UNLEASHED A SCREENPLAY BY MATTHEW OROBKO EVERYBODY HAS AN ANIMAL SIDE, A DARKSIDE. FORTUNATLEY WE ARE ABLE TO CONTROL IT, KEEP IT DOWN. BUT WHAT IF THE ANIMAL WERE TO TAKE OVER. THE ANIMAL WOULD BECOME UNLEASHED………… TITLE CARD: LONDON-1818- FADE IN: LONDON-1818-. EXT.-SKYLINE SHOT. We see the skyline of London in 1818. Snow twirls and flies in front of the camera. We can hear the woosh of the wind. Small, yellow lights illuminate through the snowstorm. Off in the distance we hear the loud bell, telling the citizens that the 12th hour has been reached. CUT TO: LONDON-1818-. EXT.-STREET VIEW. In an alley we see a coach, it is being pulled by two black horses. The cabbie riding it is a portly fellow. It rides past the camera. We cut to a shot from a window's P.O.V., looking down at the cab, arriving in front of its chambers. The cab stops in front of a house. A young lady runs out in her nightgown, holding a candle. She seems horrified. She greets the cab. YOUNG LADY Dr. Hallow, I'm very great full at your presence. I don't know what's wrong with my brother, he's grown horribly disfigured. He moans in pain every night and he can't speak. A man in an overcoat and a black top hat comes out of the cab. He steps down and the cab rides on. CU of man's black gloves, grasping a doctor's bag. CUT TO: LONDON-1818-. INT.-INSIDE CHAMBERS. The two people come in to the house. The doctor brushes off his coat and hangs his hat up. They hear a horrifying moan coming from upstairs. They both look up, towards the camera at a fixed height. YOUNG LADY He's upstairs. I can't bear to look at him any longer. DOCTOR HALLOW I must see him. The camera follows them up the winding stairwell. They come to a door, another moan. We cut to inside the bedroom. The camera is in front of the young lady's brother so we can't see him. The doctor opens the door. At the sight of the lady's brother, he pulls out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and holds it to his mouth. We can hear a heavy breathing from the disfigured man. DOCTOR HALLOW (talkingthrough handkerchief) Oh my God, how long as his condition been noticeable? YOUNG LADY Almost a year. DOCTOR HALLOW Has anybody else seen him? YOUNG LADY I could only trust you, doctor Hallow. DOCTOR HALLOW When were the first symptoms accounted for? YOUNG LADY About a year and a half. DOCTOR HALLOW Miss Jonson, I'm sorry but…… MISS JONSON What is it? DOCTOR HALLOW It is too late for anyone to save him. It has become unleashed. It has taken over. MISS JONSON Oh my God! Miss Jonson breaks down in tears. Her cries are the last thing we hear as we: FADE OUT. TITLE CARD: NEW YORK-NOW- FADE IN: EXT.-CITY SKYLINE. We open with a city skyline. We are reminded about the time we live in from the transformation from London to New York. This time there are taller buildings with more and brighter lights. We can hear the numerous sounds of cars honking and driving by. The camera begins to move downward as the main titles start. While the main titles start the camera lowers from a crane shot and continues moving forwards. The main titles stop as the camera stops at a hospital. SUBTITLE: "MONDAY" The subtitle dissolves as we: FADE OUT. SHOCK CUT TO: INT.-ST.JOSEPH HOSPITAL. We shock cut to a doctor bandaging someone's hand. The bandages are stained red with blood. The doctor asks Dennis Flaherty, the man who is receiving the bandages, some questions. DOCTOR Ok, Mr. Flaherty, about this wolf………Are you positive it wasn't a dog? DENNIS Well, it was dark and I guess it could have been a dog, but then it must have been a big freaking dog. DOCTOR Ok, now while the wolf or dog was chasing you, did you notice any white foam coming from its mouth? DENNIS Foam?! I was running for my life! I don't think I'm going to look for any white foam coming from the fucker's mouth. DOCTOR I understand. How did you manage to get to the hospital? DENNIS Well, I'm a pretty strong guy and after the thing bit me I got my head together and I knew that I had to get to the hospital with a rabies shot. DOCTOR Ok, and we're all done here. DENNIS Ok, so I can go? DOCTOR Ya, sure. DENNIS Ok. The camera follows Dennis out of the hospital. CUT TO: (MONDAY). EXT.-STREET. The camera follows behind Dennis. He walks on a sidewalk of a street. He comes to a diner and stops. He looks in and sees his friend, Jerry. He taps on the glass and waves. Jerry waves back and gestures him inside. The camera follows Dennis inside. CUT TO: (MONDAY).INT.-DINER. Dennis sits down at the booth, across from Jerry. JERRY Hey, man. (refers to bandage) What happened? DENNIS A fucking wolf bit me. JERRY A wolf, are you serious? DENNIS Well, it could have been a dog. JERRY Where did this happen? DENNIS Central Park. JERRY Central Park! It was a dog man there are no wolves in Central Park! DENNIS Ya, I guess you're right. JERRY I hope you're going to be ok for tomorrow. DENNIS Tomorrow? JERRY Ya. Don't tell me you forgot. Pause. JERRY You got a date with my sister. Another pause. Dennis still doesn't know what he's talking about. JERRY Martina! DENNIS Oh ya. Sorry man I forgot. JERRY Ya well you can't back out now, she's been looking forward to it for a week now. DENNIS No way, I won't back out. What time was it again? JERRY 8:00. DENNIS Oh yeah, oh yeah. Ok don't worry I'll be there. JERRY You better. So, about this bite, was foam coming from the wolf or the dog or whatever? DENNIS The doctor asked that to. I don't know. I was fucking running for my life, I 'm not going to check for foam coming from it's mouth. JERRY Dude, you should always check. DENNIS Why? JERRY For Rabies! Never mind. DENNIS Well, I better get some sleep. JERRY See ya. DENNIS Of course. Dennis gets up and starts to exit. Jerry stops him. JERRY 8:00. DENNIS Don't worry. Dennis exits as we FADE OUT. SHOCK CUT TO: (TUESDAY). EXT.SKYLINE. We start with the skyline of New York, it's the morning. SUBTITLE: "TUESDAY" The camera begins to move forward. We can hear the honks and beeps of cars below. A light mist hides the tops of the skyscrapers and tall buildings. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis gets out of bed and sits at the edge. He wakes himself up. He then looks at his hand and remembers the bite. He sighs. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is taking a shower. He washes his hair with his eyes closed, he is careful not to get the bandages wet. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. A long shot of Dennis eating breakfast. He is dressed in a white button shirt and a black tie with black pants. He takes a drink of coffee as he eats his eggs and bacon. He then turns a page of his Wall Street Journal. He gets up and takes his plate and mug to the sink. