oT2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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n original screenplay by Ryan Graham Duly Noted registration # 100100069 Ryangraham984@live.co.uk Fade in: Ext. FINLAY Ranch. Night 1870 ATLANTA JAMES BELL (21} and JOSEPH HEYWOOD (22) arrive at the ranch to see the destruction, the house and barn have been burned to the ground. Three bodies lie outside the smouldering house. Its their friends GERRY {20} and MICHAEL FINLAY {25} along with Gerrys Wife SARAH {19}. Joseph Oh my god. In tears as they stand over their friends bodies. James looks at Sarah face down bullet hole in the back of the head. Michael has multiple shots, the fatal one being one in the side of the head. Gerry has three wounds mid body. JAMES Who could do such a thing? Almost in shock they stagger back towards their horses when Joseph is grabbed by the ankle, Gerry is still alive. JOSEPH Gerry? Oh my god Gerry. HEY JAMES GET OVER HERE GERRY IS ALIVE. James rushes over. James Jesus, wheres he hit. JOSEPH Looks like one in the back, one in the shoulder and one in the gut. JAMES We gotta get him outta here that gut shots killing him. Joseph scans around and see the wagons are still in tact. JOSEPH Ill mount up a wagon, strap those wounds the best you can. Ext. Ranch house. day James and Joseph load Gerry onto the wagon. Joseph turns for one last look at the devastation. JAMES He looks bad, think hell make it. JOSEPH No. They ride off. TITLE: Ext. Street. Day 1873 ATLANTA A man walks alone down the town street, dressed in a high class suit, overcoat, tie and matching hat. The man is heavily armed, sporting two guns in the standard hip positions, two others in his midriff inverted with a further strapped to the left side of his chest, the complement under his right arm. The man continues alone down the street with the eyes of the town peering at him, the rain falling heavily. The GUNMAN heads towards a bar stopping at the door observing a boy about fifteen holding a dollar above a younger boys head. Young boy (Distressed.) Give me back my dollar. OLDER BY Or what? The Gunman stops in front of them. An angry looking stare frightens the older boy, as does all the weapons this man has. A gentle nod to the young boy is enough for the money to be returned. 000200000888000008E5882,Gunman (To older boy.) Get lost. The boy runs off. YOUNG BOY Thanks Mr. GUNMAN Go on home son, not the weather for it. Int. Bar. Day The Gunman enters the bar and approaches the Barman, counting nine armed men and 3 unarmed on his way split over two tables. Gunman Whiskey. BARMAN You new in town? GUNMAN Just in town to see how the Gold business is doing? BARMAN Afraid its a wasted journey. The Barman places a whiskey in front of the Gunman. BARMAN (CONT'D) They finally excepted that there is no gold up there. There clearing out. The Gunman throws back the Whiskey and SLAMS the drink down. BARMAN (CONT'D) These boys are the last of the workers, there all clearing out today. The Gunmans eyes suddenly appear dead. He turns and give the men a deadly stare. GUNMAN Really? (Back to Barman) No one at the mine? BARMAN One or two left maybe but they are clearing out today. Like I said, no Gold. The Gunman approaches one of the tables seating five of the armed men. GUNMAN You boys are sitting at my table. The men stare for a beat then simultaneously laugh at the Gunman. GUNMAN (CONT'D) When I come back..... I'll kill any man sitting at my table. The Gunman turns to the other four armed men. GUNMAN (CONT'D) And there friends. The men stop laughing and take notice at the fact the man has six guns. The men look very uneasy as the Gunman leaves the bar. EXT. GOLD MINE. DAY The Gunman rides up to the entrance of the almost deserted mine, he stares at the sign reading Atlanta Gold mine. He sees a man WALTER HENDERSON {23} at the entrance of the mine. Flashes of the mans face jolt the Gunmans mind. Images of a woman being dragged by this man and another is all the Gunman sees. The friendly looking man approaches his visitor. WALTER henderson Good day to you. Your to late, no work here I'm afraid. GUNMAN (Staring Walter up and down.) Not here for work. Do I look like Im here for work? Walter HENDERSON (Slightly unsettled.) Well what can I do for you? The Gunmans dead stare begins to frighten Walter, this also makes him aware of the Gunmans six weapons. The Gunman paces around the familiar area with images of an older area filling his mind. 00020000079D00001167797, GUNMAN Do I look familiar to you? The sweat begins to run down the Walters face. Walter HENDERSON No! GUNMAN No? Walter HENDERSON (Backing off.) What? No! GUNMAN Then take another look. Of all people I expected you to remember.... the timid man. A flash of the wounded Gerry Finlay hits the mans mind, the thought makes him almost vomit. Walter HENDERSON Oh my god. I didnt.... GUNMAN You didnt what? Walter rushes for his hip side revolver, however he is outpaced by the Gunman who draws from his chest and cuts the man down emptying six shots to the Walters chest. Walter hits the dirt coughing blood. The Gunman quickly follows him down. GUNMAN (CONT'D) You got off easy. You did not see this coming, but your friends will. Ext. gold mine. Day The Gunman rides off leaving the man strung up under the sign that now reads Atlanta Blood mine written in the Walterss blood. INT. BAR. DAY The Gunman briskly walks to the bar. Observing the defiant men still at his table. GuNMAN Whiskey! The Barman place the Whiskey down and steps away. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Just leave the bottle. The Gunman looks nervous as if psyching him self for a huge battle. He downs one Whiskey and pours another. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Any Doctors near by? BARMAN No. We had, but he moved on when he heard there was no gold. The Gunman downs the Whiskey and again pours another, sweat dripping from his forehead. GUNMAN Nobody? BARMAN Theres John Holliday on the other side of town but hes a Dentist. Why? You Injured? The Gunman downs his last Whiskey takes a deep breath and faces the men. GuNMAN (To Barman.) Not yet. (To men.) Ill give you three seconds to get away from my table. One of the men stands in anger. ArmeD MAN 1 Or what Mister? The Gunman quickly draws his gun and places it to a mans head sitting at the table. The mouthy man now has his hand on his gun. GUNMAN Ill kill this man. The man appears very distressed with the gun at his head. 0002000007B3000018FE7AD,ARMED MAN 1 Your bluffing! The Gunman shoots the man in the head, drawing another gun and swiftly killing the mouthy man. The remaining seven men rise drawing their weapons. The Gunman fires striking a man at the other table, taking a shot to his right arm with no reaction. He empties his revolvers on the other three men at that table with the odd shot towards the first table to throw them off. The Gunman turns back to the first table dropping his two guns and drawing two others while taking a shot to the thigh. The Gunman quickly unloads at the table taking down three of the men at the same time taking fire. The last man hits the Gunman in the left shoulder and again no reaction. Dropping another gun and quickly drawing yet another he finally takes down the last man with six shots. The Gunman quickly scans the room and checks all the men are dead, he then pulls a chair and slumps down on it. GUNMAN Barman? The barman pops his head up from behind the bar. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Come around and pick up my guns. And bring me that Whiskey. The Gunman tries to stop the blood from his leg. He pulls his remaining gun from his hip and puts it in his chest holster. The Barman places the Whiskey and guns on the table. The Gunman holsters his empty weapons. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Give me your belt. He gives the belt to the Gunman who wraps it around the bleeding leg. GuNMAN (CONT'D) Sheriff be on his way? BARMAN You probably have a few minutes. The Gunman rises grabs the Whiskey and heads for the door. GUNMAN You be quiet. I wont come back. BARMAN (Frightened.) OK. Ext. Street. Day The Gunman exits the bar to see a young girl about 13 crying over her Father lying in the street, obviously hit by a stray bullet from the gun fight, most likely from the Gunman. Heavy breathing from the pain he approaches the girl. He stands above the weeping girl and pulls a a handkerchief from his pocket it has the initials GF at the bottom corner. He hands it to the girl. 00020000072F000020AB729,GUNMAN Im responsible. Girl Why? The Gunman ponders thinking for a reason but cant. He wanders off to find aid leaving the girl weeping for her Father. Int. John HOLLIDAY'S dental surgery. Day JOHN HOLLIDAY {22} works on a patients teeth as the Gunman burst through the door pointing a pistol at him. GUNMAN I take it your John Holliday? JOHN HOLLIDAY Indeed sir. GUNMAN (To patient.) You, get lost. The man jumps out the chair and rushes out the door. The dentist calmly scans the Gunmans injuries. JOHN HOLLIDAY You will get no hostilities from me I can assure you, but if you have come here for medical attention you have come to the wrong place! I am a Dentist GUNMAN I know that, just fix me up the best you can. INT. BAR. DAY The Sheriff paces up and down the bar examining the area for clues as the Barman sits traumatized on a stool at the bar accompanied by two deputies. Sheriff (To barman.) So they kill each other? BARMAN Yeah. Thats eh..... Thats what happened. The Sheriff looks at the bullet holes on the wall at the door, then the bullet holes behind the bar, the patterns dont match the story. He spots the blood on the floor about two feet from the bar. SHERIFF (To deputy.) How long did the guy outside say the shooting last? Deputy 1 About fifteen seconds. SHERIFF (To Barman.) Shit...... You see I think your lying to me, but hope your not. DEPUTY 2 Whys that? SHERIFF Well these poor dead sonsa bitches were not shooting at each other. The Sheriff walks to the blood on the floor. SHERIFF (CONT'D) They were shooting in this direction, and since theres only one blood stain on the floor Im assuming there was only one person shooting back. DEPUTY 2 Sheriff? Between the slugs on the wall and the ones in these fellas, your talking thirty shots? No way one man fired thirty shot in fifteen seconds. 000200000748000027D4742,DEPUTY 1 If he did then he was carrying at least five guns, no way hes reloading. The Sheriff kneels in front of the Barman who is terrified. SHERIFF Is it true? Did one man do this? The Barman sits quietly. SHERIFF (CONT'D) (To Deputy.) Happened like he said. But just incase keep your eye out for a bleeding man carrying five guns. And get rid of these assholes. INT. JOHN HOLLIDAY'S DENTAL SURGERY. DAY John Holliday searches around for the last bullet in the Gunmans arm as he squirms in pain. The Dentist glances at the gun strapped to his chest. JOHN HOLLIDAY Can I ask you a question? GUNMAN (Distracted.) Sure. JOHN HOLLIDAY Why do you wear that gun across your chest? Why not under the arm like the other one? GuNMAN (In pain.) I play poker a lot. When you have to draw you gun at a table, if you go from the hip theres a chance you could hit the table on the way up. Then your dead. Chest height your already above it and its slightly easier to get to than the under arm. The Dentist yanks the bullet from the Gunmans arm and places it on the table next to the other two. JOHN HOLLIDAY If I ever become a gunfighter thats how I shall wear my guns. The Gunman takes a swig of the whiskey as the Dentist begins to stitch. INT. JOHN HOLLIDAY'S DENTiL SURGERY. NIGHT The Gunman lies asleep in the chair as John cleans his tools. The Gunman wakes in a panic drawing his gun. John does not flinched. JoHN HOLLIDAY Relax your still here. The Gunman makes sense of his surrounding and holsters his weapon and rises from the chair. GUNMAN What time is it? JoHN HOLLIDAY 8.30. GUNMAN Shit, I gotta get out of here. JOHN HOLLIDAY Its OK the Sheriff already came by. I told him you came by looking for a Doctor with no luck. He went on his way. GUNMAN (Surprised.) Really? The Gunman extends his good arm and the two men shake hands. JOHN HOLLIDAY 00020000076400002F1675E,You take care now. The Gunman stares at John for a second then heads for the exit. GUNMAN (Back to John.) Got a crazy look in your eye. (Smiling.) Take it easy.......Doc! The Gunman leaves the surgery still grinning. Int. MRS. HEYWOOD'S house. Night Mrs. HEYWOOD, Joseph Heywoods mother washes the dishes, she hears a knock at the door. The Gunman stands pale faced and tired looking. MRS. HEYWOOD I thought you would come by. In you come. The Gunman walks to the kitchen table and slumps down on the chair. MRS. HEYWOOD (CONT'D) He does not live here anymore? He left town. GUNMAN Where? Mrs. Heywood pours a hot drink and place it in front of the Gunman. MRS. HEYWOOD He moved away. He works in a bank somewhere. James is gone to. I think hes a deputy somewhere. They left not long after you. Watching those folk up at the mine made them both sick. Almost everyday they were fighting with those people. Leaving was the best thing. GUNMAN What did you mean you thought I would come by? MRS. HEYWOOD