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               THE BASEMENT

               From the mind of Andrew Roby


               With special guest writer George Willson

               INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT

               GERTIE ROGERS, 45, sleeps soundly in a queen-sized bed in a
               lavish hotel room. She is wearing a bright red gown. She
               breathes evenly in deep sleep. Next to her bed is a picture
               of her husband, Can Rogers and a picture of her daughter,
               Belle Rogers.

               On the ceiling of the room is a beautiful chandelier that
               when lit, must be gorgeous.

               At the foot of the bed, from out of no where, a shadow
               stands, watching Gertie sleep. His features are imperceptible
               in the darkness.

               Over his head, the chandelier somehow moves across the
               ceiling, the tiles morphing to allow this impossible act,
               like a shark fin moving through the water.

               The chandelier centers over Gertie's sleeping form. The glass
               on the chandelier sharpens of its own accord to form a
               fixture of glass knives. One of the knives falls.

               It punctures Gertie's arms. She gasps, awakened by the hit.
               She reaches over and touches the embedded glass, blood
               pouring out of the wound. She tries to pull it out. She moans
               in pain. She looks to the shadow.

                         Who are you? What's going on?

               The shadow tilts his head up to the chandelier of death.
               Gertie looks up as well. As if on cue, the glass knives break
               free of the chandelier, each puncturing Gertie's body easily,
               like a hot knife into butter. 

               Blood sprays from each new wound. A few in her leg, stomach,
               and arm. She screams.

               Gertie falls back, unable to move as her body is racked with
               the knives.
               When the onslaught ends, she lies dead on the mattress. Blood
               stains the sheets and mattress flowing out from underneath

               Gertie's face is blank, staring with open eyes off to one
               side. She blinks. The shadow figures walks over to her bed.
               The figure puts his finger on the bed and gets some blood on
               it's finger. The figure then puts it's finger in it's mouth.

               INT. BELLE'S APARTMENT - DAY

               A picture of a smiling Gertie with a young woman sits on a

               The young woman, BELLE ROGERS, 22, walks to the door with a
               small overnight bag slung over her shoulder. She has
               beautiful, long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She is
               wearing blue jeans and a tight, revealing black shirt. She
               turns back into the small apartment.

                         I'm ready to go!

                                   DANIEL (O.S.)
                         Hang on!

               DANIEL DeFISTO, 22, runs out of the back of the apartment. He
               has short brown hair and a sharp smile. He and Belle embrace
               for a moment.

                         I'll call you when I get there.

               Belle kisses him.

                         Take your time. The funeral's not
                         till next week, baby.

                         I still want a moment alone with
                         her before the service.

                         Of course. I understand. Just don't
                         be in a rush baby. I don't want
                         anything to happen to you. I'm
                         going to show up there soon.

                         Daniel, you know your boss won't
                         let you off for a non-family

                         Your mom was like family, though. I
                         liked her, Belle. She was good to
                         me, like she was good to you. She
                         was a wonderful woman.

               Belle smiles.

                         I know.

               Belle kisses him again and holds him tightly.

                         I gotta go now baby.

                         Sure, sure.

               Belle walks over to the door.

                         Oh, i'm doing to see Brain next
                         door before i go. I'll call you
                         when i'm on the road.

                         Okay baby. I love you.

                         I love you too.

               Belle smiles and Daniel smiles back.

               Belle exits. Daniel stands at the door for a moment,
               watching. He looks to the ground and closes the door.

               EXT. ROGERS HOUSE

               Belle knocks on the door. She looks through her purse also.

                         I know they're here somewhere.

               The door then opens. BRAIN (17) stands at the door. He has
               black hair and is wearing jeans and a Slipknot shirt. He has
               sparkling blue eyes and short brown hair.

                         You left your key here the other
                         day, Belle.

               Brian holds up a key. Belle takes it out of his hand.

                         I'm gonna be going now Brian. Gimmi
                         a call if anything happens.

                         Yeah. I'll make sure to do that.

               He fakes a smile to her. She shakes her head.

               Brain grabs the door. Belle puts her hand on the door.

