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					  ...From the writer of Halloween 8: 	
					  The Myer's House and Trick or Treat	
							comes another slice 		
				        		   of bloody fun!

	Eighteen-year old Steven Cork and seventeen-year old Denise 
Crawford are parked in front of Denise's driveway. They have returned 
from their blind date and by the looks of it Denise did not have a good 
time. Steven is what some would call a "nerd" with thick glasses and a 
scrawny neck. However, Denise is beautiful with long, shiny blonde hair.

Steven: So, did you have a good time tonight?

Denise: Not really. Thanks for dinner, though.

Steven: No problem. Are you sure you don't want to go back to my house? 
My grandmother should still be up. We could all watch TV. Matlock's her 
Denise: No, I think I'm just going to call it a night. I've got a huge 
English test tomorrow.

Steven: Do you want a tutor? I'm great with English, and math and 
history and all of that stuff. 

Denise: No, I'm good.

Steven: I'm really smart and I even had the privilige of being the 
president of the chess club for three years.

Denise: That's really very fascinating. 

Steven (excitedly): Hey, you want to come by sometime and look at my bug 

Denise (angrily): I'll tell you what. If you drop dead right now, maybe 
I'll come by and look at your stupid collection.

Steven: Hey, that's great. So, when are you coming?

Denise (opening the passenger door): Bye, Steven. Thanks for a lovely 

Steven: Okay. I'll call you.

	Denise slams the car door and begins walking toward her house. 
Steven watches her as she enters the house and shuts the front door 
behind her.

Steven: What a babe! She's a little on the bitchy side, though.

	Steven reaches out and turns the ignition, expecting his car to 
roar to life. However, all Steven is greeted with is silence. 

Steven: What the heck?

	Steven turns the ignition again and still nothing happens. Before 
Steven can do anything else, he is grabbed roughly by someone hiding in 
the backseat. The attacker brings a sharp butcher knife up to Steven's 
neck and with one quick swipe slits Steven's throat. Steven's blood 
splashes the windshield.
	Steven's killer gets out of the car and we see that they are 
wearing a black mask. In fact, they are wearing all black, gloves 
included. The killer walks toward Denise's house and stops when they 
reach the front door. They then open the front door, which Denise 
neglected to lock. 
	The killer is now in the living room. From the killer's POV, we 
notice the fireplace. We walk over to the fireplace and carefully 
retrieve a fire poker. We examine the poker, and then we make our way 
over to the stairs, taking one soft step at a time.


	Denise is now upstairs in her bedroom. Her bedroom door is closed 
and she is talking on the phone with her best friend, Amber Welch.

Denise: Amber, I swear I'm never going on a blind date for as long as I 
live. Well, unless he's really cute or has a lot of money.

Amber: It was that bad, huh?

Denise: It was beyond bad. I've never been so bored in my whole life. 

Amber: So, I'm guessing you didn't get lucky.

Denise: Please! All the creep talked about all night was his stamp 
collection, his bug collection, and how much he loved his dear old 

Amber (laughing): Ah, how sweet.

Denise: So how was your night?

Amber: Well, I picked up a few guys and brought them home where we 
engaged in a pretty hot orgy.

Denise: That's typical.

Amber: You know I was kidding, right.

Denise: Oh, sorry.

Amber: Oh come on Denise, you know that I would never do something like 

Denise: I don't know, you have been known to be pretty slutty.

Amber: Thanks.

	Before Denise can continue her phone conversation with Amber, her 
bedroom door creaks open causing her to jump.

Denise (whispering): Shit.

Amber: What is it, Denise? You sound spooked.

Denise: Nothing. Let me see if Mom's home okay.

Amber: Sure.

	Denise walks out into the hall and sees no sign of her mother or 
anyone else.

Denise (shouting): Mom, you home?

	There is no answer and Denise returns to her bedroom, the cordless 
phone still clutched to her chest. She closes her bedroom door and 
continues talking to Amber.

Denise: Okay, I'm scared.

Amber: What's wrong?

Denise: My bedroom door just all of a sudden creaked open and Mom's not 

Amber: I'm sure it's nothing. Doors can creak open by themselves, you 

Denise: Not my door. It never does that.

Amber: Oh come on Denise. It's nothing. You're just overreacting. I mean 
sure there's a big possibility that there could be a crazy psycho killer 
in your house, but it doesn't mean that there is.

Denise: Well, thanks for those words of comfort. Now I'm really scared.

Amber: I'm always here to help.

	Denise lets out a squeal as she hears footsteps outside her door. 

Denise: Oh my god, there is definately someone in my house.

Amber: Oh yeah, who is it?

Denise: How the hell am I supposed to know? They're in the hall.

Amber: Well let me know how everything turns out. I've got another call. 
See ya.

Denise (frustrated): Amber!

	Denise throws the cordless phone on her bed, as the footsteps 
continue from the hall. Denise walks over to her closet and pulls out a 
baseball bat. She grips the baseball bat tightly in her right hand, 
ready to attack. 
	Denise walks over to her bedroom door and slowly turns the knob. 
She finally pulls open the door and comes face to face with... her 

Denise (letting the baseball bat fall to the floor): Mom?

Denise's mother: Well, who did you think it was? Some crazy psycho 

Denise: No, I just heard footsteps and thought...

Denise's mother: You know, I think you've been watching too many of them 
scary movies on TV. They can just mess up your mind like I don't what.

Denise: Mom, stop freaking out.

Denise's mother: Well, just last night you were watching A Nightmare on 
the Toilet Seat, and I don't even want to know what that's about.

Denise: Mom, don't you mean A Nightmare on Elm Street?

Denise's mother: That's what I said.

Denise: Okay, whatever. Can we continue this pointless conversation 
later. I just want to take a shower and go to bed.

Denise's mother: Sure thing. And don't turn the water too hot or it'll 
burn all of your skin off. 

Denise (rolling her eyes): Uh, okay. I'll try to remember that.

Denise's mother: Well, good night and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Denise: 'Night, Mom.

	Denise watches as her mother heads down the hall.

Denise: That woman gets weirder every day. 

	Denise was just about to leave her bedroom when her phone rang. 
She walked over to her bed and picked up her cordless phone. She then 
answered the phone.

Denise: Hello.

	There was no response. Denise could hear heavy breathing on the 
other line. 

Denise: Amber, is that you?

	There was still no answer. Finally, a deep raspy voice came from 
the other line.

Voice: Denise... I'm watching you.

	There was a click and then Denise was greeted with the dial tone 
as the creepy caller hung up. Denise walked over to her bedroom window 
and looked out, relieved that there was no one watching her from 

Denise: Well this is great. First my door creaks open, then I hear 
footsteps, and now I'm hearing creepy voices on the telephone. What's 
next, me being killed?


	We are now in the bathroom with Denise, who is only wearing a pink 
towel. She opens the shower curtain and turns on the water. She reaches 
in and feels the water to see if it is to her liking, which it is. 
Denise then removes her towel and we see her tits, her bush, and her ass 
as she enters the shower. She pulls the shower curtain tight. 
	While Denise is in the shower, we see the bathroom door slowly 
creak open. The killer is standing there holding the fire poker that 
they picked up earlier. The killer watches as Denise runs the bar of 
soap over her beautiful, buxom body. 
	Before the killer can enter the bathroom, they hear a door open 
from the other end of the hall. They look in the direction that the 
sound of the opening door came from. They see Denise's mother leaving 
her bedroom and making her way for the stairs.