Im not stupid. When you left here you looked empty, almost evil like. When I heard what happened with those men at the bar, I knew it was you. When you left here I knew you would only be back for one reason! Mrs. Heywood Stands and takes the dishes to the sink. MRS. HEYWOOD (CONT'D) I want you out first thing in the morning. GUNMAN Thank you. MRS. HEYWOOD Dont use your name. Dont you associate that name with killing. Your father was a respected man with good NAME. And dont use any other and when its all over people will remember nothing. All they remember is names. GUNMAN The man I was is gone....I have no name. Ext. MRS. HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. morning The Gunman loads his horse as Mrs. Heywood approaches from the front door. MRS. HEYWOOD What that man did to you, he does it all the time. Thats why he never stays in the one place. It could take a life time to find him. 0002000007A10000367479B,GUNMAN I have time. I'll find him. The Gunman launches himself onto his horse. GUNMAN (CONT'D) In the meantime I'll burn down his business. And kill every man who gets in my way. MRS. HEYWOOD God help you! GUNMAN If god didnt help me then, he wont help me now. The Gunman rides off as Mrs. Heywood looks on in despair. Int. Mitchells house. Day FRANK LIDEL {25} approaches DEAN MITCHELL {35} who shuffles through a desk full of paper work. Frank lidel Mr. Mitchell? Dean mitchell What is it? Im busy. Frank looks afraid to give the news. DEAN MITCHELL (CONT'D) Well? Spit it out. Frank lidel Someone killed nine of your boys in Atlanta. Mitchell sits up and gives Frank his full attention. DEAN MITCHELL What do you mean someone? One man killed nine of my boys? Frank lidel The rumor is, it was one man. DEAN MITCHELL Im not interested in rumors, get your ass back down there and get the facts. Nine men, there must have been a witness? Frank lidel Yes sir, a Barman saw what happened, but whatever he saw scared the shit out of him. Hes not talking. Mitchell SLAMS his hands on the desk springing to his feet. DEAN MITCHELL MAKE HIM TALK! INT. BAR. EARLY MORNING. Frank Lidel and HENRY WILLIAMS {24} enter the bar, its quiet. Only two customers, a man and woman sitting at a table near the door. The Barman stands behind the bar polishing glasses. Henry approaches the man and woman and SLAMS the mans head into the table. Frank slaps the woman and grabs her hair, dragging her to the door. HENRY WILLIAMS (To man.) Get lost. The man scampers out the door. Henry turns his attention to the Barman who looks terrified. HENRY WILLIAMS (CONT'D) You. Henry approaches the bar. HENRY WILLIAMS (CONT'D) Ill ask a question, if you lie Ill kill you, if you say nothing Ill kill you. Henry draws his gun and spins it round to the butt and bashes it across the Barmans jaw. Frank dashes around and drags the Barman to the other side of the bar. 00020000083D00003E0F837,FRANK LIDEL Who killed the men in here two weeks ago? Rumor has it that it was one man? The frightened Barman knows already he has no choice. BARMAN I dont know who he was. He was a young guy about 23 24. Well dressed and carried six guns. Henry wanders around the bar and grabs a bottle of Whiskey and pours himself a drink. FRANK LIDEL There was some tough boys in that group, man has to be really fast to get the drop on nine of our boys. The Barman picks himself up. BARMAN He was the fastest I've ever seen. And since that mine opened up we have had them all through here even the likes of Wild Bill. FRANK LIDEL (Sarcastic.) Faster than Wild Bill. HENRY WILLIAMS Why he kill these men? BaRMAN I dont know, he came in asking about the mine. Told the men that they were sitting at his table and when he came back they better not be. HENRY WILLIAMS And hes never been in here before? BARMAN I been here 2 years and hes not been in my bar before. HENRY WILLIAMS Lets get out of here. We will check out the mine. EXT. GOLD MINE ENTRANCE. DAY Henry and Frank sit on there horses staring at the strung up man and the sign written in blood. HENRY WILLIAMS Damn! We better get back...... Its personal..... Whoever you are you got our attention. INT. Mitchells BAR. DAY AUGUST 1876 DEADWOOD The Gunman enters the bars, its busy and lively, he heads straight to the Barman Ted. GUNMAN Whiskey. BARMAN ted Yes Sir. GuNMAN Mitchells? This Dean Mitchells bar? BARMAN ted It is now. A man approaches the bar, an older man with long greying hair armed with two hip side pistols. Its WILD BILL HICKOCK. GUNMAN Why he buying up here? BARMAN TED Rumor has it he thinks there is gold somewhere about here and he has people looking. GUNMAN So he buys a bar for when the rush starts. Wild Bill faces the Gunman. Wild Bill Why you asking so many question son? The Gunman faces Wild Bill. GUNMAN Why dont you mind your own business old man! Barman Ted looks worried after the Gunman Comment. BARMAN ted Look Mister this is trouble you dont want. The Gunman keeps his eyes firm on Bill. GUNMAN (Sarcastic.) 00020000081900004646813,Is that so? BaRMAN ted This is Bill Hickock .... Wild Bill! WILD BILL (To Gunman.) And who might you be? And judging by the heavy artillery your not here to kiss and cuddle with Mr. Mitchell? GUNMAN Like I said BILL..... This is none of your God damn business, so why dont you turn your old ass around and get the hell out of here while Im still in a good mood. Wild Bill looks at the very worried Barman and laughs. WILD BILL You obviously have no idea who I am do you son? The two men take an aggressive stance towards each other. GUNMAN I aint your son Bill, and I know exactly who you are and I dont like you. What do you think of that? Bills grin is wiped clean. WILD BILL I think you are a stupid kid who's mouth is about to get him killed! BARMAN ted (To Bill.) Easy Bill I cant have anymore killing in here the new boss will be upset. Bill Backs off. WILD BILL Ill see you soon boy. GUNMAN Look forward to it old man. Bill leaves the bar. BARMAN ted (To Gunman.) Are you nuts hes the deadliest gunman alive. GUNMAN Easy TED if you knew me..... you would be worried about him. The Gunman downs his whiskey and leaves the bar. INT. Saloon no 10. Day The Gunman sits in the corner of the room with eyes on both the saloon doors when Wild Bill enters. The only seat in the busy bar is the seat across from the Gunman. The Gunman is surprised when Bill sits down as he has his back to one of the doors. WILD BILL (To Gunman.) Well well, look who it his. GUNMAN Thought you would have dropped dead by now. The other men look concerned. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Im here to play cards, not kill decrepit old men. So if you are here to play then play. Bill smiles and instructs the player dealing to deal him in. He begins the deal. WILD BILL You know son with a mouth like that you wont last long in a town like this. Its a dangerous place. GUNMAN Im a dangerous man Bill and you call me son again youll find that out. Again the grin disappears from Bills face and the other players discreetly ease back a little. The dealer stops with one card still to be dealt. 0002000007EB00004E597E5,WILD BILL Is that so? GUNMAN Yeah.... You know what really gets on my nerves Bill? WILD BILL Whats that? GUNMAN When you meet someone whos quick on the draw and some other asshole says.... Careful I hear hes as fast as Wild Bill!!! Maybe if I kill you right here that shit will go away. Bill slides his chair back, the Gunman shows no fear. WILD BILL Then go ahead........SON. The two men share a dead stare for a moment. A man standing at the bar behind Bill turns and fires a shot into the back of Bills head killing him. The Gunman is stunned. The man runs out. Bills dead hand rolls of the table dragging his cards to the floor. The cards read two pair, aces and eights. The shocked Gunman decides its time to leave. GUNMAN Not your lucky day Bill. Ext. Mitchells bar. early morning The Gunman rides off leaving the Dean Mitchells bar on fire. INT. MITCHELLS HOUSE. DAY Dean Mitchell angrily reads a telegram about the fire, Henry Williams stands looking nervous. DEAN MITCHELL The same man? Henry williams A man carrying six guns was in town. Its him. DEAN MITCHELL FIND OUT WHO THIS GUY IS BEFORE HE BANKRUPTS ME! Henry williams Yes sir. Int. first national Bank back office. Night SEPTEMBER 1876 NORTHFIELD, MINNESOTA Joseph Heywood sits alone in the back office finishing some paper work from his day. FRANCIS a young female {23} pops her head in the door. Francis Hey Joseph thats me finished, OK to go home? JOSEPH Yes Francis thats great see you Monday? Take care. FRANCIS You to Joseph. EXT. BANK. NIGHT Joseph locks up as he is approached by the Gunman. GUNMAN Hey Joey! Joseph looks very pleased to see the Gunman. JOSEPH My god its good to see you. Joseph hugs the Gunman. GUNMAN Got room for an old friend for a few weeks? JOSEPH Sure I have. Come on. Int. Joseph HEYWOOD'S house. Night The Gunman and Joseph sit in the dinning room, Joseph places a fry up in front of the Gunman. He quickly starts eating clearly in need of a good meal. GUNMAN Man this is the best food Ive had in weeks. 0002000007D20000563E7CC,JOSEPH Been riding for a while then? GUNMAN Yeah. Joseph grabs a bottle of whiskey and joins the Gunman at the table. GUNMAN (CONT'D) I just need to recharge. Plus Ive lost the trail. No idea where Im heading. I wont be under your feet for long, two weeks max. JOSEPH Hey! If I thought I could I would convince you to stay and forget all this. The Gunman continues to eat with no reaction. JOSEPH (CONT'D) But if I was you I would do the same thing. The Gunman still shows no emotion as he eats. JOSEPH (CONT'D) So where have you come from? GUNMAN Deadwood. JOSEPH Really? I heard someone killed Wild Bill up there last month. GUNMAN Yeah I was there? JOSEPH You were in Deadwood when it happened? GUNMAN I was there when it happened, he was getting on my nerves. I was about to shoot the son of a bitch when some guy at the bar turns and pops him one in the back of the head. Felt sorry for the old man, would have been more honorable if I had killed him, either way he was not leaving that place alive. JOSEPH You think you could have took Wild Bill? The Gunman finishes his food and takes a drink. GUNMAN Its just a name Joey, trust me he was not all that. If I had a name I'd be the most feared man in the world! Joseph is now aware that his friend is almost completely gone and that this man is not Gerry Finlay, not any more. JOSEPH Im sure you have been through a lot in the last 5 years. So you relax here and get some rest. Int. JOSEPH HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. NIGHT The next day the Gunman and Joseph are about to head out to the bar. The Gunman is reluctant, Joseph stares at the Gunmans six pistols. JOSEPH Look you have never been here, no one anywhere knows who you are and your here to get away from it all for a while. GUNMAN What you getting at? JOSEPH Why dont you leave a few guns? The Gunman ponders his decision. JOSEPH (CONT'D) That many guns will attract a lot of unwanted attention. Again the Gunman ponders for a second. GUNMAN Your right. He removes four of his pistols. 0002000007BD00005E0A7B7,Int. Bar. Night The Gunman and Joseph enter the bar, Joseph heads for the first table he sees free. GUNMAN No! The table is to exposed, the Gunman heads to a table free in the corner and sits with his back to the wall. Joseph heads to the bar and returns with a bottle of Whiskey. The Gunman is not comfortable. JOSEPH Here get one of these down you, then you will relax. GUNMAN I dont relax. The Gunman scans the room looking for possible threats. Gunman (CONT'D) Look I cant do this, I have to get out of here. He grabs the bottle of Whiskey and heads for the exit bumping into MACE BOWMAN a notoriously quick Gunfighter. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Excuse me. Mace bowman Your excused! The comment instantly upsets the Gunman. Joseph rushes over. JOSEPH Sorry Mr. Bowman it wont happened again. The Gunman stares at Mace. Mace has two goons behind him. Goon 1 What you looking at boy? Mace and the Gunman just silently stare. Goon 2 He said what are you...... MACE BOWMAN (To Goon 2.) Shut up! Mace and the Gunman continue the stare for a moment. The Gunman finally leaves, Joseph is relieved. Mace watches him leave with interest. JoSEPH Sorry Mr. Bowman. Int. JOSEPH HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. NIGHT Joseph and the Gunman drink the Whiskey. GUNMAN You have to realize Im not the same person anymore. I cant go to the bar.......I cant go back to who I was. JOSEPH Starting to get that. GUNMAN I have done to many bad things to bad people. Once that stuff gets inside theres no getting it out. JOSEPH Youve killed people? The Gunman leans back relaxing. GUNMAN I like it here....its like I can breath. JOSEPH What do you mean? GUNMAN Always watching your back, getting shot all the time, looking at every face hoping its the one you want to see. You lose your breath sometimes. Whos Mace Bowman? JOSEPH Trouble! And most likely a killer. GUNMAN Hes a killer alright, can see that in his eyes. The Gunman takes out his two guns and places them on the table, he starts to doze off. 000200000816000065C1810,INT. jOSEPH HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. morning The Gunman jumps up from his deep sleep grabbing his guns a little disoriented. Joseph enters smartly dressed. JOSEPH Wow, easy....your in my house. The Gunman relaxes a little. GUNMAN Where you going? JOSEPH Work. You be OK? GUNMAN I can take care of my self. INT. first national bank back office. Day Joseph does his paper work. Francis enters looking very worried. JOSEPH Francis? You OK? FRANCIS Sorry Mr. Heywood. JOSEPH What for? A masked man appears form behind, its JESSE JAMES the notorious robber. He throws Francis to the floor and pulls Joseph into the other room. Ext. JOSEPH HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. day The Gunman stands in the garden unarmed. He glances down at where his guns would be. He feels a slight sense of freedom. His hatred for the world not quite as strong. The bank is in sight, he spots a little commotion. There are gunshots, the towns people seem to be attacking a group of people. The Gunman dashes inside for his guns. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK. DAY Jesse James has Joseph on the floor with a gun to the back of his head. Jesse james I wont tell you again! Open the god damn safe. JOSEPH I told you its on a timer I cant open it. Two robbers duck for cover at the entrance of the bank. Robber 1 Jesse, we have to get out of here its getting wild out there. JESSE JAMES (To Joseph.) One last time open the safe. JOSEPH I told you I cant. Jesse James calmly walks to the front of the bank, a look of relief passes Joseph face. Jesse now frustrated and angry walks back places the gun on the back of Josephs head and shoots him dead. EXT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK. DAY The Gunman runs to the bank, the commotion seems to be over. He stops at a crowd in the street. GUNMAN What happened? Woman in crowd The James Younger gang just tried to rob the bank. The Gunman runs towards the bank. INT. fIRST NATIONAL BANK. DAY The Gunman see Francis sitting on the floor sobbing. A group of men stand over the body. The Gunman already knows, heavy breathing and filling with rage he moves closer for confirmation. 00020000076D00006DD1767,GUNMAN (To group.) Move. The Gunman stands over the body now consumed with rage. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Who did this? Bank clerk We dont know, they cover their faces. The Gunman turns his angry eyes towards the clerk. GUNMAN What did you see, what did you hear? FRANCIS (To Gunman.) Jesse James. Jesse James killed Joseph. The Gunman approaches Francis. GUNMAN Hes from Atlanta, make sure he gets home to his Mother. FRANCIS (Still sobbing.) I will. The Gunman Storms out the Bank. INT. jOSEPH HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. NIGHT The Gunman sits filled with rage while finishing off a bottle of Whiskey. He straps on all of his guns and heads out. INT. bAR. NIGHT The Gunman enters the bar. He stops at the door and scans the room. GUNMAN MACE BOWMAN? The two Goons stand at the other end of the bar. GOON 2 What the hell do you want? The two men approach the Gunman. GUNMAN Im looking for Mace Bowman. Goon 1 (Laughing.) Is that so? Well he left town for a while so I guess we will have to do! The Gunman quickly draws before the two men have any idea and kills them both. GUNMAN Guess so. INT. bar. Night Mace Bowman enters the bar and heads for Barman. MACE BOWMAN Whiskey. The barman is nervous as he pours. MACE BOWMAN (CONT'D) Where are my two colleges? BARMAN (Nervous.) Ah dead! MACE BOWMAN Say what? BARMAN Ah there were killed today. MACE BOWMAN (Angry.) What are you talking about? Who killed them? BARMAN Dont know who he was. But he carried six guns. MACE BOWMAN One man? BARMAN Yes. MACE BOWMAN One man killed two of the fastest gunfighters around? BARMAN (Very nervous.) Yes. MACE BOWMAN You dont know anything about this man? BARMAN Just one thing! MACE BOWMAN What? BARMAN He came looking for you. MACE BOWMAN Really. INT. BAR. NIGHT 1879 LAS VEGAS The Gunman stands alone at the end of the crowded bar, Whiskey in hand. An attractive young girl LYNSEY {19} approaches dressed like a cowboy. 00020000073A00007538734,Lynsey I found you? No reaction from the Gunman. LYNSEY (CONT'D) You killed my Father! GUNMAN Killed a lot of peoples Fathers. Lynsey places an old handkerchief with the initials GF in front of him. LYNSEY You gave these to a lot of thirteen year old girls? The Gunman places the Whiskey on the bar still facing ahead, she has his attention. GUNMAN You here to kill me? LYNSEY Yes! The Gunman hears a familiar voice, he spots John Holliday who helped him a few years ago,he plays poker with friend Joshua Webb. GUNMAN (To Lynsey.) You give me an hour to speak to an old friend? LYNSEY (Surprised.) Yes. GUNMAN OK. Outside in an hour. The Gunman approaches John, Lynsey waits at the bar. John pulls a pile of chips towards him. JOHN HOLLIDAY I tell you Joshua, I love Vegas. GUNMAN Hello Doc. John instantly recognizes the Gunman, he is pleased to see him. JOHN HOLLIDAY Ill be damned. They shake hands and John drags a man out of his chair. JOHN HOLLIDAY (CONT'D) Have a seat, Tom here was just leaving. Tom begins taking his chips. JOHN HOLLIDAY (CONT'D) Leave the chips Tom, my friend will take over where you left off. Joshua webb Dont make him tell you twice Tom. JOHN HOLLIDAY Joshua meat my friend. I dont know his name, but hes my friend. The Gunman and Joshua shakes hands. GUNMAN (Serious.) Dont have a name. JOHN HOLLIDAY So I have been hearing stories for the last six years about a mysterious Gunfighter who carries six guns wandering the land killing anyone who gets in his way! Some people say he cant be killed, that he has been shot over 20 times. JOSHUA WEBB Your the Gunfighter? They say your faster than Wild Bill. The Gunman laughs. GUNMAN Now that I am cause hes dead! Ive been hearing stories about you to Doc. Pretty fast to they say. JOHN HOLLIDAY People exaggerate GUNMAN I know I've only been shot six times. 0002000008C400007C6C8BE,JOHN HOLLIDAY So did you find what you where looking for? GuNMAN Still looking. Trail been cold for a while now. JoHN HOLLIDAY I thought so. You been hanging around the one place to long these days. GUNMAN (Looking at Lynsey.) Yeah I know. Think maybe my times up. JOHN HOLLIDAY I hear Mace Bowman is town looking for you. GUNMAN Killed a few of his buddies a while back, Ill put him down if I see him. JOSEPH (To Gunman.) Again, rumor has it hes real fast. GUNMAN That rumor will go away when hes dead. (To John Holliday.) What brings you all the way out here Doc? JOHN HOLLIDAY Needed a climate change..... Health reasons, the good lord is pulling on me. GUNMAN (Looking at Lynsey.) Getting that feeling to. A drunk man named MIKE GORDON Approaches Lynsey at the bar. Mike GORdON Hey pretty lady. Can I buy you a drink? LYNSEY Get lost. The man gets very aggressive. Mike gordon What? Not good enough for you? LYNSEY Not even close. Lynsey turns away from him. MIKE GORDON Dont turn your back on me little lady. Mike grabs her arm, she shakes loose and slaps his face. MIKE GORDON (CONT'D) Big mistake girlie, you know who I am? Im Mike Gordon. Mike throws a punch which is intercepted by John who then drags Mike to the door. Joshua follows them out. Ext. Bar. Night John throws Mike to the ground. JOHN HOLLIDAY Sleep it off Mike. Mike faces John still on the ground, he draws a pistol from nowhere, John quickly draws killing Mike. JOHN HOLLIDAY (CONT'D) (Angry.) Shit... should have listen to me Mike. JOSHUA WEBB Dont worry Doc it was a good shoot. JOHN HOLLIDAY No such thing when a men is dead. Int. Bar. Night The Gunman sits playing poker with no reaction to the shooting outside, some people go check who got killed. Lynsey stands at the doorway observing the killing. The man who shot Michael Finlay (Frank Lidel} sits at one of the empty seats at the table, unaware of who he has just sat down with. The Gunman glances at his cards, two aces and two eights with one to be dealt. It brings a smile to his face as he glances at the new player. A swarm of evil fills the Gunmans eyes, an old image of this man flashes the Gunman. The Gunman stands throwing his chair back, quickly drawing two guns. Frank is terrified. 00020000076A0000852A764,Frank lidel No, no wait! Lynsey still at the door is jolted by the first shot and turns to see the Gunman unload both guns into Frank. He quickly holsters the empty guns, pulling two others. Doc and Joseph run in, guns ready. Lynsey in shock the Gunman walks round to Frank. Still alive coughing blood the Gunman places a gun to his head. GUNMAN My brother was a good man you son of a bitch. He pulls the trigger killing him. He stares for a few seconds a little disorientated then is dragged to the door by John. JOHN HOLLIDAY You got to get out of here. EXT. BAR. NIGHT John pulls forward a horse, the Gunman leaps onto it. GUNMAN Im not leaving Doc, the people I'm looking for will come for him. JOHN HOLLIDAY Yeah well, they wont come tonight so unless you want to go to jail I suggest you lay low for a few days. The Gunman sees sense in Johns logic and rides off. Lynsey watches curious now of the Gunmans motives. EXT. DESSERT. NIGHT The Gunman lies on the ground by a fire all guns at his side. He hears noise in the darkness. GUNMAN I know you are there. Lynsey creeps out of the darkness holding a pistol. GUNMAN (CONT'D) You know before I was willing to go. Jumping to his feet unarmed. GUNMAN (CONT'D) I thought it was over and that you were here to end my pain. LYNSEY What pain? Monsters like you dont feel pain! GUNMAN Monster?...... Im not a monster. A killer? .. Yes. Buts thats not what you want to hear is it? Lynsey points the gun at his head. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Once you do this theres no going back, trust me. LYNSEY Why did you kill that man? GUNMAN You dont want to know. LYNSEY WHY DID YOU KILL THOSE MEN THAT DAY? GUNMAN YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW! LYNSEY TELL ME! GUNMAN If your going to kill me do it now. The Gunman kneels down and places his head on the barrel of the gun, Lynsey tries to squeeze the trigger but shes not a killer. She drops to her knees. 00020000087100008C8E86B,LYNSEY Do you even remember my father? GUNMAN Yes. LYNSEY Are you sorry for what you did to him? GUNMAN Yes. Lynsey throws away the gun still angry at herself. The Gunman sits down. LYNSEY I need to know why he died. GUNMAN I dont want to talk about it. LYNSEY (Angry.) What thats it? GUNMAN Yes thats it. Lynsey You take my father from me and you dont think I have the right to know why? GUNMAN Was a long time ago. LYNSEY What? You dont remember why you killed my Father is that it? GUNMAN I remember. LYNSEY Lets here it then. GUNMAN No. LYNSEY Ill sit here all night till you tell me. GUNMAN Fine. The Gunman lies down and puts his hat over his face and goes to sleep. Int. finlay Ranch house. Night 1870 ATLANTA DREAM SEQUENCE A family celebrate the wedding of young couple Sarah and Gerry Finlay {Gunman} with lots of dancing and singing. Gerry dances with his new Wife, he spots his Father and Brother Michael sitting at the table in a serious discussion. Gerry sits with his Brother and Father and is reluctantly informed of the issue. GERRY OK whats so serious His Father and Brother glance at each other still reluctant to speak. Michael (To Father.) The wedding is over now we should tell him. Father (Reluctant to Gerry.) Dean Mitchells men have been back lately. GeRRY Why? Looking for gold again? Michael They are convinced its here and they want the land. FATHER They said in no uncertain terms that if we dont sell they will take it. GeRRY They dangerous? FATHER Very! When they take things its messy. James Bell and Joseph Heywood approach the table with beer and good spirits. James Hey? I dont see much drinking happening here. FATHER Hes right this is no night for work talk. Gerry is dragged up by some other guest to dance with his wife again. Sarah That looked like a serious chat. GERRY Just some ideas future of the Ranch. SARAH (Sarcastically.) Yeah right. Ext. Waterfall, MOUNTAINS. Early morning Gerry and Sarah celebrate their first morning as Mr. and Mrs. With an early morning swim deep in the mountains. Gerry appears from under the water in front of Sarah. GERRY Hey Mrs. Finlay! SARAH Hey Mr. Finlay! 