                         Be careful, Brian. I don't want
                         anything to happen to you.

                         Don't act like you worry.

               He then closes the door. Belle stands at the doorstep for a
               moment. She then walks to her car.

               EXT. ROAD - DAY

               Belle's car zips down the highway. Clouds loom overhead.

               EXT. RESTAURANT - DAY

               Belle exits an eatery with a bag in her hand and a sandwich
               in the other. She takes a bite as she gets in her car. She
               drives off.

               EXT. ROAD - DAY

               It looks like night. Rain pelts down on Belle as she appears
               to be the only vehicle on the road. Her headlights barely cut
               through the deluge.

               INT/EXT. CAR - DAY

               Belle squints her eyes attempting to see through the rain.
               She turns her windshield wipers to high. They zip back and
               forth in front of her.

                         Come on.

               Belle's tires run off the pavement, dropping about an inch to
               the unpaved shoulder.

               Belle swerves bringing the tires back on the road. She stops
               the car and leans on the steering wheel, breathing heavily.

                         Oh, my God!

               She glances up. Barely visible through the rain are the
               lights of a distant building. Belle squints to see it. Never
               taking her eyes from it, she shifts into drive and drives
               toward the lights.

               EXT. HOTEL - DAY

               Belle pulls up in front of a large, white hotel. She gets out
               of her car. She takes out a backpack from the backseat. The
               rain smacks her hard as she runs to the Hotel doors.

               She pulls on the doors but they are locked. She bangs on


               After a minute a MAN opens the door. He is beautiful. Short
               blonde hair, green eyes, and a beautiful body. Belle rushes
               in. The man looks around outside closes the door.

               INT. HOTEL LOBBY

               Belle stands looking at the beautiful interior of the hotel.
               It is unlike anything you would ever see. The steps spin all
               around the room and seem to be made out of gold. 

                         May I help you?

               Belle turns around. Her wet brown hair gets in front of her
               face. She moves it back. Some of the water gets on the mans
               face. He wipes it off with a tissue he gets out of his back


                         I need a place to stay until the
                         rain settles down.

                         I'm sorry ma'am as the Hotel is
                         full and it seems as if the rain
                         will not end until the end of the

               He walks away. Belle walks up to the man.

                         Sir... I have no where else to go.
                         Please. I need somewhere to stay. I
                         will pay you whatever you need. I
                         will sleep in the lobby. I do not

               The man stares her in the eyes. He nods his head.

                         Let me re-check the rooms. Maybe
                         someone left early.

               The man walks over to a desk which stands in the middle of
               the room. Belle follows him.

               The man gets behind the desk and pulls a book from under it.
               He flips through the pages looking at everything. He closes
               the book.

                         I'm sorry but all the rooms are

               The man opens the book again. He stops for a moment. He then
               flips to the back page.

                         Alright. Thank you anyway, sir.

               Belle turns around and starts to walk away.


               Belle stops and turns around.

                         We have one room available.

               Belle walks back over to the desk.

                         But it seems for some reason this
                         room has not been used in almost 20
                         years. The last date seems to be...
                         January 1989.

               The man looks up at Belle. Belle nods her head.

                         I'll take it.

                         Very well. Your name please?

                         Belle Rogers.

               The man opens a drawer and takes out a key.

                         How will you be paying?

               Belle takes out a stack of cash. The man looks at it for a
               moment and the nods.

                         Three hundred will last you till
                         Friday. We can discuss if you'll be
                         staying longer then.

                         God, I hope not.

               Belle hands him the appropriate amount of cash. He places it
               in a drawer.

                         Please follow me.

               The man walks away. Belle stays where she is.


               The man turns around and looks at her.

                         What is your name anyway?

               The man smiles and gestures to Belle.

                         This way, Belle.

               INT. STAIRWELL

               The man and Belle are walking down a spiral stairwell.

                         Now inside the room is a telephone.
                         If you pick up the phone it will
                         directly connect to me. Calls are
                         one dollar a minute and a bill will
                         be given to you at the time you

               The man smiles.

