender places the glass in front of John. WOMAN DOWN THE BAR You drive all day and half the night, and you finally find a diner out in the middle of nowhere that serves alcohol. But, theyre out of the drink you first ask for. So you have to settle for your second choice. jOHN 0002000007F3000027F27ED,Yeah. It sucks. He drinks the Scotch in one gulp. WOMAN DOWN THE BAR Im Doris. joHN Joe Byrd. Doris Let me buy you a drink. jOHN Sure. DORIS (to the bartender) Another drink for my new friend. The bartender makes another glass of Scotch for John. DORIS (CONTD) So what do you do? jOHN Im retired, I invented the club security lock. DoRIS The club. Wow. You must be proud of yourself. The bartender sits the drink in front of John. jOHN Not really. John takes a sip. DORIS You dont talk much do you? jOHN Nope. Takes another sip. DoRIS Then what do you do? John shoots a look at Doris. INT. doris motel room - nIGHT John is on top of Doris. The sex is rough. A terrible scream bursts from her throat; John feeds avidly upon her sighs and tears of ecstasy. EXT. rURAL NEW MEXICO - mORNING The sharp outline of the hills appears with the first morning light. INT. dORIS MOTEL ROOM - mORNING Doris is alone in bed, sheets tangled around her legs. She slowly wakes up. She notices that John is gone. DORIS (groggy) Well good morning to you too. She reaches over to her purse. DORIS (CONTD) Better not have taken my smokes. She digs into her purse and finds Johns Smith & Wesson snub-nose. She takes it out, stares at it with a blank face. EXT. rural arizona - mORNING Johns Monte Carlo speeds past a sign that reads: Welcome to Arizona. EXT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING A light flow of steam seeps from under the hood. INT. johns MONTE CARLO - mORNING John turns up the radio. Radio (V.O.) In other news, a truck driver on highway three-eighty discovered the body of Deputy William Tibet who had been shot three times- John changes the station and lands on a song from Creedence. There is a loud pop from the front of the Monte Carlo and a thick cloud of steam now pours from the hood. The temperature gauge now starts rising. JOHN Fuckin Christ almighty! EXT. fork in the road - mORNING The Monte Carlo rolls into a fork in the road, limping with the droop of an animal that wont make another hundred yards. 00020000075700002FDF751,One sign on the larger road says CLIFTON is twenty-nine miles away. The other sign, on the lesser road reads LIBERTY is only two miles. A third sign confirms his destiny with Gas, Food, one Mile. John seems to have no choice. He aims the car down the lesser road towards Liberty, Arizona. EXT. outskirts liberty - mORNING The Monte Carlo rattles on its last legs, as John mutters incantations, he notices an old ghost town off the side of the road. EXT. roadside GARAGE - mORNING Johns Monte Carlo pulls into a small gas station, made of weather-beaten wood, its windows long since dusted over. The pumps themselves look to have been manufactured in the early fifties. John gets out of the car, walks to the front and, opens the hood. But quickly pulls back. He flaps his hands in the wind. JOHN Fuck! He takes off his jacket and uses it to open the hood. A plume of steam hits him in the face. John looks around for someone, anyone. After a few moments he reaches into the car and blows the horn. He waits, then blows it again. From out of the station comes LUKE - mid-thirties, portly, coveralls caked with grease and God knows what else. He looks the part of a yokel. Luke Whats the problem? JOHN This. Luke approaches the car. JOHN (CONTD) I think the radiator hose is-- LUKE (makes a long whistle) Damn. Thats a nice car. Monte Carlo, right? JOHN Yeah. He continues to stare at the car. LUKE So whats the problem? JOHN (serious) I think the radiator hose is broken. He leans into the car and looks at the engine. LuKE Yeah its busted alright. JOHN Can you fix it? LUKE Yeah, I can fix it. Gotta run over to the yard first and see if I can find a hose thats compatible with this one, or close enough. JOHN How long is it gonna take? LUKE Bout half the day. I gotta search through every goddamn junker back there. And I aint got no help. 0002000007100000373070A,jOHN Do you know a place where I can get something to eat? LUKE Theres a diner in town. I can give you a lift if you want. Just let me get my keys. Luke walks back inside. John walks to the trunk and takes out the duffle bag. He opens the door, pushes the seat forward, and stuffs the bag under seat. He pulls the seat back and closes the door. EXT. liberty - mORNING Lukes tow truck hits the town. Small with shops and old, historic homes dotted on the hillsides. The locals are kind and laid back looking. The busiest spot in town is the Red Ridge Casino. EXT. mollys - mORNING Lukes tow truck pulls up to the diner. John gets out. LUKE (hands Boyd a slip of paper) This is the number to my shop. Call me in thirty-minutes. I should have your part by then. jOHN Alright. John closes the door and Luke drives off. He enters the diner. INT. mOLLYS - mORNING Pure kitsch. A linoleum-covered counter trimmed with aluminum. Behind it, in the kitchen, a short-order cook sizzles grub on an open grill. The place is filled with locals and truckers. John steps in and finds an empty booth. He gets a look from a few locals. Nothing serious. A waitress, GEORGIA, mid-twenties, brown hair, slightly cute. She approaches John. Georgia Mornin. Speaks with a southern accent. jOHN Morning. GEORGIA What can I get you? jOHN Coffee. Cream, two sugars, and please tell me you have some pie? GEORGIA We have apple, blue berry, and cherry. joHN Ill take your cherry. GEORGIA Alright. Georgia leaves. John takes out the deck of cards and performs a series of fancy cuts. Outside the diner, three pimped-out muscle cars roar down the street. Johns guard goes up-- his eyes flick to cars as they drive past the diner. He looks at the local customers who dont seem to react at all to the cars. 00020000074300003E3A73D,He goes back to staring at his table. Georgia comes back with his order. GEORGIA (CONTD) Youre not from around are you? jOHN How can you tell? GEORGIA You just have that new face in town look. So are you just passin through? JOHN Yeah. Soon as my car gets fixed. GEORGIA Are you gonna explore the town, see all the sights? JOHN What sights? Georgia laughs. GEORGIA Well I guess youre right about that. Just then THREE MEN walk in, loud. Each are in their mid to late-twenties and wear urban clothes that seem to stand out from what the locals are sporting. One of the young men, DUBS, fauxhawk and soul patch, notices Georgia talking to John. He lowers his shades to get a better look. jOHN So how long have you been working here? GEORGIA Since I was sixteen. JOHN You ever thought about getting outta here, going back to school? GEORGIA Theres nothing for me out there. This is my life. JOHN Doesnt have to be. Dubs interrupts them. Dubs Hey, baby-doll. Dubs kisses Georgia on the lips. DUBS (CONTD) Hows work? gEORGIA Youre lookin at it. DuBS Whos your new friend? GEORGIA Some drifter. Dubs extends his hand. DuBS Im Dubs, Mr. Drifter. John hesitates for second. JoHN Joe Byrd. John shakes it. DuBS Nice to meet you, Mr. Birdie. GEORGIA Jesus, Dublin. Dubs is quiet. DuBS Georgia, I think you have some tables that need you. Georgia turns her gaze to John. GEORGIA Enjoy your coffee and pie, Mr. Byrd. John nods his head. Dubs smacks Georgias ass as she walks away. Dubs slides into the booth, spots the cards in Johns hands. DuBS Whatre you some sort of poker king, you know how to shuffle cards or something? John pockets the deck. jOHN No. DUBS Then why the slick tricks, man? jOHN Cause its fun to impress the ladies. He starts eating the pie. DuBS Their pies here taste like shit, dude. Youre better off eating dirt. 0002000007520000457774C,joHN Tastes fine to me. DUBS I guess you and I have different taste buds or something. JoHN Maybe you should rejoin your table. DUBS You sayin you dont appreciate my company? JoHN No. DUBS Man, you are one rude motherfucker, you