2Final Draft, Inc. Final DraftϨ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acdane00@gmail.com Fade in: Ext. Birds nest- early morning A BABY BIRD, frail in size, but eyes as wide as the world. It inches over the edge of its nest, and with anxious wings, it takes the plunge. EXT. park- early morning The Bird lands in A tree so massive, it could well and be the TREE OF LIFE. Beneath its many branches, sits CALEB, 28, with candle-light eyes. He stares as the FADING STARS, dissolve into DAWN. EXT. CITY STREETS - dAY Caleb walks with his head down, swarmed by thoughts. Hes like Pluto in this world, cold and alone. He comes across a... Ext. Piano shop- DAY GRAND PIANO thats on display. Caleb stops and stares, marveling at its curves like a naked woman. Suddenly, a HOMELESS-MAN steps in front of him. Homeless-man Excuse me-- CalEB (interrupts) Sorry. No change. Caleb turns to walk away, but the Homeless-man steps in-front of him. HOMELESS-MAN (angry) Thats not what I was gonna ask. (calm) I was gonna ask if you were gay? CAleb (startled) What? HOMELESS-MAN (loud) Are you gay! Calebs suddenly conscious of the world. He looks around, hoping no one heard the accusation. CALEB (insulted) No! homeless-man Then whyre you carrying pictures of men? Caleb Huh? I don't have pictures of men. Again Caleb tries to walk away, but the Homeless-man blocks his path. Homeless-man (angry) Yes you do. Dont lie to me. Caleb looks at him. His wild hair says it all. Hes crazy. CALEB Im not lying. I dont have pictures of any men. Caleb maneuvers around him, but the homeless man is like a wall. CaleB (CONT'D) What the hells your problem? HOMELESS-MAN Whats your problem? None of this is making any sense. Caleb resorts to compromise. CALEB Look, If I proove to you that I dont have pictures of any men, will you leave me alone? Homeless man (considering it) 000200000A74000007A9A6E,Alright. But if you do, you gotta give em to me. The Homeless-man bats his eyes flirtatiously, making Caleb feel uneasy. Caleb (to himself) Jesus Christ! Caleb pulls out his wallet, and turns his pockets over. Caleb (cONTD) See. I dont got no pictures of men. See. The Homeless-mans shocked. He cant believe it. CALEB (CONTD) I think you probably got me mixed up with someone else. Again, Caleb tries to walk away, but the Homeless-man stops him. HomeleSS MAN Wait! CALEB (annoyed) What? The homeless man points at Calebs wallet. HOMELESS-MAN You hid it in there. CALEB (growing impatient) For fucks sake. Caleb opens his wallet and flips through the folds Caleb (CONT'D) See. No pictures of any men! The Homeless dips his fingers in his wallet and pulls out a DOLLAR BILL and a FIVE DOLLAR BILL. He holds them up so the faces of GEORGE WASHINGTON and ABRAHAM LINCOLN show. HoMELESS MAN Then what do you call this? Calebs confused. He doesnt know. So the Homeless man answers for him. HoMELESS-MAN Pictures of men! Calebs speechless. The Homeless man smiles a cheesy paste then runs off. Ext. HOPE GARDENS CEMETERY- DAY Acres of green, tiled by TOMBSTONES, stretch for miles. Caleb makes his way to the MAIN OFFICE. Ext. MAIN OFFICE- hope gardens cemetery- day Caleb opens the door to enter, but is pushed back out by TWO BIG MEN. They brush past him, and make their way to a 72 ELDORADO. Before entering, the DRIVER POUNDS on the trunk (beat). The trunk POUNDS back, tickling both men into laughter. Caleb watches, horrified. INT. main office- hope gardens cemetery-day Caleb is ambushed by his boss, ANTONIO, 42, strong. He speaks with an Italian accent, fueled with intimidation. Antonio (angry whisper) Youre late! Caleb sees an ELDERLY WOMAN waiting by his desk. CalEB (whisper) Sorry I-- ANTONIO (interrupts) Just get over there! CALEB Yes sir. Caleb puts on a sympathetic mask and approaches. CALEB (CONT'D) Ms. Rainford. Sorry to keep you waiting. He gestures outside at the cemetary CALEB (CONT'D) I hope you dont blame me for not being in a rush to come to a place like this Mrs. Rainford Life and death are but lovers torn apart by fear Calebs impressed CALEB Who said that? MRS. RAINFORD Me. Caleb smiles. Shes a deep soul. CALEB So. Did you decide what you want on the tombstone? Cynthia Yes. Ms. Rainford shovels through her purse. cynthia (cONTD) Hmm... I know I put it here somewhere. As she searches, Calebs eyes branches off in the distance. The sympathetic look on his face falls like sand, mounting into a dune of sadness. Hes bored with his job. cynthia (cONTD) Ahh...fuck buckets. I think I may have left it home. 0002000009510000121794B,This snaps Caleb out of his trance. This old lady has spunk. CALEB Do you remember what you wrote? Caleb rips out a sheet of paper and readies his pen. Ms. Rainford stares at her thoughts, trying to remember. MS. RAINFORD Okay. Uhmm...It starts off like this In memory of Cynthia Rainford...When my eyes are closed...and my lips are sealed...I will tell you the meaning of life. Caleb stops and looks at her. She has struck a chord so deep, that it resonates like a bass. CALEB What did you say? Ms. Rainford takes his pen and finishes the note. She slides the paper back to him, and smiles. EXT. TRAIN STATION- DAy Caleb runs for the train, but like all things in his life, the doors shut in his face. Caleb (to himself) Shit! He checks his watch. EXT. street- DAy Traffic is stubborn. A cab door opens and Caleb runs out. He approaches a STREET VENDOR. EXT. VENDOR- day Caleb (to Vendor) Hey. Can I get a lighter? VENDOR Three ninty-nine. Caleb opens his wallet, but its empty. CALEB (to himself) That fuckin bum The VENDOR looks up, angry. Lighting strikes behind his eyes. VENDOR (intimidatingly) The fuck did you say to me! Caleb freezes. Hes too scared to explain this misunderstanding. The Vendor, a greasy hair-knuckle, sees that hes pussy and lets it go. He flings him a box of matches. Vendor (CONT'D) Get outta here. CALEB (pathetically) Thanks. Caleb runs off. Ext. plaza- day As Caleb rounds the corner, he slows to a casual walk. He checks his watch then looks up; right on time. A beautiful WAITRESS walks out of a RESTAURANT and pulls out a cigarette. Caleb holds a firm grip on the matches, and approaches. The closer he gets, the faster his HEART BEATS. Soon, it proves to be too much. Caleb walks past her and plays off his approach by entering the closest store. Int. xxx videos- day Caleb enters a run down store with stained carpets. Instantly, we are smacked in the face with the IMAGE OF A NAKED WOMEN, licking the back of her knees. CaleB (to himself) Shit. Of all the stores to enter, he sought sanctuary in a porn shop. Ext. Plaza- day Caleb exits, embarrassed. As he walks away, the Waitress blows out smoke in his direction. Caleb (to himself) Tomorrow. Ill do it tomorrow INT. Calebs apartment- night CLOSE ON CALEBS FACE. Caleb is laying next to someone. FINGERS, painted in red nail polish, come into view, and caress his face. 000200000A5E00001B62A58,Caleb Will you marry me? (Reacting to a look) Before you say anything, I know we haven't been together that long but-- She places her fingers over his lips, sealing them. Caleb (CONT'D) (smiling) Is that a yes? Caleb smiles, its the first time weve ever seen him happy. He pulls her in for a kiss, but we realize its not a girl hes talking to, its his PALM. He showers it with kisses, pretending its a girl. Engulfed in passion, Palm moves from his face, down under the sheets. Caleb (CONT'D) (to Palm) Whatre you doing? He smiles and closes his eyes, letting Palm take over. He shudders. CALEB (CONT'D) (to Palm) Ahh Yea. That feels good. int. MAIN OFFICE- hope gardens cemetery- day Caleb sits at his desk and searches for work to do. Hes got nothing, so he opens Ms. Rainfords file and re-reads her note. CLOSE ON: NOTE WHEN MY EYES ARE CLOSED AND MY LIPS ARE SEALED, I WILL TELL YOU THE MEANING OF LIFE. Ext. Garden- HOPE GARDENS CEMETERY- day Tombstones, lined up like soldiers, are on display. In the middle of this assembly, A BLOCK of granite assumes the form of an ANGEL; Its a work in progress. The sculptor, MICHAEL, 30, unattractive, sculpts with tense passion. Caleb watches, impressed. CALEB Hey. Whats up. Michael Whats up? Caleb I got something for you Caleb hands him Ms. Rainfords note. CALEB (CONT'D) She wants it written in old-english script Michael What? Michael drops his tools and reads the note. Michael (CONT'D) When my eyes are closed and my lips are sealed, I will tell you the meaning of life? (looking up at Caleb) I dont get it. CALEB (laughing) Me neither. Michael puts it in his pocket and goes back to work. Michael You see that girl they shipped in today? CALEB Yea. She was a beaut Michael Yea. Gods a real ass-hole. Michael goes back to work CALEB Why you say that? Michael Cause. He either creates beauty makes beauty, then turns it old or And if it dies young, he makes it rot away. CALEB Maybe thats why somethings Beautiful. Cause it doesnt last. Michael (laughing) That means Im immortal. Caleb understands what Michael is getting at. He changes the subject. Caleb You should be (re: statue) Your wearing Gods gloves Michael You think so? Michael stops and surveys his work. Hes skeptical. Caleb Yea. A week ago it was just a block. Now look at it. Its beautiful Michaels mood dims. He gets up and washes his hands in the pond. He grimaces at his reflection. Michael Well he forgot to put em on when he made me. Michael goes back to work on the Statue, chipping away at the imperfections. Caleb understands his sour mood and tries to handle the situation carefully. 000200000A43000025BAA3D,caleb Im guessing the blind date didn't too well? Michael doesnt respond. He caresses the Angels bare face, tracing his fingers along the formless surface. Hes submerged in his own world. Michael (thinking out loud) I should just leave it like this caleb Without a face? Why? Michael I dont know. I wanna make a statement. CALEB The only statements Antonio is interested in is from the bank. Michael Fuck Antonio. I may work in on a death-farm but Im still an artist. (Referring to the statue) I just dont want this to be another label. Its neither beautiful or ugly. CALEB I dont follow Michael stares at the faceless Angel, seeing something more. Michael This is deeper than the surface. I want this to be a mirror. CALEB A mirror? Michael Yea. A mirror that reflects whatever emptiness that may lay beneath the mask. Caleb stares at the Angels formless face, measuring himself. After a deep moment, he quickly looks away. INT. train- motion- dAY Caleb looks out the window, watching the world go by. Suddenly, DARKNESS; the train enters a tunnel. He rests his head against the glass and stares at the darkness beyond his reflection. Int. jazz club- night A MUSICIAN, funnels his soul through a saxophone. Caleb is at the bar with Michael. Both watch as the WOMEN in the club submit themselves to the soulful sound. Michael You smell that? CaleB What? Michael (gesturing to all the smitten women) Mildew. Caleb shakes his head and laughs. The Saxophonist finishes with a dramatic climax, earning the mens standing ovation, and the womens standing ovulation. Caleb stares at the audience, inspired by their applause. Michael takes note. Michael (CONT'D) Why do you do that? CalEB Do what? Michael Watch people clap. You do it all the time CaleB (shrugs) Cause. Its the best part the song. Michael shakes his head and lights a cigarette. Michael Fuckin musicians. Caleb glances at the Beautiful GRAND PIANO in the corner. His muscles tense anxiously. Michael (CONT'D) So hows your mom? She still in that nut house? CaleB I dont know. Haven't seen her in a while. Michael Jeez. Shes probably peanut butter by now. Caleb smiles, trying to save face. Its a strain but he manages to pull it off. CALEB (changing the subject) Going on vacation next week. Kinda glad for that Michael Glad for what? What you gon be doing? SILENCE. Caleb doesnt know. He never thought about it. Michael rolls up a napkin and throws it at him. Hes an ass-hole but hes Calebs only friend. A BEAUTIFUL INDIAN GIRL walks up to the bar, and stands next to them. They grow silent. Bartender (O.S.) (To Beautiful girl) 000200000B3A00002FF7B34, Ill take you down here The Indian girl walks down to the other end of the bar. Caleb and Michael watch as she walks away. Theres a moment of silence. Michael self-consciously looks at himself in the MIRROR, then puts his head down in shame. Caleb looks at all the beautiful women, then sighs. CalEB Remember that note I gave you Michael Which one? CALEB From that Rainford woman Michael Oh, the meaning of life shit? CALEB Yea. What do you think it means? Michael Probably means shes crazy as hell for putting a cross-word puzzle on someones grave. CALEB I know but. I mean-- (deep in thought) Dont you ever wonder whats the meaning to all this? Michael To what? CALEB Life. A crease forms between Michaels brow, jamming his thoughts. CalEB (CONT'D) (off his look) You okay? Michael Im thinking. A moment passes. Both men are deep in thought. Suddenly, Michaels eyes light up Michael (CONT'D) (as a matter of fact) Oh I got it. Its to fuck as many girls as possible. Caleb laughs Michael (CONT'D) Seriously. Think about it. Life is made from life. It cant be broken down any further. The basic instinct of life is to survive. Thats why we get so horny. Cause life is in us and it just wants to (emphasis) Bust forth and survive! CaLEB (laughing) So the meaning of life is to create more life? Michael Exactly. Its this never ending circle of the blind leading the blind. CaleB But to where? This is a deep question. The crease is back on Michaels brow. Michael (unsure) To life CALEB But why? Michael glances at the Indian girl from across the room. A HANDSOME MAN approaches and whispers in her ear. The hurt in Michaels eyes says it all. Michael (angry) Jesus Christ! Why dont you just shut up with your stupid questions Caleb falls silent. Its obvious Michael is the dictator of this friendship. Michael (CONT'D) (calm) Look. I cant tell you what life is. (Confident) But I can tell you what its not. And it sure as hell isnt a breath of fresh air. The Indian girl laughs at a joke. Her smile spreads wide apart, like the wings of an angel. Michael (CONT'D) Its just a fuckin sigh. Int. calebs apartment- night Caleb walks in and locks the door. Its a fortress of chains and bolts. He takes a shot glass and pours a shot of Nyquil in it. He drinks it and pours another shot. After drinking that, he crashes on the couch. CUT TO: Couch- day Calebs asleep, sprawled out eagle style. CuT TO: Couch- day Time has passed and Calebs still asleep. Hes balled up, like a fetus. Cut TO: Couch- evening Caleb slowly rises. His body yawns out a stretch. CuT TO: Window sill Caleb sits on the window sill, still drowsy. He stares at the SETTING SUN; another day, wasted. For a moment, he stares at a LARGE OBJECT covered in a white sheet, then looks away. EXT. ParK- night Caleb stares at the Waitress as she closes up the restaurant. 