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This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express 
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					Don't Be Alone Tonight
						By Cory

The screen is all black.  A light is slowly poured in and we see green color.  
As the camera slowly pans back, we hear a heavy breathing.  We also realize 
that we are in the woods.  We hear staggering footsteps as well.  The camera 
swifts away and show a girl (Bridget Goldberg) staggering.  Her legs are 
spreading forward, but it seems as if she is having a hard time running.  Her 
hair, which is a little longer than shoulder-length is all over, sticking to 
her face with sweat and spread messily through out the pink tank top.  With 
one hand, she is pressing hard against her chest.  She slowly starts to slow 
down, breathing even harder than before. The camera focuses on her feet.  Both 
her feet is covered with mad and grass snaps.  While one foot is wearing an 
athletic sandal, covered with dirt, the other foot is bare, bruised and scarred.

Man (V.O) (hoarse voice): Bridget!

Bridget whips around.  We see a white burnet boy who also looks as if he was 
running around the forest for a long time.  He looks about 16, just like Bridget.

Bridget (opens her mouth first, having hard time finding what exactly to say.
She closes her mouth and tries again):  Matt, thank god!

Bridget swings her arms to the air, and walks precariously towards Matt.  She 
carries herself very weak, that it seems  as if she is going to trip at the rocks, 
sticking out of the brown moist ground, anytime.  Matt looks as if he's going 
to cry.  Matt and Bridget start to walk slowly towards each other.  Sweat is 
pouring heavily from Bridget's chin.  Bridget smiles slowly and weakly at Matt.
Behind Matt, a black figure bursts up behind the bush.  The figure is wearing a 
black coat and black hood.  The person (killer)'s face is obscure because of his 
black hood.  In his right hand, a machete is held high.  Matt whips around.  We 
can see his eyes are widened out of fear.  The machete is lunged straight into his
cranium. Bridget is shocked, both her sweaty hands covering her face.  The blood 
is sprouted on her face. The blood keeps splashing on Bridget's face more and 
more. The black figure keeps pummeling at Matt, as Matt's scream grows weaker
and weaker.  The black figure turns to her, while Matt's corpse lye on the ground. 
Bridget screams.

Int. bedroom

Bridget springs up from the bed, screaming as hard as she could.
The camera zooms around the bedroom, revealing a tidy room that belongs to a 
teen.  Along with a pencil holder, two stuffed-animals sit on her somewhat 
tidy desk like gentle men.  Clothes are hung from her closet's door knob, and 
her books are neatly stacked in the bookshelf along with her albums.  
She is breathing heavily, but starts to calm down.  She sunk her head.
A door forcefully opens, banging against the wall.  Bridget's mom, who's wearing 
an apron, looks concerned.

Mrs. Goldberg: Bridget!  (pause)  What's wrong?

Bridget slowly cocks her head towards her mother

Bridget: Nothing…  Just nothing.

Mrs. Goldberg (concerned): Oh, O.K.

She leaves
Bridget goes to the bathroom to wash her face.  She looks up to the mirror, 
now fully awake.
After dressing herself, she goes to the kitchen where Mr. Goldberg is reading 
the newspaper. He looks worried.

Mrs. Goldberg: Meals ready.

Mrs. Goldberg puts the plates on the kitchen table.

Cut To: Int. Killer's house

It is dark.  We see a dim yellow light shedding a very dingy and simple room.  
There is only one lamppost and a couch in a whole entire room.  The windows 
are covered with news article with headlines, such as "another hitchhiker missing
in coast I-75" and "4 missing from high school trip."  We hear heavy breathing. 
We see a man crouching in the middle of room.  He is wearing a black coat with 
a hood on.  We don't see his face, but we can see that his hand is moving back
and forth and we can hear some metallic noise.

Cut To: Int. Goldberg house, kitchen

Mrs. Goldberg is washing plates while Bridget is walking towards her lifelessly.

Bridget: Thanks

Mrs. Goldberg: For What?

Bridget: Pancakes.

Mrs. Goldberg: Oh.  I knew you liked them.

Bridget bends down to open a drawer that is below the sink.  She takes out a 
fork and a knife.

Cut To: Int. Killer's house

Heavy breathing.

The killer keeps moving his hand back and forth. He stops.  The camera moves 
backward to reveal that the killer was sharpening his knife.
The killer lifts his knife.  The knife, receiving light, emits a glint.

Cut To: Int. Goldberg house, kitchen

Both Mr. Goldberg and Bridget who are both sitting down in the kitchen table 
are silent while they are finishing their meals.
Mr. Goldberg gives Bridget a concerned look.  Bridget pretends not to notice. 
She reaches towards the remote and put the TV on.
The Morning news is on.

TV: And the weather will be cloudy most of the time.  Now back to you Jim.

Bridget keeps eating.

TV: Now for the commercial break.

Bridget looks up to the TV.

TV: Easter, a happy holiday where celebration of the resurrection takes place.

Mr. Goldberg: Bridget, you tear a piece out of the bread and eat it.  You just 
don't bite it off.

TV: But for these seven teenagers, who were in wrong place at wrong time, it was 
not so happy.

The TV flashes mug shots of teens.  One of the pictures is of Bridget and there 
is also one of Matt.
Mrs. and Mr. Goldberg glances at Bridget.  Bridget is fixed on TV.

TV: Tonight, on Foxy TV.  An exclusive on the unsolved chilling real-life…

Mr. Goldberg reaches for the remote and switches the TV off.  They all resume
to what they have been doing.

Cut To: Int. Killers house

As the killer is about to leave his room, he shuts the door.  We see in the 
door that there are pictures of various people from various race, gender, and
age.  There are a picture of Bridget and another one of a boy (Justin) on top. 
He stabs both of them with his knife.  The camera zooms back and shows the 
desolate condition of the room again.

Cut To: Int. Living Room, Morning

Mr. Goldberg is reading a newspaper while sitting in a red couch.
Mrs. Goldberg comes in.

Mrs. Goldberg: I think we shouldn't.

Mr. Goldberg: What?  (looking up from the newspaper)

Mrs. Goldberg: We shouldn't leave Bridget.

Mr. Goldberg: Oh, that.

Mrs. Goldberg: Today is exactly two years after the incident.

Mr. Goldberg: Martha, it is all right.

Mrs. Goldberg: It is not all right.

Mr. Goldberg gets up from the couch

Mr. Goldberg: Ever since that incident, we haven't gone anywhere.  Yes, I care 
aboutBridget and if she feels unsafe being alone, I understand that.  But we 
haven't gone anywhere for two years, not even during Christmas!

Mrs. Goldberg: Howard, but today's the exact day that the whole incident happened.

Mr. Goldberg: Martha, one of my colleagues got sick, and couldn't make it to 
the opera, and he, very kindly, gave us the tickets.  It is a really expensive 
ticket, and it is dumb to waste it.  I know that you are concerned, but for 
god's sake, she's going to college next year.   She has to learn to take care 
of herself.  

Mrs. Goldberg sits down on the couch.	

Mr. Goldberg: Beside, I heard the Justin is doing all right.

Mrs. Goldberg: No he's not.  The last time I heard, he got kicked out form the 
school and was sent to a mental institute again.

Mr. Goldberg: I know, I am worried about her too.  Ever since the incident, she 
has become very withdrawn.  We moved after the incident, but it is not like she 
recovered fully.  I know that she has no friends in this school, and kids prey
on her for looking very weak.  But she has to get over it some day.  I know it 
must be really tough on her, but the world doesn't stop at each and every single
 person's misfortune. One must overcome every bull shit that was given to him/her
 and rise above it all, or the world is going to crumble him/her.

Mrs. Goldberg: I know, I was thinking about that as well. Maybe it is a good 
opportunity after all.

The camera pans back to reveal that Bridget was standing next to the door, 
listening to the whole entire conversation.  As Mr. Goldberg walks towards the 
living room, Bridget stealthily rushes to her bedroom.

Cut To: Int. Kitchen, day

Bridget opens a dish warmer.  She puts away the dried dishes away.

Cut To: Int. Killer's house

As Bridget is putting her dishes away, we see that the killer is putting mini 
knife in the blue duffle bag.  Then he pulls out a biggest butcher knife in this 
world and puts it in his bag.

