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This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. 
This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express 
written permission of the author.


The Storytellers

We open on an outside view of the Bloomberg Institution (A mental hospital)  We 
start off across the street from it, and slowly progress toward it.  As we near 
it we glide upward and pass rows of barred windows.  We continue gliding upward 
and suddenly come to a stop at window.  There is a woman staring out.  We zoom 
right up to the glass, but her hair is covering her face.  She has long, dark 
hair that looks as if it hasn't been brushed in months.  She sits at the window, 
motionless.  We see her breath fogging up the window.  Suddenly, she thrusts her 
head forward and shatters  the glass.  Upon impact, we fade out:

 Fade in: (1 year earlier) 1Int-(Morning) Dr. Elijah Brooks sits in his new 
office with one of the patients at the Bloomberg institution.  He sits in his 
chair looking at the patient in front of him.

Dr. Brooks


Dr. Brooks
Would you like to talk about anything?  Anything at all?

Who are you?

Dr. Brooks
My name is Elijah Brooks.  I'm a new therapist here.  I-

Where's Mary?

Dr. Brooks
Mary?  I'm not sure who you're-

My doctor!  Mary!  Where is Mary!

Dr. Brooks
Oh, Dr. Howard.

Mary!  She said I could call her Mary!

Dr. Brooks
OK, that's fine.  Ahh, Dr. How-…I mean Mary, is no longer here at Bloomberg.  
She took a position at another institution.  That's why they hired me.

I don't want you!  Where's Mary?  What did you do to Mary!?  I want Mary!

Dr. Brooks
Well, I understand you probably were fond of her.  From what I understand she 
was an excellent therapist.  But, I-

What do you know?  You don't know anything about Mary!  

Dr. Brooks
Ok, alright.  It's alright.  I understand if you're not comfortable confiding in 
me right now.  That's perfectly understandable.

The patient jolts up from his feet.

Shut up!  I hate you!  What did you do to Mary!

We cut to a shot of a hospital administrator waiting outside of Dr. Brooks' 
office.  He listens through the door, seeming concerned.  

We cut back inside the office.  The patient is upset.  Dr. Brooks seems tense.

Dr, Brooks
Listen to me.  I haven't done anything to Dr. Howard.


Dr. Brooks
Mary, yes, Mary.  I haven't done anything to Mary.  Mary is fine.  She no longer 
works here.  Didn't anyone inform you of that?

Shut up!  You're a liar!  I hate you!

The patient snatches a pen off of Dr. Brooks' desk and holds it in his hand like 
a knife.  He leaps upon Dr. Brooks attempting to stab him in the neck.  Upon 
hearing the struggle, the hospital administrator, Eddie, comes rushing into the 
office.  Eddie grabs the patient's arm and pulls the pen from his grip.  He then 
wrestles the patient to the floor.  Eddie and the patient are both breathing 
heavily, out of breath.  Dr. Brooks gets up from his chair and rubs his neck.  
The patient lays on the floor while Eddie keeps his knee on his back.  He 
hollers out into the hall:

Can I get a hand in here, please!  (Looks up at Dr. Brooks) You alright Doc?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I'm alright.  

Two other hospital administrators come into the office.  The three of them lift 
the patient to his feet and begin to escort him out.  Just before he vanishes 
from view, he hollers:

I want Mary!

Dr. Brooks watches them escort the patient out.  He rubs his neck again.  He 
smiles in disbelief and plops down in his chair.

Dr. Brooks
Not a good first day.  Not at all.                           Cut To:

2Int- (Morning) Dr. Brooks is walking through the halls of Bloomberg.  He nods 
at other doctors he passes in the halls.  We hear footsteps behind him.  Another 
doctor, Dr. Calhoun, enters the frame.  She comes up beside Dr. Brooks

Dr. Calhoun
I heard about your encounter this morning.

Dr. Brooks turns and sees her strolling beside him.

Dr. Brooks
Really?  Am I that popular already?

Dr. Calhoun smiles.

Dr. Calhoun
Afraid so.  I'm Alicia Calhoun.  (Extends her hand to Dr. Brooks)

Dr. Brooks (Shaking Dr. Calhoun's hand)
Hi, I'm Elijah Brooks.  It's a pleasure.

Dr. Calhoun
I hope your experience earlier won't scare you off.  Somebody should have warned 
you ahead of time.  He was extremely attached to Dr. Howard.

Dr. Brooks
You mean Mary.

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, Mary.  She never actually said it, but I think she left because of him.  I 
think he got a little to attached to her, and it may have made her uneasy.  But 
that's just my take on it.

Dr. Brooks
It makes sense.

Dr. Calhoun
Anyway, he's like a turtle in a shell now.  He won't speak to anybody.  I think 
he feels betrayed by Mary in a way.

Dr. Brooks
Well, I imagine he would.  That's the downside of this profession.  We listen 
and offer help and become a support system for these patients.  They become 
reliant upon us.  Once we're no longer treating them, they definitely feel 
betrayed.  And it's understandable.  They make themselves vulnerable by 
confiding in us.  They end up feeling taken advantage of.

Dr. Calhoun
That's true.  But I don't think you'll be having too many more encounters with 

Dr. Brooks
Oh?  What makes you so sure?

Dr. Calhoun
Well, just between you and me, I happen to know that they'll be assigning you to 
a specific patient right away.  

Dr. Brooks
One patient?

Dr. Calhoun
One in specific.  She's to be your top priority.

Dr. Brooks
And how do you know this, may I ask?

Dr. Calhoun
This is like a school, Dr. Brooks.  Word gets around fast.

Dr. Brooks
Well, do you know who the patient is?

Dr. Calhoun
Yes, I know who she is.  But, I won't spoil the surprise for you.

Calhoun smiles at Brooks and makes a turn down a side hall.  Brooks stands in 
the middle of the hall and watches her go.                          Cut To:

3Int- (Afternoon) Brooks sits in the office of the administrative director (The 
boss), Mr. Lynwood.

Mr. Lynwood
I was extremely disturbed to hear of the incident in your office today.  I hope 
you won't reconsider your position here.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, no sir.  It comes with the job.

Mr. Lynwood
Well, you'll no longer be dealing with him.  I am appointing you to treat 
another patient, exclusively.  For now anyway.  A 15 year old girl named Denise 

Mr. Lynwood hands Brooks a folder with info about Denise.  Brooks opens it and 
looks through it.  Lynwood continues:

She is a new arrival.  Only been here a month.  She was convicted of killing 
both of her grandparents.  Her grandmother was strangled to death with a rope.  
Her grandfather's body turned up in a lake.  He had been poisoned.  The thing 
about it is, she claimed her 13 year old brother Benny was the one who killed 
them.  But Benny is mentally challenged.  Denise claims he is faking.

Dr. Brooks

Mr. Lynwood
Yes, Faking.  You see, Benny wasn't born that way.  Shortly after his 12th 
birthday, he stole his father's truck and went out riding.  He slammed into a 
tree.  He suffered a head injury, that caused a slight amount of brain damage.  
So, he isn't a vegetable.  He's just slow witted now.  Anyhow, Denise claims 
it's all an act.  At her trial, the judge ruled she was in need of therapy, and 
she was sent here for treatment.

Dr. Brooks
And I'll be treating her?

Mr. Lynwood
Yes, immediately.  She's  new, as I stated.  I think it would be good for you to 
treat her, being as you are new as well.  

Dr. Brooks
Oh,…OK.  Makes sense.  I guess.

Mr. Lynwood
Anyhow, you'll begin with the treatment tomorrow.

Dr. Brooks

Mr. Lynwood
In the meantime, feel free to wander around the hospital.  Get familiar with it.  

Dr. Brooks
Yes, sir.  I think I'll do that.             Cut To:

4INT-(Shot in slow motion) Dr. Brooks wanders through the halls of the Bloomberg 
Institution.  We switch to his point of view.  We see a small area with patients 
sitting in chairs watching a television.  We hear a loud scream off camera. The 
camera slowly turns to the right just in time to see a patient running from two 
hospital administrators. They run off down a side hallway. We continue moving 
forward and enter a hall containing patients' individual rooms.  Each door has a 
small window on it.  We look to the left and see into a room with a middle aged 
man sitting on the floor with his back to us.  We look to the right and look in 
at another man who is sitting on his mattress Indian style with his hands 
cupping his ears rocking back and forth. We move forward to the next room, and 
as soon as the window on the door comes into view, we return from slow to 
regular motion, and an old woman suddenly jolts up into the window with a loud 
shriek.              Cut to:

5INT-(Night) We are in Dr. Brooks' condo.  He is in the kitchen making a 
sandwich while talking on the phone.  He takes out a bag of turkey lunch meat 
and a whole tomato.

Dr. Brooks
…Ahh, it wasn't the best first day I could have asked for. (Pauses) …Well, 
largely because the first patient I saw tried to stab me with an ink pen. 
(Pauses) …Well, apparently because I wasn't Mary. (Pauses)…Mary is Dr. Mary 
Howard.  The doctor who I was hired to replace.  Apparently she was popular.  
So, anyway, the patient refused to let me treat him.  He wanted Mary. 
(Pauses)…Yeah, I guess so.  I should only hope to become that popular.  We'll 
see how tomorrow goes.  I'm supposed to start exclusive treatment with a teenage 
girl. (Pauses)…Yeah, apparently she…killed, or should I say was convicted 
of…killing her grandparents. (Pauses) …Yeah, but get this.  She claims that it 
wasn't her who murdered her parents, but her mentally challenged younger 
brother! (Pauses)…I'm serious!  So, needless to say tomorrow should be an 
interesting day.  I'll let you know how it turns out. (Pauses)…OK, mom. (Pauses) 
Love you too.   Cut to:

6INT-(Morning) Dr. Brooks sits in his office with a pad and pen in hand.  He 
looks up at the ceiling as he waits patiently.  He looks over and sees a pen 
lying on the table.  He stares at it for a moment and then gets to his feet.  He 
walks over and picks it up and puts it in his pocket.

Dr. Brooks
Not going through that again.

He returns to his chair and resumes waiting.  Moments later, there is a knock at 
the door.

It's open!

The door slowly opens and an administrator pops his head in.

I got Denise Franklin here, Doc.

Dr. Brooks stands up.

Dr. Brooks
Great, bring her on in.

The administrator steps inside the office to make room for Denise who stands 
still looking inside the office.  She is motionless.

Come on in.

She slowly enters the office.  She seems timid.  Dr. Brooks stares at her.  She 
returns his stare.  

Dr. Brooks (To the administrator)
We're fine.  Thank you.

The administrator nods and exits the office.  Dr. Brooks smiles warmly at 
Denise.  She stares at him blankly.  He motions for her to come closer.

Please, come have a seat over here.  (Extends his hand) I'm Dr. Elijah Brooks.

Denise (Slowly raises her hand to shake Dr. Brooks')
I know.

Dr. Brooks
Oh. Alright.  Well, have a seat Denise.

Denise takes a seat opposite Dr. Brooks.  They stare at each other again for a 
few seconds.

Well, it's nice to finally put a face with the name.  I've heard a little bit 
about you.  Read a little in your file.  But, how about you tell me a little 
about yourself.

Like what?

Dr. Brooks
Umm, anything you want.  Maybe some interesting facts about yourself.  Anything 
you want.  What kinds of things do you like to do?  You like to skate?  Swim?  

No, I can't swim.  I hate the water.  I almost drowned once.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, alright.  Well, what do you like to do then?

I…like to draw.

Dr.  Brooks
Oh, you're an artist?  That's great.  What kind of things do you like to draw?

What kind of things?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, you know.  Do you like to draw people.  Inanimate objects like fruit 
bowls, or…

Everything.  I design masks too.

Dr. Brooks
Really?  That's good.  I'd love to see some of your work.  That's good.  So, 
have you ever considered being a professional artist?  You know, selling your 
work for a living?


Dr. Brooks
No?  How come?

My drawings are personal.  They're not for sale.  Every last one has special 

Dr. Brooks
OK, I can understand that.  So, give me some examples of  some of your drawings 
that mean something to you.

Denise looks upward in reflection.  

Well, I…drew a picture of my little brother.  Benny. 

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, Benny.  I heard about him.  So, besides the obvious fact that he's your 
brother and you love him, what makes the drawing so meaningful to you?

Benny…was pretty much my best friend, growing up.  I don't exactly come from a 
loving family.  My grandparents were…cruel, to say the least.  They didn't allow 
us to be children.  They ran their household like a boot camp.  I guess that's 
the way things were done when they were children.  I don't know.  

Dr. Brooks
You said they ran their house like a boot camp?  How so?

Well, for one there was the yelling.  They rarely spoke to us in normal tones 
anytime our parents sent us to visit them.  For every little mistake we made, 
they blew up about it.  We spent the majority of our visits to their cabin on 
punishment in our rooms.  Sometimes they would deny us food.  And we were lucky 
to get off with just that.

Dr. Brooks is jotting down things on his notepad.

Dr. Brooks
What other kinds of things went on?

Unimaginable punishments.  And poor Benny got the worst of it.  My grandfather 
(pauses trying to control her emotions)…my grandfather would lock Benny in the 
closet  He would lock Benny in there all night.  In the morning when Benny was 
let out, he would be a nervous wreck.  So, from all we went through, we became 
each other's best friend.  

Dr. Brooks
So, did you and your brother ever tell your parents what was going on?

Of course.  

Dr. Brooks
And did they do anything?

No.  My mother did believe us, but not my father.  My father said that they were 
tough on him as a child, and it was good for us.  He said we needed strict 
discipline.  My mother didn't like what we told her, but she didn't know what to 
do about it.  So, my father continued to send us up to the cabin.  To spend 
summers.  Weekends.  Whenever.  While we were up there, all Benny and I had was 
each other.  We were scared to death.

Dr. Brooks
I see.  So, you and Benny were extremely close.  Like foot and sock?


Dr. Brooks
Ok.  So, tell me something.  Benny is your younger brother.  You love him.  You 
say he's all you had.  You're his big sister, I imagine you've felt the need to 
protect him all his life, right?

Of course.

Dr. Brooks
So, why was this time an exception?

I don't understand.

Dr. Brooks
I'm referring to the murder charges.  I'm not passing a judgment about whether I 
think you were responsible or not, but you were convicted.  And yet you claimed 
your younger, mentally unstable brother was responsible for your grandparents' 
murders.  Now, for the sake of argument, let's say Benny truly was responsible.  
And again I'm not passing judgment either way.  But, let's say he's responsible.  
But you get charged for it.  Why wouldn't you be willing to take the heat to 
protect your younger brother?

Denise pauses and looks down at her fingers.

Because, I…I didn't want people to think that I had murdered my grandparents 
when I didn't!

Dr. Brooks
So, you would rather that people thought it was Benny?

That's the point!  It was Benny!

Dr. Brooks
And you didn't mind if everyone knew that?  

You don't get it!

Dr. Brooks
What is it I don't get?

First of all, I didn't do it. And I could have went to prison for nothing!  But, 
nothing would have happened to Benny had he been accused of it.  And that's why 
he made them think he wasn't right in the head.  So he could get away with it.  
But they think I'm crazy!

Dr. Brooks
  From what I understand, you believe Benny is faking his condition.  Is that 

Yes!  No one believes me!  That's the reason they sent me here!  They think I'm 

Dr. Brooks
What makes you think he's faking?

I don't think, I know!

Dr. Brooks
How do you know?

Because he's normal around me.  But only me.  Around everyone else,…he…he talks 
slow, stares off into space,  lets food drop out of his mouth when he eats.  
It's an act!

Dr. Brooks
So, why would he go through all the trouble for?  What does he have to gain from 

He knew he could get away with murder!  See, he tried to run away from home.  He 
got my dad's keys and took his truck.  He's only 13, and he had never driven 
before.  Obviously.  So, he ends up crashing into a pole or something.  Anyway, 
the police show up.  Then the ambulance.  They took him to the hospital.  He was 
unconscious.  They called my parents and we went up to the hospital.  We got 
there, and Benny was still unconscious.  They told us that he had suffered some 
head trauma.  They gave him a few stitches.  A few days later, he was conscious 
and everything. The doctor said he seemed to be out of it.  They thought maybe 
he had suffered serious brain damage.  They did a uh…what do you call it?  When 
they do like…an x-ray of the brain?

