]2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ats in the City by Wesley Frazier (wga) Current Revisions by Wesley Frazier June 24, 2006 Fade IN: InT. dark room The dark room only houses CIGARETTE, a short white male in his early 20s. He lights his CIGARETTE to give us a small indication of who he might be, but as quick as we see him...he vanishes. DJ So you want to be a gangster, huh. Well, a couple of hours of Grand Theft Auto and Scarface can give you that illusion. But what those two lack is the element of reality. Listen to me, no one choose to be a gangster it is more of a last resort career, like a teacher. There are only three rules slash hints to be a gangster, or a successful one at that. One, you can never hustle a hustler. I mean that is common sense. Two, manipulation is the name of the game. Lastly, whoever you are there is always someone better. If you are the best, then you wouldnt be in this situation...now would you. CUT TO: INT. study room-day ISAAC, an average height white male, enters THE SHARKs study to persist in a meeting. The Shark, is a large white male who exhibits intimidation once he enters a room. Accompanying The Shark is his BODYGUARD. Bodyguard is a massive Asian who is assumed to be a world class bodybuilder. The Shark is seated at his DESK, and present in a near corner is Bodyguard. Isaac walks toward the DESK and takes a seat parallel to the DESK. He adjust himself in the best way he can. THE SHARK Comfortable? iSAAC Cant complain. ThE SHARK Do you know who I am? isAAC I believe I do. THE SHARK Believe, ha. What are you now, an evangelist. iSAAC Last time I check, I was a businessman. Now if you dont mind, I would like to avoid getting anymore personal and get directly into business. That is if you dont mind. ThE SHARK No. Not at all. Here is my minor background of my business, I am a loan shark, hints the name...the shark. I keep my lights on by loaning people money, then making them pay me back, usually more than I let them originally borrow. ISAAC I am not retarded, I am very aware of your business. Now I would like to know, what you exactly want me to do. Because, Im not sure if you were aware, but Im retired or that was the plan. THE SHARK Then why are you here? ISAAC You asked me to be here. THE SHARK So, why didnt you say no? ISAAC Youre The Shark. THE SHARK And... ISAAC You dont say no to The Shark. 0002000008320000096F82C,THE SHARK Damn right! Look, I just need you to make a pick-up. iSAAC Thats it? THE SHARK Thats it. iSAAC Alright, lets do it. The Shark looks at his bodyguard who hands Isaac a sheet of PAPER. THE SHARK The location of the pick-up is on this paper, keep in touch. isaac I guess that is my clue to leave. THE SHARK Yep. iSaac (Exits) Alright, see you in a few. FADE TO: INt. STUDY ROOM- Day A week later. Isaac enters The Sharks OFFICE to have a small conference with him. The Sharks frustration is overheard. EXT. StudY ROOM The Sharks dialogue is blurry, but drifts into clarity as time passes. THE SHARK (O.S.) (Furious) ...What! You dont know what happened! OK, your right. Its not your fault, dont worry. I will get this situation under control. Isaac exit. The Shark and Bodyguard watch Isaac, as he leave the Study Room. Roach enters, crossing paths with Isaac. They both giving one another a look to inspire violence. Int. StUDY ROOM THE SHARK Roach, glad to see your in good shape. ROACH Yeah, I really appreciate that... THE SHARK Sit the fuck down you ignorant excuse for a life. ROACH What? Are you mad. THE SHARK Furious. I think furious would about do it. Are you honestly trying to get killed. Is it you wish for me to kill you. The Shark stands up pulling a 9mm out of his waist and aiming it on Roachs temple. RoACH Wow, thats pretty cold, the gun I mean. ThE SHARK Explain yourself, before I have to grab my mop and clean up a big mess. RoACH OK. Just chill man. THE SHARK (Frustrated) Chill? Man, I have a gun to your head and you are telling me to chill. You really have issues you need to work out. Explain yourself. CUT TO: EXT. StREET- flashback CAPTION:A Week Ago A car creeps to the end of a street corner. Located at the end of the street corner is are two TRASH CANS. A white VEHICLE creeps to the highlighted street corner and comes to a complete stop. Isaac exits the vehicle. Isaac approaches the TRASH CANS and opens the lid of the left TRASH CAN and drop a thick paper BAG in the TRASH CAN, then gets back into his VEHICLE and drives off. 0002000007380000119B732,ROACH (V.O.) The plan was, your man make the cash drop... CAPTION: 15 minutes later... A blue VEHICLE drives to the same corner. MARCUS, a black male in late thirties, steps out of his VEHICLE and drops a BRIEFCASE of money in the next trash can ROACH (V.O.) Now, to eliminate confusion and instigate trust. I had four transaction instead of one. One, drop the cash. Two, drop the candy. Three, pick up candy. Four, pick up cash. However, I didnt count on two things... EXT. NEXT STREET Both VEHICLES meet each other at the end of the street and acknowledge the transaction being made. MARCUS The drop has been made. Circle the block and make the pick up. When your out of my site...Ill do the same. IsAAC (sarcasm) OK, thanks for being on time. MARCUS Shut the hell up, snowflake. The white VEHICLE speeds off as does the black VEHICLE, both going in opposite directions. Ext. Street The white VEHICLE creeps around the corner to make the pick-up and comes to a halting stop. Isaac just managed to avoid hitting the sanitation VEHICLE which is dumping the TRASH CAN containing COCAINE and then moving on to do the same to the remaining TRASH CAN. iSAAC HOLY SHIT. This cannot be happening. ROACH (V.O.) I didnt count on the black guys being 15 minutes late, and I didnt count on daylight savings time. CUT TO: INT. STUDY ROOM THE SHARK Whoa, you didnt count on daylight savings time? Well, I guess your just bad at math then, huh. RoACH If you think about it, its not really my fault. THE SHARK Oh, wow. Yeah lets just blame the city for doing their fucking job. Or the black guy for doing his job. Or Isaac for doing his fucking job. Or, I know. I got it, its the suns fault. Look, I am this close to turning you into a pencil, but that would take too much effort. Your probably too stupid to die. Just get the hell out of here. 0002000005B9000018CD5B3,ROACH (Standing) Hey, who was that guy you were just talking to? THE SHARK Isaac. Why does it concern you. ROACH Yeah, didnt he do work in Seattle? THE SHARK Yeah. ROACH Oh, well the word on the street is that he was retiring, until now. THE SHARK So. ROACH You forced the man out of retirement. THE SHARK I didnt force him to do anything, I asked him. ROACH Has anyone ever told you no? THE SHARK Of course not. ROACH I am just saying its bad for business. THE SHARK Its bad for business...Your bad for business, get out. DISSOLVE TO: INT. Music Studio-Night Within the night, three gentlemen contemplate the futures that they hold. In the mix is POLITIX, a young black rapper on the rise. His talent can be measured in a shot glass, but with his father being the head of Dynasty, a local gang, his talent is never questioned. Also in the studio is BROX, Politix producer who sees over his advancement. Brox is a young man with ambition written all over his clothing. Accompanying Politix is Marcus INT. Booth Politix brings down his headphones and expresses relief as he directs his attention his producer. POLITIX (Unsure) Well, how was it? BrOX (O.S.) Banging like porn bitches son, we got us a third degree single. Look, why dont you take five man while me and your boy Marcus here talk. PoLITIX Alright, one. (exits) INT. Music stUDIO-NIGHT Marcus pulls out his 9mm and set it on the soundboard. Brox begins to tremble in the sight of it. 00020000062800001E80622,MARCUS (Sarcasm) Well bro, whats the deal. Brox Man, I dont this is going to work man. Or, or maybe Im not the right one for the job. I love him like a brother, but man, I dont know if I can make him a Jay-Z or a Biggie Small. MaRCUS OK, well what will it take for that to happen? Brox First of all, money. We need better equipment and with those lyrics, we are going to also need samples. Lots of sample. Marcus What are we talking? Brox Bare minimum? Fifty. MARCUS Damn, let me talk to him real quick. Hold up. Marcus retrieves his gun. EXT. STREET-Night The back door swing open as Marcus exits. He recognizes Politix leaning against the wall. MARCUS So, whats up? POLITIX I dont know, you tell me. MARCUS He said that we need more money. POLITIX OK, How much? MARCUS Fifty. POLITIX Just like that. You didnt even want to ease into it. FIFTY. Come on man, at least tell me a story which could make me feel better about this situation. MARCUS How much do you have on you. POLITIX Two grand. But thats for personal use. This really messed up. MARCUS Just ask Jesus. POLITIX I cant ask my dad for that kind of money. Its the fathers responsibility to teach the son responsibility. MARCUS Do you really want this life, you know...music? POLITIX Yes, why? What do you know. MARCUS This is just between us. If your father finds out, we are dead! No question. POLITIX Lets do it. MARCUS OK, Ill call this loan shark I know first thing in the morning. POLITIX OK. MARCUS But, are you sure you can get the money to pay him back. 0002000006A8000024A26A2,POLITIX (quickly) Yeah, no problem. MARCUS OK, thats all I needed to know. CUT TO: INT. STUDY ROOM - next day The Shark sits at his desk. Across from him are Marcus and Politix Unsteady silence evens the room. THE SHARK So, whats up. MARCUS First of all, I would like to apologize for the events a few days ago. THE SHARK Not your fault. I assume you arent here to apologize, because that isnt your thing. MARCUS Your right. My boss son needs money, a lot of money. And his father would obviously deny his offer, so we came to you. THE SHARK Well, I am glad. I have the money right by my foot. But I am going to need you to sign this contract. The Shark glides the contract across the table. Politix proceeds to sign the document. THE SHARK (O.C.) And a little FYI, if you do not pay the sum and additional cost within the time allowed, i.e. six weeks, then I hold the power to send my personal collector to pay you a special visit. When he comes, he will wait for my call and I will give him further instruction. And he is the best at what he does. Politix finishes the document and passes it to The Shark. THE SHARK Thanks, keep in touch. CUT TO: EXT. Car Two brothers, DOMINIQUE and DJ are seated in their shameful VEHICLE. Dominique a slender white male. His brother, DJ follows the same traits except he is slightly larger than his brother. They wait in their vehicle, at a street corner. In the fog of daylight, emerges LINDSEY. Lindsey is a average heightened woman, with red hair. She dresses in fitted jeans and collared striped shirt over a thermal. She can be described as a punk rock princess. Lindsey approaches the VEHICLE and leans to make an offer to both of the brothers. 0002000006F300002B446ED,LiNDSEY (leaning) You boys looking for a good time. CUT TO: InT. Car DJ Well...I dont know, how much we talking. DOMINIQUE (aggressive) Get in the car. Lindsey opens the passenger door and enters the vehicle. Dominique drives off into the city. LINDSEY So whats up? DOMINIQUE You must be the dirtiest and tackiest whore...like ever. DJ Hey, she is a female escort. Not some whore. LINDSEY Yeah, this is a sophisticated profession. DOMINIQUE Sure, if you like to be fucked...all the time. DJ Bro, that is a little forward. Lindsey knows exactly what shes doing. Or who shes doing. LINDSEY Thats right baby. DOMINIQUE So you really think you know what your doing? LINDSEY Of course...Im a professional. DOMINIQUE How come you dressed like a beaten orphan child of Ike Turner. LINDSEY Cops, thats why. I am not trying to get put in jail. Look at me, I have good skin. Do you know what they do to me? Well do you. DJ (Interested) No. LINDSEY They would take a toothbrush, sharpen the end and have their way with my... Dominique interrupts. DOMINIQUE OK, that you for the anatomy lesson. That will be enough for today. LINDSEY Im just saying. DOMINIQUE But you dont even carry a purse, let alone dress attractively. Is there a reason for that. I just want to know where you keep important things like...your money, id, personal products, and protection? Where is it all, huh. In your pocket. LINDSEY Yes. In my pocket. DOMINIQUE Wow, so resourceful. DJ What! Real whores dont have pockets, they have other places to keep their money. Right? LINDSEY Dominique. Just so you know I keep my money in this pocket; tampons on this pocket; id in my back pocket; and the condoms in the other back pocket. Lindsey illustrates where her products are located upon her jeans. 