	Denise's mother walks into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator 
door. She pulls a carton of milk off of the first shelf. She then walks 
over to a cabinet and pulls out a tall glass. She pours the milk into 
the glass and begins to drink.
	As she is drinking the milk, we see the killer walk in from behind 
her. They walk over to the stove and turn the left eye on high. 
	Denise's mother hears a faint sound coming from beside the stove. 
She turns around and sees that the left eye is on.

Denise's mother: Jesus Christ on a bicycle. How did that happen?

	Denise's mother walks over to the stove, the glass of milk still 
in her hand. She reaches over to turn off the stove, but stops short 
when she feels someone breathing on her neck. She turns around to see a 
tall figure sporting a black mask, a black jumpsuit, and a pair of black 
	Denise's mother is too scared to scream or even move. She drops 
the glass of milk, which shatters to the floor. The killer grabs her 
around the neck and pushes her facedown on the left eye of the stove. 
Denise's mother screams the entire time as pain engulfs her entire face.
	The killer lifts the middle-aged woman's face off of the eye and 
lets her limp body drop to the kitchen floor. We zoom in on her face, 
which is burnt to a crisp.  


	We are now back in the bathroom. Denise has finished taking a 
shower. She is drying off with the pink towel that she was wearing 
before. Suddenly, she hears a loud bang coming from downstairs. She 
quickly wraps the towel around her naked body. She then notices that the 
bathroom door is open a few inches.

Denise: Now how did that happen? I could have sworn that I closed that 

	Denise's thoughts are interrupted as she hears yet another loud 
noise coming from downstairs. She picks up a shoe from the bathroom 
floor and opens the door all the way. She peeks out into the hall and 
sees no sign of anyone. She then walks out into the hall and is welcomed 
with utter silence. 
	Denise then hears someone coming up the stairs. It sounds as if 
they are dragging something up the stairs with them.

Denise (moving closer to the stairs): Allright, whoever you are... I've 
got a shoe. And it's a pretty big shoe too, so you better just haul your 
ass out of here. 

	Denise is now standing in front of her bedroom door, which is wide 
open. She drops the shoe as she sees the baseball bat lying in the 
doorway. She picks up the baseball bat and walks even closer to the 
stairs. She can still hear someone creeping up the stairs, dragging 
someone with them. 
	Denise looks on in horror as a figure wearing all black comes into 
to view, dragging her dead mother along with them. Denise lets out a 
scream as she sees her mother's face, which is barely recognizable. The 
killer turns around and looks at Denise. Denise now sees that the killer 
is wearing a black mask. 
	The killer picks up the fire poker from the floor and charges at 
Denise. Denise lashes out with her baseball bat and hits the killer in 
the face. She then kicks the killer in the groin. The killer lets out a 
loud grunt and staggers to the floor in pain. 
	Denise drops the baseball bat and runs as fast as she can. She 
reaches the staircase and looks back to see that the killer is getting 
up, armed with the fire poker. Denise runs quickly down the stairs, 
taking two stairs at a time. When she's at the bottom of the stairs, she 
looks up to see that the killer is standing on the top stop, looking 
down at her.
	Denise runs to the front door and pulls it open, not bothering to 
shut it behind her. She runs outside and sees Steven's car still sitting 
in the driveway.

Denise: Oh thank God.

	Denise runs to the car and pulls open the passenger door. She then 
hops inside and closes the door. 

	Denise (talking rapidly): Steven, we've gotta get out of here. 
Someone killed my mother and...
	Denise's mouth opens in shock as she notices that Steven's throat 
has been slit, a huge bloody gash running across his neck. She then sees 
the blood that is splattered on the windshield.

Denise: Oh my god. He got you too.

	Denise screams as the killer pulls open the driver's door and 
pushes Steven's dead body out onto the ground. The killer grabs Denise 
by the hair and pulls her outside through the driver's door. 
	The killer lifts the fire poker, ready to kill Denise. Denise 
lashes out with all her strength and knees the killer in the stomach. 
The killer loses their grip and Denise runs to the nearest house, which 
belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Tate.
	Denise pounds on the front door as loud as she can. She turns 
arounds to see that the killer is close.

Denise: Mr. Tate, can you please help me? Oh god, he's going to kill me.

	Denise turns around to see that the killer is right behind her. 
She steps backward, her back pressed up against the Tate's front door. 
The killer takes the fire poker and rams it into Denise's stomach. Half 
of the poker sticks out of her back, impaling her to the door. Dark red 
blood trickles from Denise's nose and mouth as she dies.



	It has been one week since the murders of Denise, Steven, and 
Denise's mother. One week after terror had struck the small town of 
Sawa, California. The police had no leads and there hadn't been one 
witness to the murders. Everyone feared that the killer would strike 
again, but there hadn't been any signs that he would. Not yet, anyway.



	Amber Welch, Michelle Ford, and Terri Larter are sitting together 
in the high school cafeteria as usual. Except now something is 
different. Their good friend, Denise Crawford isn't there this time.  

Amber: This past week has been so hard. I miss Denise. I just can't 
believe that she's gone.

Michelle: I know. I haven't cried this hard since I found out that there 
was no Santa Clause.

Terri: Well, I haven't cried this hard since they cancelled Saved By The 
Bell. Boy, was that a tough time for me.

Michelle: Saved By The Bell? I loved that show.

Amber: Guys, will you be serious. We just lost a very good friend of 
ours. I mean, Denise was my best friend.

Michelle: Hey, I thought that I was your best friend.

Amber: You are... now that Denise is dead.

Terri: Amber, why can't I be your best friend?

Amber: You will be... when Michelle dies. 

Terri (excitement flashing in her eyes): Allright!

Michelle: Hey, they still don't have any suspects yet?

Amber: No, but Detective Morgan said that they might be close.

Terri: Well, I hope they find the psycho soon. 

Michelle: Yeah, me too. 

Amber (pointing to the other end of the cafeteria): Hey, who's that? 

	The girls look in the direction that Amber is pointing and they 
see a good-looking guy. He's tall, has black hair, and looks kind of 
like Freddy Prinze Jr.

Michelle: I don't know. I haven't seen him. He must be new.

Amber: What a stud! He's definately going to be mine.

Michelle: Hey, why can't I have him?

Amber: Because you're dating Chris, you dumbass.

Michelle: Yeah, but I can date two guys at once. You always do.

Amber: I do not.

Terri: Please, Amber. You once dated Tommy Matthews, Michael Bryant, and 
Ryan Phillips all at once. And I might be forgetting one or two.

Amber: Okay, so I like to play the field. There's nothing wrong with 
that, is there?

Michelle: No... if you're a slut.

Amber: Thanks a lot.


	Amber, Michelle, and Terri are now in English class. Everyone 
appears to be bored out of their minds as Mrs. Wexler drones on about 
how nouns are our best friends. Well, they all appear to be bored expect 
for Amber. She's sitting across from the guy that she spotted in the 
	Amber sits staring at him, not hearing a word that Mrs. Wexler is 
saying. She watching the mystery guy as he takes notes. She lets her 
eyes wander from his gorgeus face to the bulge in his jeans. She 
suddenly gets an idea. She knocks her pen off of her desk, which lands 
right next to the guy's right foot. He picks up the pen and gives it 
back to Amber.