000200000CAE00003B2BCA8,Suddenly, an electric wheel-chair, lit with PEPPER LIGHTS, roll into the park. Attached behind the chair are two shopping carts, carrying various junk. The entire thing looks like a train, and the conductor is none other than the Homeless-man. He spots an apple on the floor. He gets out and picks it up, and cleans it off with what he calls a shirt. In the distance, he sees Caleb looking at something. Curious, he creeps up behind to see what it is. Caleb doesn't see him, but he sure as hell smells him. He turns around, shocked. CaleB You! What the hell are you doing? HoMELESS MAN (smiling) What are you doing? Caleb moves away. CALEB Are you following me! HOMELESS-MAN (laughing) Im a nomad. To survive, I gotta follow the wild game (mumbling to himself) Right? Or no? You look like a buffalo. Buffalo chips. This guy is completely nuts, but Calebs intrigued. CALEB I have no money so go survive off something else HOMELESS-MAN Yea right. I can smell the meat on you Like a dog, the Homeless-man sniffs toward his pocket. Caleb moves away, creeped out HOMELESS-MAN (cONT'D) Dont worry. I Dont need money right now. Got my lunch right here He holds up the apple. CaLEB Im out. Caleb goes to walk away but stops when he sees a MAN flirting with the Waitress. The Homeless-man realizes whats going on and puts his arm around him. HOMELESS MAN Now I understand. You got good taste boy. Shes the flame on that cigg. (mumbling to himself) Yes she is. Dont you think so? No? Caleb can smell the amount of days he went without a shower, but he doesnt care. Hes broken-hearted. HoMELESS MAN (CONT'D) My daddy use to say dont go putting all your balls in one pussy. Ya gotta spread em out. (mumbling to himself) Then again, he died a year later from syphilis. (To Caleb) But at least theres now a cure. CaleB (almost in-audible) Just leave me alone. HOMELESS MAN (concerned) Yknow, if you need some advice... Caleb looks at his dirty demeanor. CALEB I doubt you of all people should be giving advice. The Homeless-man surveys himself, tugging at his dirty rags. HomeLESS MAN Who better to take advice from? (beat) Caleb thinks to himself, it makes sense. His thoughts overwhelm him, drowning his eyes in emotion. He leans back against the tree. CaleB (thinking aloud) Why inhale, only to exhale. HOMELESS MAN So you can breath. CALEB Why HOMELESS MAN Because its the dialogue between life and death. (Sadly) Though, death always has the last word. The Homeless-man fiddles with a ring on his finger. CALEB (angry) Then whats the point of the conversation? The Homeless-man pauses, trying to understand his anger. HOMELESS-MAN You mean whats the point of life? Caleb laughs to himself. Of all people, a bum understands him. HoMELESS-MAN (CONT'D) (serious) Finding the point to anything is sharp business. You sure you can handle it. Caleb doesnt answer. He doesnt know. HOMELESS-MAN (cONTD) (to himself) Thats a yes. The Homeless-man sits next to him and finishes his apple. Hes down to the core. He scrapes out the seeds and buries them. Caleb takes note of this. HOMELESS-MAN (CONT'D) Life my boy, is all about the footprints you leave behind. Caleb listens deeply, impressed by his sudden surge of knowledge. 000200000A1F000047D3A19,HomELESS-MAN (CONT'D) There once was this wanderer, who wanted to find the path to greatness. So he went to the desert and saw foot-prints in the sand and said, man has already walked on land, I want to be greater. So he went to a lake, and saw ripples in the water and said a man has already walked on water, I want to be greater. So he became frustrated, thinking hell never find his path to greatness. But one night, he looked up at the sky and saw a million stars. He smiled to himself and said, I want to walk on stars. CaleB Stars? Cmon. HoMELESS-MAN That's the same exact thing he said. Until he saw one shinning inches above the highest mountain. And he started to believe. The only problem was, the mountain was so high, anyone who tried to climb it, always turned back. Caleb rolls his eyes CalEB So what did he do? The Homeless-man leans in, filled with excitement. HomeLESS-MAN (whisper) He bought supplies. A 50ft chain, a jacket made from of lambskin, and a mountain lion. Caleb (confused) How did that help him? The Homeless-man shakes himself out of a trance and extends his hand HomELESS MAN Im sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. My names Rupert. Calebs taken aback by the sudden change of subject. He shakes Ruperts hand. CaleB Caleb Rupert Mr. Caleb. It was nice meetin you. Rupert gets up and walks away. Caleb (desperate) Wait! How did that help him reach the top? Caleb watches him cross the street and asks a LADY for change. She gives it to him and walks away. Rupert closes his eyes and throws the change into a WISHING-WELL. FADE OUT A BEAUTIFUL melody plays on an untuned piano. FADE IN INT. Calebs apartment- nIGHT A white Sheet lays on the floor. We pan up to reveal what the covered object was. Its a VERTICAL PIANO thats in horrible shape. Caleb plays beautifully on untuned keys. His fingers climb up to the climax, but a keys doesnt work, cutting the melody short. He sighs. EXT. streets - nIGHT Caleb walks, thinking about what Ruperts story. He stares as SEARCHLIGHTS round about the sky, as if searching for a particular star. INT. bedroom- calebs apartment- day Caleb wakes from his sleep. He rolls out of bed and spills unto the floor. INT. Kitchen- day Caleb prepares breakfast. He cracks open an egg and out falls a dead CHICK, covered in yoke. CaleB (shocked) What the fuck! Smash cut Bedroom Caleb wakes up in his bed. It was all a dream. Int. Kitchen- day Caleb opens the fridge. Its empty except for a carton of eggs. He slams the door shut. INT. Apartment hallway- day Caleb pockets his I-POD and locks his door. 0002000009F0000051EC9EA,Wobbling down the hall is CAROL, mid 20s and pregnant. She has a fist full of ENVELOPES. Caleb Morning. Looking up from her bills CaROL Oh, Good morning Caleb. I heard something sweet comin from your apartment last night. CALEB (self-conscious) Oh. I was just fooln around. Some of the keys needed tuning and-- CAROL (interrupts) It was beautiful. CALEB (blushing) Thanks. Carol goes back to the envelopes CAROL Oh, this ones yours. She hands him a letter. He takes it and sighs. CALEB Another one? Carol Bills? CalEB Nah. Credit card offer. I swear, the bank wont stop till you owe em your life. CAROL (thinking out loud) Tell me bout it. She catches herself. Shes a proud woman who doesn't like to show weakness. Caleb saves her face by changing the subject. CALEB So did you pick out a cradle yet? Carol No. Still looking for the right price. Those thingsre so damn expensive CALEB Yea. I can imagine. Lifes no longer for the poor. An insensitive statement on Calebs part. The moment turns awkward. Caleb quickly changes the subject. CaLEB (CONT'D) (Referring to her stomach) So, howre we doing anyway? CAROL (rubbing her stomach) Hes doing better than me. All he does is eat and sleep while I do all the work. Caleb (uneasy) Yknow, if you need anything help... CAROL (interrupts) I know. Thank you Caleb Actually, Im going to the store to pick up some things, You want... An awkward exchange CAROL Humm...No thank you. Im okay. CALEB You sure, its not a problem. CAROL No. Im fine. Thanks. Caleb (referring to her stomach) How about him. Does he want anything? A bag of chips? Maybe some chocolate chip cookies? Carol tries to resist, but her smiles blows her cover. Caleb (CONT'D) (smiling) I knew it. Carol laughs. CAROL Okay fine. (unsure) Hold on let me get my purse. I think I still have a few dollars. CaleB Sure. Take your time. Caleb smiles. As soon as she disappears behind the door, he leaves. Moments later, Carol comes back with a jar of change. Shes counting out the quarters. CAROL (to herself) Seventy-five, a dollar, a dollar-fifty-- She looks up but Calebs gone. She shakes her head and smiles. INT. STORE - day MUSIC FLOODS our ears, drowning out all other sounds. Calebs wearing headphones, and we are listening to what hes listening to. He stands in the check out line with a few items, including chocolate chips cookies. He notices a BEAUTIFUL GIRL in the next line. He tries not to stare, but her eyes are too beautiful. She glances at him and for an eternal moment, they lock eyes. 000200000DE500005BD6DDF,The moment is so intense, she drops her milk. She doesn't pick it up. Instead, her hands shoots straight up in the air. Somethings off. Sensing danger, Caleb turns around to find a GUN Pointing directly in his face. He quickly removes his headphones, enabling us to hear SCREAMS and PANIC. GUNMaN (to Caleb) IM GONNA KILL YOU! Calebs eyes swell with fear. He looks at the Beautiful girl, and a calm comes over him. He pulls her in, and kisses her, long and deep, savoring his final moments against her lips. The Gunman is so shocked, he doesn't see the UNDER-COVER COP approach from behind. Undercover cop Drop it! The Gunman obeys. Caleb wasnt expecting this. He stares at the Beautiful girl, surprised by his actions. Ext. park- wishing well- day Caleb walks in a daze. He cant believe what he just did. Something GLISTENS in the wishing well; its CHANGE. Caleb suddenly has an epiphany. Int. Waiting room- hospital- day Calebs reading a magazine on terminal illness. The NURSE calls him in. nurse Caleb Philman. Caleb Yea. Nurse This way. Caleb follows her. Int. Hospital- office- day DoctOR Have a seat. The DOCTOR, a jolly old man, reads over his chart. DocTOR (CONT'D) Lets see. We tested your eyes, ears, heart, blah blah blah. The doctor closes his file. DoCTOR (CONT'D) Your fine. (Playfully) Go forth and multiply. Caleb No cancers, no tumors. Nothing? DOCTOR Nope. Your as healthy as a bull CALEB Are you sure? Maybe you missed something? The doctor looks at Caleb. Somethings up. DOCTOR Is there something I should be looking for? Caleb No. I was just wondering if you got everything? The doctor raises an eyebrow. DOCTOR Everything like S.T.Is? CaleB (with disappointing confidence.) No. No need to test for that. Int. Essex county biology lab- day Calebs talking to a woman wearing a lab coat. Her name tag says KELLI. CALEB (nervous) If my dog ate mercury, how long would he have to live? Kelli (taken aback) Well it depends on the amount. CALEB Lets say this much Caleb pinches his finger KELLI (suspicious) Itll also depend on the weight of your dog. Caleb notices a scale next to him. Hes hesitant at first, but then climbs on, weighting himself. He hops off like it never happened. CALEB Hes about a hundred and seventy pounds. Kelli looks at him disturbed. Hes a mad man. Ext. EsseX COUNTY BIOLOGY LAB- DAY Caleb is escorted out by security. He sits on a bench to think. Suddenly, an idea lights his eyes up. He runs off. Int. Antonios office - day Antonio is swamped with paper work. The door opens and Caleb walks in. Antonio (angry) Your knuckles sore from fisting your woman? You dont know how to knock? Caleb I wanted to talk to you Antonio What? Antonio is chewing a stick of GUM. Caleb takes a deep breath. CaleB Business is good. ANTONIO Yea. So CALEB (Making an emphasis) But then again, business would be good, wouldnt it. Antonio chews slowly, suspicious about why Caleb is here. Antonio Whatre you trying to say? Caleb Nothing. Just that youre doing good for yourself. Your an excellent PR agent. Antonio pauses, trying to read Caleb. What does he know. ANtonio (confused) PR agent? CALEB Public relations. You know, people who take private matters, clean it up, then make public statements out of em. Caleb gives him a moment to let it sink in. When it doesnt he gives him a hint. CaLEB (CONT'D) I guess in your case, public statements are usually written on tombstones. Antonio stares at him with a gaze that can hold knives. Antonio You Dont know what the hell youre talking about. 