0002000006720000323166C,DOMINIQUE Thank you so much for clearing that up Pretty Woman. LINDSEY No problem. And you, DJ. What do you mean we have other places to keep our money? DJ You know. LINDSEY No, educate me. Im the one out there. Maybe I am missing something. DJ Well I assumed yall kept your money in your special place. LINDSEY Special place? DJ Yeah, you know...like in your Coo-Coo Cocoon. DOMINIQUE Wait. Coo-Coo Cocoon? Now thats classic. LINDSEY Is he talking about my pussy? DJ (Curls in seat) Dont say that! LINDSEY Say what. Whats wrong with him? DOMINIQUE Unlike us. He was LUCKY enough to be molested by our baby-sitter. Ironically enough she went on to become an adult film star. Shenanigans Smith. She was in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 13 and Leisure Suit Larry: The Movie. LINDSEY Oh, Im sorry. So are you scare of my you know what? DJ Um huh. LINDSEY Poor baby. Molested by a porn star. Lindsey hugs and comforts DJ. DOMINIQUE Lucky for you Lindsey, I aint scared of some Coo-Coo Cocoon. You feel me? LINDSEY (Seductively) Not yet. DJ Hey! CUT TO: one month later INT. StudY ROOM The Shark is sitting in his study room pacing about. As he is pacing he holds a conversation with Bodyguard. JAMES enters. James is a 30 year old male with a black leather jacket and khaki slacks, he is carrying a brown duffle BAG. THE SHARK What is going on? Am on the wrong page here? Sure its been a month, but I havent been able to sleep since that who mess between us and the Dynasty family. Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just me. James? JAMES Oh, I sleep fine. But then again I am a hitman. BODYGUARD I have trouble sleeping. 0002000007010000389D6FB,THE SHARK Thats because you get pump in the ass...willingly ever night. That would keep any man awake. JAMES Hey, hes got feelings too. THE SHARK OK. So James, make me smile before I go Columbine. James approaches The Shark with a duffle bag that he sets on the desk. The Shark opens the bag which is glowing with cash. JAMES Now, it wasnt too difficult to get this payoff, but it does come with quite an interesting story...to say the least. THE SHARK Well dont be selfish, spit it out. CUT TO: Int. Kitchen- Earlier that day James sits at a dining room table with Melvin. Melvin is a 42 year old man dressed in casual clothing. James is wearing a collar shirt with a khaki coat and slacks. JAMES ...why are you being so stingy and complicated Melvin? Here let me make this clear... James cell phone rings. JAMES Ive gotta take this. MELVIN OK. JAMES Hey Shark. Whats happening. Oh, no Im right here with him. Yeah, were just talking. OK. OK. And if he doesnt? Oh that wont be a problem. Dont worry baby, its me. You know it wont get messy. Alright, I got you. Later. MELVIN (nervous) Who, who was that? JAMES The Shark. MELVIN OK, um I think I might have the money. JAMES Oh, OK. You think, well I think I might need to exploit this situation. James reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun, clip, bullets, and a silencer. MELVIN (Stuttering) What is that for? JAMES Oh, nothing just helps me get answers or solution. Now watch closely. You take the bullets and put them into the clip, one by one. The you place the clip in the guns ass, like gay people do. Then you take the silencer and screw it in the hole, like regular people do. Then I place the gun in reasonable range and ask you again. This process can be appreciate by both lifestyles dont you agree. 00020000069000003F9868A,James performs his explanation. MELVIN Hold on, I got it. I got the money. JAMES ...so you do have the money. MELVIN Yes. It is the oven, so I wouldnt lose it. JAMES Well, get it. Melvin slowly stands up and grabs the duffle bag from his oven. As soon as Melvin turns around James empties to bullets in his chest. Melvins head bashes violently against the oven door. JAMES Damn, dude. James cell rings. JAMES Hello. Hell yeah I got the money. All I have to do is clean up and...what? Are you serious, you told me not to kill him. I thought you said ought. Fuck, I hate sprint, you get the worst reception. No, I didnt hear what I wanted to hear. I swear you said ought. Oh well. What are you gonna do. Cant you be optimistic for once, I got the money. Look Im hanging up, see you in 15 minutes. EXT. CAR James opens his car door and pops the trunk. Then a scream is heard. A man named Adam in a large black leather coat is exposing himself to young girls. James tries to ignore the situation and continue with his job. Ext. DooR James opens the door and Melvins body slams into the ground. James drags his body to the trunk as he is on the lookout for spectators. To James dismay, Adam makes eye contact with James as he ventures off to another unsuspecting victim. JAMES Fuck. I dont need this. Hey, you. Ext. Park James approaches Adam. Adam Yeah. JAMES Look I dont want to be the one to tell you this but. I am going to have to... Is that your dick sticking out of your coat? Adam Um. I dont know. JAMES You dont know. Where you out there exposing yourself to young girls. Thats not cool man. Not cool at all. By the way, I am going to have to kill you. 0002000005F5000046225EF,Adam What the fuck. Why? JAMES Why? Lets just say ethical cleansing. Adam And what the hell does that mean. Look, man. I didnt see you bring that guy to your car...oh damn. JAMES Well, you just expose yourself for the last time. You sick fuck. I mean, why in the hell would you do that anyway. adam I guess its a hobby. JAMES Hobby? Well fuck me. I guess skeeting on new born babies foreheads is next month? adam No, god that is beyond sick. I just do it for the rush. JAMES Rush, you want a rush. Go to Vegas, get married, bungee jump, or fight for your country. Exposing yourself is not rush...its just wrong on so many levels. And how could that possibly be a hobby? Hello Mr. Smith we happened to notice you didnt have any hobbies listed, why is that? Well I didnt think mentioning I expose myself to young girls would be an appreciated hobby. adam Dude, your taking this out of proportion. JamES Me? I cant even shake your hand without being low blowed by your third hand. Get your priorities straight man. Take up kick boxing or building model cars, not this. Even MJ would say shame on you. And I would have to keep Pee Wee Herman from whooping your ass. adam I guess youve got a point. JAMES Your damn right Ive got a point. Now come help me move this body. Adam helps moving the body with James. adam So are you still going to kill me? JAMES Of course. Im a hitman. Adam drops the body. adam Now this is some shit. How are you going to criticize me knowing you take lives away on a daily bases. 00020000063300004C1162D,JAMES Well, do you get paid? EXPOSER MAN No. JAMES (sarcasm) Oh, I thought you guys might be sponsored? EXPOSER MAN No, not at all. JAMES I get 25 percent of whatever this bum owes my boss. And your, well a bonus. adam Wow, life is strange. JAMES No. Your strange. Now quit stalling and help me get this body in. Adam sets the body in the trunk and as he pokes his head out of the trunk, James grabs his neck and shoots him in the back of the head. JaMES You nasty son of a bitch. Give me this coat. James takes the coat off of Adams back and puts it on. Then throws the coat he had on over Exposer Man. Int Study room-present day James walks back to his seat and sits down. THE SHARK I cant believe your wearing that jacket. JAMES Its nice. Feel it. THE SHARK How about no. Back to reality and the situation at hand. JAMES So what are you going to do. Because somebody has to be the bitch in this equation, right. I mean what are the chances that this is a big misunderstanding. THE SHARK True. Lets eliminate the possibilities. Couldnt be Roach because he is too stupid to even consider putting this together, let alone executing it. Harris might be involved. JAMES What about those black people. You know their tricksters. BODYGUARD Come on, thats not true. THE SHARK Wait, you might have a point. And they did borrow money from me. 60,000. Which is 10,000 less than what I lost earlier this month. JAMES There you go. THE SHARK Those motherfuckers. I cant believe this shit. They think they can manipulate me? Oh, hell no. BODYGUARD What are they thinking? THE SHARK 0002000006AA0000523E6A4,I mean, dont they know. Did they get the memo...Im King Kongs cousin. Watch this, I am going to show them not to mess with The Shark. Shit, I bite. Hard. The Shark picks up his phone. JAMES Whoa, what are you doing? THE SHARK I am going to cause chaos. First I am calling Isaac and telling him to have DJ and Dominique to make the pick up from that black rapper person. JAMES But they will just add to the weight of this situation. THE SHARK I am well aware. Then I will visit Lindsey, I think that is her name. She will counter their delivery and have the money for herself. Or so she thinks. Then you, James. You will go to the black rappers crib and have a talk about the money I didnt receive. JAMES Wait. What is going on? THE SHARK You see, DJ and Dominique are going to be a little early for the pick up. Confusion fills the room. THE SHARK They are going to steal the money, instead of making a pickup. Its all very confusing, but trust me...it will work. JAMES But why all of this. THE SHARK You do not understand the gravity of this situation. James...(grabbing James), the nigger borrowed money from me, money they might not or might have stolen. JAMES Well if you put it that way. THE SHARK So...let the games begin. CUT TO: INT. Car Isaac is driving in his SEDAN when he receives a call from The Shark. Isaac answer the call on his BLUETOOTH. ISAAC Hello. Sure what is it. Yeah, I remember the pick-up today. Oh, you dont want me to make the actual pick-up. Alright, what do you want me to do. OK, let me grab a pen. (obtains a pen) OK, who...Dominique and DJ. And where can I find them. OK, will do. See you in a few. Later. 000200000692000058E268C,(hangs up) EXT. parking lot-day Isaacs CAR comes to a stop in a parking lot. Isaac steps out and continues down the street. Ext. street corner Isaac stops at a street corner where he notices a vender, LOC, who is selling stolen products at a small STAND. LOC is an average sized white male, in his early 20s. He makes his living by selling stolen jewelry and anything else assuming value to the public eye. A crowd has gather together to witness and listen to Locs pitches for the objects he is looking to sell. Isaac makes his way toward the front. Loc retrieves the next artifact of JEWELRY on the STAND. LOC ...for my next item I have here a necklace that is one sizes fits all. They say diamonds last forever...well this one will last a thousand eternities. If your without it then you will want to shoot yourself, because that is what you'll the doing when you see Princess Diana wearing it. And I have the gun to match it. A MAN interrupts Loc. Man (Articulate) Shes dead you retard! LOC Yeah. And so is your wallet. Come on, any takers. I came here for a reason. Pick up the pace, if your second guessing yourself...the answer is yes. Two CHILDREN are chasing one another and run into Locs STAND, bringing it to the ground and sending all of his ITEMS gliding to the city streets. The children scramble to their feet, but Loc grabs them before they can continue and take off. LOC Well what do we have here? Loc releases the children and takes a good look at their faces. CHILD 1 Im sorry, sir. We didnt see you. LOC Oh, you didnt see me. MAN Hey, leave them alone. Their just kids. LOC Are these your kids? MAN Im not claiming those fuckers. Shit. You crazy. 000200000CE500005F6ECDF,LOC OK. Shut your mouth then. Now you too, do you have any idea how much this shit cost? CHildren No. LOC All the money in your pockets...now cough it up. MAN This is wrong on so many levels...Im gone. Man exits. As the children pull out the CASH they have on them, Locs audience begins draw their attention elsewhere and leave. LoC Nice doing business with you, now keep your mouth shut and get out of my site...NOW! The children take off crying their helpless eyes out. Isaac make his way toward Loc as he is cleaning up the mess made by the juveniles. ISAAC (Concerned) Loc. Is that you? LOC (Cleaning) Who wants to know? ISAAC (Assured) You bastard. It is you! LOC Look Im not responsible for...wow, hey Isaac. I thought you were in Seattle. Loc and Isaac give each other a friendly hug and handshake. ISAAC I was but I came here to retire, or I tried to retire. Now Im working for The Shark. But enough about we, whats up with you? LOC Nothing much, just robbing people of their paychecks. ISAAC Oh Im glad I ran into you. I am looking for the street...Arapaho. LOC Its right around this corner. Whats going on over there? ISAAC I just got a call from The Shark. He wants me to go over their and have...