00020000089A000094F9894,Sarah puts her arms around Gerrys neck and the two take in the moment for a second before a passionate kiss. Ext. Waterfall, mountains. Early morning Gerry and Sarah lay on the grass next to the water. SARAH So whats our plans for the future then? GERRY First we finish the house, then we fill it up! SARAH Really. With what! GERRY Big strong workers! SARAH No girls? GERRY Suppose we should have at least one to help you in the kitchen. Sarah gives a playful slap to Gerrys head. They decide to head back, they load the horses and Gerry straps his gun around his waste. Ext. DessERT. MORNING 1879 LAS VEGAS The Gunman loads his horse as Lynsey stares at him. GUNMAN Dont you got some place to go? LYNSEY Yep. Where ever your going. GUNMAN Ha ha, Im going to hell. LYNSEY If thats where I need to go to find out what I want to know then so be it. GUNMAN You wont be able to keep up with me. LYNSEY Well see, found you once before. Ext. Town street. Night The Gunman jumps down from his horses at the edge of town. He walks down the high street. The town is almost empty, noisy bars aluminate the street. Lynsey and appears from behind him out of nowhere, the Gunman is startled and draws his weapon. GUNMAN Jesus Christ, I could have killed you. What the hell do you want? LYNSEY You know what I want. Answers. GUNMAN Like I said I dont want to talk about. LYNSEY (Pointing to her face.) Better get used to this face then, youll be seeing it a lot. Where ever you go I go. GUNMAN (Frustrated.) Shit. The Gunman moves off, Lynsey follows. LYNSEY What we doing back in town PARTNER? GUNMAN (Still frustrated.) We are doing nothing. But I am hoping that some of my dead buddies friends are in town. They walk past a man beating a woman, the Gunman cares not. Lynsey stops observing the action. LYNSEY (To Gunman.) Do something. The Gunman stops. GUNMAN Excuse me? LYNSEY Look what hes doing. The Gunman glances at the man beating the woman. GUNMAN Non of my business. LYNSEY If you dont do something I will. GUNMAN Be my guest. Lynsey stares at the Gunman for a second hoping to call his bluff. Still no reaction she heads off to help the woman. The Gunman quickly grabs her arm. 00020000084E00009D8D848,GUNMAN (CONT'D) Wait! The Bluff has been called, a frustrated stare at the man and woman before he approaches. The Gunman grabs the man throwing him to the ground before repeatedly kicking him in the stomach. Lynsey helps the woman now on the ground. The woman pulls a gun and shoots the Gunman in the right arm. LYNSEY (To Woman.) What are you doing? Hes helping you. The Gunman hits the dirt, with the tables now turned and the man kicking him repeatedly. The man then takes the gun from the woman, kissing her at the same time. Man (To woman.) Thanks baby, he was really kicking the shit out of me. (To Lynsey.) Get over there and get his money, its obvious hes got some. LYNSEY Your robbing us? Woman (To Lynsey.) Thats right, now do what he says. Lynsey slowly helps up the Gunman concealing him pulling a gun with his left arm. He fires two shots striking the man twice in the head. The woman leaps down to her dead man screaming. Woman (CONT'D) No..... what did you do? The woman pulls a knife from no where and lunges at the Gunman who has his pistol aimed at her. GUNMAN Easy now. The Gunman and Lynsey back away as the woman approaches at haste screaming. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Dont do it. He has no choice and fires a single shot into the womans head. The Gunman and Lynsey stare at the body for a second. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Thats what happens when you dont mind your own GOD DAMN business. A few people fill the streets alerted by the gun shots. MACE BOWMAN os (To Gunman.) Hey you. The Gunman knows the tone. He slowly turns to face Mace. MACE BOWMAN Your the man who killed my associates. GUNMAN (To Lynsey.) Step away. LYNSEY Why? GUNMAN DO WHAT I SAY, RIGHT NOW. Lynsey backs away to leave the men in a face off. MACE BOWMAN You know I heard you killed both them boys at the same time? GUNMAN Yes I did Mace Bowman. Those nice young men perished in your name that day. MACE BOWMAN Why you come looking me? Never did nothing to you. GUNMAN Guess I was in a bad mood. MACE BOWMAN Ain't no average man could cut those boys down the way you did, I mean they wasnt as fast as me. But they wasnt far from it. 0002000008190000A5D5813,The Gunman throws back his coat clearing it from his left side hip pistol. Mace observes the blood dripping from his right arm. MACE BOWMAN (CONT'D) Is that your good arm thats done? GUNMAN I got two good arms, remember? Lynsey watches nervously from the side. MACE BOWMAN You see reputations very rarely live up to the name these days. Like Jesse James for example, if you ask me hes just a name. Wouldnt waste my time with him. GUNMAN Dont worry about him hell get whats coming. MACE BOWMAN But you. No name, but feared like the Devil. Oh what a scalp you will be. GUNMAN You a trophy hunter? That what this is? Mace bowman You could say that. Mace observes the gun strapped to the gunman chest on the left side suggesting hes right handed. Mace bowman (CONT'D) Providing youre fully fit that is? GUNMAN Well lets find out. The men pause for a few seconds, both men draw simultaneously. Mace a split second faster, fires twice. The Gunman fires once just by Maces head while taking two hits to the hip and right shoulder. Mace rushes and stands over the Gunman pointing the gun at his head about to pull the trigger. After a thought he lowers his weapon. Lynsey watches in shock thinking the Gunman was invincible. MACE BOWMAN I cant help but wonder. GUNMAN (In pain.) What? Mace kneels down to the Gunman. MACE BOWMAN That was real fast. But you missed.......would You have missed with that other arm? I wonder. GUNMAN Looks like well never know. MACE BOWMAN Now thats just not good for me! So you rest up and Ill see you soon. Mace walks away from the Gunman. Lynsey walks to his aid. Ext. Morning. Dessert The Gunman sits by a burnt out fire as Lynsey awakes. The Gunman looks painfully pale. GUNMAN Morning! LYNSEY (Sarcastic.) You look well. GUNMAN Its not the first time I have been shot. LYNSEY No I'm sure its not. GUNMAN You learn how to patch your self up. Lynsey moves closer to the fire. LYNSEY What makes people do the things they do? GUNMAN Pain and suffering. LYNSEY We were just trying to help. GUNMAN The people last night? LYNSEY 0002000007E30000ADE87DD,Yes. GUNMAN It was a scam, they didnt need help. LYNSEY And now they are dead! Do you like killing people? The Gunman pokes the fire with a stick. GUNMAN No. LYNSEY If youre not a monster then what are you? GUNMAN I dont know what I am. LYNSEY Who was that man? GUNMAN His name is Mace Bowman. I killed a few a his buddies a few years back. Guess hes been looking for me ever since. LYNSEY He seemed upset that you were injured, like it spoiled the sport. GUNMAN Yeah hes a strange one. LYNSEY Can you beat him? GUNMAN I dont know. He was fast. Ext. dessert. NIGHT The Gunman saddles up as Lynsey watches. LYNSEY Where are you going? The Gunman sweat badly and looks to be in really bad pain. GuNMAN Back into town. Hopefully some one will be looking for the man I killed. The Gunman arm is causing the pain. LYNSEY You have a fever. GUNMAN Im fine. You should go home. LYNSEY I cant. GUNMAN Im sorry but that's not my problem. The Gunman groans in pain as he packs the horse. He then collapses. Lynsey analyzes the wounds. LYNSEY Two past straight through. Did you get the bullet out your arm? GUNMAN No I could not get it. Its stuck in the bone. LYNSEY It has to come out. Lynsey takes a knife from the Gunmans bag. LYNSEY (CONT'D) If it starts to infect it could kill you. Lynsey hands him a bottle of whiskey from the bag and a stick. The Gunman sits in front of the burning fire. LyNSEY (CONT'D) Drink and bite on this. GUNMAN (Nervous.) Why you doing this? LYNSEY My father was a good man. I need to know why? Ill stay until I know. Lynsey takes the whiskey and pours it on to his arm. LYNSEY (CONT'D) Bite down. Lynsey cuts the stitches then inserts the knife into the side of the Gunmans arm level with the wound. The Gunman is overwhelmed with pain. He eventually passes out. Ext. DESSERT. day The Gunman finishes packing his horse, Lynsey sits next to the burnt out fire. The Gunman is in two minds. GUNMAN Think your father would be proud. Killing is easy, living with the pain is not. 0002000007DA0000B5C57D4,LYNSEY I have no where to go. GUNMAN Where I'm going there is no peace, just more of this. LYNSEY I dont care. GUNMAN (Unsure.) OK. Int. Bar . Night 1881 DODGE CITY, KANSAS Mace Bowman sits alone drinking a whiskey. CLAY ALLISON a well known Gunfighter sits at the next table boasting to a nervous looking man. Clay allison Youre afraid of me I can see it in your eyes. You should be. Man Youre drunk clay. CLAY ALLISON I killed more men drunk than Wild Bill did sober. Mace gets tired of the mouthy man and joins him at his table. MACE BOWMAN (To clay.) You comparing yourself to Wild Bill? CLAY ALLISON I am faster than he ever was. MACE BOWMAN Really? The two men share a stare, both men are ready. MACE BOWMAN (CONT'D) Then lets find out. The man makes a hasty exit form the table. Mace draws his gun before Clay can even get his hand on his. He does not fire. Clay is stunned he is still alive. MACE BOWMAN (CONT'D) Youre not in Wild Bills league. CLAY ALLISON (Stunned.) Guess not. Whiskey? Mace holsters his gun a little surprised. MACE BOWMAN Yeah why not. Ext. James bells house lincoln. Day The Gunman and Lynsey tie the horses and head to the door and knock. James Bells wife RACHEL answers the door. Rachel bell Yes? GUNMAN Hi mam, I heard James Bell lives here? Is he home? RACHEL BELL (Upset.) Who are you? GUNMAN Im an old friend. Rachel opens the door wider with a more concerned look now. RACHEL BELL You better come in. Int. jaMES BELLS HOUSE LINCOLN living room. DAY The Gunman observes a shotgun and two pistols on the table. RACHEL BELL Look if you are a friend of James...... GUNMAN Hes the only friend I have left. I promise I'm not here for trouble. RACHEL BELL (Upset.) Im sorry James was murdered! The Gunman slumps down in a chair distraught. LYNSEY (To Rachel.) Im so sorry. GUNMAN (In shock.) Murdered by whom? RACHEL BELL An outlaw name WILLIAM BONNEY. He was being held here till his trial. He attacked James and got his guns, then killed him and another man. 0002000007D20000BD997CC,The Gunman is distracted from the grief by the guns on the table. GUNMAN You know where Bonney is dont you? RACHEL BELL Hes going to pay for what he did. GUNMAN Where is he? RACHEL BELL You know the towns people gave him an hour to get away. LYNSEY Why? RACHEL BELL He use to be part of some gang called The Regulator. He was a local hero. He was singing as he rode out of town like it was nothing. GUNMAN A hero who kills unarmed men.... Sounds familiar. LYNSEY You want to kill him dont you? RACHEL BELL He will pay. GUNMAN You ever taken a mans life Rachel? Rachel brakes down in tears. RACHEL BELL What else should I do? GUNMAN Stay here with Lynsey and let me take care of this. RACHEL BELL No! Ill go. LYNSEY Trust me its better this way. He seems to have enough burden, little more wont matter. Int. jaMES BELLS HOUSE LINCOLN. night The Gunman sits on a rocking chair by the full flamed fire, Lynsey lays awake on a blanket on the floor. LYNSEY Do you have to kill him? GUNMAN James Bell was one of only two friends that I ever had. He was a good kind man. I hate what the world does to good people. LYNSEY Wheres your other friend now? GUNMAN Dead. LYNSEY Sorry. What happened. GUNMAN Same damned thing. Murdered by an idolized thug. LYNSEY Did you kill that man? GUNMAN Never could find him. LYNSEY (Concerned.) You coming back for me? GUNMAN (Pause.) Yes. INT. WILLIAM BONNEYS HOUSE. NIGHT JULY 14TH 1881 FORT SUMMER The Gunman sits in the darkness, guns drawn ready for BONNEYS return. The door opens, Bonney staggers in and throws his guns and belt on the table in front of the Gunman. Still unaware Bonney pours himself a Whiskey. The Gunman holsters his guns and slowly leans forward and takes Bonneys guns. Bonney knocks back a whiskey back turned and still unaware. The Gunman leans back and cocks one gun. Bonney swings around to see the guns hanging through the darkness. William h. bonney Whos there? The Gunman cocks the other gun. WILLIAM H. BONNEY (CONT'D) 0002000007FB0000C5657F5,What do you want? GUNMAN Sit down. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Why? Who are you? GUNMAN Sit down. Bonney sits the other side of the table. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Look, whoever you think I am youre wrong. There aint no reward for me. GUNMAN I think youre the man who killed my friend! WILLIAM H. BONNEY (Worried.) No friend I didnt kill anyone. GUNMAN Im not your friend. James Bell was my friend and you shot him like a dog. Bonney knows the Gunman has him and has a slight acceptance about him now. The worry has gone. Bonney pours himself another drink. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Yes. I do regret that one. I did like Bell. Whiskey? The Gunman is unsure for a second, he places a gun on the table not to far from Bonneys reach. GUNMAN Yes. Bonney throws back the Whiskey then pours another and slides the drink to the Gunman. The Gunman leans into the light taking the drink. WILLIAM H. BONNEY For a second I thought you were a lawman. But your no lawman are you? The Gunman remains silent and drinks the Whiskey. WILLIAM H. BONNEY (CONT'D) No your a killer like me.... I can see that. GUNMAN Im not like you. WILLIAM H. BONNEY (Slightly angry.) Not like what? People dont know the real me. They dont know me at all. The world makes us what we are. The Gunman is a little more interested in what Bonney has to say now. GUNMAN What do you mean? What made you this way? WILLIAM H. BONNEY By the time I was twelve I was on my own and on the streets. I was a scrawny kid and an easy target for bullies. One day this kid about sixteen, seventeen starts on me, slapping me around and gets me on the ground. So Im pinned down and hes slapping me in the face. I got an arm free and got to his pistol and shot him in the stomach. He died later that night. He was six years older, he was bigger, stronger but they still said it was unjustified. I was on the run till John Tunstel took me in. GUNMAN Killing got into to young. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Yeah. To young to ever get it out. And its in you to I can see it. Soon it doesnt matter who you kill. GUNMAN 0002000007E50000CD5A7DF,It matters. If I kill you, then you had it coming. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Always? No one ever just get in the way? The Gunman hesitates but is keen to get it off his chest. GUNMAN Once I was in a fight, killed several men in a bar...... a man out side passing by with his daughter took a stray in the head. WILLIAM H. BONNEY From you? GUNMAN Most likely. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Do you regret it? GUNMAN Everyday. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Why did you kill them? GUNMAN They........they were bad people, they did me wrong. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Like I said, the world makes us who we are. GUNMAN I guess it does. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Do you regret killing those men? GUNMAN Not for one second. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Would you do it again? GUNMAN In a heart beat. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Really? No matter who got hurt that day? The Gunman understands Bonneys point and is thrown out of sorts for a second. WILLIAM H. BONNEY (CONT'D) You see.... I would do anything not to hang. Even killing your friend when its nothing to do with him. GUNMAN Yeah? Well its about him now. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Was he a good man? GUNMAN Yes he was. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Not like us? GUNMAN Nothing like us. His wife misses him dearly. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Tell her I'm sorry. Will you do that? GUNMAN You have my word. WILLIAM H. BONNEY Ive killed some assholes in my day. Just glad Im not going to die over one of those sons a bitches! The Gunman picks up the other gun on the table and rises pointing both at Bonney. GUNMAN (Uneasy.) You ready? WILLIAM H. BONNEY I am, but you dont look to sure. You want to walk away but the killer in you cant uh? GUNMAN I'm sorry! WILLIAM H. BONNEY Think you will ever pay for your sins? GUNMAN I hope so. The Gunman fires four shots into Bonneys chest killing him instantly. The upset Gunman place Bonneys guns back in the holster. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Rest in peace. The Gunman leaves out the back door. EXT. WILLIAM BONNEYS HOUSE. NIGHT Sheriff PAT GARRET and two Deputies approach the house on horses. PAT GARRET (To both men.) 000200000A3B0000D539A35,Wait out here I'll handle this, hes alone. Garret dismounts and heads inside. INT. WILLIAM BONNEYS HOUSE. NIGHT Garret enters gun cocked hoping to surprise Bonney. Garret is shocked to find the murdered Bonney. He observes the four gun shots. PAT GARRET Someone finally got the drop on you huh kid. Aware his men are still outside Garret fire four shots. His men come rushing in. PAT GARRET (CONT'D) Its OK, hes down. The men see Garret standing over the murdered Bonney. PAT GARRET (CONT'D) Told him not to go for those guns. INT. JAMES BELLS HOUSE LINCOLN. DAY Lynsey answers the door to the Gunman. She is surprised to see him. LYNSEY Was not sure that you would come back. The Gunman walks in to see Rachel staring at him curiously. RACHEL BELL (To Gunman.) Did you ah......did you get him? GUNMAN I got him. RACHEL BELL Was he scared? Did he suffer? GUNMAN No... and no. RACHEL BELL (Angry.) Why? GUNMAN He accepted his fate and that he had to pay for what he did to James. LYNSEY (To Gunman.) You spoke to him. GUNMAN Yes. (To Rachel.) He said he was sorry. RACHEL BELL People say anything in the face of death. GUNMAN Not this Kid, he meant it. INT. jAMES BELLS HOUSE LINCOLN. NIGHT The Gunman sits on a rocking chair by the fire as Lynsey lays under a blanket on the floor. The Gunman looks troubled. LYNSEY He got to you didnt he? GUNMAN He didnt have a chance. LYNSEY What do you mean? He was a murderer. GUNMAN No!.... He was just a kid. LYNSEY He was old enough..... He made his choices! GUNMAN No..... Life makes us what we are. Lynsey starts to understand what the trouble man is saying. She sees the pain and worry. LYNSEY You think your the same? GUNMAN I killed your father. What do you think? LYNSEY I blame you for that. GUNMAN You should, I was responsible. I'm not like him...... I am so much worst. I understood him and what he had been through....... I could have helped him, but the urge for vengeance was consuming me and I could not stop it. LYNSEY Your worried that the darkness will take over? GUNMAN Worried it already has. INT. HOTEL ROOM. DAY oct 26th 1881 Tombstone arizona The Gunman and Lynsey settle in to the room. The Gunman puts four guns under the bed still carrying the chest and under armed weapons. LYNSEY We going out tonight? GUNMAN No. There is no gun it town policy in effect. Dont need trouble in this town, I sense there is enough here without me getting involve. LYNSEY Then why are we here? GUNMAN We need the rest. LYNSEY Where are we going. GUNMAN The next town we come across has a Bank owned by the man I am looking for. Im gonna burn it down. 00020000090A0000DF6E904,LYNSEY Dean Mitchell? GUNMAN Yes. The Gunman looks out the window. GUNMAN (CONT'D) This is a tense town. Whats going on? LYNSEY Theres a gun banned in town. Guess thats tough to enforce. GUNMAN Na, its more than that. The Gunman sees his old friend John Holliday walking down the middle of the street with a shotgun under his over coat. John is with three other men all smartly dressed in long black coats, collars and ties. The Gunman senses trouble. Lynsey looks over the Gunmans shoulder. LYNSEY Whats going on? GUNMAN Trouble. (Pointing at John.) Thats my friend Doc Holliday, he killed that man back in Las Vegas. Hes got that crazy look in his eye again. The rest look like lawmen. LYNSEY Didnt think he was the kind to be hanging with lawmen. GUNMAN Heard he was friends with Wyatt Earp. His brother is the law here now. That must be them. LYNSEY Which one Wyatt Earp? GUNMAN I dont know. LYNSEY But you have heard of him? Why? GUNMAN Reputation for being fearless. EXT. alley behind the ok corral. Day John Holliday, WYATT EARP, VIRGIL EARP and MORGAN EARP approach four men, FRANK MCLAURY, BILLY CLANTON, TOM MCLAURY, IKE CLANTON and BILLY CLIABORNE. Virgil earp Alright through your hands up. A few of the men reach for their guns and cock the hammers. VIRGIL EARP (CONT'D) Hold! I dont mean that. Almost instantly Billy Clanton fires at Wyatt Earp missing as Wyatt fires at Frank Mclaury hitting him in the stomach. Billy Clanton is shot in the wrist by John and backs off behind a horse. Tom Mclaury manages to get behind the Earps and John firing as he runs, distracted from the shot from behind Morgan Earp is shot in the back by Billy Clanton, John empties the shotgun into Toms side as he turned to shoot, he staggers and collapses. John drops the shot gun and draws his pistols and begins to fire at Billy Clanton and the still standing Frank Mclaury . Ike Clanton and Billy Cliaborne both unarmed make a break for it escaping down the street unharmed. Virgil Earp is shot in the leg by the injured but still fighting Frank Mclaury, the injured Morgan still on the ground and John both fire multiple shots at Frank taking him down. Billy Clanton fires hitting John in the hip sending him to the floor, Wyatt fires a fatal shot to the chest of Clanton. The fight is over. 0002000008CE0000E8728C8,InT. hOTEL ROOM. DAY The Gunman and Lynsey watch as the fight comes to an end, they observe three men dead, three injured and one man in the middle still standing unscathed. The Gunman nods in appreciation of the man. GUNMAN (Pointing in admiration.) Thats Wyatt Earp. Int. Bar. NIGHT The Gunman enters the bar, it is empty apart from Wyatt Earp and John Holliday. Both men instantly draw their pistols clearly still on edge. GUNMAN I come in peace! John recognizes his old friend and ushers down Wyatts pistol. JOHN HOLLIDAY (Smiling.) Could have used your help today. gUNMAN Na, looks like the law versus the criminals. I would have confused the matter. Wyatt spots the six pistols. Wyatt earp This town has a no weapons in town policy in effect. GUNMAN Dont worry Im out of here first thing in the morning. WYATT EARP Im not worried. The Gunman smiles and place his pistols on the bar then backs away. GUNMAN (To Wyatt.) Not here for trouble, just concerned about my friend. (To John.) Saw you took a shot. JOHN HOLLIDAY Fine, was just a grazer. WYATT EARP (To Gunman.) Why are you here? The Gunman look apprehensive about talking in front of Wyatt. JOHN HOLLIDAY (To Gunman.) Relax if your moving on tomorrow then your business is clearly not here. And if its not here then he does not care. To much going on here at the moment. Wyatt gives the Gunman friendly nod. GUNMAN Dean Mitchell. He owns a Bank in the next town. WYATT EARP (To Gunman.) He sold that it two days ago. He does not have any businesses around here anymore. The Gunman looks distraught. GUNMAN You sure about this? JOHN HOLLIDAY Hes sure. JOHN HOLLIDAY (CONT'D) Where will you go now? GUNMAN No idea. The Gunman leaves the bar. WYATT EARP Who was that? JOHN HOLLIDAY (Smiling.) I dont know his name. Int. Hotel bar. Night Lynsey stands at the bar talking to a man {JOHNNY RINGO}. Johnny ringo What brings a pretty little lady like you to this town. LYNSEY Just passing through. JOHN HOLLIDAY With your husband? LYNSEY (Thinking about it.) No Im alone. JoHNNY RINGO Really? Int. HOTEL BAR. NIGHT The Gunman enters the room. Lynsey is not there. INT. bAR. NIGHT The Gunman looks around the Bar, Lynsey is nowhere to be seen. The Gunman approaches the Barman. 0002000008330000F13A82D,GUNMAN Whiskey. BARMAN Coming up. GUNMAN You seen the girl that I came in with around? BARMAN Yeah she was here about an hour ago. GUNMAN Any idea where she might be now? BARMAN Sorry partner the last I saw she was talking to another guy, probably left with him. GUNMAN (Angry.) Who? The men either side of the Gunman are aware of his tone. BARMAN You dont want trouble with this guy. GUNMAN And you dont want trouble from me. The men either side straighten in preparation for a fight. Man one Really? The Gunman draws two pistols, hitting Man one in the jaw with the butt from one ending with a pistol each on the Barman and Man two. Man one slumps to the floor. GUNMAN Name? BARMAN (Frightened.) Johnny Ringo, his name is Johnny Ringo. The Gunman slowly backs away. INT. marshal earps Office. Night The Gunman Enters the office to find only Wyatt Earp. GUNMAN Doc around? Wyatt earp Nope, just me. Problem? GUNMAN Just moving on thats all. WYATT EARP Not sure where he is. Probably drinking, normally does after killing folk. GUNMAN OK thanks anyway. WYATT EARP Thought you and your lady friend were here till morning? Yeah this town has eyes. GUNMAN No need to stay any longer. WYATT EARP Just you heading out? GUNMAN Yeah. WYATT EARP Its a dangerous place for a young Gal on her own. GUNMAN Shes not on her own. WYATT EARP (Slightly smiling.) Found her self another man? The Gunman heads to the door. GUNMAN (Smiling.) Yeah Im Johnny Ringo will take good care of her. Take it easy Wyatt. The name Johnny Ringo changes Wyatts mood. WYATT EARP WAIT!......Johnny Ringo? GUNMAN Yeah Barkeep said that was the man she disappeared with. WYATT EARP Shes not safe with him. GUNMAN (Unsettled.) What? WYATT EARP Hes one of the men Im having troubles with. GUNMAN Great thats all I need. WYATT EARP That not all. Nobody knows this for sure, but rumor has it he snatches young women travelling on there own and sells them to the Whore House in the next town. GUNMAN (Distressed.) Christ. How long do I have. WYATT EARP Ill be surprised if she is not already with her first customer. 