know that? Dubs is interrupted by SHERIFF LEIGH JENNINGS, late-fifties, early-sixties, harden. He is in full uniform and carries a stainless steel Colt Python on his hip. Leigh Dublin, so nice to see you on this bright and early day. Whats the occasion? Leigh smiles. John barely cracks a grin. DUBS Hey, Sheriff. How you been keeping? lEIGH Not too bad. I think your friends are waitin for you. DUBS Yeah I guess youre right. Dubs slides out of the booth. DUBS (CONTD) If you like fancy card tricks, Mr. Byrd, you should try your luck over at the Red Ridge Casino. Dubs looks at Leigh and then walks to his table. lEIGH Im sorry bout all that, mister. Kids these days dont seem to respect anything unless its got a badge or a gun in their face. jOHN Too bad I dont have either one. lEIGH Sheriff Jennings. JoHN Joe Byrd. Leigh and John shake hands. lEIGH So how long you stayin in town? joHN Not long. Just waiting for my car to get fixed. lEIGH Well I hope you dont think less of our fare town base on your experience with one of our of disrespectful youngsters. JoHN Ill try not to. lEIGH You take care now. Leigh walks away. John goes back to eating his pie. EXT. street - dAY John walks up to a pay phone. He pops in a quarter and dials the number on the slip of paper. jOHN (into phone) Luke, hows my car doing? (pauses) What?! EXT. rOADSIDE GARAGE - dAY John stands in front of the gas station, hes Monte Carlo is gone. Luke is nearby. jOHN Tell me again how my car got stolen. LUKE I was coming out with your part when two guys stuck a gun in my face and forced me to repair your car so they can steal it. 00020000075100004CC374B,joHN Did you see their faces? LUKE They were wearing masks, sorry. Buts alright, I called the cops. John goes wide-eyed. joHN Why? Luke Cause your car got stolen, it was the least I could do. John paces back and forth. jOHN Shit. Luke spots a car coming towards the station. LUKE Alright, the Sheriffs here. Ill tell him what happened and hell find your car. And if it makes you feel any better, I wont charge you for the radiator hose. The Sheriffs cruiser pulls into the gravel parking lot. He climbs out, wearing mirror shades. Climbing out the other side is DEPUTY JONAH WILLIAMS, mid-thirties, lean, and bearded. Jonah Goddamn its hot as balls out here, Sheriff. lEIGH Stop your whining, Jonah. (to John) Looks like youll be stickin round little bit longer, huh, Mr. Byrd? John doesnt say anything. lEIGH (CONTD) Mr. Byrd, this one of my deputies, Jonah Williams. JONAH So what kind car we lookin for? joHN A blue 72 Monte Carlo. JONAH Shouldnt be too hard to find one of those. But then again it might be. JoHN How fast do you think you can find my car? lEIGH Should take a day, or two. Why? JOHN I dont have a day or two. lEIGH Im sorry to say this, Mr. Byrd, but we may never find your car. John is quiet. lEIGH (CONTD) Ill put an APP out on your vehicle. But thats all we can do for now. If you want, I can drop you off at a motel, its at least I can do for your troubles. joHN Fine. EXT. liBERTY main street - dAY The Sheriffs car cruises on down the street. INT. sheriffs car - dAY John sits in the back. JoNAH You know you should consider yourself lucky to be here, sir. jOHN I should? lEIGH Absolutely. Good weather, good people, good food. You hit the jackpot. JoHN Right. LEIGH So where would you like to stay? We got the Baker Hotel. The Benson Hotel or would you prefer oldest motel in town, the Pine View Inn? 0002000006E90000540E6E3,joHN Wheres Pine View? lEIGH Bout five minutes outside of town, near the highway. joHN Ill take Pine View. jONAH You sure? Baker and Benson is pretty popular. jOHN Pine View will do. They give up. lEIGH Man knows what he wants. Pine View it is. EXT. pine view inn - dAY The Sheriffs cruiser pulls into the parking lot of an L-shaped motel. INT. pINE VIEW INN - office - dAY The three enter. Leigh hits the bell. Moments later, a Native American MAN walks out from the back room. HENRY BAD HORSE, late-fifties, rugged and fit. Henry Sheriff. LEIGH Hows it goin, Henry? I gotta feller here that needs a room. HENRY Hes not in any trouble is he? LEIGH Oh, Lord no. Hes just needs a place to stay until we can find his car. HENRY I take it hes gonna be here for awhile. Leigh smiles. LEIGH Thats one for you, Henry. HENRY (calls out) Jesse! Henrys daughter, JESSE walks out from the back room. Shes an attractive woman in her late-twenties. Henry takes a key off the rack. HENRY (CONTD) Take this gentleman to room five. He hands it to Jesse. She walks behind the counter. Jonah Hey there, Jesse. Not happy to see him. Jesse Hey, Jonah. John follows Jesse out the office. Leigh and Jonah pick up the rear. EXT. pINE VIEW INN - dAY They stand under the canopy. LEIGH Well you take it easy now, Mr. Byrd. And well start lookin for you vehicle right away. jOHN Sheriff. John walks over to Jesse, who stands by the door to room five. Leigh and Jonah get back in the cruiser. INT. room five - dAY John and Jesse enter. Wide on the room. Twin-bed headboards are fixed to the wall but only the far one has a bed parked beneath it. JESSE TV works. So does the phone. Clean water, clean sheets... clean everything. Is there anything I can get you? 00020000069500005AF168F,jOHN No Im fine. Thanks. JESSE Well if you do need anything, just call the office. One of us will answer it. Jesse walks out the door. John sits on the bed. He grabs the old phone off the bedside table and dials a number. INT. joes living room - dAY Joe sits in a chair watching TV. The phone rings. He gets up and answers it. Intercut. Joe Yeah? jOHN Joe, its John. JoE Hey, John-boy. Hows the weather in Vegas? JOHN Dont know. Im not there. JOE Whatd you mean youre not there? JOHN My car got stolen, Joe. JoE And the money? JOHN Gone. Joe Oh, fuck me this is bad. Shit! JOHN It gets worse. The cops are looking for my car. JOE Oh, God! Why the fuck would you call the cops, John?! jOHN The mechanic who was fixing my car called em! So dont fucking blame me! JOE Alright. Where are you? JOHN I dont think thats such a good idea. JOE John, the Ladys gonna realize that you havent shown up in Vegas, and when she does, shes gonna call Arch, and then Archs gonna call me to see if know where you are. I cant lied to them, John. John pulls the phone from his ear. He has no choice. jOHN (into phone) Liberty, Arizona. Joe rights it down. JOE Kay. Where you staying? JOHN I think Ive given you enough. Joe Fine. Do you have any idea who wouldve taken your car? jOHN No. This town is filled with yokels, not car boosters. JoE Whatre you gonna do? JOHN Maybe Ill hit the casino here in town. I havent decided yet. JoE You are a pretty good card shark, Ill give you that. I say go for it. And dont worry about the Outfit. If theyre gonna do anything, its probably just to send some guys to help you find the money. Ill talk to you later. 00020000067A00006180674,John hangs up. Sits there. INT. jOES LIVING ROOM - eVENING Joe dials a number. It rings. JOE (into phone) Hey, its Joe. We gotta problem. INT. rOOM FIVE - eVENING John takes out his cards and fans the deck -- then Shuffles the deck, splits it, then flicks three cards onto the floor. He leans down and flips them over: Ace of clubs - Aces hearts - Aces of spades. EXT. DESERT ROAD - eVENING John walks along a dusty patch of road into town past a sign saying LIBERTY. EXT. red ridge casino - nIGHT A diamond in the rough. The brightest thing in town, drawing in people like flies to shit. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - nIGHT The cascade of jingling and jangling coins fills the brightly lit, horrendously-carpeted space. Wooden-beamed ceilings suggest a rustic theme, but the neon slots, lush green tables and red wheels of fortune are pure Southwest Vegas. Skimpily-dressed COCKTAIL WAITRESSES pimp drinks. Bored DEALERS deal. John pushes his way through the gaggle of GAMBLERS. John approaches the bar. TWO BARTENDERS make drinks and shine glasses. Bartender one What can I get you? JULES Scotch, straight up. BARTENDER one Five dollars. The bartender goes to work. John digs into his pocket and takes out a five dollar bill. Walking up to the bar are Leigh and his second deputy HANK MARSH. Hes about forty-one. Unshaven and physically unremarkable, he embodies the blue-collar American. They both wear casual clothing. LEIGH Two Sioux City Sarsaparillas. Leigh notices John. LEIGH (CONTD) I knew youd come around, Mr. Byrd. John casually turns to Leigh and Hank. joHN Any luck finding my car? John hands the bill to the bartender. LEIGH 0002000006CC000067F46C6,Well let me check. (turns to Hank) Deputy Marsh, have you and Jonah found this mans vehicle yet? Hank Sorry Sheriff. LEIGH Well, youre heard it from the horses mouth. Leigh and Hank collect their Sarsaparillas. BARTENDER two Ill put it on your tab, Sheriff. LEIGH Much obliged. So you plan on doin some pillagin at the tables? jOHN Gotta find something to do while you gentleman recover my car. John picks up his glass and drinks the whole thing. LEIGH Well I wish you the best of luck tonight, Mr. Byrd. jOHN Sheriff. John leaves Leigh and Hank to their Sarsaparillas. John goes from game table to another: roulette, blackjack, craps, baccarat. Hes successful at each table, pulling in fifteen-thousand in chips, maybe more. INT. red ridge casino - nIGHT (later) John walks over to a poker table and sits in the only empty chair. The DEALER deals out the cards. Just as they players place their bets, a DRUNK stumbles towards John. Drunk Youre in my seat. John turns to the drunk. JOHN I dont see your name on it. He turns back to the game. DrUNK I was gettin a drink. These broads are lazier than I goddamn nigger. JoHN Thats nice. But Im not budging. DRUNK Get outta my seat! JOHN Get yourself another drink. The drunk polishes off his beer and sits it on the table. He gets in Johns face. DRUNK Dont you fuckin tell me what to do. He starts poking John in the chest. Big mistake. DRUNK (CONTD) Are you hearin me you dumb mother- With lightning speed, John grabs the drunk by his head and brings his face down on the table. Then takes the beer bottle and smashes across the drunks head. John lets go, the drunk falls to the floor, bleeding from his wounds. The players and a few on-lookers stand in awe. 00020000066400006EBA65E,JOHN Anybody else wanna claim this chair? No one raises their voice. John turns back to the game. A PLAYER collects his chips and walks away. Dubs (O.S.) Excuse me, sir. John turns around to find Dubs in a security uniform. Next to him are his two friends from the diner, DICKIE and BRIAN, also in security uniforms. DUBS (CONTD) (cocky smile) Could you come with us? John pockets his chips and escorted by the three guards. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - room - nIGHT It looks more like an interrogation room - four center-block walls and a two-way mirror. John sets before the three young security guards. Silence fills the air. Moments later, the head of security walks in - BUD GLANTON, early-forties, bald with a long goatee. Speaks with a raspy, mid-west drawl. Bud (to the three guards) Whats his name? DUBS Joe- something. I dont know. BuD You didnt check his I.D.? Dubs feels a little stupid. DUBS No. Bud shakes his head. He turns to John. BUD Gotta a name? john Joe Byrd. Now why the fuck am I here? Male voice (O.S.) Im curious about that myself. Bud and guards step aside for their boss HYMAN BROWN, late-fifties, a harden casino owner in a tailored suit. Hes tall and thin, with salt and pepper hair, a rakish look, and a small moustache. He smokes a cigar. Hyman Evenin, Mr. Byrd. Im Hyman Brown. I own this establishment. John shakes Hymans hand. HYMAN (CONTD) I understand you had a confrontation with one of our regulars. jOHN The guy started it. HyMAN Oh relax, son. I already know whose fault it is. The second Mr. Glanton here said Fred, well I just knew that ol Fred was up to something. 0002000006630000751865D,JoHN And how is ol Fred? HyMAN Lets just say hes gonna wake up the next mornin with a brutal hangover and a broken nose. But I wouldnt worry bout him. Lets say we got you outta here. John gets up from his seat and pushes past everyone. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - nIGHT John and Hyman walk side-by-side while Bud and boys pick up the rear. HYMAN So where you from? JOHN Texas. HYMAN You dont sound like a Texan. JOHN Cause I wasnt born there. HYMAN I see. So you just passin through? jOHN Sort of. Im just here until my car is found. HYMAN Goodness gracious me. jOHN You seemed surprised. HYMAN We dont get many car thefts in this town. Not in ten years anyway. Since I belt this place, this town looks more livelier than ever. People are happy. Are you happy, Mr. Byrd? jOHN Ill be happy when I get my car back. HYMAN (laughing) Just anxious to get outta town, aint you? John doesnt have a response. HYMAN (CONTD) What kind of car is it? JOHN (hesitates) 72 Monte Carlo. Hyman grunts. HYMAN Well I hope you find what youre lookin for, Mr. Byrd. They stop at the table John was just at. HyMAN (CONTD) I believe this was your table. You wanna keep playin? I can have the house give you a form of credit. Or how bout a drink? Brian! Brian steps up. JOHN No thanks, Mr. Brown. I think Ive had enough excitement for one night. Good night. HYMAN Gnight. John walks away. INT. rOOM FIVE - nIGHT John walks in, tired. He turns on the light and walks over to the bed. He removes his jacket and produces his winnings, seventeen-thousand from the looks of it. He pockets at least five-hundred dollars. 00020000073C00007B75736,John opens the bedside table drawer and takes out the Bible. He reaches into his jacket pocket and removes a stiletto knife. He opens the Bible, cuts out five inches of paper, and then places the money inside. John holds the book and surveys the room. He looks up to the ceiling. He is standing on the bed, unscrewing the vent on an overhead air-duct with the stiletto. John removes the vent, places the book inside, and screws the vent back on. INT. bathroom - nIGHT John turns the light. He stares at himself through the mirror for a bit. He looks down and notices a slip of paper in the sink. He picks it up and reads it: Brian took your car - 405 Gardner Ave. INT. jOES LIVING ROOM - nIGHT Joe stands across from a LARGE MAN who sits in the shadows. JOE I dont know what else to say. Hes in some one-horse town called Liberty. ARCHIE You trust him? JoE Johns not gonna do anything stupid- ARCHIE I didnt ask if John was gonna do anything stupid. Do you trust him? JoE Yeah I trust him. A long silence brews. Archie The Ladys growing impatient. She wants her money. Joe Is there a way you can talk to her? Maybe convince her to give Jules just a few more days to recover the money? ARCHIE Fuck John. Im tired of giving that asshole one favor after another. I sent Monfriez. Hell be there soon. Hell recover the money and take care of John. And if you give him the heads-up, Ill have Harlan Fletcher pay you a visit. Joe takes in Archies words. EXT. street - nIGHT John walks up Gardner Ave. He spots the house - a shabby looking shit-hole with an kept lawn. Parked in the driveway is a 79 Oldsmobile Cutlass. EXT. house - nIGHT John walks up the stone pathway. He walks up to the door and knocks on it. Moments later, the porch light comes on and the door opens to find a groggy Brian. He opens the screen door. 0002000006F0000082AB6EA,Brian Hey... arent you that guy- John punches Brian in the face. He stumbles backwards into his house. INT. brians house - nIGHT John steps in, slams the door shut. Brian pulls his hand from his bloody nose. BRIAN My nose! You broke my fucking nose, you fuck! JOHN Wheres my car? BRIAN Your what?! John goes after Brian. Brian goes for the Browning Auto on the coffee table. Just as he raises it, John twists his wrist, and wrenches the gun free from his hand. John clotheslines Brian. He lifts him and throws Brian onto the coffee table that crumbles into pieces. jOHN Wheres my car? Brian gets back up and attacks Boyd, but Johns good. He counters Brians right jab and bombards his midsection with hooks, then plants one in the face. John keeps tearing in and Brian meets the bombing attack that cause thick swelling. John holds Brian by his shirt. jOHN (CONTD) WHERES MY FUCKING CAR?! BRIAN ITS GONE! JOHN What you mean its gone?! BRIAN Its been chopped up for parts. JOHN Howd you find my car? BRIAN Luke. Luke calls us whenever theres valuable coming through town. JOHN You and your friends. BRIAN Dubs and Dickie. jOHN Keep going. BrIAN Once we get the call from Luke we go over to his garage and pick it up. Then we drive it over to Clifton and sell it to Big Bob for parts. jOHN Wheres the money? BRIAN We gave it to the casino. Any money thats found by Browns employees goes to him. John stares daggers at Brian. John head-butts Brian and lets him slump to the floor. John grabs the Browning and walks out. EXT. liberty - dAY A brand new day. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - dAY John walks in, fire in his eyes. He strolls through the casino, its pretty dead. He spots a door marked Management. Its guarded by TWO YOUNG SECURITY GUARDS. 0002000006D2000089956CC,John approaches them. JOHN I wanna talk to Brown. young security guard You have busy with Mr. Brown? JOHN I do. The young security guard considers him for a moment. young security guard Wait here. The young security guard opens the door and steps in. John stares at the second young guard whos too intimidated to meet Johns gaze. Moments later, the other young guard opens the door for John. YOUNG SECURITY GUARD (CONTD) Hell see you. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - hymans office - dAY John walks in. Hyman sits behind an ebony wood desk. Occupying the office is Bud, Dubs, Dickie, and a bruised and swollen Brian. HYMAN Have a seat, Mr. Byrd. John sits down. HYMAN (CONTD) Any luck finding your car? jOHN Believe it or not I found it last night. A little birdie told where it was. HyMAN Is that a fact now. JOHN Thats a fact. And that same birdie told me what happened to the eighty-grand that was tucked under the seat of my car. Hyman cracks a faint smile. HYMAN Whatre you drivin at, Mr. Byrd? John leans forward, stares him down. jOHN Cut the bullshit. Your boys gave you money that didnt belong to them. I want it back. Hyman returns the gaze. HYMAN Im sorry, Mr. Byrd, but, I have no idea what youre talkin bout. But if theres been some foul play regarding my boys, I suggest you take it up with Sheriff Jennings. Of course hes gonna wanna know how you came to own eighty-thousand dollars. Im sure hell love to hear that. Here - Hyman places his phone in front of John. HYMAN (CONTD) - you can use my phone. John stares at Hyman. HYMAN (CONTD) I guess theres been no wrong doin then, boys. Youre in the clear. Hyman laughs. Dubs, Dickie and Brian giggle under their breath. Bud stares at him from behind. 0002000006D0000090616CA,jOHN One last time - give me the money. HYMAN Take caution in your tone, son. This aint your backyard. A long silence. John springs up from his chair and almost onto the desk when Bud brings up his arm and a Beretta 3032 Tomcat shoots out from his sleeve and into his hand. The three are half drawn. Bud presses the pistol at the back of Johns head. HYMAN (CONTD) I think its time for you to leave, Mr. Byrd. John goes quietly. Bud escorts him out of the office. EXT. rED RIDGE CASINO - dAY Bud shoves John out the door. He straightens his jacket and keeps walking. EXT. lIBERTY - dAY John walks down the street. He spots Petes Hardware store. He takes a moment, then walks in. A 78 Chevrolet Caprice strolls up the street. INT. Monfriezs caprice - dAY Behind the wheel is MONFRIEZ, mid-forties, brownish hair, tall and built like a professional wrestler. He scans the streets looking for Jules. EXT. sTREET - dAY Monfriez pulls up to the corner. He calls out to a BYSTANDER. Monfriez Excuse me. Do you know where a tired traveler can a place to stay? Bystander A hotel? Sure. We got bunch of em. EXT. arizona landscape - eVENING The sun sinks behind the mountains. INT. roadside garage - nIGHT Luke turns off the lights and heads for the door. EXT. roADSIDE GARAGE - nIGHT Luke turns around and locks the doors. He turns to walk off the porch when -- John swings three strips of barbed-wire around Lukes neck. He wears a pair of thick gloves. John crosses it and drags Luke off the porch. He pulls Luke upright and plants his knee into his spine as he strangles him. Luke gags as a waterfall of blood pours out from his mouth. Luke is able to make a howl. John trips on his own strength and falls to the ground. 0002000006950000972B68F,Blood creeps around the friction points where the bared-wire bites his throat. John brings pressure. Lukes legs writhe and stamp. He crabs around the pivot-point of Johns back arched against the ground. Finally, Luke dies. His arms hang loosely at his side. John rolls Lukes dead body off him. EXT. roADSIDE GARAGE - mORNING The Sheriffs cruiser and a deputys cruiser pull into the parking lot. A cloud of dust engulfs the cars. The men get out and stand in front of the Sheriffs car. They look up. Leigh grunts. They stare up at Luke, hanging from a street lamp in the parking lot by a steel chain. His body lightly dances in the wind. HANK How did- LEIGH Lukes mother called the station. Screamin in my ear bout how her son didnt come home. HANK Actually, Sheriff, I was wondering how that lamp post was holdin him up. Leigh spits. Turns to his deputies. LEIGH Alright. Any ideas who couldve done this? The deputies are kind of deadpan. JONAH Well, what about that new feller that came into town. Leigh considers the thought. INT. rOOM FIVE - mORNING Theres a knock at the door. John steps out of the bathroom, soaking wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. He answers the door. Sheriff Jennings and his deputies stand outside. LEIGH Mornin, Mr. Byrd. JOHN Sheriff. You found my car? LEIGH Fraid not. JOHN I take it this is not a social visit. LEIGH It aint, Mr. Byrd. Can we come in? John steps aside. The men enter. jOHN This motels gotta good thing going. Free wash and draw. LEIGH That they do. JoHN So what can I do for you? LEIGH You know that feller that worked on your car? JOHN Yeah. Goes by Luke, right? JONAH More like went by. 00020000069000009DBA68A,LEIGH Hush up, Jonah. Hank smacks Jonah on the shoulder. jOHN I dont understand. HANK Luke was found hanging from a lamp post at his garage this morning. Dead. jOHN Jesus. JONAH Damn shame too. He was well liked round town. He was my favorite drinkin buddy. jOHN Sorry for your loss. LEIGH When was the last time you saw Luke, Mr. Byrd? jOHN The day he lost my car. If youre suggesting I had a hand in his death, I can assure you, I didnt. I was here all night. LEIGH Can you produce a witness? JoHN Im afraid I cant. But can you produce a witness that puts me at the scene of the crime? LEIGH Fraid not. JOHN I dont know what else I can do for you gentleman. JESSE (O.S.) Excuse me. The men turn around to see Jesse standing in the doorway holding Boyds clean clothes from a hanger. JESSE (CONTD) Is this a bad time? LEIGH Not at all. We were just leavin. Jesse steps aside while Leigh and his deputies walk outside. They put on their shades. John leans in the doorway. LEIGH (CONTD) Oh, by the way. I gotta call yesterday from Hoodoo Brown at the Red Ridge Casino. Its seems you had a confrontation with one of his employees. He says you accused him of stealing your car. jOHN Oh yeah, that. I gotta bad tip from someone. Turns out I was wrong. LEIGH Uh-huh. You have any ideas who mightve given you this bad tip? JOHN Not a clue. LEIGH So whatre your plans then? JOHN I guess Ill call a friend. Have him come and pick me up. LEIGH Its good idea. Get outta town while you still can. Well, you take care now, Mr. Byrd. jOHN Sheriff. Leigh and the deputies walk away and climb into their vehicles. John and Jesse watch as they drive away. 00020000089F0000A444899,John takes his hanged clothes from Jesse and closes the door. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - HymanS OFFICE - mORNING Hyman goes over his books. Theres a knock at the door. HYMAN Yeah? Bud opens the door. Dubs stands by him. BuD You might wanna hear this, sir. HYMAN Hear what, Bud? DUBS Luke is dead, boss. Hyman pauses. He looks up. HyMAN Damn. BuD Theres no doubt Byrd went after him. I gotta hunch hell be comin after these boys. Maybe you. Hyman leans back in his chair. EXT. pINE VIEW INN - dAY Monfriezs car pulls into the parking lot. He gets out and walks into the office. INT. pINE VIEW INN - OFFICE - dAY Jesse sits behind the counter reading a book. Monfriez enters. Jesse gets up from her chair. JESSE Can I help you, sir? MONFRIEZ I hope so. Monfriez produces a leather wallet and shows her a gold police badge. MONFRIEZ (CONTD) Im Detective Alphonse Monfriez. I was wondering if this man was staying here. Monfriez shows Jesse a picture of a happy John with Mona. jESSE Yes, sir. Hes staying in room five. MONFRIEZ Thank you. Monfriez walks out. INT. rOOM FIVE - dAY John puts on his jacket. He lifts the pillow and grabs Brians Browning. He tucks the gun in the back of his waistband and heads to the door. He opens the door and suddenly gets a boot in the chest from Monfriez. Jules stumbles backwards and onto the floor. He clutches his chest and gasp. Monfriez Hello, Jules. Im Monfriez. Jules reaches for the Browning. Monfriez charges after him. He grabs him, and presses him against the wall. The gun lies on the floor. MONFRIEZ (CONTD) Wheres the money? JOHN The casino has it. MONFRIEZ You blew eighty-thousand in a fuckin casino?! Bullshit! Monfriez throws a few gut punches. John cringes. Monfriez lifts and throws John to the ground. John spots the gun and grabs it, but not before Monfriez steps on his wrist. He howls. Monfriez kicks him in the face. Blood spills from his mouth. Monfriez lifts John up by his lapels and too his knees. He socks him in the face. MONFRIEZ (CONTD) Wheres the money? JOHN I already told you. Monfriez socks him again. JOHN (CONTD) You hit like a woman. Another chop to the face. JOHN (CONTD) A very ugly woman. 000200000B780000ACDDB72,And another. He keeps bashing him in the face. Monfriez throws John around like a rag doll. He punches him in the ribs, kicks him when hes down. Monfriez catches John flush on the jaw. He drops to the floor, out of it. Monfriez picks up the Browning and stands over John. He cocks back the hammer and aims at John. Suddenly, a hail of gunfire rips the room apart, and Monfriez. EXT. pine view inn - dAY Standing outside firing an assortment of guns is Bud, Dubs, Dickie, Brian, and THREE OTHER GUYS. They stand by old sedans. Moments later, the firing stops. Silence. Bud steps over the spent shells. The others pick up the rear. INT. room five - dAY The bullet ridden door creaks open, Bud stands silhouetted in the threshold. Bud and the others walk into the room. Bud spots Monfriez on top of John. He rolls him over - John raises the Browning and shoots one of the men in the chest. Bud butt-whacks John in the face with his combat shotgun. Hes out like a light. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - room - dAY John sits in a chair, hands taped behind his back. His jacket, socks and shoes are off. His white shirt is splattered with his blood. Dubs, Dickie, and Brian take turns beating the shit out of Jules. Their hands are bruised. Johns face is a bloody, swollen mess, at this point, hes just taking it. Dubs throws a vicious right. Dubs That was for eyeballin my woman, bitch. Brians up. Brian This, is for me. Brian swings his right hand across Johns face. A crack is heard. BRIAN (CONTD) FUCK! Goddamn it! I think I broke my fucking hand. John laughs. Dickie throws a straight punch to Johns face. Dickie Shut the fuck up! He shuts up. Bud steps in, followed by Hyman. HYMAN Simmer down boys. (looks at Jules) Oh my, my, my. You are one... dead sonbitch. Now, before you die, why dont you tell us your real name, for your tombstone. Cause I know it aint Joe Byrd. No one with a half of mind would use a name that ridiculous. With the remaining good eye, John looks up at Hyman. Leigh (O.S.) His name, is John Davidson. Stepping into the room is Sheriff Leigh and his deputies. HYMAN Well thank you, Sheriff. LEIGH That is your name, isnt it? Cause it says so on your criminal rap sheet. John looks at Leigh. LEIGH (CONTD) You wanna know how I got your name and all, dont you? It wasnt hard, all I had to do was lift the prints from the liquor glass you lift at the bar the first night you came in here. HYMAN Well, I dont know bout you, Sheriff. But I say we get rid of this broken down piece of meat before this place gets busy. Hank I agree, Sheriff. LEIGH Alright. Suggestions? Jonah I say lets chop him up and leave the pieces out in the sun. LEIGH Use your head, Jonah. HYMAN Bud, what do you think? Bud stares at John. Bud Feller likes to hang our own, I say lets oblige him with the same treatment. HYMAN I couldnt agree more. My boys will take him far outta town, Sheriff. 0002000008790000B84F873,EXT. aRIZONA DESERT - dAY (present) The ground is like heated iron. EXT. hangING TREE - dAY John doesnt move. He looks as if he could already be dead; his face is swollen from his beatings and now parched, cracked open. Coated with dust and dried blood. An eyelid twitches, opens -- the other barely opens. His eyes look about vacantly -- nothing. JOHN (sluggish) Mona... He stares up at the sun -- oppressive, concentrated as if through a magnifying glass. EXT. hANGING TREE - dAY (hours later) John is in worse shape than before. He licks his parched lips. His tongue is swollen to twice its size and seems coated with dust. He gags for breath, bits his cracked lips. Blood trickles forth. His tongue licks it up as salty thirst assails him. A spire of dust rises in the ripples of heat waves. John sees something in the distance -- a truck, speeding towards him on the rugged terrain. His body starts to go limp, he loses strength in his legs -- and finally, he hangs. The truck is almost there. John produces a dying hiss. The truck comes to skidding stop. Dust flies by. Jesse quickly gets out of the truck and races over to John with a knife. She pulls the footstool out from under Johns feet. She stands on it and starts sawing at the rope. The rope finally snaps and John body drops hard to the ground. Jesse jumps down and rolls him onto his back. She checks his pulse - nothing. Jesse Shit. Hold on, mister. She performs CPR. So far hes not coming around. She keeps trying. JeSSE (CONTD) Cmon. WAKE UP! INT. pINE VIEW INN - back room - eVENING John opens his eyes. His face is clean and his wounds are dressed. He lies in a bed. Out the corner of his eye, he spots Henry Bad Horse sitting nearby, lighting a cigarette. Henry Evening. This is my daughters doing. Not mine. If it was up to me, I wouldve left you out there. Cruel it may sound, but I dont get involved with the casinos affairs. Anything they do is no business of mine. Now youve been giving a second chance, I suggest you make good on it. You can stay here until your wounds heal. Then get outta Liberty before they realize youre not where they left you. 0002000006CD0000C0C26C7,JOHN Im not going anywhere. HENRY Dont make this personal, kid. They couldve killed you but instead they wanted to jerk you around. JOHN Doesnt matter. HeNRY If they see you walkin they will kill you in the street in front of the whole town. They dont care. Whats in this town thats worth a bullet? JOHN Eighty-grand. HENRY Is your life worth eighty-grand? John is quiet. Henry gets up and walks out. EXT. pINE VIEW INN - nIGHT Its real quiet at the motel. INT. pINE VIEW INN - BACK ROOM - nIGHT Jesse walks in with a set of new clothes. John is smoking a cigarette. JESSE These are some of my dads old clothes. I hope they fit. She places the clothes on the hope chest and heads to the door. JOHN Youre the one who lift the note in my bathroom. Jesse stops, turns to John. JOHN (CONTD) Why? JESSE I figured if, you found out who took your car you might rock the boat in this town. John goes back to smoking. JOHN Howd you find me? JESSE After they left here with you I tailed them to the casino. Then I followed them out in the desert. Then I waited for them to leave before I could find you. I figured if I could keep you alive you might keep rockin the boat. JOHN Im not here to rock some fuckin boat. Im gonna get my money and leave. Jesse hesitates. JESSE You want some help? John looks at Jesse JOHN Whats your interest in all this? JESSE Before Hyman and the casino this town was full of decent and honest people who werent afraid to walk down the street. Now theyre all making a quick buck being his coke-sitters. JOHN Browns a dealer? Jesse nods her head. JESSE He gets his cocaine from Mexico. Then brings it to Liberty for his sitters to break it down so he can ship it off to other towns. 