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).EXT.-STREET. Dennis comes out of his apartment building door. He has a trench coat on and he is holding a briefcase. We can hear cars honking and beeping as they pass by. The camera follows Dennis from behind, hand held. He comes to a subway station and he walks down the steps. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-SUBWAY TRAIN. Dennis is sitting on a subway train. He grasps his suitcase with both hands. We hear the clickity-clack of the train passing over the tracks. He stares at the empty seat in front of him. The camera slowly zooms into his face as we: CUT TO: (TUESDAY).EXT.-STREET. Dennis comes up from a different subway station. He stops at the edge of a sidewalk and holds out his hand. DENNIS (yells) Taxi! A taxi pulls up. Dennis opens the door and he gets in. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-TAXI. Dennis sits down in the cab. DENNIS The Brandon Foundation. The cab pulls away and starts to drive. Dennis leans back and puts his head against the seat. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).INT.-BRANDON FOUNDATION. We start with a shot behind a woman, sitting at a desk, writing something on a piece of paper. The door in front of her desk opens, Dennis walks in. DENNIS Good morning Janet. JANET Good morning. The camera reveals a small office that Dennis' secretary works at. There is a small couch for people to wait on and a few plants and paintings. JANET Wow! What happened to your hand? DENNIS Oh, it's a long story, I'll be in my office if Mr. Burdette comes by send him in. JANET Will do. DENNIS Thanks Janet. Dennis walks into another door near the back of Janet's office. He opens the door and walks in. We cut to Dennis' office. It's much bigger than Janet's office. There is a bigger desk and more pictures. Dennis has a giant window that looks out onto the city. He puts his briefcase near his desk and hangs his coat on a coat rack near the door. He then sits down. He puts his feet up on the desk and leans back with a sigh. He remembers his bite again and looks at the bandage. He then continues with lifting the bottom of the bandage up. He looks in, we see what he sees. Near the two puncture wounds a sprawl of hair is growing, could it be infected? With this appearance he says: DENNIS Ehew! He is startled by the secretary buzzing him. DENNIS Yes? JANET Mr. Burdette is here. DENNIS Ok. Dennis' boss, Mr. Burdette walks through the door. MR. BURDETTE Dennis, how's life treating you? DENNIS Oh, not to bad. Please, sit down. Dennis gestures to a seat in front of his desk, Mr. Burdette sits down. MR. BURDETTE (refers to bite) Oh, my god! What happened? DENNIS Oh, I was bitten by a dog or a wolf or something. MR. BURDETTE Did the thing that bit you have foam coming from its mouth? DENNIS Oh, c'mon. MR. BURDETTE What? DENNIS Long story. So, what brings you down to this side of the building? MR. BURDETTE Well, last years, as you know, we suffered the biggest financial decline in this company's history. DENNIS Right, the Goldberg thing. MR. BURDETTE Exactly. Now that was a year ago. We thought that after a year the thing would die down and everything would return the same. DENNIS Right. MR. BURDETTE But, a year later it's still kicking our ass. Now, due to budget cuts we're going to have to lay off some guys. You might be one of them. Now, it probably won't happen. But, if it does you know. Pause before we CUT TO: (TUESDAY).EXT.-IN FRONT OF MARTINA'S HOUSE(STREET). Dennis is standing in front of Martina's house, smoking a cigarette. He takes a puff and looks around. He then puts his hand to his jaw and grimaces in pain. He then lets out a quiet moan. He is startled by the unlocking sounds of Martina's door, it opens. Dennis quickly flicks his cigarette in the street. DENNIS Hi. MARTINA Hello. DENNIS You look good tonight. They begin walking on the sidewalk, the camera leads in front of them. MARTINA Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself. Dennis stops walking as Martina doesn't stop. Dennis jokes. DENNIS Half bad? He runs ahead, trying to catch up with Martina. CUT TO: (TUESDAY).EXT.-RESTAURANT. We start with an exterior shot of the restaurant. The camera faces a long window that stretches to the end of the restaurant. We see Martina and Dennis sitting in the restaurant, laughing hysterically. Martina reaches her arm over to Dennis and controls herself. We cut to and interior shot. The laughing between Martina and Dennis starts to settle. Martina turns the direction of the conversation. MARTINA Ahhhhhh. But, what happened to your hand? Dennis looks at his bandaged hand. DENNIS Oh, nothing serious. MARTINA Oh, don't be that way. Tell me. DENNIS Well, I got bit by a wolf. MARTINA A wolf! DENNIS It could have been a dog. MARTINA Are you serious? DENNIS Yep. MARTINA Were you ok when they found you? DENNIS No, I actually walked to the hospital on my own. MARTINA A wolf! DENNIS It could have been a dog. MARTINA Did it have foam coming from its mouth? Dennis just stares at Martina. It's been the fourth time Dennis has been asked that question. The waiter comes with their food. WAITER Two steak and lobsters. DENNIS Thanks. MARTINA Thank you. WAITER Is there anything else I can get? Dennis looks at Martina. DENNIS I think we're good, thanks. WAITER Alright, enjoy your meal. DENNIS I will. The waiter leaves. Dennis and Martina begin eating. Martina mentions the bite again. MARTINA So, where did you get bitten. DENNIS Central park. MARTINA Central park? Well, it had to be a dog. There are no wolves in central park. DENNIS Yeah, I guess. AHHHHHHH! Dennis lets out a small scream. Everybody in the restaurant stares at him. Dennis lifts his hand to his jaw. MARTINA What's the matter? DENNIS Oh, man! It's my two side teeth, they've really been bothering me lately. Jesus! MARTINA Really, well I hope it's nothing serious. DENNIS Yeah, me t- ahhh, Jesus Christ! MARTINA Ok, I'm going to recommend you to my dentist, he's really good. Martina pulls out a piece of paper and writes a number on it. She then gives the piece of paper to Dennis, he puts it in his jacket pocket. DENNIS Ok, yeah. Maybe I'll do that. Excuse me. Dennis gets out of his seat. The camera DOLLYS behind Dennis as he walks into the bathroom. INSIDE BATHROOM. Dennis goes up to the sink and splashes water on his face. He then puts ice water on his finger and dabs it on his two back teeth. He moans in agony as he does this. He pulls is finger out. He stares at the tip