00020000091E0000F967918,GUNMAN GOD DAMN IT! The Gunman again rushes for the door. WYATT EARP Be no great shame to the world if that place burns down. GUNMAN That girls had a tough life, you bet your ass Ill burnt it down..... and then some. The Gunman storms out. EXT. BROTHEL. NIGHT. The Gunman dismounts his horse, removes his coat exposing all his pistols. He heads for the entrance, a man leaving is startled by the Gunman. He nervously glance at the Gunmans weapons. GUNMAN Johnny Ringo in there? MAN No you just missed him. GUNMAN Thank you. Man (Nervous.) Your welcome. INT. BROTHEL. NIGHT. The Gunman Enters with a casual look on his face. He studies the semi busy room with men and women scattered around about ten tables, studying the possible threats. GUNMAN WHO OWNS THIS SHIT WHOLE? The place filters into completes silence, all with unfriendly glares at the Gunman. A well dressed woman {ALEXANDRA WINTERS} steps forward from behind the bar. Alexandra winters That would be me. Names Alex Winters. GUNMAN (surprised.) Oh shit! The Gunman draws and fires a pistol striking Alexandra in the head. She drops dead and every man in the room with a gun draws and begins to fire, most women head screaming for an exit. The room erupts into chaotic gunfire, the Gunman throws over a table taking cover killing three men at the same time. A shot comes throw the table taking of his ear lobe. He bounces up and scrambles towards the bar, taking fire he kills another two men then leaps behind the bar where a terrified barman hides. The Gunman points his pistol and cocks it with intent. Barman (Terrified.) Please I just work here. I have a family. The statement instantly hits a nerve. The Gunman lowers his weapon. GUNMAN Get a new job. BARMAN OK, OK. The Gunman leaps back over the bar and make its to the staircase in the corner of the room, on the first landing he has his back to wall and eyes on the whole room. He is exposed and willing to take the risk. He stands exposed picking off each man who pops up. After killing five men and unsure if any remain he downs onto one knee and place his only remaining loaded gun in his chest holster and begins to reload the others. GUNMAN (Reloading.) Any man still in here, the only way out is the door.... now. You dont head for the door right now, this will be your last day on this earth. 0002000008DB0001027F8D5,A man near the entrance rises out from behind an overturned table. Armed man 1 Ill take that offer. The Gunman finishes loading the last gun and points to the door with the pistol. The man begins his exit, he then quickly spin and gets off a cheap shot taking the pistol from the Gunmans hand along with a finger. The Gunman quickly draws from his chest shooting the man in the neck. Almost instantly a woman come charging down the stairs towards the Gunman with a double barreled shotgun. The Gunman grabs the end throwing the woman against the railing. The woman struggles refusing to let go, he head butts the woman and throws her over holding onto the shotgun. INT. BROTHEL UPSTAIRS ROOM. NIGHT An armed man stands very anxious pointing his gun at the closed door. A badly beaten Lynsey sits laughing the corner. LyNSEY He will kill everyone in here. The man reaches and slaps Lynsey across the jaw. ARMED MAN 2 Shut up, ain't no one coming for you. Just some nutcase. LYNSEY You heard the stories about this man, cant be killed they say. ARMED MAN 2 Stories! LYNSEY Well see. The man backs off as he hears foot steps in the hall. INT. BROTHEL UPSTAIRS HALL. NIGHT The Gunman walks cautiously down the hall peering into all the rooms which seem to be vacated. He gets to the room Lynsey is in, the Gunman sets to kick the door in as a woman armed with a pistol pops out one of the rooms ahead. The woman fires, the Gunman drops to his knee firing the shotgun throwing the woman into the wall. A shot flies over the Gunmans head from through the door, he takes aim with the shotgun. INT. BROTHEL UPSTAIRS ROOM. NIGHT The man listens for a reaction to his shot through the door. The shotgun blast explodes the door and strikes the man in the face. The Gunman stands slowly in the doorway, blooding dripping from his ear and four fingered hand. He approaches Lynsey, both silent the Gunman gently pulls her to her feet. Lynsey then breaks down. LyNSEY (In tears.) You came..........You Came for me. I kept telling him you would, but I wasnt sure. GUNMAN Im here, its over. I wont let anybody hurt you. Lynsey holds onto the Gunman tight, hes unsure how to respond. The Gunman slowly embrace the hug with some genuine emotion. EXT. BROTHEL. NIGHT. 00020000088800010B54882,The Gunman and Lynsey ride off on the same horse pulling the other as the Brothel burns to the ground. Ext. riverside. Night Lynsey stands by the fire, she pulls out a red hot knife from the flames. The Gunman lays sweating on the ground. Lynsey Your not going to like this. GUNMAN Yeah I know, lets get it over with. Lynsey places the knife on the Gunmans wounded finger. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Aaaaaahhhhhhh! LYNSEY Thats it over, just need to wrap it. How is the ear? GUNMAN (Smiling painfully.) The ear is fine just wrap the hand. Lynsey sits down with the Gunman and begins to wrap his hand. Lynsey Can I ask you something? Gunman Yeah sure. LYNSEY You killed a lot of people back there. GUNMAN (No emotion.) Yeah. LYNSEY How do feel about that? GUNMAN The truth? LYNSEY Yeah the truth. GUNMAN The truth is I have killed so many people that now, now I dont feel anything. 15 years ago I wouldnt have even dreamed that I was cable of half the things I have done. I killed two women in that place and broke anothers nose and I couldnt give a damn. Lynsey stops wrapping the hand intrigued by the comments. GUNMAN (CONT'D) How does that make you feel? LYNSEY Im not sure. GUNMAN One thing I do know. My family would be ashamed, no matter what the reasons I do what I do. Thats how I know that the man I was is lost forever. LYNSEY I dont believe that. GUNMAN When you wonder in to the darkness theres no turning back. Theres no case of good and bad guys, when you cross that line, when the darkness falls, its only bad guys. Nothing in your life after can ever change that. LYNSEY You killed all those people to get to me. GUNMAN Yes. The Gunman stands and heads for his horse for some Whiskey. LYNSEY Would you do it again? Would you come for me? The Gunman turns back to Lynsey and pauses. GUNMAN (Back to Lynsey.) Yes. The Gunman lays down next to the fire to drink his Whiskey, placing a gun at his side. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Get some rest its been a tough day. Ext. Ranch entrance. Day 1870 ATLANTA DREAM SEQUENCE Gerry and Sarah approach the ranch, they stop the horses when they notice smoke coming form the barn, its on fire as to is the house. GERRY Stay here! 00020000085F000113D6859, Gerry rides up to see the damage. Int. RANCH HOUSE. DAY Gerry bolts into the house to see his family murdered. His brother despite several gunshots is still breathing, Gerry pulls him outside. EXT. RANCH HOUSE. DAY Gerry is shot in the back while dragging out his brother. He hears Sarah being dragged towards the house by Frank Lidel and Walter Henderson. Frank throws Sarah to the ground and fires a shot into Michaels head, Gerry draws his gun and is shot again in the shoulder dropping his weapon. Henry williams Whos this pretty little thing? GeRRY Leave her alone! Henry williams What like this? Sarah is sat down in front of him by the men and shot in the back of the head by Henry. Walter looks away in disgust. GERRY Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Gerry lunges at Henry and is kicked in the face by Frank. Henry hands a gun to Walter. Henry williams Finish him! frank lidel You need to pull your weight. walter HENDERSON I cant. Henry grabs Walters hand and places the gun in it and force the trigger striking Gerry in the lower stomach. Ext. riverside. Night The Gunman leaps up from his nightmare grabbing his pistol. The sweat pours from his brow. He stumbles to the River then drops to his knees. Lynsey is awaken by noise. GUNMAN (To sky.) AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! The Gunman still slightly drunk from the Whiskey begins to cry. He becomes aware of Lynsey approaching. She stands silent for a moment. The Gunman slightly gets a hold of his emotions. GUNMAN (CONT'D) They killed my wife.....my whole family. Lynsey says nothing, just listens. GUNMAN (CONT'D) They wanted our land, thought there was gold........ When we got there the house was on fire, everyone was dead except my brother. I got him outside. I dont know where they came from. The first shot hit me in the back, then Michael took one to the head. LYNSEY (Horrified.) My God. GUNMAN The next thing I remember is Sarah looking into my eyes...... as he shot her. Lynsey seems speechless. She just places a hand on the Gunmans shoulder. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Now you know. EXT. BROTHEL. DAY Mace Bowman stands at the rubble that was the Brothel. Wyatt Earp approaches. 0002000007B300011C2F7AD,WYATT EARP Mace! MACE BOWMAN (Smiling.) Wyatt! WYATT EARP What brings you to town? No sport here Mace. MACE BOWMAN Relax Wyatt! I didn't do this. WYATT EARP Oh I know you didn't do this. MACE BOWMAN Really? Then who did? WyaTT EARP (Smiling.) Locals said that it was the man who carries the six guns! The man who cant be killed and the man with no name! MACE BOWMAN Ha Ha gets around that boy, so ah you see this guy? WYATT EARP I dont believe in ghosts. MACE BOWMAN Wyatt, you know I do my home work, hes a friend of a friend. Doc Holliday helps this man on regular occasions. Hes real aright and you know it. WYATT EARP He killed twenty two people in there Mace, including two women. You sure you want this one? Seems pretty driven. Mace watches as the bodies continue to be pulled from the rubble. MACE BOWMAN (Surprised.) Jesus, what did these people do? Hes never shown this kind of savageness before? WYATT EARP Took his woman. Mace becomes aware that Wyatt knows more than he is telling. MACE BOWMAN (Intrigued.) You knew he was coming here didnt you? Wyatt stares ahead with no reaction. MACE BOWMAN (CONT'D) Yeah I bet you even gave him license to do this. WYATT EARP (Calm.) Why would I do that? Not even my town. MACE BOWMAN Exactly, everyone knows you frown heavily on places like this Wyatt and how they treat women. And this place had the worst reputation of all. Not your town, so you dont have to do a god damn think about it. Wyatt lights up a cigar. WYATT EARP What do you want Mace? MACE BOWMAN Wheres he heading? WYATT EARP No idea. Wyatt turns and heads towards his horse. MACE BOWMAN Come on Wyatt you and me are the same, we both get rid of killers. Wyatt is offended by the comment and turns back. WYATT EARP We are nothing alike Mace. You kill for sport, I uphold the law. MACE BOWMAN Really? Then I guess you did know nothing about this ? Wyatt does not respond as Mace heads in the other direction to his horse. Wyatt ponders. 0002000008B0000123DC8AA,Wyatt earp Mace? Mace quickly spins around. WYATT EARP (CONT'D) I dont know if he will pursue this but it was Johnny Ringo who brought his woman here. Mace gives a nod of gratitude. WYATT EARP (CONT'D) But like I said he came here for a reason other than this place, so I dont know if hell worry about Johnny to much. Wyatt leaps onto his horse and swings towards Mace. WYATT EARP (CONT'D) Now theres a lot going on in my town at the moment and were coming down hard. MACE BOWMAN Yeah heard you killed a few boys yesterday. WYATT EARP You bring a gun in to my town and I'll kill you to Mace. MaCE BOWMAN (Smiling.) Noted! Wyatt rides off. Int. Bar. Day 1882 MISSOURI Jesse James sits in the empty bar across form the barman who looks very concerned. He places a bottle of whiskey in front of Jesse. Barman Jesse you shouldnt be here. Its Broad daylight. If someone sees you. Jesse JAMES Relax I'm done caring. What happens, happens. Jesse wonders to a table mid saloon. The Gunman enters at the same time and both pass each other and give a respective nod. GUNMAN (To Barman.) Whiskey. BARMAN Yes sir. The Gunman glances back at Jesse with his back to him. BARMAN (CONT'D) So you new in town? Just passing through? GUNMAN (Dismissive.) Something like that. (Looking at Jesse.) Who is that man? BARMAN I dont know, just a local. GUNMAN (To Barman.) You dont know the locals? He looks very familiar. The Gunmans memory refreshes and the wanted poster strikes his memory. The Gunmans eye turn almost to stone. GUNMAN (CONT'D) (To Jesse.) I know you. The Gunman throws back the Whiskey and approaches Jesse, takes the bottle of whiskey and pours himself and Jesse another. The two men try to stare the other out. JESSE JAMES Can I help you? GUNMAN I wont lie to you Jesse. Im not a fan. JESSE JAMES Thats OK friend I'm not in the entertainment business anymore, I dont need fans. GUNMAN (Smiling.) Got some bad news for you. JESSE JAMES Oh yeah whats that? Jesse raises the glass and downs the drink, the Gunman downs his quickly after. The smile slowly drains from the Gunmans face. GUNMAN Im not your friend either. JESSE JAMES Yeah I guessed that. Jesse pours another for both men. GUNMAN 00020000085600012C86850,You killed my friend, killed him like he was nothing...... my friend? Jesse places the bottle back onto table and stares at the bottle. JESSE JAMES Where, when? I killed a lot of people, I hope your not offended if I dont remember. GUNMAN In a bank six years ago. JESSE JAMES The Manager? GUNMAN Yes. JESSE JAMES Shot him in the back of the head. Was not my finest hour. GUNMAN He was a good man, not like us. The Gunman draws and aims at Jesse head. Jesse does nothing. JESSE JAMES Im not a monster. GUNMAN I used to think that to. JESSE JAMES I battle with the demons. GUNMAN (Confused.) What? JESSE JAMES Until I came here the demons always got the better of me. GUNMAN The demons? JESSE JAMES The hurt and pain that life puts you through. The Gunman has been got to, he slowly lowers the gun not expecting an explanation, not from this man. JESSE JAMES (CONT'D) Its a fight, to stop the demons turning you into something you dont want to become. GUNMAN I killed a kid once, they say he was twenty one but he was no older than nineteen. He had a hard luck story and I felt for the kid...... and to this day even after all the kid did, I wish to god I hadnt killed that boy. The thing is I knew at the time that boy did not deserve to die, I killed him anyway. JESSE JAMES The demons have a hold on you and your not fighting hard enough anymore. GUNMAN I have nothing left to fight for. Lynsey enters the bar looking for the Gunman, Jesse can tell. JESSE JAMES (To Lynsey.) Theres always something worth fighting for. The Gunman looks at Lynsey and the thoughts and words of Jesse ring loud in his head but its to late and the dead look in his eyes tell the story. GUNMAN Ill see you soon Jesse. Int. Jesse james living room. Day Jesse stands dusting off a picture unarmed, ROBERT FORD lurks behind and picks up Jesses gun from the window ledge. He aims the gun at the back of Jesses head. A few seconds go by, he cant do it and lowers the gun. He stares in shame at the ground, he is jolted by the loud sound of the Gunmans pistol. Jesse lays dead and the Gunman now has the gun on Robert Ford who is terrified. 