]b2Final Draft, Inc. Final DraftFFFF000000060002000177AA000000000065000000002000110110099000480048-24F2A15200C7-106400647C32A15327FFFF010600001000001F2000000070632408404F12F4352DF61003CE00142917743525E0632C6E4084043512F83F2D362503CC00283312F83F1C90C6E13734084083F12FD772DA6FC03CC004D6B177D771AF0137319B840840D7712F127D2DA61003CE005126512F127D29B019B8200D40840133312F18152DF64B03CC007180912F18151520200D262A40840181512F1BD72DA5FA03CC0081BCB1771BD72650262A33C2408401CA512F2A152DFD76038E00D29FD12F2A1512F000020000063800000000632,INT. house, living room - nIGHT A loud rumble of thunder that echoes through the night. Rain that slaps against the glass panes of the house. Wind that shrieks like a banshee and causes the trees outside to bend at awkward angles. It is on this night that DAVID WILLIAMS holds court. Hes in his late thirties with salt and pepper hair and a gut that shows he has a taste for the spirits. David sits with his back to the large stone fireplace and smiles at the four children seated before him in a rough semi circle. The children, from left to right are... NANCY, eight years old with long blond hair and brilliant green eyes. BOBBY, Nine years old who is big for his age and sports a military style haircut. AMANDA, also eight years old, she has her dark red hair cut like a pixie and wears a solemn expression on her face. And finally the oldest, ROBERT who at the age of twelve thinks he knows all of secrets that this world can offer. The lights flicker and tease the children into thinking theyre about to be left in the darkness... Only to have the precious light grab hold and continue to illuminate the room. David So. Who wants to hear a story? The children look around at each other. As if mentally daring each other to say something. Bobby Will it be a scary one? DAVID Yes. Nancy I dont like your stories Uncle Dave. They give me nightmares. Amanda Sissy. With a smirk on his face and a nod of his head Robert throws in his opinion. Robert Yeah tell us a scary story. I bet you anything you cant scare me. DAVID Anything? ROBERT Anything. Your stories are lame. 0002000006420000063263C,David smiles at the boy. DAVID I was like you once. When I was your age my father told me the very story Im about to tell you. I used to think that nothing would ever scare me. No story could ever make me check under my bed after the lights went out. But after I heard this tale. I realized how wrong I was. ROBERT Whatever dude. Just tell the story already. David looks around at the children seated before him. DAVID Do you all have your drinks and snacks? Once I start I wont stop until the story comes to and end. A good scary story, especially one thats true cannot be told with interruptions. AMANDA This story is for real? DAVID Indeed. Robert tries to hide a snicker. Nancy is sipping from her cup, a thin line of milk spills down the side of her mouth and she wipes it away with the back of her hand. Bobby is making short work on a Baby Ruth candy bar. A half empty glass of milk sits on the floor next to him. DAVID Well then, lets start shall we? EXT. farm, 1956 - dAY A bright sun hangs high overhead. The sky is a bright blue, not a single cloud can be seen anywhere. In a cotton field dozens of black and Mexican workers are filling their burlap bags with the rough knit. By the barn stands JOSEPH THOMPSON, mid fifties, thin but with a muscular build and well tanned. DAVID (V.O.) Joseph Thompson was a simple farmer. Just like his father, and his father before him. It was tough work but he didnt mind. He had his family to help him, and to him. Family was all that mattered. Pan over to a large two story farm house. Once painted white, its now faded. 00020000070B00000C6E705,A window shutter here and there is missing but all in all the house looks to be in good shape. A nice place to live. On the front porch is the wife, AMELIA, who despite being dirty from a full day or hard work, still manages to look beautiful. Playing fetch with a scraggly looking mutt is RICHIE THOMPSON. A slight boy of six years old. His mop of blond hair matches his fathers. Over by the clothesline is ANNA THOMPSON. Shes thirteen and is the spiting image of her mother. DAVID (V.O.) Mr. Thompson loved and prized his family above all else. All he cared about was that they were happy and safe. But... (beat) that summer, something changed. It was during that hot dry summer that Joseph Thompson killed his