of his finger which is covered in red, blood. The bathroom attendant interrupts him. BATHROOM ATTENDANT Is everything alright? DENNIS Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. The bathroom attendant hands him a towel. He dries his face and hands off. He lifts the bottom of his bandage up and peers inside. We see what he sees. There is more hair than before and there is a white, saliva like substance at the base of the hairs. It looks almost infected. In the center of the wound, puss is being excreted. BATHROOM ATTENDANT Are you sure everything is ok sir? DENNIS Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine. Dennis looks at himself in the mirror. He notices that some of his hair is hanging in front of his ear. He brushes it back. He lets out a small scream. He quickly pulls his hand back. There is blood on his fingernails. DENNIS What the hell? Dennis pulls his ear forward he pulls it passed how far it should go. His eyes widen. He stops pulling. DENNIS Jesus Christ? BATHROOM ATTENDANT Are you sick or something? Dennis turns to the side and looks at the back of his ear. A seam, type cut has been made at the back of his ear. DENNIS Oh, my God! Dennis reaches back and tugs on his ear. Dennis' ear lifts above the seam. He screams as he witnesses this. DENNIS What the hell? Dennis runs out of the bathroom. RESTAURANT AREA. He runs passed Martina and out the door. The camera stays with Martina. MARTINA Dennis! We stay with Martina as we FADE OUT SHOCK CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY).EXT.-CITY SKYLINE. We start with a skyline of New York in the morning. SUBTITLE: "WEDNESDAY" DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is sitting up on the side of his bed. He sits there for a while and then picks up the phone. The camera begins swinging around Dennis from the behind shot. It swings to the front. DENNIS Hi. I'd like to schedule an appointment with doctor- Dennis looks at the piece of paper that Martina had given him. DENNIS CONT'D. Dr. Sayoko please. (pause) Well, I'd like an appointment as soon as possible. (pause) Ok, that would be fine. (pause) Ok, thank you very much. Dennis hangs up the phone. He sits there for a while and then picks up the phone again. CU of Dennis dialing the numbers. DENNIS Hi, Beverley? (pause) Ok. It's Dennis, could you please tall Mr. Burdette that I won't be in today, I'm not feeling very well. (pause) Ok, thank you. Bye. Dennis hangs up the phone. He sighs. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is in the bathroom, he looks at himself in the mirror. He pulls his ear again. He stops. He notices that his bandages are coming off. He begins to unravel it. He looks at his hand. Thick hair, white goo, green puss, bright red. DENNIS What the hell is happening to me? CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is in the kitchen, he searches desperately through the drawers for something. He finally comes to on drawer, he pulls out duct tape. He begins wrapping it around his hand. He thinks that he is done and bites the duct tape off. The phone rings, Dennis looks but doesn't make an effort to answer. The message picks it up. MESSAGE VOICE(DENNIS) You no what to do. The message machine beeps and Dennis is startled by Martina's voice. MARTINA V.O. Hi Dennis, it's Martina. I just called because I want to know just what the hell happened at the restaurant. You, know Dennis, I thought you were going to be different than all the other guys but you know what? You're just the same. You didn't even call me. (sigh) Just call me at my house, 555-7823. I'll be here all day. I just want to know what's going on. Martina hangs up and the machine beeps twice. FADE OUT. SHOCK CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY).EXT.-OUTSDIE JERRY'S HOUSE-STREET. A cab pulls up in front of Jerry's house. The cab stops and Martina gets out. She leans into the window. MARTINA How much? CAB DRIVER 37.50. Martina fishes around her purse for a while and pulls out some money. MARTINA Ok, here you go. Keep the change. CAB DRIVER Thanks lady. The cab drives off. Martina begins walking up the steps and knocks on the door. After a while the door opens and Martina goes inside. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY).INT.-JERRY'S HOUSE. Martina is sitting across from her brother, Jerry, at a kitchen table sipping coffee. JERRY I honestly don't know what's going on with Jerry. He didn't come in to work today. So, he just left? MARTINA Yeah. I was sitting, eating and he said he had to go to the bathroom. He left and 10 minutes later he ran out. He ran right passed me and out the fucking restaurant. I was really starting to like him, Jerry. What the freak kind of guy just runs out on his date? Doesn't say anything, just leaves. JERRY That's not like Dennis at all. Tell you what, after lunch I'll go over to his apartment and see what the freak is going on, ok? MARTINA Ok. We stay with them for a while, a shot that is placed directly between Jerry and Martina. We stay and then SHOCK CUT TO BLACK OPEN: (WEDNESDAY).INT.-JERRY'S APARTMENT. Dennis is sitting at a kitchen table with Jerry. It was almost a transformation from Martina to Dennis. DENNIS I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, Jerry. The next time you see Martina tell her that I'm sorry for running out. JERRY She was fucking worried about you, she was afraid that you didn't like you. Dennis starts to laugh. DENNIS Didn't like her? Christ, my tooth is rotting off, my bite on my hand has hair growing out of it. But, on top of that my fucking ear is falling off. Right the fuck off. If you need proof I can rip it off right now and slam it an the table for you, right now! Didn't like her, Jerry? Believe me Martina was the best thing happening in my life. Long pause. JERRY Ok, I'm sorry man. Your ear is falling off? DENNIS Right off. JERRY Jesus, maybe it's cancer. DENNIS Oh, don't say that. JERRY I'm serious man. Your ear is falling off! Jesus Christ! That's sick man! You should get that thing looked at, as soon as possible! DENNIS Well, I can't do it tomorrow, I got to see the dentist about my godddamm rotting tooth. JERRY Ok, ok. I'll tell that stuff to Martina. Jerry stands up and begins making his way to the door. DENNIS Tell her I'm sorry. We can't see Jerry. JERRY Yeah, yeah I'll tell her you have cancer or something. As Jerry shuts the door we SHOCK CUT TO BLACK TITLE CARD: "THURSDAY" SHOCK CUT TO: (THURSDAY).INT.