000200000817000134D6811,GUNMAN Same way he murdered my friend. Robert ford I dont want to die. GUNMAN Dont want to kill you. The Gunman moves off. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Say what you want, but leave me out of it, understand? ROBERT FORD (Surprised.) Ah yes. The Gunman flees. Ext. Dessert. Day Johnny Ringo beats a man to the ground. He then stands over him and executes the man. Johnny removes his own boots, throws them away and takes his victims. He mounts his horse and after a few gallops he is stopped by Mace, also on his horse. MaCE BOWMAN Kill a man for his boots? You see Johnny that's why I never came after you. You got the reputation but I never killed a man I didnt respect. JOHNNY RINGO Well well Mace Bowman. Finally got some guts? MACE BOWMAN Actually was looking for someone else and hoping you were the bate. But obviously hes not interested in a worm like you. Both men remain horse bound ready for the fight. JOHNNY RINGO (Smiling.) Maybe I killed him already, maybe!.. its that poor son of a bitch down there. MACE BOWMAN I doubt a no good piece of shit like you could get the drop on this fellow, no matter how fast they say you are. JOHNNY RINGO Some say I'm as fast as Wild Bill. MACE BOWMAN Hes dead. The two men begin to circle there horses staring each other down. Mace draws quickly shooting Johnny in the head. Johnny does not even get his hand to the gun, he falls back remaining on the horse. Mace jumps down, removes the boots and replaces them back on Johnnys victim. Mace slaps Johnnys horse sending it wildly off to the distance. Ext. Dean mitchells front porch. Day Henry approaches and sits down next to Dean Mitchell on the porch. henry williams We got a problem. DEAN MITCHELL What? henry williams Hes still out there! DEAN MITCHELL What you talking about? Hes not hit one of our business in years. henry williams I just found out he hit a whore house about six months ago. Dean mitchell So? We dont own any whore houses. henry williams Two days before he hit we did owned a bank next door. He went there for the Bank..... he got distracted. 00020000088900013CE7883,DEAN MITCHELL Why? What happened? henry williams He killed twenty two people that night. Including two women. Its the most brutal hes been. Burn it down to. Something was different, wasnt about us this time. DEAN MITCHELL What was different? henry williams I dont know. DEAN MITCHELL Find out. What was he after? Send someone down there. Maybe theres something we can use. henry williams Ill go, we have to deal with this son of a bitch. He creeps up on us..... he could kill us all. Int. hotel. day Lynsey is troubled as she stares out the window in another world. The Gunman senses her trouble. GUNMAN You seem troubled these days. LYNSEY I think I need to go home. GUNMAN (Surprised.) OK. LYNSEY You should have killed him at the time. GUNMAN Who? LYNSEY That man in the house. Was not right what you did. GUNMAN (Slightly angry.) James? You know what he did. The Gunman opens the bedside cabinet and removes a bottle of whiskey. LYNSEY No I dont. The Gunman looks confused. And pours a drink for himself. GUNMAN He killed my friend. LYNSEY That was not the same man. GUNMAN What? What are you talking about? LYNSEY You gave him to long. If you were going to kill him you should have done it when that man still existed. GUNMAN Nothing changes what you are. LYNSEY I dont believe that. GUNMAN Well what? you think that all the families he hurt, all the people he killed...you think that all just goes away because he grows a conscience and says hes sorry? LYNSEY (Emotional.) Its not about that......he was not the same man. He had a family and you took him from them. You ever think about them? The Gunman downs another drink. GUNMAN Its impossible for people like us to go back to what we were. LYNSEY Why because you cant. And when other people change and ask for forgiveness you push it aside and you do what you always do, kill them. GUNMAN (Angry.) People cant forgive the things weve done. LYNSEY YES THEY CAN. GUNMAN NO THEY CANT. LYNSEY I DID! YOU KILLED MY FATHER AND I FORGAVE YOU. GUNMAN I dont want your forgiveness. You ever think of that? Lynsey just stares at the Gunman. Then she heads for the door. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Where will you go? LYNSEY 0002000008CB0001456A8C5,Home. I hope you do to some day. GUNMAN Ask around for Joseph Heywoods mother. She will help, tell her Gerry sent you. Lynsey shakes her head as she leaves. Int. DEAN MITCHELLS living room. Night Dean Mitchell reads over some paper work and notes he has kept. Henry enters. DEAN MITCHELL Thought you would be gone by now? HENRY WILLIAMS Ill head out first thing. DEAN MITCHELL Sit down a minute. HENRY WILLIAMS Whats wrong. DEAN MITCHELL I just been going through this guys moves. HENRY WILLIAMS OK. DEAN MITCHELL The first time we saw him was at the old mine, right? HENRY WILLIAMS Yeah I think so. DEAN MITCHELL See that one is bothering me. Since then he has been targeting our most profitable business right? HENRY WILLIAMS Yeah. DEAN MITCHELL It did bother me at the time, but when he hit a few others I thought less of it like he was going after all my Business. So why this one? But why waste his time on this one if it was closing down? HENRY WILLIAMS You think maybe hes from that town? DEAN MITCHELL Maybe. HENRY WILLIAMS He has been spotted with Doc Holliday on more than one occasion. He worked around there for a while. And he did know the mine was shutting down. The bartender in town told him. He knew it was not making money. DEAN MITCHELL Who handle the transaction at the mine? HENRY WILLIAMS Me and two of the boys. DEAN MITCHELL Hundred percent no one left alive? HENRY WILLIAMS Two hundred. DEAN MITCHELL Did anyone in town see this guy? HENRY WILLIAMS Yeah the whole town. And not a soul new who he was........ but I'll get some eyes down there just in case. DEAN MITCHELL Good. INT. BAR. DAY 1887 Texas Clay Allison is drunk at the city bar. The Gunman no longer a high class looking man but merely a drunk sits alone at the bar. Back to the whole place. Clay and a friend are quietly arguing about the wether or not its the Gunman. Clay allison I tell you its not him. Hes not been seen in years. FrIEND He fits all the description. CLAY ALLISON You think a man of that reputation survives as long as he did by sitting with his back to the world. The Gunman sits oblivious in a drunken state. FRIEND I hear he is missing a finger on his left hand. CLAY ALLISON Well what you waiting for go check it out. 0002000008AF00014E2F8A9,FRIEND Why me? You do it. CLAY ALLISON No good yella belly. Clay approaches the drunken Gunman. Staring over his shoulder he sees the Gunman reach for a bottle of whiskey. He spots the missing finger. CLAY ALLISON (CONT'D) Ill be damned, it is him. The Gunman notices Clay in the mirror behind the bar. Clay draws and fires, the Gunman leaps to the side getting clipped in the neck. He hits the ground and draws firing at Clay. The Gunman is slow and wild, missing Clay. However his friend is closer and when reaching for his weapon is cut down by the Gunman. The Gunman begins unloading in Clays direction who then flees out the doors. The wounded and bloodied Gunman heads for the back exit. EXT. CLAY ALLISONS FARM. DAY The Gunman stands at the fence watching Clay on his wagon in the distance still wounded from his fight with Clay. He unloads his weapons one by one. He then waits unarmed with the appearance of a heavily armed man. He continues to drink a half empty bottle of Whiskey. GUNMAN (To himself.) You want to kill me Clay?....OK....Im ready . Clay gets closer still unaware of the Gunmans presence. The Gunman leaps the fence, draws his empty weapon and heads toward Clay. As the two draw closer and closer, the still unaware Clay drops a bag of wheat, he tries to catch causing himself to fall under the back wheel of the wagon which trundles over his neck. The wagon continues by the Gunman who is a little bemused as he walks over to the lifeless Clay. He stands over his body in disgust. GUNMAN (CONT'D) You got to be kidding me! The Gunman takes a drink form his bottle, then heads off the way he came. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Stupid son bitch. Ext. Street. Day The Gunman wanders drunk down the street with a suicidal look in his eye. He walks past a man selling news papers. News agent Doc Holliday dead. Wyatt Earps friend Doc Holliday dead. The shocked Gunman staggers over to the man and grabs a paper. NEWs AGENT (CONT'D) Hey? You going to pay for that? The drunk Gunman draw and fires, the man has froze, lucky for him the Gunman in his drunk state forgot to reload his weapons. The angry and confused Gunman strikes the man with the butt of his gun. He wonders off reading the news paper. 0002000007B7000156D87B1,Ext. Dean mitchells ranch. Day Henry practices his shooting. He empties his pistol hitting six bottles on the wall near by. Dean Mitchell approaches. DEAN MITCHELL You think hes gonna show. henry williams Im not sure but its not everyday we get a chance to ambush this son of a bitch. DEAN MITCHELL I thinks it worth the effort. If hes near by he be at Hollidays funeral. And remember I want him alive. I want to know what this has all been about. henry williams Should not be a problem, dont think he has much fight left in him these days. Sounds like he just wonders trying to get himself killed. DEAN MITCHELL Maybe, but remember seeing your face might just set off and old spark so you be careful. EXT. RIVERSIDE. DAY The Gunman awakes from his drinking binge, head clearly busting. He spots the paper on the ground and the headline. GuNMAN Holliday dead. The Gunman feels for his friend. GUNMAN (CONT'D) The Dentist, Gunfighter and Gambler died yesterday evening form tuberculosis. Expected to attend his funeral tomorrow is former colleague and close friend Wyatt Earp. The Gunman drops the paper and walks to the river. He stares at nothing thinking about the news paper man. He checks his gun, still empty. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Its over. The Gunman drops to his knees crying, the thought of killing a man for no reason sends him into a flurry of emotion. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Oh Im sorry. (To the sky.) Im coming home. EXT. CEMetery. day Henry scans the people at Doc Hollidays funeral from the back of the crowd. He is approached by another man. Man Nothing, sorry boss but hes not here. henry williams Keep looking. MAN I got something else. The men take a few steps farther away from the service. MAN (CONT'D) You wanted someone to keep an eye on the old mine. henry williams Yeah? Years ago. MAN Been sending Charlie Lewis down there every so often. So he over hears two women talking about this guy and how one of them used to travel with him. 00020000081800015E89812,Henry takes a step forward trying to contain his evil joy. henry williams Could she be lying, making it up? MAN She mentioned the whore house! That is the convincing he needed. henry williams Send someone to he ranch, tell the boss and get everybody down there. The man leaves leaving Henry glancing back at the service. henry williams (CONT'D) Got you now you son of a bitch. EXT. RIVERSIDE. DAY The Gunman stands at the grave of his wife. There are fresh flowers. GUNMAN I hope you can forgive me, for the man that I became. A woman appears from behind the Gunman its Joseph Heywoods mother. MRS. HEYWOOD She will. The Gunman is startled and quickly draws but Mrs. Heywood is not frighten. The Gunman lowers it immediately. GUNMAN ...........I killed so many people. MRS. HEYWOOD She would not judge you. What happened to you was the worst thing imaginable and the people responsible are to blame, not you. You were hurt, lost and alone. GUNMAN What should I do now. MRS. HEYWOOD Just live Gerry, just live. GUNMAN The things I've seen, the things I've done. I dont think I can. MRS. HEYWOOD Just try. Try for your family, its not to late. The Gunman heads to the old wooden bench a few yards away, they both sit at the bench. The Gunman takes off all his weapons and throws them to the ground. MRS. HEYWOOD (CONT'D) Lynsey came like you told her to. Shes at the house. I can send her up if you want? She knows the way, shes the one who brings the flowers. GUNMAN Id like that. Mrs. Heywood takes a few steps then turns back. MRS. HEYWOOD Lynsey tells me you killed Jesse James, not Robert Ford. GUNMAN Yes. MRS. HEYWOOD Thats not what I wanted. GUNMAN (Ashamed.) I know. EXT. HILLS. DAY Mace Bowman stops his horse and watches from a far as Henry, Dean Mitchell and his men ride into town. He continues to follow. EXT. RIVERSIDE. DAY The Gunman sits at the old bench as Lynsey rides up. She dismounts and heads to the bench. LYNSEY You home for good? GUNMAN Its over. She sits at the bench. LYNSEY You get them? GUNMAN No. Just cant do it anymore. 