Cut To: Int. Kitchen, day

Bridget notices a dish still has a stain on and washes it.

Cut To: Int. Killer's house
The killer is washing the blood from his ax.
The camera moves back to reveal that the killer is in a garage.  He goes 
towards his car and opens the rear part of the car.  He dumps the body bag
out of his car's trunk.

Cut to: Int. Bridget's home, living room

Bridget goes to the phone sitting on a mini table.  She sits on a chair.  She 
dials a number

Bridget: Oh hello.  I am looking for Lindsey.  Oh, this is Bridget (pause).  
Hey, what's up?  (nervous)

Cut to: Int. Lindsey's home

A blond girl wearing glasses is talking to a phone.  She is lying on her pink 

Lindsey: Nothing much

Bridget: I knew you weren't going anywhere so I called.

Lindsey: Well, we're not interested in going to touristical places right now
at this moment.  I mean, how many more times can we go to places like Acapulco 
and not get bored?

In the background, we hear Lindsey's parents quarreling.

Bridget: Hey, um… Do you wanna hung out at my place?

Lindsey: Hmmm… I don't know.  I think I have stuff to do today.

Lindsey's mom bursts into the room.

Lindsey's mom: Lindsey!  Did you know what your dad just said!?

Lindsey: On a second thought, count me in.

Cut to: Int. Bridget's home

Bridget (happy):Oh, that's great.  Do you know where my home is?

Lindsey: Yeah, I went there the last time to do work on the report.  I still
got the address.  It's the 10th floor right, right?  So what time?  How's about 

Bridget: That will be fine.

As soon as she hangs up, Mrs. Goldberg comes walking to her.

Mrs. Goldberg: Bridget, we're going.

Bridget: Already?

Mrs. Goldberg: Well, the opera house is located somewhere we have never been,
and it is quite far.  Also, we decided to go to the mall and buy some cloth for
summer, because it is getting pretty hot. OK, remember to put the clothes away 
when it gets dry.

Bridget: Yeah, I got it.

Mrs. Goldberg places her hands on Bridget's cheeks, looking worried.

Mrs. Goldberg: Well, we're leaving.

She walks away.  Bridget looks at her worried.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget looks at the watch.  It is almost 12.  She puts on the radio. Some 
dance music is on.   She starts to change her clothes.  Before, she was wearing
some T-shirt that she got for free.  She changes her cheap jeans to much 
better pair of jeans and now wears a nice shirt with buttons.  When she is 
finished dressing, she stands still for a while, and then starts to dance a 
little.  The radio's dance music is being interfered with some news program.  
Bridget goes toward the radio and changes it.  The radio is now playing a 
classical music.  

Cut to: Int. Killer's house

The classical music from the radio is playing.  The killer opens the closet 
that seems as if it hasn't been cleaned for over a year.  Inside, there is 
a terrified looking white blond guy in his 20's with tape on his mouth.  He 
is tied in ropes.  The killer pulls him out by his neck.  The victim gives a 
muffled cry.  The camera pans to the wall.  From the shadow that is cast on 
the wall, you can see that the killer is lifting his ax along with the rhythm
 of the music.  We can hear muffled 
cry and some blood spilling on the wall.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget is reading a book while lying on the floor

Bridget (talking to herself): I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate 

Bridget reaches to the dish filled with some chips

Bridget (mumbling):  Well, it is not like I like it, but this is the way…But 

It seems as if Bridget has habit of mumbling to herself

Bridget: The future may seem rickety, but then there is nothing in this world
in which someone else has gone through it.  Grow up, forget about it, and move
on, that is the way.

The camera shows quick flash of the black-coated killer.
Bridget stops.  The camera shows Bridget from the view of ceiling.  Bridget 
looks upward.
Bridget hesitates, but she reaches out for the dish again.

Bridget: Don't be a freakin' loser and get over it, over it.  

The picture of killer keep flashes on the screen over and over again.  About 
one every five second, while Bridget is turning the page of the book.

The camera shows Bridget's face.  The camera flashes black-coated killer over
 and over again.  Finally, the flashing stops.

Bridget: I know, I can… Or maybe not.

We hear Matt's scream distantly.

The camera pans to the clock lying on Bridget's night stand.  It is 11:10.
The screen turns black for a while, and returns again to show the clock.  It 
is now 12:10.

Cut to: Goldberg resident, door.

Bridget (brushing for hair):  Hey, thanks for coming.

Lindsey: Oh, it is O.K.  I was kinda getting bored as well.

Lindsey is a blond white girl who is wearing some designer tank-top and 400 
dollars worth jeans.  She is also wearing a pair of flashy sunglasses.

Bridget: So, what do you wanna do?

Lindsey: I don't know. Do you have any movies?

Bridget: Oh, we've got Go Ask Alice, Legally Broke, and…

Lindsey: Legally Broke?  I haven't seen that film yet and I wanted to.

Cut to: Int. Living room.

We see Bridget and Lindsey watching film while sitting on the sofa.  The 
camera shows them on the living room, then the clock, then the living room, 
then the clock (to show that the time is passing by).

Cut to: Int. Doorway

Lindsey: Well, that was fun.  Thanks for inviting.

Bridget: Oh, anytime.  (Pause) Are you doing anything tonight?

Lindsey (surprised): Aaaah… I'm with my friends.

Bridget (sheepishly): Well, can I come?  Cuz you see, my parents are gone and…

Lindsey: Well, these people aren't from the school and.

Bridget: God, help me!  I have been chased by this bizarre serial killer and 
ever since that I am soooo afraid to be alone!!!!!!

Camera cut back to Bridget who is calm, and reveals that that was the figment 
of Bridget's imagination.

Bridget: Oh, O.K.  Well, see you later then.
Lindsey: Well, bye.

The door closes.
As Bridget walks back to her room.

Cut to: Int Hallway

We hear Bridget's voice, revealing her thoughts.

Bridget: God, that looked pathetic. Now she will think that I am some needy 
loner who is desperate for friends and stuff.  Even if I told her that I am 
afraid to be alone tonight cuz of some mayhem that I went through two years 
ago, she will think that I am some cry baby and I should get over it.  I know
I should, but it is easier said than done.  People seem to act as if they have
rights to judge you for the way you act to certain incidents as if they went 
through the same thing.  The look on her face was like, "no way loser.  Get a 
life."  Only if she knew how I feel.  God I hate this.  Nothing will happen 
today.  Get over if, get over it, get over it!

Cut to: Bridget's clock

Now it is 2 pm.

Cut to: Black van

A black coated guy enters the car.  He starts the engine.  He pulls out the 
paper.  On there, two names are written: Justin Nolan and Bridget Goldberg.  
Beneath each names, their addresses and phone numbers are.  The car starts to

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget: No, yes, no, yes…

She is sitting on the chair by her desk.

Bridget: No, yes, no… Yes.

She gets up to the phone.  She has a piece of paper with her.
She starts dialing the phone.

Answering machine: You've just called 123-3563.  We are not here currently…

Bridget puts the receivers down.  She looks at the paper again and dials an 
another number

Answering machine: Sorry but…

Bridget puts the receiver down.  She tries again.  Another answering machine 
replies.  She tries this four more times before she calls Travis Raimi.

Travis (phone): Hi, this is Travis.

Bridget: Travis, thank god.  Look…

Travis (at the same time): Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now.  If you 
have a message…

Bridget puts the receiver down.  She rests her arm in her hand and shakes her 

Int. Justin's room-Day

Justin is lying on the couch reading some magazine that is like Maxime, while 
some popular tune is playing from the radio.  A phone rings and Justin picks 
up the phone from his room.

Justin: Hello?

No reply.

Justin: Hello?

The phone clicks.

Ext. Outside of Justin's residence

We see the killer is in the car and he is holding a mobile.  Beneath his hood, 
we can see him smile.  He takes his duffle bag and gets out of his car.

Int. Justin's room

Justin hears the bell ring.  

Justin: God…

The bell rings again.  Justin seems hesitant to get up.

Justin: Go away.

The bell rings crazily.  Justin winces and gets up from the bed.  He walks down 
the stair, and looks through the eye-hole.  

Justin's View

There is no body outside.

Close on Justin.