(grabs paper from pocket) Dominique and DJ make a pick up, which is weird because I usually make the pick up. LOC Ouch. ISAAC Whats up? LOC You dont know about those two brothers? ISAAC No. Can you make me feel better about myself? LOC Not only are they Irish...but they have a pretty elaborate history. ISAAC Im a good listener. CUT TO: INT. CAR - flASHBACK Dominique and DJ sit and wait in their VEHICLE. DJ ...so were going into that house and stealing a diamond. Is that all. DOMINIQUE Yes. I made it simple so you wouldnt screw this up. Dj OK. Just one question, if I may? DOMINIQUE (Frustrated) What. DJ Is he home? DOMINIQUE Wow, Its difficult to believe you werent dropped at a child. Listen to me, because this is how its going down in Chinatown. We going into this house, take the diamond sitting in the living room. Then we leave before the owner makes his way home. DJ Oh. I got it. DOMINIQUE Yeah. DJ So is he home or not? DOMINIQUE Get the fuck out of the car. Dominique exits As DJ proceeds to exit, he accidently slams his head on the car. DJ grabbing and rubbing his head. Dominique shows no concern as he grabs his tool bag from the back seat. Dominique reaches in his pocket and pulls out two RUBBER GLOVES. He puts them on and joins DJ. They continue to the backyard of the house, while putting on their SKI MASKS. Walking on the side of the house, Dominique and DJ notice two elderly women across the street. They wave at the elderly women. CUT TO: EXT. backyard Dominique and DJ approach the back door. Dominique sets his BAG down and pulls out his TOOLS. Dominique opens his TOOLS to find small TWEEZER. Dominique sits on his knees at the head of the back door, and proceeds to pick the LOCK with the TWEEZER. DOMINIQUE (Picking lock) Lets see...bingo! Dominique disables the lock. DJ You get it. DOMINIQUE Hell yeah I got it. (to DJ) Where the hell are your gloves. Dj Um. I forgot them. But at least I brought my mask. DOMINIQUE Whatever, just dont touch anything...OK. Lets go Dominique enters. Dj (mimics) Dont touch anything. CUT TO: 0002000005AB00006C4D5A5,InT. living room Dominique and DJ enter. A few moments later, Dominique comes across the diamond they set out for. DOMINIQUE I cant believe it, look DJ. Its so beautiful...do you have any idea how rich were going to be? That pawnshop can kiss my ass. Dominique retrieves the diamond. DJ turns his attention elsewhere. As a vehicle outside is drawing his attention. DJ (pointing) Hey, doesnt that car look a lot like The Sharks car. DOMINIQUE What. Couldnt be. Dominique rushes to the window and sees The Sharks white BMW parked outside. The Shark steps out of his car and stretches. DJ Yeah, thats definitely him...huh, what are the odds. DOMINIQUE Lets get the hell out of here. Dominique and DJ races towards separate exits. Dominique leaves through the backyard door. Confused on which would be the most logical exit, DJ walks through the front door. InT. Front Door DJ opens the front door and is met by The Shark. DJ closes the door. After opening the door, The Shark still remains. DJ Wow, this looks real bad, huh? THE SHARK Hey DJ, whats happening. DJ We didnt take it. THE SHARK (confused) Take what? DJ Exactly. THE SHARK DJ, if you broke into my house and stole something...lets just say a diamond. Dont worry, you can tell me...think of me as the father you never had. DJ (remorseful) Father? THE SHARK Father. DJ (rushed) Dominique took your diamond and ran. THE SHARK Could you be so kind as to point exactly where? 00020000079E000071F2798,Ext. bushes-30 yards away Dominique is hiding safely in a bush clearly away from The Shark and DJ. DOMINIQUE Come on DJ, dont be a retarded bitch. Take the heat. Come on, please. Just this once. DJ is seen pointing in Dominiques direction. DOMINIQUE Good, they cant see me. The Shark smiles and waves to Dominique. Realizing there is no hope, Dominique stands and walks toward DJ and The Shark. DOMINIQUE This is some shit. BACK TO: Int. StREET CORNER - prESENT ISAAC Well, what can you do. LOC You know what you should do. You should become an entrepreneur like myself. Of course you couldnt never react my potential, but its something to shoot for. ISAAC If Im not mistaken, didnt you take money from children a few minutes ago? LOC Hey. Survival of the fittest. ISAAC Anyway, can you tell me how to get to the brothers business. LOC Business? Oh the pawnshop. If you call that a business. Yeah, just cut around this building and it will be the first door on your left. ISAAC OK. Thanks, I guess Ill talk to you later. Isaac and Loc shakes hands once more. LOC Later. Hey do you remember where I live? ISAAC Yeah. LOC Come over so we can catch up. ISAAC Its a date. Isaac exits. CuT TO: INT. Pawn Shop Isaac enters the pawnshop. While walking around and getting a feel for the store, he happens to notice a confrontation at the head of the store. INT. Front Desk Dominique is behind the counter arguing with a customer, Roach. Roach is there to return his mp3 player. ROACH ...look dawg, just give me my money and Ill be on my way. DOMINIQUE Oh, yeah. You will be on your way, just not with my money. ROACH Whats your damage son? DOMINIQUE Um, customers like you. ROACH What do you mean, customers like me. DOMINIQUE Customers like you trying to scam me. You cant hustle a hustler. I run a damn pawnshop for gods sake. ROACH Im not trying to hustle you...I just want what I paid for. DOMINIQUE Well, its in your hand. 0002000005830000798A57D,ROACH It dont work stupid. DOMINIQUE I didnt break it. ROACH What you saying, I broke it? DOMINIQUE I mean, you wouldnt be the first. ROACH Thats gangsta man. I just want my money back. I bought an ipod and when I get home to upload my joints...the shits dont work. I mean it teased me. Cutting on then off, on then off. DOMINIQUE Maybe the battery was dead? ROACH Give me a new one then. DOMINIQUE You have to send that ipod to apple and they will send you a new one, but Im not sure how much that cost. ROACH OK. You see, we need to work together. Were making progress. DOMINIQUE But since your not the original owner, there might be a problem getting it back. ROACH No their wont...just give me the owners contact info and we can sort that out right quick. DOMINIQUE Yeah about that. Most of the this I sell here are broken or stolen...in your case both. ROACH What? DOMINIQUE But good luck finding the owner. Im sure you would make his day. NEXT IN LINE PLEASE. ROACH I am gonna kill you. DOMINIQUE Hold on just a minutes. There is a mute camera behind me...now how would that look? ROACH I hope all the bad things in the world happen to you, and only you. Roach exits. Isaac approaches the front desk. ISAAC (Sarcastically) Well...whats with that guy. DOMINIQUE I dont know. ISAAC So Dominique DOMINIQUE (Concerned) How do you know my name? Dominiques name tag reads Dominique 00020000064300007F0763D,ISAAC (Clears throat) Anyway...I have a job for your, an outside job. DJ appears from under the front desk. DJ Job...what kind of job. ISAAC Holy hell, where did you come from? DJ Um... ISAAC Nevermind, listen up... DOMINIQUE (interrupting) So you have a job for us. ISAAC Yeah. DOMINIQUE Im not usually the type to ruin moods, but were not necessarily the first round picks when it comes to doing outside jobs. Sorry to disappoint you. ISAAC Oh, I am well aware of your reputation, but I didnt request you...I mean, why would I? You all suck, at everything. DJ Then who wanted us? ISAAC The Shark. DOMINIQUE Are you serious? ISAAC Call me cancer. DOMINIQUE Wow. I dont know what to say. Isaac pulls a sheet of paper from his pocket and hands it to Dominique. ISAAC Here is the address to the pickup. You should have plenty of time to make the pickup and drop. Make sure you deliver the package to me. My cell is on the back in case you have any problems. DOMINIQUE OK. ISAAC Ill expect the package by tomorrow. Alright. DOMINIQUE OK. Dont worry, well handle it. Isaac exits. CUT TO: Int. warehouse-day Deep in the city, a warehouse containing well over fifty of the cities major drug dealers, all of which are minorities. Every single PUSHER has a stocking cap sheltering their faces from reality. In addition to this, the pushers all stand in about face awaiting their employer. Marcus and JESUS enter. Jesus is 36 year old black, with a physically disabled and BANDAGES across his palms. Covering his BANDAGES is a hint of blood to lead towards curiosity of the history of Jesus hand. 0002000006F4000085446EE,Marcus pushes Jesus towards the median of the group. Jesus initials that he wants to be left here. Marcus backs away. Jesus pulls a 9mm and shoots the Pusher in front of him. The Pushers attempts to defend himself, but to his unfortunate success, he falls violently to the floor. Marcus races to catch the fallen man. Marcus then searches the pockets of the deceased Pusher and to his disappointment, no sufficient evidence is found. MARCUS Aint that some shit. Jesus grins politely and continues up the isles toward the middle of the center row. Jesus stops next to OFFICER. Officer is a middle aged white male. After making gentle eye contact he returns to the head of the group. JeSUS It has come to my knowledge that one of you might be...and officer of the law. This obviously conflicts with my operations. So if you would be so kind as to point me in the direction of our perpetrator... Before Jesus can utter another syllable, the Pushers happily step back, in turn leaving a large open row leading straight to the source. Jesus glides down the cemented floor towards OFFICER. Officer Please. Dont do this. JESUS I need you to come with me. Officer, Jesus, and Marcus exit. INT. Hallway As they walk, their visibility is shadowed due to the lack of lighting. After traveling the soundtrack of uncomfortable silence, Jesus speaks. JESUS Do you know what I like about this hallway? Huh. OFFICER No. JeSUS Well, when I was a kid I always wanted to be a kingpin. Isnt that weird...most children want to be a doctor, policeman, or even the President of the United States; and my black ass wanted to be a druglord, theres irony for you. Anyway I always thought a police officer might be the key element of my downfall...like in the movies. So do you know what I did? 0002000005C600008C325C0,OFFICER No. JESUS Two things. One was find a building with a lower level, and the lower level absolutely had to have the worst reception possible. I mean, no means of outside communication whats so ever. Pretty awesome right? The second thing I did was hire a doctor. MARCUS (laughs) OFFICER What Whats so funny. JESUS Hes just being a silly Negro. Anyway, the doctor I hired is my highest paid employee. Do you know why? OFFICER No. Why? JESUS Because hes the best at what he does. OFFICER What exactly does he do? JESUS Here we are. Ext. ChAMBER - door Marcus opens the DOOR, which is several inches thick and takes quite an amount of effort to open. INT. Chamber Once the door is opened Dr. LEGEND is seen and turns to grin and welcome company. Dr. Legend is an Asian in his early 40s and dressed down in casual doctor wear, from his white COAT to khaki SLACKS. He brings down his GLASSES to adjust his vision. Dr. Legend Marcus? Hey! Ive been expecting you. Now if you wouldnt mind, could you bring in my patient. Thanks a bunch. EXT. CHamber OFFICER Patient? Marcus places a SYRINGE in the neck of Officer, placing him in a depth of sleep for several minutes. InT. Chamber The chamber is a utterly specific room. Only withholding a TV, a tall CABINET, TABLE, SINK, MOP and BUCKET. Slowly, Officer wakes up and realizes he is STRAPPED to the TABLE. Instinctively he begins to struggle. Officer is able to move his arms around but not enough to free himself. 0002000006C3000091F26BD,JESUS Marcus, cut that shit out. Marcus begins to beat Officer into a pulp. Dr. Legend stops him. DR. LEGEND Hold on a minute. Slow your roll son, if you kill em...we cant have any fun. Blood expediently races down both sides of Officers mouth. JESUS (Approaching Officer) You see, when I was about your age I was at the top of my game. Nobody could touch me, I had it better than Midas. And then before I could blink and snap my fingers; some foreigner from Spain came over and corrected my black ass. Not only did they correct my black ass, but they ask me only one time...to quit. Of course I said no. Now the route of this story souly depends on your answer. OFFICER Alright. JESUS I want your word, that your bacon ass will never come between me and my establishment again, or any bacon for that matter. Is that understood? OFFICER Come on Jesus, you know I cant promise that. JESUS OK, thats all I needed to hear, Dr. Legend, hes all yours. Dr. Legend grins and heads toward Officer. OFFICER Hey, hold on. Ive got two kids man. JESUS Your point? To continue my story; the Spanish gangster gave me a chance to walk away, and I told them to go home and on there way, to edge up my lawn. They beat the hell out of me, like I was a pillow. Then took me to the woods. There I sat with my man Marcus here and another friend of mine who isnt with us anymore. Actually, we didn't sit...because they crucified us. MARCUS Well we got it easy, they just rapped rope around us, but Jesus here...well do you believe in omens? JESUS Well its kind of funny now, but they stuck actually nails in my hands and feet. Got no feelings now, but did I ever feel it then. Taking them out was even worse. OK, Legend make it happen. 