MoviePoet.com has announced the winners of the June 2009 short script competition.
“Senselessness” by Michael Hoffman ~ First Place
An old sheriff handles one last dispute before local law is turned over to the new court system.
“Opening Arguments” by David Birch ~ Second Place
Will the war on terror claim the justice system as its next victim?
“Caught In The Act” by Caroline Coxon ~ Third Place
Jury members’ minds wander as the court case drags on and on, but Gavin is proud to be there!
Each month, Movie Poet runs a free online five page screenplay contest. On the first of each month a new contest is announced. During that month, you can enter your script. During the next month, you can read, vote, and comment on all the entries. Finally, during the third month, the results are announced.
Head on over to Movie Poet and give it a go. – Don
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