0002000007E2000069B57DC,CALEB Then how do you explain those two big men that come in every Friday. ANTONIO (losing his cool) You tell me. You seem to know it all. Caleb dampers the tremor in his voice, trying to hide his fear. CALEB Lets just say whoevers in their trunk, doesn't realize theyre not knocking on heavens door...at least not yet Antonio gets up and stands face to face with Caleb. Antonio (taming his anger) Yknow, if you mind your business, youll live a hundred years. Caleb holds his ground. Hes curbing his fear. Antonio realizes hes not going to back down. He becomes on the defense AntoniO (cONTD) What do you want? Money? CALEB No. Just a name. Someone who could take care of something for me. Someone I'd pay myself. ANTONIO Take careve what? Caleb doesnt answer. That alone says it all. Antonio takes a breath. Antonio (CONT'D) Go home before you get chained to something you cant run from. Caleb doesnt budge, Hes determined. Antonio rips a piece of paper from his personal PHONE BOOK and spits his gum in it. Antonio (CONT'D) (calm) I dont know what the hell your talking about. Now get the hell outta here. He balls up the paper and hands it to Caleb. ANtonio (CONT'D) Toss this on your way out. Caleb takes the balled up gum and walks away. Int. phone booth- day Caleb unfolds the balled up paper and rips out the gum. He dials the number written on the paper. CalEB (nervous) Hello? Uhmm...Hi...No you dont know me. I-- The person on the other end is giving him a mouthful CaLEB (CONT'D) Im sorry. I can call back in 15 minutes when your done. Caleb moves the phone away from his ears. Hes getting his ass chewed out. He slowly puts the phone back. CALEB (CONT'D) No...Im not retarted CALEB (CONT'D) I wanted something done. SILENCE CALEB (CONT'D) At a pay phone SILENCE CALEB (CONT'D) Uhmm... If I wanted someone killed, how much would it cost? INT. Bank - daY CaLEB I need Ten-thousand dollars. The TELLER, a middle aged woman, is shocked TELLER Only ten-thousand? CALEB (unsure) 0002000007500000719174A,Should I be asking for more? The Teller stops typing and folds her hands. TELLER Could I see your business plans? Calebs silent. He doesnt have one. Int. Bank 2- day Calebs seated in a cubicle. TELLER 2, an African male gives him the most sour look. Teller-two (african accent) Im sorry. In order to borrow this amount, youll need a co-signer CALEB Oh. Okay, one moment CUT TO: Int. Bank 2- DAY Teller-two looks at Caleb as if hes mad. TELLER 2 Im sorry Mr. Philman. But shes not a sufficient co-signer The camera pans to the left. Sitting next to Caleb is a Homeless-woman dressed in rags. She is oblivious to everything except for the BURGER in her hand. Shes tears it up with passion. INT. pawn shop- office- day A BODYGUARD, the size of a tree, mans the door. Hes protecting the OWNER, a short Jewish man, late 50s. His name is, well get to that later. Owner How much you lookin to borrow? Caleb looks on Owners desk and sees his NAME PLATE. It says: MR. ILL CUT OFF YOUR FINGERS IF YOU DONT PAY ME BACK CaLEB (swallows) Ten-thousand OWNER Ten-thousand. Thats all? (warm) I can do that. But you understand I charge interest. CALEB Yea. Thats no problem OWNER You haven't even heard my rates. CALEB Its whatever. The Owner looks at The Body-guard, then back to Caleb. OWNER I hope you realize this aint no joke. Funny bones dont get tickled, they get broken. Caleb swallows what seems to be a rock down his throat. CALEB I understand. And I promise, Ill pay you back, plus interest. The owner studies him. Caleb seems sincere. He motions the Body-guard to open the safe. OWNER So whats the money for anyway? Caleb gives him a faint smile CALEB Its for supplies EXT. alley way- night Caleb leans against the wall, soaked in sweat. Hes disguised as an older man A DARK FIGURE turns into the alley. Caleb tenses as he walks towards him. 0002000008F4000078DB8EE,Caleb Charon? Charon Wheres the money. Hes all about business. Caleb hands him a brown envelope and Charon looks inside. CharoN (CONT'D) (angry) The fuck is this? You tryna spoon me you fucking crab? This aint all of it. CaleB Youll get the other half when its done. HIT-MAN (amused) Your not retarded after all Charon paws through the envelope, and counts the money. Caleb So...How long will it take anyway? CharoN That all depends on you. If times a nagging bitch, then some slops gonna smear. But if its laid back, then some research can go in. It can be subtle. Clean. A rubble of rocks now bulge in Calebs throat. He tries to control himself CaleB (in-audible) Clean sounds good. Charon What! CALEB (clearing his throat) Cleans better? Theres no rush. Charon So how you want it done? CALEB Huh? Charon Bullet in the head? Poison? An ol fashion knifing? Caleb looks like hes going to be sick CALEB I dont wanna know. However you wanna do it. The little I know, the better Charon I like that. I get to be the artist for a change. So you gotta picture? CALEB Yea. Caleb gives it to him, trembling. Charon Jesus christ. Your shaking like a shitting dog. You know, once you give this to me, its final. No turning back. Caleb gives it thought. calEB Im sure. Charon takes the photo. Caleb turns to walk away, but stops short. CaLEB (CONT'D) Just one thing. Charon What? CALEB Could you try to make it as painless as possible. Charon Lets see what happens. Caleb walks away. Charon looks at the photo Its a picture of Caleb! Int. Calebs apartment- night Caleb turns to lock the door, but then thinks twice about it. He decides to leave it open. Int. kitchen- NIGHT Caleb throws his PASSPORT and DRIVERS LICENSE in the sink. He strikes a match, and lights them on fire. Through the flames, he stares at the clock on the wall. Int. Jazz bar- day SILLS, 54, is on stage with a LIGHTING CREW. They are preparing for something, maybe a concert. A broken light flickers on Caleb. He walks up the stairs to Sills CaLEB Excuse me, Mr. Sills. Sills is busy ordering his guys around. SillS (to worker 1) Yea wrap it up around there. (to another worker) Timmy, put that over there CaLEB (louder) Mr Sills. Sills turns around SillS Yea? CALEB I wanted to perform here 0002000005B4000081C95AE,SILLS What do you play? Caleb follows him to his notebook. Sills scans through the pages. CALEB Piano. SillS you have a singer? Or-- CALEB No Im singing SILLS Okay. The 21st. 9:15 p.m. CalEB Of this month? SILLS Yea CALEB That soon? SILLS Whats the hold up? You dont have a song? CALEB No I do. I just have...other performances. Sills rolls his eyes and flips through his notebook. SILLS How bout the 14th of next month? CALEB (considering it) The 14th? SILLS Thats a problem too? CALEB No. I should be able to make it SILLS Should? CALEB (more confidence) I can? SILLS You can? CALEB (stern) I will Sills smiles. SILLS Good. Thats what I wanna hear. Sills makes the note in his notebook. SILLS (cONTD) The 14th, next month, 9:15 p.m. And by the way. None of that electrical shit. Acoustics only. CALEB Okay. Sills runs back to his men. For the first time, theres hope in Calebs eyes. He glances at the huge GRAND PIANO on the stage. It shines with arrogance. Int. CaleBS APARTMENT- day Caleb tries to re-tune it his piano, but the wood-frame keeps stripping apart. Its rotting away. He sighs. Int. train- day Calebs seated next to a GORGEOUS GIRL. Normally, hed be hyperventilating, but now, there is a calmness to him. He knows hes going to die, so he might as well live. CaleB Excuse me, whats your name She ignores him. Calebs inexperienced when it comes to these things but he persists. At this point, he has nothing to lose. 000200000B1F00008777B19,CalEB (CONT'D) (hesitant) Your very...pretty Still no response. Calebs sighs. Is there a right or wrong way to do this? She flicks her hair behind her ears and we realize shes wearing headphones. Caleb laughs himself into a frenzy. A BABY on the train joins into his laughter. CALEB (CONT'D) (to Gorgeous girl) You know what the problem with todays world is? She doesnt respond. CaleB (CONT'D) Were slowly turning into cyborgs. Caleb looks at all the passengers. They all have wires coming out of their ears. CALEB (cONTD) What ever happened to talking to a perfect stranger to pass the time? Whatever happened to a peopleness? A new light now shines in Calebs eyes. Hes an idealist. The Gorgeous girl, responds to a text-message and Caleb reacts. CALEB (CONT'D) (rolls his eyes) Oh yea sure. The only way we can talk is if I upload a message to your motherboard. She texts back, obliviously. CaLEB (CONTD) (leans in closer) You have lovely legs. I just wanna rest them on my shoulders Calebs amused with himself. Hes like a child, re-testing the boundaries of life. Suddenly, an old piano flashes by the window. Caleb looks out and sees that its dumped on the side of the tracks. Its fate. He quickly gets up. Ext. Harrison platform- day Caleb waits for the train to slither away. After it does, he jumps down to the tracks and runs toward the piano. PEOPLE gasps, shocked. Ext. train-tracks- day Caleb is catching his breath while surveying the piano. He feels for salvageable parts. Unfortunately, there are none. The frame on this OLD GRAND PIANO wont accommodate the frame on his vertical piano. CaLEB (to himself) Shit A train approaches from the distance. Caleb stares at it defiantly. He then closes his eyes and paces back and forth, over multiple tracks. CALEB (CONT'D) (to himself) Eany. Meany. Minny. Mo! He stops, and stands on the middle track with his eyes still closed. Hes playing Russian roulette and the train is the bullet. The intensity of the moment heightens as the train BLARES toward Caleb. It looks like hes going to be liquefied, but Caleb doesn't budge, he holds firm to his ground. Milli-seconds before impact, Caleb breaths out a SIGH. The train whips past him, just a train-track away. Caleb opens his eyes, and takes in a deep breath of fresh air. Int. Bar- day Michael shares a drink with loneliness. The bar is run down and empty except from a few alcoholics scattered about. A FEMALE BARTENDER looks at him. Female BaRTENDER Hows the drink? Michael You made it good. Thanks FEMALE BARTENDER Yea. I never heard of that recipe before. Michael Yea its something I made up FEMALE BARTENDER Whats it called? Michael A Sanctuary FEMALE BARTENDER (laughing) A Sanctuary? Michael From life Its clever. She gives him a sweet smile because of it. Michael blushes. FEMALE BARTENDER 0002000007E1000092907DB,(flirtatiously) Whats your name? Michael tries to control his breathing. He cant believe a beautiful girl like her wants to know his name. Michael Uhmm...Michael. FEMALE BARTENDER My names Lisa Michael smiles, but it only slows down his effort to catch his breath. Lisa notices Lisa (concerned) Are you alright? She touches his arm and thats all it takes. Michael experiences a panic attack. Lisa (CONT'D) (concerned) Are you okay? Michael Michael places his hand over his chest and takes deep breaths. Its a struggle. Michael (CONT'D) (breathing) Yea. Im fine But he doesnt look fine. Everyone in the bar looks at him, alarmed. Lisa Maybe I should call an ambulance? Michael No Im alright Michael is already embarrassed. No need making it any worse, with an ambulance, even if it means life or death. Lisa Are you sure? Michael Yea. Mustve made the drink strong Lisa looks at his drink. Its still full. The MEN in the bar SNICKER. Michael (CONT'D) Uhmm...Im gonna go. Michael clumsily bolts out the door. Ext. Bar- DAY RAIN pours, but Michael can still hear the laughter from inside. Michael walks away, sad. Ext. hope gardens cemetery- garden- DAY Michael is working on the Angel Statue. Caleb approaches him. CaleB Whats up Michael turns. Michael What are you doing here? Your suppose to be on vacation Caleb looks around cautiously CALEB Yea I know. Uhmm...is Antonio here? Michael Nah. He left for the day. Why? Calebs on a mission. He doesnt have time to explain. CaLEB Hey look. Do you think you could leave the basement open before you leave. I gotta comeback and get something Michael You trying to get me fired? What are you gonna take? CALEB (re: statue) No more than you take. Michael stops, and looks at him. For the first time, Caleb is standing up for himself. Not knowing what to make of it, he tosses him the keys. CALEB (CONT'D) Thanks. Michael turns to leave, but he suddenly has an idea CALEB (CONT'D) Hey, I was just thinking. We should go to the jazz-club this Friday 000200000BCC00009A6BBC6,Michael Nah, Im good. CALEB Cmon. Itll be fun Michael (angry) I said no! Calebs startled. Something is eating away at Michael. CALEB Everything alright? Michael sighs. Michael Sorry. I just cant deal wit that anymore. CALEB (confused) With what? Michael (embarrassed) With girls. Michael drops his tools and takes a break. Michael (CONT'D) (frustrated) Im gettin slaughtered out there man. (thinking) These girls. Theyre too...too (shouts) ARGHHH! Michael tenses his muscles, as if transforming into the incredible Hulk. Caleb places his hands on his shoulder. CALEB Hey. Take it easy. Michael (sad) Yo, not to sound gay or anything. But your lucky. You can get girls. You just gotta stop being shy. If you just spit game, theyll respond to you. But me. Michael relaxes, and stares at the Angel Statue. His mood dims. Michael (CONT'D) I feel like a demon, chasing after angels. (beat) Caleb doesnt know what to say. He remains quiet ANGLE ON MichaelS ROSARY. Michael (CONT'D) The other day. I got caught in the rain. And this nun came up to me and gave me her umbrella. I told her dont bother, Im already wet. But she gave it to me any way then she did the craziest thing. Caleb waits in suspense. Michael (CONT'D) She wiped my face and said its to keep you from camouflaging your tears. Michael is now in his own world, relapsing back to the moment. Michael (CONT'D) She said If you seek the face of God, hell give you the desires of your heart. CaleB (cynically) Gods face? Cmon. Michael I know, it sounds crazy but... Michael looks at the faceless Angel Statue. Michael (cONTD) I dont have much of a face. All I have is my heart. (beat) Int. main office- hall- night CLOSE ON: A KEY turns in a DOORKNOB, and the opens. Its Caleb! He quietly walks down stairs and turns on the lights. Damaged tombstones are scattered everywhere. In the corner, there are rows of DAMAGED CASKETS assembled against the wall. Caleb pulls out MEASURING TAPE, and measures each one. The one in the middle is the perfect size. He now looks around and spots a HAND-TRUCK. Int. Subway train- night All of the PASSENGERS are bundled up together on one side of the cart, leaving the other side empty. Why? Because Caleb is on the subway with the Casket aboard. Terrified, no one dares come near him. Ext. Streets day Caleb wheels the casket down the street, plowing through the PEDESTRIANS with ease. Everyone is shocked and horrified. Int. calebs apartment- night Tools are scattered all about the floor. Caleb is stripping apart the casket. CUT TO: Calebs APARTMENT- DAY The floor of the casket has been stripped off. All thats left is the sides, and lid. Caleb is sawing off, the top portion of his piano, where the entire frame has rotted away. CUT TO: CaLEBS APARTMENT- day Caleb takes a break. Hes snacking on an apple while looking over his work. CuT TO: CaLEBS APARTMENT- DAY Caleb positions the casket on top of the piano. It fits like a lid. He seals the gaps with a sealing solution. 