Dr. Brooks
A cat scan.

Yeah, a cat scan.  They did a cat scan, and they didn't find anything.  But, the 
doctors claim that it didn't necessarily mean that Benny didn't have some brain 
damage.  They said it was possible for some damage to go undetected.  So, they 
did a few more tests, and they really couldn't find anything.  But, they just 
went ahead and assumed that something was really wrong with him.  Even though 
there was nothing to prove it.  He has everybody fooled!

Dr. Brooks
Everybody except you.

Yes!  Because I'm the only one he acts normal around!  I'm telling you, he's 
faking. And nobody could imagine him killing our grandparents, so I became the 
suspect.  Now, Benny's free and I'm in here! 

Dr. Brooks
So, you don't feel you need to be here?

No!  Aren't you listening to me?  I'm not crazy!

Dr. Brooks
Well, whoa, wait a minute.  Now, who says this place is for crazy people?  This 
is a place to receive treatment. Just from what you've told me about what your 
grandparents put you and your brother through, I think it's a good idea for you 
to be here.  You have some deep issues there.  

Yeah, but I wasn't sent here because of that!  They sent me here, because they 
think I'm some crazed girl who killed her grandparents and blamed it on her 
retarded brother!  But, there's nothing wrong with me!  And there's nothing 
wrong with Benny either!

Dr. Brook nods his head and is silent for a moment as he jots down more notes on 
his pad.

Dr. Brooks
So, what is  your family up to now?  Still grieving?

I don't know.  My parents and Benny are staying at my grandparents cabin.  My 
father's idea.

Dr. Brooks nods his head and continues to write.               Cut To:

7EXT-Dr. Brooks pulls up in his jeep outside of a cabin in the middle of the 
woods.  He steps out and stares at the cabin before walking up and knocking on 
the door.  After a few moments, Denise and Benny's father, Herald opens the 
door.  He has a confused look on his face. 

Dr. Brooks

Can I help you with something?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, umm, I apologize for just showing up here unannounced.  My name is Dr. 
Brooks.  I'm currently treating your daughter Denise at the Bloomberg 


Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  Ahh, I was just wondering if I could come in and talk with you for a 
minute.  I just wanted to meet with you and your wife, and son, in hopes that it 
might help in my sessions with Denise.

Yeah, alright.  I mean you came all this way, and…how did you find us anyway?

Dr. Brooks
Well, Denise told me you guys were staying here.  And then I obtained the 
address from the hospital.  .

Oh, alright.  Well,…come on in.

We cut inside the house and see Dr. Brook stepping inside.  We hear the mother's 
voice off camera.
Who's at the door?

(Yelling into the kitchen) It's Denise' doctor!  Come on in here! (To Dr. Brook) 
Here, have a seat, Dr. Brook.

Dr. Brooks sits down on the couch.   Herald sits on a couch opposite Dr. Brooks.  
Moments later, the mother, Silvia, walks in.  Dr. Brooks stands up.

Dr. Brooks
Hello, ma'am.  I'm Dr. Brook.  I was just telling your husband that I'm 
currently treating your daughter Denise.  I just wanted to come and meet with 
you.  Hopefully I'll get a little more insight into Denise's background.

Oh, alright.  That's fine.
Silvia takes a seat next to her husband, and Dr. Brooks returns to his seat.

Dr. Brooks
I'm new to the hospital.  I was just recently hired.  I was told that I would be 
treating Denise.  Upon reading her file, I was…thrown back, slightly.  Upon 
seeing what brought her to Bloomberg.  I'm sure you can imagine why.

Of course.

Dr. Brooks
I met with Denise.  We talked some.  She shared a few things with me.  One 
thing, that she told me, is that she is not responsible for her grandparents' 
deaths.  As I'm sure you're aware of, she places blame on her younger brother 

We're aware.

Dr. Brooks
And I'm sure that you are also aware that she believes that there is actually 
nothing wrong with Benny.

Yes, we are.

Dr. Brooks
May I ask your opinion on the matter?

Dr. Brooks, we are not comfortable with…choosing sides in this matter.  We 
wouldn't dare dream of saying that we think either Denise or Benny killed their 
grandparents.  We have no idea who did.  Honestly, Denise tends to tell stories.

Dr. Brooks
So, you don't think either child had anything to do with it?

Of course not!  Why would a child have a reason to kill their grandparents?  
It's crazy talk!

Dr. Brooks
Well, according to Denise, there was good reason. I heard you say that Denise 
tends to tell stories.  She claims that her grandparents were extremely cruel to 
her and Benny.  Especially Benny.  She claims that Benny is faking his 
condition, and-

That's ridiculous!  Listen, my parents may not have been your typical 
grandparents.  I mean, they come from the time period when children were to be 
seen and not heard.  They believe in strict discipline.  I don't see anything 
wrong with it.  But, I know they weren't so terrible that my own children would 
want to actually kill them!

Dr. Brooks
So, do you have any idea why Denise might make that up?

We don't have a clue.  But she's made up stories in the past.  Whether be to get 
attention, or get herself out of trouble.  Maybe this time she's gone crazy and 
actually believes what she is saying.  We don't know.  All we can do is assume 
that she had a mental breakdown.  But I assure you that neither child was 
responsible.  And about Benny, that's-

Benny walks into the frame.  He stares blankly at Dr. Brooks.  He has peanut 
butter and jelly smeared around his mouth.

Finish!  I finished!
Silvia hops up.  She uses the apron tied around her waist to wipe off Benny's 

Oh, good!  Was your sandwich good?

Yeah! (Looks at Dr. Brooks) Hi!

Dr. Brooks
Hello, Benny.  How are you?

Good. (Pauses while staring at Dr. Brooks) 

Benny, this is Dr. Brooks.  He's come to visit us.


Dr. Brooks
Hello, again, Benny.

I ate a sandwich.

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I heard.  How about that.  You like sandwiches?


Dr. Brooks
Yeah, me too.  Sandwiches are good.  What you'd have, peanut butter and jelly?

Yeah!  P and J!

Dr. Brooks
P and J, huh?  That's good.  I like P and J too.

Yeah, me too!

Dr. Brooks
That's great. How old are you, Benny?


Dr. Brooks
Wow, a teenager!  How about that.

I drew my sister!

Dr. Brooks
 You drew Denise?  Really?  Can I see it?

Benny turns and runs into the kitchen.

He wants to be an artist like his big sister.

Dr. Brooks
Is that right?

Benny comes running back into the living room.  He happily displays his drawing.  
It is a distorted depiction of a girl, with unevenly shaped limbs.  His 
grandmother stands behind him smiling proudly.

Dr. Brooks
Wow!  Look at that!  That's pretty good, Benny.  You wanna be an artist like 
Denise, huh?

Yeah.  Denise draws good pictures.

Dr. Brooks
Really?  Do you miss Denise?

Benny (Looking down in a sad manner)
Yeah.  Denise is gone.

Dr. Brooks
She's gone?

Yeah.  Grandma and Grandpa too.  

Dr. Brooks
You miss them?

Yeah.  I miss grandma and grandpa.

As Benny begins to look sadder, his parents are becoming concerned.

Umm, we appreciate you coming by, Dr. Brooks.  I don't think we should go any 
further right now.

Yeah, I agree.  Maybe we can set an appointment to meet with you another time.

Dr. Brooks stands up.

Dr. Brooks
OK, I would like that.  Uhh, I guess I'll be in touch then.  Thanks for taking 
time out to talk with me.

Dr. Brooks is escorted to the door by the grandparents and Benny.

Give our love to Denise, will you?

Dr. Brooks
I certainly will.  (To Benny) You take care Benny, OK?


 We cut to the outside of the house. Dr. Brooks turns and walks to his car.  The 
cabin door closes.  Dr. Brooks gets into his car and starts the engine.  He 
looks at the cabin and sees Benny in the window.  Dr. Brooks waves to Benny.  
Benny grins and waves back.  His expression is different than it was a moment 
ago.  He has a sly grin.  Dr. Brooks stares for a moment and then drives off.  
Cut to:     

8INT-(Afternoon)Dr. Brooks sits at a table in a break room at the Institution.  
He has Denise's folder in front of him.  He flips through the documents inside.  
Behind him we see Dr. Calhoun enter the break room.  She comes and sits down 
next to Dr. Brooks.  He looks up at her.

Dr. Brooks
Dr. Calhoun!  Hello.

Dr. Calhoun
Hey.  How's it coming?  It getting interesting yet?

Dr. Brooks
You could say that.  

Dr. Calhoun
So, what do you think?  

Dr. Brooks
I'm not sure what to think right now. I've been reading her file like crazy.  
Trying to find some missing pieces to the puzzle.

Dr. Calhoun
So, do you buy her story?  

Dr. Brooks
Not really.  I ah,…I went to visit her brother and parents.

Dr. Calhoun
So, you saw the little brother?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I met little Benny.

Dr. Calhoun
And it didn't seem like he was faking to you?

Dr. Brooks
If he was acting, he needs to get himself an agent.  I'll tell you that much.

Dr. Calhoun
So what about the parents?  What did  they say?

Dr. Brooks
.  They don't think either one of the kids had anything to do with the 
grandparents murders.  They think Denise is accusing Benny because she's a known 

Dr. Calhoun
Do you think so?

Dr. Brooks
I don't know.  I believe that Denise isn't as close to young Benny as she 
claims.  I think she may have panicked and try to pin the blame on him.

Dr. Calhoun
So she's the one?

Dr. Brooks
Well, I can't say she is for sure.  But, right now that's what I'm leaning 

Dr. Calhoun
Well, if Benny truly is mentally unstable, then I would agree that Denise is 
probably the one.  If he isn't, then…who knows.

Dr. Brooks
You know, I noticed something strange.  

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
When I was leaving the cabin.  I got in the car, and Benny was looking out the 
window at me.  I waved at him. And he waved back.  But, when he did it, he had 
this look on his face.  I mean, the whole time we were all in the cabin, he had 
a glazed look in his eyes, he looked somewhat aloof.  You know?  But, when he 
waved at me in the window, it was a different expression.  Almost a look like he 
knew something I didn't.  Like an evil smirk or something.  I don't know, maybe 
it's me.  It was weird.

Dr. Calhoun
That is weird.  What an odd family.

Dr. Brooks
I have a lot of pieces to put together before  I can recommend whether Denise 
should remain here or be released to her parents.

Dr. Calhoun
Well, if you need to consult with another professional about it, I'm here.

Dr. Brooks
Thanks a lot.  After dealing with this, I just may need some counseling myself!

Dr. Calhoun laughs.  She and Dr. Brooks stare at each other.

Dr. Calhoun
So, Dr. Elijah Brooks…

Dr. Brooks
Whoa, wait a minute!  You just said my whole name!  

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
Whenever somebody says your whole name, they usually have something heavy to lay 
on you.  So what is it?

Dr. Calhoun
No, it's not like that at all.

Dr. Brooks
So, nothing heavy?

Dr. Calhoun
No!  Not at all!

Dr. Brooks
Oh, alright then.  Please, proceed.

Dr. Calhoun
I was just going to ask you…if there was a Mrs. Elijah Brooks at home.

Dr. Brooks looks at Dr. Calhoun and smiles.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, is that all?

Dr. Calhoun
That's all.  See, that's not heavy, right?

Dr. Brooks
No, not too bad.  Well, no there is not a Mrs. Elijah Brooks at home.

Dr. Calhoun
Okay.  So, I have another question.

Dr. Brooks
Alright, let's hear it.

Dr. Calhoun
If I'm being too forward, tell me.  But, I was wondering…if you might be 
interested in sitting down to a meal together. 

Dr. Brooks smiles shyly.  

Dr. Brooks
So, let me get this straight.  You're asking me out?

Dr.  Calhoun
No, I'm asking you in.  We would eat at my place.

Dr. Brooks
Oh!  So an eat in Date!  So your asking me in?

Dr. Calhoun
You know what?  Never mind!  You are having way too much fun with this!

Dr. Brooks
No, no, no.  I'm kidding with you.  If you're serious, I would love to join you 
for dinner.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
So, your place?

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
So, I assume you'll be doing the cooking.

Dr. Calhoun
That's right.

Dr. Brooks
So, how are the cooking skills?  Any good?

Dr. Calhoun
Yes!  I would have to have a lot of nerve to invite you over for dinner, knowing 
I couldn't cook good!

Dr. Brooks
Alright, just asking.  

Dr. Brooks shuffles the papers from Denise's file back into the folder.  He 
looks at Dr. Calhoun.

Well, I'm gonna go ahead back to my office.  I have to meet with Denise in about 
a half hour.  Maybe you should write down your home number so we can make the 
final arrangements for the dinner.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Calhoun grabs a paper napkin lying on the table and pulls a pen out of her 
jacket pocket.  She writes down her information and slides it to Dr. Brooks.

Dr. Brooks (Standing up)
OK.   So, if I don't see you around here for the rest of the day, then I'll 
definitely call you this evening.

Dr. Calhoun
Ok.  See you later.

Dr. Brooks
See ya. (As he walks away he says to himself, but loud enough for Dr. Calhoun to 
hear: ) Whoever would have thought I'd get hit on my first week on the job!  

Dr. Calhoun
(Yelling after Dr. Brooks as he opens the break room door to exit) You're head 
is swelling, Elijah!

Dr. Brooks (Turning around and looking at Dr. Calhoun)
You heard that?

Dr. Calhoun
I sure did!

Dr. Brooks smiles at Dr. Calhoun and then exits.  He immediately re-opens the 
door and pops his head back in.

Dr. Brooks
And you called me Elijah, too!  That's good!  I like that!

He again exits.  Dr. Calhoun smiles and giggles.                  Cut To: 

9INT- We see Dr. Brook's face.  He is looking directly in front of him.

Dr. Brooks
So, guess who I paid a visit to?

We cut back to see Dr. Brooks sitting across from Denise.


Dr. Brooks
Your family.  Your parents. And Benny.

Denise's reaction shows that she does not approve.  She stares at Dr. Brooks 
with a confused look on her face.

Why?  Why did you go there?

Dr. Brooks
I thought it would be good to meet them.  I thought it might help me understand 
you a little better.  Was that wrong?

What did you go there for?

Dr. Brooks
I just wanted to meet your family.  Talk to them a little bit.  As you know, I 
have 12 sessions with you, and then I have to either submit a recommendation for 
you to be released, or recommend that you stay for more treatment.  Now, I 
imagine you want to get out of here, right?


Dr. Brooks
Ok, that's what I assumed.  So, for me to recommend that you be released to your 
parents custody, it's important that I meet them and see what kind of people 
they are.  That's all.  I meant no harm, Denise.  Why does it bother you so much 
that I went to see them?

Just forget it.

Dr. Brooks stares at Denise as she looks down at her fingers, which she is 
twirling nervously.
Dr. Brooks
So, tell me Denise.  Are you close to your parents?

To my mom.  I'm close to my mom.

Dr. Brooks
Just your mom.  You don't get along with your Dad?


Dr. Brooks
Why not?

Because, he took my grandparents side against me and Benny.  When we told them 
for the first time, what our grandparents were doing to us, my mother was 
horrified.  She was upset and wanted to do something to stop it. But, my dad was 
all for it.  He thought it was good for us!  I couldn't understand it.  But, 
it's always been like that.

Dr. Brooks
Like what?

My mother has always had to defend us against my dad.  She has always been the 
one on our side.  Protecting us.  She would go to any length to prevent anything 
from bothering me and Benny.  My father on the other hand, was usually on the 
other side.

Dr. Brooks
So, you're telling me it was like…you, Benny, and your mother against…your 

Against him and my grandparents.  Like I said, he took their side over ours in a 

Dr. Brooks
I see.  So, are you at all sad that your grandparents were killed?