He opens the door and pokes his head outside.  Justin decides to get back in 
the house and close the door.  But before the door is closed a black glove 
reaches and stops the  door from closing.  A hatchet whips towards Justin.  
Justin, with his quick reflex, ducks back.  The hatchet slashes Justin's stomach
lightly.  Only few drops of blood spill.

Justin: Aaaaaaahhhhh.

Justin's view

A black coated figure with a hatchet and a duffle bag is there.  He closes the 

Justin: Aaaaaaahhh.

Ext. Justin's House 

Justin's scream is barely audible.

Bridget's room

Bridget keeps reading the book that she was reading before.  She is now sitting 
on her

Camera close on her eyes

Int. Justin's house

Justin pushes his arm against his stomach.  He runs up the stair.  Beneath him, 
the killer just stands there.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget (mumbling): There is no killer.  No one is after you.  There is no killer.

Int. Justin's House

Justin rushes into the bathroom, and he locks it.  It is an ordinary bathroom 
with  bunch of stuff that normal bathroom has.  He darts toward the window in 
the bathroom which is located on the wall right beside the bath tub.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget (mumbling): There is no such thing as killer after me.  How can I let 
myself believe that my life is in danger if the killer tried to kill me only 
once?  I mean, I was safe these two years, right?

Int. Justin's House; bathroom

Justin tries to open the window and gasps.

Ext. Justin's House; window

The window cannot be open because there is a branch of tree blocking it from 

Int. Justin's House; bathroom

Justin still tries to open it.  Meanwhile, we can hear the door knob turning.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget (mumbling):  No one, no one.  You are completely safe.  I bet Justin 
isn't afraid of some stupid killer.  I bet he have enough guts and brain to beat
the crap out of some stupid killer even if he appeared at his foot step.  I am 
safe, he is safe.

Int. Justin's House; bathroom

Justin gushes out his breath and the window is open!
But at the same time, we hear some motor running.  Justin looks back.  There is 
a chain-saw cutting down the door.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget (singing): I just wanted to be… Happy again.  I just wanted to be… Safe 

Int. Justin's House; bathroom

As Justin puts his foot on top of the ridge of the bath tub, he slips and falls 
and bangs his head against the tub pretty hard.  At the same time the door is 
open, and there is a killer with the chainsaw.  Justin's eye opens up with fear.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget (smiling): No one is going to kill you.

The screen turns into red.

Int. Bridget's room-later

The camera shows Bridget's clock.  Now it is 2:00.  Bridget is pacing around
the room nervously.  The picture of the killer flashes in her mind.  She shakes
her head as if trying to get away from it.  Then the picture of killer flashes
again in her head.  

Int. Killer's van

A black coated figure is riding his car.  The picture of Bridget is flashing 
in his head as well.  

Int. Bridget's room-later

Bridget goes to the phone, looks up a number at her phone book and dials a number.

Bridget: Hello, is Justin there?

From the phone we hear woman's voice.  It's probably Justin's mom.

Phone (uneasy): Who is this?

Bridget: (a short pause) Bridget

Phone: Bridget… (pause)  He's not here.

Bridget: Do you know when he's coming back?

Phone (hysterical): He's not coming back.

Bridget: What?

Phone: We've been attacked.

Bridget: What?

Phone: We went to the supermarket for a while and when we came back, the house 
was a mess.  Stuff is broken, and there are blood spilled in the bathroom and 
the foyer!

Bridget rapidly puts the receiver down.  She is breathing heavily.  

Bridget: Oh my god… 

Bridget looks up some other number and dials it.

Int. Bridget's room; later

Bridget is sitting in her room, leaning on her bed.  She is looking apprehensive.  
Suddenly, she hears a door creaking open.  Bridget gasps.  Bridget slowly gets 
up. She slowly lifts her leg, trying not to make any sound.  The leg reaches 
the ground, there is a small thud.
Bridget slowly walks out of her room and reaches for an insecticide that is 
sitting  in the hall.  She walks around the house.  She finds no one, and she 
is relived.

Int. Red van

A teenage girl (Trish) gets into the driver seat of the van.  Another teenage 
girl (Katie) gets in the assistance seat.  They both shut the door and the van 
starts to move.

Trish: God, I feel so bad for Bridge.

Katie: I know.

Trish: I mean, I kinda find it pathetic that she can't stay in her house by 
herself for a day, but you know.  After you went through some shit like that.

Katie: I know man.  She was all hip and cool and talkative and stuff but after 
some Jason-esq chopping incident, she became like… hell, you know.

Trish: I haven't heard about her at all after she moved.  We used to be pretty 
good friends.

Katie: Yeah, we hung out and stuff.  Oh, remember that time when she did some 
comedy sketch in the talent show?

Trish and Katie: The bad witch project!

Katie: That was some hilarious shit.

Trish: All the way.

Katie: So where does she live any way?

Trish: Some where in Grove City.  It takes ‘bout three hours from here.  I got 
her address.  My mom had it.

Katie: Good.  Here we come Bridge!!!
Int. Goldberg residence, living room

Bridget is laying on the sofa reading.  She is flipping through the pages over
and over again. She is not paying any attention at all.  Suddenly, the TV turns 
on by itself.  It just shows static.  Bridget's eyes open wide.  She goes closer 
to TV.

TV (barely audible): heavy breathing.

Bridget wrinkles her eyes in disbelief.

The image in the TV becomes more clear and clear.

The image in the TV shows the wood, like in the dream sequence in the beginning.

Matt (in the TV): Bridget!

Bridget (in the TV): Matt, thank god!

The killer comes in behind Matt and starts to butcher Matt.

The image in the TV focuses in Matt.

Matt (as being butchered):  Fuck you Bridge.  How can you leave me (coughs up 
blood)?  I trusted you.

The TV turns off by itself.

Bridget gets up.  Her face is frozen.

Int. Red Van

Katie: Grrrreat.  Traffic jam.
Trish: We've been stuck in here for about an hour.

Katie: God!  Movvveee!

The red van and cars around it slowly move and lurches to a sudden stop.

Katie pokes her elbow out of the window.  The car window is open completely.

Katie: God, we are not going to reach to Bridge's home within three hours 
like this.

Trish: I know.  

The cars keep moving slowly.  A black van moves slowly besides the red van.

Katie: I really doubt that there would be some killer after her.  You know 
something like that doesn't happen twice.  It will be too coincidencial.

Trish: Is there such a word?

Katie: You know what I mean.  I understand that Bridge would be afraid of 
being home by herself and all, cuz she met some ax murder two years ago, but 
I think she can take hold of herself.

Trish: Yeah, I know that, but if you were in her position, you would be dead 
scared staying in the house by herself.  She doesn't have any friend, which is
 no surprise.  She looked like she's seen hell after the incident.

The camera focuses on the black van that is beside the red van.  The car window
is also open all the way.  There is a figure dressed in all black.  The black 
van is the one owned by the killer.

Katie: Oh, look at that bitch.  He looks like he drunk his ass off.

On the side of the road, there are three cars smashed together.  There are 
civilians standing beside the rail looking upset.  One guy looking as if he 
just came out of the bed is being questioned by police.

As the cars pass by the accident site, the cars start to move smoothly.

Katie: Finally!

The black van is right behind the red van.  

Trish: God, I would hate to end up in road like that.

Katie: Yeah.

Inside the black van, the black coated guy who is also wearing black gloves 
take out his gun.

Inside Goldberg residence, living room; later

Something falls on the floor.  Bridget gets up and from her sofa.  She glares
 the living room right and left.

A giant eye pops up right outside the living room window.  The eye is as big
 as the windows are.  

Bridget gets up from the sofa and walks towards the door.  The eye follows her

Bridget picks up a pencil that dropped which was on the drawer.  She looks back.
  There is no eye outside the window staring at her.

Bridget shakes her head and goes back to the sofa.

Int. Red van

The red van is moving pretty smoothly.

Katie: Urgh

Trish: What?

Katie: Change this crap.

Trish: What?

Katie: The song.

Trish: Oh.  I like Madonna.

Katie:  Well, I hate her.  And you will hate her even more if you go to the 
gym and have to endure all that horrible MTV crap.  When I'm on the tread mill
 and her annoying as hell "like a virgin" comes on, I feel like tripping.  
Ooooh, Madonna.  Jeeze.  Oooh, look at me, I'm like a virgin!  (mockingly)  You
 won't mind, do you (placing her hand on the radio tuner)?