00020000082A0000C789824,But sometimes, he gets a few curious sitters who wanna try his product for free. Then he has to make an example outta them. JOHN And everyone knows about this? JESSE Some do, some dont. Those that do know dont wanna get involved. So they moved. JOHN Why havent you and your dad moved? JESSE My dads not easily intimidated by thugs. With me its pride. I was born here, I was raised here, Ill die here. But not before Hyman Brown. John lets the words sink in. EXT. aRIZONA DESERT - mORNING The sun rises over the hills. INT. pINE VIEW INN - BACK ROOM - mORNING John is at a desk dressed in Henrys old clothes: dark canvas pants and an olive green shirt. Hes writing something down. Jesse walks in with a cup of coffee. JESSE I brought you some coffee. John turns to hand Jesse the slip of paper. JOHN Im gonna need these. Jesse sets the coffee down on the desk and looks at the paper. JOHN (CONTD) Still wanna help me? Jesse nods her head. JOHN (CONTD) Youre gonna need some money first. INT. rOOM FIVE - mORNING John stands on the bed bashing the vent in with the telephone. Jesse stands by. John drops the phone and pulls the vent off with both hands. He grabs the Bible and takes out the money. He hands her a hundred dollars. INT. petes hardware store - mORNING Jesse pushes a shopping cart up and down the aisles. Shes collected several items: A roll of duct-tape. A shovel. A pair of thick gloves. An axe. A one-hundred fifty-foot rope. The PROPRIETOR looks at the items. Then at Jesse. He shrugs it off. EXT. pINE VIEW INN - dAY The pickup truck pulls off the road and into the parking lot. John exits his room. He walks to the truck. Jesse gets out. JESSE Well, I got everything on the list. JOHN Good. JeSSE Now what? JOHN Got anything nice to wear? JESSE Cause youre going on a date. INT. sheriffs department - dAY Relatively small, only a few desks. Jonah sits on his desk talking on the phone. He looks excited. JONAH All right. Seven oclock it is then. Bye, Jesse. Jonah hangs up. Hank walks in. HANK Why are you some goddamn giddy? 0002000006480000CFAD642,JONAH I gotta date with a squaw tonight. Jonah grins. Hank shakes his head. EXT. mollys - nIGHT Jonah holds the door open for Jesse as she walks out. She wears a lovely Sunday dress. Jonah, jeans and a plaid shirt. JONAH I swear those chuck wagons get better every time I come here. JESSE Yeah they do. They walk over to Jonahs 80 Chevy Suburban. He opens the door for Jesse. She climbs in. Jonah rushes to the other side and gets in. INT. jonahs suburban - nIGHT Jonah closes the door. JONAH So whatd feel like doin next? JESSE Hogans Cliff looks good this time of night. We could go there. JONAH I like the sound of that. Jonah starts the vehicle, when, John comes up from the backseat and smashes a glass bottle across Jonahs head. Hes out like a light. John pulls him to the back while Jesse slides into the driver seat and peels away. EXT. arizona desert - nIGHT Jonah lies on the ground, legs and wrists bound with rope. He wakes up. JONAH (groggy) What- where am I? Whats goin on? JOHN (O.S.) Retribution is whats going on. Jonah freezes. Jesse stands by the Suburban, lights pierce the darkness. John hauls Jonah to his knees. He looks up at John. JOHN (CONTD) Why, Jonah. You look like youve seen a ghost. JONAH (hesitates) Hey- JOHN What was that thing you suggested? JONAH What? JOHN Back at the casino. You suggested that yall chop me up and leave my pieces out in the sun. JONAH I was just foolin. I didnt mean nothin by it. JoHN Foolin, huh? JONAH Yeah. John walks to the back of the Suburban. He returns with the axe. Jonah trembles at the site of it. 0002000006560000D5EF650,JONAH (CONTD) Look- I- JOHN Got any last words? Jonah breathes heavily, beginning to sob. JONAH Please God help me. John raises the axe, brings it down, but stops in mid-air. Jonah shakes and yells as his life is spared. John laughs. JOHN Im just foolin with you. John pats Jonah on the arm and turns away. Jonah sighs. With a blink of an eye - John turns and plants the axe at the base of Jonahs neck, between neck and shoulder. Jonah yells out in agonizing pain as blood spurts forth from the wound. John jerks the axe from Jonah with robotic precision. He raises the instrument. Jonah keels over, still alive. John delivers another death pang, chopping a wedge into the side of Jonahs neck as a lumberjack chopping down a tree. Jesse cant watch. His voice streams into a gurgling pool as crimson liquid life burps from his mouth and spills over onto his chin. John chops up the body furiously, never slowing down. Jesse climbs into the Suburban. Moments later, John finally stops. He turns towards the high beams, painted in blood. He pants heavily. John walks towards the Suburban. John (CONTD) If youre done cowering in the truck, help get me the shovels. John walks to the back. JeSSE Were burying him? JOHN (O.S.) No. EXT. sHERIFFS DEPARTMENT - mORNING Leigh climbs out of his car and walks in. INT. sHERIFFS DEPARTMENT - mORNING Hank is on the phone. HANK Alright. I meet you at there. Hank hangs up. LEIGH Who was that? HaNK Jesse Bad Horse. She said she was on her mornin hike when she saw some feller hangin from a tree. She gonnas meet me out there. Any sign of Jonah, Sheriff? 0002000006140000DC3F60E,LEIGH I went by his house, his mommas, nothing. You said he went on a date last night with Jesse, right? HANK Yes, sir. LEIGH Well ask her when you see her. HANK Yes, sir. Hank gets up. EXT. hanging tree - mORNING Hanks cruiser drives across the terrain and parks alongside Jesses truck. He climbs out. Jesse meets him half way. JESSE Hank. Hows it going? HANK Not. Have you seen Jonah since last night? JESSE No. Cant say I have. We went to the diner. Then he took me home. Hank grunts as they walk towards the hanging tree. Hank stares at the empty tree. HanK Jesse you said there was someone hangin from the tree. JOHN (O.S.) And she was right. John rips Hanks Smith and Wesson revolver from his holster with a blink of an eye. Hank turns to find John, gazing at the business end of his gun. JOHN (CONTD) Someone was hanging from that tree. Hank is speechless. JOHN (CONTD) And dont worry about Jonah. Youll be seeing him shortly. Walk forward. Hank walks towards the tree. John and Jesse pick up the rear. HANK You dont have to do this, mister. Please. Behind the tree is an open grave, six feet deep, four feet wide. John forces Hank to his knees, face to face. JOHN You should consider yourself lucky. Jonah didnt get a grave. HaNK Mister, I didnt have no hand Hymans dirty work. Honest. JOHN You think thats gonna save you? John cocks back the hammer and jams the barrel against Hanks forehead. HANK Please, I have a wife and son. Please. John freezes. He looks over to Jesse for confirmation. JeSSE He does. 0002000006530000E24D64D,John lowers the gun; he steps away from Hank. He sighs. A moment has pass. John walks back to Hank. JOHN What a load of crap. John shoots Hank in the head. Jesse flinches. His body falls into the hole. He shoots at Hanks body. Silence. JOHN (CONTD) Lets go. EXT. highway - mORNING The pickup zooms on by. INT. jesses truck - mORNING Jesses driving. John sits quietly. JeSSE Whats next? JOHN Who do you know that sells guns? Jesse looks at John. EXT. yellow falls trailer park - dAY Jesses truck pulls into a trailer park that sits alongside the highway on the outskirts of Liberty. John and Jesse get out of the truck next to a double-wide. JOHN How well do you know this person? JESSE I went to high school with him. His names Otto Browning. Jesse walks up the wooden steps and knocks on the door. JESSE (CONTD) Just let me make the introduction. John waits at the bottom. Moments later the door opens: OTTO BROWNING, late-twenties, scrawny, itched with muscles. He squints at the sunlight. JESSE (CONTD) Hey, Otto. Otto Jesse? The fuck do you want? JESSE I gotta guy here who wants to buy some hardware. You got any? Otto looks at John. INT. trailer - dAY Jesse and John enter the trailer. A twenty-something WOMAN in cutoff jeans and a halter top watches TV. OTTO Dont mind her. This way. INT. trailer bedroom - dAY They enter the bedroom room. Otto closes the door and sits on the bed, checks out John. OTTO I dont know you. JOHN Good cause I hate friends. OTTO I sell to people I know. JESSE You know me, Otto. OTTO But Im not sellin to you, Im sellin to this sonbitch. Maybe. 