0002000007020000A6316FC,CUT TO: CALEBS APARTMENT- sunset While re-tuning the piano, GOLDEN RAYS from the SETTING SUN in cast itself on Caleb. Its natures way of taking a photo. CALEBS APARTMENT- SUNRISE The Golden rays turn crimson, its morning. Caleb tightens the last string on the piano, then strikes. A beautiful falsetto echoes, lightening the bangs under his eyes. Caleb looks at the concoction of wood he created: The casket, adorns the piano with a dark beauty. Somehow, the combination seems appropriate. Caleb plays a string of chords. Its doesn't sound quite right. He pours himself a glass of wine, and thinks. He then lifts open the casket lid, and plays; perfect. Pleased with the silky sound, he opens his LYRIC BOOK and writes: WHEN MY EYES ARE CLOSED AND MY LIPS ARE SEALED, I WILL TELL YOU THE MEANING OF LIFE. He wants to write more but already, writers block. CUT TO: CaLEBS APARTMENT- DAY Calebs fast asleep. Theres a KNOCK on the door. Caleb jumps up, scared. Is it the hit-man already? He tip-toes to the door and peeps through the hole. Its Rupert!. He opens the door. RupERT (smiling) Good morning. Can I borrow a cup of sugar? Rupert invites himself in. CalEB Howd you know where I lived? RUPERT I saw you coming in. I gotta summer house over there. Rupert points out the window. Caleb looks but only sees a DUMPSTER. Rupert takes a seat on the bed. Caleb isnt happy about this. Caleb Ahh...would you mind. Like that's where I put my head RUPERT Oh. Sorry. (mumbling to himself) I shouldn't have sat on you pillow sorry. Ruperts old, he struggles to gets up. He presses on the mattress for leverage, but soon, he feels around for lumps. RuPERT (CONT'D) (to himself) Damn! Rupert is feeling around on the mattress. CalEB What are you doing? Rupert looks at him amused. 000200000ADF0000AD2DAD9,RUPERT Asking about your sex life. Caleb quickly grabs his arm and helps him up. RupERT (cONTD) (laughing) Not much of a conversation. CaleB My sex life is none of your business. RUPERT That all depends if your pro abortion or not. CALEB (confused) What? Rupert (clarifying himself) Well if you are, it aint considered life till its born. Rupert cracks up on his own joke. CALEb (sarcastic) Okay. Ha ha. Rupert notices the piano. He makes his way over to get a closer look. Rupert (impressed) Wow! Nice woodwork. Did you do this? CALEB (proud) Yea Rupert presses a few keys, then turns those keys into a row of beautiful sounding chords. CaLEB (CONT'D) You know how to play? RupERT Not really. Never learned how to read sheet music. (mumbling to himself) Then again that dont proove i cant play. Is that right? Yea I think it is. (back to caleb) sheet music is no more than a picture of a musicians soul. I hate taking pictures. I dont know why people sell pieces of their soul to the flash of a lens. If you cant remember the times, then it wasnt worth remembering at all. I for one refuse to give up a moment of my life, for immortality. I promise, It aint a fair trade. Rupert makes his way to the kitchen and pockets a handful of sugar. He then walks to the door, and before leaving glances at the piano once more. RuPERT (CONT'D) That really is a fine looking piano. Good craftsmanship. (mumbling to himself) Is it? Yea it looks nice (back to Caleb) I can appreciate it cause I know how hard it is to work with wood. I use to make beds for a living. I can tell you how happy someone is, just by sitting on their beds. Rupert smiles and exits. Caleb scratches his head and stares at his bed. Its neatly made. Hes going to have to do something about it. Int. Cafe- RAINY DAY Rain splatters against the window. Caleb stirs at his coffee while eye-ducking a BLACK GIRL, whose nose deep in a book. Shes so beautiful, men would kill to drink her bath water. Caleb wants to approach, but he doesnt know what to say. He looks out the window for inspiration. Suddenly, a SUSPICIOUS MAN runs toward him. Is it the Hit-man? No, just a guy trying to get out of the rain. He jumps in his car and drives off. The scare alone is inspirational. Caleb decides to act but shes already gone. Thankfully, she just went to the bathroom. Caleb scouts her belongings. He spots her umbrella under the table and gets an idea. CUT TO: Cafe The Black Girl returns and packs her stuff, ready to leave. She searches for her umbrella, but its gone. She looks around, Caleb is gone too. EXT. CAFE- rainy-day The Black Girl steps out and sighs. She has no choice but to ford the rain. Just as shes about to run out, Caleb grabs her arm. CalEB Dont do it. Black girl (stunned) 0002000009A60000B8069A0,Huh? She looks at his hand holding hers. CALEB You should wait it out. I think we both know whatll happen if you go out there like that. Caleb glances at her hair. Immediately, shes shocked, appalled, and excited all at the same time. BLACK GIRL I know you didnt just say that. Caleb smiles confidently. Hes free from fear. CalEB All Im saying is. You should wait it out. BLACK GIRL (smiling) No. You were saying more than that. CALEB You Shoulda brought an umbrella. BLACK GIRL I did! I mustve left it on the train. Caleb shrugs his shoulder. CALEB Too bad. Caleb opens his umbrella and steps out in the rain. He twirls it around, flaunting it. BLACK GIRL (playful) Your such an asshole. CalEB You see now. I was gonna share my umbrella wit you. But now, your on your own. Caleb walks away, hoping shell stop him. After fiddling with her hair, she shouts after him. BLACK GIRL Wait! Calebs relieved. He turns around. CALEB Yea. Can I help you She tilts her head, and pouts. Knowing what she wants, Caleb calls her in under the umbrella. They walk together in the rain. BlACK GIRL By the way. Whats your name? Smash cut to: INT. CalEBS bed- rainy-day BlaCK GIRL (shouting) Caleb! Ahh! Yes Caleb! Calebs pounding away between her legs. He looks at himself in the mirror, proud. MONTAGE: Int. mall- DAY Caleb sees a beautiful ITALIAN WOMAN, shopping with her FRIEND. Shes dazzling. Caleb walks past her and notices something on her shoulder. He removes it for her; Its a piece of STRING. She thanks him as he walks away. Int. CalEBS STUDIO- day Calebs playing the piano, trying to compose a song. Ext. Park- DAY Caleb sees TWO COUPLES arguing. The ANGRY BOY-FRIEND storms off, leaving his CRYING GIRL-FRIEND alone. Int. Mall- DAY Caleb is shopping for clothes. After trying on multiple outfits, he buys a jacket, with a lamb-skin collar. He walks to the register. The CASHIER, rings him up CLOSE ON REGISTER 5,035 Caleb doesnt make a fuss. He hands her the credit card he received in the mail. It just happens, the Italian Woman is in this same store. On the way out, Caleb walks by and notices something else on her shoulder. He reaches over and removes it, another piece of string, this time, its longer. She brushes herself off embarrassed. Italian woman Thank you Ext. ParK- DAY Caleb gives the CRYING GIRL a tissue. She accepts it, deeply touched. Suddenly The Boy-friend comes back, pissed. Caleb holds out his hands, pleadingly. 000200000ADB0000C1A6AD5,Int. Mall- DAY Caleb comes across the Italian woman again. As beautiful as she is, shes suddenly nervous and insecure around him. Caleb smiles and walks on, but soon stops; theres something else on her shoulder. Caleb reaches over and removes it. This time, its a LARGE BALL OF string (beat) She hits him playfully, after realizing the game hes been playing. Int. CalEBS apartment- day Caleb continues to write lyrics in his notebook: THE STRING OF TIME, WEAVING INTO EXISTENCE. Ext. Park- DAY The Boy-friend calms down. Suddenly, Caleb slaps the shit out of him and runs off with his Girl-friend. Int. calebs bed- NIGHT Caleb is having sex with the Italian girl. They both are tangled up in string. He smiles at his reflection in the mirror CUT TO: Ext. Park- day The park is lush with life. The last CHERRY BLOSSOM remains on the highest branch of a tree. Caleb jumps up on a branch, and climbs the tree in pursuit of the flower. Everyone watches in awe. Whens the last time someone just climbed a tree. Caleb is dangerously high. He reaches for the flower, and the branch snaps. Everyone gasps, but caleb quickly swings unto another branch. He grabs the cherry blossom and climbs back down. Everyones convinced hes crazy. But smiles break out when Caleb gives that flower to a LONELY OLD LADY. Womens hearts melt. The look they give him says it all. CUT TO: INT. calebs bed- day Caleb is having sex with one of the women in the park. CUT TO: Int. caLEBS APARTMENT- day Calebs playing the piano and jotting down notes. CUT TO: Calebs bed Caleb has sex with a bunch of other women, including the Crying girl. CUT TO: Caleb is playing the piano, fully engulfed in his music. Its a beautiful thing to watch as Calebs wings are spread apart. He has taken the plunge, and is flying. END OF MONTAGE Int. CalEBS APARTMENT- NIGHT ANGLE ON CalebS bed The sheets are a mess. Caleb smiles proudly at the dent in the middle. Int. Jazz BAR- DAY With heavy eyes, Michael sketches wings on a napkin. He dips his finger in his drink, and lightly rubs it on the napkin. The wings look like they are in motion. Caleb Yknow. There's a world beyond that napkin. Michael doesnt respond. A few girls walk by. Caleb looks at them and smiles. His smile is so warm, they cant help but smile back. Michael is surprised. Michael (surprised) You know them? CaLEB (arrogantly) No. Just being friendly. Silence. Michael is pondering. Is it that easy? CALEB (CONT'D) Oh! Did I tell you. Im gonna be performing here Life rushes back into Michael Michael Really? CALEB Yea. Michael Are you crazy. Theyll laugh you to tears Caleb Whether they do or dont, doesn't matter? Michael Your gonna end up looking like a fool when you mess up. Caleb takes a breath. Hes angry. 00020000077A0000CC7B774,CALEB At most we are given a hundred years to live. (Emphasis) A hundred years! Caleb gives into his emotions. Passion possess him. CalEB (CONT'D) How much time have we already wasted. How much dreams have we ran from. How many girls did we pass up. And how much laughs did we miss out on? All for the sake of not wanting to look like a fool. Cant you see the truth? We behave like fools to look like scholars. Michaels taken aback. Wheres this coming from. Michael Ahh. Are you okay? CALEB You act like your gonna live forever Michael What? CALEB Dont you want your voice to echo on throughout the universe long after your dead? Michael Caleb! Caleb stops. He takes a breath, calming himself down. CaleB Haven't you ever had a dream. Michael (rolls his eyes) Oh boy Caleb CALEB No. Listen. After your nine to five soaks up all your energy, what do you do with that dream? Michael Get some sleep and try again tomorrow. CalEB And what if tomorrow doesn't come? Michael holds unto his rosary. Michael (sincerely) Then Id pray that it will CalEB Then maybe thats the problem. Tomorrow always comes. Michael studies him with suspicious eyes. Michael (suspicious) What did you do? Caleb stares at him sternly. Theres a dryness to him. Hes emotionally tapped at this point. CALEB I killed myself in order to live Michael Huh? Michael doesn't understand what that means, but he knows it cant be good. CALEB (choosing words carefully) I arranged myself to be put down Michael (concerned) Put down. What the fuck are you talking about Put down? What does that mean CALEB I paid someone to kill me. Michael thinks a moment, soaking in the news. Michael (confused) But your alive. CALEB Right now I am. But when the times right, I wont be Michael When will that be? CALEB I dont know. Could be next month, next week, or five seconds from now. Michael So wait. What? You went out and hired a-- 000200000D930000D3EFD8D,Michael cant think of the right word CALEB (helps him out) Hitman Michael (continues) Hitman. to kill you, so