Denise looks as if she is thinking hard about the question.  She pauses a moment 
before answering.

It seems like I should be, but…

Dr. Brooks
But, you're not.

No, not really.  It's hard to feel any love or sympathy for someone who never 
had any for you.  You know what I mean?  I mean, it's not easy to feel love for 
people who would beat you with a walking stick, because they thought the skirt 
you had on was too short.

Dr. Brooks
That actually happened?

Denise lifts up her pants legs and reveals permanent scars and cuts.

According to my grandmother, it would keep me from wanting to show off my legs 
so much.

Dr. Brook is shocked.  He stares at Denise sympathetically.

Dr. Brooks
Wow.  That's terrible.  I'm sorry, Denise.

Don't be.  But, now maybe you understand a little better why I'm not so sad 
about their deaths.  I have these scars as permanent reminders.       Cut To:

10INT-(Afternoon) We see Benny and Silvia in the living room of the cabin. 
Silvia is tying Benny's sneakers.  Herald walks into the living room.

Where you guys headed?

The lake!  To see ducks!

To see the ducks, huh?


Don't go too close to the water.  You know you can't swim.  And you know what 
happens when people who can't swim go in the water, son?

They drown.

That's right.  So-

Like grandpa.

Herald stares at Benny for a moment.  He is caught off guard.  Silvia finishes 
tying up Benny's sneakers and stands up.  She is looking at Benny as well.

Yeah.  Like,…like grandpa.

The three become silent, as if all are in deep thought.  Then Silvia breaks the 

You ready to go, Benny?


Let's go!

Benny emphatically runs to the front door with Silvia jogging right behind him.  
Benny pulls the door open and the two go out closing it behind them.  We see 
Herald sitting there as if he is still thinking about his father.  He sits for a 
few moments and then stands up.  He stretches and then casually walks into the 
kitchen.  Once in the kitchen, he glances out the kitchen window that looks out 
onto the lake behind the cabin.  We see out the window from Heralds point of 
view.  We see Silvia and Benny walking and talking.  We cut back inside and see 
Herald watching them with a suspicious look on his face.   Cut to:

11INT-We see Dr. Brooks in his home with the cordless phone to his ear.  We hear 
the phone ringing.  We quick cut to:

Dr. Calhoun's house.  The phone is ringing.  We see her jog to it and pick it 

Dr. Calhoun

We hear Dr. Brooks' voice through Calhoun's phone.

Dr. Brooks
Hey, it's Elijah.  How are you?

Dr. Calhoun
Elijah!  I'm glad you called.

Dr. Brooks
Really?  That's good to hear.  

Dr. Calhoun
So, what's going on?  What are you up to?

Dr. Brooks
Nothing at the moment.  I was wondering if tonight was too soon for that dinner.

Dr. Calhoun
Tonight?  No, not too soon at all.  I have to make a quick run to the store 

Dr. Brooks
Ok.  You need me to pick up anything?

Dr. Calhoun
You could get some wine.

Dr. Brooks
Some wine, huh? (Chuckles)

Dr. Calhoun
What?  What's wrong with wine?

Dr. Brooks
Nothing.  But I see what you're doing.

Dr. Calhoun
What?  What am I doing?

Dr. Brooks
You plan on getting me drunk, huh?  

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
So you can have your way with me!  I know when I'm being set up!

Dr. Calhoun (Giggling)
You are something else!

Dr. Brooks
No, I'm kidding.  I'll get the wine.  No problem.              Cut to:

12INT- We see Dr. Brooks and Dr. Calhoun in Dr. Calhoun's home.  They are at the 
dining room table eating Lasagna and salad.  

Dr. Brooks
This is pretty good.

Dr. Calhoun
I told you it would be.

Dr. Brooks
That you did.  So, tell me something about you, Alicia.

Dr. Calhoun
What would you like to know about?

Dr. Brooks
I want to know about you.  I mean, I know you on the surface.  But I want to 
know you under the surface. I mean where did you grow up?  What's your family 
like?  Do you think I'm sexy?  You know, that kind of thing.

Dr. Calhoun (Giggling)
Well, I grew up in New York City.

Dr. Brooks
Really?  Which part?

Dr. Calhoun
In Queens.  Hollis, Queens to be exact.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, alright.  We got a New Yorker in the house!

Dr. Calhoun
That's right!

Dr. Brooks
So, what about your family?  Brothers or sisters? Both?

Dr. Calhoun
Both.  I have an older sister and two younger brothers.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, so you grew up in a full house, huh?

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, pretty much.

Dr. Brooks
So, your family was kind of like the fake Cosby family, huh?

Dr. Calhoun (Laughs)
No we weren't!

Dr. Brooks
Who were you, Vanessa?

They both laugh together.  Dr. Calhoun continues.

Dr. Calhoun
No, I wasn't Vanessa.  We weren't like the Cosby's.  My mother and father 
weren't a lawyer and doctor.  My mother was a school teacher and my father 
worked in a factory.  So we didn't have any of the luxuries that the Cosby kids 

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I hear you.  So, what was your childhood like?

Dr. Calhoun
I had a pretty good childhood.  Even though we didn't have a whole lot, we made 
due.  I think it made all of us humble, you know?  We learned a vital lesson 
about not taking things for granted.  It made us stronger, you know?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  So, what about your sister and brothers?  Did you all fight a lot?

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, there was some fighting going on.  But only with the older one of my two 
brothers, Derrick  The younger one, Clarence, was always a quiet type.  Derrick 
was the complete opposite.  He wreaked havoc on me and my sister Samone.

Dr. Brooks
I like him already!  What did he do?

Dr. Calhoun
He would come into our room in the middle of the night.  He would come and pinch 
my nose so I couldn't breathe through it.  Then I would involuntarily open mouth 
trying to breathe, and he would put drops of hot sauce on my tongue!  I would 
feel my mouth burning and wake up just in time to see him running out of the 

Dr. Brooks keels over cracking up.  He slaps his hand on the table as he 
continues to laugh hysterically.

Dr. Brooks
Man!  That kid is a genius!  I love him already!

Dr. Calhoun
It's not funny!  I couldn't stand him!  He was always doing things like that.

Dr. Brooks
What else?  What other things did he do?  I gotta know.

Dr. Calhoun
No, I'm not telling you anymore.  You're laughing a little too hard over there!

Dr. Brooks begins to laugh hysterically again.  Dr. Calhoun just stares at him 
at first, and then she too begins to laugh.                       We cut to:

Dr. Brooks and Dr. Calhoun in the living room sitting close on the couch.  They 
are in the dark looking at slides through a projector.  

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, this is at my aunt Mimi's wedding.  That's me and Samone.

We see a shot of the slide.  It is a picture of two young girls in pretty 
dresses holding hands.  

Dr. Brooks
Look at you!  Looking all cute and innocent.  Knowing you were a trouble maker!

Dr. Calhoun
I was not a trouble maker!  I was just as cute innocent as I looked.

She flips to the next slide.  It's a picture of her standing next to two little 
boys and a woman.

That's me, my brothers, and my mother.  I remember Derrick had just gotten in 
trouble before this picture was taken.  That's why he's not smiling!

She flips to another slide.  It is a picture of her and a boy much shorter than 

Dr. Brooks
Who is that, your cousin or somebody?

Dr. Calhoun
No, that's  actually my first boyfriend.

Dr. Brooks
Your first boyfriend?  How old were you?

Dr. Calhoun
I was 13.

Dr. Brooks
13!  And that was your first boyfriend?

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah!  What's wrong with him?

Dr. Brooks
How old was he, like 9?

Dr. Calhoun
No!  He was 13 too!  He was just a little short.

Dr. Brooks
It looks like he was just a little everything!

Dr. Calhoun laughs.

Dr. Calhoun
Arnold was cute!  He was my first love.

Dr. Brooks
Wait a minute!  Arnold?  Like Arnold from Different Strokes?

The two laugh.  

Alright, alright, alright.  That's enough of Arnold.  I'm starting to get 
jealous.  Show me the pictures of you in the bath tub.  I know you have one, 
cause everybody has one.  Let me see that!

Dr. Calhoun
You just wanna see me naked!

Dr. Brooks
So?  What's wrong with that?

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, so you don't deny it?

Dr. Brooks
Not at all.  I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, really?

Dr. Brooks
Come on, Alicia!  We're adults, let's be honest.  You're not that little girl 
anymore.  I'm not Arnold!

Alicia and Elijah stare at one another in silence.  There is a sexual tension 
between them.  Dr. Brooks leans forward and kisses Alicia.  She appears 
apprehensive at first, but then begins to kiss him back.  They get deeper into 
the kiss.  Elijah leans in closer and accidentally leans on the control for the 
slide projector.  The sound of the slide switching startles them both.  They 
both jump back.  They look up at the screen.  It is a picture of Alicia's 
mother.  She appears to have a look of disapproval on her face as if she is 
looking at them.

Dr. Calhoun
Well, that's not the first time my mother has caught me kissing!

They laugh.  

Dr. Brooks
She looks like she really just saw what we were doing!  Your phone will probably 
ring in a few minutes!

Dr. Calhoun
It probably will!  Sometimes she does show signs off psychic ability.  It's 

Dr. Brooks (Looking up at the slide)
It's frightening is what it is!  It looks like she is actually looking at us!  
I…I think I should go!

Dr. Calhoun
That might be a good idea.  For tonight anyway.

Elijah and Alicia get up and approach the front door.

Dr. Brooks
So, how soon can we do this again?

Dr. Calhoun
How about we get together again next weekend.

Dr. Brooks
Next weekend?  You got yourself a date.  Oh, and I just want to apologize.

Dr. Calhoun
For what?

Dr. Brooks
Well, when we were on the couch.  And,…you know, we were kissing.  And I just 
stopped.  I didn't mean to be a tease or anything.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
Well, I know you were expecting me to give myself to you, and I didn't mean to 
tease. You have to wine and dine me a little more before I give myself to you.

Dr. Calhoun
You are crazy!

Dr. Brooks
No, but seriously.  I had a great time tonight.  The food was delicious. 

Dr. Calhoun
Thank you.

Dr. Brooks
And I enjoyed your slides too.  Except for Arnold!  I better not see Arnold 

Alicia laughs.

And I really enjoyed that kiss too.  You like the kiss?

Dr. Calhoun
Ummm, it was OK.

Dr. Brooks
It was OK!?  Oh, I guess Arnold is better, right?

Alicia laughs.

Dr. Calhoun
No, I'm kidding.  The kiss was wonderful.  I'd could go for it again.

Dr. Brooks
I'm standing right here.

Alicia leans forward and kisses Dr. Brooks passionately.  

Dr. Calhoun
Goodnight, Elijah.

Dr. Brooks
Goodnight, Alicia.

Elijah opens the front door and exits.                          Cut To:

13INT-Dr. Brooks sits in his office.  Denise sits across from him.  Dr. Brooks 
stares at Denise silently.  Denise feels uncomfortable.

Why are you staring at me?

Dr. Brooks
Well, I'm trying to look inside of you.  I mean, I really feel like there is so 
much more that you aren't telling me.

About what?

Dr. Brooks
About you.  And about your case.  I mean for me to make a judgment of whether or 
not to send you home, I need to really know you, Denise.

Ok, so what do you need to know specifically.

Dr. Brooks
Well, I have a question to start.


Dr. Brooks
Is it true that you can be…somewhat of a storyteller?

What?  What are you talking about?

Dr. Brooks
You know, a storyteller.  A liar, for lack of better terms.

Denise looks at Dr. Brooks with the expression of a child who was caught being 
mischievous.  She is silent for a moment before speaking.

Who told you that, my mother?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, your mom told me that.  How'd you know?

Call it a hunch. 

Dr. Brooks


Dr. Brooks
Well, is there any truth to that.  Are you a storyteller?

Again Denise stares silently for a moment.  She looks down at her hands.  She 
looks as if she is riddled with guilt.

I may have…made up a few things in the past.  But that was before!  I'm not 
making this up!

Dr. Brooks
Well, how do I know that?  How does anyone know that?  I mean think about it.  
You have a history of lying.  You admitted it to me just now.  So, can't you 
understand why it would be hard to give you the benefit of the doubt in this 

I know it sounds like I'm lying, but I'm not!  I swear!  I'm not a murderer!

Dr. Brooks
But, Benny is.

Yes, he is!  Why is that so hard to believe?  Coming from me or anybody else, 
why does that sound impossible?

Dr. Brooks
Well, let's touch on that a little deeper. You say you know for a fact that 
Benny killed your grandparents.  Correct?


Dr. Brooks
Ok.  So, you're telling me you actually witnessed Benny killing them? 

My grandmother, yeah!

Dr. Brooks
You saw him kill your grandmother?


Dr. Brooks
But not your grandfather?

No.  He was already dead in the lake.

Dr. Brooks
Ok, so….Ok, how about this.  How about you just tell me about what exactly 
happened that evening.  Fill me so I can get a better picture.

Denise takes a deep breath.  She rubs her forehead and then begins to speak.  As 
she talks we cut to the evening she is describing.

I think it was around…8 or 9 p.m.  

We cut to an outside shot of the grandparents cabin at night.

Denise (V.O.)
I was out back…

We cut to a shot of Denise out back.  She is sitting on the ground with her back 
against a tree in a small forest.  She has her head tilted looking upward.

…in the woods.  I was sitting up against a tree looking at the stars.  When I 
heard a splash in the lake, which was only about 50 feet away from me. 

We see Denise looking through the darkness at the lake.  She looks confused.

I didn't know what it was.  I imagined it was just a big fish or something.  
But, something didn't feel right. 

We see Denise slowly get up and begin to walk back towards the lake.  She keeps 
her eyes focused as she moves through the dark forest.

So, I got up and started to go back toward the lake.  I remember thinking that 
the splash I heard was too big to be from a fish.  So I walked all the way back 
over to the dock that extends over the lake.

We see Denise standing on the dock looking into the lake.  The lake is dark and 
she can see nothing.

I looked into the lake but I didn't see anything at first.  Then I saw what 
looked like a shirt.

From Denise's P.O.V. we see a shirt right below the surface of the lake.

I looked harder and saw pants.  And then boots.  Then I heard a scream from 
inside of the cabin.

Off camera we hear a woman scream.  Denise turns around rapidly.  She begins to 
run toward the cabin.

I knew it was my grandmother.  So, I ran to the cabin.  
We see Denise open the cabin door and run in.

I ran into the living room and saw it.

We see Benny leaning over the back of the grandmother, who is on her knees.  
Benny is choking her with a rope.  The grandmother is fighting for air.  We see 
Denise's expression.  She is horrified.  Benny continues strangling.  Denise 
runs over and tries to snatch the rope from Benny.  She struggles with Benny, 
and meanwhile the grandmother is still choking.

I tried to stop him!  I couldn't!  Benny is stronger than he looks!  He kept on 
strangling her!  I mean, she was cruel and I didn't like her.  But I didn't want 
to kill her!

We cut back to Dr. Brooks' office.  Dr. Brooks is jotting in his notepad what he 
has just heard.

Dr. Brooks
So, that's how you remember it happening?

That's exactly how it happened!  I'm not making this up!

Dr. Brooks
So, that's how your fingerprints were found on the rope?

Yes!  The police didn't even bother to take Benny's fingerprints, because they 
think he'…

Dr. Brooks
Mentally challenged.

Yes.  I know you don't believe me, but it's true.  That's why I won't tell you 
what's really going on.  It'll be a waste of time.

Dr. Brooks
What do you mean what's really going on?  What you told me wasn't what's really 
going on?

Yeah, but there's more to it.

Dr. Brooks
There's more?  Really?  What more is there, Denise?

I'm not even going to bother.

Dr. Brooks
Why not?

You think that I'm lying to you.  You're not taking me seriously.

Dr. Brooks
Denise, I'm not accusing you of lying.  I apologize if I gave the impression 
that I believed you were a liar.  I truly apologize.  Now, really, please tell 
what more there is.  