                         But you won't have to worry about

               He looks over at Belle with his smile.


               Belle almost trips down the steps but the handle she is
               holding helps her back up.

                         Why exactly has no one been here
                         Almost 20 years?

                         I don't know. I've only been
                         working here for one. Sorry.

               They reach the bottom of the stairs.

                         Ah. We're here.

               The man uses the key he has in his hand and opens the door
               which is in front of him.

               The door creaks open. Belle looks over his shoulder at the

               Belle covers her mouth.

                         Oh my gosh.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               The room is beautifully decorated with candles and lamps all
               over. The floor is a shiny and wooden and the walls shine.

                         It's beautiful.

               The man looks around the room and then turns around towards

                         Here is your key.

               The man drops the key in Belle's hand.

                         And have a wonderful stay here.
                         Remember if you need anything just
                         pick up the phone.

               The man smiles and walks away. Belle walks in the room and
               closes the door and locks it. She puts her backpack by her

               She takes her clothes off. They hit the floor with a loud
               slump and the water on them fill up part of the floor.

               She walks in the bathroom.

               INT. BELLE'S BATHROOM

               The bathroom is shiny and many flowers are around. Belle
               walks around the bathroom and smells the flowers. She steps
               in the shower.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM - LATER

               The shower is heard running. It then stops. Belle then walks
               out in a towel. She has a cell phone to her ear. Belle sits
               on her bed.

                         That's right. Some little hotel off
                         the main highway.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Are you ok?

                         Yeah, I just freaked myself out. I
                         should be able to get going
                         tomorrow as long as this rain lets
                         up. I just hate not getting there
                         tonight. What if I miss her

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         You have a week, Belle. I think she
                         would rather you live than kill
                         yourself getting to her wake.

               Belle frowns. She looks like she's fighting back tears. She

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to
                         come out that way.

                         No, no, you're fine. I'm just
                         shaken up and frustrated, that's
                         all. I'll be ok honey.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Well, will you get some sleep,
                         then? I'll talk to you tomorrow.

                         Ok. I love you.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Love you too.

               She hangs up the phone and puts the cell phone into her
               backpack. She turns off the lamp and curls up under the

               INT. HOTEL - BALLROOM

               Belle emerges through the ballroom doors in a blue dress. She
               is accompanied by another young woman, KIM, 21, who is
               dressed in a red dress.

                         Isn't this wonderful, Kim?
                         Everyone's here.

                         Look over there.

               A large man greets several young ladies also dressed to the

                         It's the Colonel. My, he is
                         handsome, isn't he?

                         He's rich, you mean. You're always
                         going for the money.

                         A girl can't be too careful, Belle.

               Kim's expression suddenly changes. She looks down. Belle
               watches her, curious. Kim turns to her. She speaks softly.

                         You don't belong here either, do


                         Come with me.

               They exit the room. The large man looks up at their
               departure. His expression darkens.

               INT. HOTEL LOBBY

               Kim leads Belle to a corner outside the ballroom doors.

                         Belle, my name is Kim Johnson. Your
                         last name is Rogers, right?

               Belle nods.

                         Of course. You've known that
                         forever. We've known each other

                         No, we haven't! Listen, you have to
                         get out of-

               The ballroom doors burst open. Kim and Belle turn to them,
               fearful. The large man fills the doorway. A knife is seen in
               his hand.
               Kim screams as blood oozes from all the openings on her face.
               Belle backs away and screams as well. She turns around and
               see the Colonel standing directly behind her! A phone rings.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM - LATER

               Belle sleeps. The phone rings again. Belle opens her eyes and
               sits up quickly with a gasp. She turns on the lamp next to
               her bed and looks around.

               The phone rings again. She picks up the receiver.


               No answer.


               Still no answer.


               Belle slams the phone down. She holds her head for a moment.

               KNOCK, KNOCK.

                         You can't be serious.

               Belle gets up. She is wearing a bra and panties. She puts on
               a robe. She walks over to the door and opens it. The man
               stands on the other side. He holds a bottle of wine and a

               He smiles at her.

                         May I come in?