Amber (smiling): Oh, thank you so much. 

Guy: No problem.

Amber: So what's your name?

Guy: I'm Cambell. 

Amber: Well, I'm Amber. Thanks again for giving me back my pen.

Cambell: Don't mention it, beautiful.

Mrs. Wexler (clearing her throat): Excuse me, you two. Is there 
something that both of you would like to share with the class?

Amber: No. I was just telling Cambell how utterly fascinating your class 
was. It truly is a very absorbing learning experience.

Mrs. Wexler (smiling in surprise): Well, thank you. I'm glad someone is 
enjoying it. 

	We pan around the classroom to see that everyone except for Amber 
and Cambell are fast asleep. Suddenly the school intercom buzzes to 
life, waking most of the students up. Mr. Davis' voice booms over the 

Mr. Davis: I would like to have your attention. Will Amber Welch, 
Michelle Ford, and Terri Larter all come down to the office. Also, Craig 
Harris has lost his pants. If anyone sees them, please contact me or 
Craig. Thank you.

	Amber, Michelle, and Terri all get up from their desks as the rest 
of the class laugh at the thought of Craig losing his pants. One guy 
even makes a comment, causing more uproarious laughter.

Guy: I didn't know that he even owned a pair of pants.


	Amber, Michelle, and Terri all enter the office. They watch in 
disgust as they see a thirty-ish African American man sitting in the 
office picking his nose. He doesn't appear to even know that the girls 
are there.

Amber (clearing her throat): Excuse me, but who the hell are you?

Man: I'm Detective Mike McKnight at your service. And you must be Amber, 
Michelle, and Terri. I was told that the three of you were pretty 
fuckable, but nothing could have prepared for this.

Terri: What?

Detective McKnight: Uh, nevermind. I have taken the case of the murder 
of Denice Crawford, her mother, and whatever the hell that other dude's 
name was.

Amber: What do you mean? What happened to Detective Morgan?

Detective McKnight: Oh, he's dead. 

Michelle: Oh, that's terrible. How did he die?

Detective McKnight: Heart attack. I guess that's what happens when you 
eat too many donuts.

Amber (to Terri and Michelle): Hey, remind me to tell my dad to lay off 
on the donuts.

Terri: Sure thing, Amber.

Detective McKnight (appearing to be angry): Hey, I didn't call you 
bitches down here to talk about donuts. This is a very important case, 

Amber: Geez, calm down.

Detective McKnight: I'm sorry. I'm just a little pissed off that's all. 
I haven't had sex in seven years. 

Amber: I know the feeling. I haven't had sex in seven days. It can do 
something to you.

Michelle: Not now, Amber. This isn't the time to discuss your sex life.

Detective McKnight: Okay, I've received some very interesting news 
regarding the case. 

Terri (impatiently): Well, what is it?

Detective McKnight: Don't be so damn impatient. That's what's so wrong 
with you kids these days. Rush, rush, rush.

Amber: Detective, either tell us or I'll beat it out of you. 

Detective McKnight: Okay, okay. It seems that Denice Crawford's crazy 
father escaped from a mental institution recently. In fact, he escaped 
excactly a week ago. 

Amber: Oh my god. That means that he escaped on the same day of the 

Detective McKnight: Yes! You're pretty smart, you know that.

Amber (smiling): Thank you. 

Michelle: Yeah, she's so smart that she failed algebra twice.

Amber (glaring at Michelle): Hey, don't start with me. Those were two 
very hard years for me and you know it.

Detective McKnight (angrily): Do you mind. I'm tired of all of this 
needless talking. This case isn't going to work by itself, damnit.

Terri: Okay, take a chill pill.

Detective McKnight: I'm sorry again. It's just that I haven't had sex in 
eight years.

Amber: Uh, I thought you said that it's been seven years. 

Detective McKnight: It doesn't matter if it's been seven years or 
seventy years. The point is that I'm horny as hell. 

Michelle: Uh, we don't care. We just want to get out of here.

Detective McKnight: Okay, let's get down to business. Do any of you 
bitches know anything about Denise's father.

Amber: When you stop calling us bitches, then we'll start answering your 

Detective McKnight: Okay, do any of you fine-ass girls know about 
Denise's father.

Michelle: Well, she didn't talk much about him. She did say once that he 
liked to watch her take a bath, but that's about it.

Detective McKnight: Okay, that's enough information for today. You girls 
have been more than helpful.

Terri: But we didn't tell you anything.

Detective McKnight: That's okay. The less I know the better. Have a good 


	It is now 3:00 and school is out for the day. Amber, Michelle, and 
Terri are at their lockers when Tori Sinclair marches up to Amber and 
taps her hard on the shoulder. Amber turns around and glares at Tori.

Amber: That was uncalled for. Being tapped on the shoulder is a pet 
peeve of mine.

Tori: Well having my boyfriend being stolen from me is a pet peeve of 
mine. Especially when a slut like you stole him from me.

Amber: I never stole Paul from you. He came crawling into my arms.

Tori (sarcastically): Yeah, right. And Pamela Anderson is an award-
winning actress.

Amber: Listen Tori, I would like to continue this chat but it's 3:00. I 
want to go to the mall.

Tori: Why, so you can still someone else's boyfriend?

Amber: No, so I can get away from your ugly face.

Tori: Just watch your back, bitch. And tell your little friends here to 
watch theirs too. I'm going to make your life pure hell.

Amber: You did that the day that I met you.

Tori: You just watch. One of these days, you're going to get yours. You 
can bet your miserable life on it. 

Amber: Bring it on, then.

Tori: Oh, I will. See you later, slut.

	Tori walks away from Amber's locker, glancing back when she 
reaches the end of the hall. Michelle and Terri shut their lockers and 
go stand beside Amber, who looks on in pure anger.

Michelle: Wow, talk about scary.

Terri: Yeah, maybe she's the killer.

Amber: Hey, why did I break up with Paul? He was the best sex I ever 

Michelle: Uh, don't you remember. He was screwing around with Cynthia 

Amber: Oh right. Let's go to the mall. I want to buy a dress for my date 

Michelle: You have a date tonight? With who?

Amber: Matt somebody. I don't know his last name.

Michelle: That's exactly what I thought. Amber, don't you think that you 
should know the guy's last name before you sleep with them.

Amber: Who said that I was going to sleep with him?

Michelle: Well you are dating him. That's pretty self-explanitory when 
it's you that we're talking about.
Amber: Yeah, you're right. I'll probably sleep with him. 

Terri: Hey, you haven't asked that guy out yet? The one that we saw in 
the cafeteria.

Amber: Cambell? No, but I will. Before the week is over, he'll be my 
loveslave. Speaking of Campbell...

	Cambell walks over to Amber's locker. He is holding an English 
book and a math book.

Amber: Hi again.

Cambell: Hi. I know that we just met today, but would you like to go out 

Amber: Sure, I would love to.

Cambell: Okay.

	Cambell and Amber exchanged phone numbers and said their goodbyes. 
Michelle and Terri looked at Amber in disbelief.

Amber: What?

Terri: How in the world do you have such good luck with men?

Amber: I give great head. 


	From our POV, we see a large two-story house. We move inside the 
house to find Tori Sinclair sitting in the living room watching TV. 
After switching through the channels a couple of times, Tori finally 
turns the television off.

