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>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>"Letherface's Final Slice"
>by: Alex 
>Once in the August of the mid 1970's, a few kids went on an afternoon 
>drive, unknowest to them, there was a strange mass murder going on. The 5 
>kids found out for themselves, not only that, they found out who the killer 
>was... All but one of the kids were killed. She later had a child. That 
>child was curious of her mother's past times and went to Texas, only 
>knowing that a dreadful action took place......
>July 9th, 2000
>Fade in-
>An outside shot of a van.
>Cut to: inside of the van. A young girl named Megan is driving to Texas 
>with three other friends.
>So Megan what happened to you're mom in Texas?
>James...... What do you think this trip is for?
>I herd that there was a guy who kept his mother's corps in his fruit 
>  Tim, that was Psycho ya dip-sh*t!
>Shut up Jamie!
>No, actually I think there was a man who ran an old hotel, and kept his 
>mother in his fruit cellar.
>(talking to Megan)
>They both have movie freaked minds!
>Cut to: a sign that says: Franklin Texas City Limits.
>Now here's something I know is true... this town was named after a disabled 
>kid who got killed.
>I'll be damned! He herd something that was true!
>That was true?!?!?
>Yup! I herd about it too. My uncle's name was Franklin. (to herself) I 
>wonder......... Damn! We're out of gas.
>Hey, I saw an old gas station  a little way's back.
>Looks' like we're goin.
>What?!?! Don't we have enough gas to drive there?
>Jamie, we don't have ant gas at all!!
>Cut to: James, Megan & Jamie outside the van, pushing it toward the gas 
>Cut to: open shot of the gas station from the first Texas Chainsaw 
>Massacre. Then the van comes rolling from off screen. They push it up to 
>one of the pumps. Megan goes to pump the gas.
>Go see if they have any munchees.
>Tim walks into the station.
>Cut to: Tim walking down one of the few isles looking for some chips of 
>something. He picks up a few candy bars and goes to the counter. (camera 
>follows) there is and old man working. He is probably in his mid 40's or 
>50's. Tim pays for the things.
>This and the gas.
>The man gives the stuff to him in a bag. Tim begins to walk out but then 
>turns back around to the man.
>Oh, and one other thing. Do you know where my friends and I can crash for 
>the night?
>Uhhhhh, well, there is an old abandoned house a couple miles up the road, 
>yawl could sleep there. It's not owned by anyone.
>Cool, thanks!
>Tim walks out and then the camera pulls back to the man.
>Dumb tourists'!
>Cut to: inside the van, Megan pulls out of the gas station and gets back on 
>the road. Tim gives everybody a candy bar.
>Hey, that man said that there was an old house up this way... we could 
>sleep there.
>I thought we could get a hotel room.
>Nah, this is like one of those secluded towns in one of those old horror 
>movies. Our best bet is that house.
>Cut to: outside shot of the van, it pulls into the driveway of the old 
>house. All four of the kids get out of the car and examine the eerie house.
>Okay Tim... you've taken us to the last house on the left haven't you!
>Shut up James!
>Cut to: inside of house. All of the kids are in the old nursery.
>This place reminds me of something... I just cant figure it out!
>What's with all the animals on the wall paper?
>It was a nursery.
>How do you know?
>I don't know... I just don't know...
>Hey what's this?
>The other three kids go to see what Jamie was looking at... It was a very 
>old wheel chair in pieces... Franklin's wheel chair.
>It's a wheel chair.
>Why would a wheel chair be here?
>I think I know...
>Okaayyy... Why?
>I'll tell you later.
>We can tell that Megan is realizing what happened... kind of...
>Cut to: James & Tim. They are sitting in the side door of the van outside. 
>It is the late afternoon.
>What do ya say we go exploring?
>I don't know... Megan is acting real strange.
>Yeah, you're right... you should stay with her... after all, you are her 
>I'm gonna go talk to her.
>Okay, see ya, I'm gonna check this place out.
>Cut to: Megan looking around the house. Then James comes up to her.
>Hi James.
>I think I know what happened.
>Ya know how this town is named after that kid who died... Well... That kid 
>was my uncle... And I think I've yet to find out it all.