               Belle nods her head. The man walks in the room. Belle closes
               the door.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle sits on her bed as the man sits in a chair across her.

                         I thought you would like some
                         company. It can get pretty lonely
                         down here.

                         Yeah it is. Ummm...

               Belle looks down.

                         Would you like me to leave?

               Belle shrugs.


                         Has the rain settled down?

                         Not yet. Seems like you'll be
                         staying here for a few more days.

               Belle shakes her head.

                         Where were you headed anyway?

               Belle looks the man in his eyes.

                         To my mother's funeral.

                         I'm sorry.

               Belle nods her head.


               Belle takes a deep breath.

                         I don't want to sound like a jerk
                         but I wanna try and get some sleep.
                         I think it is best if you would

                         Yeah, yeah. No problem. It's okay.
                         I just wanted to see how you were

               Belle gets up and the man follows her. She walks by the
               clock. It reads 2:00am. Belle opens the door and the man
               walks out. He walks towards the steps.


               The man turns around.

                         Could I at least know you name?

               The man smiles.

                         Carl. Carl Boyle.

               Carl turns around and walks up the steps.

               Belle watches him go up the steps and when he is out of sight
               she closes her door.

               EXT. HOTEL - MORNING

               The rain pelts the front of the hotel. The sun rises. The
               rain continues. A car speeds by.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle opens her eyes. She sits up and yawns. Looks at the
               clock; it is 10:00.

               She gets out of bed and gets dressed in a shirt and jeans.
               She walks over to her backpack which is laid by the bed. She
               unzips it and takes out her purse.

               She pulls out her cell phone and looks at it. It reads: "New
               Text Message." She presses a button. The message reads: "Off
               to work. Hope you have a great day. Dan. PS - I love you."

               Belle smiles. She walks to the door and leaves the room.

               INT. STAIRWELL

               Belle stares up the steps. They are painted black and it's
               dark enough where you can't see a thing when you are walking
               up them.

                         These are the times I wish they had
                         an elevator.

               Belle slowly walks up the stairs.

               INT. BREAKFAST ROOM

               Belle stands at the doorway of a room with tables and tables
               of breakfast food. Bagels, eggs, toast, pancakes and much

               There are about 20 other people in the room sitting down and

               Belle glances to the outside windows. The rain is visible
               beyond just pouring down. Belle sighs.


               Belle walks over to the table and gets a plate. She puts
               pancakes and toast on her plate. She walks over to an empty
               table and sits down.

               Belle starts to eat staring across the sea of people. One of
               them catches her eye. A woman eats alone. She stares back at
               Belle. The woman resembles Kim from Belle's dream. Their eyes
               are locked. Belle is frozen.

               Kim's voice carries like a whisper, but it fills Belle's ears
               like she was right next to her.

                         Leave now.

               Carl taps Belle's table, snapping her from her trance.

                         Hey Belle.

               Carl sits down across from Belle.

                         Hey Carl. What's up?

                         Nothing. Just coming in and
                         checking on everyone. Making sure
                         there is nothing wrong.

               Belle nods her head. She looks across to Kim, but she is
               gone. She shakes her head and looks up at Carl.

                         ... At least you actually do your

               Belle smiles and Carl laughs.

                         Yeah, yeah. I always do my job as a
                         matter of fact.


               Belle laughs which is followed by Carl's laugh again.

                         So what are you going to do today?

               Belle shrugs.

                         I'm stuck here. What is there to do

                         I could show you around the hotel,
                         if you'd like. Like a little tour.

               Belle looks at him sidelong for a moment.

                         You're not showing me to any dark,
                         special rooms, are you?

                         If you're asking if I'll take
                         advantage of you, I'm not saying it
                         isn't tempting.

               Belle smiles.

                         I guess I might as well make the
                         most of my time.

                         Great. I'll let you eat, and we'll
                         be on our way.


               Belle watches Carl stand and walk away. Belle reaches into
               her purse and turns off her cell phone.

               INT. HOTEL HALLWAY - DAY

               Carl leads Belle down a hall like a tour guide. Some of the
               other guests pass them, but pay Carl no attention.