Trish: If you hate her so much, go ahead.

Katie changes the radio channel.

Behind the red van, there is a black van right behind them. 

Katie: Hey, am I the only one that thinks that van is following us?

Trish: Well, he's riding the same highway as we do.

Katie: Yeah, but…

The black coated guy in the black van takes his hand out of the window.  In 
his hand, he holds his gun.  Both Trish and Katie are oblivious about this.  

The killer shoots one of the tires of the red van.  The red van swirls and 
plunges down a cliff.  


The car hits a tree and stops.

After a moment of stillness, both Trish and Katie get out of the car.

Trish: Oh my godd…  

Katie: It's definitely Madonna's fault.  

Trish: Did you see yourself?  I think I had an out of body experience. 

Int. Goldberg residence; later

Bridget is watching flipping through TV channel.  Bridget stops at one channel.

TV: As the teens settled down the cottage, they were oblivious of the serial
 killer lurking…

Bridget quickly changes the channel.

TV: Smuffy the Demon Hunter marathon.  Tonight from 8pm at Fox!

Bridget turns off the TV and gets off from the sofa.

A phone rings and Bridget walks towards the phone.

Bridget: Hello.

Trish: Hey, Bridge.

Bridget: Where are you guys at?

Trish: Bridget, I'm sorry, but we can't come over there.

Katie (on the background): Well, I thought I was going to die.  Trish saw 
herself, but I think I saw like images of fire.  I honestly thought that was
it and I wished that if I knew I was going to die, I would have told my History
teacher what a major ass dork he is.

Bridget: What!?  Why?

Trish: We had some major accident.

The camera shows Trish and Katie in a police department.  Trish is using the 
phone while Katie is talking to one of the police officer.

Katie: Well, my parents?  My parents are smart enough to know that I love them.
  Well, even though my mom thought I had crush on this jerk of a boy in my 
neighborhood, which was waaay out of the line.

Trish: The tire got punctured or something and we had a head dive on a cliff.  
I honestly thought that was it.

Katie: I honestly thought I was going to die.  Then I thought that it would be 
horrible to die without eating a Snicker bar.  I mean, I was thinking about 
eating a Snicker bar from the morning, and I didn't want to die knowing that I 
will never eat Snicker bars.

Katie takes out a shopping bag that was by her side and pulls it out and pours 
its content on the desk.  Bunch of Snicker bars pours out.

Int. Bridget's house

Bridget: What, you guys can't come.  But, what!!

Trish: I know.  We didn't want to end up like this, but I guess you've got to 
hang out by yourself.

Bridget presses the receiver to her chest.

Trish: Now Bridge, I know you are strong enough to overcome this.

Bridget is not listening to what Trish is saying.  She is just shocked.

Katie: Oh, Trish, say hi to Bridge for me.  

Ext. Highway

A woman and a man who are at their early 20s are standing beside a very old 
and cheap looking brown car with smoke coming from everywhere.

Woman (annoyed): Shit, we are at least 10 miles away from the nearest gas 

Man (trying to calm himself): Wait, there will be someone that will help us.

Woman: As if the world is full of good Samaritan like you, who would probably 
pass by some guy drowning and wouldn't help at all.

Man: What are you insananating?

Woman: O.K, you are trying to smart but cut the crap.  It is "insinuating", 
the word you're trying to say.  Can't believe that you can't even say that 
word.  Who has been typing your papers?  God, I should have known that going 
to the concert of THA best band on this Earth with some dorkster like YOU 
wouldn't result.

Man: What?  We've been going out for…

Woman:  Hey, car.  Help!  Help!

The woman raises her arm while fixing the sunglasses with the other arm.

A black van stops near them, and a black coated figure comes out of the van.

Man: What you are going to take us to the gasoline stand.

Woman: Kewl.  Good going man.

They both get into the car.

Ext. Some deep wood – later

The camera fixes on quicksand.  A figure is dropped onto the muddy surface.  
It is the guy from before.  He is gagged and tied up in rope.  He is struggling.
Then a woman, who is also tied up and gagged up is thrown into the quicksand.
They both try to shout through the gag and try to struggle but they start to 
sink nevertheless.  The killer smiles as he sees them both sink.  Only the 
muffled cry can be heard.  As they both sink completely, their eyes bulges 
out.  The killer goes back to his black van parked nearby as if nothing has 

Int. Bridget's room; later

Bridget gets up from the bed, and places her book on the bed.  She walks out
 of the door.

Ext. Brenda's house; later

Bridget: Hey Brenda.

Brenda: Hey Bridget.

Brenda is outside her house.

Bridget: Hey, how's it going?

Brenda: Oh, I'm fine.  We (pointing her fingers to her parents nearby) are 
going to see some movie.  

Bridget: Oh.

Brenda: See you back in the school then.

As Brenda walks towards white Porsche, Bridget remains standing, trying to 
conceal her disappointment.

Ext. Downtown

Bridget is walking around the downtown.  As she passes by the shop, we see 
many shops with the sign "closed" or are in process of being closed.  Bridget

Suddenly, in front of Bridget, there is someone wearing a black coat similar
to the one that the killer was wearing.  The person is wearing his/her hood
so it is hard for Bridget to see his/her face.  Bridget's eye sight turns 
red for a while.  The person with black coat is walking towards her way.  
Bridget turns around.  She starts to walk.  The person with the black coat is 
walking towards her.  Bridget starts to walk faster for about 5 seconds.  Then 
she starts to run.

After running for about 20 seconds in the downtown, she stops.

Bridget: Hey.
Mr. Brown: Hi Bridget.

Bridget: Mr. Brown, it's nice to see you.

They both shake hands.

Bridget: So what are you doing here?

Mr. Brown: Oh, last minute shopping.  I run out of ink.  

He holds up a packet of pens.

Bridget looks down for a while.  She looks up with a determined look.

Bridget: Um… Mr. Brown, it is hard to say but…

Mr. Brown frowns.  

Mr. Brown: Yes, Bridget.

Bridget: Well, I know you're not my teacher. But I need to ask you a big favor.

A moment of silence.

Bridget: Can I stay with you tonight?

Mr. Brown looks surprised.

Mr. Brown: Well, Bridget, I…

Bridget: Look, I know I am a student and you are a teacher but my parents are 
away and I have to stay by myself today and I am dead scared.  You see, about 
two years ago on the same exact dates me and my friends went to a cabin and all 
my friends except for one got killed, right in front of my eyes.  And the other 
survivor is dead and I am dead scared.  You got to help me, please.

Mr. Brown pauses for a while.

Mr. Brown: Bridget, I know this is a hard moment for you, but you can't stay 
with me today.

Bridget: Why?  I know you are a teacher and all, but I just need you to be with 
me tonight.  Is that too much to ask? 

Mr. Brown:  Bridget, I have a personal life and I want that part of my life to 
be separated from my school life.  I know you are struggling right now, but it 
will pass.  That is what being a teenager is about.  Being a teenager is like 
being on a high speed roller coaster.  Everything will pass eventually.  And 
you got to ask yourself.  Aren't you blowing up things out of proportion?

Bridget looks down and says nothing.

Mr. Brown: Look, Bridget I have to go.

Bridget looks up from the ground with fierce eyes.

Bridget (angry): I know you have a personal life.  I can care less whether you 
work as a pimp or a ho in your spare time.  God, you know how I feel?  Fuck no, 
you don't.  You don't know how it is like when someone is after you with some 
fucking chainsaw!

Mr. Brown is taken aback.  Bridget's eyes are brimming.

Bridget: You have no fucking idea what I've been through.  And so what if I was 
blowing up things waay out of proportion?  Why can't you understand that I am 
afraid of being by myself tonight?  I share the most intimate thing in my life 
with you and you scoff me off like that?  Well you know what Mr. Brown.  Whether 
I am safe or not tonight, I can careless.  But I know one thing for sure.  You 
are self-engrossed and I don't like the way you treated me when I lay the cards
on the table.  Well, I will tell you something.  FUCK YOU.

Mr. Brown looks shocked.

Bridget rushes out of the scene before she starts to cry.

After running for a while, she stops.  She drags her feet slowly and looks down 
to the ground.

Bridget: God, I'm so forlorn.