-DENTIST'S OFFICE(RECEPTION) We come in with a reception in a dentist's office. It is empty except for the secretary writing something at the desk that is positioned near the door. She finishes writing and turns to her computer, she begins typing as the camera pans left. The camera reveals a deserted reception room. It passes 4 chairs with a table that holds magazines. It passes a wall with 50 small instant pictures and scrunched together with the words, THE NO-CAVITY CLUB painted above them. Eventually we come back to the desk. Dennis walks through the door. He now has a type of bandage over his ear. He approaches the reception desk. SECRETARY How can I help you? DENNIS Hi, my name is Dennis Flaherty. I have an appointment. The secretary searches her computer and finds his name. SECRETARY Oh, yes. Mr. Flaherty. You have an appointment at 2:00. But, I think that the dentist will see you now. DENNIS Ok. Thanks. SECRETARY You can wait at the chair. CUT TO: (THURSDAY).INT.-DENTIST'SOFFICE(IN CHAIR) We start with a P.O.V. of Dennis' mouth. The dentist looks towards us. He has a mirror and a scraper in his mouth. We cut to a normal shot. The dentist puts his tools away and turns off the light. The dentist flicks a switch and Dennis' chair begins to rise. The dentist removes his mask. DENTIST Ok, Mr. Flaherty. That back tooth is severely decade, as are 3 other ones. Now, I would like to remove that tooth as soon as possible. DENNIS How's right now? Pause. DENTIST I think I can do that. As for the other three they'll have to eventually come out. But, I'd like to see what occurs in the next……6 days. DENNIS Ok. DENTIST Ok, now how would you like to do this? I have the gas or the- DENNIS Gas, please. DENTIST Ok, we can do that. CUT TO: A FEW MINUTES LATER. Dennis is gassed out. We start with a close up of Dennis' face with the gas mask on. He is asleep. We start pulling away, revealing the dentist delving in his mouth. Also with him is a nurse. They work intensely. P.O.V. Dennis' mouth. DENTIST Ok, here comes the tooth. The dentist pulls a rotten, decayed tooth away from us, out of Dennis' mouth. The dentist looks back into the mouth (at us). DENTIST Oh my God. CUT TO: 20 MINUTES LATER. Dennis is sitting in the dentist's chair, alone. He waits anxiously. The dentist comes in. DENTIST Mr. Flaherty. DENNIS Did, the thing go well? DENTIST Well, we got the tooth out. But, if you feel the place where that tooth was you'll feel a very sharp thing poking out of your gums. Dennis does this as he talks. DENNIS Yeah, what is that? DENTIST Mr. Flaherty, we had a tooth time getting the tooth out. Pause. DENTIST CONT'D. There is another tooth coming in, Mr. Flaherty. DENNIS What? DENTIST Another tooth. It was decaying because of the shape of the tooth that is coming in. DENNIS What do you mean? DENITIST The tooth that is coming in, is very sharp. Pause. DENTIST CONT'D. It's a fang, Mr. Flaherty. And, we did X-RAYS on the other three decaying teeth, it's the same thing. All three of them have fang-like teeth coming in beneath them. I don't know what to make of it. CU of Dennis' face, his eyes widen with a horrified expression as we FADE OUT TITLE CARD: "FRIDAY" FADE IN: (FRIDAY).INT.-MARTINA'S HOUSE. Martina is asleep. Her blinds are down. The room is almost completely dark. She has her hand over her face. We can hear the faint sounds of the television on. The phone rings once. It rings again and Martina stirs. She puts her hand back and reaches for the phone on the nightstand. She finds it and picks it up. She pulls the cord to her ear and talks while lying down. MARTINA (groggily) Hello? On the other end of the line we hear heavy breathing and then Dennis' voice. DENNIS O.S. Martina. Martina recognizes Dennis' voice and immediately sits up in her bed, wide awake. MARTINA Dennis! Are you ok, Jerry said that you were really sick? DENNIS O.S. No, in fact I've gotten much worse. MARTINA What's the matter with you? DENNIS O.S. I just didn't know who to call. Jerry wasn't home. MARTINA Yeah, he's gone fishing with someone from his work in Canada. Listen, are you sure you're alright? I want to know what's wrong with you. DENNIS I can't explain it to you on the phone. I would like it if you came to my apartment. I'll explain everything to you then. MARTINA Ok, I'll do that. Are you absolutely sure you're ok. DENNIS V.O. Well, I'm not absolutely sure. Do you know how to get to my place? MARTINA I think so. Is it ok if I come this afternoon? DENNIS That would be great. MARTINA Ok, you can call me if you need anything. Dennis hangs up before they can say goodbye. Martina hangs up the phone. She sits on the bed for a while and gets her thoughts together. She crawls out of her bed, leaving the frame empty as we CUT TO: (FRIDAY).EXT.-NEW YORK STREETS. Aerial shot of a camera following Martina's cab to Dennis' apartment. The cab turns a corner and keeps going. It stops at a red light. CUT TO: (FRIDAY).INT.-DENNIS'APARTMENT BUILDING. Martina moves through the halls of Dennis' apartment building. She looks for Dennis' number on the door. She comes to the right one. She knocks on it. MARTINA Dennis? It's Martina. CUT TO: (FRIDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Martina sits in a chair. We can't see Dennis. He hides in the light. They talk. Martina doesn't see Dennis as they talk. Dennis talks with a raspy voice. DENNIS O.S. Have you ever seen the movie "The Wolf Man", Martina? MARTINA The original? DENNIS O.S. Yeah. MARTINA No, not the original. DENNIS O.S. Well, in it this guy gets bitten by a wolf. He begins turning into the wolf. Martina just listens. MARTINA What are you getting at? DENNIS O.S. Remember, on our date, I told you about how this dog or wolf or whatever bit me? MARTINA Yeah. DENNIS O.S. Well, I think that what ever animal bit me………I think I'm turning into whatever the animal was that bit me. Martina's eyes turn glossy, as if she's about to cry. MARTINA That's insane. DENNIS O.S. Is it? Is it insane, Martina? Dennis reaches over to turn on the lamp beside his chair. Martina screams at the sight of him. Dennis has a strip of skin missing from one side of his face, black hair is growing out of it. The camera turns to his ear, it's barely hanging on. The camera pans down, his hand with the wound is almost covered completely in hair, at the base of the hair is the white goo. Martina controls herself. Through her surfacing tears: MARTINA We can get you to a doctor, everything will be alright. DENNIS Martina, I have four, fucking fangs growing in my mouth. My ear is falling off and I think that a new one is growing underneath it. I can't, it's too late. MARTINA No! DENNIS Yes! It's too late for me. MARTINA Then why did you ask me here? DENNIS I wanted to talk to you, prove that everything