family. INT. hOUSE, LIVING ROOM - nIGHT Robert gets up from the floor to stretch his legs. ROBERT That was the story? That sucked. DAVID Why Ive barley started. Sit down and listen to the rest. That is if youre not scared. Amanda, Bobby & Nancy all look at the older child. NANCY Are you scared Robert? BOBBY He is! Robertss a fraidy cat! ROBERT Be quiet tubby. Im not scared of anything. Robert retakes his seat on the floor. The wind outside continues to howl in protest. ROBERT Im too old to have a baby sitter. David watched as Robert takes a drink from the glass of milk that rests beside him on the floor. AMANDA Go ahead, tell the rest. INT. farmhouse/kitchen, 1956 - nIGHT The Thompson family sit around the table eating and talking. DAVID (V.O.) As I said earlier, Mr. Thompson loved his family. But it was during those hot summer days that he noticed something was different about his loved ones. At first he thought it was his overworked and overheated imagination playing tricks on him. But then, well things just got out of hand I suppose. 00020000064B00001373645,Joseph takes a long drink from his glass of milk. Anna Sure was hot today Pa. I sure wish we would get some rain. Joseph We dont need any rain until we get all that cotton picked. Where do you think the food on this table comes from? Richie Mommy? Joseph smiles at his son and ruffles his hair with his hand. AMELIA No dear, it comes from the fields. If we werent able to sell that cotton then we wouldnt be able to afford the food that youre eating. RICHIE Oh. ANNA Still, I wish it would rain. The pond is awfully low. Joseph glances at his daughter. JOSEPH Seems to me that youre spendin more time at that pond then on your chores. RICHIE I bet she has a boyfriend! AMELIA Richie! Dont tease your sister like that. RICHIE Sorry Ma. JOSEPH (to Anna) How about tomorrow you help me clean up the barn some? ANNA Okay. Anna looks down at her plate and uses her fork to push around her food. AMELIA Anna dear, would you like more milk? ANNA Yes Maam. AMELIA Richie? RICHIE Yes please. Amelia stands up and takes the empty glasses into her hands. As she walks out of the room she passes a wall mounted mirror. The image that reflects back isnt that of a beautiful woman and mother, but that of something straight from the bowels of Hell itself. The flesh is pulled tight to the skull and is a light brown color. In some places the skin has flaked away leaving bone peaking out. The eyes are black and soulless. The once long hair is short and looks burnt. JOSEPH Oh my God! Joseph drops his glass onto the floor where it shatters. Milk seeps into the wooden floorboards of the house. 00020000065B000019B8655,Amelia quickly puts the empty glasses onto the table and rushes to her husbands aide. AMELIA Honey are you okay? JOSEPH Yeah. Yeah I just thought I saw... RICHIE What Daddy? What did you see? JOSEPH Nothing. It was my imagination I suppose. AMELIA You sure? Do you want me to phone the doctor? JOSEPH No Im fine. Just tired is all. ANNA Maybe youre havin your spells again Pa? Joseph slaps his hand down hard against the table. The sound makes the children jump and silver wear clatter. JOSEPH I said Im fine! Now lets eat. We got us a big day tomorrow. Amelia again takes the childrens empty glasses and walks out of the room. The children look down at their plates in silence. David (V.O.) That was the first time he saw something. He chalked it up to being tired. It wasnt until he saw it again that he questioned his own sanity. EXT. barn, 1956 - mORNING Joseph and Anna are sitting in the shade of the large building. Sweat pours off of them. In the distance the workers continue the harvest. JOSEPH After we rest a bit, well get back in there and finish off with them stables. ANNA Yes sir. Joseph wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. JOSEPH Its so hot. Maybe well let the sun go down a little and itll be cooler. ANNA I hope so Pa. Amelia comes ut of the house carrying a serving tray. On it is a large pitcher of milk and two glasses. She walks over to the pair and Joseph is quick to his feet to take the tray from his wife. JOSEPH You must have read my mind. AMELIA Its so hot I knew you two would need this. Anna takes a glass and her mother carefully pours her some milk. 0002000006230000200D61D,JOSEPH Hey dont forget me. AMELIA Never. As his wife is filling his glass, Joseph glances over at his daughter and his breath catches