She looks around.  Her eyes widen with shock.  The person with the coat is coming 
her way.

Bridget mutters something.  She tries to run, but she is too shocked.

Suddenly, the person takes her hood off.  There person with the coat was a woman.

Bridget pours a breath out in relief.  Then she starts to cry.  She sits on a
 stair in front of some store.

As she cries, there are several people passing by her, laughing and talking, 
but they all ignore her.
She looks up.  The red blazing sun is starting to melt out of the scenery.

Bridget (whisper): God I wish someone will help me.

There are about five people walking pass by her. One of the people glances at 
her for about a second and ignores her.

Ext. road

A black van is on its way.  In front of the van, there is a sign reading "Grove 
City.  40 miles."  The van passes by the sign.

Int. Goldberg residence; later

Bridget is on phone.

Bridget: Hello, is Sasha there?  OK, OK.  Well, thanks anyways.  

Bridget puts the phone down.  She dials some number again.

Phone rings about three times.  

Phone: Hello.  You're called 555-5555.  Sorry but…

Bridget puts the receiver down.  She calls some other number.

Phone: Hello.

Bridget: Hey, Dolly.  What's up?

Dolly: Oh nothing much.

The camera reveals that Dolly is having a party at her house.

Bridget gulps down the saliva in her mouth.  She is swallowing her pride.

Bridget: Hey are you doing anything right now?

Dolly: Oh, nothing much.

A guy hugs Dolly.  Dolly pushes him away.

Bridget: Oh, O.K.

Dolly: Well see ya.

Dolly hung up.

Dolly: Loser.

Guy in the party: Yo, Doll, who was that.

Dolly: Bridget.

Guy: Who's that?

Dolly: That loser from our class.  She is so annoying.  She is always looking 
down like a major bitch.  God, I wish I can pull her hair.

A girl in the party: I know.  She's like she got no life.

Dolly: Yeah.

Guy: Oooh.  Love this song.

Girl: Wow yeah.

They all dance to the music.

Int. Goldberg residence

Bridget puts the phone down.  She covers her face with her hand.  

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget is looking at an album.  There is a seven teens in a group picture.  
Next to the picture, there is a news paper article with a heading that reads 
"Massacre in the camp site."  Bridget flips the page.  There are several pictures
of each one of the teens from the previous picture.  As Bridget is looking at 
deceased friends' picture, images of how each one was found as a corpse or was
killed flashes through Bridget.

Bridget (whisper): Not gonna cry.  Not gonna cry.

Bridget wipes her tears away.

Bridget (whisper): Not gonna cry.  Not gonna cry.  I've cried enough.

Bridget was repressing her tears but she finally loses and wails in pain and 
collapses onto the floor.

Int. Road

As the road is getting darker, the killer is still riding the black van.  The 
image of Bridget's face flashes in his mind.  The killer pictures about him 
killing Bridget with a chainsaw while Bridget screams for her life.  He smiles 
thinking about it.

Ext. Apartment

Bridget is walking outside her apartment.  She is wearing pink skirt and a 
T-shirt that says "K.O girl."  She is walking.

Int. Mall

Bridget is in the mall.  She is looking around in different shop.  She sees 
a window of a shop.  She inspects the cloth that is being displayed.

Ext. Apartment

The black van lurches to stop.  The killer gets off and looks up at the apartment 
that Bridget lives.

Int. shop

Meanwhile, Bridget is trying different outfit in a teen oriented shop.

Int. Goldberg residence

The killer kicks the door open.  He searches the house, room by room.  But 
there is no one at sight.  

Int. Movie theatre

Meanwhile, Bridget sits in one of the seats in the movie theatre.  She is 
holding a large cup filled with popcorn.  The movie begins.

Int. Goldberg residence

The killer sighs and exits the Goldberg residence.

Int. Movie theatre

Bridget smiles while watching the film.  Suddenly, she realizes that there 
is no pop corn.  She looks around her seat.  There are no pop corns at sight.  
When she looks up to the screen, the screen shows the image of the killer with 
an ax.


Int. Insane Asylum


Bridget wakes up from the bed.  Her hands are strapped to gurney.  The room 
is very white.  Even her hospital PJ and the bed sheets are white.  Only the 
cuffs are brown.  

Bridget pants hard while sitting up on the bed.

Bridget: No wonder why I was mental.  Seeing big eye ball isn't normal.

Bridget sighs and lies back on the bed again.

Suddenly, the killer falls from the ceiling. 


Ext. Bridget's room

Outside the room in which Bridget is being contained, two nurses are talking.

Nurse # 1: Ooohhh, here she goes again.

Nurse # 2: Is she the girl that sees some strange serial killer chasing after 

Nurse # 1: Yeah.  She's in pretty bad condition.

A young girl walks past the nurse talking with some guy in his 30s.

Girl: God, she's still screaming.  She's worse than me.  Poor her.

Guy: Yeah, she will be stuck in here for at least a year.

Girl: I wish she would stop playing with the buzzer

Guy: Yeah, I know

A buzzer can be heard.  The noise was barely audible at the beginning, but 
it starts to increase.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget's eyes open.

Bridget wakes up in her bed.  She is wearing clothes that she was originally 
wearing.  She wipes her sweat away.  

The noise of the buzzer was the noise of phone ringing.
She goes to the phone and picks it up.

Bridget: Hello?

No answer.

Bridget: Hello?

The caller hangs up.  Bridget frowns and put the receiver down.

Ext. Apartment

The killer is in the phone booth.  

The killer exits the phone booth and looks up and smiles.  Yep, the 
apartment that Bridget lives in is right there.

Ext. veranda

Bridget is taking dried clothes from one of those stuffs that you put to 
dry your clothes (don't know the name, don't ask.  It is not clothe lines) 
that are located in the veranda.  She goes back into the house.

Ext. Apartment

The killer presses the buzzer of the apartment.  He is not wearing the hood 
now. But we only see back of his head.  He also has blue duffle bag beside 

The guard comes up to the door of the apartment and opens it.  He looks 

Guard: Hello, how can I help you?

The killer muffles out something. 
The guard opens the door and the killer comes in.  The killer shows him 
the map.

Guard: Well, the place that you want to go is…

The guard suddenly stops with a sudden gasp.  A knife has been shoved down 
onto his back.  The killer puts his hood back on.
The killer opens the entrance door and puts a door stopper in front of the 
The killer calls the elevator.  Then he walks towards the central control, 
opens it, and hooks off all of the phone lines.  When the elevator comes, 
he drags his victim in there.  When the elevator door shuts, he pulls the 
knife out.  The blood spills all over the elevator door.  
The elevator stops at floor 8.  He presses the stop button of the elevator 
and get out.  He starts climbing up the stairs.

Int. Goldberg residence

The phone rings.  Bridget rushes to pick it up.

Bridget: Hello?

Travis (he is in some supermarket.  He is using his mobile): Hey Bridge.  
How's it going?

(Travis has a nose piercing, and is one of those "punk" kids)

Bridget: Travis!  Thank god.

Travis: I received your messages.  So what's up?

Bridget: Travis, I haven't told you this before.  Travis, I think you know 
a lot of news.

Travis: Yeah, I do watch the news report regularly.

Bridget: Do you remember the massacre that happened in some camp grounds 
during Spring Break involving bunch of teens about two years ago?

Travis: Yeah, I kinda remember that.  Why?

Bridget: I was the survivor in the case, and today is the two years anniversary.  
I am alone by the house.  I've called everybody else, but they can't all 
come, and I am dead scared.  The other survivor is dead, and I don't know 
what to do.

Travis: Hold on I'm coming.

Bridget: Please hurry.

Travis: I will be there as fast as possible.  See ya.

Bridget (smiling):  See you.

Bridget puts the receiver down and smiles.

Bridget goes back to her bed room to fold the dried clothes neatly.  As 
she is folding the clothes, she looks up at the time and leaves the room.

Int. Kitchen

Bridget puts on the TV.  She takes out a cup of yogurt from the fridge.  
She takes the biggest knife from the knife block and lays it on the table. 
She sits down on the table and starts to watch the TV.  