Tori: I can't believe this. We have 500 channels and there's still 
nothing on TV.

	Tori lies down on the couch and begins to relax. We see the killer 
rise from behind the couch. The killer stands there, holding a large 
sharp ax. The killer lifts the ax and aims it at Tori's head. Tori sees 
the killer's reflexion in the television set and quickly gets off of the 
couch, just as the killer brings the ax down. The ax swings down into 
the couch.

Tori: Oh, shit.

	Tori runs to the staircase and quickly climbs the stairs, the 
killer close behind. When she reaches the top of the stairs, the killer 
grabs her right foot and begins dragging her down the stairs. Tori 
lashes out with her right foot and kicks the killer in the face. The 
killer falls down the stairs and lands at the bottom of the stairs, 
their ax not far away.
	Tori stands at the top of the stairs and watching as the killer 
remains motionless. Tori screams as the killer sits up and grabs the ax. 
The killer then stands up and begins coming up the stairs. 

Tori: Oh no.

	Tori runs into the hall and then into her bedroom. She shuts her 
bedroom door and locks it. She gasps when she hears the killer's 
footsteps coming from the hall. The footsteps stop in front of Tori's 
bedroom door. The killer begins turning Tori's doorknob, trying to get 
the doorknob. When the killer doesn't succeed, they swing their ax at 
the door. A huge crack forms in the door.

Tori: No.

	Tori quickly scrambles under her bed. The killer enters Tori's 
bedroom. From Tori's POV, we can see the killer's black shoes as the 
killer walks across the room. The killer stops in front of Tori's 
closet. They open the closet door and look inside. The killer sees that 
Tori is not in the closet. The killer then turns their attention to 
Tori's bed. Tori clamps her mouth shut, trying not to scream.
	Tori notices that their is a bright puddle of blood on the floor 
beside her. She glances to her left and sees her mother's dead eyes 
looking back at her. Her mother's throat has been slit. Tori can't fight 
it anymore. She screams and the killer reaches under the bed and grabs 
her by the hair.
	The killer throws Tori, who is still screaming, on the bed. The 
killer holds Tori down on the bed. The killer then lifts their axe and 
slices it down into Tori's neck, instantly decapitating her. Tori's head 
rolls onto the floor, stopping next to her bed. 


	A few hours after Tori has been murdered by the mysterious killer, 
Amber is getting ready for her date with Matt. She is wearing a short, 
red dress. She stops what she is doing when her phone rings. She walks 
over to her phone and answers it on the third ring. 

Amber: Hello.

Paul: Hi, Amber. This is Paul. How have you been?

Amber: Oh hi, Paul. It's nice to hear from you. What the fuck do you 

Paul: I just wanted to talk, that's all.

Amber: Why? Are you getting tired of talking to Cynthia?

Paul: No, she broke up with me.

Amber: Oh, how heartbreaking. How will you ever survive without her?

Paul: Give me a break, Amber. Cynthia broke up with me because all that 
I could ever talk about was you. I really miss you.

Amber: Well, your timing sucks Paul. I've got a date tonight and I think 
it just might work out.

Paul: A date? With who?

Amber: Matt somebody. I don't know his last name.

Paul: That's typical. As I recall, you didn't even know my last name 
when we started dating.

Amber: Well, thanks for the trip down memory lane. 

Paul: Listen, can we talk tomorrow at school? 

Amber: Yeah, whatever. I've gotta go. Matt should be here soon.

Paul: Okay. I'll see you at school.

Amber: Bye.

	Amber hangs up the phone. Justs as she hangs it up, it rings 
again. Amber answers it on the first ring.

Amber: Hello.

	Amber is greeted by a raspy voice. It sounds as if someone is 
disguising their voice.

Voice: Amber...

Amber: Yes, this is Amber. Who the hell is this?

Voice: You'll find out soon... when my sharp knife pierces your cold 

Amber: Who the fuck is this? 
	The phone clicks and then there is the dial tone. 

Amber: Well, that's nice.

	Amber lays the phone down on her dresser, still creeped out by the 
phone call that she just received. Amber is carried away from her 
thoughts as there is a knock on her bedroom door.

Amber: Come in.

	Amber's father runs into her bedroom. He is wearing a pink teddy.

Amber: Dad, why are you wearing a teddy. And why of all colors, did you 
choose pink?

Amber's father: Nevermind that, doll. Your date is here. He's a hunk, 
too. If things don't work out, can I have him?

Amber: Dad, you're scaring me.

Amber's father: I know. Sometimes I even scare myself. Mid-life crisis 
is such a bitch. Well, run downstairs. Your date is waiting.


	Amber and Matt are sitting in the Olive Garden, eating their meal. 
Amber is having spaghetti and Matt is having the Chicken Parmesan. When 
they are done eating, Matt pushes his plate away. 

Matt: Well, that was delicious. 

Amber: Yes it was.

Matt: Have I told you how good you look in that dress?

Amber: Yes, about three times. 

Matt: I just can't help it. I once dated a girl who was wearing the same 
exact dress on our first date. Of course, I never dated her again.

Amber: Why not?

Matt: Well, she turned out to be a man. I didn't see that coming.

	Matt begins laughing uproariously as if what he said was very 
funny. People from the surrounding tables begin to stare.

Amber: Don't you hate when that happens?

Matt: What?

Amber: Nevermind.

Matt: You want to hear a funny story?

Amber: Not really, but do go ahead.

Matt: Okay. One time I was at this party and I was enjoying this 
alcoholic beverage. I don't know exactly what it was, but it had alcohol 
in it... so of course I liked it.

	Matt lets out another annoying laugh that garners more negative 
attention. One man even comments.

Man: Hey, will you shut up. I'm trying to enjoy my meal, not listen to 
you... you laughing jackass. 

	Matt glares at the man and then turns his attention back to Amber, 
who is holding her head in her hands. She is clearly embaressed. 

Matt: As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted... I was enjoying 
my drink, when all of a sudden I felt this deep rumbling in my stomach. 
I didn't know what the hell it was. And you'll never guess what happened 

Amber: Your stomach exploded and an alien came bursting out?

Matt (laughing): No, silly. The biggest fart you've ever heard ripped 
clear out of my ass. 

Amber (looking at Matt in disgust) : I guess you just had to be there.

Matt: Yeah, you should have been there. Well, I thought it was all over. 
I thought that it was just gas, but then I felt it again. This time it 
was even stronger. I got up and ran, searching frantically for a 
bathroom. Unfortunately, I never found that bathroom. Yes, you guessed 
it. I shit myself. My poor mother had to scrub my boxer shorts three 
times to get the stain out.

Amber: That's a very charming story. So charming that I'm glad that it's 

Matt: Well, I knew you would like it. Hey, don't you have any stories? 
You've been quiet as a mouse all night.

Amber: Oh, I have a story.

Matt: Well, let's hear it.

Amber: Okay. One time I went on a date with this good-looking guy. I 
thought everything would go well, but he turned out to be really 
obnoxious. All he talked about all night were his bodily functions.

Matt: No.. what an idiot. So, did you dump him?

Amber: Not yet, but I'm going to... tonight.

Matt: Well good for you. You know what, I think that Chicken Parmesan is 
starting to get to me. I've gotta go take a dump. If I'm not back in 
thirty minutes, call 911. Oh, and can you take care of the check? I'm 
broke as they come.