                         This hotel was built almost a
                         hundred and eighty years ago as a
                         home for a Colonel Von Stratton,
                         who had made his living cheating
                         other people out of theirs. When
                         all of his dealings came out, the
                         government auctioned his house off.
                         The highest bidder was a Clark
                         Phillips of New York. Since him,
                         the hotel has passed through the
                         hands of several people before my
                         family took over as the

                         Wow, so do you own it?

                         Well, sort of, but not really. It's
                         a bunch of complicated business
                         stuff that I don't even understand.

                         Wow. A year here and you're already
                         doing well I see.

               Carl smiles and nods.

               Carl stops next to a row of pictures on the wall.

                         Let me guess.

               Belle looks at the pictures.

                         Previous owners?

                         Good guess.

               He points at each painting as he names it.

                         This is Colonel Von Stratton.

               Belle stares at his picture. A brief flash shows the Colonel
               as he was standing behind Belle.

                         You alright?

                         Oh, yeah, yeah i'm fine.

               Carl nods his head.

                         He definitely looks like a
                         suspicious character, to say the

                         He was just that. There are stories
                         about what he did in the archives
                         of this place that would curl your

                         Like what?

                         I kind of like your hair straight
                         if you don't mind.

                         Oh, stop. So these are all the
                         people who have owned it before?

                         Most of 'em.

               Belle stops next to one of the pictures. The picture is like
               all others but it's just a background. No person is in it at

                         What happened to this one?

                         Don't know. It's been like that as
                         long as I've been here. Come on. I
                         want you to meet someone.

               The picture nameplate is scratched out.

               INT. HOTEL - 4TH FLOOR - DAY

               Carl knocks on the door to room 431. He looks at Belle and
               smiles. She looks to the door. Carl runs his eyes all over

               The door opens, revealing AGNES JOHNSON, a little old woman
               who couldn't be a day over 83.

                         Good morning, Agnes.

               She stares at Carl, silently. Carl gives a quick grin to
               Belle. He gets closer to Agnes. She continues looking at him.

                         Good morning, Ag-

                         I heard you the first time Carl.
                         What do you want?

                         Just wanted to introduce you to our
                         latest guest. Agnes Johnson, this
                         is Belle Rogers. She's staying in
                         the basement room.

                         Rogers you say?

               Agnes stares at her.

                         Well it's been a while since
                         someone has been down there. Come
                         on in.

               Agnes steps back continuing to stare at Belle. Carl takes
               Belle's hand. He leads her into the room. Agnes closes the
               door behind them.

               INT. HOTEL - ROOM 431 - DAY

               Carl leads Belle into the living room of the suite. She sits.
               Agnes walks up to her.

                         Tell me, child. How do you like the

                         It's quiet. My first night was...
                         I'm actually not staying long. I
                         need to go as soon as the rain

                         And if it doesn't?

                         It's bound to lift at some point.

                         Of course. How stupid of me. May I
                         get you some coffee?

                         No, thank you.

                         Then excuse me as I get some for

               Agnes exits. Carl sits in a chair opposite Belle. Belle leans

                         All right. I give up. Why are we

                         Talking to Agnes, of course.


                         It's a daily ritual for me. I
                         always talk to Agnes in the
                         morning. Sometimes, I bring
                         someone. It helps her to break up
                         the monotony.


                         You see, Agnes has been living in
                         this room for the last thirty

               Belle's eyes grow wide.

                         Thirty years?! Why?

               Agnes walks back in the room.

                         Earl told me to stay in this room
                         until he came back, and since I am
                         a good wife, that is exactly what I
                         am going to do.

                         Her husband was actually murdered.

                         Now, Master Carl, I have asked you
                         before not to talk like that, and I
                         mean it. Don't make me get out my
                         yardstick and rap your knuckles,
                         young man. I'm not afraid to do it!

                         I'm sorry, Mrs. Johnson. Forgive me

                         I must say, I am getting worried
                         about him. He's been gone a good
                         long time. Have you called the


                         Good. I hope he comes back soon. I
                         think I'm getting tired of this

               Belle giggles.