00020000077F000098AF779,OFFICER (to Legend) Who are you. DR. LEGEND I am just a pediatrician, who is also obsessed with the human physic. From the neck down. And Mr. Jesus here pays me pretty well to explore the human body and best of all, human emotions. Officer begins to struggle again. OffICER Please, let me go. Dr. LEGEND Shh! Hush now. I know your a little anxious, but it wont be long...all in do time. Dr. Legend rises to close the DOOR that still remains open. OFFICER Where are you going? Where is he going. JeSUS I think he is going to close the door. MARCUS Hey. Do I have to be here? No disrespect or anything. JeSUS Yes. I want you here. Dr. Legend finally shuts the door and approaches Officer. Officer begins to breath heavily and Dr. Legend comes to his aid to comfort him. Dr. Legend strokes Officers hair, which only discomforts him even more. Officer What are you going to do to me? Dr. LEGEND Hang in there, I will tell you everything you want to know. OK. Dr. Legend walks to his CABINET. Legend opens the CABINET, which has HOOKS holding several different objects, a total of 6 objects: BAT, two DRILLS, one sided AXE, SHOTGUN, and SLEDGEHAMMER. Above the CABINET is a large black BAG. Dr. Legend extracts the DRILL and cuts the DRILL on and off several time as he approaches Officer. OFFICER (nervous) Whats that for. Huh, tell me. DR. LEGEND I am planning on drilling you nipples in, never done it before. OFFICER Your kidding right? The next sound heard is the electric DRILL screaming. Dr. Legend brings the drill towards Officer. DR. LEGEND Wait, hold on. Dr. Legend sets the drill down on the TABLE. Dr. Legend retreats to his CABINET to find the second DRILL. He then returns to Officer. The both DRILL are resting next to Officers arm, just far enough for him not to be able to reach it. After several failed attempts to reach the DRILL, Officer gives up and comes to realization that he might die. 0002000005A40000A02859E,Dr. Legend carefully unbuttons Officers SHIRT, BUTTON by BUTTON in an almost sensual experience. Marcus begins to pace around the room. He is not conscientiously ready to visually experience an event with this magnitude Legend reaches for both DRILLS and looks at Officer. After making satisfying eye contact he cuts on the DRILLS and begins to viciously apply violent actions towards Officers nipples. Blood rushes from Officers nipples and begins to swim out of his body onto the TABLE, as the drilling continues. Dr. Legend gives up after a few seconds to move onto his next object of choice for torture at his CABINET across the room. Officer is obviously gasping for air and breathing heavily, while thin lines of blood races aside his chest. OFFICER (whispers) Please. Please help me. I dont want this, this isnt humane. Jesus wheels toward Officer. JESUS Nigga, say what? This isnt humane...motherfuckers this is five star treatment, you dig. Dr. Legend brings a black BAG to Officer. He places the bag over Officers head, which disables Officer from appreciating visibility. Officer begins to struggle and yell once more. Dr. LEGEND Hey, hey. Listen, this is for your own good. I mean, what good is an imagination, if you never get to use it. Dr. Legend takes his DRILLS and wipes them off with his CLOTHING and returns them to their rightful locations in the CABINET. Legend then takes the SLEDGEHAMMER from the CABINET. 0002000005E20000A5C65DC,With the SLEDGEHAMMER in hand, Dr. Legend sprints towards Officer. Before he makes his blow, Dr. Legend comes to his sense. Dr. LEGEND (Whispers) What the hell was I thinking. An axe would be ten times better OFFICER (Mumbling) An axe, did he say an axe. Dr. Legend tends to his CABINET and returns with a one handed AXE. He grins as he decides what area should receive the most attention. After becoming attracted to Officers leg he decides that will be the target of choice. Officer is weakening through the loss of blood as it begins to dry, he is trying everything in his power to ignore the pain. Dr. Legend approaches Officer and lifts his AXE to the heavens and before he strikes, the AXE is flipped 180 degrees, in which actually stabs Officers leg rather than cutting it off. Officer tries his best to sit up, in reaction to the pain he just indured. Dr. Legend tries to pull out the AXE, but it takes more effort than he imagine. In turn he works the AXE back and forth and finally extracts the AXE. A large gash is presented in the equator of Officers leg. His leg begins to seizure due to pain. Dr. Legend continues this punishment to the opposite leg, and the same result takes place. Officer is obviously in pain beyond verbal reasoning. He slams his fist into the TABLE. Dr. Legend takes his AXE back to his cabinet and places the AXE on the appropriate HOOK. Jesus leaves Officers side and approaches Dr. Legend and grabs his attention. Jesus whispers into Dr. Legends ear. 0002000006130000ABA260D,Marcus makes eye contact with Officer and approaches Officer. OFFICER (Whisper) Help me, please. MARCUS (Whispers) Shh. Just hang in their, it will be over soon. Just as Marcus finishes his short conversation with Officer, Jesus and Dr. Legend finish their conversation. Jesus strolls back to Officer and turns around to face Dr. Legend. Dr. Legend addresses the room. Dr. LEGEND I would like to bring to everyone attention, that we have a request from Jesus himself. Please hold all of your applause until the end of the demonstration. As a note, before I continue, I have the utmost respect for you Jesus, but after hearing what you have planned...well Im just goddamn afraid of you. With your permission, I would like to continue. JESUS You may proceed. Dr. Legend walks towards the TV and stops, with his body rejecting the presents of all other inhabitants in the room. DR. LEGEND Marcus, If you would be so kind as to remove the detectives pants. MARCUS What? Dr. LEGEND (Articulate) If would be so kind as to remove the detectives pants. MARCUS Are you fucking serious? JESUS Take the pants off before... MARCUS OK, OK. Marcus walks to the end of the table and begins to undress Officer. He takes of his shoes slowly, as he waits for Jesus to tell him otherwise. After removing the sock, he glances and smiles at Jesus. Marcus then continues on and loosens Officers belt. Marcus takes off the belt and tosses it across the room. Slowly unbuttoning Officers pants pulls them of a quickly as possible and watches as they drop to the floor. 0002000005BA0000B1AF5B4,MARCUS OK. Im done. DR. LEGEND No, your not. His boxer are still on. Those need to find their way to the floor as well MARCUS Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now that is just gay. Dr. LEGEND (Questioning) Is it? MARCUS What. Are you asking me? Man, I aint gay, OK. Yall are just forcing me to be gay. And for the record, this aint very cool. Marcus pulls down Officers boxer. DR. LEGEND Thanks, now that wasnt so hard...was it. MARCUS Yo dont know the half of it. Dr. Legend cuts on the TV and turn the channel to a pornographic feature. JESUS Yeah, leave it there. MARCUS Whoa, man. Those are some fat...knockers. Now that is just torture beyond vocabulary, youve got this man covered, at least give him a peep. DR. LEGEND No. MARCUS OK, shit. Just a suggestion, I mean you didnt even contribute to his now visible erection. DR. LEGEND Oh, but I will. Dr. Legend walks towards his CABINET and reaches peak of his CABINET, revealing a mini electric SAW. Dr. Legend turn around to reveal his weapon of choice. Jesus exhibits a satisfying smile, while Marcus exhibits mute horror. With the sound of aggressive pornography in the background, Dr. Legend approaches Officer with his electric SAW. OFFICER (Confused) Oh my god. Oh my god. I dont want this, please. Dont, I dont want this. Dr. Legend brings his electric SAW parallel to Officers erected penis. DR. LEGEND (Slowly) One, two, THREE... Dr. Legend brings the SAW to his target, then pulls away in humor. 0002000006A40000B76369E,DR. LEGEND (laughing) Wow, thats funny. You got to admit it. That was pretty funny. OK. This one is for real. Dr. Legend abandons counting and goes for the kill. He cuts half of Officers penis, just enough to turn his once penis, into a human gill. After he finished his cut, Dr. Legend tosses the SAW across the room. The SAW spins in an aggressive circle. Officers breathing has increased to extreme blow, in order to avoid crying. MARCUS Are you done? Dont you have to finish? DR. LEGEND Oh course I am. Isnt it beautiful, now that is a piece of work. MARCUS But he dick is still there. JESUS It looks kind of like a gill, a fish gill. Dr. Legend begins to fiddle with Officers deformed penis. JESUS Hey. Quite that! Where are your manors. Dr. LEGEND Sorry. Just wondered if it would stay on. Dr. Legend pulls out three small TEST TUBES from his pocket. DR. LEGEND These test tubes contain bleach. And when applied to certain areas with the right amount of exposures could prove -- Dr. Legend opens one test tube and pours it on Officers nipple. Dr. Legend then opens his second test tube and performs the same action on the opposite nipple. Dr. Legend tosses the tube across the room. Officers grunts violently and attempts to struggle. Dr. Legend moves to Officers leg and empties the third tube on it. Officers leg twitches in pain. Dr. Legend reaches over to his other coat pocket and pulls out two TEST TUBES. Legend empties one tube on the other leg and the last on Officers penis. Officer has had it. While contemplating, he finally ushers his last sentence. OFFICER (whispers) Kill me, please. I dont care how, do whatever you want. Just make sure you kill me. Now. 0002000005EC0000BE015E6,Dr. Legend rises and acknowledges Officers request. DR. LEGEND OK, I think hes ready. Dr. Legend rises and walks toward his SINK, below his SINK is a wide plastic BOWL. Legend picks the BOWL up and fills it with water. After filling the BOWL he grabs a few PAPER TOWELS and heads back over to TABLE with officer. Dr. Legend places the BOWL next to Officer and removes the face cover; Legend then takes a few towel and puts them together. After they are attached he lightly dips the TOWELS in the BOWL and places them over Officers face. Officers begins to take difficult breaths and begins to slowly suffocate. Dr. Legend continues placing TOWELS over Officers face. FADE OUT. EXT. StrEET CORNER- Next day Lindsey is pacing for potential cliental. She starts down the opposite side of the sidewalk, a CAR pulls to her side. The CARS window rolls down to reveal the passenger, The Shark. Lindsey leans over to initiate a conversation. LINDSEY (Seductively) Hey. THE SHARK Get in. CUT TO: INT. car THE SHARK Check it out. Dont ask any questions just shut up, listen, then leave. Tomorrow at this address will be seventy thousand dollars in cash. The Shark hands Lindsey a piece of PAPER. THE SHARK Take it, its yours. It will be in a briefcase. Make absolutely sure you get it, around four thirty. OK. LINDSEY Sure. OK. THE SHARK ...because If you dont, then youll owe my ass. Now get out. The CAR stops and Lindsey exits. CuT TO: EXT. Car THE SHARK Bye ho. The VEHICLE continues down the road. CUT TO: 0002000006660000C3E7660,INT. CaR The Shark directs his attention to the front seat. James is in the passenger seat, while Bodyguard drives. JAMES So. We straight? THE SHARK Of course where straight. JAMES And your sure everything is taken care of. THE SHARK It should be. It better damn be. Because I stand to make a large profit at the hands of those who tried to hurt me. JAMES Profit? Youre not getting any money, well any real money. Except for the interest from Jesus son; whatever his name is. BODYGUARD Politix. His name is Politix, he is an up and coming rapper...you should check out his myspace. And while youre at it, you should add me, triggerhappy8705. Yall would definitely be in my top eight, or sixteen. THE SHARK Bitch, fuck myspace and that little boy. This isnt about monetary profit, but phycological profit. Think about it; That Politixs kid borrowed money from me, right. JAMES Yeah. THE SHARK When he tries to pay me back, he is gonna realize his cash is gone. Instinctively, he will call me to let me know that he had the money but it disappeared. I will naturally react by sending you in to collect the cash. When you kill him then -- JAMES Kill him, whoa. Are trying to start a war? THE SHARK A war, man this isnt a movie. Its very clear that Jesus ignorance in regards to his sons personal problems was the result of his sons death. JAMES Arent you worried he will figure out that you are the major element in this equation? BODYGUARD No. Because their are too many variables in the equation, unless Jesus is able to quickly eliminate multiple variables, then this equations in nearly impossible to solve. THE SHARK 0002000006270000CA47621,Wow. Jack Twist finally got something right. JAMES