Ext. Outside Goldberg residence

The killer is right outside the door.  There are two doors that lead to the 
Goldberg residence.  One leads to the main entrance, and the other one leads 
to the kitchen.  The kitchen is right beside the main entrance.  The kitchen 
also leads to the study.  The killer hears noises from the door that leads to 
the kitchen.  He stands in front of that door.  He presses the buzzer.

Int. Kitchen

Bridget: Darn!

She gets up from the table as the theme song of "Smuffy," which is oddly very 
similar to that of "Buffy", starts to play.  She peaks through the eye hole.  
Through the distorted vision of the eye hole, she sees no one.  Then the eye 
hole suddenly turns black.  Sensing danger, she reels back.  Right when she got 
away from the door, an arrow shoot right through the eye hole, darts across the 
room, and stabs the kitchen wall.  Bridget falls to the floor while shrieking a 
little because she was surprised when the arrow came shooting through.  
The killer bangs the door.
Bridget quickly comes to her senses.  She dashes to the kitchen door which 
leads to the main entrance.  She knocks the kitchen table, sending the knife 
beneath the drawer on which the TV is placed on top.  She reaches for the phone 
that is hanging from the wall right next to the kitchen door.  As the banging 
on the door becomes more violent, Bridget picks up the phone.  She dials the 
number, but realizes that that phone is dead.
The killer takes out his gun and starts to shot at the hinges of the door.  
She quickly ducks down trying to reach the knife beneath the floor, but it is 
a desperate and useless attempt.  The killer forcibly opens the door.  Bridget 
shudders, but realize that there is still the chain lock.  Bridget springs to 
the knife container, and grabs another knife at the same time that the killer 
shoots the chain lock.  The door opens forcibly, but Bridget runs as fast to 
the outside of the kitchen as fast as she could.

Ext. Apartment; night

A car parks near the apartment.  Travis gets out.  From the assistance seat, 
Rita gets out.

Travis: Well, I will go.  You sure you don't wanna come?

Rita: Yeah, I am sure.

Travis: Well, I don't know how long I will stay up there.

Rita: No, you won't stay up there.

Travis: What are you talking about?

Rita: We are talking about us.  We don't need some dorky girl like Bridget 
messing with our relationship.

Travis: What are you talking?  Bridget is my friend.

Rita: Yeah, she is our friend all right.  

Travis: What's that supposed to mean?

Rita: I mean that you are the only guy she talks to.

Travis: Rita, she doesn't have that many friends in the school.

Rita: Well, that's cuz she's always looking forlorn.  

Travis: How can you say that?  She's been through a lot.

Rita: She's just making it up.  She just said that so she can stay with you 
all night long.

Travis: Man, that is absurd.  How can you come up with some shit like that?

Rita: How can I?  Well I will tell you how.  She's staring like you as if you 
were some candy bar and…

Travis: That is cuz I am her few friends she got here…

Rita: Yeah, whatever.  And you don't go to party at Joe's so you can't stay 
with her tonight, and I think nothing is wrong?

Travis: Look, we can talk this over.

Rita: No we can't, we are going back to Joe's.

Int. Bridget's room

Bridget runs into her room.  She blocks the door with the night table and the 
drawer.  She is panting very hard.  She picks up the mobile that is on the bed
 and dials for the police.  The killer is right outside the door and starts to 
bang the door.

Bridget (hysteric): Hello!  Oh God, help help!  A killer is after me!!!!  

Operator: Ma'am, please calm down. Can you tell us where you live?

Bridget: I live at Grove City, at apartment called Four Leaves.  I live 
in 10 right.  And he's here.  Please hurry.

Operator: What about the street names?

Bridget (very hoarse voice): Oh God. I never go out so I don't know my address.  
God, just come!!!

She hangs up.  She is trying to go to the "address book" section but her hands 
are trembling.  

The door opens a little bit.  But the killer has hard time trying to open the 
door, because the night table and the drawer is blocking it from opening.  Bridget 
sees that and quickly presses the right button (thus ringing her mom) and 
throws the chair to the door.

She picks up the phone again. 

Bridget: Mom, please pick up the phone.

Int. Opera house

Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg are in the opera house.  A ring tone of a mobile can be 
heard.  A guy few seats in front of the Goldberg couple takes out a mobile and
turns it off.  All the audiences near him stare at him with piercing glares.

Mrs. Goldberg (to her husband, whispering): Thank god that mine hasn't rung.  
I forgot to turn it off.

Mrs. Goldberg reaches for her mobile phone in her purse and turns it off.

Int. Bridget's room

Listening to the operator replying, Bridget hangs up and calls the police 
again.  She throws the mobile on to the bed.  She tucks the knife in the 
jeans so it won't drop.  She takes out the neatly folded bed sheets (for 
king size bed) off from the bed.  She dashes towards her desk, knocks 
everything on top of her desk, gets on top of it, and opens the window.  
There are some ornaments made out of iron grates right outside of the window.  
She slips the bed sheets in one of the iron thing, and ties a quick knot.  
She holds the both end of the bed sheet, holds a book holder made out of 
marble, climbs out of the window and stands on top of the iron grate.  Right 
when the door opens, she jumps and hangs from the bed sheet.  With one hand, 
she smashes throws it to the window of her neighbor's window (the one living 
in floor nine, the one right beneath hers).  She opens the window, kicks it, 
and jumps inside her neighbor's house.  

She slips across the floor.  

Bridget, even in pain gets up from the floor. 
She slowly stands up, holding herself up precariously.  The knife is still tucked 
in.  She rushes to the entrance.  When she reaches the entrance, she hears someone
banging the door.  The banging seems to come from the entrance door of the kitchen.
She goes to the main entrance door.  With a loud noise, the entrance door to 
the kitchen opens.  The killer (with his duffle bag in one hand) enters the 
house.  The killer starts to walk into the kitchen and to the main entrance 
slowly.  Bridget turns the knob very slowly, trying to make the noise minimal 
as possible. She also takes out the knife that she tucked away just in case.
As the killer is slowly walking, coming near to the door that connects 
kitchen to the main entrance, Bridget slowly opens the door.  Right when the 
killer puts one of his feet through the kitchen door, Bridget rushes out.  The 
killer hears the noise and rushes out of the door as well.  But too late, Bridget 
has already gone to the stair.As Bridget is running down the stairs as fast as 
she could and holding the knife in one hand, the killer is coming after her too.  
The killer is running down the stair.  Bridget is running as fast as she could. 
The killer takes out his gun in the pocket (while running, so he is stumbling 
while doing this) and aims at Bridget. He shoots at Bridget.  The bullet scrapes 
her leg.  Bridget trips.  As she goes flying five steps down to the part of the 
stair that is flat (you know, the part where the course of the stair changes and 
there is a block that is flat), she screams.  Because she fell sideways, and she 
was clutching her hands, the knife that she was holding stubs her stomach.  
Seeing this, the killer stops running and starts to walk slowly towards her.
Bridget pushes her upper body with both her hands as she is moaning.  Yep, the 
knife is still stuck at her stomach.  The killer reaches where Bridget is as well.  
As the killer points the gun towards her, Bridget's face starts to crumble.  
Bridget can see herself in the killer's eyes and sees Matt's dead face which is 
covered with blood.

Bridget (yelling/growling): NOT AGGGGAIIIIN!!!!