Denise looks off to the side as if she is debating whether or not to tell Dr. 
Brooks anymore.  She returns her stare to him.

I'll tell you.  But, if you choose not to believe me, than so be it.  I don't 
care anymore.  I'm about to tell you something that I haven't told to anyone 
else. It's the truth, but you can take it how you  choose.

Dr. Brooks
OK, fair enough.

Now, Benny truly is faking his condition.  But it's not by his own choice.

Dr. Brooks
What do you mean?  Whose choice is it.

My mother's.

Dr. Brooks
Your mother's?  Your mother made Benny pretend to be-

Yes!  It was her idea.

Dr. Brooks
What makes you think that?

 I overheard them talking one day.

Dr. Brooks
What were they talking about?

I didn't hear the whole conversation.  All I know, is that Benny said he didn't 
want to fake anymore or something.  And then my mother told him to trust her.  
That nobody was going to hurt him anymore, or something.  Anyway, the point is 
that my mother knows something.

Dr. Brooks
So, she told Benny to kill your grandparents?

I didn't say that.  I don't know that for sure.  All I do know is that my mother 
is aware that Benny is faking.  She had something to do with it.

Dr. Brooks is again jotting on his notepad.  Denise continues.

So, you don't believe me, do you?

Dr. Brooks
I haven't passed any judgment.  I would need to learn some more about your 
family before I could pass any real judgment.

Be careful, Doc.  Don't dig too deep.

Denise and Dr. Brooks stare at each other.  There is an odd tension in the air.         
Cut to:

14INT-We see a detective in his office. It is Detective Mike Hardy. He is calmly 
doing paperwork.  Suddenly there is a knock at his office door.

It's open!

The door swings open and there is an officer standing there.

Hey, Mike, somebody here to talk to ya.

Yeah?  Who?

The officer steps to the side and Elijah comes into view.  He waves at Hardy.

Hardy stares at Elijah for a moment.

What can I do for you?

Elijah takes a step forward inside of Hardy's office.

My name is Elijah Brooks.  I'm currently treating a young girl named Denise 
Franklin.  I understand that you investigated the murder of her grandparents.  I 
was just hoping maybe I could speak with you for a minute or two.

Hardy organizes the papers on his desk into a folder and then closes it.  

Come on in.

Elijah moves closer inside Hardy's office.  Hardy nods at the officer standing 
at the door.  The officer nods back and then closes Hardy's door.

Have a seat.

Elijah steps forward and takes a seat in front of Hardy's desk.

So, what exactly do you want to talk to me about?

Well, as I said, I'm treating Denise Franklin over at the Bloomberg Institution.  

So, is she crazy or what?

Uhh, well, we don't really use the word crazy.  It-

Well, you know what I mean.

Hardy reaches in a drawer on the side of his desk.  He pulls out a wrapped up 
sub sandwich.  He plops it down on his desk and unwraps it.  He grabs a half of 
it and takes a sloppy bite.  His lips and cheek are smeared with mayonnaise. 

Well,…no I don't believe that she is mentally disturbed.  Not at all.  But, I 
wanted to ask you something.  Was there a substantial amount of evidence against 
Denise?  Were there any other suspects?

Nah, she was our main suspect.

Why is that?

Because for one, she had a strong motive.  I'm sure you already know that her 
grandparents were some mean S.O.B.'s.  She hated them.  And her fingerprints 
were all over the rope.  So, you got the motive, and the fingerprints.  It was 
enough to build a case.

So, Denise's fingerprints were the only ones on the rope?

Hardy is anxiously eating his sandwich.  He takes a few moments to chew the food 
in his mouth before he answers.


What about the grandfather.  I understand he was poisoned and thrown in the 

Actually, he was poisoned and then drowned.

He was drowned?

Yeah. The coroner said the old man was breathing while he was in the water.  So, 
the old man ate the poison, and then somehow he was brought out to the lake and 
then drowned. 

Elijah's face gets stern for a moment.  He is thinking deeply.

So, wait a minute.  Denise was the only suspect for the grandfather's murder as 
Yeah.  Apparently, the grandfather was on some kind of medication.  We found 
that the poison was switched with his medicine.  Denise helped him take his 
medication earlier in the evening.

But, wait.  Wait a minute.  Denise couldn't have drowned him.

Why not?

She can't swim!  She would have drowned right with him!

I don't know about that.

Tell me, Detective, why wasn't her brother investigated?  He was the only other 
person there.  Why wasn't he a suspect?

Are you kidding me?  He's retarded!  That kid can barely tie his own shoe!  You 
think he's capable of a double homicide?  Come on!

Elijah looks off to the side.  He seems to be frustrated.  He gets to his feet.

Thank you, detective Hardy.

Elijah turns and exits Hardy's office.  We see Hardy resume with his sloppy 
Cut to:

15INT-We see Alicia sitting at a table in a restaurant.  She is sitting alone. 
She looks from side to side anxiously as if expecting something or someone.  A 
waiter approaches the table.  Alicia looks up at him.

Would you like to go ahead and order now?

Dr. Calhoun
Um,…no.  Not yet.  I'm waiting for someone.

Ok, no problem.  I'll come back.

Dr. Calhoun

The waiter walks off.  Alicia continues to look around anxiously.  A few moments 
later we see someone coming up behind her.  It is Elijah.  He comes up directly 
behind her.  He places his hands over her eyes.  Speaking in an exaggeratedly 
deep voice, Dr. Brooks says:

Dr. Brooks
You know who this is, don't you?

Alicia smiles. Dr. Brooks does not do a good job of disguising his voice.

Dr. Calhoun
It better be who I think it is!

Dr. Brooks (Still in the disguised voice)
Who exactly do you think it is?

Dr. Calhoun
My boyfriend.  Arnold!

Dr. Brooks takes his hands off of her eyes.  He steps forward so Alicia can see 
him.  In his normal voice:

Dr. Brooks

Alicia laughs out loud.

Did you say Arnold?  Is that what you said?

Alicia is still laughing.  She stands up.

Dr. Calhoun
I'm kidding!  Of course, I knew it was you!

Alicia wraps her arms around Elijah and he hugs her back.  They hold each other 
for a few moments before letting go.  They look at each other a moment and then 
sit down.

Dr. Brooks
You sure you're waiting for me?

Dr. Calhoun
Yes!  Who else?

Dr. Brooks
Maybe your boyfriend, I don't know.

Dr. Calhoun
My boyfriend?

Dr. Brooks

Dr. Calhoun
I thought you were my boyfriend?

Dr. Brooks
You thought I was your boyfriend?

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
How did I get so lucky as to be the boyfriend of the beautiful Alicia Calhoun?

Dr. Calhoun
Because you kissed me.  

Dr. Brooks
So, because I kissed you, I get to be your boyfriend.

Dr. Calhoun
That's right.  We kissed, so that means you have to love me now.

Dr. Brooks
I have to love you?

Dr. Calhoun
Umm-hmm.  And propose to me.

Dr. Brooks
Are you kidding me?

Dr. Calhoun giggles.

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, I'm kidding.  For now.

They stare at each other for a moment.  The waiter suddenly appears and breaks 
their stares.  They both look up at him.

Are you guys ready to order now?

Dr. Calhoun
Actually, we haven't even looked at the menu.

Well, can I get your drinks for you?

Dr. Calhoun
Umm, I'll have…a…lemonade.

Ok. (Looking at Dr. Brooks) And for you, sir?

Dr. Brooks
I'll have an iced tea.

Ok, I'll be right back with your drinks.

The waiter walks off.  Alicia picks up her menu.  Elijah follows her lead and 
picks up his own.  They both look through their menus casually as they continue 
their conversation.
Dr. Calhoun
So, you chose this place.  What's good?

Dr. Brooks
Actually, this is my first time coming here.  I've wanted to come for awhile, 
but never got around to it.

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, isn't that special!

Dr. Brooks
Isn't what special?

Dr. Calhoun
We're experiencing new things together.  That's special.

Dr. Brooks
So, do you think we'll be experiencing more new things in the future?

Dr. Calhoun
I hope so.  I look forward to it.

Dr. Brooks
So, am I your boyfriend for real?  Or was all of that a joke?

Dr. Calhoun
I don't know how it works now a days.  I mean, back in school it was a lot 
simpler.  You got a yes or no confirmation about the status of your 

Dr. Brooks
Exactly.  You asked somebody to go with you.  They either said yes or no.  You 
knew exactly where you stood.

Dr. Calhoun
It was so much easier.  I remember boys used to give me notes.  They would say 
do you like me? And then underneath it would say-

Dr. Brooks
Check yes or no!

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah!  That's it!  You must have written a few of those notes in your day, huh?

Dr. Brooks
A few!?  I was famous for them.  I had like 10 of them pre-written in my 
notebook.  When I saw a girl I liked, I would just tear one out of my notebook 
and ask somebody to give it to her!

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, how come the boy was always scared to deliver it himself?

Dr. Brooks
Because, just in case you check "no".  He could deny that he asked somebody to 
give it to you.  Believe me, I've done it myself.

Alicia laughs.

Dr. Calhoun
You mean somebody actually checked "no" to you?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, believe it or not.

Dr. Calhoun
I can't believe that at all.

Dr. Brooks
It's true.  I wasn't always as fine as I am now.  I had to blossom!

Alicia laughs again.

Dr. Calhoun
I should have known I was giving you an invitation to be vain.

Dr. Brooks
I bet you got a lot of those notes back in school, didn't you?

Dr. Calhoun
I got a few.  But, I was hardly flattered.

Dr. Brooks
Uh-oh.  That must mean you used to get love letters from Steve Urkels!

Alicia laughs.

Dr. Calhoun
Basically!  It was horrible!

The waiter reappears at the table. 

Are you guys ready to order?

Alicia and Elijah look at one another.

Dr. Calhoun
Actually,…I'm still looking.

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I need a few more minutes, too.

Alright.  I'll give you a few more minutes.

The waiter walks off looking perturbed. 

Dr. Calhoun
He didn't look too happy.

Dr. Brooks
He'll be alright.

Dr. Calhoun
So, let's talk about you now.  On our first date I talked about myself, end even 
showed you some slides on my projector.  Now it's your time to tell me about 
you.  So, let's hear it.

Dr. Brooks
Alright. Well, I was born in Korea.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
No, I'm just kidding.

Dr. Calhoun
Come on, be serious!

Dr.  Brooks
Alright, alright.  Seriously, I was born in Chicago.

Dr. Calhoun
Were you really?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, I really was.  I lived in Chicago until I was about…11 or 12.  Then my 
mother and father split up.  So, me, my younger brother, and my mother moved to 
Washington, D.C.  We stayed with my aunt and cousins for awhile, then we got our 
own apartment.  So, I grew up in D.C., and ended up going to college right there 
at Howard.  

Dr. Calhoun
Ok.  That's cool.  So, what's up with your younger brother?  What does he do?

Dr. Brooks
Corey is an entrepreneur. He owns a little restaurant in D.C.  

Dr. Calhoun
Really?  That's good.  How's the food?

Dr. Brooks
The food is great.  It's a popular spot in D.C.  He gets a lot of celebrities 
that stop through.

Dr. Calhoun
Really?  Wow, you gotta take me there sometime.

Dr. Brooks
Would you really like to go?

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
Cause I was actually planning on going home to visit sometime soon.  You could 
actually come along if you wanted to.

Dr. Calhoun
I would love to!  I've never been to D.C. before.  That sounds like fun.

Dr. Brooks
Now, I'll just warn you ahead of time.  My mother is going to automatically 
assume you are my girlfriend when I introduce you to her.  Just be aware.

Dr. Calhoun
That's Ok, I am your girlfriend!

Dr. Brooks
Do you really consider yourself to be my girlfriend or what?

Dr. Calhoun
I don't know.  You still haven't written me a note so I can check "yes" or "no"!

The two laugh.  The waiter reappears again.  He still looks perturbed.

Have you decided yet?

Alicia and Elijah look at one another.

Dr. Calhoun
Um, you can go first, Elijah.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, no.  Ladies first.  By all means.

Dr. Calhoun
That's kind of you, but I insist.

Dr. Brooks
I think you're insisting because you still don't know what you want!

Dr. Calhoun
Well, neither do you!

Dr. Brooks
That's where you're wrong.  (Looking up at the waiter) I'll have the chicken 
Alfredo, please.

The waiter jots it down and then looks at Alicia.  She is caught off guard.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
Sir, she still doesn't know what she wants.  While I was reading the menu, she 
was too busy bumping her gums.  You'll have to excuse her.

Dr. Calhoun

Waiter (To Alicia)
So you need more time?

Dr. Calhoun
Uhh, yes, please.  I'm sorry.  I promise I'll be ready when you come back this 

Dr. Brooks (To the waiter)
Don't count on it.

Dr. Calhoun
I will!

The waiter says nothing and walks off.  Alicia looks at Elijah in disbelief.  He 
is smiling.

I can't believe you said that!

Dr. Brooks
You shouldn't have been talking so much!

Dr. Calhoun (smiling)
Yeah right!  Shut up!                   Cut to:

16INT-Elijah sits on the couch in his house.  He is on the phone.  He is 
reclined back on the couch.  He has the remote in his hand and he flips through 
channels as he talks.

Dr. Brooks
Hey, ma!  How are you? (Pause) Good, good. (Pause) I'm great.  Everything is 
well here. (Pause) How's who? (Pause) Oh, Denise! My patient, yeah.  Well, it's 
getting interesting like I told you it probably would.  She's telling me a lot 
of interesting things. (Pause) Well, about her whole case.  I mean, you remember 
I told you she was accused of murdering her grandparents.  And you remember I 
told you she claimed it was her younger brother. (Pause) That's right, he's 
mentally challenged.  And she claims he's faking.  Well, she told me that her 
mother put him up to it. (Pause) Yeah!  She said the mother told the brother to 
pretend something is wrong with him. (Pause) She said she overheard them 
talking.  She said the mother said that the grandparents wouldn't abuse the 
brother anymore or something. (Pause) Yeah. It's crazy. It's like an onion.  The 
more you peel away, the more it stinks! (Pause) Yeah.  So, anyway how's Corey? 
(Pause) Yeah? Business good? (Pause) That's good.  Anyhow, I have a little 
surprise. (Pause) No, I'm not getting married!  But your in the ballpark. 
(Pause) Well, you remember I told you I was coming to visit within the next 
month or so? (Pause) No, I'm still coming.  But I'm bringing someone with me. 
(Pause) A co-worker.  She's a therapist at Bloomberg. (Pause) Yeah, I said she.  
I'm bringing a girl home. Her name is Alicia. (Pause) Well, yeah we've been 
dating a little bit. (Pause) No, we're not that serious.  We're not engaged or 
anything. (Pause) No, not at all. (Pause) Well, yeah, I  like her. (Pause) Yeah, 
she's beautiful.  You'll like her.  But, just don't put any pressure on us. 
(Pause) You know what I mean, ma.  Ever since I graduated from Howard, you've 
been trying to marry me off. (Pause) You have!  That's all I hear!  When am I 
going to find a nice girl and settle down.  When am I going to give you some 
grandkids. (Pause) Well, don't put me and Alicia on the spot when we get there.  
Don't make her uncomfortable, like you make me sometimes! (Pause) Yeah, you do! 
(chuckles softly) Anyhow, I was just calling to let you know that. (Pause) Ok, 
ma.  Love you. (Pause) Tell Corey I said I'll talk to him later. (Pause) Ok, ma. 
Elijah sits on the couch flipping through the channels.  We hear a noise 
outside.  Elijah mutes the television to listen better.  We hear the noise 
again.  It sounds as if someone is doing something on the side.  Elijah looks to 
the side at the window.  Through the curtain, we can see the silhouette of a 
person.  Elijah sits up in his chair.  He gets to his feet.  He watches at the 
figure disappears from view.  He rushes to the hall closet.  He opens it and 
begins to search through it.  He finds the baseball bat he was looking for and 
closes the closet.  He jogs into the kitchen and comes to the back door.  The 
house is pitch black.  We see Elijah look through the glass on the backdoor.  
From his point of view, we see a figure dressed in all black out side.  Their 
face is hidden behind a colorful mask.  The figure approaches the back steps.  
Elijah moves to the side to hide from the prowler.  The mysterious figure comes 
all the way up to the back door and looks inside.  Elijah makes a move.  He 
swings the bat at the door window, shattering it and nearly hitting the 
mysterious prowler.  The prowler immediately turns and runs down the steps  and 
around toward the front of the house.  Elijah opens the backdoor and runs out 
after the prowler.  He comes around to the front of the house and sees that the 
prowler has disappeared.  He looks up and down the street.  He sees nothing.  He 
turns and walks back toward his house.                 Cut To:

17INT-Dr. Brooks sits in his office across from Denise.  

