Mike Shelton hosts the SimplyScripts Radio Cold and Flu Edition.
Podcast rated R for “F” bombs, Cheeseheads and Boobs.
In this episode, the panel of Pia, Sean, Michael and Mike dig into the SimplyScript Radio mail bag.
The panel also discusses:
Dialogue – How do the writers on the panel ensure their characters have separate voices? Not necessarily different dialects but separate people. One of my biggest frustrations is having fellow writers suggesting my characters sound alike. Any recommendations on reading or writing exercises?
Up The Stakes – How do you recommend checking your script for enough action or twists? Any tricks or tips?
Loglines – Tricks and tips.
SimplyScripts Radio is produced by Michael Cornetto and hosted by Mike Shelton.
Music provided by Incompetech.com.
Interested in joining the panel? Send an email to radiosimply (at) gmail.com