What about Roach? THE SHARK That kid is way out of his league to pull something that complex. JAMES True, But. You gotta except the inevitable. THE SHARK Which is? JAMES Someone is eventually going to solve pi. INT. Booth-NIGHT Politix is in the booth executing rhymes that put Robert Frost to shame. His progress is obvious and very visible. INT. Sound Room Marcus and Brox are sitting next to one another. Brox becomes emotionally involved with the song, managing different aspects of the sound board. Marcus sits and is not amused for a single second. He is almost at the point of daydreaming. A few seconds later the track end. BROX (into intercom) That was hot. Why dont you take five and well work on the next track. Brox and Marcus watch Politix exits the building for fresh air. Politix Exits. MARCUS So -- are we making any progress? BROX Man, his flows are ridiculous and are only getting better. And with the beats I got lined up hes gonna be fucking fat bitches in no time. Im talking about Ms. Phat booty --- all up in his face. He might leave some for you too. So anyway man, what are you into? MARCUS I like women too. BROX No, nig. Im talking about music. Are you into rap or what? MARCUS Oh, Im into hip-hop. BROX Me too. You like Rick Ross and Chamillionaire, or are you into that Paul Wall slash Young Jeezy or, I know...Lil Wayne. MARCUS Your speaking greek to me man. I dont know who your talking about. Like I said, I listen to hip-hop. You know: Atmosphere, MF Doom, Hieroglyphics. BROX 00020000062E0000D068628,(Frustrated) Now I dont know who talking about. MARCUS Not even Jedi Mind Tricks? BROX Naw man. MARCUS What about Wu-Tang? BROX Ive heard of them. MARCUS (Excited) Yeah! BROX Yeah nig, they weak as hell man. MARCUS You serious. BROX Nigga, my name is cancer. I cant stand those wannabe Asian niggas. Ill beat they ass. MARCUS Can you beat my ass? BROX What? Marcus grabs the portable soundboard and beats the producer into a pulp, letting all his built up adrenaline and anger out in one motion. MARCUS Ill give you a beat nigger. And yeah, I called you a nigger, you bitch. Marcus takes the cord and raps it around the Brox neck and uses his foot for leverage as he attempts to rip Broxs neck off. Once Marcus runs out of energy, Brox tries to rise. But Marcus kicks Brox across the face ending his life. Politix enters and pauses. MARCUS I think you need a new producer. POLITIX Why? How? MARCUS He talked bad about Wu. POLITIX So... MARCUS Dont you know, Wu-Tang Clan aint nothing to fuck with. Politix check Broxs pulse, which further proves his lack of life. POLITIX Did you have to kill him? MARCUS No, but the adrenaline, man. When I started then I started to get into it...Its almost better than masturbating. POLITIX OK. Why dont you calm down so we can figure out what to do. Um, lets see... MARCUS Have you ever buried a dead body? POLITIX No. What kind of question is that? MARCUS You want to? POLITIX Hell no. MARCUS Why not? Me and your Daddy did it all the time. POLITIX Come on, theres gotta be a less conspicuous way of getting rid of a body. 0002000006520000D69064C,CUT TO: EXT. StrEET CORNER Politix and Marcus are standing outside at the peak of night, holding the body of Brox. As traffic passes by, Marcus looks on for a perfect gap. MARCUS OK. NOW. With all their heart, Marcus and Politix toss Broxs body towards oncoming traffic. INT. CAR A DRIVER is driving his VEHICLE while on his BLUETOOTH. He is obviously emotionally and physically attached to his conversation. Driver (Phone) NO. You listen to me, your getting rid of that baby. I dont want to hear it. I have a wife and kid at home and one more little bastard isnt gonna help this situation. No, your not actually killing the child...your just sending it back to heaven. Its easy. I do it all the time, how? Well I call it masturbating. Yes, it is the same thing, just not as personal. Broxs body skids across DRIVERS VEHICLE, bringing DRIVER to swerve his VEHICLE to a stop. EXT. STREET CORNER MARCUS You see, now its his problem. Like he doesnt have enough anyway. CUT TO: Ext. parking lot Dominique sits patiently in his VEHICLE outside of Politixs apartment. DJ exits the apartment complex. He heads towards Dominique CAR, with a BRIEFCASE in hand. DJ is intercepted. CUT TO: Int. CAR Lindsey drives her CAR into DJ, launching him straight into the air. CUT TO: ExT. parKING LOT Lindsey approaches DJ who is nursing his wound. Lindsey kicks DJ in his rib and takes the BRIEFCASE from his grasp. Lindsey returns to her VEHICLE. Lindsey exits. Dominique exits his vehicle and approaches DJ. DOMINIQUE Wheres the briefcase. DJ Well Im OK...thanks for asking. DOMINIQUE What the hell just happened. 0002000005B80000DCDC5B2,Dominique helps DJ rise. DJ It was all a little fast, but I think Lindsey hit me with a car and stole the briefcase. DOMINIQUE How did you let that happen! I had the situation under control, until you screwed it up. DJ (Sarcasm) Well then, I guess you didnt have it under control. Now did you? DOMINIQUE Do you know how much shit were in. Wow, we are so screwed. We need to get that case back. DJ Im sure if we knew where Lindsey lives, then we could get the case back. DOMINIQUE Whoa. Rewind. You dont know where Lindsey lives? DJ No. DOMINIQUE Were talking about your girlfriend, Lindsey. Right. DJ Yes. DOMINIQUE Well that doesnt make much sense. You have just been endowed as the most unintelligent and ignorant person ever. Did it no concern you once, to know where your girlfriend lives. DJ Well, no. I mean shes always outside. DOMINIQUE And? So what, shes gotta sleep somewhere. OK, let me think. Do you know who her last boyfriend was? DJ Yeah, Loc. DOMINIQUE The hustler. DJ Arent we all? DOMINIQUE Focus, please focus. DJ Fine. DOMINIQUE Give me your phone. DJ gives his PHONE to Dominique. Dominique make a call. DOMINIQUE (cell) Hey, Loc. Its Dominique, I work down the street. We need to talk, is there anywhere we can meet up. Yeah, OK. I appreciate it. Dominique hangs out and hands the PHONE back to DJ. DJ So. DOMINIQUE We are going to meet Loc at his place. DJ When? DOMINIQUE Now, dumb fuck. What, do you have something planned. 0002000006910000E28E68B,DJ Not really. Let me make a call, then Ill be ready to jet. Dominique hands DJ the PHONE. DOMINIQUE Sure. Who are you calling? DJ Isaac. Dominique slaps the PHONE from DJs ear and grabs his shirt. DOMINIQUE That is the second to last person youre gonna call, do you understand me. DJ Whos the last? DOMINIQUE I mean serious, Are you trying to get us killed? Are you loco? DJ No. DOMINIQUE Suicidal? Dj No. DOMINIQUE OK. Give me your phone then. DJ gives up his PHONE to Dominique. DJ I just wanted to tell him that we were going to be late with the delivery. DOMINIQUE No. Youre not. For now on, Ill do the thinking for you. Now lets just talk to this Loc guy then figure out what to do afterwards. DJ Sure. Dominique and DJ get into their VEHICLE and exit. CUT TO: EXT. Locs house- evening Dominique and DJ stand at the head of Locs home. Loc is sitting on his porch, asleep with a burning CIGARETTE in his mouth. The CIGARETTE bud is on the verge of collapsing. DJ Is he asleep? DOMINIQUE (Sarcasm) No, hes just resting his eyes. DJ Oh, I thought for sure he was asleep. DOMINIQUE He is asleep. DJ But...you just said he wasnt asleep. DOMINIQUE Wow. Bro, its called sarcasm. DJ I dont care, you still lied to me. And that hurts more than anything. DOMINIQUE (amazed) Your actually serious, arent you. DJ Maybe, yes. Loc rises his head to direct his attention to his visitors. LOC Well, hello ladies. Can I help you? DOMINIQUE Yeah, we talked on the phone. LOC Oh, yes. Come in and make yourself comfortable. CUT TO: Int. LoCS HOUSE - kitchen Loc leads Dominique and DJ into his kitchen. Loc continues to his refrigerator. Dominique and DJ have a seat. 0002000006590000E919653,LOC So, fellas. What brings you here? DOMINIQUE We have a minor problem. Dont worry, it doesnt involve you...directly. But we would greatly appreciate any help at all. Loc grabs two BEERS. LOC Sure. Whats up. Loc heads down the hallway. Dominique and DJ follow. Int. LocS HOUSE-Hallway Dominique walks speedily to keep up with Loc. DJ lags behind. DOMINIQUE As Im sure you know, we are basically owned by The Shark. LOC Arent we all? DOMINIQUE Anyway, he asked us to grab a briefcase for him. DJ ...and give it to another guy who would give it to The Shark. LOC OK. I dont see the big deal. DOMINIQUE We lost the briefcase. LOC Are you serious? DJ Yeah. Its my fault, girl problems. LOC Tell me about it. But you know whats really crazy? DOMINIQUE What? LOC I was just talking to an old friend about the same thing, because he is actually waiting for two guys. CUT TO: Int. Living ROOM In the living room, awaiting in a black leather CHAIR is Isaac. Isaac sets down his MAGAZINE to acknowledge Locs guest of honor. To his utter shock, they are the two people he anticipated seeing the most. On the contrary, Dominique and DJ are in awestruck to say the least. Isaac rises to greet Dominique and DJ. ISAAC Boy, was I worried about you two. What a relief, you know. Its like a boulder was lifted off my chest. DOMINIQUE Oh yeah, wish we could say the same. Isaac laughs. ISAAC So, do you have something for me? DOMINIQUE Its safe. ISAAC Where? DOMINIQUE Safe. Thats all you need to know. LOC Safe? What the fuck, this fool is trying to play cool hand Luke over here. ISAAC I know, right. Where is it? 0002000006A00000EF6C69A,DOMINIQUE At my house. ISAAC Are you sure? Because if we go to your house and the case isnt there, well theres gonna be some conflict. And that conflict will be resolved very quickly. Do you catch my drift. DOMINIQUE Yes. Trust me, its at my house. ISAAC Alright, lets go. Everyone starts toward the exit. DJ Wait, where are we going? ISAAC To pick up the briefcase at your house. DJ Why? DOMINIQUE (rushing) Because we need to, now lets go. Now, now, now. DJ But... Isaac turns to DJ. ISAAC But, what? DJ I dont know, Im kind of confused. LOC Is it anything we can help you with? DOMINIQUE No, hes fine. He does this all the time. Dont mind him, lets go. Dj Im just trying to figure out why we are going to my house to get a briefcase thats at Lindseys house. ISAAC Come again? DJ Lindsey, my girlfriend, or I guess ex-girlfriend has the briefcase. LOC Whats going on? The rooms attention is redirected towards Dominique. DOMINIQUE Well, its obvious that my brother is a liar. I mean come on. ISAAC For some reason, I dont believe you. And your brothers stupidity just might have saved your life. DOMINIQUE Look, I was just trying to buy time to get the case before you found out. ISAAC Buy time? No. That excuse isnt going to cut it. Let me tell you what you two are going to do. You will get my briefcase. And you will get it tonight, or I have two bullets that would love to give you a little kiss. IN THE FUCKING HEAD! DOMINIQUE Can I ask a question? ISAAC Quickly. DOMINIQUE Loc, do you know how to get to Lindseys house? LOC Lets see if I can remember, because its was always dark when I went over, you know how I do...OK, nevermind. Give me some paper faggot. 