0002000008650001669B85F,LYNSEY What changed? GuNMAN Almost became what I despised and killed a man for no reason..... if I hadnt tried to kill myself first then I would have. LYNSEY You look tired. GUNMAN Tired of hating myself. Dont want to be this anymore. LYNSEY I know.............what now? GUNMAN Live up here, maybe build a house I dont know. LYNSEY You hungry? I'm going back down for supper? GUNMAN No I'm gonna just sit he for a while. LYNSEY You need to be alone now? GUNMAN I think so. LYNSEY You come down later for some supper OK? GUNMAN (Unsure.) OK. INT. MRS. HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. day Mrs. Heywood and Lynsey prepare dinner, Mrs. Heywood sees four men approaching the house through the window. She immediately senses trouble. MRS. HEYWOOD Lynsey you know those men? LYNSEY No. MRS. HEYWOOD You sure. Mrs. Heywood pulls back a rug on the floor and opens a trap door. MRS. HEYWOOD (CONT'D) Get in! LYNSEY What? Why? MRS. HEYWOOD If they want him then they will take you if they know who you are. LYNSEY What about you? MRS. HEYWOOD They dont want me, Ill be fine. Mrs. Heywood SLAMS shut the door just as the front door is kicked open and she is struck across the jaw from Henrys fist sending her to the floor. Two men remain outside the front door, the other stands by inside. henry williams Im not here to play games, you know why people like me would come to your door? Mrs. Heywood picks her self up. MRS. HEYWOOD Yes. henry williams Good, now where? MRS. HEYWOOD I dont know. Henry grabs Mrs. Heywood head butting her on the nose. INT. TRAPDOOR. DAY Lynsey watches through the floorboards in terror. henry williams (O.S) Every time you give me an answer I dont like, I break something. INT. MRS. HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. DAY Henry grabs Mrs. Heywoods finger. henry williams Now most people ask the questions first then if they dont get the answer they want then they break things.........me I'm the opposite. Henry SNAPS Mrs. Heywoods finger. She falls to the floor. MRS. HEYWOOD AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. She sees Lynsey through the floor board crying and trying not to make any noise, she gestures that she is coming up. Mrs. Heywood acts quickly. 0002000008AD00016EFA8A7,MRS. HEYWOOD (CONT'D) Hes not here. Hes at the old mine. Henry is shocked. henry williams What?....... Hes here! Mrs. Heywood has realized her mistake, they were here for Lynsey. MAN Should I send some one down there sir? Henry bends down and looks into Mrs. Heywoods eyes. henry williams No, hes not down there.... but hes here....somewhere. He stands up and faces the other man. henry williams (CONT'D) We will leave a message. INT. tRAPDOOR. DAY Lynsey sees Henry nod to the other man who pulls a knife and stabs Mrs. Heywood. Lynsey covers her mouth trying not to scream. The blood begins to drip on her. ExT. MRS. HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. DAY The Gunman approaches on his horse. Lynsey sits outside covered in blood. He quickly dismounts and sprints to Lynsey who looks at him. The Gunman Knows. GUNMAN No no no no no no. He runs into the house. GUNMAN (O.S.) (CONT'D) Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. INT. MRS. HEYWOOD'S HOUSE. DAY The Gunman sits over Mrs. Heywoods in tears. The words old mine are written on the table in blood. Lynsey enters. LYNSEY They came for me. But she gave them nothing, not even you. The Gunman gets a hold of him self. GUNMAN Tell me what to do? Lynsey to seems to be lost of all emotion. LYNSEY Kill them, kill them all. EXT. gOLD MINE ENTRANCE. DAY Henry and Dean Mitchell stand at the entrance of the mine, fifteen men stand in front. They have a good view of the dusty road ahead of them. DEAN MITCHELL You think he is just going to walk straight into this? henry williams Yes..... yes I do. A gust of wind in-gulfs the old road with dust. A shot comes from the haze in road striking one of the men in the head, the others go into a panic as another man is hit. henry williams (CONT'D) Shit. Where is he, where is he? Three other shots are fired and another man hits the ground. The Gunman appears from the dust with a rifle. Henry spots him. henry williams (CONT'D) There he is. The Gunman drops the rifle and backs into the dust again staring straight at Henry. henry williams (CONT'D) Whats he doing? The Gunman rides out the dust sporting a white flag, Henry draws his gun and aims. Dean Mitchell grabs his hand. DEAN MITCHELL No. henry williams (Confused.) What? I got him. 000200000BEC000177A1BE6,DEAN MITCHELL I want to know. henry williams What? Are you nuts? Hes coming in peace? Hes coming here to kill us. DEAN MITCHELL I need to know. Henry backs off into the entrance. The remaining twelve men surround the Gunman as he arrives. Dean Mitchell rushes out thinking he has the upper hand. DEAN MITCHELL (CONT'D) NOBODY FIRE. The Gunman jumps down and sends his horse away. Mitchell enters the circle of men and approaches the Gunman. The two men eyeball each other. DEAN MITCHELL (CONT'D) Who are you? GUNMAN Im your creation. Everyone died because of you. DEAN MITCHELL Why? GUNMAN You know I never expected you to remember. You kill, hurt and take from so many people it was unlikely you would have. DEAN MITCHELL You dont seem upset by that. GUNMAN You want to know, and you never will. DEAN MITCHELL Huh? The Gunman gets that crazy look in his eye. He looks around a lot of the men are in early twenties and look a little distressed at the prospect of fighting this legend, the ghost. GUNMAN (To men.) Know this, when the fighting starts chances are you will kill me. But guaranteed, I will kill no less than half of you. DEAN MITCHELL You crazy? You cant beat this many men. GUNMAN Your probably right.....out In the open like this. DEAN MITCHELL TELL ME WHO YOU ARE? GUNMAN But then again your blocking half of them. The Gunman draws shooting Dean Mitchell in the chest sending him falling forward, the Gunman instantly draws another, spins around onto one knee catching Mitchell on his back and opens fire on the eight men this side of Mitchell. The men fire wildly, the Gunman is accurate as he has ever been. He drops five men instantly with five shots, he is then hit in the leg but he stays upright. The men at the back panic and fire, striking Dean Mitchell. The fire from behind distracts the Gunman and he is hit again in the left shoulder, still upright he quickly takes down the other three men. The Gunman drops two empty pistols, draws another two and throws Mitchell off his back and spins around into a face on fight with the other men. The men panic and squeeze off some inaccurate shots. The Gunman kills all four men taking another hit in the arm whiles doing so. ALL men are down, two attempt to crawl away, both men are shot by the Gunman. To the Gunmans surprise Mitchell is still alive and whimpering. The Gunman hobbles over. DEAN MITCHELL (Coughing Blood.) Tell me who you are. The Gunman leans down and gazes into Mitchells eyes. GUNMAN My Name is Gerry Finlay. DEAN MITCHELL Means nothing to me. The Gunman straightens up and aims at Mitchells head. GUNMAN It does now. He kills Mitchell. He immediately starts to reload his weapons and glances round to the mine entrance. One still remains. He heads to the entrance still reloading. He stops at the entrance. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Never took you for a coward. INT. mine. Day The Gunman slowly enters the mine, still light by the sunlight streaming in. He stops at the edge off the sunlight. The Gunman stares into darkness, Henry stares at the Gunman. 00020000076B00018387765,GUNMAN This moment sums it all up. The first time I met you I was pulled into darkness.......I think this time I will stay in the light. HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) So weve met before? GUNMAN Yes. HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) So your not a ghost like people say? Your a man just like the rest of us? GUNMAN Im more like a ghost than a man. HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) Really? How so? GUNMAN (Angry.) Because you killed me. HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) You look alive and breathing to me. GUNMAN You killed me right here, when you killed my wife and family. HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) (Smiling.) Oh my god, tell me this is not over a woman? The Gunman tenses with rage and draws a pistol hip side. GUNMAN You can see me yes? HENRY WILLIAMS (O.S.) (Serious.) Yes. GUNMAN Then what you waiting for? The Gunman stares at the darkness waiting, watching and listening. Henry is afraid but has nowhere to go, he draws firing at the Gunmans gut. The Gunman is almost as fast as the bullet, he instantly fires at the flame from the end of Henrys gun. The Gunman is hit as he fires into the darkness emptying his weapon. The shooting stops, the noise of Henry staggering echoes the mine. He appears in front of the Gunman hit by all six shots, he falls to the ground. He smiles up at the Gunman. henry williams So this was your place huh? GUNMAN Yes. Your timid little friend did not do the job. henry williams Ha ha its seems easy to put together now. This is where it all started. The blood mine. You hit so may places was not obvious this one was personal, but then the first one usually is. So......I cant remember who got shot in the head, you Michael or Gerry? The Gunman draws another gun and aims at Henrys head. GUNMAN It was Gerry, but you took that away from me. henry williams We all got a sad story Gerry thats how people like us are created. Killers are not born they are made. You want to hear my sad story? 000200000B3F00018AECB39,The Gunman shoots Henry in the head. GUNMAN No. EXT. rIVERSIDE. DAY The Gunman rides up, Lynsey awaits at the Bench at the graves. The Gunman joins her, he whimpers as he sits. Lynsey assists him concerned. GUNMAN Its OK, Im OK. You OK? LYNSEY Oh my god you hurt bad. GUNMAN I feel good. LYNSEY Then its over? The Gunman smiles then something catches his attention. He has to get up again, its Mace Bowman. GUNMAN Not yet. Almost. Lynsey turn to see Mace waiting. LYNSEY (To Gunman.) No more your hurt to bad, your weak. The Gunman brushes by her towards Mace. Lynsey grabs the Gunman in protest. LYNSEY (CONTD) He wont fight you with all these injuries. GUNMAN He wont have a choice. LYNSEY Please. GUNMAN Look. The Gunman shows Lynsey the gut shot, she knows instantly its fatal. GUNMAN (CONT'D) I want to die in peace, with my family. Lynsey wipes the tears and kisses the Gunman as tho he was heading to his last battle. The Gunman walks beyond Mace a few paces, Lynsey backs away. GUNMAN (CONT'D) (To Mace.) Back a little, this is a sacred place. Mace complies. MACE BOWMAN You do not look so good. GUNMAN Yes your right but my good arm is just about all thats still good. Mace gives the Gunman a gentle nod of admiration. GUNMAN (CONT'D) This ends now. The two men take two steps back and ready them selves. MACE BOWMAN From the hip? GUNMAN OK. MACE BOWMAN Waited my whole life for this. The ultimate test. GUNMAN To bad theres no one here to see it. MACE BOWMAN Ill know. Thats all that matters. GUNMAN Then lets find out Mace, lets see how good you really are. The men stare at each other through the silence, Lynsey turns away and after the moments silence continues she turns back in hope the Gunman has what it takes to beat the great Mace Bowman. The two men stare, they know its about to happen. The Gunman draws from the hip emptying the weapon into Mace who never even reached his gun. Lynsey is stunned as to is the filled full of lead Mace. The Gunman hobbles over and catches Maces hand as he falls to his knees. MACE BOWMAN Never even reached my gun. Its not how it was supposed to happen, its not fair. Mace slowly sides past the Gunman to end face down in the dirt. GUNMAN Life aint fair. The Gunman straightens up and removes all his weapons and throws them into the river. He staggers to his wifes grave and drops to his knees. GUNMAN (CONT'D) Its over. Im coming home. Lynsey puts her hand on the Gunmans shoulder who takes her hand. GUNMAN (CONT'D) (To Lynsey.) I want your forgiveness, need your forgiveness. LYNSEY I forgive you. The Gunman turns around a leans against the head stone. GUNMAN Will you stay with me? LYNSEY (In tears.) Yes. GUNMAN Wish you had of known her. You would have been such good friends. LYNSEY Yeah. GUNMAN (Smiling.) Maybe in another life huh? Lynsey Maybe. The Gunman drifts away. THE 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