you can live? CALEB Yea. Michael laughs. His anxiety has lifted. He doesnt believe one word Caleb is saying. Michael Cmon stop. Your joking right? Michael stares at him, waiting for his poker face to melt. But it doesnt. It settles in, Caleb is serious. Michael (CONT'D) (loud) Holy shit! Are you fucking serious? People turn and look. CalEB Shh! keep it down Michael You better be pulling my fucking dick! CALEB (trying to calm him down) Michael! Michael What the fuck is going on in your meat-puzzle? Michael taps his finger obnoxiously on Calebs head. A BOUNCER approaches. Bouncer Hey. Your gonna have to settle down. As big as the Bouncer is, right now Michael cant even see him. His attention is all on Caleb. Michael (to Caleb) Is it your mom? Did she tell you to do this? Bouncer (to Michael) Hey yo! Michael puts his hand in the Bouncers face. Michael (to bouncer) Shh! I cant hear The Bouncer gets upset. Caleb tries to diffuse the situation CalEB (to Bouncer) Its okay. Sorry. Well keep it down. well keep it down sorry The situation becomes calm and Michael settles down, but hes still upset. Bouncer (to Caleb) Check your boy With that, the Bouncer leaves. Michael Why would you do that? CALEB Because. Im tired of being afraid to live. At least now I got nothing to lose. At any moment, it can all end. So what do I gotta to lose if I walk over to that chick and tell her shes pretty. What do I gotta lose if I march up on that stage and play a song? nothing. I lose nothing. Michael Except your life! CALEB No! You dont even get it. Thats what I gain. Life! Fun! Laughter! Michael Whats the point of laughing if someones gonna cut it short with a blow to the gut. (beat) CALEB Whether you get punched or not doesnt matter. Just as long as you laugh till it hurts. Michaels frustrated. Michael Caleb what are you doing! CALEB Finding some meaning to all this Michael (interrupts) To all what? Life! Were back to this again? This what all thiss about? Listen. There is no meaning to life. You just are until you aint! CALEB I dont believe that. Michael You dont believe it? Caleb. We see it everyday! We make pillows for the dead. Remember? The only meaning their lives ever amounted to was a pile of rocks that said Rest in peace. Caleb deep in thought. Michael (CONT'D) We have to call the police. Theyll put you in a witness protection or something. Caleb thinks silently. Did he make a mistake? He glances at Michaels GOLD WATCH CalEB (calmly) What do you think is more valuable. Water or gold. Michael I dont know. Who the hell cares Caleb looks at Michaels gold watch CALEB Could I see your watch Michael For what? CALEB Please. Michael gives it to him, annoyed. Caleb looks at it, observing the hands that measure time. CalEB (CONT'D) Its real gold? Michael Yea so? CALEB And it looks old. Michael It was my grandfathers. He gave it to my father, and he gave it to me. Whats the point? CALEB The point is, its valuable to you. Its been keeping track of time for generations. Caleb pours water in a glass. CALEB (CONT'D) So whats more valuable. That gold watch, or this glass of water? Michael (impatient) I dont know. My fuckin watch. CALEB Why? Michael Because, its gold and its been around for generations. CALEB So your watch is old, and this glass of water lasts only a moment. But-- 0002000007D80000E17C7D2,Caleb drinks the water. CaleB (CONT'D) Water gives life. Michael stares at the clock, allowing Calebs words to settle in. Ext. Street- night Caleb stumbles home. Hes drunk. Suddenly, he looks over his shoulder. He gets the feeling someone is following him. He continues walking, but then someone grabs his arm, and throws him against the wall. This must be the Hit-man. CaLEB (scared) Remember! As painless as possible. Caleb shuts his eyes, waiting for death. Dark figure Wheres the money? CALEB (confused) Huh? DARK FIGURE Your first weeks due Caleb realizes that this isnt the Hit-man. This is about the loan he took out. The Dark Figure must work for Mr. Ill cut your fingers off if you dont pay me back. Dark FIGURE (CONT'D) Wheres the money! He cocks his fist back, ready to strike. Caleb holds his hand out pleadingly. CaLEB Wait! Wait! Caleb pulls out the credit card he got in the mail. CaLEB (CONT'D) I just need to go to the ATM Ext. Bank atm- night Caleb is withdrawing money from his account. DaRK FIGURE Five-hundred. That Includes interest and gratuity This is robbery but theres nothing Caleb can do. He has to play by their rules. Caleb collects the money out of the machine and hands it to him. While the Dark Figure counts, Caleb comes up with an idea. CALEB Instead of me paying every week. Couldnt I just pay it all in full three weeks from now? The Dark Figure stops, studying him. CalEB (CONT'D) And Ill make sure the gratuity is worth it. The Dark Figure puts half of the money in his front pocket, and the other half in the back. DARK FIGURE The next time I see you. Have it all in full. He moves in closer and pulls the back of Calebs head toward his. DarK FIGURE (CONT'D) I will carve each one of your fingers down to the knuck if you dont Sweat trickles down Calebs forehead. Int. Calebs apartment- night PIANO Caleb holds his head. Once again, hes having writers block. He struggles to finish a sentence, but the right word doesnt come to mind. 0002000007A50000E94E79F,He looks at the NAKED GIRL in his bed for inspiration. Shes asleep and so is the muse in her. Caleb isnt as into casual sex anymore. Int. Cafe- DAY Michael is eating his breakfast. He looks over at Caleb whose playing with his food. Michael Shouldnt you be jumping outta planes or something CalEB Jumping outta bed is a big enough plunge. Theres something else on Michaels mind. Something he needs to know. Michael (vulnerable) Is it worth it? I mean...Are you having fun? Caleb looks at him, emotionless. He knows what Michael is thinking and he doesnt want to be a contributor to such a decision. He changes the subject CALEB I need some help. Ive been working on this song and I cant get pass the 2nd verse Michael takes the hint and leaves it alone. He continues like he never asked. Michael Whats the song about? CALEB (stern) The meaning of life Caleb stares at him, waiting for a negative reaction. Michael never understood Calebs quest for the meaning of life, but now, hes more supportive. Michael What do you got so far? Caleb flips through his lyric book CALEB Personal experiences. All hints really. But nothing concrete. Theres still something missing. Something key. Caleb has a thought. It finally dawns on him. Michael What? CaLEB I gotta go Caleb gets up and leaves Michael confused. Ext. restaurant- DAY The waitress is on her cigarette break. Caleb is at the corner, watching her. He pulls out the flap of matches, swallows his heart, and approaches. CaleB (confidently) Excuse me. Hi. My names Caleb. WaITRESS (taken aback) Lana Caleb is visibly nervous. Its the first time weve seen him like this in a long time. CALEB Its nice to finally meet you. Lana (laughing) Yes, finally. CALEB I hope this doesnt sound creepy but. I walk by here every time at three knowing your gonna be on your break. I know it sounds crazy but-- LaNa (interrupts) And I take my break every time at 3 knowing youll be walking by 0002000006310000F0ED62B,This is a pleasant surprise. Calebs smile tugs at hers. Calebs chances are looking good. CALEB Uhmm...I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me. Lanas smile melts. She sighs. lana I cant. This hits Caleb hard. CALEB Oh. Another surprise, but for the worst. His high hopes are buried in disappointment. LANA I just got back with my boyfriend. CALEB (looking down) Oh. Lana I wished you came sooner. You seemed so... She stops herself from saying too much Lana (CONT'D) Im sorry. Caleb takes her hand. CaleB No. Im sorry. It was my fault. I robbed us. She doesnt understand what he means. Before she can ask, Caleb kisses her hand and walks away. Lana opens her palm, and finds a box of matches. Ext. outdoor hookah bar- night Calebs alone, enjoying a glass of wine and the scent of his hookah. He looks up at the stars, but a cloud sails across, covering them up. He sighs out a ball of smoke. Ext. train STATION- NIGHT Calebs on a BENCH, struggling to complete the second verse. Nothing comes to mind, so he skips it for now, and works on the final verse. CLOSE ON LYRIC BOOK VERSE 3: FEAR ROBBED US OF OUR FUTURE TOGETHER. FOR THAT I APOLOGIZE. MAY THE SKY FALL IN MY LAP, AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER Theres an empty seat to the left of Caleb. An ATTRACTIVE WOMAN turns to sit. Meanwhile, an OLD COUPLE approach Caleb from the right Old-MAN (to Caleb) Excuse me. Could we sit here? CalEB Yea. Sure. Oblivious to the Attractive Woman, Caleb slides to the left. At the same time, the Attractive woman sits. The timing is perfect. She ends up in his lap. 0002000007EE0000F7187E8,CALEB (CONT'D) Oh. Sorry The Attractive Woman jumps up. Attractive woman (angry) What are you doing! CALEB Sorry. I didn't see you. She slides away, feeling violated. Caleb goes back to his lyric book, but he isnt writing. He re-reads the lyrics he just wrote: MAY THE SKY FALL IN MY LAP, AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER. This has to be a sign. Caleb looks at her from the corner of his eye. Shes fidgeting with the strap of her camera. Caleb turns to her and fires up his charm. CALEB (CONT'D) Hey. For what its worth. You just sat on like, the best seat in the station. A JUNKIE shuffles out of a bathroom, leaving the door ajar. The Attractive woman points to the MUCKY TOILET. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN Id rather sit on that with the seat up. Shes a no non-sense type of woman with a flame-blower on the tip of her tongue. Calebs turned on by the challenge. CALEB Doesnt matter what you rather. Caleb taps on his lyric book. CalEB (CONT'D) (smiling) Destiny put you in my lap ATTRACTIVE WOMAN No. I blame gravity for that. She goes back to fiddling with her camera. Caleb tries to make conversation. CALEB You a photographer? SILENCE. She doesnt respond. CalEB (CONT'D) Yknow. You belong on the other side of that camera SILENCE. This is good stuff, but shes not feeding into it. Caleb keeps his cool. Hes having fun CALEB (CONT'D) Whats your name? Still, she doesnt respond. CALEB (CONT'D) Fine. Ill just have to guess. (thinking aloud) Lets see... You look like a Olga, or a Brumhilda. (excited) I got it! Nevaeh. SILENCE CalEB (CONT'D) Its heaven spelled backwards. Its the nicest way your parents knew how to call you, Hell A hint of a smile creases her face. She wants to remain stoic. CALEB (CONT'D) So Hell. Where do you work? No answer CALEB (CONT'D) The flame broil grill at burger king? Annoyed, she slides further away from Caleb. CALEB (CONT'D) (loud) What was that? You passed gas? PEOPLE in the station giggle. The Attractive woman turns red. CALEB (CONT'D) Thats alright I dont mind. AtTRACTIVE WOMAN 000200000DA10000FF00D9B,Alright alright. Shut up. Caleb smiles. She fights the charm, but its hard. Calebs sweet and entertaining. Even the Virgin Mary would give it up. ATTRACTIVE WOMAN (CONT'D) My names Sidd. Now please just leave me alone CALEB Sidd? Whats that short for? ATTRACTIVE WOMAN For now, thats all you get CALEB Oh I get it. Your embarrassed of your real name. Its probably-- In saying the name, Caleb does random twitches and mouth spasms which he asserts as being apart of her name. CaLEB (CONT'D) Siddequahialictic-coo cooo- inkingstien The flood gates open and laughter pours from Sidds mouth. CALEB (CONT'D) (pleased) Good your laughing. Now I can leave you alone. Sidd Now. Maybe I wont mind as much An open invitation. Caleb decides to run with it. CALEB My names Caleb. Its nice to meet you. So what train you waitin for? SIDD A. CALEB That goes through that new tunnel right? SIDD Yea CALEB Ahh okay. Your taking the A-hole route. Its a joke meant to be corny. Sidd appreciates it and laughs. SIDD At least its short route. CALEB Oh yea SIDD Yea. I get off by the hospital CALEB Which one St. Barnanabas? SIDD Yea. I live a block away CaleB In East Manhattan? Impressive! What do you do? She pauses, finding herself getting close. She holds up her camera and continues. SIDD Photography. Freelance Announcer (V.O.) The A train will be arriving in 5 minutes. CaleB Thats you huh. Sidd Yea She packs her things CalEB You should give me your number so we could continue this conversation. maybe over dinner? SIDD Dinner! Uhmm...No. I dont think so CALEB (laughing) Yea. We could have some lasagna. Mmmm I love lasagna. SIDD Sorry. CALEB Cmon. You sat in my lap. The least you could do is give me the combo to your phone SIDD It was fun. But I dont give my number out. CALEB Why? SIDD Cause its too risky CALEB Risky is good. The key to happiness is doing the things which scare you the most Sidd smiles, motivating Caleb to continue. He rips a piece of paper. CALEB (CONT'D) Cmon. Ill play you for it. SIDD Huh? Caleb draws a podium and ten dashes underneath CALEB A game of hang-man. Sidd laughs. This is ridiculous. Caleb points to the first three dashes. CaleB (CONT'D) Union squre huh. So the area codes gotta be...917? Sidd shakes her head CALEB (CONT'D) 544? Shes impressed. He got it. Caleb points at the 4th dash Sidd Wait. Stop cheating. You got the first guess wrong CALEB (smiling) Oh Caleb draws a pole from the podium, then looks at her. CalEB (CONT'D) Taking this kinda serious huh? Sidd (laughing) Better hurry. You got 4 more minutes CalEB 4? SiDD No He draws the noose. CalEB 6? SIDD (laughing) Try again Caleb draws a head on the noose CALEB 3 Sidd laughs. Shes caught CalEB (CONT'D) (excited) Ahh Yes! Caleb writes it in. CALEB (CONT'D) Okay. six more. (Thinking) Zero? Theres gotta be a zero in here somewhere. Sidd Wait what are you doing? This isnt wheel of fortune. You have to go in order CALEB Excuse me. This is my game. I make the rules. And if you dont have a zero in your number, your a loser. He goes down the line CaleB (CONT'D) Here? SiDD (laughing) No CALEB How bout here? She points and laughs SiDD Right here. She just helped him. CalEB Okay...Life line. Caleb looks at her and smiles. She smiles back with a blush. The moment is too intense, she breaks it by pointing at the clock. SIDD You got two minutes CALEB Okay. The next is 6 Sidd No CALEB Shit! Caleb has drawn two arms and now a leg. Hes almost hanging. 