Dr. Brooks
So, last time we were talking about your mother and Benny.  You were telling me 
that you overheard your mother and Benny talking.  You said they were talking 
about how… Benny didn't want to pretend anymore, but your mother persuaded him 
to.  Now, you said Benny acts normal around you.  So, obviously he's not keeping 
it a secret from you.  But, does your mother know that you know about Benny 

Yeah, she knows.

Dr. Brooks
Ok.  So, mom knows.  But your father doesn't know? Or does he?

No, he doesn't know.  He doesn't know anything about any of it.

Dr. Brooks
Ok.  So, it's a little secret between mom and the kids.  Is that it?

Yeah, something like that.

Dr. Brooks
Well, you did say that you and Benny are closer to your mom.  So, I guess that 
makes sense.  So, dad is under the impression that Benny's condition is real?

Yeah.  Benny is very convincing.  But he can turn it off just as quickly as it 
turns it on.

Dr. Brooks
You know, I did notice something about Benny when I went to the cabin.  The 
whole time we were all in the house, I was completely convinced that he was for 
real.  Then, after I left out and got in my car  I saw Benny in the window.  His 
expression changed.  He looked…

Normal!  He looked normal, didn't he?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, he did.

What do you think I'm trying to tell you?  He is normal! He wanted you to see 

Dr. Brooks
Why would he want me to see that?

I…I don't know.  But you saw it for yourself!  Don't ignore that!  You saw it!  
He let you see it!

Dr.  Brooks
I'm exactly sure what I saw.  But, it was strange.

You have to believe what I'm telling you!  What you saw in the window was the 
real Benny.  He put on his act in the house, but that was the real him in the 
window.  Don't you get it?

Dr. Brooks
I'm not sure I do get it.  Tell me Denise, what do I need to do to get it?  What 
am I missing?

You need to disregard what you heard about me in the past!

Dr. Brooks
About being a storyteller.

Yes!  I admitted that I have told my share of lies in the past, but not this 
time!  Give me the benefit of the doubt!  Isn't that what you're here to do?

Dr. Brooks
Ok, Denise.  I tell you what.  I'm going to treat this case as if I know what 
you're saying is the absolute truth.  I'm going to do what I can to try and get 
proof of what you are saying.  I can't promise you anything, but I'm willing to 
try.  Does that sound fair?

Fair enough.

Dr. Brooks
Ok.                                            Cut To:

18INT-Dr. Brooks is in his kitchen at home.  He is pouring a glass of juice 
while he talks on the phone to Alicia.

Dr. Brooks
So, can I assume that you miss me?       Quick cut to:

Alicia at home in her bed with the phone to her ear.

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, you could assume that.  Could I assume the same?    Cut back to:

Dr. Brooks
Oh, yeah.  You could definitely assume that.  I'm sorry I didn't catch up to you 
today.  After my session with Denise, I didn't really hang around for too long.   
I brought my paper work home with me.                    Cut back to:

Dr. Calhoun
Oh?  So, you plan on doing it later?  In your boxers perhaps?       Cut back to:

Dr. Brooks laughs.

Dr. Brooks
Only if you come and help me.          Quick cut to:

Dr. Calhoun
What would I be wearing?        Quick cut to:   

Dr. Brooks
You could wear my boxers!        Quick cut to:

Dr. Calhoun
So, then what would you be wearing?     Quick cut to:

Dr. Brooks
My beautiful skin!            Quick cut to:

Alicia laughs.
Dr. Calhoun
You're crazy!         Cut to:

Dr. Brooks
Anyway.  I spoke to my mother.  I told her that you will be joining me next 
weekend when I go home.

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, alright.  So everything is fine?  She doesn't mind?

Dr. Brooks
No, not at all.  She's delighted.

Dr. Calhoun

Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  I think she marvels at the possibility of you and I getting married in 
the future.

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, really?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  But, don't you start getting any ideas.

Dr. Calhoun
What are you talking about?  What ideas?

Dr. Brooks
You know what I'm talking about.  I heard the way you said "Oh, really?"

Dr. Calhoun
How did I say it?

Dr. Brooks (imitating Alicia)
"Oh, really?"

Alicia giggles.

Dr. Calhoun
I didn't mean anything at all it by it.

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, right.  

Dr. Calhoun
So, how did your session go today?

Dr. Brooks takes a sip of the juice he poured for himself.

Dr. Brooks
It went OK.  As OK as it could go, I guess.

Dr. Calhoun
Any new interesting pieces of information?

Dr. Brooks
No, not much.  I tell you something though.  I think I'm beginning to believe 

Dr. Calhoun
About the brother?

Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  And the mother.  I mean, I told you about how Benny looked in the window 
as I was leaving.  And from what Denise says, the mother is very protective of 
her children.  So, if Benny was being abused by the grandparents, it doesn't 
seem too off the wall that she would come up with any solution she could to stop 
it.  So, she tells Benny after his accident, to pretend to be…you know, slow.  
That doesn't sound too crazy.  It's not something you hear about everyday, but 
it is very possible.

Dr. Calhoun
So, you buy her story now?

Dr. Brooks
I'm beginning to.  I told her I would look into it more.  See if I can't put 
together some proof of what she is saying.

Dr. Calhoun
Who are you, Matlock now?

Dr. Brooks
No.  But, I need to know more about this girl and her family before I can give a 
recommendation either way.  You know?

Dr. Calhoun
Yeah, I guess that makes sense.  I have to hand it to you.  You really put 
yourself into your work.  I admire that.

Dr. Brooks
Thank you.  I try to be admirable whenever possible.

Dr. Calhoun
Oh my God!  You cannot take a compliment!

Dr. Brooks
I'm kidding, Alicia! Relax, alright?  I'm kidding. I appreciate the compliment.  

Dr. Calhoun
I'm quite sure you do, Elijah.  You appreciate it a little too much!

Hey, did I tell you about the other night?

What happened the other night?

Somebody tried to break in my house.

Are you serious?

Yeah!  I was in the living room, and I saw a shadow creeping past the window 
going around back.  So, I got up and got my bat and went to the back door.  They 
came right up to the backdoor and looked through the glass.  They had on 
a…colorful mask.  It was weird.  Anyway, I swung the bat at the glass and broke 
it, and they ran off.

I can't believe that!  Did you call the police or anything?

Nah.  They didn't actually break in or anything so,…you know.


.  But, listen, I'm going to give Denise's parents a call.  Try to schedule a 
time to go back up to the cabin and talk with them.  I'll talk back to you 
later, alright?

Dr. Calhoun
Alright then.  See you later.

Dr. Brooks

He presses the button on the cordless phone ending the call. Elijah looks at the 
phone in his hand for a moment.  He smiles and shakes his head.  He begins to 
look around on the counter top.

Where in the world did I put that number at?                          Cut To:

19INT-We see Herald sitting on the couch with Benny.  They are watching t.v. 
together.  Benny laughs at something he sees on television.  Herald looks down 
at Benny and smiles.  Suddenly, we hear a knock at the door.  Herald gets to his 
feet.  From the kitchen we hear Silvia's voice:

Is that Dr. Brooks already?

Herald goes to the front window and pulls the curtains to the side.  From his 
point of view we see Elijah's vehicle parked out front.

Herald (Yelling into the Kitchen)
Yeah, it's him!

Herald goes to the front door, unlocks it, and opens it.  We see Dr. Brooks.

Dr. Brooks
Mr. Franklin, how are you?

I'm good, Doc.  Come in.

Herald steps to the side and Elijah enters.  Herald closes the door behind him.  
Silvia comes out of the kitchen.  She smiles upon seeing Elijah.

Hello, Dr. Brooks.  Nice to see you again.

Dr. Brooks
You too.  Thank you for allowing me to come back.  I appreciate it.

No problem.  Can I get you something to drink?

Dr. Brooks
Uhh, a nice glass of ice water would be great.  Thanks.

As Silvia turns to go into the kitchen, the phone rings.  Herald picks it up.  
Elijah looks over at the couch and sees Benny sitting there watching television.  
He approaches him, while Herald talks on the phone in the background.

Dr. Brooks
Hey, Benny!  What's up, buddy?

Benny turns his attention from the t.v. to Elijah.  He smiles faintly.


Dr. Brooks
You remember me?  Dr. Brooks?  Remember I came before?


Dr. Brooks
Yeah.  So, how you been, Benny?


Dr. Brooks
Good.  I'm glad you're doing OK.  

Behind Elijah we see Silvia returning with a glass of ice water.  Elijah turns 

Oh, thank you. 

You're welcome.

We see Herald on the phone.

…Alright, I'll be right down there.

Herald hangs up the phone.  

What's wrong?

Ahh, these idiots don't know what they're doing.  They've got the blueprints all 
mixed up.  I gotta go down there and supervise.

Herald  grabs a set of keys off of the coffee table.

Sorry I couldn't stick around, Doc.  I gotta go to work for a while.  Maybe, 
I'll catch you another time.

Dr. Brooks
Alright, I look forward to it.

Herald approaches Silvia.  He kisses her.

Be back as soon as I can.

Ok, be careful.  

Herald approaches Benny and rubs the top of his head in a fast motion.

See ya later, Ben.  Take care of mom, alright?


Herald turns and walks out of the front door.  Elijah turns to Silvia.

Dr. Brooks
What is it your husband does?

He's a project supervisor.  He works for a construction company.  He's in charge 
of supervising certain projects.  Apparently there's some confusion that he has 
to go straighten out.

Dr. Brooks
Oh, OK.

Benny walks up to Elijah.

Denise drew me!

Yeah, I remember hearing about that.

You wanna see?

Yeah, let me take a look at it.

Benny turns and runs down the hallway.  He gets to the end of it and turns 

Come on!

It's in there?


Oh, alright then.

Elijah walks toward Benny with Silvia close behind him.   They follow Benny 
inside a bedroom.   Benny points to a portrait of him on the wall.

See?  It's me!

Yeah, that's you.  Looks just like you.

Cause it's me!

Yeah, that's right.  It is.

Elijah glances over at another wall. It has many decorated masks on it.  Elijah 
looks over all of them.  Benny sees Elijah looking and runs over.  

Denise made these too!  You can put them on!

Benny grabs the closest one to him and puts it on.


Yeah, that's cool!

Elijah looks back up at the wall.  He glances over all of the masks.  He spots 
the one that the prowler outside his back door was wearing.  He is in shock for 
a moment.  We see Benny take off the mask and put it back on the hook in the 
wall.  Silvia steps in front of Elijah, as if trying to take his attention off 
of the masks on the wall.

Would you like to go and sit out back on the deck?

Dr. Brooks
Sure.  Sounds good.

Silvia motions to Benny.  He runs past them out of the room and into the 
kitchen.  Silvia and Elijah follow.                    Cut to:

Benny bursting out of the back door.  He hops off the deck onto the ground.  
Silvia and Elijah come out moments later.  They sit down in chairs on the deck.  
They watch Benny as he picks up a stick and acts as if he is sword fighting.

Dr. Brooks
He has a good bit of energy.

You got that right.

Dr. Brooks
Has he always been that way?

Yeah, pretty much.

Dr. Brooks
Is there anything about him now that was different before…his accident?

Silvia looks at Elijah for a moment and then looks back at Benny.

Well, of course.  I mean his mind doesn't function the way it used to.  His 
thought process is much slower. (Looking at Elijah) Why do you ask?

Dr. Brooks
I apologize if I made you uncomfortable in any way.  I only ask because I'm just 
trying to establish your thoughts on Benny and his condition.

My thoughts on Benny and…oh, I get it.  This is about what Denise said.  About 
Benny faking.

Dr. Brooks
Yeah, it is.  I'm a little torn.  I don't know what to believe.  I mean, I see 
Benny, and I believe that his condition is real.  But, then I talk with Denise, 
and she tells me otherwise.

What is she telling you that would make you doubt Benny's condition?

Dr. Brooks
Well, just recently she told me something about you.

About me?  What about me?

Dr. Brooks
Well, she told me that Benny is faking because you told him to.

What!?  Because I told him to?  Are you serious?

Dr. Brooks
Indeed I am.  

Why in the world would I do something like that, Dr. Brooks?

Dr. Brooks
Well, according to Denise, you were trying to protect him.

From what?

Dr. Brooks
From their grandparents. The abusive grandparents. They were abusive, weren't 

Silvia looks at Benny again.  From her point of view, we see Benny still sword 
fighting.  We come back to Silvia and Dr. Brooks.  She looks back at Elijah.

Yeah.  They were.

Dr. Brooks
According to Denise they were especially abusive to Benny.  She says that she 
and Benny told you and your husband about the abuse, but no action was taken.  
And the abuse continued.

Silvia looks away.  She is becoming emotional.  

I…I'm sorry, Mrs. Franklin.  I didn't mean to-

I wanted to do something!  God knows I did!  Herald…he thought it was nothing!  
He thought it was just tough love!  Locking a child in a closet!  Denying a 
child food!  That's not love!  Tough or otherwise!

Dr. Brooks
 I agree.  You 're absolutely right.  So, would you agree that it's motive 
enough for a concerned parent to convince a child to pretend they had brain 
damage?  You know, in hopes that it could bring an end to the abuse?

I…Maybe another mother, but not me!  I did not tell my son to pretend something 
was wrong with him!  Quite frankly I'm shocked to hear that Denise would tell 
you such things!

Dr. Brooks
What reason do you think Denise has to make that up?

I don't know!  Just like I don't know why she made up any other things she told 
me in the past.

Dr. Brooks
Out of curiosity, Mrs. Franklin, what lies has she told you in the past?

Silvia takes a deep breath.  She pauses for a moment.

Once, I couldn't find my favorite pair of earrings.  They weren't in my jewelry 
box where I always keep them.  So, I asked everyone in the house if they had 
seen them anywhere.  Everyone, including Denise, told me they hadn't seen them.  
I came to accept that they were just gone.  I concluded it was by my own fault 
somehow.  The next night I was in the living room watching television with my 
husband.  The children were in bed sleep.  Supposed to be anyway.  I got up to 
get…something out of my room, I can't remember what.  Anyhow, I turn on my 
bedroom light and see Denise by my dresser.  She was trying to sneak and put the 
earrings back into the jewelry box.

Dr. Brooks
So, she had them?

Yes she did.  She blatantly lied to me.  That wasn't the first or the last time.  
So, maybe you should think twice before you believe these stories she's telling 

Dr. Brooks
I'll  keep that in mind.  So,  is there any question in your mind about Benny's 

What do you mean?

Dr. Brooks
I mean do you trust Benny to be honest with you at all times?  I don't mean now.  
I mean in the past.  Has he ever given you any reason to question his honesty?

No.  Not to my recollection.

Dr. Brooks
So you don't think Benny could be fooling you?  You don't think it's at all 

No!  I know my son!  I…Dr. Brooks, why is it you're so interested in my son?  
What do you hope to gain by all these questions about Benny?  Are you trying to 
take the blame off of Denise by putting it on Benny?  Are you her doctor or her 

Dr. Brooks looks down for a moment.  He picks his head back up.  He nods.