               INT. HOTEL - HALLWAY - DAY

               Carl and Belle walk down the hall to an elevator.

                         Carl, is her husband really dead?

                         Unfortunately, yes. He was murdered
                         about thirty years ago, like I told

               They enter the elevator.

               INT. ELEVATOR

               Carl presses the 7th floor button. The doors close.

                         So has she been paying for that
                         room every night?

                         No. After awhile, the owners
                         stopped charging her. What we tell
                         her is that she has a tab with us
                         and she can settle it when she
                         leaves. She seems okay with that.

                         What happened to him?

               The elevator opens onto the 7th floor. Carl steps out.

                         Come here. This is really neat.

               Belle shrugs and follows him. They approach a wooden door.
               Carl produces a set of keys. He unlocks the door and opens
               it. Behind is a flight of steps.

                         Great. Stairs.

               INT. HOTEL - ATTIC - DAY

               Light streams through a vent window, illuminating the
               cluttered and dusty attic. Everywhere are trinkets of today
               and yesteryears.

               Belle walks through the mess looking at various items.

                         I can't believe people just leave
                         stuff like this behind.

                         We keep it downstairs for awhile,
                         but eventually, we just stow it up
                         here. I've actually had someone
                         come in that stayed here fifteen
                         years ago and ask if we might still
                         have a music box she got on her
                         honeymoon. I told her I'd look, and
                         it was up here.


               Belle looks at a bunch of paintings. She stops on one of a
               man that is posed similarly to those of the owners on the
               wall downstairs. She lifts it out of its place and looks at

                         Hey, Carl? Is this-

               The remaining paintings fall back against each other shifting
               the shelf behind them. A creature blasts out of hiding. Belle
               drops the painting. The bird whips past her and flies out the

               Carl stands the painting up against the others and touches
               her shoulder.

                         You okay?

               She nods. She breathes heavily for a moment before recovering

                         Look at this.

               She turns around to find a rack that holds an old turntable
               record player along with some records. Belle looks at it.

                         Does it work?

                         There's an outlet over there.

               Belle turns to find Carl pointing just beyond her. She
               disappears into the clutter.

               MOMENTS LATER

               Belle has a record on the turntable spinning. She gently
               places the needle at the far edge of the platter. The tell
               tale crackle of the needle taking hold of the sound grooves
               echoes through the attic.

               The jazz stylings of Glenn Miller drift on the sound waves of
               the room. Belle smiles as she backs away.

                         CD's are great, but a record has an
                         atmosphere all its own.

                         I agree. Do you want to dance?

                         Oh, I don't know...

                         I insist.

               He takes her hand and pulls her body close to him. They dance

                         So when you said you sometimes
                         bring someone to Agnes' room, what
                         kind of someones did you mean?

                         Just people I meet here. No one
                         like you, though.


               Belle rests her head on his chest.

               SERIES OF SHOTS

               A) They slow dance.

               B) They look into each others' eyes, swaying to the music.

               C) Carl tries to kiss Belle but she refuses.

               END OF SERIES

               Belle smiles as she looks back into Carl's eyes.

                         This is so romantic.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle and Carl come through the door, holding each other and
               kissing. Carl lays Belle on the bed. 

                         I can't do this Carl. I have a

                         I know.

               Carl takes off his clothes. He is only in his boxers. 

                         Carl, please stop!

               Carl smiles down at Belle. He gets on top of Belle.


               Belle screams. Carl puts his hand down Belle's pants. Belle
               hits Carl's back. She scratches it with her nails. His back
               starts to bleed.

                         Get the fuck off of me!

               He then rips off Belle's shirt and takes her pants off. He
               slaps her in the face. He then starts to have sex with her.

                         STOP IT!

                                                                CUT TO:

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

                             (Whispering to herself)
                         Oh my god.

               Belle lays on her bed. She takes a few deep breaths. She lays
               on her side. Her eyes get big as she sees blood on the sheet.
               She slowly gets out of the bed and moves towards the

               INT. BELLE'S BATHROOM

               She examines her body. There are no marks anywhere. She
               leaves the bathroom.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               She sits on the bed and picks up the phone. It rings a few

                         Someone answer.