Amber (rolling her eyes): Sure.

Matt: Thanks. You're a peach. 

	Matt gets up from the table. He's holding on to his stomach with 
one hand and his butt with the other. Amber watches him in disbelief as 
he reaches the restroom, still holding on to his butt for dear life.

Amber: What a loser.


	A few minutes later, Matt is in the restroom washing his hands. 
When he is finished washing his hands, he hears someone pounding on the 
door of one of the stalls. He reluctantly walks over to the stall. 

Matt: Hello. Do you need some help?

	Without any warning, the stall door bangs open and the killer 
emerges. Matt has no time to run. The killer grabs Matt around the neck, 
and picks him up from the floor. The killer carries Matt over to the 
sink and bangs his head down on the sink, hard. The killer then throws 
Matt face first into the mirror above the sink. Matt's limp body drops 
to the floor. We close up on Matt's face to see that their are many tiny 
shards of broken glass embedded in his flesh. His entire face is covered 
in blood. We then close on the mirror, which is splattered with Matt's 
	The killer turns around as the restroom door pops open. A middle-
aged man enters the restroom, with a look of concern on his face.  

Man: Hey, what the hell is going on in here?

	The killer removes a large butcher knife from their pocket. The 
killer throws the knife at the man. The knife flies through the air and 
then stabs the man in the forehead. The man drops to the floor, blood 
gushing from his forehead.


	After countless minutes of waiting for Matt to return from the 
restroom, Amber grows impatient. She gets up from the table and walks 
over to the men's restroom. She enters the restroom to find a thirty-
something year old man standing up at the urinal, peeing. The man 
quickly turns away.

Man: Hey, you can't be in here.

Amber: Relax, you don't have anything that I haven't seen a thousand 
times before.

	Amber searches all of the stalls looking for Matt, but there is no 
sign of him. Amber groans in frustration.

Amber: I can't believe this. He dumped me. I was supposed to dump him, 
and he dumped me instead.

Man: I can't imagine why. You have such a sparkling personality. 

Amber: Oh, mind your own fucking business.

	Amber walks out of the restroom and walks up to the front desk. 
There is a tall African-American man standing behind the desk.

Amber: Excuse me, but can I use your phone?

Man (motioning to the phone): This phone is only for emergencies. 

Amber: This is an emergency, damnit. My date just dumped me and I need a 

Man: Okay, okay. Don't get your panties all in a bunch.

Amber: I'm not wearing any panties.

Man (smiling): So... can I call you sometime?

	Later that night, Amber is sitting in her bedroom with Michelle. 
Amber is still wearing the red dress from her date. Amber and Michelle 
are talking, when there is a knock at Amber's door.

Amber: Come in.

	Amber's father rushes into her room, wearing a black dress, 
stockings, and earrings. He's also wearing loads of make-up.

Amber: Dad, I hate to ask... but why are you wearing a dress?

Amber's father: Oh, I'm going out tonight to pick up some studs. You two 
wanna come?

Amber: Uh, no thanks. 

Amber's father: Suit yourself. Don't wait up... I could get lucky 

	Amber's father backs out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind 
him. Both Amber and Michelle both stare after him. 

Michelle: Do you think it's weird that your father is just suddenly 
turning gay?

Amber: I did at first, but now I'm getting used to it.

Michelle: How could you get used to something like that?

Amber: Well, I'm just beginning to realize that we have a lot in common.
Michelle: Like what?

Amber: We both like sucking dick, for one thing.

Michelle: You're gross, Amber.

Amber: Hey, thanks again for coming to pick me up from the restaurant. I 
don't know what I would do without you.

Michelle: Oh, don't mention it. It's not like I had anything better to 

Amber: Are you still making Chris wait?

Michelle: Yes, and what's wrong with that?

Amber: Nothing... if you want him to lose interest. 

Michelle: He's not going to lose interest. I told him that we would have 
sex soon.

Amber: When is soon?

Michelle: Next year... maybe.

Amber: I can't believe that Tori is still hung up over the whole Paul 
thing. It's been over a year since I started dating Paul and we're not 
even together anymore. 

Michelle: Well, she did catch the two of you having sex on their two-
year anniversary. I would be pissed. 

	Amber walks over to her bedroom window and looks out into the 
night. She notices that a light is on in the new neighbors' home. The 
light is on in the bedroom across from hers. Suddenly, someone comes 
into view. It's... Cambell. He enters what appears to be his bedroom, 
wearing only a towel.

Amber: Oh my god.

Michelle: What is it?

Amber: Come here, quick.

	Michelle joins Amber at the window and sees Cambell as well. 

Michelle: Wow... you didn't know that he lived right next to you.

Amber: I knew that we had new neighbors... I just didn't have a chance 
to see who they were.

Michelle: Well, you have a big advantage here. The guy lives right next 
to you.

Amber: I know.

	Cambell, with his back to the window, takes off his towel and 
throws it on his bed. We see his butt.

Amber: Wow... nice ass.

Michelle: Maybe we shouldn't be watching this. 

Amber: Oh don't be such a goody-goody.

	Cambell pulls on a pair of pants and a long-sleeve shirt. He then 
walks out of his bedroom, leaving the light on. 

Amber: Ah... he's leaving.
Michelle: Oh darn.

Amber: Hey, remember in junior high when we used to prank call guys. We 
would talk really sexy.

Michelle: How could I forget? No telling how many boys we had drooling 
on the other line. 

Amber: Well, I was thinking of giving Cambell a call. He gave me his 
number today, remember.

Michelle: What... Amber, isn't that kind of mean?

Amber: No... it'll be fun. Then at the end, I'll tell him it's me. He 
won't be mad. 

Michelle: Okay, I guess. 

	Amber grabs her phone and dials Cambell's number. She looks out 
the window and sees Cambell return to his bedroom.

Amber: There he is.

Michelle: I know Amber. I have eyes, too.

Amber: Well, you don't have to be bitchy.

	Cambell answers his phone on the fourth ring.

Cambell: Hello.

Amber: Hi, stud.

Cambell: Hey, who is this?

Amber: Let's just say that I'm your secret admirer.

Cambell: My secret admirer, huh. Who is this, really? 

Amber: If I tell you, it won't be a secret anymore... will it?

Cambell: Okay. Is that the only reason that you called, to tell me that 
you were my secret admirer.

Amber: I'm lying on my bed and I'm not wearing any clothes. Am I turning 
you on?

	Cambell doesn't answer and Amber looks out her window to see that 
Cambell is standing in his window... looking right at her, his face 
reflecting pure anger.

Amber (backing away from the window): Oh shit.

Michelle: I told you that it was a bad idea. 

	Amber walks back over to her window and looks out again. Cambell 
is not in his bedroom. Both Amber and Michelle jump when they hear the 
doorbell ringing from downstairs.

Amber: Oh my god. What do we do?

Michelle: I don't know... answer the door.

Amber: What? Are you crazy? He looked pretty mad.

Michelle: Well, just tell him that you were goofing around. 

Amber: Okay, I might as well. 

	Amber and Michelle walk downstairs. When they are at Amber's front 
door, Amber turns around and looks at Michelle.

Michelle: Go ahead... answer it.

	Amber unlocks the front door and opens it to find Cambell standing 
there, a faint expression on his face.