00020000062200010C9B61C,SIDD One more leg and thats it. CALEB No! What about the Xs for eyes? Thats how I play. SIDD (laughing) Nope. Sidds train has arrived. Calebs face drops. Sidd sees it and laughs; its cute. She takes the paper and fills in the rest. She gives it back to him. SiDD (CONT'D) No ones ever worked that hard for my number. She smiles and walks on her train. Caleb feels like he just conquered the world. Int. StuDIO- day Calebs playing his piano, trying to work out a melody. Michael lights a ciggarette. Michael I still cant believe your doing this CaLEB (annoyed) Cmon. Drop it. (Referring to the cigarette) Plus whats the difference between what Im doing, and what your doing Hes right. Michael changes the subject. Michael So you said she sat in your lap huh. Its too bad train tracks dont have pot holes. CaleB (laughing) We were at the station when it happened. Michael Whats Sidd short for anyway? CALEB I dont know. Caleb continues with his melody. His attention is more on his music and Michael resents it. Michael I tried talking to this girl yesterday. CALEB Yea. What happened? Michael She had a boyfriend CALEB Yea. Sometimes it happens Michael Only for people like me. If you were talking to her, she wouldntve blown you off CALEB What if she really had a boyfriend. Your thinking too much into this Michael Even if she did have a boyfriend it shouldnt matter CALEB What? Michael Its a mathematical equation. Confidence, plus charm squared by good looks equals a wet pussy. period. Caleb looks at Michaels neck. The rosary is gone. 000200000A0D000112B7A07,CaleB Wheres your crucifix? Michael I threw that shit out. It wasnt gettin me nowhere. Seek gods face and hell give you the desires of your heart? (laughs to himself) Bull shit. I gotta better chance at seeing the wind. Michael lights another cigarette. Michael (CONT'D) I dont believe in God. I dont believe in anything. CaleB You gotta believe in something. Even if its yourself. Michael Fuck that. I dont believe in anything and I dont want nothing either. Michael takes a deep pull of the cigarette and exhales Michael (CONT'D) You wanna know the meaning of life? Here it is. As long as you don't desire anything, you wont be disappointed. (beat) Put that in your fucking song. INT. calebs apartment- NIGHT Calebs asleep. There's a BANG outside and he jumps. He looks to the door. Its still shut. He crawls to the window and peeks through the blinds. Nothing. He glances at the clock, its 11 p.m. He opens his phone and dials. After 3 rings, a woman picks up. Woman Hello? CalEB Sidd? CuT TO: Int. Sidds apartment- night SIDD Whos this? CUT TO: Caleb CALEB Its me. Caleb. Sidd Caleb? CALEB I wanted to ask you a question Somethings bothering Caleb. Whatever it is, he tries to keep it under the radar. SIDD What time is it? Caleb ignores her question. He takes a deep breath and asks CALEB (voice cracks) Will you marry me? Sidds shocked. The silence is so loud, Caleb thinks its the dial tone CalEB (CONT'D) (hesitant) Hello? Sidd (at a lost for words) Uhmm... cALEB Sorry that came out wrong. What I meant to ask was...Would you like to have a midnight snack with me? (adding) In public place I mean. You said you live a block away from St. Barnabas right? Lets use their fridge Sidd is a hard ass but sensitive. She knows somethings wrong. SIDD Its two in the morning. Im sleeping. CALEB So am I. Were both dreaming. And this is oneve those dreams where you know your dreaming...and you think up whatever you like, hoping itll appear. SIDD (unsure) I dont know what to say to that-- CALEB --Im heading to St. Barnanbas and Im gonna try really hard to think you up. And hopefully, youll appear. I hope you do the same SIDD Caleb dont do that. I wont be there. SILENCE sidd (CONT'D) Hello? Theres no answer. Caleb already hung up. INT. hospital cafe- 3am Calebs sitting by himself, writing in his lyric book while waiting. Suddenly, Sidd shows up. She tries to look grumpy but as soon as Caleb smiles, blood rushes to her cheeks. She has no idea what shes doing, but it feels good. She takes a seat at another table. 0002000006D800011CBE6D2,CalEB Actually, I imagined you over here SidD Look. I woke up in the middle of the night to meet you. The least you could do is let me keep some of my pride. Its a fight for power. Caleb considers being defiant, but decides to move over to her table. He looks deep into her eyes. CALEB The view here is better anyway. Sidd tries to hide her smile. She doesn't want to show that she likes him. CaleB (CONT'D) Dont fight it. SiDD Shut up. CALEB Aww i feel robbed. SIDD Of what? CALEB I earned that smile fair and square Sidd now smiles ear to hear. Shes beautiful. She shakes her head, mad that shes losing control. CalEB (CONT'D) What are you hungry for? Sidd Just coffee please CALEB How do you like it. SIDD Black. No sugar. CALEB Jesus. Do you want grind the beans with your teeth too? SIDD Just go. Caleb leaves. Cut TO: Cafe Caleb and Sidd are almost done with their coffee. Their laughter subsides in pleasing sighs. CalEB So hows the coffee SIDD Good. You didn't mess it up. CALEB No sugar no milk. It was hard, but I pulled it off SIDD So I told you what I did. What do you do? CALEB (proud) Im a musician This is the first time Caleb has declared his new profession; his dream profession. There is a romantic ring to it. SIDD Oh yea? What do you play? CALEB Piano SIDD Are you any good? caLEB Uhmm...I dont think anyones ever really good at anything. They just do what they know. siDD No. Your good at something when you do it better than everyone else. CALEB Thats the problem. We measure ourselves next to others. Caleb extends his hand. CalEB (CONT'D) Shake my hand. Go ahead Sidd takes his hand and shakes it CALEB (CONT'D) Now your thinking. Oh god. This guy is really good at shaking hands. He has a warm, firm grip. 0002000006120001239060C,Sidd blushes at the possible sexual innuendo CALEB (CONT'D) But I dont think Im any good at it. Im just doing what I know. Shaking your hand. SIDD So why are we here at 3 in the morning anyway? you got insomina or something. CALEB Nah. Ill have enough time to sleep soon enough. I just wanted to see you SIDD This is crazy. CALEB You dont normally do this SIDD No. CALEB So you dont normally meet up with a guy at 3 in the morning. SIDD (corrects him) Twelve in the morning CALEB Excuse me sweetheart. Its now three. SIDD I understand that buttercup. But I met you at 12 a.m. CALEB So you don't normally give out your number, or your name. And you don't even normally sit in strangers laps. I think we have a problem here. SIDD I think I was just trying to score free coffee Caleb smiles as she sips. He looks at her face. SIDD (CONT'D) (self conscious) What are you doing? CALEB I didnt realize you had freckles Caleb leans in closer. SIDD Youve never seen freckles before CALEB Not lined up like the constellations. Caleb points with his fingers. CaleB (CONT'D) This right here, is Orions belt He moves up to her nose CALEB (CONT'D) If this is the Scorpios constellation. Then this would be Caleb moves his attention up, looking deep into her eyes. Inches separates their lips. SiDD What? CALEB Heaven Blood flows into Sidds lips. She wants to be kissed but she backs away. She tries to regain her composure. Sidd A trekky. CALEB Nah. Just a star geek. I can look at them all night till dawn. Maybe we could check em out sometime. 000200000B620001299CB5C,Caleb looks out the window at a GARDEN. Sidd looks at him and smiles Caleb (CONT'D) What? Sidd This is, a good dream. Ext. apartment building- day Caleb walks down a familiar block, toward his apartment. He spots Carol struggling with her groceries up the stairs. He runs up to assist. CalEB Hey. Let me help you Carol Oh. Thank-you. They enter... Int. Apartment BUILDING- DAY Caleb follows behind quiet. He doesnt like that Carol is all alone. Carol looks back CaroL You alright? CalEB Yea. They reach her door and she fumbles her keys to the floor CAROL Shit. She stoops to pick it up. Caleb quickly jumps in CALEB No no! I got it. CAROL Thank-you Caleb opens the door and Carol walks in CaroL (vo) (CONT'D) Thanks Caleb you could just rest them on the table Caleb enters... Int. Carols apartment Carol walks to the window and opens the blinds. Caleb places the bags on the table and looks around: Its one of the poorer apartments in the building. The paint is stripping off the walls and the floor is filled with splinters. This place is not baby proof at all. Carol Excuse the mess CaleB No its okay Caleb looks over in the corner and sees a beautifully decorated room. The room stands out like a rose growing from concrete. Int. Carols apartment-babys room CaLEB Thiss nice Carol Thank-you (rubbing her stomach) Its gonna be the babys room. Caleb looks at an empty space in the room. Somethings missing. Carol knows what hes thinking Carol (CONT'D) Yea, I know. All I need now is a crib. CaLEB Trouble finding the right one Carol Trouble finding the right price. Those things are so damn expensive. Caleb makes note of this. Int. Mall- crib shop- day Caleb is looking at all the different cribs. The prices are out of this world; they are expensive. He looks at his credit card, then gives it to the CASHIER CaLEB Excuse me, could you check how much credit I have left. The cashier takes it and swipes it in the machine. She then punches in numbers Cashier You have fifty-dollars left. Thats no where near what Caleb needs to buy a crib. CALEB (sadly) Alright. Thanks. EXT. CALEBS STREET- DAY Caleb sees Rupert by his summer home, the dumpster. Ruperts pulling out pieces of wood. CalEB (CONT'D) What are you doing? RUPERT You inspired me. I use to can make anything outta wood. I haven't now in a long while. CALEB What are you gonna make? RUPERT It depends on what your gonna buy Caleb has a thought CALEB Can you make anything? RUPERT With wood? Yea CALEB How bout a baby crib. How much would that be? CALEB (CONT'D) My fortune is Fifty dollars. Thats all I have. RUPERT Then your the richest man in the world. Cause you have your fortune. Int. CalebS STUDIO Calebs sound asleep. Suddenly his phone rings. Like a frightened squirrel, he jumps up before answering. CaleB (grogily) Hello? Sidd Wake up! CALEB What time is it? SIDD 2 am. CALEB Its only funny when I do it. SIDD 000200000E74000134F8E6E,Meet me at the garden in 30 minutes. CALEB The garden? What garden? Ext. Garden- DAY A beautiful GARDEN, blankets the top of a hill overlooking the hospital. Caleb sees Sidd looking through a TELESCOPE, up at the sky. Shes frustrated. Caleb approaches and comes across a BASKET on top of a picnic blanket. Caleb goes over to the basket and smiles. CalEB Were gonna get fat if we keep eating this late. Caleb is about to open the basket. Sidd Wait! Sidd catches him in time. She runs over and stops him from looking into the basket. CALEB (confused) What? SIDD I just. Dont go in there. Just sit down. Ill do everything. CALEB Okay Caleb sits. Sidd looks up at the sky frustrated. CalEB (CONT'D) Whats wrong? Sidd I-- She sighs then points up. SiDD (CONT'D) The sky is cloudy. Caleb looks up at the sky. CalEB Yea...So. Sidd motions toward the telescope in the corner. She tries to fight it but she feels helplessly vulnerable. Caleb smiles. Even though shes trying to hide it, she is putting forth a lot of effort. CALEB (CONT'D) I usually check the evening news before star-gazing. Sidd sighs, disappointed. CALEB (CONT'D) You did all this for me? SIDD (stuttering) No. I uhmm... had a late shift and I just picked up something to eat. Nothing too serious just the first thing I saw. She goes in the basket and pulls out a plate wrapped in foil. Its LASAGNA. He smiles, then moves in closer to Sidd. Her breathing goes wild. No matter how strong she tries to be, she melts whenever Calebs around. CALEB Thank-you. Cut TO: Picninc blanket Sidd and Caleb are eating the lasagna and enjoying a bottle of wine. Sidd Can you see? The area is kindve dark, but Caleb lies CalEB Uhmm...Yea. Actually Im a lil surprised you did this. Its kinda dangerous, no? I mean you dont even know me. Sidd laughs a little bit more than she intended SIDD I know. Thats why I brought this along. Sidd goes into the basket and pulls out some candles. She lights them then catches Caleb staring deeply in her eyes. Sidd (CONT'D) So I can see and make sure you dont try nothing. Cut TO: PicNINC BLANKET Sips of wine are left in the glasses as Caleb and Sidd are a little tipsy. The fog settles in CaleB (laughing) So you just happen to have a telescope in your back pocket huh SiDD I told you. It was in the trunk of my car when I bought it. The two laugh hard, crashing into each others embrace. They settle down, and stare into each others eyes. Sidd quickly averts her eyes to the basket. She gets a thought. Sidd (CONT'D) If you had twenty-four hours to live, what would you do? Its like Sidd knows what Calebs going through. These two were meant for each other. CalEB You know. For the past few days Ive been trying to figure that out. (Suspicious) Thats weird that you ask that. What would you do? SIDD I dont know. Id be too scared to think about. Id probably lock myself up in my cabin and wait it out. CALEB You have a cabin? SIDD Yea. In Canada CALEB Wow. You really do good for yourself as a photographer. Oneve these days your gonna have to show me some of your pictures. SIDD Yea Sidds embarrassed and wants to change the subject. Caleb picks up on this and lets her off the hook. CALEB So youd be scared huh? SIDD (challenging him) Wouldnt you? Caleb takes a moment and thinks CALEB No. SIDD (sarcastic) Oh. Cause your so tough CALEB No. Because life and death are lost lovers torn apart by fear. Life is scared to die. And death is scared to live. Its up to us, to bring them together. Sidds eyes melt into Calebs gaze. The moments too much for her. Shy, she changes the subject SidD You never told me what you did exactly. CaleB I used to make tombstones. 