0002000006320000F60662C,cUT TO: Ext. alley BOBBY, late 20s, average height, chubby. He finishes shaking hands with a DRUG DEALER. Drug Dealer hangs Bobby a brown PAPER BAG. Bobby exits. CUT TO: STAIRS Bobby jogs up three flights of STAIRS to his destined apartment. DOOR Bobby fiddles for his KEYS, then he obtains the house KEY and opens the DOOR to his apartment. INT. APARTMENT Bobby shoot the DOOR open to find several people in his apartment. CUT TO: LIVING ROOM On the kitchen COUNTER lies two full SHOT GLASSES. On the kitchen TABLE remains a line of COCAINE. Bobby What is going on here? ROACH Hold it right there. Dont move, dont say anything. BOBBY What? No. I live here! ROACH Just chill, guy. BOBBY My name is Bobby, and no I dont want to chill. I want to know what is going on in my home. Lindsey enters. LINDSEY Whats the hold up, were you waiting for me? ROACH No. Your friend... BOBBY Roommate. ROACH ...roommate made us stop. LiNDSEY Dont worry about him. ROACH Alright, fine with me. Check this out everybody. What I am going to do is take two shoots over there, then do a line of coke. And those two dudes over there are going to inject me with crystal meth. LINDSEY Badass. BOBBY What do you want me to do with all this weed? ROACH Weed? Man, weed is so elementary. Id rather masturbate with scissors. MAN Quit stalling son, we want to see this. Man pulls out a VIDEO CAMERA. ROACH Are you ready? MAN Go. Roach rushes to the COUNTER and guzzles two shots of hard liquor. Roach gasps in relief. Roach jogs to the TABLE and snorts a line of COCAINE and leaps in the air. 0002000006650000FC3265F,When Roach turns around he is met with two NEEDLES provided by TWO GUYS. Perfect timing is exhibited, that could only be achieved in a complete fantasy. Roach throws himself to the ground. LINDSEY (leaning) Are you OK. ROACH ...whos gonna get that bowl ready? BOBBY This dude is crazy. CUT TO: FrONT DOOr The front DOOR creeps open slowly, then gradually bursts open to reveal the perpetrator. Grinning towards his environment is Dr. Legend, followed by Marcus and Jesus. They make there way towards the Living Room. LIVING ROOM Dr. Legend, Marcus, and Jesus enter. JESUS Well, its seems like this is where the action is. Dr. Legend helps Roach to his feet. JESUS Roach, Roach. What are you doing to yourself? Dont you know I want you alive. I need you alive. ROACH (nervous) Oh yeah. Thanks. So, what are you doing here? DR. LEGEND Seventy thousand dollars. Missing, of course. JESUS So typical. Now I dont assume you have my money, because you seemed pretty occupied in turning yourself into an autopsy report...but I am going to ask you two questions, and only two. BOBBY (interrupting) Who in gods name are you? You come into my home and demand money. Fuck that, you need to let yourself out. JESUS Doctor, please show this gentleman some respect. Legend races to Bobby with the quickness of the wind before Bobby can brace himself. Legend grabs Bobbys mouth and brings him to the ground harder than a fallen astroid. DR. LEGEND Just shut the fuck up, OK. This is Dynasty family shit, OK. BOBBY Sure. Legend rises and assist Bobby. DR. LEGEND Its all good. JESUS You sure? BOBBY Yes, do your thing. I didnt know. 0002000006410001029163B,JESUS I appreciate it. Jesus attention is redirected towards Roach. JESUS Roach. Where is my money? And where are my drugs? ROACH I dont know. I promise. JESUS Promise? Nigga this aint kindergarten. Now look into my eye and tell me you dont know. ROACH Come on man. JESUS As a matter of fact. Get on your knees and tell me you dont know. Roach approaches Jesus and stoops to his knees. ROACH I dont know. JESUS I said look into my eyes and tell me. Roach attempts to look Jesus into the eye. However, Roachs state of sobriety defends him from following Jesus instructions. ROACH OK. I didnt take it. JESUS Take what? You know what your doing right? Youre talking to much, giving me too much information. Why, are you hiding something, or are you trying to protect someone. ROACH No. No. Im sorry. JESUS Are you lying to me? ROACH No, Im not. JESUS Are you trying to make me look bad? ROACH I promise Im not. JESUS You know I have a reputation. ROACH Yes, yes I know. JESUS So why arent you looking at me, why are you giving me answer to questions Im not asking? ROACH I dont know. JESUS Talk to me, you know. Because if you didnt know then you would know that you didnt know. Which means you know something. So tell me, what do you know? Roach fall to the ground again. ROACH Im high! JESUS Man, Im just fucking with you. Roach sits up. ROACH You are? JESUS Yeah, youre just a junky who fucked up and got caught in some crossfire. ROACH Oh. JESUS Now, Im going to assume you didnt have anything to do with the catastrophe. ROACH Catastrophe? JESUS My money! 0002000005D8000108CC5D2,ROACH Oh. No, I didnt. JESUS Good, Im just going to assume that The Shark has my money. Which is a relief for you. But, if I learn differently, then there will be repercussion. And when these repercussions occur, you wont have to answer to me. No, you will have to answer to Dr. Legend over here. Dr. Legend waves. JESUS Well, Im ready if you are. DR. LEGEND Lets go. Jesus, Marcus, and Legend exit. LINDSEY Well, that was intense. BOBBY I know. What did they want? ROACH Nothing. Its not important. BOBBY He made you get on your knees. ROACH OK. It is important, but dont worry about it...it doesnt involve any of you. LINDSEY Yet. CUT TO: Ext. Stairs Legend, Marcus, and Jesus make their way down STAIRS toward their VEHICLE. Marcus carries Jesus in his WHEELCHAIR due to his immobility UPPER LEVEL STAIRS Loc jogs down STAIRS just missing the shadow of Marcus. Loc is followed by Isaac, Dominique and DJ. DOOR LOC OK, I think this is it. DOMINIQUE Are you sure, because this is getting very tiresome. LOC Hey, shut the fuck up. ISAAC Just get us in there. LOC Im not going in there. ISAAC Why not? LOC I got bad blood with that bitch, plus its there problem anyway. DJ Bad blood? What, did you guys get into a lot of fights. LOC Have you heard of chicks being cold? DJ Yeah. LOC Well, when shes gets comfortable with you...she goes from cold to fucking subzero. Be glad she dropped you early. ISAAC Well, with that said. Its up to you two. We will be bad in fifteen. 0002000005D100010E9E5CB,LOC Good. Because I need a cigarette. Isaac and Loc exit. DOMINIQUE OK. This is our chance bro, lets not fuck this up. DJ Right. DOMINIQUE Knock on the door. DJ Why? DOMINIQUE Just do it. DJ Your closer. DOMINIQUE But I asked you to do it. So knock on the door. DJ I cant...to much pressure. DOMINIQUE Too much pressure? Ill give you some pressure. Dominique raises his fist to beat DJs chest in. DOOR- A Moment later Roach bursts through the DOOR followed by Bobby and an group of people with a world of munchies. ROACH White castle! Excuse me Roach passes Dominique and DJ along with a group of peers behind him. BOBBY Im driving. I hope you know. ROACH Who got yo keys... me. Roach shakes the KEYS. BOBBY (to DJ) Are you here to talk to Lindsey? Dj Yes. BOBBY Business or pleasure? BOBBY Figured, I hope you know shes cold. DominIQUE This is about business. BOBBY Isnt it always. DOMINIQUE Yes sir. Bobby exits. BOBBY (O.S.) With her ho ass. Dominique and DJ let themselves into the apartment. CUT TO: Int. LIVING ROOM Dominique and DJ familiarize themselves with the apartment. Lindsey enters. LINDSEY What are you doing here? DOMINIQUE We let ourselves in. Walks away to the kitchen. LINDSEY Why? You werent invited. DOMINIQUE Are you sure? I mean the door was wide open. LINDSEY So what. This is my home. DOMINIQUE Oh OK. Well I guess well leave. LINDSEY Good, because Im getting really pissed. DJ Lets go... remember what she did to me when she wasnt angry. 00020000066F00011469669,DOMINIQUE Thats because youre a pussy. Besides shes not going to pull that bullshit on me. LINDSEY Oh really. And why is that? DOMINIQUE Because you are scared, I can sense it. LINDSEY You can sense it, huh. Well can you sense a bullet in your head. DOMINIQUE No. Why? Lindsey pulls a .44 caliber from her kitchen drawer and points it at Dominique. DJ Oh my god. That is a gun. DOMINIQUE No shit. Do you have any other valuable input that you wouldnt mind sharing. LINDSEY Shut up both of you. CUT TO: LIVING ROOM DUTCH TAPE surrounds both Dominique and DJ. There arms and legs are immobile, as they are strapped to two separate CHAIRS. Water is heard running in the bathroom entertaining the idea that Lindsey is taking a shower. DJ (yells) Help! DOMINIQUE Shut up. Didnt you hear what she said, shes gonna shot me if any of us calls for help. DJ Why? DOMINIQUE Because Im the one who can reason with any sort of reality. That is...out of the two of us. Plus, Loc and Isaac should be on there way any minute. JUMP CUT TO: Ext. doOR- A MOMENT LATER A CIGARETTE burns from Locs lips and finds its way to the ground. ISAAC What is taking them so long? LOC Theyre probably having a circle jerk session. ISAAC Dude. Gross. LOC What? You cant turn a ho to a house wife. Thats why I drop her like a bomb over Baghdad. ISAAC Lets head in here. CUT TO: Int. Living ROOM Loc and Isaac enter. They stop in their tracks and stare beyond amazement with a shot of confusion. LOC What the fuck. DJ Shh. Or shes gonna kill us. LOC Who, Lindsey? DOMINIQUE Yes. Bitch is crazy. ISAAC Where is she? DJ In the shower. Loc expresses interest. LOC 0002000005D400011AD25CE,Oh yeah. ISAAC We dont have time for that. LOC Itll be quick. Ill be a distraction. ISAAC Oh, I dont doubt it will be quick, but Im not sure well make our foot out the door. LOC cock block. ISAAC Help me with this tape. LOC What do you want me to do? ISAAC Look in the kitchen for some scissors. KITCHEN Loc journeys in the KITCHEN to look for SCISSORS. Loc enters the KITCHEN It takes him several seconds before he locates the SCISSORS. LOC Got em. Oh shit Loc trips over an unidentified OBJECT. Loc collects himself. LOC What the hell. ISAAC (O.S.) What? LOC I tripped. ISAAC (O.S.) How? LOC I dont know. Wait, here it is. I tripped over this. ISAAC (O.S.) Let me see, what is it? LIVING ROOM Loc brings a BRIEFCASE into the LIVING ROOM and sets it on a TABLE. Isaac glances to see the object of attention. ISAAC That bitch. OK, you get them out of here. And make sure to hurry, showers dont last forever. Isaac slowly walks toward the BRIEFCASE and carefully opens it. Loc cuts Dominique free of containment, he then moves on to free DJ as well. DOMINIQUE Whats in it? ISAAC Are you serious? While silence illuminates the room, the bathroom ceases to provide a water filled soundtrack. DJ Hey, I dont here the shower anymore. Do you? ISAAC OK. I think its time to leave. Isaac, Loc, Dominique, and DJ exit. CUT TO: INT. Politix Apartment - the NEXT DAY LIVING ROOM Politix is stranded in his LIVING ROOM. He sits and contemplates as he stares at the PHONE ahead of him. 000200000661000120A065B,Politix stalls for a few seconds before reaching for his PHONE. Politixs fingers dance across the dial. JUMP CUT TO: POLITIX (phone) Hello, can I speak to The Shark...oh this is The Shark. CUT TO: Ext. Patio The Shark is sitting outside of his OFFICE, enjoying the scenery of his PATIO. Accompanying The Shark is James, Bodyguard, and Dr. Legend; sitting next to one another in individual CHAIRS. THE SHARK So how are things, Politix? Is that your name. Wow, I must say it is very interesting. But anyway, I dont mean to be rude, but is there any reason your calling. Are you sure, I can give you an extension. All you have to do is ask and its yours. No dont worry, no big deal. BACK TO: INT. LIVING ROOM POLITIX Are you sure. Because I promise I can get the money back. It was here when if left for the studio and now its gone. I know it sounds really dumb and ridiculous...but its true. BACK TO: Ext. pATIO THE SHARK No problem. Hey, calm down. Mistakes happen. Ill just send one of my employees over and he will discuss all the details of the extension. Oh There is absolutely no need to that me. But I would like to thank you for call me in advance. OK, take care. Later. BODYGUARD What a relief, I thought you were going to kill that nice young man. THE SHARK Oh, I am. Kind of sucks though. Hes a good kid, a really good kid. James Seems like it. THE SHARK You ready James. JAMES I dont know, this doesnt feel right. He has nothing to do with this at all. THE SHARK Sacrifices have to be made in order for society to advance. BODYGUARD Were not talking about society, we are talking about you. One person. 000200000662000126FB65C,THE SHARK OK. Its time for you to be quiet. Or Im going to make you take a walk with Dr. Legend, here. James I fucking hate fags, to me they are right next to child molesters. BODYGUARD But this is who I am. James Thats what they all say. But if you like to play, I can show you a good time. Boy can I party. BODYGUARD I think Ill pass, this time. James You sure? BODYGUARD Yeah. Im very sure. THE SHARK (articulate) Stop it you two. JAMES OK. I guess thats my cue to leave. James stands up to begin his exit. THE SHARK Make sure you kill him good. I want to feel the bullet and hear the screams of Jesus heart. JaMES (sarcasm) OK, William Wallace. James exits. CUT TO: EXT. StreET James enters his VEHICLE. CUT TO: INT. Car James is driving his car and is stop at an intersection. EXT. Parallel Street On the other side of the STREET on the parallel intersection is Marcus. Marcus is in his VEHICLE. Marcus awaits for the LIGHT to turn green as he daydreams the afternoon away. When the LIGHT exhibits green, both VEHICLES leave their marks to continue onward. As Marcus and James pass one another, they both give awkward stares to one another, as if they have met before. Marcus attempts to make the first U-turn possible, but is stop by a SIGN, which forces him to wait until the next light. By this time, James is long gone towards his final destination. CUT TO: EXt. Car James exits his CAR and stands before Politix apartment knowing that this is a job he would rather not do. Ext. dOOR- A MOMENT LATER James knocks on Politixs apartment DOOR. He awaits a response. James continues back to his VEHICLE. CUT TO: 0002000006DC00012D576D6,Int. dOOR Politix opens the DOOR to James, insuring his presence. POLITIX Hey, are you the guy The Shark sent? JaMES Yes. POLITIX Come on in. CUT TO: LIVING ROOM Politix ushers James to have a seat in his living room. CUT TO: KITCHEN Politix, with all of the worlds hospitality enters his KITCHEN to grab a DRINK. POLITIX Would you like something to drink? JAMES (O.S.) Sure. You got an beer or liquor? POLITIX Nope, straight edge. I only drink water and club soda. BACK TO: LIVING ROOM JAMES (whispers) Oh my god. This kid is even straight edge. Can this be any harder, honestly. Politix walks back into his living room and offers James