in his chest. AMELIA Joseph? He doesnt hear her. Hes looking at the reflection from his daughters glass. Instead of a beautiful child getting ready to enter adulthood, he sees a monster. The eyes are empty sockets from which blood oozes from. The hair is long and coarse. Maggots spill from her open mouth when she sips her drink. Joseph drops the serving tray and the pitcher hits the dirt and explodes. AMELIA Joseph! ANNA Daddy! Joseph stumbles back until he falls against the barn. His breathing coming out in ragged gasps. David (V.O.) It was after that episode by the barn that Mr. Thompson became convinced his family was possessed by demons. MONTAGE of shots: Joseph using a small mirror to steal looks at his boy Richie as he played with his dog. The reflection shows a horned beast with scales for skin and fingers that ended in claws. Joseph standing in the bathroom watching his wife fix her hair in the mirror. A living corpse looked back at him. Joseph sitting in the living room reading the family Bible as his children played nearby on the floor. David (V.O.) It never changed. He always saw the demons in the reflections. Always thought he smelled brimstone on their breath when they spoke to him. Finally, after weeks of horror he decided to help his family become free. Because above all, he loved them. He only wanted them safe and in the arms of Jesus. Not as soldiers in the Devils war. 000200000D9E0000262AD98,INT. fARMHOUSE/kitchen, 1956 Once more the family is sitting around the table laughing and enjoying each others company. All but Joseph who studies them. RICHIE Pa, youre not hungry? Joseph looks down at his full plate. JOSEPH No son. Not tonight. AMELIA Are you feeling okay? Are your headaches bothering you again? JOSEPH No honey. I feel fine. ANNA Maybe you should lie down and...And... Anna puts her head into her hands. AMELIA Baby? Anna whats wrong? ANNA I feel all light headed all of a sudden Ma. Amelia starts to get out of her chair but her legs buckle under her. She falls to the floor pulling the table cloth and all that rests on it on top of her. RICHIE Mommy! Richie tries to get up but suddenly vomits onto the floor. Joseph gets to his feet and looks at his family. ANNA Pa? JOSEPH Im sorry baby. I had to make sure you wouldnt try to run. I put some of my headache pills into the milk. I had to make sure that you...Couldnt get away. AMELIA Joseph what are you talking about? Call the doctor! Call him before its to late! JOSEPH Cant do that. AMELIA For Gods sake well die if you dont call him! JOSEPH You cannot fool me demon. I have seen you for what you are. You have taken my family hostage and tonight I will free them. AMELIA What are you talking about? What demons? ANNA Daddy please help us! Joseph is sobbing now. JOSEPH I will baby. I will. Joseph walks out of the room. AMELIA (to the kids) Dont be scared, youre daddy wouldnt hurt us. He loves us. RICHIE Mommy... The heavy footsteps signal the return of Joseph. Rifle in tow. JOSEPH Lord...See me through this. EXT. fARMHOUSE, 1956 - nIGHT The only light visible in the house comes from the kitchen. A loud gunshot rings out thats followed by screams. Two more gunshots. Silence. A fourth and final gunshot shatters the quiet evening. INT. hOUSE, LIVING ROOM - nIGHT The storm continues its relentless assault. AMANDA Were they really monsters? DAVID Thats what he claimed. Well, thats what he put down in his journal. They found it the same day they found the bodies. It seems as if he had started writing that journal as soon as he...Started seeing things. ROBERT That doesnt make it true. DAVID Excuse me? ROBERT You said this was a true story. But it sounds just like every other lame story you ever told us. AMANDA This one was scarier. BOBBY I believe it. ROBERT You believe anything lard butt. Robert gets up again but his legs wobble under him and he falls to the floor. In doing so he knocks over his glass, which in turn spills out the last of his milk. ROBERT What the Hell? David pulls out two items. A small handheld mirror and a revolver. Bobby tries to get up but collapses as well. The two girls start to cry softly. ROBERT What the Hell are you doing man! DAVID You asked me if it was true. It is. All of it. Ive seen it with my own eyes. Thats why I wanted to stay with you kids tonight. I didnt want your parents to have to go through what...Mr. Thompson went though. David puts the revolver in his