is ok with me. MARTINA But you're not ok! Look at you! You're dying! DENNIS I'm not dying, I'm being reborn. MARTINA Stop with all this animal bull shit! DENNIS It's the truth. MARTINA You're sick, you're not turning into an animal! DENNIS You need to go, and not worry about me anymore. Pause. MARTINA You need to go to a doctor. DENNIS I need to be alone. MARTINA Please, go to the doctor. Long pause. DENNIS What can the doctor do for me? MARTINA The doctor can find out what the freak is wrong with you. He can look at your ear and your hand and everything that's wrong with you. DENNIS What is the doctor is horrified when he sees me? I could spend the rest of my life in a lab. In a glass room, with people watching me, studying my transformation. MARTINA You're not transforming, you're just sick. DENNIS Cancer do you think? I don't think it's goddamn Cancer, do you? MARTINA Just, go to the doctor. Maybe they can make you better. DENNIS How can they make me better? MARTINA Just let them look at you, that's all I ask. DENNIS Why, can't you just leave me alone? MARTINA Because I think I love you! Long pause. DENNIS Love? We've only been on one date. Now, look at me! How can you love this? MARTINA Dennis, I just want to help you. I just want to make sure you're ok. DENNIS I'm not dying, I won't die. MARTINA You're not being reborn, that's bull shit. Maybe, it's a new disease, a curable one. DENNIS I'm not going to the hospital. MARTINA We can go to my doctor, he's really good. We can trust him. DENNIS I don't think WE can trust anybody. There IS no we. I called you here because I wanted to talk to you. You come here and start making my decisions. It doesn't work that way, Martina. I'm not going to the hospital. MARTINA What if, they can find out what's wrong with you and cure it? DENNIS They can't find out what's wrong with me, they just can't. Pause. MARTINA If you do decide to go, phone me and I'll take you. Martina gets up and picks up her coat and her purse. She heads for the door. MARTINA O.S. I should have never came. DENNIS I should have never called. We hear the door slam. CUT TO: (FRIDAY).EXT.-CITY SKILINE-NIGHT. New York skyline, it is night. The camera pans forward. We see the reflection of the lake in the river, the camera moves past the river. The yellow lights coming form the tall buildings and skyscrapers get brighter as the camera moves forwards. The forward pan gets faster and faster, soon it's flying forward. CUT TO: (FRIDAY).INT.-MARTINA'S HOUSE. Martina is sitting at her counter, eating dinner. The camera is placed behind her. We can see her hand come down with her spoon, it comes up again. Her phone rings, she gets up and leaves the frame empty. She comes back with the phone. She sits down and begins to eat as she turns the phone on and begins to speak. MARTINA Hello? We hear Dennis' raspy voice on the other line. DENNIS O.S. Ok, I'll go to the doctor. I heard what you said about how we can trust your doctor. I'll do it. I don't care when, just soon. Dennis hangs up before Martina can say anything. CUT TO: QUEBEC, CANADA(SATURDAY).EXT.-LAKE. An aerial shot of a lake. The camera glides over trees and the lake. SUBTITLE: "SATURDAY" DISSOLVES TO: "QUEBEC, CANADA" The camera passes over a small forest. It comes over the forest. We are at another lake. We see a boat in the middle of the lake, two men stand at both ends, casting fishing lines. We cut to a ground shot. Jerry and his friend are fishing. His friend's name is Luis. He pulls up his line to reveal a twig that got caught in his line. LUIS Son of a bitch! There are no fish in this goddamm lake! JERRY Relax. I go here every year and I always leave with at least 11 fish. LUIS That's bull shit! I haven't even seen any fish swimming. JERRY Didn't your dad ever tell you, you have to be patient while you fish? LUIS No, my dad was to cool to take me fishing. JERRY What did he do? LUIS He took me to football games and golfing. Now there's a sport golf. JERRY I never tried golf. LUIS Why not? JERRY For some reason I don't see the point in hitting a little white ball up and down a field. LUIS It's way better than fishing. Pause. LUIS Hey, how come you didn't call Dennis Flaherty down here? JERRY Oh, well there's something wrong with Dennis. LUIS Is he sick? JERRY Not exactly. LUIS Well, then what? JERRY He, he might have Cancer. LUIS Cancer! Really? JERRY I don't know, that's just my theory. LUIS Well, what does Dennis think? JERRY I have no idea, he doesn't think it's Cancer though. We cut to a stationery shot of the whole lake. We can see Jerry and Luis fishing below as we CUT TO: (SATURDAY).EXT.-CITY SKYLINE-DAY. The camera moves through the maze of buildings and skyscrapers. CUT TO: (SATURADY).EXT.-HOSPITAL. We start with a crane shot, we follow a cab coming into a parking lot to the hospital. It pulls up to the two sliding doors and stops. We cut to a ground shot. Martina and Dennis come out. Dennis has a bandage on his face, the area with the piece of flesh missing. He also has another strip of duct tape on his hand. The two walk in to the hospital. CUT TO: (SATURADY).INT-HOSPITAL. Martina and Dennis walk into the hospital. They walk up to the reception and Martina speaks to her, because of the distant camera. Martina talks with her hands as she speaks, the secretary points to a sign, Martina and Dennis follow her fingers. We cut to a shot that is a few minutes later. Dennis is sitting in the small examination room. He sits on the examining table, looking around and waiting for the doctor. He is shocked by the doctor coming in. DOCTOR Good morning, Mr. Flaherty. DENNIS Good morning. DOCTOR Ok, let's see what the problem is with your ear. The doctor takes a flashlight from his coat and grabs a stool. He sits on it and slides to Dennis. He reaches up and begins to take the bandage off. DOCTOR Who put this bandage on? DENNIS I did actually. DOCTOR And, why did you do that? DENNIS Well- The doctor stops him with: DOCTOR Oh my God, how did this happen? DENNIS Well, I don't really know. I noticed I had a cut behind my ear. I tugged on my ear and it lifted off my head! DOCTOR I don't know what to do. The doctor flicks off the flashlight and wheels backward. DOCTOR What I guess we can do is severe the nerve that attaches the ear to your head and replace it with a prosthetic ear. DENNIS Ok. DOCTOR Yeah, well in the mean time, what happened to your face and hand? DENNIS Oh, nothing. DOCTOR I'm going to have to at least look at your face. The doctor approaches Dennis and carefully removes the duct tape. The strip of skin missing as changed. The hair has grown thicker and darker. The skin on the side has turned into flaky, curdled, rolled up skin. The doctor puts his hand down and peels off a piece of skin. It crumbles in his hand. DOCTOR Oh my God! What's wrong with you? The doctor steps back, he begins talking with Dennis. DOCTOR I think we need to do some tests. At this point I haven't the slightest about your condition. I think we can go to work on that ear tomorrow. Mr. Flaherty, my best bet for your condition is cancer. DENNIS It's not cancer. DOCTOR What? Pause. DOCTOR Mr. Flaherty, if you know what your condition is it's best that you tell me. DENNIS I'm not really sure what I have but I have an idea. DOCTOR What? Dennis begins to tell him about the animal theory and then stops. DENNIS Cancer. DOCTOR That's what I think to, but better safe than sorry. We should do some tests. Blood work, x-rays that kind of thing. CUT TO: (SATURDAY).INT.