>Do you know much about Texas history?
>Well, there was a mass murder sometime in the 70's... I'm surprised it 
>wasn't mentioned in that movie "The 70's"!
>Cut to: Tim walking through a field. Then Jamie pops up behind him and 
>scares the crap out of him.
>Hey Tim!
>What did you do that for???
>What?... You know what happened too?
>Geeze! Am I the only one who knows about it???... Okay, there was a family 
>who was wacked out!!! So they had killed tons of people! But there was 
>something unique about one of them, he had leather stitched on his face! 
>And he always killed people with a chainsaw!
>Wow! I thought that was in some old movie!
>Oh, and I think that's what happened to Megan's mom. I think that her 
>friends were killed!
>They come up on the house where Leatherface lives. Jamie is stopped in her 
>tracks as she looks at the house and knows who's it is. Tim keeps walking 
>toward it and Jamie holds him back.
>What are you doin?!?!
>Do know what that is???
>Yeah a house
>Not just a house, the Leatherface house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>How do you know so much?
>I herd it on A&E!
>Tim walks to the house. Then Jamie runs to Megan and James.
>Cut to: inside the Leatherface house. Tim is looking around. Then he 
>notices a strange looking door. It is aluminum. And looks like it slides  
>open and out. Then it slides open with Leatherface in the other side with 
>hi trusty old chainsaw. Leatherface runs to Tim and cuts him in halve, as 
>Tim screams in pain.
>Cut to: Megan and James.
>I know what happened... this guy killed a hole bunch of people including 
>Yeah!!! I read that this guy killed a bunch off teens too!!!!!!!!! But one 
>girl survived!
>My mom... that's what happened.
>Suddenly Jamie runs up to the couple (scaring the crap out of them)
>Tim went to the Leatherface house and I don't know what's gonna happen to 
>It's probably another abandoned house.
>Who's Leatherface?
>It's this killer, and I don't know if he's alive or dead!!!!!!
>Just chill ou-
>Suddenly the blade of a chainsaw plunges through James' chest. The other 
>two girls scream as Leatherface runs to them. Jamie gets away but sadly 
>Megan gets sliced up and then falls to the ground, but that isn't enough 
>for Leatherface. So, he keeps slicing her up.
>Cut to: outside, Jamie is looking through the van, then she comes out with 
>a red tank of gas. It looks like it carries about five gallons of gas.
>Why didn't we just use this?
>We can heir Leatherface's chainsaw rumbling as Leatherface comes downstairs 
>looking for Jamie. As this is happening Jamie is pouring the gas all over 
>the base of the house. When it is empty she drops the tank and pulls out a 
>zippo lighter, lights is and sets the house on fire.
>Cut to: Leatherface looking for Jamie. He smells the smoke and begins to 
>Cut to: back outside. Jamie gets in the van.
>Cut to: inside van. She looks at the ignition and the keys are there.
>Cut to: outside shot of the van, she flies out of the driveway and zooms 
>down the road.
>Cut to: tight shot of house. The entire thing is engulfed in flames.
>Cut to: inside the burning building. Leatherface is frantically trying to 
>find a way out... He is trapped.
>Cut to: the highway. Jamie is flying down the road. At least 100 or 150 
>miles an hour.
>Cut to: a nice looking house. The van pulls up to it. Jamie gets out. And 
>runs in.
>Cut to: inside of the house.
>Ms. Sally?......... Ms. Sally?
>Suddenly Sally walks up to her.
>What is it Jamie?
>Why the f*ck didn't you just tell Megan about what 
>About Texas...
>We went to Franklin Texas, and Leatherface killed everyone!!!!
>Megan, James & Tim are all dead!!!!!!!!!
>What happened to Leatherface?!?!?!?!?
>I trapped him in that old house and I burned it down!
>What the hell were yawl thinking... going out to Texas without telling 
>me... or anyone else for that matter!!!!
>It's you're fault!!! If you'd only told her, none of this would have 
>Well, at least Leatherface is finally dead.
>Cut to: the burning house... for one last look, to know that Leatherface is 
>Fade out-
>Roll end credits.
>The End

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This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. 
This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express 
written permission of the author.