lap. DAVID Joseph was my fathers brother did I ever mention that? I guess...Things like this run in the family. NANCY Are you going to hurt us Uncle Dave? David takes the small mirror in his hand, blows on it and wipes it clean. DAVID Let me have one last look at you...And then Ill know. David takes his mirror and places it next to the face of his niece. Outside the storm continues with its fury. THE END 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 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 3093010FFFF0C00000 10 3093020FFFF0C00000 10-103093030FFFF0C00000 10 3093040FFFF0C00000 10-103093050FFFF0C00000 10 3093060FFFF0C00000 10 3093070FFFF0C00000 10-103093080FFFF0C00000 10-1030930-20FFFF0C00000 C0-1030930-70FFFF0C00000 40-1030930-30FFFF0C00000 4E0 30930-40FFFF0C00000 6C0-1030930-60FFFF0C00000 7B0 30930-60FFFF0C00000 30-1030930-50FFFF0C00000 40 30930-30FFFF0C00000 10-1030930-20FFFF0C00000 0007000001F50000000E01018016C480 1018026C4801801018036C480C0101804FC5A0C0101805D8-70 101806B40 1018020718C630C01018086C48018010180-26C48018090180-36C480C0300180-4FC5A0C0620180-6B40 640180-5D8-70 301800008000002BE0000000440,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E407010100000011640,Courier40,Courier Final Draft12401614E407010101040,Courier Final Draft40,104070114E407010300009000000170000000202553EB02553EB000A0000001B000000027C331F3277C331F327000B00000005000000020000C000000120000000105013101000F000000590000000050E0E0 104,@7y4,77A4,4,4,4,54,0900130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000C0000000133C4001290000000C0000000133C40FFFE000000060002000177AAD v XFFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000550000000020001101-777C6F000480048-20F20612E-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 1040487201219204C010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,104,|4,4, |4,014,F2000130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC0000000019204C5C23E2042119205002C,E,42,>Page #aN! 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Suggestion*?Courier Final Draft (MORE)(CONT'D) (CONTINUED) CONTINUED:aCTR =Man 1(`Q|g({DESTۉ}P=Man 2(`]DVۉ}P?Woman 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P?Woman 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P=Boy 1(`Q|g({DESTۉ}P=Boy 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P>Girl 1(pQ|g({DESTۉ}P>Girl 2(ԑPO|u`ۉ}P?Old Man(`]DVۉ}PA Old Woman(pQ|g({DESTۉ}PeE9 CHARACTERDIALOGUEk1Arial W?Courier Final Draft 6 Cast List.  - L 02 1/816/82 7/81 5/84/822/81 6/8PAGE4 134479101212VFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000005E0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-25F2E7200B7-10EB12E7315FFFF01015000010000003E0000000101118405FF92E72CD105038E0002DBF92E714D000020000011700000000111, (Name of Project) by (Name of First Writer) (Based on, If Any) Revisions by (Names of Subsequent Writers, in Order of Work Performed) Current Revisions by (Current Writer, date) Name (of company, if applicable) Address Phone Number00040000000B000000020111310005000000150000000401142D8111300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000005400000003010180480 2018010480 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A0000001B00000002EB1326315EB1326315000B00000005000000020000C00000016000000011515423E1471000F000000590000000050E010 104,77A4,4,77A4,4,um4,[z4,[].00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000B00000001113001290000000B000000011130FFFE000000060002000177AAD j LFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004F0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20F0-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 104048720121E5924010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,4,t4,014,F204,~4,:00130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC000000001E59245C1AE204211E592802C,E,42,>Page #1\!j?Q1\!FFFE000000060002000177AADjFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000004B0000000020001101-7F7C6F000480048-20C0-10 C264FFFF0100001000000330000000101408105AC20A038E000203C20A0000200000005000000001, 0004000000090000000201300005000000090000000201300006000000640000000210C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 30 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020C2640C264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,~4,04,14,04,04,100130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000900000001300129000000090000000130FFFE000000060002000177AADQ6$$2