0002000005CA0000E89A5C4,John produces a wad of cash from his pocket. JOHN How bout now? Otto stares at the cash. OtTO Well, I guess I could know you for a few minutes. John pockets the cash as Otto walks over to the steel stationery cabinet by the wall. He opens it to reveal an assortment of old firearms, but still in good use. OtTO (CONTD) So whatre you lookin for? JoHN Whatever gets the job done. He handles each one, showing off, popping actions. OtTO How bout this motherfucker - M1 Garand, WWII era. Granddaddy used this baby to off a couple Japs and Krauts. Otto tosses the rifle to John. JoHN Too big. John drops it on the bed. OTTO Too big. Alright - 1911, Springfield. Its old, but itll never let you down. Otto places it on the bed. OTTO (CONTD) Smith & Wesson, model seventy-six. Dad got this sweetheart during his tour in Nam. Nothing but reliability. On the bed it goes. OTTO (CONTD) Now this one you can never go wrong with - .44 Anaconda. Six inches of firepower. Never jams, never fails. He places it on the bed. OTTO (CONTD) If none of these get the job done Ill give you a fuckin refund. Thats if the job doesnt kill you first. John overlooks the guns. JOHN (nods to the handgun and machine gun) This and this. OTTO Okay, lets talk turkey - seven-thousand. JOHN Ill give you eight-thousand if you throw in that vest next to the bedside table. Otto looks the kevlar vest. OtTO I dont know, that vest has saved my life couple times. Its my lucky vest. 0002000006250000EE5E61F,JOHN Nine-thousand. OttO Done and done. Otto lays up cartridges for him (.44 magnums and .45 ACP HPs) and some holsters-- OTTO (CONTD) Im going to comp you some accessories, just because youre a good customer. --starts loading the guns into a duffle bag. John lays down nine-grand. Jesse grabs the vest. EXT. pine view motel - dAY Jesses truck parks in front of the office. Jesse and John get out. John goes to the bed and grabs the duffle bag. JeSSE I got some gun oil and rags in the office. Ill be right back. Jesse races to the office. INT. pINE VIEW MOTEL - office - dAY Henry sits behind the counter reading a newspaper. Jesse enters and walks past her dad. INT. pinE VIEW MOTEL - back room - dAY Jesse opens the hope chest, searching for the gun oil. JESSE Dad wheres the gun oil? Henry stands in the doorway. HENRY I dont want you to continue helping him. JESSE Not now, dad. HENRY Hes going to get you killed for his agenda, not yours. JESSE I dont care, Im tired of watching Hyman take whatever he wants. HENRY You dont think I am? Jesse turns to her dad. JESSE You never seem to show it. HENRY I dont like showing my weaknesses. Or how scared I get when you go into town. I dont get involved because I cant bear the thought of losing my losing only child. EXT. pINE VIEW MOTEL - dAY John stands by the office door, out of sight, but close enough to hear the conversation. INT. room five - dAY (later) John sits at the table, taking apart the pistol. Jesse walks in with the gun oil and some rags. She places the things on the table. 0002000006400000F47D63A,JOHN I dont want you coming with me on this one. JESSE Why? JOHN Youve done enough for me already. I cant ask you to keep going. John grabs the oil starts cleaning the pieces. JeSSE If this is about me getting hurt, then- JoHN Youre not made for this. You change sheets, I kill people. Jesse lets the words sink. JOHN (CONTD) Thanks for the help. Ill take it from here. INT. brians house - nIGHT His door is kicked in. The sudden surprise startles Brian and his GIRLFRIEND. John charges in with a pistol in one hand and a roll of duct-tape in the other. JOHN On the ground now! They do what theyre told. Brian trembles at the sight John. BRIAN Youre supposed to be dead. John closes the door and walks up to Brian. He kicks him in the rib. Brian cringes. JOHN That was for me. BRIAN Whatd you want? John squats down. JOHN A reunion. INT. dubs house - nIGHT Dubs fucks Georgia doggystyle on the living room floor. The phone rings. He stops and answers the phone. DUBS (into phone) Somebody better be fuckin dead. BRIAN (V.O.) Dubs, youre not gonna believe this. That asshole John Brandt, tried to break into my house. I got him tied up. DUBS Keep him tied up. Dickie and I will be there in few minutes. Well kill this prick ourselves. Dubs hangs up. EXT. bRIANS HOUSE - nIGHT Dubs Mustang pulls up to the curb. Dubs and Dickie bolt out of the car. INT. bRIANS HOUSE - nIGHT They enter the house to find Brian and his girlfriend bound and gagged with duct-tape. Dubs and Dickie look puzzled. The door swings shut. John stands behind them, aims his pistol at them. 0002000006130000FAB760D,JOHN Welcome to the party. On the floor next to your buddy. Dubs and Dickie obeys John. John frisks Dubs and Dickie, removing their pistols. JOHN (CONTD) (to Dickie) Okay. You. Tie up your friend. John drops the roll of duct-tape in front of Dickie. INT. bRIANS HOUSE - nIGHT (later) All three boys are on their knees. Bound and gagged. John stands before them. JOHN So who wants to die first? Brian nods his head and grunts. John rips the duct-tape off his mouth. BRIAN We can get your money back. Right guys? Dubs and Dickie nod their heads and grunt. JOHN How? BRIAN The three of us will walk into the count room. Well tell the counters that Hyman wants eighty thousand dollars, and he told us to bring it to him. They wont question it. I swear to God. John considers the plan. JOHN You sure they wont get any strange ideas? BRIAN I promise they wont. JOHN Sounds good. Alright. Well go with that. John removes the tape from Dubs and Dickies mouth. JOHN (CONTD) (to Brian) You got any Scotch? BRIAN Uh, no. JOHN (shakes his head) No deal. John shoots Brian in head. His girlfriend screams under the tape as his body hits the floor. John turns to Dubs and Dickie and-- DuBS Wait! --shoots Dubs twice in the chest. Dickie turns to John. JOHN Dont worry, I got other plans for you. EXT. aRIZONA DESERT - mORNING The glorious sun rises. EXT. red ridge casino - mORNING At least ten cars in the lot. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - mORNING Semi-dead. No drinks being served at this hour. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - hymans office - mORNING 000200000656000100C4650,Hyman is on the phone, listening to the dial tone. Bud is by the door. HyMAN Goddamn it! He slams the phone down. BuD Nothing, huh? HyMAN Goddamn kids dont know how to show up for work. The phone rings. Hyman answers it. HYMAN (CONTD) (into phone) Dickie. JOHN (V.O.) Dickies dead, Hyman. Along with his two friends. HYMAN John Brandt. I assume youre calling from hell. JOHN (V.O.) Which is where youre gonna end up, if I dont get what I want. HyMAN Your eighty-grand. Fine. If thats what it takes to get your ass outta town. Fine. Where? JOHN (V.O.) You know the ghost town just outside of Liberty? HYMAN I do. JOHN (V.O.) Bring the money there in one hour. John hangs up. Hyman looks at Bud. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - locker room - mORNING Bud is by his open locker. He slips on a bullet proof vest. Then holsters an L.A.R. Grizzly pistol. He pulls out his custom weapon: an AK-47 with a Franchi PA3 shotgun attached to the handguard with sturdy zip-ties. Bud grabs some extra magazines and shotgun shells and walks out. INT. sHERIFFS DEPARTMENT - mORNING Leigh is on the phone, he doesnt look happy. LEIGH Hyman, I cant do a damn thing for you. Im short on deputies. INT. rED RIDGE CASINO - HYMANS OFFICE - mORNING HyMAN I dont give a shit what youre short on. Im down three guards. I got Glanton and six incompetent pricks. Youre comin with us and I dont wanna hear anymore bout it. Hyman hangs up. INT. sHERIFFS DEPARTMENT - mORNING Leigh hangs up. EXT. rED RIDGE CASINO - mORNING Hyman, Bud, and the SIX ARMED GUARDS climb into two sedans. Hyman carries a canvas security bag. 00020000064F00010714649,They peel away. EXT. liberty - mORNING The sedans drive through town. INT. first sedan - mORNING Hyman loads his Smith & Wesson Schofield. EXT. hIGHWAY - mORNING The sedans tear along the empty highway. EXT. ghost town - mORNING Dank and creepy - warped and weathered wood. A sense of rot. The ghost town is preserved in a state of arrested decay. Only a small part of the town has survived. The two sedans enter the town and drive slowly down main street. A snake tail of dust follows them. The sedans stop in front of Dubs dead body. Theres a piece of paper pinned to his shirt. The men get out. They approach the body. Hyman rips the note from Dubs body. It reads: Leave the money and go. Hyman opens the bag and takes out a packet of cash, waves it in the air. He stuffs the money back in the bag and drops it in front of Dubs body. HYMAN Lets go. The men climb back in, do a U-turn, and drive out of the ghost town. Silence. EXT. 200 yards away from the ghost town - mORNING Leigh is on hill across the way. On his stomach and looking through the scope of a hunting rifle. Through the telephoto lens, he sees a MASKED INDIVIDUAL exiting the two story school house and walking towards the money. Leigh lines up his target. He fires. The sound of the gunshot rings out across the landscape. The bullet hits the masked individual: dead. Leigh grabs a walkie-talkie. LEIGH (into walkie) Move in. Leigh packs everything up. EXT. gHOST TOWN - mORNING One of the sedans speeds back into the ghost town. They stop in front of both dead bodies. Hyman, and the three guards get out. Hyman grins. 00020000062700010D5D621,HyMAN You shouldve just walked away, son. Hyman squats down and removes the mask. Its Dickie. Hymans eyes widen like saucers. A burst of gunfire explodes through the window of the school house and takes out all three thugs and injures Hyman in the leg. Hyman drops in pain, grunts. Moments later, John emerges from the school house. The seventy-six is slung over his shoulder by a bungee cord. John walks up to Hyman as he changes his magazine. HyMAN (CONTD) Theres your money... just take it and go... John cranks chambers the first round. He aims his weapon at Hyman. JOHN Say hi to your boys for me. Hyman grins. HyMAN You first. John realizes that something is off. At the corner of his eye, he sees the second sedan racing towards him. John dives out of its path, missing him by an inch. The sedan does a quick U-turn. John gets back to his feet as the sedan charges him. John pulls up his machine-gun and fires relentlessly at the windshield. Pock-marking metal, blood splattering the spider-web cracked windshield, etc. The machine-gun goes dead as the sedan comes to a slow. John steps aside as the sedan rolls past him. John walks back to the injured Hyman, sitting up against the cars bumper. He drops the spent seventy-six and whips out his Springfield. Cocks back the hammer. He stares down at Hyman. A moment goes by. He raises his pistol when a static of gunfire hits the sedan. John whips his head and pistol at Bud as he fires his AK-47 again. John ducks from the wave of bullets. He fires back at Bud while running towards the church. 000200000FF10001137EFEB,One of Buds bullets hits John in the back of the kevlar vest. John gets the wind knocked out of him as he hits church steps. John fires back. Bud ducks behind the sedan. The pistol clicks empty as John staggers into the church. Bud moves low to Hyman as he smacks in a new clip. HyMAN (CONTD) Get that sonbitch. Bud cranks back and begins walking towards the church. He grips the shotgun underneath the rifle and blasts at the door till it goes empty. He loads up the shotgun and then kicks in the doors that fall apart. INT. church - mORNING Bud stands in the doorway. Several rows of rotting pews. He looks around, no sign of John. He sees a door at the far end. He slowly walks down the right side of the church. Bud looks at the pews on his left, believing that John is there. Suddenly John springs out from the door, firing. Bud dives left, behind the pews. John continues firing till his pistol runs dry. Bud fires back, blindly. John jumps onto the front pew, lies flat on his stomach as the bullets fly over him, reloading. The AK clicks empty. John springs up and fires back just as Bud ducks low to the floor. Empty. John lies down. He frisks his body for more ammo. He disregards the pistol and produces the .44. JoHN You wanna die for that asshole? Bud smacks in a new clip. BuD You wanna die for that money? John grins. Cocks back the hammer. JOHN Alright. He quickly sits up, aims at nothing. Something is off. Without warning Bud springs up, firing wildly. John quickly ducks and rolls off the pew. Wooden confetti explodes into the air. John lies where he is. Bud runs out. He drops the AK and whips out the Grizzly just as John stands up. Both men fire and miss-- --until one of Buds hits John in the gut, while one Johns hits Bud in the face. Both men go down. John grunts in pain. He looks down at the vest and sees the hole and some blood trickling down it. He slowly gets up, pain surges through him. He walks over to Bud, holding his gut. John looks down on Bud, barely alive. A pool of blood begins to form around his head. John tucks his .44 and picks up Buds weapon. He takes hold of the shotgun and blows off half of Buds head. Blood and brain matter paints the wooden floor. He drops the weapon and take out his .44, reloading as he walks to the door. EXT. cHURCH - mORNING Just as John is about to cross the threshold, hes fired upon. His shoulder is hit. Using the sedan as leverage, Hyman continues to fires from his Schofield. INT. cHURCH - mORNING John dashes back inside, grabbing his wounded shoulder. EXT. gHOST TOWN - mORNING Hymans Schofield is empty. He tries to reload as fast as he can. John comes out, shooting Hyman in the other leg. He howls and drops his weapon. John continues walking towards. HYMAN Okay. You won. Theres your money. Just go. John stops in front of Hyman. JOHN Not yet. He brings up the .44. Leigh springs up from behind the sedan, his Colt Python is trained on John. LEIGH Drop it, son. John doesnt listen. LEIGH (CONTD) I cant let you do this. He still doesnt listen. Leigh loosens his gun arm. LEIGH (CONTD) Or maybe I can. Hyman turns to Leigh. HyMAN The hell you doin, Leigh? Shoot him! LEIGH I dont know, Hyman. Im sick and tired of your bossin around bullshit. And if this boy wants to put an end to it, who am I to get in his way? (thinks for a moment) But then again, I dont mind the money, so put the fuckin gun down, son. Leigh raises his arm again. Suddenly, Leigh is shot in the back. John and Leigh turn to see Henry emerging from behind the school house. He carries a smoking stagecoach shotgun. Jesse picks up the rear. JoHN Howd you find me? HENRY My daughters not the only one who can track. You go on, Ill take care of Hyman. John un-cocks the hammer. Henry grabs Hyman. Jesse sees Johns wounds. JeSSE Youre hurt. JOHN Im fine. John grabs the money bag. JESSE Thank you. John opens the car door. JOHN It was never about you. It was about the money. John climbs in and drives away, leaving the three in a cloud of dust. FADE OUT.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