Amber: Hi Cambell, what a pleasant surprise. Look, I'm sorry about the 
phone call. I was just having f...

	Before Amber can finish her sentence, Cambell's body drops to the 
ground. Both Amber and Michelle scream when they see the butcher knife 
sticking out of his back.

Michelle: Close the door. Whoever did this might still be out there.

	Amber shuts the door and locks it. She then turns to Michelle.

Amber: Go call the police.

Michelle: Okay... what's the number?

Amber: 911, you ditz.

Michelle: Right.


	About an hour later, Amber and Michelle are sitting in Detective 
McKnight's office. Both of them are sipping coffee, when Detective 
McKnight enters his office. He shuts the door and then takes a seat 
across from Amber and Michelle.

Detective McKnight: Well, well. I've seen a lot of you two in the last 

Amber: Detective, this is only the second time that you've seen us. 

Detective McKnight: Oh, I must be thinking about someone else.

Michelle: Hey, can we just get on with this. It's one o'clock in the 
morning and we have to go to school tomorrow. 

Detective McKnight: Oh, don't get your titties all in a twist. 

Amber: That'll do, Detective. Let's leave Michelle's breasts out of 
this. People are dead.

Detective McKnight: Yes, I know. I too watch Law & Order. I know when 
people are dropping like flies. I...

	Detective McKnight is interrupted when his office door bangs open. 
Amber and Michelle turn to see Terri enter the office, wearing her 
Michelle: Terri, what are you doing here?

Amber: Yeah, and why the hell are you wearing your pajamas?

Terri: I came as soon as I heard. Are you two allright?

Amber: Yes, we'll live... until the killer gets us.

Detective McKnight (to Terri): Excuse me, but were you a witness?

Terri: No, but I...

Detective McKnight (standing up): Then get your white ass out of my 
office and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Terri: Don't be rude.

Detective McKnight: I'm going to be more than rude if you don't get out 
of my office, white girl. This is between me and these two. 

	Terri runs out of Detective McKnight's office crying. She slams 
the office door behind her.

Detective McKnight: That's the fourth person I've made cry in the last 
three hours, and two of them were men. I'm on a roll.

Amber: Detective, as much as I'd like to hear about that and I do, we 
really are in a hurry. 

Detective McKnight: Okay, okay. So, take it from the top.

Amber: Okay. The night began with my dad bursting into my bedroom, 
wearing a pink teddy.

Detective McKnight (rolling his eyes): Oh, Lord. It's going to be a long 

Amber: Okay, fine. I'll give you the short version.

Detective McKnight: That would be much appreciated.

Amber: Well, I was out on a date. My date ran off and left me at the 
restaurant, without any warning.  

Detective McKnight: That bastard. And how did that make you feel? Would 
you like to share that with me?

Amber: Hey, I thought that you were a detective... not a psychologist.  
Detective McKnight: I'm sorry. Sometimes I just get carried away. 
Continue, please.

Amber: Michelle here came and picked me up and brought me home. 

Detective McKnight: Did the two of you have sex?

Michelle: No... What are you, a pervert?

Detective McKnight: All I did was ask a simple question. Lesbianism is 
very popular these days.

Amber: Not long after I got home, I looked out my window and that's when 
I saw Cambell.

Detective McKnight: The dead dude?

Amber: Yes. His bedroom is directly across from mine. I didn't even know 
that he was my neighbor until earlier tonight. 

Detective McKnight: What kind of neighbor are you? You don't even know 
who lives next door. I should put you behind bars for that.

Michelle: Let her continue. I would like to get at least a few minutes 
of sleep tonight. 

Amber: Well, Cambell just moved in two days ago. I knew that we had new 
neighbors, I just...

Michelle: Get to the point, Amber. 

Amber: Okay, I prank called him. A few minutes later, my doorbell rang. 
I went downstairs and opened the door and there he was... just standing 
there. Then his body stumbled over and that's when Michelle and I saw 
the knife sticking out of his back. It was horrible.
Michelle: Yes... It's the first dead body I've ever seen. And I hope 
that it's the last. 

Detective McKnight: That's a very interesting story. Too bad there's no 

Michelle: What?

Amber: What do you mean? We saw it with our very own eyes.

Detective McKnight: Well, it was gone. There was nothing. There was no 
body, no blood, no nothing. And there's something else.

Amber: What?

Detective McKnight: Do you know Tori Sinclair?

Amber: Know her? I hate the bitch.

Detective McKnight: Well, she seems to hate you too. She's missing and 
we found a note.

	Detective McKnight reaches into his pants pocket. He pulls out a 
black bra and then a small piece of paper. 

Michelle: Hey, what's with the black bra? Do you like dressing in 
women's lingerie?

Detective McKnight: No, Nancy Drew. I found this earlier and thought 
that I would keep it until someone claimed it.

Michelle: Whatever. 

	Detective McKnight begins reading the letter aloud, that was 
supposedly written by Tori.

Detective McKnight: Okay, here goes:

	I am writing this letter so that Amber Welch will know that I mean 
business. I will never forgive her for stealing Paul from me. To prove 
it, I am seeking revenge on her and her friends. Soon they will all be 
dead, and there will only be you. Watch your back, bitch.

Amber: Why is she doing this?

Michelle: Yeah, and why did she write the letter? It's only giving her 

Amber: What about Denice's father? Do you know anything about him yet?

Detective McKnight: Oh, I almost forgot. His body was spotted about 
thirty miles from here last night. The coroner's report said that he had 
been dead for a week. 

Amber: So he didn't kill Denice?

Detective McKnight: No.

Michelle: How did he die?

Detective McKnight: He was gutted with a hook. He was killed just a few 
minutes after escaping from the mental institution. 

Amber: Do you think that you will find Tori... before she does any more 

Detective McKnight: Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'm going 
to get to the bottom of this even if it kills me... and it probably 


	The next morning, Amber woke up to find her room in wild disarray. 
Her clothes littered the floor. Cabinets were turned over, their 
contents spilling out. Amber's closet door was wide open. She looked 
around the room and saw that some of her clothes were even ripped to 
	Amber gasped when she heard footsteps outside her bedroom door. 
She got out of bed and grapped a pair of scissors from her dresser. Her 
eyes filled with terror as she saw her doorknob turning. The door banged 
open and there stood... Amber's father. Her father is wearing a tube 
top, leather pants, high heels, and earrings.
	Amber let the pair of scissors drop to the floor. She was still 

Amber: Dad, someone broke into our home. Look at what they did to my 

Amber's father: Oh, don't be silly. I did this.

Amber: You? What the hell were you doing? My room is a complete mess. It 
looks like it was hit by an earthquake.

Amber's father: Don't be so emotional. 
Amber: I'm not emotional, I'm pissed off.

Amber's father: Well, all I was doing was looking for a pair of black 
panties to wear with this outfit. 

Amber: Well, you could have asked first. 

Amber's father (turning around, with his back to Amber): Hey, do these 
pants make my ass look big?

Amber: Yes, they do.

Amber's father (turning back around to face Amber): Oh, good. Men like 
big butts. Well
have a good day at school today, honey.
	Amber's father walks out of her bedroom and Amber is left standing 
there alone. Suddenly, her phone rings. Amber picks up her phone and 
answers it on the second ring.

Amber: Hello.