Dr. Brooks
I completely understand where you're coming from.  I'm Denise's doctor, but here 
I am asking all these questions about Benny.  The only reason I'm asking 
questions about Benny, is not because I'm trying to place the blame on him.  I'm 
not saying he is guilty of murdering the grandparents.  But, he had as much 
reason as Denise to hate them.  To despise them with all of his being.  In fact, 
he had more reason than Denise, because he was the main target!  Now, I have to 
make a decision.  I have to decide whether I believe that Denise is mentally 
stable. I have to say whether I think she is fit to return to society without 
being a danger to it.  If she can return to your custody without being a danger 
to you.  It will help me to know if she even was ever a danger in the first 
place.  Therefore, for my own peace of mind, I would like to know if she is 
actually guilty of the crime she was accused of.  To do that, I need to feel 
confident that there is no way it could have been any one else.  With Benny 
having motive, and the possibility that he could possibly be using a false 
condition as a defense, I-

Silvia jolts up to her feet.

Dr. Brooks, I think I've answered all of your question that I care to.  I don't 
mean to be rude, but I would appreciate it if you left.

Elijah gets to his feet.  He looks out at Benny and then back at Silvia.

Dr. Brooks
OK.  I can respect that.  I'm deeply sorry if I offended you.  I promise you it 
wasn't my intention at all.

I'm sure it wasn't.

Dr. Brooks looks out at Benny again.

Dr. Brooks
Is it alright if I just go and say good bye to Benny?

It's fine.  As long as you don't ask him any questions, it's fine.

Dr. Brooks
No, no questions.  You have my word.

Elijah begins to walk down the steps and out into the grassy area where Benny is 
still sword fighting with the stick.  Benny stops upon seeing Elijah 
approaching.  Elijah comes right up to Benny.

Dr. Brooks
Alright, Benny, I'll see you later.


Elijah leans over and looks Benny square in the eyes.  In a quiet voice he says:

Dr. Brooks
I know.

Benny looks confused.


Dr. Brooks
I know.  Denise told me all about it.  I know you're faking.  You're not fooling 
me.  Give it up.

Benny continues to look at Elijah in a confused manner.  In the background we 
hear Silvia clear her throat loudly.  She is trying to get Elijah's attention.  
Elijah turns and looks at her.  Silvia gives him a stern look.  Elijah nods at 
her.  He turns back to Benny, and in a louder voice that Silvia can hear says:

Alright Benny.  See ya, Buddy!

Elijah gives Benny a look and then turns and walks back toward the deck.  He 
stops and looks at Silvia.

I have just one more question.  Did Denise do a lot of swimming out here in the 

Never.  She can't swim.  Now please go.

Elijah nods and walks away.

                       Cut To:

20INT-We see Elijah and Alicia inside Elijah's vehicle.  Elijah drives while 
Alicia eats strawberries from a plastic container.  She takes one out of the 
container and extends it to Elijah.  He looks down at it.

Dr. Brooks
What are you doing?

Dr. Calhoun
I'm sharing my strawberries with you.  You don't want one?

Dr. Brooks
I can't eat it like that.

Dr. Calhoun
Why not?

Dr. Brooks
I don't want to eat it like that.

Dr. Calhoun
So, how do you want to eat it then?

Dr. Brooks
You're supposed to hold it between your lips.  Then I lean over and take it from 
you with my lips.  Don't you know anything about romance?

Dr. Calhoun
Oh, excuse me!  I wasn't aware that this was a romantic car trip.  

Dr. Brooks
Well, it is.  So, come on. Let's go.  Feed me my strawberry!

Alicia laughs.  She does as Elijah said and wedges a strawberry in between her 
lips.  She leans over toward Elijah.  He leans toward her and with his own lips, 
takes the strawberry from Alicia.  They kiss in the process.  Alicia giggles as 
she moves back over into her seat.  Elijah smiles.  He chews it up happily.

That's how you eat a strawberry.                              Cut To:

21Ext- We see the outside of Elijah's car as it speeds down the highway.  We are 
high above it looking down on it.    We quick cut to:

Elijah's car pulling up in a driveway.  He parks it.  After a few moments he and 
Alicia step out of it.  They stand in the driveway stretching.  They both 
approach the front door.  Elijah grabs Alicia's arm and pulls her close to him.

Alright, are you ready for this?

Yeah.  It's not that serious, is it?

Just remember what I said.  She's probably going to try and put us on the spot.  
Asking questions about us and our relationship.  Don't fall into her traps.  
Whatever she asks you, give yes or no answers.  Don't go into detail.  She'll 
try to turn your words around on you.

Are you serious?

Can't you see the anxiety on my face?  She's obsessed with me getting married.

Ok, so let's just get married then.

Hey!  Behave yourself.  Don't walk in here with that crazy talk!

Alicia laughs.  They approach the front door.  We quick cut to:

INT-Elijah's mother, Mrs. Brooks inside the house in the living room.  She 
places a magazine on the coffee table.  We zoom in  and see it is a magazine 
about bride's dresses. We hear the doorbell ring.  Mrs. Brooks smiles and jogs 
to the front door.  She pulls it open.  Over her shoulder we see Elijah and 

Mrs. Brooks
You got here quick!

Yeah, we made good time.  How you doin', ma?

Elijah steps forward into the house and hugs his mother.

Mrs. Brooks
I'm good, I'm good.  I'm glad you came.

Elijah lets go of his mother, and turns to look at Alicia.  

Ma, this is Alicia.  Alicia, this is my mother Angie.

Hi!  Nice to meet you, finally!

Mrs. Brooks
Yeah!  I was just about to say that!

Mrs. Brooks steps forward and hugs Alicia.  She let's her go and looks her up 
and down.

What a pretty young lady!

Thank you!

Mrs. Brooks reaches down and lifts up Alicia's left hand.  She looks at her 
fingers and then returns the hand to Alicia's side.  Alicia looks confused.

Ma, what are you doing?

Mrs. Brooks
I was checking for a ring.  Hoping maybe you had a surprise for me.

Alicia laughs.

Come on, ma.  We just got here.  Don't start in on us already.

Mrs. Brooks
Ok, I'm sorry.  Excuse me, then.  Come on over here and sit down.

The three make their way into the living room.  Mrs. Brooks takes a seat in a 
recliner while Alicia and Elijah sit on the sofa.  Elijah glances down at the 
coffee table and sees the magazine.  He looks up at his mother.  She sees that 
he has noticed the magazine.  Alicia is busy pulling off her coat.  She does not 
notice what they are doing.  Elijah holds up the magazine and puts a look of 
disbelief on his face.  Mrs. Brooks shrugs her shoulder and mouths the word 
"What?".  Alicia is finished pulling off her coat.  Elijah quickly tucks the 
magazine underneath the sofa before Alicia can see it.

You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Brooks.

Mrs. Brooks
Thank you, but call me Angie.

Angie? Alright, then.

Mrs. Brooks
So, how are things at the hospital?

Elijah and Alicia look at one another. Elijah makes a hand gesture for Alicia to 
answer the question.

Things are okay, for me.  Same old, same old mostly.  But not for your son.  
He's treating a girl who has to be the most controversial patient at Bloomberg.

Mrs. Brooks
So I've heard!  How's the treatment coming with her?

It gets a little more interesting every day.  I went back up to the cabin to see 
the parents and the brother.

Mrs. Brooks
Really?  How was that?

It was…odd.  Like everything else about this girl and her family.

Mrs. Brooks
What happened?

Well, I really only got  a chance to talk to the mother.  A few minutes after I 
got there, the father got called to work.  So, I went out to the deck out back 
with the mother, Silvia, and spoke with her.

Mrs. Brooks
What about the brother?  Where was he?

He was right there in front of us playing in the woods.  Anyhow, I tried to ask 
questions that were blunt, but not too offensive.  Apparently, I failed at that.

Mrs. Brooks
Why?  What happened?

She got a little…peeved, and asked me to leave.

Mrs. Brooks
What in the world did you say to her?

I think I hit a nerve when I kept suggesting that Benny was faking.  I informed 
her that Denise said it was her who told Benny to pretend something was wrong 
with him.  She really didn't like that.  So, needless to say it didn't go as 
well as I had hoped.  

Mrs. Brooks
So, if you had to make your decision today based on what you know, would you 
have her sent home or remain at the institution?

Elijah scratches his chin in deep thought.  Mrs. Brooks is staring at him 
anticipating his response.  Elijah looks to his side at Alicia.  She is waiting 
as well.

I have to say…I do believe her.  I would send her home.

Mrs. Brooks

Yeah. I was skeptical of her at first.  I really was.  But, the more I talk to 
her the more I get the feeling that one: she's sane, and two: she didn't kill 
her grandparents.

So, if not her then who do you think did it?

That I don't know.  It could be Benny.  It could be Silvia.  They could both be 
involved.  I don't know.  That's where I am now.  Trying to figure out what 
really is going on.

Mrs. Brooks
Well, if you believe that the girl is sane, isn't that all that matters?  I mean 
isn't that all you're supposed to be determining?

It's the main part of it, yeah.  But, I have to determine whether she should be 
released into her parents custody.  If it turns out Silvia or Benny is the 
actual culprit, I'd be sending Denise to live with a murderer.  You understand?

Mrs. Brooks nods her head.                              Cut to:

22INT-We see Denise in the recreation area at the Bloomberg Institution.  She is 
sitting in a chair at a small desk.  She is drawing with colored pencils.  We 
close in on the picture and see she has drawn a model of the cabin in which are 
parents are staying.  She draws quietly, seeming to be intensely focused.  An 
administrator comes up behind her and leans over her shoulder looking at her 

That's a lovely drawing, Denise.  Is that your home?

Denise (sounding stand off-ish)
No.  Bloomberg is my home now.

The administrator seems unaware of how to respond.  She finally finds the words.

Oh…well.  So,…whose home is that your drawing then?

It's my grandparents cabin.  Used to be.  Now my parents own it.

Oh, OK.  They must be enjoying it.  It looks beautiful.

Not for much longer.

Why not?

My father is finally going to sell it to his construction company.  They're 
gonna knock it down and build something else.

How do you know that?

I heard my father talking about it on the phone.  A few months before I came 
here.  He's gonna make a lot of money off it.  They're going to pay him a lot 
just for the property and land.  Then he's going to get a commission from his 
job on top of that.

Really?  He doesn't want to hold onto the cabin?  For memories sake or…

No.  He's been wanting to sell that cabin since before my grandparents were 
killed.  He offered them a lot of money to sell it to him, but they refused.  He 
tried and tried, but they wouldn't budge.  For awhile, he and my grandparents 
weren't on good terms because of it.  Actually, they never got to make up.  You 
know, cause my grandparents were killed.

The administrator looks at Denise with a look of confusion.  She seems to be 
making a mental note of what Denise has just told her.  She nods her head at 
Denise, who resumes drawing.  The administrator walks off.

23EXT-We see Denise's father Herald.  He is at a construction site.  He is 
walking beside another man.  The man is his boss, Richard.

So, everything is a go?

Definitely.  When you do think you would want to begin construction?

I'll have to get back to you about the specifics.  But definitely within the 
next few months.  So, Silvia is okay with everything?

Herald exhales loudly. 

I haven't…exactly talked to her about it yet.

What?  Why the hell not?

Look, I just haven't gotten around to it.  Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it?  You're going to sell that cabin without talking with your 
wife about it first?

Look, she has nothing to do with it!  I inherited that cabin.  ME!  She has no 
say in what I do with it.  So, like I said, don't worry.  Everything is fine.

Ok, Herald.  You're the man.  I'll call you about getting the  paper work 

Sounds good.

The two men shake hands and Richard walks off ahead.  We close in on Herald.  He 
stands watching Richard walk off.  He has an indescribable look on his face.

24INT-We see Elijah and Alicia in Mrs. Brook's living room.  They are cuddled up 
together on the couch watching television.  Mrs. Brooks comes on screen.  She 
stares at the two of them on the couch.  She smiles and continues to stare.  
Elijah is becoming agitated.  He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.

Come on, mom.

Mrs. Brooks
What?  I just think you two are cute.  All cuddled up together.  That's cute!

Alicia giggles. 

You don't have to stare at us like we're chimps at the zoo.

Mrs. Brooks
Alright, alright.  I'm going to bed anyway.  I'll see you in the morning.  (To 
Alicia) Don't let him keep you up all night.  He can sit on the couch watching 
t.v. 'til 4 in the morning!  You get tired, you go to sleep.  The guest bedroom 
is down the hall on the right, okay?

Okay.  Thank you Angie.

Mrs. Brooks
See you in the morning.

Good night, mom.

Mrs. Brooks walks out of the living room and off camera.  Elijah and Alicia look 
at each other.  Alicia giggles.

Your mother is funny.

Yeah, she's funny alright.  Did you hear her?  Talking about the guest bedroom?  
Like you hadn't already planned on sleeping on the pull out couch with me.

What?  Sleep on the pull out couch with you?

Yeah!  Come on, don't act surprised.  Don't look startled!

Alicia laughs.

So, you just assumed that I planned on sleeping with you?

Where else?  What, in the guest bedroom?  Don't be ridiculous!

No, you don't be ridiculous!  I am sleeping in the guest bedroom for your 

Ok, we'll see.

We sure will.

Elijah grabs the remote and begins flicking through channels.  He comes to a 
channel and Alicia puts her hand out to stop him from changing the channel.

Hey, Good Times is on!  Let's watch it.

You watch Good Times reruns too?

Yeah!  You do?


I love it.  J.J. is so crazy!

What's funny is, that J.J. was an odd looking fellow, but he was still smooth 
with the ladies.  I never understood that.

I know!

They silently watch the show for a moment.  Then Elijah speaks up again.

Look at Michael.  He swore he was so smart. I couldn't stand him!

Oh, My God!  Look at J.J.'s shirt!

What in the world is wrong with that kid?  His shirt looks like a curtain!

The two laugh.                             Fade out:

Fade in:  It is the next morning and Elijah and Alicia are asleep on the couch 
with the television still on.  Mrs. Brooks enters the living room.

Mrs. Brooks
Elijah! Rise and shine!

Mrs. Brooks goes to the window and opens the blinds and lets in some sunlight. 
Elijah and Alicia are slowly waking up.  They both are squinting from the glare 
of the sunlight.

Mom, what in the world are you doing?

Mrs. Brooks
I'm opening the blinds.  Rise and shine.

What time is it?

Mrs. Brooks
It's 8:30.  Are you hungry Alicia?

I sure am.

Mrs. Brooks
Good.  Why don't you come help me cook breakfast.  We can get acquainted.

Alright.  I'll be in there in one second.

Mrs. Brooks walks from the window toward the kitchen.  She stops in front of 
Elijah, who has his eyes closed again, and pushes his head.

Mrs. Brooks
Wake up, boy.

Why?  Am I late for something?  I don't understand!

Mrs. Brooks walks off into the kitchen.  On the couch, we see Alicia and Elijah 
both yawning and stretching.  Elijah looks over at Alicia.

I told you.

You told me what?

I told you that were going to sleep with me.  I don't know why you tried to act 
like you weren't.

Whatever!  I fell asleep on accident!

Tell it to the judge, sweetie.  We know the real deal!

Shut up!

Alicia grabs Elijah and they begin to wrestle playfully.  From in the kitchen we 
hear Mrs. Brooks:

Mrs. Brooks
Don't knock anything over playing around in there!

Elijah and Alicia stop wrestling immediately.   Elijah hollers into the kitchen:

It's Alicia!  I told her to stop playing!

What!?  You're playing around too!

Elijah (hollering into the kitchen)
You see, mom?  She's always playing around!  That's why we're not engaged.  She 
plays too much!

Alicia grabs Elijah and begins to wrestle with him again.

You see!  She's doing it again!

Alicia let's go of Elijah.  She gets to her feet and walks backward into the 
kitchen while keeping her eyes on Elijah.  Elijah stretches out on the couch and 
closes his eyes.  From the kitchen we hear Mrs. Brooks' voice:

Mrs. Brooks
Get up!

Elijah sits up quickly.