Bridget gets up and pulls the knife out of her stomach.  The blood splatters all 
over the killer.  He is taken aback by this.  
Bridget lunges towards the killer with the knife and stabs his stomach.  The killer 
shrieks.  Bridget doesn't lose anytime and go for his gun.  She fumbles with the 
killer over the control of the gun, but she manages to shoot all the bullets out to 
the ground.
The killer also manages to throw Bridget back to the floor.  But Bridget quickly 
gets up.  The killer starts to stagger his way up.  Bridget is right behind him.  
The killer is now whimpering.  Bridget is growling like a lion as she is walking 
up, pushing her stomach wound in one hand and supporting herself in the hand rail 
with the other.
When the killer gets back onto the floor 9, he enters the house that he forced his 
way in.  Bridget is almost done with climbing the stair.  
The killer frantically goes through the kitchen drawer for knife.
Bridget rushes to the door.  She sees the blue duffle bag and opens the bag.  She 
picks up the crossbow in one hand and picks up the ax with the other.  
Her face is covered with blood, her brown hair has turned crispy with the blood, 
but her eyes show strong determination.  
She peels into the house.  No one is in the house.  It is very quiet.  But there 
is blood mark on the kitchen tile that leads to the room next to the kitchen (the 
kitchen leads to the main entrance or some other room).  She slowly moves to the 
room.  She doesn't know that there is something in the room, right next to the door.  
As she enters the room, that something drops on to her.  She lashes her ax.  A 
metallic noise ensues.  No surprise, it is just a ladder.  Bridget breathes quickly. 
Suddenly, there is some noise in the entrance.  
She jumps out of the room, crouches, and aims her crossbow at the figure in the 
entrance.  The arrow darts across the room and bingo, hits the guy in his mouth 
that he opened in shock.  The arrow impales both the guy's mouth and the entrance 
door leading to the kitchen, sticking the guy to the door.  Bridget looks relieved, 
but she quickly frowns.  The guy that she just shot isn't the killer.  The guy looks 
to be in his late 20s and he isn't wearing the black hood or the coat.  He is wearing 
a Hawaiian shirt.  It looks as if Bridget shot her neighbor to death.  As Bridget is 
shocked that she didn't kill the killer, her face quickly switches to the stern 
expression when she hears some noise coming from the house.  She walks sturdily, 
making a loud footstep, and walks towards the living room, the killer is in the 
veranda, trying to push his way over the fence so he could land on the veranda below.  
He has tied a towel around his stomach, which is why blood hasn't been dripping any 
As Bridget stalks her way towards the killer, the killer throws a knife that he 
picked it up in the kitchen to her.  Bridget knocks it out with her ax.  
Bridget reaches to the veranda, and tries to drugs him in. 
Killer (whimpering): No, no, no.

Bridget manages to throw the killer back on the floor of the veranda, but she 
cannot move the killer into the living room (cuz she has been stabbed if you 
remember), so she forcibly slashes the killer twice with her ax.  


Bridget keeps on hacking him.  The blood splatters all over her.  
The veranda is now flooded with blood.  The blood goes through the draining pipe.
When the killer is not moving anymore, Bridget takes his hood off.  There lies 
a boy in his teenage years.

Bridget (sarcastically): A fucking teen.  I was scared of some fucking teen.  

Bridget laughs out loud.
Suddenly, there is a clapping.  She stops laughing and looks at the door of the
living room.  There stands Justin smiling.

Bridget (surprised): But… I thought you were dead.

Justin: Oh, don't kill me yet, Bridget.  I want to live long enough to beat what 
happens in the playboy mansion.

Bridget: But, your mom told me that you were attacked and there was blood in the 
bath room.

Justin flips his shirt, and shows a wound.

Justin: Yes, the killer did attack me.  I guess he wanted to kill the survivor of 
the massacre, but he was too immature and dumb not to consider that I became 
stronger.  I was strong, and now I am even stronger than ever.  He only scraped me.  
Not a big deal.  

Bridget: So you killed the killer?

Justin: Yep.  When he missed me, I quickly grabbed the insecticide that was in the 
bathroom and sprayed him in his eye.  When he hindered, I quickly took the butterfly 
knife that I always carry and stabbed him in the throat.  

Bridget: Where were you all this time?  How did you get in?

Justin: He (pointing at the corpse) killed the guard, and he left the door open.  
I was walking up the stairs very slowly.

Bridget: So where is the real killer now?

Justin: In my trunk, wrapped in garbage bags.

Bridget looks weak, holding herself like she is a dying willow, while Justin is 
smiling and standing confidently.

Bridget: So who is this?

Justin: After the massacre, I became awoken.

Bridget: Awoken?

Justin: Yeah.  People around me told me that I should be a goody goody boy all 
the time.  Why?  Why in the fucking world should I do bunch of fucking charity 
shit.  Hmmmm… Let me see.  Not because I care ‘bout some shit headed homeless 
that can't care fore themselves but because I want to get into the good university.  
Why should I be good to people if no one fucking cares.  Be a gentlemen?  Fuck that.  
The whole massacre made me realize that this is a dog eat dog world and one must 
be strong in order to survive.  Stronger than ever.  So I quit this goody good shit 
and did what I wanted to do.  Obviously, the psycho killer that I killed didn't 
care about others, yet it seems that he has moderately good life.  At least he eats 
well, drive nice cars, and has shit load of weapons.  People only care that I was 
such a goody good so I don't cause them that much trouble.  People only care about 
using each other.

Bridget: You haven't answered my question yet.

Justin: Aw Bridget.  Why do you always expect easy answers?  Take initiatives.  
Work for once in your life.

Bridget looks like she is in a big pain.  She bends her body even further.  She 
presses her wound with one hand.

Justin: So, when I realized that people don't care how good you are but how good 
they can use you, I became way pissed off.  I was sick and tired of people trying 
to tell me I should get over the shit I went through.  Not only the massacre but 
the other things in my life as well.  So I became wild, making other people's life 
shitty.  Eventually, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital.  The criminal charges 
were pretty low, cuz the authorities thought that I suffered from post traumatic 
syndrome.  I only had to do some shit job (crackles).  So in the psychiatric hospital 
I met this guy, George.  He was in the hospital for homicidal intentions.  We quickly 
befriended each other.  We pretended to be "cured" so we could get out from the 
hospital quickly.  When we got out, we were the tightest friends ever.  So when the 
killer attacked me, I called him.  We thought it would be cool to kill you, Bridget.  
It would be fun and I will become the sole survivor of the massacre.  That always 
ticked off.  Being put into the same category as some whiny shit as you.  George 
knew how you looked like cuz I showed him your picture.  I let George take care of 
you, cuz I expected him to butcher you, but I didn't expect you to kill him.  I 
bet he slipped up.

Bridget (smiling in pain): So the curtain falls on to the whole massacre case.  The 
surviving kid goes psycho and ends up in a jail.

Justin: Oh no, I won't.  I will just say that George and I rushed to rescue you.  
I also got your address.  George drove the killer's van while I drove my own car.  
I will tell the authority that after I scared the killer away, I called George and 
came to this home.  I stayed in the car cuz I was scared of the killer.  Ya right.  
Then I will say that I went up cuz I was worried about you guys.  George and Bridget
were killed by the killer.  I will probably drive the killer's van and the killer's 
body off the cliff.  It will never be found.  I am smart enough to bring my bike with 
me.  I will just say that I was in such a shock that I went cycling.  

Bridget: You are crazy…

Justin: You see it depends on the perspective.  Being a good liar and giving 
excuse to save your ass is a very useful skill in this world.  No one cares about 
morals.  People only care for the profit.  Well yes, I am a crazy person, from the 
point of view of some wailing ass bitch who is going to get killed now.  I am not 
crazy, but a self-pleaser that knows the game.

Bridget opens her mouth, but no words come out.

Justin: Alone by yourself in spring break?  Get a life, Bridget.  No one likes 
you.  No one ever did like you.

Bridget crumbles onto the floor. Justin starts to walk slowly towards Bridget.  
He is wearing gloves.  He picks up a knife out of his pocket.
Bridget starts to wail in pain and fear.

Ext. Apartment

Travis: Rita, I will bring her to the party.  End of the story.

Rita: How can you be such a push over?

Travis: No, how can you be such a jerk?

They are still quarreling.  Well, this time they are far from the car and near 
the door.  Travis presses a buzzer to call Bridget, but no one answers (cuz no 
one is in the house).  He presses for the guard but no one answers.  He randomly 
presses buzzer for one of the tenant, but no answer comes.

Rita: Let's just go.

Int. Opera house

The opera finishes and everyone, including the Goldberg couple claps.

Int. Apartment

Justin: Say your prayer…

Justin is smiling, and he walks closer and closer to Bridget.  Bridget screams.

Ext. Apartment

A voice comes out from the intercom.

Voice: Hello?

Travis: My friend who lives in 10-right is in trouble, but no one answers.  
Can you please check if she's all right, because I am afraid that something 
might have happened to her.

Int. Opera house

The Goldberg couple walk towards the car.

Int. Apartment

Justin: Say bye to your pathetic life.

Bridget is still crying.  Suddenly she stops crying, gets the ax, gets up and 
slashes Justin.
Justin is shocked, and he is pouring blood from his stomach.

