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               From the mind of Andrew Roby

               EXT. CONVIENENT STORE - DAY

               JACK (28) walks up to a pay phone. He picks up the phone and
               puts 50 cents in it. He then dials a number.

                         Come on pick up the fucking

               He looks around.

                         Oh, hey. How are you today? I'm
                         fine. I just lost the fucking
                         basketball game. Fuckin'
                         cocksuckers blew us out... Yeah.
                         I'd rather them blow on us.

               A LITTLE KID walks by and stops in front of him.

                         No! I did not fucking have sex with
                         her. I don't want to get any
                         fuckin' diseases from that bitch.

               The little kid's mouth drops open.

                         What! 78 years old! How fuckin'
                         horny were you?!? God damn. Could
                         he even get a fuckin' hard on?
                         Oh well that's just fuckin' dandy
                         now isn't it? I can't believe you
                         would go and do something like that
                         without even introducing him to me.
                         Yeah it was fucking wrong.. Yeah,
                         yeah. You better fuckin' say sorry.
                         Don't be a stupid fucking bitch

               The kid runs away, crying.

                         How much more did you do? 
                         What! Seven guys in one night.
                         How could you even last that
                         fucking long. You're a fucking
                         Yeah you fucking heard me. I called
                         you a fucking whore. Better fucking
                         say sorry. 
                         Yeah. Yeah, i'm sorry i cussed out
                         you. It's just that... Yeah. The
                         fucking slut left me. I know, i
                         know. I should of listened to you.
                         But what the fuck... I didn't think
                         she would mind. I needed to bang
                         some new pussy. We've been dating
                         for 3 weeks and i was sick of the
                         same old hole.
                         WHAT! I'm a hole jumper. Then
                         you're a fucking cock jumper.

               Jack puts two more quarters in the pay phone.

                         Yeah i had to put fucking money in
                         it. Oh i'm a cheap ass. At least i
                         can fucking afford to use it. Go
                         cry to your trailer trash friends.
                         I'm sure they can't afford a
                         fucking mouse trap. How else are
                         they gonna get their food?
                         Yeah well fuck you.

               Jack listens for a minute.

                         Yeah, i'm sorry. I love you too.
                         Bye mom.

               BLACK SCREEN

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