In the kitchen we hear Alicia laughing.                    Cut to:

25INT- Elijah, Alicia, and Mrs. Brooks walk inside of a small restaurant.  It is 
Elijah's brother Corey's restaurant.  The three walk inside and are greeted by a 

Hello.  Welcome to 'Let's Eat'.  Will it be just you three?

Yeah, just us.

Okay, let me show you to your table.

The server turns and begins walking with the three following her.  The server 
leads them to a table.  They sit down.  The server places menus in front of 
them.  When she places the menu in front of Elijah, she stops and stares at him 
for a moment.

Do I know you from somewhere?

Mrs. Brooks speaks up before Elijah has a chance to.

Mrs. Brooks
No, he just looks like his brother Corey.  That's who you're thinking of.

You're Corey's brother?


Mrs. Brooks
That's what I said.

Oh.  Well, you must be their mother.

Mrs. Brooks
That's right.

Well, you must be proud.  You have two very handsome sons.

Alicia throws the server a look.  The server is staring at Elijah and doesn't 
notice.  Mrs. Brooks speaks up.

Mrs. Brooks

The server turns her head suddenly as if she was startled.


Mrs. Brooks
Is my other…handsome son around?

Oh, yeah.  He's in the back You want  me to get him?

Mrs. Brooks (nods her head)

The server looks at Elijah once more and then walks off.  Alicia looks upset.

Did you see the way she was staring at him?

Mrs. Brooks

Elijah looks confused.


Alicia and Mrs. Brooks (in unison)

Me?  How was she looking at me?

Mrs. Brooks
Like she wanted to sop you up with a buiscuit!


You saw her!

Mrs. Brooks (to Alicia)
You saw her too!


Mrs. Brooks
You sat there and watched that girl stare at your man  with those bedroom eyes.  
Why didn't you say something?

Alicia (searching for words)

Mrs. Brooks
The world is full of little loose girls like her running around.  What are you 
gonna do when you two get married?  Still sit back and let it go on?  Some 
little hoochie flirting with your husband?  Right in front of you?

Whoa, whoa, slow down.  Husband? 

Mrs. Brooks
That's right!  When you two do get married, you can't-

Whoa, whoa, who's getting married?  We're not gonna get married!

We're not?

Why are you- What do you mean 'we're not?', why are you acting surprised?

Well, it's just the way you said it.  Like…never ever.  Like…not even possible.

Mrs. Brooks
You see there?  The girl is trying to tell you something.

I am?

Mrs. Brooks
Of course!  Anybody can see!  She wants to get married.

Elijah (looking at Alicia)
You do?

Alicia (looking at Mrs. Brooks)
I do?

Behind the three we see Corey come up.

Hey, what's going on over here.  What are we talking about?

Mrs. Brooks
These two getting married.

Corey has a surprised look on his face.  He smiles.

You're getting married?  Congratulations, man!

No, I'm-

That's why you came down here!  To tell me?

Corey walks around the table and hugs Elijah.

I'm so happy for you, man!

No, Corey, listen-

Corey (to Alicia)
And you!  My new sister in law!

Corey hugs Alicia tightly.

Thank you, but-

Welcome to the family, sis!

She's not-

Corey (to Mrs. Brooks)
And mama!  Can you believe it!  Your son getting married?  My brother?  I can't 
believe it!

Corey hugs Mrs. Brooks.

Elijah (raising his voice)

Corey stops and looks at Elijah.

We're not getting married.

Corey looks confused.

What?  What are you talking about?  Ma just said-

It's not true.  She's trying to persuade us to get married.  But we're not.

Wait a minute.  So you're not getting married?


Corey (To Alicia)
You neither?


So, why the hell am I running around hugging everybody?         CUT TO:

26EXT-Elijah, Alicia, Corey and Mrs. Brooks are all out in front of Mrs. Brooks' 
home.  Elijah and Alicia are saying goodbye.  We see Alicia hug Mrs. Brooks.

Thank you so much for letting us stay with you, Mrs. Brooks.

Mrs. Brooks
Uh-Angie.  Call me Angie.

That's right.  Angie.  Thank you, Angie.

Mrs. Brooks

Elijah walks over to Mrs. Brooks.

Yeah, thanks again, Angie.  We appreciate it.

Mrs. Brooks
Don't you start calling me Angie.  

I'm just playing, ma.

Elijah hugs her.  He turns to Corey.

Alright, man, I'll see you soon.


Keep that restaurant going.  I'm proud of you.

Thank you, thank you.

Alicia turns to Corey.

It was nice meeting you, Corey

Yeah, you too, Alicia.  And listen, if you two do ever get married, please let 
me know.

Alicia laughs.


Alright, we're on our way.  I call both of you when I get home.

Mrs. Brooks
Alright, drive safe.

We will.

Mrs. Brooks
Love you.

I love you too, ma.  (Walking past Corey and pushing the side of his head 
playfully) You stay out of trouble.

Hey, man!

Elijah and Alicia get into the car and pull off.         Quick cut to:

INT- We see Elijah and Alicia sitting inside the car.

That was fun.  I enjoyed meeting your family.

Yeah.  Now it's back to the weekly routine, huh?

Yeah.  So, what's been happening with Denise lately?

Oh, yeah.  I haven't told you yet.

Told me what?

This thing is getting deeper and deeper.

What happened?

Well, you remember I told you somebody was trying to break into my house?  And 
they had a colorful mask on?


And you remember me telling you that I went over to the cabin to see Denise's 


Well, the mask that the person who tried to break in my house was wearing…


It was on the wall in the cabin.  

Alicia looks at Elijah.  She is shocked.  

Are you serious?

I couldn't joke about it.

Are you sure it was the same mask?

I'm positive.  It was a custom designed mask.

Well,…where did it come from?

The wall was full of masks.  Denise designs them.

So, Denise made that mask?


So, who was outside of your house that night?

I don't know.  But what  I do know is that it's somebody who's living in that 

Well, what do you know about the mother and father?

Not much.  

You know we can look them up.  You know, check out their backgrounds on the 

You know how to do that?

Yeah.  We can get to it as soon as we get back.

Good.  Maybe it'll help make sense of all of this madness.       Cut To:

27EXT-We see the car pull up in front of Alicia's house.  It is raining hard.  
Elijah and Alicia hop out the car and run inside.           Cut To:

INT-We see Elijah and Alicia walk into the living room.  Elijah plops down on 
the couch while Alicia takes a seat in front of the computer.  She begins 
typing.  Elijah lays back on the couch breathing heavily.

It's raining cats and dogs out there.  Literally.  I think I got hit in the head 
by a cocker spaniel or something.

Alicia laughs.

Hey, come over here.

Elijah gets up and walks over to Alicia at the computer.  He leans over her 
shoulder looking at the computer screen.

What's the mother's name?

Silvia Franklin.  

Alicia types it in,

Won't you get like…a thousand Silvia Franklin?

No.  We're searching for Silvia Franklin' living in this city.  Once we find 
her, then we can find information about her.

They watch the screen patiently waiting for the information to come up.

We got two Silvia Franklin.  This one is deceased, so obviously it's the other 

Alicia begins typing and retrieving information.

Here it is.  Silvia Robbins.   Her maiden name is Robbins. Born in Louisville, 
Kentucky.  Look at this.  She was expelled from her high school.

What?  Does it go into detail.

Apparently she was charged with aggravated assault.  It says she choked another 

I can't believe that!  She doesn't even seem like the violent type.

Well, you never can be too sure.

Elijah looks at Alicia closely.

You're starting to make me nervous.

Come on.  Be serious and focus.

Alright.  Try the father now.  Look him up.

Alicia clicks the mouse and hit's a few keys.

What's his  name?

Herald Franklin.

Alicia Types it in.  Again, the two wait patiently for the info to come up on 
the screen.

Alright.  Only one Herald Franklin.( clicks the mouse) It says he was also born 
in Louisville, Kentucky.  

Look!  Do you see that?

What?  Where are reading at?

Elijah (Pointing at the screen)
Down here.  He was adopted.  Those weren't his biological parents!

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking there's a lot this family is hiding.  Something isn't right.  I'm 
gonna find out what.                                    Cut To:

28EXT-We see Herald at a construction site looking at a blue print with a 

I don't know who told you guys that, but it's wrong.  If this thing isn't built 
right, I'm gonna catch hell.  And if I catch hell, then you guys are gonna catch 
hell from me.  Got it?

Herald's cell phone rings.   He snatches it off of his hip and begins to walk 

Yeah, who's this?

We hear Elijah's voice through the phone:

Hello, is this Herald?

Yeah.  Who's asking?

 This is Denise's therapist, Dr. Elijah Brooks.  I came to the cabin and met you 
and your wife and son.

Oh, yeah, yeah.  How'd you get this number?

It was on file at the hospital.

Oh.  So, what is it you want, Doc?

I was hoping that I could meet up with you.  Just for a few minutes.  You know, 
last time you had to go to work.  So, we didn't get a chance to speak.  I was 
hoping we could get together.

Uhh, alright.  Listen, I'm taking my lunch break in about 20 minutes.  You know 
where Tony's deli is?

Yeah, I know where that is.

Alright, well you can meet me there in about a half an hour.  That okay by you, 

Great.  I'll see you there.

Alright.  See ya.

Herald puts his phone back on his hip and continues walking.                          
Cut To:

29INT- We see Elijah sitting at a table in Tony's deli.  He is drinking 
something from a cup.  He sits alone waiting patiently.   We hear footsteps and 
Elijah looks up.  It is Herald.  Elijah stands up to greet him.

Herald, good to see you.

Yeah, you too, Doc.

The two sit down.

Are you…gonna go order a sandwich or something?

Uhh, no. I was, but…I'm not feeling so hungry now.

Oh, alright.  Well, I'm glad you came anyway.

So, what did you want to talk to me about, Doc?

Well, about your family.  Not just Denise, but you and your wife.  And Benny 

Herald begins to look slightly uncomfortable.  He readjusts himself in his 

What do we have to do with anything?

Well, you see, that's what I was hoping to find out.  

What are we talking about here?  What exactly are you getting at?

I'm going to be blunt.  I'm convinced that Denise is innocent of what she's been 
accused of.   What I think now, is that someone else at that cabin is involved.

What?  You're telling me you think me or my wife or Benny killed my parents?

Your adoptive parents, yes.

Herald has a bewildered look on his face.

My adoptive parents?


What the hell is that supposed to mean?

You were adopted weren't you?

Yeah, so what does that have to do with anything?

I don't know.  Listen.  Someone was tip toeing outside of my house one night.  
They had on a colorfully decorated mask.  Very beautiful mask.  Denise had 
informed me during one of our sessions that along with drawing, she also 
designed masks.

Yeah, so?

Wait, let me finish.  Now, when I came to visit you and your family at the 
cabin,  I saw something that struck me as odd.


Well, Benny asked me to come into one of the bedrooms to see the portrait Denise 
drew of him.  I glanced to the side and saw a wall full of masks.  Colorfully 
decorated masks.  And guess what?

I know where this is going.

You do?

Yeah.  You thought you saw the mask that the burglar was wearing, right?

No, I know I saw the mask that the burglar was wearing.  No mistake about it.

Doc, that's crazy.  You must've been mistaken.  There's a lot of masks on that 
wall.  You could have easily gotten confused.

No, Herald, you're not listening.  I know what I saw.  The same mask that person 
outside my back door had on is on the wall in your cabin.

That's' crazy!

I agree, it is crazy!  But it's true!

Alright, listen.  I tell you what.  What have you got planned for tomorrow 

Tomorrow night? Nothing.  Why?

Why don't you come out to the cabin tomorrow night for dinner.  You, me, and my 
wife can all talk.  You can get a second look at the masks on the wall, and 
we'll clear this up.  What do you say?

Elijah looks as if he is seriously thinking about it.


Sound good?

I'll be there.

Say about, 8?

I'll be there.

Alright.  I'm gonna go now.  I got some business to take care before I go back 
to work.  I'll see you tomorrow night.

Alright, Herald.

Herald gets to his feet and casually walks out of Tony's Deli.  Elijah sits at 
the table seeming to be in deep thought.              Cut To:

30INT-Elijah sits in his office with Denise.  He stares off blankly in the 
distance.  Denise looks impatient.

Are we talking about anything today?

Elijah snaps out of it and turns his attention toward Denise.

I'm sorry.  I'm just…confused.

About what?

Your family!  I…

What about them?  What's going on?

Listen, I'm not supposed to tell you this.  But, I'm going to recommend that you 
be sent home.

You are?

Yeah, but listen.  Something isn't right over there. 

What are you talking about?

Listen.  You know those masks you decorated?

Yeah, what about them?

I got a chance to see them at the cabin.  I recognized one of them.  


There was somebody creeping around outside my house one night.  And they were 
wearing one of your masks.

Are you kidding me?

Not in the least bit.  This is what I'm trying to tell you.  I think whoever 
that was outside my house is living in that cabin.  I think they were about to 
try and send me a message.

What message?

Maybe to mind my business.  Stop asking questions.  I think there's something 
going on that I'm not supposed to find out about.  Anyhow, I think it's about 
your grandparents murders.   I definitely don't think that you did it.  But 
somebody in that cabin knows something about who did.

I told you.


I told you.

You told me what, Denise?

I told you not to dig too deep.  I knew it.  I like you, Dr. Brooks.  I really 
do.  I didn't want anything to happen…

You didn't want anything to happen like what?  What are you talking about?

Nothing.  Just please, leave my family alone.  Please.

Denise, if you know something, you have to tell me.

Look, just please, leave them alone.  Don't dig any further.  Please.

Look, I don't have much choice.  I have to get some closure on this issue once 
and for all.  I've been invited to the cabin for dinner tonight.

What!?  You're not going are you?

Yeah, I am.  I've got a lot of unanswered questions.

Dr. Brooks, please-

Listen, Denise.  I don't know what all is going on with your family, but I plan 
on finding out tonight.

Denise (to herself)
You'll find out alright.

Elijah looks at Denise sharply.                                               
Cut To:

31INT-Elijah and Alicia are sitting in the break room at the Institution.
So you're still going?  Even though she was warning you not to?

I have to.  I mean I'm recommending that she be released because I honestly 
believe that she is innocent.  And if she's innocent, that means the murderer is 
free.  And I truly think the murderer is in that cabin.

What are you going to say?

I'm going to be blunt.  I'm just going to get right to it.  I'm going to 
confront all of them about the mask situation and ask them to explain that to 
me.  I just…whatever it is that they're hiding, I want them to be straight 
forward with me.

What do you think they're hiding?

The truth!  About how the grandparents were killed.  And why.  You don't just 
kill family members like that for no reason.  They know what happened.  Now I 
want to know.

You know, Elijah, before I told you I admired you for how dedicated you were to 
this case.  But,…I'm not so sure I feel that way anymore.

Why?  What are you talking about?

What if the murderer really is one of them like you suspect.  And one of them 
was outside of your house that night.


You don't think you'd be putting yourself in danger?  I mean, Denise even warned 
you not to go.

What Denise doesn't realize is that it's for her own good.  If somebody in that 
family is the murderer, I can't allow her to be released into their custody.  I 
can't send her to live with a murderer.  I have to know.  Do you understand?

Alicia nods.  She bends over and places her face in the palms of her hands.  She 
lets out a sigh.

I'm just…a little nervous, that's all.  I don't want to see anything happen to 

Look, I tell you what.  I'll have my cell phone.  Call me at 8:30 to check up.  
If I don't answer it at all, then be worried.  Call the police.  And here…

Elijah picks up a pen off the coffee table and snatches up a scrap piece of 
paper.  He jots something down.

This is the cabin address.  Okay?  You feel better about it?

A little.  Just be careful.

Elijah and Alicia embrace.                                   Cut To:

32INT-We see the cabin.  We hear the sound of a car engine getting closer.  
Elijah's car comes into view as it pulls up in front of the cabin.  We cut to 
Elijah inside of the car.  He stares at the cabin for a moment seeming a little 
nervous.  He takes a deep breath and opens his door and gets out.  We stay in 
the car and close in on the passenger seat.  Elijah has forgotten his cell 
phone.       We cut to Elijah approaching the front door.  He knocks three 
times.  After a few moments the door swings open.  It is Herald.

