The Purple Frog Wearing a Dirty old Baseball Cap SHORT SCREENPLAY BY: BRIAN SPAULDING Copyright © 2002 Brian L. Spaulding 8/7/02 Last week, Sam was walking in the woods, and he happened upon a purple frog playing an orange flute. Sam's eyes bulged out like two ugly warts. The woods were silent Everything was quiet, even the trees. Yarn's mouth was wide open in shock. Then he heard a noise. SAM "Hello . . . is anyone there?" Sam started to run as if a bear was right behind him. After a while, Sam stopped running . . . Inside, he took off his hat and went to grab for the cookies. MOTHER "Hey, wash you hands before you take a cookie." SAM "Why?" MOTHER "Because, you've been in that woods and the woods are dirty." Sam was washing his hands at the sink as his mother grabbed his dirty old baseball cap from his head. MOTHER "You know I don't hats worn in the house, after your done put it in the garage." SAM "Why, it's clean." MOTHER "Sam, it's all dirty . . . I want it in the garage, do I make myself clear?" Just as the phone rang. SAM "Yes mom." He sat at the table eating his cookie. MOTHER "Hello?" [Talking on the phone.] MOTHER "Ah, Danny it's you. How are you?" DANNY "I'm doing good, I have some news." MOTHER "What?" DANNY "I'm coming home." MOTHER "Oh, that's great. When are you coming?" DANNY "In two weeks." SAM "Who's That?" MOTHER "It's your brother Danny. He's coming home from the army." SAM Yeah!" DANNY "Hey, mom put Sam on." MOTHER "Ok, I love you." DANNY "I love you too, here's Sam." SAM "Hi, Danny." [Talking on the phone.] DANNY "Hey kid, what's up?" SAM "Not much." DANNY "Staying out of trouble?" SAM "Yeah . . . I went in the woods today and saw a purple frog." DANNY "Really, did you touch it?" SAM "No." DANNY "Good, because it might be poisonous." SAM "Yeah, he was playing a flute." DANNY Really, I think your pulling my leg." SAM "No!" DANNY "Your crazy." SAM "When are you coming home?" DANNY "In a few days, then we can do some things, ok." SAM "Ok, I miss you." DANNY "I miss you too kid. Well I got to go, but talk to you later." SAM "Ok bye." DANNY "Bye." Sam put the phone back. . . . The next day he attempted the dark misty forest again. But this time, being quiet, Sam tiptoed through the woods to tried to find that purple frog to see if it was real or if his brain wasn't working the way it should. So as Sam got to the soggy, green-moldy log where he thought he saw the purple frog, he waited, waited, waited, and waited. An hour and a half later, he got up from dark muddy dirt. He went home depressed with his head down. His light blue jeans had mud on them, and walked very carefully and slowly, like a snail going across a highway road. Sam went off in the white misty air towards home. Sam had entered the house. MOTHER "Sam, what have you been doing? And look at you, know what you need, a bath?" SAM "No, mom." MOTHER "Yes, come on let's go. SAM "Ok." . . . Sam got into bed as his mother came in. SAM "Hey mom." MOTHER "Hey kiddo . . . I don't know about you sometimes." SAM "What?" MOTHER "You love those woods. I really don't like you going." SAM "Don't worry mom, I'm fine." MOTHER "Your fine?" She laughed. MOTHER "I love you, you know." SAM "Yeah, I know." MOTHER "You do?" She messed up his hair and turned off the lights and was about to shut the door . . . SAM "I love you mom." MOTHER "I love you too. Night." SAM "Night." She shut the door. That night when Sam's mother was sleeping, at about 11:30, Sam decided to make another attempt in the dark, dark forest since it was dark out, he grabbed a flash light and his favorite dirty old baseball cap. He went back to the moldy log and saw the purple frog. Then the purple frog grew bigger, and bigger. Then four more giant frogs joined in and started to chase after Sam. With their orange flutes, they started to play a melody that Sam was mesmerized on. Sam went. into a trance. Then the frogs consumed him for lunch. The next day Sam's mother was looking for Sam in their backyard. MOTHER "Sam, Sam?" As she looked through the dry laundry out on the line. MOTHER "Sam?" As saw a purple frog wearing a dirty old baseball cap . . . The End? Copyright (c) 2002 Brian L. Spaulding