	Amber is horrified to hear the raspy voice on the other end of the 
phone. It's the same person who called her the day before. 

Killer: Today is the day. Today is the day that you and your friends 
die. Are you ready to die?

Amber: Go to hell, Tori.

Killer: Who said that this was Tori?

	Later, Amber is at school having lunch with Michelle and Terri. 
All that they could talk about was Tori and the murders.

Terri: I can't believe that Tori is the killer. She can't even keep a 
boyfriend, and she still wears last season's clothes. How could she 
possibly be able to pull off a murder spree?

Amber: Well, it's her. The letter that she wrote is evidence of that. It 
was so...

	Amber is interrupted when Paul walks over to their table and sits 
across from Amber. He is wearing a red shirt and faded jeans.

Paul: Hey, Amber. Can I talk to you in private?

Amber: Uh, no. Anything that you can say in front of me, you can say in 
front of my friends.

Paul: Okay, here goes. Will you be my girlfriend again?

Michelle: No, she most certainly will not.

Amber: Stay out of this, Michelle. This is between me and Paul. 

Paul: So, what's your answer?

Amber: No, I most certainly will not.

Paul: Oh, come on Amber. I've changed. If you were my girlfriend now, I 
would never cheat on you again. I promise.

Amber: Well...

Paul: Cheating on you was the stupidest thing that I've ever done. I 
mean, you were the best pussy I ever had.

Amber: You were the best I ever had, too. I just don't want to get hurt 

Paul: I love you, Amber. I've missed you a lot. I've missed fucking you 
in the ass.

Amber: Oh, Paul. You're so romantic.

Michelle: Amber, you wouldn't know romance if it bit you in the face.

Paul: Be quiet, Michelle. This is a very crucial moment for me. I'm 
declaring my love for Amber.

Michelle: Then by all means, continue.

Paul: Okay, so will you be my girlfriend again? Please!

Amber: Oh, what the hell. I've already slept with all the guys at school 
anyway, except for a few teachers. I might as well settle down. 

Paul: Great! I'll see you later.

	Paul gets up from the table and walks out of the cafeteria. 

Michelle: Amber, why are you going back to that slimeball? Don't you 
remember all the pain that he caused you?

Terri: Yeah, don't you have any self-respect?

Amber: I don't know. What's self-respect?

Terri:: It's when you respect yourself, you dum-dum. 


	A few minutes later, Paul is standing beside his locker talking to 
Nathan Scott. They are the only two in the hall, since they both left 
lunch early.

Paul: Hey, I'm back together with Amber.

Nathan: So the dumbass fell for all of your bullshit.

Paul: She might be a dumbass, but she's my girlfriend... so be nice.

Nathan: Hey, guess who I nailed last night.

Paul: Sarah Jacobs.

Nathan: No, that was last week.

Paul: Then who was it?

Nathan: Heather Fox. 

Paul: Oh, Heather Fox is good at sucking cocks?

Nathan: Yeah, that's her. Man, her pussy tastes so sweet.

Paul: Yeah, I know. I've been there, done that. 

Nathan: She rode my ass to sleep. It was awesome!

Paul: Yep, that's Heather Fox allright.

Nathan: Well, I've gotta go take a piss. See ya later.

	Nathan walks down the hall toward the restroom. When he is out of 
sight, Paul opens his locker. We look inside his locker to see that 
there is a black mask lying on top of his books. It is the same mask 
that the killer always wears.

	School is finished for the day, and Amber, Michelle, and Terri are 
walking toward their lockers. When they reach their lockers, Michelle 
and Terri open theirs while Amber looks on.

Terri: Hey, Amber. Do you want to go to the mall today?

Amber: No, I think that I'll just go home and prepare to be murdered by 

Michelle: Come on, Amber. You don't know that she's going to kill you.

Amber: Were you even listening when Detective McKnight read that letter. 
I'm dead, and so are the two of you.

Terri: Well, thanks for the comforting thought.

Amber: Hey, what's that smell?

Michelle: I smell it too. Terri, is that you?

Terri: Of course not.

Amber: No, it smells it's coming from my locker.

Michelle: Then open the damn thing.

	Amber opens her locker and they all begin to scream when they see 
Tori's head sitting in Amber's locker, staring back at them. 

Amber: Oh, shit. Tori's dead.

Terri: Does this mean that Tori isn't the killer?

Amber: Of course, you imbecile. She's dead.

Terri: Just checking. 

	Amber notices that their is a note lying beside Tori's decapitated 
head. She reaches inside her locker and grabs the note, which is stained 
with blood. She begins reading the note aloud.

Amber: I took her head, now I'm going to take your heart.

Michelle: Oh my god. Who is doing all of this?

Amber: I don't know. All I know is that we need to get the hell out of 
here... fast. 

	Before Amber, Michelle, and Terri can make a move, the killer 
bursts out of a nearby classroom. The killer is holding a large pair of 
scissors. The killer grabs Terri by the neck and stabs her in the 
stomach repeatedly with the scissors. Blood seeps from Terri's stomach. 
The killer lets go of Terri, and her body falls to the floor in a pool 
of blood. The killer stands and watches Amber and Michelle as they look 
on in horror. The killer then begins walking toward them with the 
scissors held high in their right hand. 

Amber: Run, Michelle. Run for your life.

Michelle: You don't have to tell me twice.

	Amber and Michelle run quickly through the hall, neither of them 
looking back. When they reach the exit door, Amber pushes the door as 
heard as she can... but it doesn't budge. 

Amber: Shit.

Michelle: What is it?

Amber: The bastard locked us in. We're trapped. We're going to die in 
this hellhole. I always thought that I would die at the mall. 

	Michelle and Amber look back to see that the killer is nowhere in 

Michelle: He's gone. 

Amber: He's here somewhere, I'm sure. Let's go to the principal's office 
where we can call the police.

	Amber and Michelle enter the principal's office and Amber picks up 
the phone and begins to dial. It doesn't take her long to realize that 
the phone is dead.

Amber: It's dead. The phone is dead.

Michelle (pointing behind the principal's desk): And so is he.

	Amber looks behind Mr. Davis' desk. Mr. Davis is lying in a pool 
of blood, a pencil stuck in his left eye. 

Amber: We are definately going to die.

Michelle: Amber, I've got to go to the bathroom.

Amber: Jesus, Michelle. Can't you hold it?

Michelle: Uh, I don't think so.

Amber: Okay, fine. Go to the bathroom and I'll be out in the hall. 

Michelle: Okay. 

	Amber and Michelle walk out into the hall. Amber watches Michelle 
as she enters the restroom. She then glances at her watch, which reads 
	Amber jumps as she feels someone grab her from behind. Before she 
has time to scream, a hand clamps over her mouth and carries her 


	A couple of minutes later, Michelle walks out of the restroom. She 
looks and sees that there is no sign of Amber.

Michelle: Amber? Amber, where are you?

	We look behind Michelle, and see that the killer is standing a few 
feet behind her. The killer inches closer and Michelle can hear the 
killer's footsteps coming from behind her. Michelle turns around and 
sees the killer standing there. 
	Michelle begins running through the hall. She looks back to see 
that the killer is getting closer. While she is looking back, she trips 
over Terri's corpse and lands facedown in a pool of blood. She tries to 
stand up, but she slips back down into the pool of blood. 
	The killer stands over Michelle and grabs her by the hair. He 
pulls her up from the floor and pushes her up against a locker. Michelle 
is crying hysterically.