0002000006E6000143666E0,SIDD Used to? CALEB Yea. Got tired of making pillows for the dead. SIDD So what do you do now? CALEB Struggling musician. SIDD So you quit a job that provided financial security so you can get a job that can provide-- Waiting for him to fill in the blank CALEB Frustration, anxiety, and depression. SiDD (laughing) So why do it. CALEB Because one day im going to die. SIDD Okay and... CALEB One day I'm going to die. As vague as calebs explanation is, it makes sense. Sidd understands. CALEB (CONT'D) Yknow actually. The last tombstone I worked on kinda pushed me to be who I always wanted to be. SidD How? CALEB It said when my eyes are closed, and my lips are sealed, I will tell you the meaning of life. SIDD Did it? CALEB Nah not yet. Still trying to figure that out. (Suddenly gets a thought) Do you believe in reincarnation? Sidd Thats random. Uhmm...I dont know. CALEB Pretend like you do know. Sidd laughs CalEB (CONT'D) What do you think you were? Sidd I dont know CALEB (rolls his eyes) Jesus. Alright. Ill do it for you. I think that before you were you, you were a plant. A grape! Sidd raises an eyebrow SIDD A grape? CALEB Yea. And you were tragically trampled on. Killed by feet. (re: wine glass) And this is your afterlife. Caleb takes her wine glass, and tastes. CALEB (CONT'D) A spirit from... Caleb tries to guess her age but she gives him a look suggesting him to stop CaleB (CONT'D) The late 70s Sidd laughs. CALEB (CONT'D) Im dying for a taste. They both lean in close to each other. Their lips touch, shyly at first, but then with the embrace of torn lovers. As they embrace, hundreds of lighting bugs appear, flickering on and off. With the combination of the fog, we feel as if we are in the heavens, amongst the stars. 0002000007DC00014A467D6,Int. Calebs apartment- NIGHT Calebs playing his piano. Sidd eats ice-cream as she stares nervously at the piano. Caleb notices. CaleB I told you. It was the only thing availiable at the moment Sidd (laughing) I didnt say anything CALEB I know your still looking The laughter subsides, and the music takes control again. Sidd slides back on the couch and closes her eyes, her guard is down SIDD I remember when I was young. My friends were talking about their first time. They made it sound so special. CALEB Yours wasnt? Sidd gives him a looks that says stop being pussy, man up. SiDD Was yours? CALEB Your an ass Laughing. SIDD Nope. Mine wasnt. I wish I could have it back. Caleb stops playing, and calls her to him. He takes her and lifts her against the Piano/Casket. Shes stiff, and nervous. He pulls out a cherry from the ice-cream, and warms it with his tongue. He lifts her silk dress, and run the cherry up her leg. They begin to kiss violently, like a tide, crashing against itself. Caleb moves the cheery in-between her legs, and her panting starts. After an intense session, her breaths climax into an orgasm. Sidd crashes down from against the Piano/Casket, down unto the floor. DISSOLVE TO: Int. CalebS STUDIO Sidds fast asleep in the bed. Her body glistens in the moonlight. Calebs writing and lightly playing the piano. He opens his Lyric book and finishes the last line he struggled with earlier: TO LIVE LIFE FOR LOVE. His muse is back. Suddenly he stops and looks at his fingers. They are long, perfect for playing the piano. Caleb begins to panic. Love montage: Int. fair- day Caleb and Sidd walk hand in hand into an arcade. He constantly looks over his shoulder, worried about the Hit-man. They go to a SHOOTER game. Caleb points at a CUTE BEAR. Sidd nods, hell no, she doesnt want that. She points at a bear with DEVIL HORNS instead. Cut TO: Ext. Beach- day Caleb and Sidd runs toward the ocean. Caleb jumps in. He comes up and looks for her, shes still on land. 0002000006DD0001521C6D7,Ext. Fair-day Caleb takes a paint-ball gun and aims. The LIGHT signals him to fire and he does. Sidd laughs at his failure. He missed every TARGET. Ext. ocean- DAY Sidds frail arms are wrapped around Caleb. Hes trying to teach her to swim. Caleb dunks her in, She pops back up frantic. Caleb laughs, and now shes angry. CUT TO: ocean Sidd walks back angrily toward land. Caleb goes after her and grabs her waist. She fights him off at first but somewhere in the struggle, she melts in his embrace. Cut TO: Ext. FaiR-DAY Sidd is caressing Caleb face saying, its okay. She picks up the paint-ball-gun and gives it a try. CUT TO: OceaN Calebs trying to teach her how to swim. A big wave comes and she wraps her arms around him. Its the first time hes seen her so scared. Its cute. Ext. Fair-DAY Sidd takes aim and shoots. Her aim is precise, hitting every single target with ease. Calebs surprised. Ext. Beach- sunset Now their having sex on the beach. The tide rushes in, covering them like a blanket. Ext. Fair-DAY She Points at the Cute bear and the Vendor gives it to Caleb. Ext. Beach- SUNSET They lay in the sand and watch the SUNSET together. As Sidd talks, Caleb presses her fingers with his, pretending that theyre piano keys. She realizes and stops talking. So he stops playing. They smile. END OF MONTAGE Ext. Bus stop Caleb looks around, worried, paranoid that hes being followed. Someone accidentally bumps into him and Caleb jumps back terrified. Passerby Excuse me sorry Sidd sees fear in Calebs eyes. He looks like hes looking at death. SiDD Caleb. Are you okay? Caleb realizes that the passerby is innocent. Hes not the Hit-man. CalEB Yea. Im fine. But Sidd doesnt believe him. She knows something is bothering him. 000200000660000158F365A,Int. bus- night Sidd is asleep on Calebs shoulder. Caleb stares at her, amazed at how such a beautiful creature is resting on his shoulder. A SPEED BUMP, the truck bounces. Calebs now worried. Int. Bar- night The club swells with people. Its extra busy tonight. Caleb walks in and spots Sills, screaming at his workers. Caleb approaches CalEB Excuse me. Mr. Sills. SillS (annoyed) Yea? How can I help you Sills doesnt remember him. CALEB I was hoping I could get an earlier date? Sills tests the microphone, its not working. SILLS (to worker) Hey Tim. What the fuck? Tim doesnt know SILLS (CONT'D) (to Caleb) What do you want? CalEB I need an earlier date SILLS Who are you? CALEB Caleb. I came and saw you the other day. SILLS Whats wrong with the date you have? CALEB I need to perform sooner SILLS Why? Caleb rubs his fingers CALEB Cause my piano may lose its voice. Int. calebS apartment- day Calebs piano is silent. He places his long fingers over the keys, and makes it sing. His phone rings, its Sidd. Caleb lets it go to voice message. CuT TO: caleBS apartMENT Calebs by the window, with his head heavy in his palm. His phone rings. Its Sidd, calling for the third time. He pushes ignore on his phone. Int. CalEBS APARTMENT- DAY Caleb is on the phone, waiting for someone to pick up SillS (V.O.) Hello? CalEB (to phone) Yea Mr. Sills. Its me Caleb. You said to give you a call to see if there any slots SILLS Nope sorry. Nothing yet Calebs fingers tremble Int. calebs apartment- night Caleb is biting his nails, worried. FOOTSTEPS approach, then a KNOCK. Caleb answers, its the Owners MUSCLE. 00020000061600015F4D610,CaleB (nervous) Hey. Muscle Do you have the money? CALEB Look. I wanted to talk to you about that MUSCLE Your startin to weasel. I dont like this. CALEB No look. Ill have the money. Just give me The muscle grabs him by the throat and throws him to the ground. MUSCLE (angry) And then when next week comes, youll say wait another week CALEB (protest) No! I swear, Ill have it! MUSCLE You goddamn right you will. And when you do, youll get this back The Muscle pulls out plyers and tightens it around Calebs finger. Caleb screams as his finger snaps off. CUT TO: Calebs apartmenT The Muscle leaves Caleb crying on the ground. Caleb struggles to the door. He swings it shut. Theres another knock on the door, this time, with concern CaroL (o.S.) Caleb are you alright? Caleb slides around on the floor. Hes in pain. Carol (o.S.) (CONT'D) Caleb! Int. calebS apartment- DAY Calebs stub is dressed in a bandage. He looks at the piano keys, then his missing finger. He closes the lid on the casket and walks away from the piano. CUT TO: CalebS APARTMENT Calebs listening to his voice mail, most of which is from Sidd. Sidd (v.O.) Wake up lazy. I was hoping we could get together for lunch. Call me back and let me know. Caleb plays the next one Sidd (v.O.) (CONT'D) Okay I started lunch without ya. Guess what Im having...Lasagna. (Laughing) Give me a call He plays another SIDD (v.O.) (CONT'D) Okay. I called earlier and you still didn't returned my call. Im not stalking you or anything but... (vulnerable) you should always call a girl 0002000009430001655D93D,after. Another voice message SIDD (CONT'D) (concerned) Hey is everything alright? Are you mad at me? Int. Calebs apartment- night Calebs on his couch, playing with his bandage. His phone rings! He looks at the caller; its Sidd. He rolls his eyes and throws it on the floor. A feeling comes over him. He pauses, then turns to the door. Sidd is standing there, hurt. He hides his hand. CaLEB (shocked) Sidd Sidd looks at his phone on the ground SidD I dont get it. Are you mad at me? Caleb sees the hurt and confusion in her eyes. They fall out, in tears. CALEB No listen Caleb tries to explain. He touches her shoulder but she jumps back. SIDD Dont! CALEB (pleading) Just listen SIDD Really? Thiss what you do when I call? Throw your phone to the ground? Caleb takes a breath. CALEB Its just that I think your getting too close. SIDD What? Caleb isn't happy about what hes about to say, but he squeezes his tongue and fires CALEB I thought we were just gonna have fun. Nothing more SIDD Is it the picnic? Look. I know It was a bit much but-- CALEB (interrupts) No, its not that. SIDD Then for Christ-sakes tell me. Im shaking. This is hard for Caleb. His heart is not into breaking hers. CALEB I think you know what Im trying to say. SidD (angry) No I dont! Tell me! Caleb sighs. He doesnt say anything. Sidd (CONT'D) You fuckin coward! Tell me! She pushes him against the wall. SIDD (CONT'D) I did what you asked. This was your idea. Do the things which scare you the most. Thats what Im doing! CaleB (cold) Well now you dont have to. Your off the hook. Caleb avoids Sidds eyes. She holds his face, and brings it closer to hers. He tries to fight it. SidD (calm) Hey Stop. Look at me. Stop. Whats wrong? She begins kissing him; on the cheek, on the lips, anywhere to bring him back to her. Sidd (CONT'D) (pleading) What did I do? Tell me. Caleb pushes her off him. He feels bad enough. He just wants to get this break-up over with. CALEB (angry) Nothing! I told you. Im sorry if you got the wrong message. But I dont want this. I never did. And thats all Im gonna say. Sidd stands there, with her mouth wide open. Its like an empty hole. Not knowing what to do with herself she leaves. Caleb crashes to the couch and lets out a sorrowful sigh. Hes regretting his actions now. His phone rings! Thinking Its Sidd, he dives for it. 00020000062E00016E9A628,CalEB (CONT'D) (in phone) Hello? Caleb listens, then his face grows grim. Int. Hospital- waiting room- night Caleb waits impatiently. Finally the DOCTOR, asian, 32, steps in the room. By the looks of his face, Caleb knows its bad news. Int. woods-DAY Rupert is building the cradle. He sees Caleb and smiles. Rupert reads Calebs face and realizes that somethings wrong. Int. CalebS aPARTMENT- day Caleb opens the casket atop his piano and plays a BEAUTIFUL MELODY. As he does, a... MONTAGE: Ext. woods- DAY Rupert is sad. Hes making modifications to the cradle. Its now a SMALL CASKET. Ext. Garden- DAY Michael stares at the faceless Angel. He caresses it, hopefully. Ext. Cemetery- DAY Carol, Caleb, Michael, and a well dressed Rupert gathers around a grave. Priest Father forgive this child for living. Though consumed out of wed-lock, please take him to your bosom Carol breaks down and cries. Caleb holds her up. CuT TO: Cemetery- DAY Carol is a mess. She stands there, staring at the gaping hole in the ground. Rupert walks up to Caleb. RupeRT You okay? CaleB Thanks for the... RUPERT (interrupts) Yea. No