a bottle of CLUB SODA. James refuses. POLITIX OK. JaMES You seem like a good kid. POLITIX Yeah, my father raised me well. Discipline, discipline, and more discipline. You see, I turned out this well because I was afraid of making him mad at me. So, I guess you could say fear was my motivation. JAMES Yeah. So tell me the story. POLITIX Well, I needed money to record a new album. Obviously I didnt have the money to make it and I wasnt on a label. So Marcus--- JaMES Who is Marcus? POLITIX My dads main man. A pretty tame guy, doesnt get angry often. Anyway, he told me that if it where that crucial, I should ask my father. But I couldnt do that, he doesnt understand my passion, he sees it as a faze Im going through. Since that was out of the question, Marcus offered a loan shark, your boss The Shark. JAMES Go on. POLITIX So when push came to shove I talked to The Shark. He loaned me the money and I agreed to pay him back seventy grand. And that leads us up to today. Now, I know this isnt going to help but I had the cash earlier today, but I think someone came in a took it...actually I know. 00020000065C0001342D656,JAMES Sure. Unfortunately your not the first to say or suggest that. POLITIX I figured. JAMES Are you ready? POLITIX Ready? Oh, yes the terms. I plan to suffer the full extent of the consequences that The Shark has lined up. All except for death. JaMES This is the worst part of my job. Because when I visit someone, its never a happy ending. James rises and pulls out a 9mm, with a SILENCER attached at the end. POLITIX What is this? Whats going on? What are you doing? JaMES On any other day, we would give you an extension, but today isnt an ordinary day. POLITIX Please stop. I am really confused. JAMES Your speaking for the both of us. POLITIX OK, why dont you stop and we can talk about this. JAMES That would be really nice, but I dont get paid to talk. I get paid to execute...literally. James aims his weapon of choice at Politix and empties one shot in Politixs neck. Blood spews out of Politixs neck, enough to be demonstrated as a bleeding Old Faithful. Politix begins to gag and take his last breaths. JAMES Im sorry it has to be this messy, but that is just the way it is. And thats the way its got to be. James exits. DISSOLVE TO: Door- A MOMENT LATER Marcus burst through the DOOR in an attempt to make sure his boss greatest assets is safe and secure. LIVING ROOM As Marcus makes his way to the LIVING ROOM, he is greatly disappointed to find Politix bleeding on the floor. Marcus grabs Politixs neck to suspend the bleeding, however this proves mostly unuseful. Marcus rushes over to Politix to assist his wound. Marcus then places his hand on the wound as well. MARCUS We can make it stop. 00020000065A00013A83654,Politix continues to gag and fight for his life. POLITIX I cant, I cant. Politix dies. MARCUS No. You have to wake up, get up. Stop it. Get up. Marcus then realizes the truth of the situation and begins to break down. Marcus exhibits mute tears which deny him the privilege of crying, but still allow tears to race down his face. Marcus lifts Politixs body and begins to carry his body off. JUMP CUT TO: Ext. jesus office Marcus reaches Jesus OFFICE, carrying Politixs deceased body. Marcus tries to free his hand but he doesnt have enough energy. He slides against the DOOR towards the ground causing a large bang across the building. CUT TO: Int. JeSUS OFFICE The OFFICE DOOR opens to find Dr. Legend in awestruck. Legend stares very nervously at Marcus. Jesus is seated at his desk. JESUS (O.S.) Hey, who is it? DR. LEGEND Marcus. JESUS(O.S.) Oh, yeah. What does he want? DR. LEGEND I think he came here to bring you your son. Jesus rolls away from his desk to meet up with Dr. Legend. Jesus stops. Dr. Legend leaves to help Marcus lift Politix into the office. Marcus rises to assist this task. After lying Politix on a nearby chair, Marcus and Dr. Legend turn to see Jesus. Jesus hasnt moved, he still remains, with his back against his peers. Jesus spins his chair around and extracts a gun from the side of his wheel chair. MARCUS I completely understand if you want to kill me. JESUS (yells) NO! No you dont understand, because you dont have, correction...had a son. Fuck, you threw all my tenses out of whack. MARCUS Look, Im sorry. JESUS Sorry? How can you be sorry? He was my son. He was our son. 000200000619000140D7613,DR. LEGEND Wait, pause for the cause. Can someone please fill me in on the biological equation here. JESUS This man, because friend would be too nice. Im not even gonna waste my breath on your name. MARCUS Come on, we grew up together. Were boys JESUS But the minutes you fucked my wife, you threw our relationship out window. And when I say window, Im talking about the window of the Empire State Building. Gone forever. If you try to catch it, youll lose your hand. And when it hits the ground BAM! Thats all she wrote. MARCUS Look the past is past. Things happen, I know. But we have to move on. JESUS No. The past would be the past, if you didnt get my wife pregnant. That is when the past worked its way towards the present. MARCUS This isnt fair man. JESUS Not only that, but check this out. I let you stay in business with me. Did you hear me, I let him keep his job and his life. But I took what was mine, that child. I own everything in this city. I owned my son, you, him, the postman walking the rounds in the evenings, I even run the goddamn buses. But control, thats where I feel the most vulnerable. I mean, even if your husband is crippled, would you still make love to another man. I think not, I think the bitch should have married somebody else, fucking golddigger. But as you say, the past is past. Now what am I to do with you? DR. LEGEND Well, I have a few suggestions. JESUS Lets take a walk. CUT TO: Ext. chAMBer Jesus, Dr. Legend, and Marcus stand at the door of Dr. Legends CHAMBER Jesus smiles indicating the worst. 0002000005BE000146EA5B8,JESUS Are you ready? MARCUS Yes. JESUS No...wrong. I dont think your ready. But I am. Ive been ready for a long while. Dr. Legend opens the CHAMBER DOOR. Int. chaMBER When the CHAMBER DOOR swings open, another person is seen in the room. Lindsey is chained to a WALL. Blood is covering the atmosphere of her body, along with bruises to the face. Lindsey is barely audible and even struggles to lift her head up. Dr. Legend walks in the room and grabs a BUCKET in the room to dump on Lindsey. Lindsey screams as she regains full conscientiousness. LINDSEY (articulate) You asshole, you fucked with the wrong bitch. Do you know who my uncle is, huh? Do you. JESUS Honestly, does it look like I give a damn? LINDSEY My uncle is The Shark, and thats all you need to know. JESUS You see, Marcus. Everything is connected and everything makes sense. MARCUS Oh. Well, it was nice. JESUS As your only family, this shouldnt be that emotional. So this is where I wish you goodbye and all of the worlds luck in the afterlife...you piece of shit. Jesus exits. Int. jeSUS OFFICE- A few minutes later Dr. Legend enters and takes a seat on the opposite end of Jesus desk. JESUS I know that you have other obligation, but I would suggest making your obligations here full time. DR. LEGEND Are you asking me? JESUS No. Im telling you. I apologize that this promotion couldnt come at a better circumstance or a better time, but whatever. I also need you to do me a favor. 0002000006BA00014CA26B4,DR. LEGEND Shoot. JESUS Call The Shark. Tell him Im tired of this bullshit and the games he is playing. This isnt high school, the clever deceptive moves he is trying to pull aint gonna fly tonight. Remind him that this is my town, I put too much effort into this city to lay down and take it in the ass. Tell him, I want my money and I want his blood. I want his blood dripping from my fingertips while his head rests on my lap. I want the holocaust to seem like a big hoax compared to what Im going to do to The Shark. Do you get me? DR. LEGEND Trust me, you couldnt make it any clearer. Stand by me Jesus, Judas is out of the picture...completely. Dr. Legend reaches for the PHONE. Cut TO: Int. studY ROOM Inhabiting the study room are The Shark, Bodyguard, and James. JAMES ...but I personally cant stand American Idol, but Asian Idol; now that would be hilarious. PHONE rings. THE SHARK Is someone going to answer that? PHONE continues BODYGUARD OK. Bodyguard reaches for the phone. THE SHARK No, no. Get the cordless one. Im not dealing with another bill collector. JAMES Your kidding right...its the weekend. THE SHARK They dont have a conscious, they dont have families, and they dont have sleep. So yeah, Im serious. James picks the cordless PHONE up. He reads the caller identification, then answers the phone. JAMES (phone) Hello. Well, shit. THE SHARK What? Who is it? JAMES Its for you. James tosses the PHONE to The Shark. THE SHARK Hello. Whoa, dont address me with that tone. No, man you must have me mistaken for some faggot. I dont play that. He wants to what? Oh we can definitely settle this. Where? Do you know where Roachs apartment is? Thats the spot. OK, ttyl motherfucker. 00020000066800015356662,The Shark hangs up. BODYGUARD Well? THE SHARK Some complete stranger just owned me on Jesus behalf. JAMES What does he know? THE SHARK Everything. BODYGUARD Should we be worried or what? THE SHARK Yes. This guy is not to be fucked with. This is the man who was crucified and survived...not even the real Jesus did that. I cant believe this is happening. This is like being outside, naked; when its hailing. JAMES Well, if hes not to be fucked...then why did you fuck with him. BODYGUARD I think I was right. JAMES Right about what? That you like penis? THE SHARK No. Youre not right, yet. I still have time to make this worse. James I need you to call Isaac and the twins...I think its time we had a reunion. BODYGUARD What about your niece? Doesnt she have the briefcase? THE SHARK Shit. I totally forgot about her. You call her and find out if she still has the briefcase. Tomorrow is going to be the day of reckoning, and there aint gonna be no resurrection this time. James, I need you and Mr. Sausage Smoker over here to make some calls. JAMES To who? CuT TO: EXT. Street-nIGHT Isaac and Loc walk the street as if they own the city at the darkest of night. Isaacs cell phone rings in the middle of his conversation ISAAC ...I know right, thats what I said. PHONE rings. ISAAC (phone) Hello. CUT TO: Ext. PaWN SHOP Dominique and DJ are outside of their pawnshop as Dominique finishes putting on the final lock to secure the shop. Dominiques PHONE rings. DOMINIQUE (phone) Speak. CUT TO: INt. Apartment - KiTCHEN Roach sits in his apartment with Bobby. They are comfortably situated in the KITCHEN. Roachs PHONE rings 000200000609000159B8603,ROACH Holla. Hey. OK, do you know where Lindseys is? NO, she didnt come home last night. Cut tO: Int. ChamBER Lindsey hangs in the darkness of the chamber with CHAINS upholding her arms and legs. She remains half alive striving for life. Her PHONE ring. She unable to answer. The light from her PHONE aluminates the room. In the deepest corner, lies Marcus. Marcus is dead. Lying in a massive pool of his own blood face first. The blood Marcus lies in expands his whole body and continues to travel and spread through the CHAMBER. DISSOLVE TO: Int. ChAMBER - Flashback Lindsey hangs in the CHAMBER ROOM. Her legs and arms are separated from one another, to the point in if Lindsey moves too quickly then a sharp hint of pain will dances across her body. Marcus is lying on the ground, a miracle is the only justifiable cause of his capability to breathe another second. Dr. Legend enters and closes the DOOR. MARCUS I said I was sorry. Im sorry. DR. LEGEND So, Truman apologized for the a-bomb, but that didnt make it right. MaRCUS Thats different. DR. LEGEND Yeah. Because Im not Japanese. MARCUS Fuck. Dr. Legend walks to his CABINET. He opens the CABINET and takes off the lab COAT hanging inside of the CABINET. Dr. Legend then brings down the mini CHAIN SAW from above the CABINET. Dr. LEGEND This brings back memories. Dr. Legend kisses his CHAIN SAW. Dr. Legend makes his way towards Marcus with a heavy smile across his face. DR. LEGEND Dont worry, my boy...Im not going to cut your legs off. Just think happy thoughts 00020000067B00015FBB675,Lindsey screams. DR. LEGEND Well damn, I didnt know you where awake. You got next. Dr. Legend pulls the starter on the CHAIN SAW. After several pulls, the engine exhibits life. Dr. LEGEND Oh man, here comes trouble. MARCUS Wait, wait. Dr. Legend pulls Marcus PANT LEG and uses the SAW to separate the Achilles Tendon. Legend repeats the same action on the opposing leg. Dr. Legend cuts off the CHAIN SAW. DR. LEGEND There, now stay put. Dr. Legend laughs as he walks back to his CABINET to place the CHAIN SAW in its rightful place. Dr. Legend returns to Marcus. DR. LEGEND Well, does it hurt. Marcus strains to speak. MARCUS I cant die. DR. LEGEND NO, not yet. But Ive heard that cutting someones tendon off is one of those pains that has a pulse. MARCUS I cant move. Dr. Legend digs in his COAT pocket and pulls out thin tangled STRING. DR. LEGEND Well, my boy...that is the point. MARCUS What is that. DR. LEGEND This is string. But not any ordinary string. Have you seen Audition? Marcus moans in pain. DR. LEGEND I will take that as a no. Anyway, the film is awesome. Directed by the genius himself, Takashi Miike. The film is based on a producer who holds an audition to find a new wife...needless to say, the woman he chooses turns out to be a complete psycho. MARCUS Like you. DR. LEGEND Hey, Im not a woman. Back to the movie. So Miike, the director, planned to film this movie in three parts in regards to mood or so I believe. The first part, would be complete boredom or as some might say, dramatic. Then second part would wake the view up, but not engulf you in violence and pain just yet. But, in the third part, well goddamn. 