Bridget: My life is pathetic?  Look who's talking.  You think you are so strong 
and cool doing some petty crime.  Anyone can do that.  But I don't, because I am
smart enough to know that only shit-headed coward do some shitty crime.  My life
isn't pathetic.  Even if it is, you have no right to say it is cuz you define the
word pathetic more than it is enough.

As Justin is retreating backward, Bridget keeps proceeding towards him.

Bridget: I should get a life?  I have more life than anybody else.  Most people 
will bitch for the rest of their life if some shit like that happened, but I hold 
myself strong.  You get a life.  Thinking that having some shit friend like him 
is soooo fucking cool.

Bridget slashes Justin's shoulder with her ax. Justin yells.

Bridget: Hmmm.  Maybe I should try for Oscars.  But then it is obvious that some 
asshole full of himself will buy some cheap act like that.  How can you judge me? 
Have you tried to judge yourself?  Sure, I may not have any friend here but that 
doesn't mean that I am not cool.  I am stronger and cooler than anybody else.  
Cuz you see…

Justin looks terrified, but he cannot run because he is in great pain.

Bridget: I am strong enough to take any shit from this world and turn it into some 
better shit.

Bridget swings the ax upward and lunges it down towards Justin.


Bridget pushes the ax out from Justin's head.

Blood splatters on Bridget (again!).  Bridget smiles and brings her arm upward, 
letting all the blood drip to the floor.  A thunderclap can be heard from the distant, 
and the lightning flashes Bridget, revealing a blood covered girl with a stern 

Bridget smiles, and falls to the ground.  She loses consciousness.

Travis (V.O): Oh my god!  Somebody call an ambulance.  Bridget, Bridget!

The voice starts to fade away.

Cut to:

Ext. Apartment

Mrs. Goldberg: Bridget, Bridget!

Bridget opens her eyes.  She is strapped to a gurney.

Mr. Goldberg: Oh, thank god!

There are many spectators surrounding the apartment.  There is an ambulance near 
them.  There are many police officers around them as well.  Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg 
are with Bridget, who is being taken away while Travis and Rita stand in a place 
not so far from them.  Travis waves his hand and Bridget responds him with a smile.

Mrs. Goldberg: Oh, Bridget, I am so sorry that we left you by yourself.  We didn't 
know that your life was in danger.  We thought because there was a guard, it would 
be safe.

Mr. Goldberg: Yes, we are very sorry Bridget.  I hope you will be all right.

Bridget: Yeah, well I can get over it.  People can get over anything if they want 
to.  Beside, he was only a guy after all.  I can take care of myself anyway.

Bridget's parents smiles.

Mr. Goldberg: We are so glad that you are all right.

A man and a woman in a white suit start to take Bridget away into the ambulance.  
Bridget sees a woman in her late 20's amongst the spectators.  She stares Bridget 
with hateful eyes.  Bridget simply smiles.

The End

Alternate Endings!  Both of the endings are supposed to occur after the original 
ending.  This means that in both cases they don't modify the original ending, but 
serves as extension that happens right after the original ending. 

Alternate Ending #1:

Int. Ambulance

Bridget keeps smiling.

Nurse Heather (smiling): So, you've been through a lot haven't you?

Bridget: Oh yeah.  But it is all right.

Nurse (while adjusting some valves) Heather: Right, cuz you always survive.

Bridget: Yep, I do.

Nurse Dan smiles while doing some ambulance business.

Nurse Heather: You are the survivor.

Bridget: Yep, that is me.

Nurse Heather: I was intrigued by the case you were involved.  I studied about it 
a lot.  

Nurse Dan: Heather, let's not discuss about this right now.  Our patient has been 
through hell. 

Nurse Heather: Wait, Dan.  I just gotta ask this.  Don't you think it is weird 
that one guy can kill five teens in a cabin at one time?

Bridget frowns.  Suddenly, Nurse #1 picks up surgical knife and stabs Nurse Dan's 

Nurse Heather: You mean, you have never thought of the possibilities of accomplice?

Bridget opens her mouth.  She wants to say something but she can't.

Nurse Heather: Don't worry Bridget.  It is only a sleeping gas.  Trust me, it 
works terrifically.

Bridget tries to fight it, but she can't.  She slowly closes her eyes.

Ext. road

The ambulance keeps moving in the road while blaring its horn.  

The End

Alternate Ending #2:

Ext. College

Bunch of students are walking.  It shows that we are in an average college.  The 
camera focuses on a dorm and shows its surroundings.

Int. Dorm

A guy is talking to some girl.  We can only see her back.

Guy (Rick): God, Bridget, why?

Bridget flips to see him.  We see that Bridget looks more confident and not 
hellish at all.  She looks more than just an average student.  She is actually 
pretty good looking and is wearing an athletic shorts and a white shirt.

Bridget: Cuz.

Rick: Bridget, I need you.  Why can't you understand this?

A phone rings.  Bridget picks it up.

Phone (male voice): Hey, Bridget.

Bridget: Hey.

Rick looks sullen in the background.

Male: Listen, it was great last Friday.  We should meet more often.

Bridget: I'm sorry, but I am in a middle of business right now.  Can you call me 
back later?

Phone: Yeah, sure.

Bridget hangs up.  Bridget flips around and looks at Rick again.

Rick: Bridget, I need you.  I swear that I would be loyal to you…

Bridget: I'm sorry, but I am just not interested in boyfriends at this moment.

Rick: But, just listen to me…

Suddenly, the window behind them shatters and a woman that was looking hateful towards 
Bridget (in the original ending) comes bursting into the room.  She looks like HELLL 
and is holding a chainsaw with her. 

The lady starts her chainsaw.

Rick: Oh my…

Rick is just terrified.  Bridget quickly faces the lady and swiftly bends down to reach 
the knife that she hid in her socks.  She throws the knife and the knife stabs the lady 
in her forehead.  The lady collapses to the floor.  She drops her chainsaw and the 
chainsaw starts to rip her stomach.

Bridget (muttering): Oh God.  I guess I have to stay at my friend's for a while.
I feel bad for my roommate.

Bridget flips around to face Rick.

Bridget (smiling): So what was it that you were trying to say?

Rick still has his mouth open (from the time he said "Oh my…").  He doesn't say 
anything for while.  He just looks as if he's seen hell.  Then…


Int. Hall

Bunch of college students open their doors and poke their heads out while Rick's
scream echoes throughout the halls.

Author's note: Gawwwwd.. I am tired from writing this.  This is my first script.
Even though I've read "how to script," I am still unsure of how to write scripts.  
Well, most of the people who read these scripts read ‘em just for fun, so what the 
heck.  As long as the story is conveyed well, I don't think there is a problem.
I would love to receive e-mails.  Any e-mails would be fine.  Just don't send me 
some obscene childish e-mails.  I proofread this script about twice, but I always miss
something, cuz I know what is going to happen in the story so I tend to read what I want 
to see and not what is actually written.  So if you guys find any grammer mistake, please 
let me know. Was any part in this script unintentionally funny?  
I doubt that anyone thought the "comic relief" (Trish and Katie) was funny, but if 
anyone did, please e-mail me.  I wonder if anybody else has problem with Justin 
being the "big bad."  I kinda liked the idea.  Also, which ending do you guys prefer?  
I prefer the original ending.  There were many other endings (such as Rita killing 
Bridget) but they were all too absurd to the point that they are not worth mentioning.  
Other modification that occurred during the process of writing was the bed sheet 
scene.  You know the part where Bridget uses bed sheet to descend? Well the other 
possibilities I had was just for Bridget to jump out of the window, land on the 
veranda below, and have hard time trying to break the window in order to enter the 
living room of the floor below.  Some apartment has floors that have verandas in 
the same sides, while other apartment has every other floors have veranda in one 
side and in the other floors, on the other side.  But I liked the idea of bed sheets, 
so no matter how improbable it sounds, I will stick with it.
The major problem that this script has is…  How did Bridget's parents came to the 
apartment so quick after the opera was finished?  Wasn't the opera house some place 
far away?  Travis took so much time to call?   Well, hope you guys enjoyed it.  See 
ya then.  My e-mail is

The woman who looked Bridget with hateful eyes at the end was the wife of the neighbor
which Bridget killed by mistake

I really doubt anyone will use this script in anyway, but anyway.  This work is copryrighted.  
This script belongs to me.  

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