-WAITING ROOM. Martina is asleep, waiting for Dennis. She wakes up when she hears Dennis' voice. DENNIS O.S. Thank you doctor. Martina gets out of the chair and goes to greet Dennis. MARTINA What did the doctor say? DENNIS The doctor has a strong feeling it's a new type of cancer. MARTINA Cancer. DENNIS I have to come in tomorrow for some tests and then on Monday he's going to operate on my ear. MARTINA Really? DENNIS Yep. MARTINA I told you it would be a good idea to come here. DENNIS I never said it was a good idea. Pause. DENNIS CONT'D. The guy didn't tell me anything that I didn't already know. MARTINA Well, at least you went. DENNIS For nothing. MARTINA I don't get you! I wanted to help you! And you don't appreciate anything I do for you. DENNIS Hey! Don't tell me what I don't appreciate! Look at me! I'm a fucking animal! Pause. MARTINA Fuck you. Martina runs away from Dennis. Dennis tries to stop her. DENNIS Martina! Sorry! Pause before we CUT TO: (SATURDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT-NIGHT. Dennis is asleep. Suddenly he stirs awake and runs for the bathroom. We DOLLY behind him as he runs to the bathroom. In the bathroom, Dennis vomits in the toilet. He coughs. He vomits again. He walks over to the sink. He turns the tap on and splashes water on his face. As he looks at himself in the mirror, he notices his hands. His one hand, without the wound, has skin near his finger nails, curling and peeling off to reveal thick, black hair or fur. On the other hand, only a small patch of skin is left on his palm, the rest is covered in fur and his finger nails are growing sharp. He examines his hands. DENNIS (quietly calm) Jesus Christ. I'm turning into a fucking animal. We cut to Dennis in his kitchen, he just came from the bathroom. He walks over the fridge and pulls out some milk. He walks over to the cupboard and pulls out a box of cereal. He walks to the table and pours the cereal into the bowl and then pours the milk in the bowl. He pulls out a spoon, and begins to eat. One spoonful, two spoonfuls. He spits the cereal out and stands up. DENNIS Oh, God! That tastes like shit! Jesus Christ! CUT TO: OVER LAKE MICHIGAN(SUNDAY). EXT.-AIRPLANE. SUBTITLE: "SUNDAY" DISSOLVES TO: "SOMEWHERE OVER LAKE MICHIGAN" CUT TO: OVER LAKE MICHIGAN(SUNDAY). INT.-AIRPLANE. Jerry is sitting in an isle seat. He looks around for a stewardess. He looks forward at the satellite phone, imbedded in the back of the seat in front of him. CU of Jerry pushing the "assistance" button, it lights up. Moments later a stewardess comes to greet him. STEWARDESS Yes sir. JERRY Is it ok to use these phones now? (gestures to the phone in front of him) STEWARDESS I believe so. JERRY Ok, thank you. The stewardess leaves. Jerry reaches in front of him and grabs the phone. CU of Jerry dialing numbers. We hear ringing before Dennis' voice. DENNIS O.S. You know what to do. Followed by a beep. Jerry sees that Dennis is not home so he pushes the "hang-up" button. He places the phone back into the chair. CUT TO: NEW YORK(SUNDAY). INT.-HOSPITAL. Dennis is sitting in the waiting room, he stares at us. The secretary calls him. SECRETARY Dennis? Dennis is startled and looks up. DENNIS Yes? SECRETARY The doctor will see you know. CUT TO: (SUNDAY). INT.-DOCTOR'S OFFICE. CU of syringe extracting blood from Dennis. PULL OUT. The doctor examines Dennis' blood and put a sticker on it. The doctor places the syringe on a rack. DOCTOR Well, Mr. Flaherty, we'll analyze this and call you back on what your condition is. DENNIS Thank you doctor. Dennis gets up and exits the room. CUT TO: NEW YORK(MONDAY)-INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is trying to eat breakfast at the table in his kitchen. He takes a spoon of cereal and spit it out after he tries to eat it. He takes a drink of coffee but spits it out. Dennis gets out of his chair and walks to the sink, he dumps the rest of his coffee down the drain. CU of Dennis filling his mug with water. PULL OUT Dennis chugs the water like there's no tomorrow. The phone rings. Dennis walks over to it and picks it up. DENNIS Hello? The voice from the other line is the secretary from the hospital. SECRETARY O.S. Hello, this is regarding Dennis Flaherty's blood work. DENNIS Oh, yes this is Dennis Flaherty. SECRETARY O.S. Oh, there was a mix up at the hospital and we are not able to get your blood analyzed, we're sorry for the inconvenience. DENNIS Wait- The phone hangs up before he can finish. Dennis slams the phone down. Dennis stands in the kitchen for a while. We stay with him. Dennis walks over the fridge and opens the freezer. He reaches inside. CU of Dennis taking out a raw steak from the freezer. Dennis walks over to the sink. CU of Dennis placing the steak in the sink, to thaw it out. He leaves the room. CUT TO: (MONDAY)-EXT.