0002000005A7000166305A1,MARCUS Im never going to see it anyway. DR. LEGEND Who knows, god might be running an imax. MARCUS I would laugh, but your an asshole. DR. LEGEND Back to the movie. So this girl who is chosen is so innocent and lovely, then turns to a complete psycho bitch. When torturing her lover, she uses a piece of string like this. But the string she uses is special, this string is capable of cutting through not only flesh but bone as well. MARCUS Fuck me. DR. LEGEND Oh your fucked alright. Marcus tries to move. DR. LEGEND And the creepiest part is when the girl cuts his leg with the string. Why you ask? Because she keeps say deeper, deeper In a sweet innocent voice, in Japanese of course. NOW GIVE ME YOUR ARM. Dr. Legend hold Marcus arm and raps the STRING around. He then places his foot on top of Marcus arm to hold it in place. Dr. Legend begins to pull on the STRING piercing Marcus skin. He pulls right, then left...continuously. Marcus screams DR. LEGEND Deeper, deeper, deeper,deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper. Marcus arm disconnects violently, expressing a enormous flow of blood. DR. LEGEND ...until its gone. Marcus screams continue. Dr. Legend moves on to Marcus next arm and proceeds with the same formula. DR. LEGEND Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper... Marcus arms detaches as he lets out a massive scream. DR. LEGEND ...until its gone. Dr. Legend lifts Marcus body upward, in which he sits on his knees. 00020000068800016BD1682,In the distance, Lindsey begins to gasp violently. Dr. Legend takes his STRING and raps the STRING around the neck of Marcus. Marcus eyes turn blood red. Dr. Legend works right, then left...repeatedly. CUT TO: LINDSEY I cant breathe. I cant throw up. BACK TO: DR. LEGEND Bitch, you got one more time to open your mouth. So I would chose my words carefully, before I make an example out of you. Dr. Legend finishes. Marcus heads shoots towards the ceiling, followed by a river of blood. Dr. Legend turns toward Lindsey and takes a bow. DR. LEGEND Now that is genius. Come on, looks like that came right out of a fucking anime. CUT TO: Lindseys eyes preach a hint of fear. CuT TO: Ext. hallway - present The Shark and James walk through the hallway of an apartment complex. THE SHARK Were the hell is it? JAMES What? THE SHARK The apartment. JAMES I dont know, shit man. I think this is it. THE SHARK Hold on man, are you sure this is it? JAMES No. THE SHARK What if its not the right place. JAMES We go to the next one. Door James knocks on the door. CUT TO: Int. living ROOM Roach answers the door as James and The Shark enters the apartment. KiTCHEN Bobby is preparing a sandwich for himself. BOBBY Dammit, why are people barging in again? LIVING ROOM ROACH Can I help you? JAMES Were expecting people. ROACH Where? Here? THE SHARK Yes sir. ROACH Sure, make yourself comfortable. THE SHARK I need my money. ROACH Money? THE SHARK Money, the money you managed to scuffle from me. You punk bitch. ROACH Why is everyone asking me about money? I dont have any money, or I do have money...but its not enough money to get bitched at for money I dont have. 00020000068A00017253684,THE SHARK Where is Lindsey? Shes suppose to have the money. ROACH We havent seen her since yesterday. THE SHARK Are you sure? ROACH Yes. THE SHARK Fine. ROACH OK, now thats even worse. Whenever Im accused, people just forgive me. Im not a child, I can accept responsibility. JAMES People, what people? ROACH I dont know. JAMES Youre a liar. Who else have you talked to. ROACH Jesus and Dr. Legend, and a black guy. THE SHARK Fuck. Are you serious? What did you tell them? What do they want. ROACH They wanted to know where the money was. I told them, I dont have it. THE SHARK Thats all? ROACH Thats all. CUT TO: BOBBY But thats not all. Two more people came over. BACK TO: THE SHARK Who CUT TO: BOBBY I dont know. People. BACK TO: THE SHARK What did they look like? CUT TO: BOBBY They had a penis, both of them. BACK TO: JAMES Why are you cracking jokes? Who do you think you are? CUT TO: BOBBY Who am I. I am motherfucking Bobby, and this is my home. I demand some simple respect. Bobby extracts a 9mm and shoots James, directly in the temple. James body finds the fastest way to the floor. BOBBY Well there goes the deposit. BACK TO: THE SHARK Who are you? ROACH Yeah. Who are you. CUT TO: BOBBY I was a nice guy, but disrespect is what you could call...one of my pet peeves. BACK TO: ROACH Well, can I get a list so I dont end up like that guy. THE SHARK That guy, was my hitman. CUT TO: BOBBY I guess that would be a textbook definition of irony. Knocking at DOOR. BOBBY Looks like that is the company you were talking about. BACK TO: Roach smiles and heads toward the front DOOR to answer the previous knocking. DooR Roach opens the door. 0002000007CD000178D77C7,Isaac and Loc enter. LIVING ROOM Loc makes eye contact with James. LOC Wow, that guy is dead. ISAAC I think this is the wrong room, so Im going to let myself out. LOC Im not to far behind you. BOBBY (O.s.) Have a seat. ISAAC No thanks. Isaac and Loc continue towards the exit. Bobby slams his GUN on the COUNTER. DOOR LOC (whispers) Did that sound like a gun? ISAAC (whispers) Yes! LiVING ROOM Loc and Isaac renter the LIVING ROOM and take a seat on the sofa. ISAAC We decided to stay, for a little while. CUT TO: KITCHEN BOBBY Thanks. Bobby exits the kitchen LIVING ROOM Bobby enters BOBBY (to The Shark) Why are you still standing. THE SHARK Oh, sorry. The Shark quickly takes a seat in the nearest CHAIR possible. After taking a seat, he throw a fake smile at Bobby. THE SHARK Nice place by the way... Bobby interrupts The Shark. BOBBY Who are you two? LOC Oh, Im so sorry. My name is Loc ISAAC Isaac. BOBBY So why is everyone here? ISAAC Its complicated, right. Isaac directs his attention to The Shark. THE SHARK Very. BOBBY I think Im entitled to an explanation. THE SHARK Where to begin...? Knocking at the DOOR cuts The Shark off. CUT TO: DOOR- A MOMENT LATER Roach opens the DOOR, the immediately closes the DOOR. He opens the DOOR and closes it once again. The DOOR opens without Roachs consent. Dr. Legend and Jesus enters. The DOOR remains open. LIVING ROOM Roach renters the living room, followed by Jesus and Dr. Legend. BOBBY Holy hell. DR. LEGEND Bobby, my man...whats cracking. JESUS We need to talk, Shark. THE SHARK Yeah, we do. Where is my niece. DR. LEGEND I gutted her up. JUMP CUT TO: Int. ChAMBER Lindsey remains in CHAINS. Dr. Legend takes a SICKLE and cuts across Lindseys stomach violently. BACK TO: THE SHARK What? DR. LEGEND Yeah. It was pretty messy. Shit, I forgot to mop. Damn, how am I gonna get all that up. THE SHARK Well did you at least get the briefcase? DR. LEGEND There wasnt a briefcase here. Trust me. JESUS Now, are you a fucking ass. 00020000065D0001809E657,THE SHARK Who are you to call me an ass? JESUS I am the governor and you tried to pull one on me. Fuck, I cant believe this shit. Ive been in this game while you where still sucking your mommas titties. But the fact that you screwed me over isnt what pisses me off, no. Because youre not the first to do so. But you are the first to try to play me for a complete idiot to say the least. THE SHARK Play you as an idiot. Me, no. You played me. JESUS Not only that but you killed my son to try to make me doubt myself even more. Once you did that, a vendetta was in order. Thanks for the hassle fucker. Dr. Legend extracts his 9mm and shoots The Shark in the kneecap. JESUS The worst part about it. You wouldnt even take the blame or credit for that matter, on top of that you brought in the entire criminal underground to try to confuse me even more. After that was said and done, you bring me here surrounded by enemies. THE SHARK (in pain) Are you done? DR. LEGEND Hey, arent you missing your right hand man? ROACH Hes over there. DR. LEGEND Damn, who killed him? I liked him. BOBBY Me, sorry. DR. LEGEND No worries. Pretty nice shot. Actually that was an awesome shot. I think I just got a boner. JESUS Hey, I was talking. DR. LEGEND Sorry, Its just when I see a dead body I ask questions. JESUS Back to reality. I cant even begin to accept the fact that you tried this shenanigan, especially since your family is responsible for my life changing experience. LOC Whoa, hold on. Your family made him crippled. JeSUS I prefer parapheligic. LOC Damn dude. You see there is fucked up...then there is what you did. 000200000E05000186F5DFF,Dominique and DJ enter the room. DJ has the briefcase in hand. DJ We decided to let ourselves in, since the door was open. BOBBY I dont even care who you are, but whatever is in that briefcase is gonna raise hell. DR. LEGEND People are gonna die, so unless your a gambling man, make you way towards the door, walk through it and never turn back. BOBBY Nice meeting all of you, but I think Ive outlasted my welcome. Good luck with resolving whatever this is and sorry about killing your friend. DR. LEGEND Oh, I almost forgot. Dr. Legend kills The Shark. ROACH OK, thats all I needed. I am leaving too. Roach and Bobby exit. JESUS Anyone else? DOMINIQUE I aint going nowhere, Ive worked to hard to let it come down to this. So Im ready to bust a head or two. DJ tosses the BRIEFCASE and dives behind a COUCH. The room engulfs with violent GUN play. Jesus is shot in the chest by Dominique. Dominique is executed by Dr. Legend. Isaac is killed by Dr. Legend. Bodyguard enters and is shot by Loc. Loc is killed by Dr. Legend. Dr. Legend remains alive along with DJ. DR. LEGEND Is anyone alive? DJ rises. DJ Yeah. Dr. Legend attempts to fire his WEAPON at DJ, however his has no remaining ammunition. DR. LEGEND Well, thats gay. DJ Luck for me...I got this. DJ pulls out a REVOLVER and kills Dr. Legend. DJ then grabs the BRIEFCASE and exits. CUT TO: Int. City LANDFILL Office DJ enters CITY LANDFILL OFFICE. DJ is in possession of BRIEFCASE WORKER, a chubby white male greats DJ at the foot of his door. DJ shakes hands with Worker and hands him the BRIEFCASE. Office - A few moments later Worker returns to DJ with two BRIEFCASES. One filled with CASH, the other with 20 kilograms of COCAINE. DJ smiles and takes his BRIEFCASES, then exits. CUT TO: EXT. coffee shop DJ walks by a coffee shop with a large glass WINDOW. DJ is carrying both BRIEFCASE in hand. Int. CoFFEE SHOP Inside, sitting at the TABLE against the WINDOW are Roach, and Bobby. They are playing DOMINOS before DJ makes his entrance. BOBBY Look, its DJ. DJ enters. DJ Hey, hey, hey. Look what I got. DJ throws the two BRIEFCASES on the coffee TABLE, knocking all the DOMINOS to the ground. ROACH Hey I was about to domino. DJ So what. I have two questions. Are you a vegetarian? DJ opens the first BRIEFCASE, revealing a large sum of CASH. DJ And do you believe in Santa Clause. DJ opens the seconds BRIEFCASE, revealing a large sum of COCAINE. BOBBY Oh man. Thats so, yes. ROACH Exactly. Bobby and Roach stare with complete awe and amazement. DJ This is only the beginning. ROACH Hell yeah. BOBBY Sounds good to me. DJ But I have one last surprise. But you have to close your eyes. ROACH What? I aint ten years old anymore. DJ Fine. Then you wont get it. ROACH OK. Roach and Bobby close there eyes. DJ extracts two 9mm with SILENCERS attached and kills Bobby and Roach. Ext. CoffeE SHOP DJ walks exits the coffee shop with the two BRIEFCASE. DJ (V.O.) So you want to be a gangster, huh. Well a couple of hours of Grand Theft Auto and Scarface will do that to someone. But what those two lack is the element of reality. Listen to me, no one chose to be a gangster it is more of a last resort career, like a teacher. There are only three rules slash hints to be a gangster, or a successful one at that. One; you can never hustle a hustler. I mean that is common sense. Two; manipulation is the name of the game. Lastly, whoever you are there is always someone better. If you are the best, then you wouldnt be in this situation...now would you. FADE OUT. The end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