problem Theres a storm going on within Caleb, and Rupert senses it. CALEB Is there a way to avoid the mountain lion? Rupert thinks deeply. RUPERT One day, this magnificent healer came to town. And as he marched down the streets, a large crowd followed him, knowing he could perform miracles. So there was this woman who was ill. But because of the crowd, she couldn't get to him. So she thought, If I only touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed. 000200000691000174C268B,CALEB Did she touch it? RUPERT Yes CALEB So she lived? RUPERT Yes. Rupert sees the hope in Calebs eyes and his face grows grim. He looks over at Carol, weeping for her lost child. Rupert (cONTD) (sadly) But. You lived by the hem of deaths garment. Caleb saddens. INT. pawn shop- office- day owner Are you sure bout this? Muscle Yea. Spoke to oneve my contacts and he said Manny did a deal with this old guy. Turns out, he put a hit out on the kid. owner Fucking schmults! MUSCLE Want me to talk to him. owner No. Manny will finish the job just so he can jerk off to his reputation. The Owner thinks a moment. owner (cONTD) Listen. I want you to follow this kid wherever he goes. Whoever tries to take him out, handle them. Until I get my money back, I want that boy alive! Ext. hope GardeN cemetery- DAY A funeral procession is underway. Respectfully, Caleb lets them pass and walks up to the main office. Ext. Garden- day Michael adds the finishing touches to the Angel statue. Its sculpted with intricate detail, yet, it still doesnt have a face. Calebs fixed on it. He walks up and looks at it, measuring himself. This time, he doesnt look away. Caleb When you look at this. What do you see? Michael wipes his hands and laughs to himself. Michael I dont know if I see anything. But I feel that-- Michael takes a moment to process his thoughts. Michael (cONTD) --We all walk around, dragging our caskets to the grave. Caleb doesnt understand Micheal Our bodies. Now it makes sense. Everyone plays dress up. All those superficial things that really dont matter at the end of the road. So, dont measure the quality of life, by the shine of the casket. 0002000009C700017B4D9C1,Caleb lets this sink in, it makes sense CaLEB Look. I was hoping you could convince Antonio to donate a tomb to a friend of mine. She doesnt really have any money. Michael Sure. Ill try. CALEB Thanks MichEAL So what happened? CaleB She gave birth to death. Michael laughs to himself and looks at the faceless statue. Michael Maybe thats why I have no destiny. CALEB Why? Michael Cause maybe I wasnt suppose to live. A bright smile slashes across Michaels face MICHEAL I stopped trying to get laid. CalEB Why? MICHEAL Cause I might accidentally knock someone up and I want this curse to end with me. (beat) Plus, I picked up a Koran the other day. It said, seventy virgins will be waiting for me in heaven. Can you believe that? Seventy! (laughing) Thats where youll see my face. Smelling seventy blossoms. Antonio (o.S.) Michael! Stop working on that thing and finish Ms. Rainfords headstone! Caleb looks at Michael. Its time for him to go. CalEB Yea. I better go Michael Dont worry, Ill talk to him about that tombstone CalEB Yea thanks. Nothing big. Just a small footprint. Michael Yea I got it. Caleb turns to leave, then turns back to say something CALEB Oh yea. She named him Godwind. Ext. HopE GARDEN CEMETERY- DAY MOURNERS gather around an OPEN CASKET. Caleb needles through, trying to get pass. He glances at the open casket, and shock paralyzes him. The deceased is Ms. Rainford! He taps a gentleman on his shoulder CalEB Excuse me. Who is that? Gentleman Cynthia Rainford? Calebs mind races. CALEB Cynthia? Thats her name? GeNTLEMAN Did you know her? CALEB Yea. She was here the other day, making arrangements for her sister GENTLEMAN Her sister? She doesnt have a sister. Like light, it dawns on Caleb. She was making arrangements for herself. Caleb sees the program in his hand CALEB Can I see that GENTLEMAN Sure. He hands it to him and Calebs eyes are drawn to the bottom note: WHEN MY EYES ARE CLOSED, AND MY LIPS ARE SEALED, I WILL TELL YOU THE MEANING OF LIFE. CALEB She wrote her own note GeNTLEMAN Yea. She didn't want the last words to the world coming from someone else. Caleb moves in closer to the casket. He stares at Cynthia, resting peacefully: He stares at her eyes; theyre closed. He stares at her lips; theyre sealed. Calebs confused. So whats the meaning of life? Suddenly, it comes to him. Caleb runs out of there. Int. CalEBS APARTMENT- DAY Caleb opens his door, his apartments trashed. Either the Hit-man, or the Muscle were here. 000200000C8E0001850EC88,ext. street- day Caleb tries to call Sidd. As it rings, he hears a cell-phone ringing in the distance. Before Caleb could investigate, A sudden feeling comes over his shoulders. He looks back and sees a SUSPICIOUS MAN, walking behind him. Caleb speeds up. Int. train station- day Caleb sweats out paranoia. He tangles himself up in the BUSTLING PEOPLE to lose his tail. The A-TRAIN pulls up. Caleb waits, testing his tail. Then, at the last possible moment, he jumps in. This time, the doors didnt shut in his face. Ext. sidds apartment- night Caleb KNOCKS hard on Sidds door. Sidd (o.S.) Caleb? Calebs turns around, frightened. SIDD (CONTD) What are you doing? Calebs a bit surprised that she just happened to show up behind him. CALEB I need to talk to you SIDD (angry) Theres nothing left to talk about. CALEB Wait. Just listen-- SIDD (interrupts) No! I want you to leave me alone. Caleb grabs her shoulders, demanding her attention. Sidd looks down and sees the bandage. Her anger quickly dissolves into concern. Sidd (CONT'D) (concerned) What happened to your finger? Caleb swings his hand behind his back. CALEB Dont worry about that right now. Just, listen to me. Sidd takes a breath SIDD Im listening CALEB I figured it out the meaning of life. Sidd rolls her eyes SIDD Caleb please. CALEB Just listen. Remember that old womans note I told you about? Sidd nods, un-interested. CaLEB (CONT'D) It was about her. She wrote it for herself. Sidd (annoyed) What are you talking about? CALEB I went to her funeral. And she told me the meaning of life. Calebs vague, but not on purpose. He too is figuring things out as he goes along. Sidd checks her watch. SIDD Caleb you dont have time for this CALEB Wait. Just listen. Remember what I told you. Life and death are lovers torn apart by fear. SIDD What about it? CALEB All thats left between them is a deep longing for each other. And when I looked at that lady, laying there dead. I longed for my piano, my pen, my friends-- SIDD (interrupts) --Whats your point? CALEB So if life and death are lovers torn apart by fear, death will tell you the meaning of life, by telling you the things it longs for. Sidd now understands. Her breaths quicken Caleb (CONT'D) And you know what else it longed for? SIDD What? CALEB A glass of wine. (beat) Sidd Caleb, stop. You don't know what your saying. CALEB Yes I do SIDD No you dont. Her voice cracks and her eyes weld. Caleb rushes to her, quick to catch any tears that fall. CALEB Yes I do. I love you Sidd Its very important that you listen to me right now. This is hard for Sidd, but she tries to get through it. SIDD (CONT'D) I want you turn around and leave. And promise me, you wont come back. CaleB I cant SIDD You dont understand. You have to. Please. Caleb gets right in her face and breathes her in. She closes her eyes and enjoys his scent. She is torn between her emotions. Sidd (CONT'D) (whipser) Caleb CaleB (whipser) Lets go to Canada. She opens her eyes, surprised. Sidd What! CALEB You said you had a cabin out there right? SIDD Yea CALEB So lets go. SIDD Right now? CALEB I dont know how to live in the past or future. I only know how to live right now. 0002000008230001919681D,She looks at him, ready to go anywhere with him. Ext. Cabin- night The stars are out. CRICKETS sing back up to Sidds moans. Int. Cabin- night Caleb and Sidd are making love. Its slow, and sweet, a savory of movements. Sidd softly cries. CalEB (concerned) Are you okay? SIDD Dont talk. Please. Just keep going. They continue, but somethings up. CUT TO: cabin- day Caleb and sidd lay in bed, tangled in each other. CaleB You wanna talk about what just happened Sidd Im fine. She kisses him. Sidd (CONT'D) Im gonna take a shower. Wanna join? She smiles sweetly. CaleB Ill meet you in there. Im gonna make some coffee. Between you and the drive, Im still knocked out. SIDD Okay. The coffee beans should be in the cupboard next to the fridge CALEB Thanks Sidd disappears into the bathroom, and turns on the shower. Caleb picks the trail of clothes they left on the floor. He picks up her PURSE and PHOTOS spill out. Curiously, he looks through them, impressed. He comes across a picture of himself. Its the photograph he gave to Charon. Suddenly, it dawns on him. Sidd is the Hitman! He staggers back, shocked. INT. TRAIN-STATION- NIGHT (FLASHBACK) FOOTAGE OF: Sidd seating on his lap. But was it an accident? Ext. garden- night (flashback) FOOTAGE OF: Sidd waiting by the garden for Caleb. She puts a gun in the basket SiDD (V.O.) If you had twenty-four hours to live what would you do? Ext. Fair- day (flashback) FOOTAGE OF: Sidd shoots all the balloons with precision. Shes an excellent marks-woman. Ext. Streets- night (flashback) FOOTAGE OF: Caleb walking, looking over his shoulder. He turns the corner and we see that Sidd was tailing him. Int. Cabin- day Sidd steps out of the shower. Sidd Great. You waited too long. Now the waters cold. She steps out, wrapped in a towel. She looks at Caleb and sees that he picked up all the clothes; her purse included. She grows suspicious. Sidd (CONT'D) You alright? CaleB Youre the mountain lion SIDD (confused) Huh? Caleb fights back tears. At this moment, Sidd realizes he knows. Caleb looks at the calender. 00020000065F000199B3659,CaleB You like music? SIDD (stern) Yea. Sidds sweetness turns sour. Shes like a cyborg, no emotions. Montage: Int. Car- day Calebs in the passenger seat, aloof. Sidd, driving, senses it but says nothing. Caleb gazes out at life: the sunset, the flying geese, wildlife, mountains, lakes. At one point, Sidd wipes the base of her eyes and says... Sidd Are you okay? CaLEB (stoic) Im fine. SIDD Are you gonna tell me what happened to your finger? Caleb doesnt answer. Sidd sighs and continues driving. Int. Jazz bar- night Caleb and Sidd are seated. Both are quiet, wondering what the other knows. In the corner, the Muscle, keeps a close eye on both Caleb and Sidd. Announcer And now For a new performer, everybody, give it up for Angel A LATINO male approaches the stage with his trumpet. Caleb also gets up and approaches. Theres a bit of confusion on stage. Angel doesnt know whats going on, but Caleb does. Hes taking control. The broken light, that once flickered, now shines bright on Caleb. He takes a seat by the Grand Piano and looks at the audience. They look different up on stage. He spots the Muscle, in the corner. CaleB (into the mic) This song is about the meaning of life. Caleb plays a beautiful, yet haunting piece about life. His voice escorts the melody into the audiences hearts. We hear his heart beat, slow and calm, adding a base line to the song. Sidds eyes flood with tears, as some of the lyrics pertain to her. Caleb finishes and soaks up the audiences applause. He walks off the stage, and out of the club. Sidd immediately gets up and leaves. She cant let her target get away. 0002000007B10001A00C7AB,Ext. Street- night Sidd looks around and sees Caleb walking into a building. She goes to pursuit but the Muscle appears. MuSCLE Hey! You Charones girl? Sidd Im no ones girl. The Muscle smiles. This girl is small, but tough MUSCLE My boss has business with your mark. So your gonna have to put your nails away till he squares what he owes. SIDD I think those roids got your brain all pumped up. Cause you think I give a hell about your boss. MUSCLE Then it looks like only one of us is gonna be walking in that building. Sidd isnt intimidated. Int. building-night Caleb is climbing the stairs. He hears a SHOT from outside! That doesnt change his pace. He continues to climb higher until finally reaching the top. Ext. Roof building- night Calebs on the edge of the roof, staring at the stars. The door to the roof swings opens and Sidd stands there. She approaches Caleb slowly, like a mountain lion approaching its prey. SiDD That was beautiful CaleB Thank-you SIDD What are you doing up here? Caleb laughs to himself CALEB Wanted to walk on stars Caleb faces her and looks deep into her eyes. Her breathing quickens. Shes torn. A tear flows SIDD You know how life and death are scared to be with each other. CALEB Yea SIDD Im scared of the way you make me feel. CALEB How so? SIDD I made plans to do something. But the moment was so... refreshing, that my plans didn't matter. Im so lost. What does that mean? Caleb wipes away her tears and smiles reassuringly. CALEB Dont worry. When my eyes are closed and my lips are sealed, Ill tell you. A tear falls from Sidds cheek. At that exact moment, we pull away into the sky where we see a shooting star. FADE OUT: FaDE IN: Ext. Cemetary- day The Angel-Statue watches over Godwinds grave, (Carols baby). Ruperts staring at the statue. He looks down at the grave of the unborn baby, then back at the faceless statue. Theres a connection between the two. A gentle wind blows. Rupert smiles. 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