-CENTRAL PARK-DAY. Martina is jogging through the park. We DOLLY behind her as she runs. We hear her heavy breathing and the swoosh of her windbreaker as she runs. Several people pass her and greet her. She comes to a bridge, she goes under it. On the other side she is stopped by a homeless man, sitting on the ground. The homeless man sits by a shopping cart. He stops Martina. HOMELESS MAN Have you ever seen The Wolf Man? Martina stops. MARTINA Excuse me? HOMELESS MAN You know, the movie, have you ever seen it? MARTINA What do you mean? HOMELESS MAN Do you think that stuff is true? MARTINA What stuff? HOMELESS MAN The stuff in The Wolf Man, do you think it's true? MARTINA I don't know what you're talking about. Martina begins to run, but she is stopped by the man again. HOMELESS MAN I can help him, you know. Martina turns around. MARTINA Help who? HOMELESS MAN I can help the man with the illness. MARTINA Dennis? HOMELESS MAN If that's what you call him. MARTINA You can cure his condition? HOMELESS MAN I never said that. MARTINA What did you say? HOMELESS MAN I said I can help him. MARTINA With what? Martina takes a step forward. HOMELESS MAN I can help him realize the truth. MARTINA Who are you? The homeless man ignores this question. HOMELESS MAN I'd like to see him. If you bring him here I'll help him. MARTINA Listen, I don't know who the fuck you are, so why don't you just fuck off! Martina runs back the other way. The homeless man yells to her as she runs. HOMELESS MAN I'll be here if you change your mind! CUT TO: (MONDAY).INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. CU of steak in the sink. Judging from the pool of water surrounding it we can tell that it's thawed. Dennis lowers his hand into the sink and pulls out the steak. He carries it to the counter and rests on the counter top. CU of Dennis going into a drawer and getting a knife. He uses the knife to cut the package away from the steak. He throws the package into the garbage. He tosses the steak onto a plate and grabs a fork from the drawer. Dennis walks over to the table with the steak, knife and fork in his hand and sits down. CU of Dennis cutting off a piece of the raw meat. He raises it to his mouth and hesitates before putting it into his mouth. He groans and closes his eyes with delight as he chews the raw piece of meat. We hear the crunchy-like sounds of the piece of meat being grinded by his sharp fangs. He opens his eyes and looks at the raw steak on his plate. He remembers that the piece of meat he just ate was raw. Dennis screams and gets out of his chair, quickly. DENNIS Fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck am I doing?! Dennis falls down in pain as he grasps his leg. DENNIS Ahhhhhh! My fucking leg! Ahhhhh! Pause. DENNIS Ahhhhhh! Pause. DENNIS Fuck, fuck, fuck! Pause. DENNIS Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Dennis' screams are the last thing we hear before we FADE OUT TITLE CARD: "TUESDAY" FADE IN: (TUESDAY)-MARTINA'S HOUSE. Martina is sitting at a table, drinking coffee. She takes a sip and looks out the window at the sun, pouring through the blinds. She gets up and walks over to the phone. CU of Martina dialing the numbers. Martina raises the receiver to her ear and waits. We hear ringing on the other end of the line and then we hear Dennis'raspy voice. DENNIS O.S. Hello? MARTINA Hi, Dennis, it's Martina. I- Dennis hangs up. Martina looks at the receiver and then slams the phone down. MARTINA Fuck! We stay with Martina for a while before we CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.DENNIS' APARTMENT. The camera moves on the floor. It reveals clothes scattered on the ground, bandages and other items. The camera moves over the toilet, revealing a thick, red liquid in the bowl. Camera moves up to the kitchen sink, we see Dennis. Dennis's face is extremely grotesque. His nose is beginning to fall off. In the spot where is two ears have fallen off has grown two, sharp, hairy, wolf ears. He raises his hand to the mirror. His two hands have begun to shrivel into paws. The hand with the original bite is almost a full paw. The other hand is less shriveled. Dennis yawns, we see his mouth. All of his teeth have become sharp. They are beginning to interlock with his other teeth when he closes his jaw. Hi hair on his head has fallen out. Beneath it has grown wolf smooth, gray wolf hair. He walks out of the bathroom. The phone rings, he picks it up. With his lispy, raspy voice he answers. DENNIS Hello? Martina on the other line. MARTINA O.S. Don't hang up! Pause. CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.-MARTINA'S APARTMENT. Martina is talking with Dennis on the phone. MARTINA Umm, I haven't seen you in a while. I don't know what you look like know but… But after what happened in Central Park to me today, I have to talk to you. On the other line. DENNIS O.S. Martina, you don't want to see me. I have grown much worse. I'm beginning to think that you were right. I don't think I'm turning into a wolf. I, I think that I have a bizarre case of rabies. A new type of cancer or something. I can hardly talk because my teeth are beginning to get tangled up. MARTINA Listen, you may have been right. DENNIS O.S. What do you mean? MARTINA Yesterday I was jogging in Central Park. A homeless man stopped me and asked me the same question that you asked me the first time I saw you…… I saw you changed. DENNIS O.S. What did I ask you? MARTINA You asked me about the movie, The Wolf Man. DENNIS O.S. Oh, yes. MARTINA Well, this man said he could help you. He knew you! CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.-DENNIS' APARTMENT. Dennis is talking with Martina. DENNIS Martina, listen to me. I want you to go to this man and ask him who he is. MARTINA O.S. He said he would like to see you. DENNIS I would like to know who he is. Go back to central Park and ask him who the fuck he thinks he is! MARTINA O.S. I don't know… DENNIS Just do it! Dennis slams the phone down. CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.-MARTINA'S APARTMENT. Martina puts down the receiver and begins to cry as we FADE OUT CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.-DENNIS'APARTMENT. JERRY is back from Quebec. He knocks on Dennis' door and waits. We hear Dennis' voice from the other side of the door, he can hardly talk. DENNIS O.S. Who ish it? JERRY Dennis? It's Jerry. I'm back! Pause. JERRY Are you ok. DENNIS O.S. Shomething ish very wrong wish me Dennish. JERRY Let me in. The door opens. Jerry walks in. Jerry screams at the sight of Dennis. JERRY Jesus Christ! What the fuck is going on?! DENNIS I don't know. JERRY What? DENNIS Look at my sheesh! JERRY Your what? What are you saying? DENNIS Jerry, I can't shalk becaush me sheesh are beginning to tangle becaush of the shucking fangsh growing in my mouff! JERRY This is really fucked up Dennis, you need to go to the doctor or something. DENNIS I did. JERRY And what? DENNIS They don't want me bishnesh. JERRY Where's Martina? DENNIS How the shuck should I know? JERRY Listen, you need help! You need lots of help! Look at you! DENNIS Marsheena shinks she shound shomeone that coushld helsh! JERRY What the fuck are you saying! Write it down. Jerry hand Dennis a pad of paper and a pen. Dennis can barely grasp the pen, he struggles to write. CU of Dennis writing: MARTINA THINK SHE FOUND SOMEONE THAT COULD HELP Dennis shows it Jerry. JERRY Who! CU of Dennis writing: SOME HOMELESS GUY SHE FOUND IN CENTRAL PARK JERRY How the fuck could a homeless man help at something like this? DENNIS I don't know! I don't know! I'm having the worsht shucking time in my life! I'm, I'm, I'm dying Sherry! JERRY Jesus. CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-EXT.