Michelle: Please don't kill me. I don't want to die a virgin. 

	The killer turns Michelle around, so that she is facing the 
locker. The killer bangs Michelle's face into the locker four times. 
When the killer is done, they let Michelle's body fall to the floor. We 
see that blood is dripping from the locker. 


	Amber wakes up on the floor and at first she doesn't know where 
she is. She looks around and notices that she is in the computer lab on 
the second floor. She stands up and walks out into the hall. She sees 
that there is no one in the hall. She begins walking and stops dead in 
her tracks, when she hears footsteps coming from behind her.
	Amber slowly turns around and sees... Paul. Paul is walking toward 
her, holding a pair of bloody scissors. His clothes are covered in 

Amber: Paul? It's you, isn't it? You're the killer.

Paul: No, Amber. I found these scissors downstairs and I found Terri and 
Michelle. They're both dead. You have to believe me.

Amber: No... it has to be you. If it wasn't you, then where did you come 

Paul: I was in the computer lab. I was working on a research paper. I 
heard screaming from downstairs, so I went to check it out. Honestly, 
I'm not the killer. We have to get out of here.

Amber: No...

Paul (walking closer to Amber): We have to get help.

Amber: Stay away from me.

	Amber turns around and begins running away from Paul. She runs 
right into the killer. 

Amber: Oh, shit.

	The killer pushes Amber aside. The killer walks over to Paul and 
snaps his neck. Paul's limp body drops to the floor. 

	The killer turns around and looks at Amber. Amber stands still, 
looking back at the killer.

Amber: I'm just going to... run downstairs.

	Amber takes off running. She runs faster than she ever has before. 
When she reaches the staircase, she takes the stairs two at a time. When 
she gets to the bottom of the staircase, she looks back up the stairs to 
see that the killer is nowhere in sight.

Amber: Why does he keep disappearing like that?

	Amber walks into the hall and sees Michelle lying facedown beside 
a row of lockers. She walks over to Michelle's body and turns her over. 
Amber begins screaming when she sees that Michelle's face is a bloody 

Amber (tears in her eyes): Oh, Michelle. You died a virgin, didn't you?

	Amber turns around when she hears a raspy voice calling her name. 
It's the same voice that she heard on the telephone.

Killer: Amber...

Amber: Where are you, you fucker?

Killer: I'm here. I'm waiting. I want you. 

Amber: Then come and get me. What are you scared of?

	Amber gasps as the killer walks out of the principal's office and 
stands directly in front of her. The killer is holding a butcher knife. 
The killer walks toward Amber and stops when they are only a few inches 

Amber: Who are you?

Killer: I thought that you would never ask.

	The killer removes the black mask and reveals himself to be... 
Cambell. He stands grinning at Amber. The grin sends chills down Amber's 

Amber: Cambell? You're the killer?

Cambell: You catch on fast for someone that failed algebra... twice.

Amber: How? I saw your body. There was a knife in your back.

Cambell: You're pretty slow sometimes, though. Haven't you ever heard of 
fake knives, Amber?

Amber: Haven't you ever heard of professional help, Cambell? Because you 
really need it. 

Cambell: I've tried professional help. It doesn't work. Nothing works, 
except for murder. It's the only thing that keeps me going. 

Amber: But why? Why did you do all of this? I demand a reason.

Cambell: Does the name Andy Spencer mean anything to you?

Amber: Andy Spencer? He was the guy who kept asking me out in the ninth 
grade. I always turned him down.

Cambell: So you remember me, then? I'm shocked.

Amber: No, you aren't Andy? Andy was fat. You're gorgeous.

Andy: Well, thank you for the compliment. It's amazing what losing 150 
pounds can do for your appearance. Freddy Prinze Jr., eat your heart 

Amber: You're a sick bastard.

Andy: Yes, I guess you could say that I'm a little mental. By the way, 
it was fun watching your friends bleed. And it's going to be even more 
fun, watching you bleed. Say goodbye, bitch.

	Andy lifts his knife high in the air, ready to stab Amber. Before 
his knife can connect with Amber's flesh, Amber lashes out with her 
right foot and kicks the knife out of Andy's hand. The knife clinks to 
the floor. Andy looks back at Amber, his mouth open wide in surprise.

Andy: Stupid bitch.

Amber: Don't call me a bitch. It's not nice.

Andy: What do you know about being nice? You were never nice to me. 
That's why I wanted to get revenge on you. I wanted to show you what 
happens to bad girls when they aren't nice to someone just because 
they're fat or they're not good-looking. I spent the last two years 
thinking of how to get revenge on you, and you better believe that I'm 
going to get it.

Amber: Uh, I don't think so. You killed all of my friends. I'm not going 
to let you get away with that. It's my turn to get revenge. Say your 

	Amber raises her right foot and kicks Andy in the groin. He 
doubles over in pain and falls to the floor on his side. Amber walks 
over and kicks Andy in his side. He groans in pain. 
	Amber then yanks Andy up by his hair pushes his face into a 
locker. He turns around and slaps Amber in the face. Amber turns away in 
pain. When the pain ceases, Amber faces Andy.

Amber: Wrong move, psycho.

	Amber knees Andy in the groin and he once again doubles over in 
pain. Amber grabs the butcher knife that Andy dropped a few minutes 
before. She walks over to Andy and raises the knife over his body, 
aiming at his chest. Before Amber can stab Andy in the chest, a shot 
rings out. Amber jumps as a bullet hits Andy in the head. 
	Amber looks up to see Detective McKnight standing a few feet away, 
holding a small pistol.

Detective McKnight: Dirty Harry ain't got nothin' on me.

	Amber walks over to Detective McKnight, who lays his pistol on the 

Amber: Oh, Detective McKnight. How did you know to come here.

Detective McKnight: Woman's intuition, I guess.

Amber: But you're not a woman. At least I hope not. You would be the 
ugliest woman that I've ever seen.

Detective McKnight: Uh, right. Hey, how about we go back to my place and 
do the wild thing all night. I just took a viagra and I am one horny 

Amber: How about 'no.'

Detective McKnight: Well, you can't blame a guy for trying.



	It's one year later and Amber still hasn't completely gotten over 
all of the horror that she experienced just one year earlier. She is now 
returning home from college, carrying a large suitcase. She enters her 
home to find her father sitting at the breakfast table. He is wearing a 
pink kimono and a showercap.

Amber: Hi, Dad.

Amber's father: Oh hi, pumpkin. Long time, no see. So how is school?

Amber: Oh, it's okay. I'm just having kind of a rocky start. I'm still 
not over the murders.

Amber's father: You'll get over it with time, dear. All you need is a 
lot of sex and alcohol, and you can get over anything.

Amber: I'm just going to go take my suitcase upstairs, then I'll be 
right back down.

Amber's father: Okay, doll. I wouldn't go into the bathroom for at least 
another two hours, though.

Amber: Okay, that's just great.

	Amber runs upstairs, carrying her suitcase. When she enters her 
bedroom, she gasps. Lying on her bed is a black mask. It is the same 
black mask that Andy wore just one year earlier.

Amber: Oh, my god.

	Amber walks over to her bed and picks up the mask. She sees that 
there is a note attached to the mask. The note reads:

I'm back, Amber. Get ready, because it's showtime.



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