Dr. Brooks.  Right on time.  Come on in.

Thank you.

We cut to a shot from inside the house as Elijah enters and Herald closes the 
door behind him.

Benny and Silvia are in the room back there.  I think she's trying to help Benny 
find his other sneaker.

Oh, alright.

So, doc, can I ask you something?

What's that?

Why is it that you're so interested in my family?  I mean you're Denise's 
doctor, but you seem to be spending a lot of your time worrying about us.  Don't 
you think?

Well, you're absolutely right.  But, what you have to understand is that you can 
learn a lot about a person from getting to know the people who are closest to 
them.  That's all I'm trying to do.

No, that's not all you're trying to do.


That's not what you're trying to do.  It seems to me like you're trying to play 
detective.  At the deli yesterday, it sounded like you were trying to place 
blame on someone in my family for creeping around outside your house.  

Well, that's why I came tonight.  Hopefully I can be proven wrong.

Herald grins and nods his head.  He glances down at the floor.  From his point 
of view we see a sneaker.  He reaches down and picks it up.

Here's that sneaker she's looking for.  Hey, doc, would you mind taking this 
back in there to her.  I gotta go check on dinner.

Herald extends the sneaker toward Elijah.  Elijah hesitates for a moment and 
then accepts the sneaker.

No problem.

Herald and Elijah stare at each other for a moment and then Herald walks off 
into the kitchen.  Elijah turns and begins to walk down the hallway.  He reaches 
the door and looks inside.  He sees Benny.  Benny smiles.


Elijah takes a step inside the room.

Hey, buddy.  I got your sneaker.


Elijah takes a few more steps inside the room.

Hey, Benny, where's your m-

From Elijah's p.ov., we see a masked Silvia jump out suddenly from behind the 
door.  She smashes a lamp over Elijah's head.  As he blacks out, we fade out:

Fade in:  From Elijah's p.o.v., we see Herald and Silvia both standing in front 
of him wearing colorful masks.  Herald is wearing the one that the burglar had 

This look familiar?  You know, you almost broke the mask when you swung that 
bat.  Probably would have broken my nose too.

We switch to a regular shot and see that Elijah is tied up in a chair.  The side 
of his head where Silvia hit him with the lamp is badly bruised.

You couldn't control your curiosity, could you?  You had to keep pushing the 
issue.  Why couldn't you just walk away?

Because I needed to know.  I still need to know.

Know what? 

You know what.  Who killed them?

My parents?  You want to know who killed my parents?

That's right.

Who the hell do you think you are?  That I should tell you anything?   Besides, 
what would it matter now.  You won't be around to tell anybody else.

So, that's it.  You're just gonna kill me?  Just like that?

Why not?

If you won't tell me anything and I don't know anything, why do you need me 
dead?  I don't know anything!  What are you worried about?

We're not worried about anything.  Not anymore.  You'll be out of the way.  No 
more harassing questions. No more annoying visits.  Nothing.

I wasn't aware that I was so unwelcome here.

Yeah, well we'll show you just how unwelcome you are.

      We quick cut to:

INT-Alicia is at home in her living room.  She looks impatient.  She looks at 
her watch.  She leans over and snatches up the cordless phone off of the base.  
She dials a number.   Quick cut to:

INT- Inside Elijah's car we see his cell phone light up and start ringing. We 
watch the phone as it continues to ring.  We quick cut back to:

Alicia still waiting for Elijah to answer his phone.  She is getting frustrated.

Alicia (to herself)
Come on.  What are you doing?          Cut back to:

INT-Elijah tied in the chair staring at the Robbin's family.  They have all 
removed their masks now.  

So, what about Benny?

Hey!  You don't talk about my son!  You hear me!  You leave Benny out of this!

Take it easy, honey.  It's alright.  Don't let him get to you.  But, speaking of 
Benny, maybe I should go in his room and check on him.

What, you didn't want Benny to see you kill me?

Silvia snaps.  She lashes out and punches Elijah in the face.

I told you not to say his name!

It's alright, honey.  I'm gonna go check on him.  You watch the doc here.  Oh, 
if he tries anything…

Herald walks into the kitchen and quickly returns with a large kitchen knife.  
He hands it to Silvia.

You cut him.  You cut him good.

Silvia nods and extends the knife toward Elijah.  Herald turns and walks off 
down the hallway.  Silvia is breathing abnormally.  She is still upset.

I'm sorry, Silvia.  I didn't mean to offend you.

I'll bet you didn't.  You never do mean to be offensive.  What kind of therapist 
doesn't know how to talk to people?

You're right.  I should have known better.  Denise told me about how you're kind 

Kind of what?

Elijah whispers something that is barely audible.  Silvia leans over slightly.


Elijah repeats the inaudible statement.  Silvia leans in even closer.  She is 
within a foot of Elijah's face.  He begins to whisper again, and Silvia is 
slowly coming closer to him.  In an instant Elijah lunges forward and head-butts 
Silvia.  The blow is staggering and and Silvia falls unconscious.  Elijah looks 
to the side to see if Herald is coming.  He sees the coast is clear.  He looks 
down by Silvia and sees the knife she had lying on the floor.  Elijah hops in 
his chair closer to the knife.  He tilts the chair and makes his fall to the 
floor, with his back to the knife.                      Cut to:

INT- Alicia is dialing on her phone. 

Hello?  This is going to sound insane, but I may need some officers sent to a 
Cut To:

INT-Elijah has grabbed the knife with his hands behind his back.  He turns the 
blade toward the rope.  He  begins to scratch the knife against the rope.  He is 
in a panic.  He continues to cut at the rope.  He is cutting furiously.  We zoom 
in on his hands and see that he's sawed through one of the ropes.  He continues 
sawing through another.     Cut To:

INT- Alicia is still on the phone with 911.

Listen, he told me that if he didn't answer his phone then call the police 
because something is wrong.  I've called it, and he didn't answer.  Something 
must be wrong. (Pauses) Alright, I'll call it again.  Hold on.

Alicia clicks over onto the other line and dials Elijah's cell number again.     
Cut To:

INT-Inside Elijah's car we see the phone light up and start ringing.    Cut back 

INT- Alicia waiting on the phone.  She gives up and clicks back over to 911.

He's still not answering.  Something is wrong!  Just send a car over there.  
Please! (Pauses)   Alright, the address is….            Cut To:

INT-Elijah is making progress with the knife.  He saws through another piece of 
rope.  He starts to wiggle his hands. He hears a voice off camera.  It is 
Herald.  Elijah realizes he is coming and wiggles harder.  He hears Herald's 
footsteps.  He continues wiggling.  He finally frees his hands.  He pulls the 
rope from around him and hops up to his feet.  He runs toward the kitchen.  Just 
then Herald enters the living room and sees him.


Elijah continues running and goes out the back door.  Herald begins to pursue 
but then sees Silvia lying on the floor.  He stops and jogs over to check on 

Honey?  Silvia, talk to me, honey.  Are you alright?

Silvia is beginning to come to, but she is still not moving.  

Stay here, honey.  I'm gonna get him.  Okay?  Stay here.

Herald runs to the hall closet.  He reaches up on the closet shelf and grabs out 
a weapon.  It is piece of 4x4 wood with 4 long sharp nails sticking outward.  He 
runs out the back door after Elijah with the weapon in hand.  We stay in the 
living room and see a figure coming down the hallway.  It's Benny.                        
Cut To:

EXT-Elijah is running through the woods behind the cabin.  He is breathing 
heavily.  He spots a large tree and hides behind it.  He sticks his head off to 
the side slightly and peeks out at the cabin.  He sees Herald walking furiously 
with his weapon in hand.  Elijah pulls his head back behind the tree.  He looks 
down at the knife in his hand.  He clutches it tightly.   We hear Herald 
hollering out:

Come on, doc!  Stop making this harder than it needs to be!  Stop being a 
Herald continues to walk through the woods madly.  He is getting closer to the 
tree Elijah is hiding behind.  

You hurt my wife!  You know that?  You hurt her!  Now I'm gonna hurt you, doc!  
That's how it works!

Elijah can tell that Herald is getting close.  He looks as if he is getting 
ready to make his move.    Herald gets within 3 feet of the tree, and Elijah 
leaps out.  He thrusts the knife into Herald's shoulder.   Herald lets out a 
scream.  He uses his other arm and swings the wood at Elijah's leg.  All three 
nails pierce Elijah's leg.  He yelps in pain.  Both men pull their weapons out 
of the other and take a step back.  Elijah is limping.  He rubs his injured leg 
while Herald holds a hand over the stab wound on his shoulder.

I'm not gonna let you kill me, Herald.

You don't have a choice, doc!

Both men have their weapons extended.  They move around one another in circles.

You do!  You don't have to do this.

Yes I do!

Why? For what?

My children!  To protect my children!

From who?

From you!  And other people like you!  You don't fool with a man's family!      
Cut To:

INT-Alicia and an officer riding in a squad car.

I really hope this isn't all for nothing.

I hope it is all for nothing.               Cut To:

EXT-Herald and Elijah are still circling around each other.

Listen, Herald, I'm not out to destroy your family.  I'm really not!

You shut up!  You're a liar!  That's exactly what you're trying to do.  I won't 
let you do that, doc.  It ends here. It ends right here!

Herald lunges forward and swings the wood at Elijah.  Elijah jumps back and 
dodges it.  Herald swings it again, and Elijah again jumps back and dodges it.       
Cut To:

EXT- The squad car flying down the road.           Cut To:

EXT- Elijah and Herald are still facing off.

Why are you doing this, doc?

Me?  What am I doing?  You're doing this!

No!  You're making me do this!  You  couldn't stay away from my family!  


I love my family, doc.  More than I love myself.  Anything that harms or 
interferes with my family…

What about your parents?


What about your parents?  They harmed your children.

Yeah, well they're not around to do that anymore, are they?

So, you killed them?  You killed your parents?

I did what I had to do for my family.  You got that?  I did what I had to. And 
now because of you I have to do it again.


Herald attempts to rush at Elijah.  He cocks his arm back ready to swing his 
weapon forward.  Elijah grabs his arms before he can bring it forward.   With 
his other hand, Elijah jabs the knife into Herald's heart.  Elijah takes a few 
steps backward.  Herald slowly lets his weapon drop from his hand.  He is in 
shock.  He looks down at the knife in his chest.  He is breathing shallowly.  He 
extends his hands toward Elijah as if asking for help.  Herald suddenly drops to 
his knees.  He pauses on his knees for a moment, and then falls to the side.  He 
lays there motionless.  Elijah stares at him for a moment.  He turns his 
attention toward the cabin and the begins to limp toward it.           Cut To:

EXT- We see the squad car pull up in front of the cabin.  Alicia and the officer 
hop out and run up to the front door.  The officer knocks first, and then tries 
the doorknob.  It's open, and he and Alicia run inside.           Cut To:

EXT- Elijah is still limping toward the cabin.  He is now by the edge of the 
lake.  He stops for a moment to take a breath.  As he starts to walk again he 
hears rustling in the tree directly above him.  He glances up.  From his point 
of view we see a masked figure leap from a branch on top of him.  The figure 
knocks him into the lake.     We see under the water as the masked figure 
attempts to drown Elijah.  They struggle under the water.    Cut To:

INT- Inside the cabin Alicia and the officer are looking through the house.

Hello?   Is anyone here?

Alicia walks down the hall.  She looks into a bedroom.  From her point of view 
we see that it's empty.  As she turns around, Benny is right there staring at 
her.  She jumps.

Oh, my God!  You scared me.

The officer jogs over to where they are standing.

Hey, kid, where is everybody?

Benny points his finger towards the back of the cabin.  Alicia and the officer 
take off running towards the back door.             Cut To:

INT- Under the water, Elijah continues to struggle with the masked figure.  They 
are both strangling one another.            Cut To:

EXT- Alicia and the officer come busting out of the back door.  Their eyes 
search the dark woods.  Alicia looks at the lake.  She sees the splashing.

Over there!  Look!

The officer sees it and they both go running toward the lake.   They reach it 
and both leap in.     We go under the water with them as they both grab the arms 
of the masked figure.  They pull the masked figure off of Elijah, and he swims 
to the surface.   We come to the top of the water as Elijah emerges, gasping for 
air.  Seconds later Alicia and the officer emerge holding the masked figure.  
They all swim to the edge and drag themselves out.  The masked figure lies flat, 
coughing behind their mask.  Alicia, Elijah, and  the officer look down at the 
figure.  Elijah reaches down and pulls off the mask.  It is Silvia.  She begins 
to cry.       We fade out:

33INT-Fade in: Subtitle reads (6 months later)
Alicia and Elijah are riding in the car.  They smile at each other.

I can't wait to see your mother and Corey.  They're gonna be so excited when we 
tell them.

Yeah.  Maybe my mother can finally relax.  Her son is finally getting married.

They smile at one another again.  Alicia leans over and kisses Elijah.

So, what stop do we have to make first?

Well, Denise and Benny are staying with an aunt and uncle now.  I wanted to go 
by and check on them.

Oh.  Isn't that odd?


That everybody thought Denise crazy, when it was actually her mother who needed 

Yeah.  Well, she's getting the help she needs at Bloomberg now.

I still don't get it.  I mean was it Herald or Silvia who killed the 

Well, Herald kind of confessed to me that night.  He basically told me he was 
protecting his children.  And get this, I found out he was selling that cabin 
for a lot of money. So, he had enough of a motive. 

I guess so.

EXT-We cut to an outside shot of the car as it speeds down the street.  It slows 
down and pulls into the driveway of a nice sized home.  We see Alicia and Elijah 
get out of the car and approach the front door.  After a few moments, the door 
swings open.  A man stands there.  It is the kids' Uncle Gordon.

Hi, I'm Dr. Brooks.  We spoke over the phone.

Yes, Dr. Brooks.  Hello.  I'm Gordon.

Good to meet you.  This is my fiance' Alicia.

Alicia, its' nice to meet you.

You too.

Come on in.

INT-We see inside the house as Elijah and Alicia step inside.  Gordon closes the 
door behind them.  Gordon's wife Claire comes into the room.

Well, hello.

Honey, this is Dr. Brooks and his wife-to-be Alicia.

I'm so glad you came by.  It's nice to meet you.

Dr. Brooks
So, how are they coming along?

Great!  Benny really missed Denise.  They're so happy to be back together again.  

Of course they're a little upset about…you know, their parents and all.  But, 
they're handling it well.

It's such a shame. 

So, where are they now?

They're out back in the pool.

Oh, you have a pool?

Elijah (seeming confused)
Whoa, wait a minute.  They're in the pool?


How?  That's not possible.

Why not?

Because.  Denise can't swim.  And of course Benny can't swim because…you know, 
his condition.

What condition?

Elijah looks bewildered.     Cut To:

EXT- We see Elijah come out the patio door to the side of the pool followed by 
Alicia, Claire and Gordon.  From their point of view we see Denise and Benny 
swimming happily in the pool.  They see they are being watched and both begin to 

Benny (speaking  and acting normally)
What's up Dr. Brooks?  Why don't you come in!  The water's fine!

Dr. Brooks is in shock.   Benny and Denise look at Elijah slyly.  They both grin 
wickedly.   We cut to:

34EXT-We return to the very first scene outside of the Bloomberg Institution.  
We slowly zoom toward it.  As we reach it we begin to glide upward.  We pass 
rows of windows.  We stop at a window and zoom in on it.  We go inside the room.  
We see Silvia sitting in a chair at a small table.  She sits rocking back and 
forth slowly.  She hears birds chirping outside her window.  She slowly gets to 
her feet and approaches the window.  We go back outside of the window.  We see 
her smile slightly.  It quickly vanishes.  She lowers her head slightly.  Her 
hair drops in front of her face.  Suddenly she thrusts her head forward and 
shatters the glass.  Upon impact we fade out:   Roll credits.

The End


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