-CENTRAL PARK Martina is talking to the homeless man. HOMELESS MAN How long has he had the condition? MARTINA I don't know, two weeks I guess. HOMELESS MAN Two weeks? Right now he is having a hard time talking. Find a way around that problem. MARTINA What do you mean? HOMELESS MAN Listen, Dennis is very unique. He is going through something that only 2 people in the world have gone through. The one happened in London, year 1818. The other happened in Africa, the year was 1901. Now this is happening now, again. MARTINA What are you saying. HOMELESS MAN Martina, some people in the world are different than others. I don't mean physically and I don't mean mentally. Some people are able to ask questions about themselves. Some people can't. The people that can will have these reactions. These reactions are the things that your friend is going through. MARTINA What do you want me to do. CUT TO: (TUESDAY)-INT.-TOYS R' US CU of Mr. Spell toy. PULL OUT. Martina comes down the isle and rips the Mr. Spell toy off the shelf. Martina runs off. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY)-EXT.-CITY SKYLINE SUBTITLE: "WEDNESDAY" The camera moves past buildings, skyscrapers and highways. We do not hear the sound of the cars , trucks, cabs, and vans roaming the streets. All we hear is the eerie music playing in the background. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY)-INT.-DENNIS' APERTMENT Dennis limps to the fridge. He is know bald. His scalp is gray and brown hairs are sprouting from it. Dennis' leg is really bad. His foot is bent backwards and his leg is skinny and brown, almost like a wolves leg. Dennis reaches into the fridge and pulls out a non-cooked roast beef. He unwraps it and gobbles it down quickly. He turns towards the camera. That's when we see his face. His nose is formed into a very small snout, but will grow larger. His eye is pure red. The area of his face where he had the duct tape is now real wolf fur. The camera lowers to his hand. His fingernails are gone and now there is only claws. His hand is beginning to shrivel. Dennis is startled by a knock on the door. The camera dollys behind Dennis. CU of Dennis' HAND/PAW turning the nob. Dennis opens the door to reveal Martina. We can tell by her expression that she is startled by his appearance. Martina pretends that she doesn't notice that Dennis is horribly disfigured. MARTINA I brought you something that could help you talk. Martina holds up a Toys r' Us bag. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY)-INT.-DENNIS'KITCHEN-NIGHT Dennis sits in front of Martina at his kitchen table. He fumbles around with the Mr. Spell. MARTINA You just push the letters that are in the word you want to say and the Mr. Spell will say it. Dennis nods and turns the machine on. 5 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: T-H-A-N-K MR. SPELL Thank. 3 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: Y-O-U MR. SPELL You. 7 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: M-A-R-T-I-N-A MR. SPELL Marteena. Martina giggles. MARTINA I went back to central park I talked to that guy that said he can help you. He said that he would like to see you right away. Dennis, this is your last chance to maybe be cured. I think that you should see this guy. He may not be as crazy as you think. 7 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: O-K-I-W-I-L-L-G-O MR. SPELL Okiwillgo. MARTINA I'm proud of you for taking a chance. It's best that we go right now. 14 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: I-N-E-E-D-A-W-H-E-E-L-C-H-A-I-R MR. SPELL Ineedawheelchair. MARTINA We can rent one from the hospital. C'mon, we have to hurry. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY)-EXT.-NEW YORK SKYLINE-NIGHT. An eerie tune plays as we are at an aerial shot looking down at Martina's and Jerry's cab, turning corners and driving. The cab comes to a stop in front of central park. CUT TO: (WEDNESDAY)-EXT.-CENTRAL PARK-NIGHT. Martina gets out of the passenger side and runs around to the back of the cab. Martina opens the trunk and gets out a folded wheel chair. She unfolds it in front of Dennis' side and reaches into the cab. She reaches into the cab and pulls Dennis out. Dennis is shrouded in black. He has a black hood on with black clothes. Martina carefully puts Dennis on the wheel chair and shuts the door. The cab drives off. We dolly in front of Martina pushing Dennis on the wheel chair. They stop under the bridge. HOMELESS MAN Well, Dennis Flaherty at last we meet. Can he talk? MARTINA He needs this. Martina hands the Mr. Spell to Dennis. Dennis takes it. HOMELESS MAN Dennis? Can you take your hood off so I can see you? Dennis takes off his hood, revealing his grotesque face. HOMELESS MAN CONT'D. My god. Dennis, do you know who I am? 2 BEEPS FROM MR. SPELL: N-O HOMELESS MAN CONT'D. My name is Bowman Hallow. I'm guess what you can call and animal herbalist. What you have is not from the bite that you've encountered two weeks ago. Pause. BOWMAN CONT'D. There has only been two reported cases of what you have ever. One happened in London and the other happened in Africa. My great-grandfather was the doctor that the families of these individuals called. My great-grandfather researched this bizarre condition and came up with one conclusion. Pause. BOWMAN CONT'D. Dennis, what I'm about to say could come as a shock to you. Dennis, what you are experiencing is not a result of the bite. It's just mere coincidence. My great-grandfather came up with the theory of the unleashed, a group of people that are very in touch with their animal side. Dennis, we are all animals. Everybody in this world is an animal. We are animals dreaming of being humans. Your animal, the wolf, is just waking up. Dennis, you have to face this. You will keep changing and then, someday you'll be a wolf and you will be up, roaming around with your fellow animals. It will happen Dennis, you will become unleashed. CU of Dennis' eyes that have grown wide with shock. We see Martina, trying to contain herself from collapsing. Martina cries and sobs. Tears fall from her face. Her hand covers her face as she hits the ground and cries uncontrollably. CU of Dennis' eyes. A single tear falls from his right eye and disappears. The last thing we hear is Martina's haunting sobs as we GO TO BLACK THE END Written, produced and directed by Matthew Orobko ãCopyright 2001 Matthew Orobko