               There is no answer. She slams the phone down.


               She puts her hands on her head and looks to the floor.

               Belle leans her head into her hands. She glances down at her
               purse. Her cell phone peeks up through the top. She sighs.

                         Oh, Daniel. What am I doing?

               She reaches down and picks her phone up. She turns it on.
               After a little musical ditty, the phone powers on. It beeps
               immediately. The screen shows: "Voicemail received."

               Belle sighs. She presses a button and holds the phone to her,
               her other hand against her head.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Hey, babe, it's me. Uh, I just got
                         off work, and I was hoping to get
                         to talk to you, but maybe you lost
                         your signal or something. Well, I
                         hope to see you soon. I love you.

               Belle brings the phone down and presses another button. The
               phone beeps. Belle cries. She pounds her fist on the bed.


               Belle leans down and puts her face in her hands. Belle stands
               up and walks over to the bathroom, chastising herself.

               INT. BELLE'S BATHROOM

               Belle puts her by the sink and splashes water in her face.

                         You go out of town to you mom's
                         That's right: funeral!
                         Mr. Right wants to marry you! And
                         then fucking...

               She lifts her head and is shocked to look in the mirror and
               see Carl standing right behind her.

               Belle turns around. He stares at her.

                         Wait till my boyfriend gets here.

               Carl doesn't respond. Belle gets closer to him. She taps him
               in the chest.

                         He's gonna fuckin' kill you.

               Carl smiles and walks out of the bathroom.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Carl walks over to Belle's bed.

                         Carl, what are you doing?

               Carl grabs her bed and moves it away and on the other side of
               the room. He gets on his knees and looks down at the floor
               mat. He smiles at it and slides it out of the way.

               There is a door. Belle walks next to Carl and looks down at
               it. Carl reaches down in his pocket and gets a key out. He
               unlocks the door and opens it.

               Carl descends through the opening. Belle walks to the opening
               and stares down a dark staircase.

                         Perfect. More stairs.

               Belle shrugs and follows Carl.

               INT. HALLWAY

               Carl walks down a dark hall with no apparent end in sight.
               Belle follows him down the hall.

                         Carl? Can you hear me?

               Carl gives no response to her. He walks to a door completely
               obscured at the end of the hall by the darkness. He unlocks
               and opens the door.

               INT. TORTURE ROOM

               A light flickers on and off. The light suddenly turns on. The
               lights are on the ceiling and they reveal Kim lying in the
               middle of the floor. She is wearing a beautiful red dress.

               The room is completely empty besides a chair in the corner of
               the room. The chair has spikes coming from the seat and back.
               Kim's hands are covered in blood and from several cuts on

               Carl closes the door behind him. He walks over to Kim and
               lifts her off the floor. Her head lolls around for a moment,
               as if she is completely out of energy. Carl kisses her.

               Kim's eyes grow wide. When he breaks the kiss, Kim reels back
               and slaps him.

                         You bastard! What are you doing to

               He slaps her in the face. She falls down. Kim spits out
               blood. She then punches him in the leg. He brutally kicks her
               in the face. Blood shoots out of her mouth and a few teeth
               fly out of her mouth and next to Belle.

                         Carl! What are you doing?

               Carl pays her no attention.


               Carl acts as if she doesn't exist.

               Carl grabs Kim's hair and drags her across the room. He
               throws her by the hair and she hits the chair.

               He pulls the hair from his fingers. He throws the hair on the
               ground. The bloody skin is seen on the end of the hair. 

               He grabs her hair again and pulls her to her feet and throws
               her on the chair. The nails are heard breaking her skin and
               going in her body. Blood pours from each hole in her body
               that the nails make.

               Kim shrieks and tightly grabs Carl's hand. She cries.

                         Are you sad, Kim?

               Carl grabs her chest and pushes her deeper in the nails. As
               she sinks, the nails on the back of the chair scrape away at
               her back, but don't puncture yet.


                         There is no need to cry. You'll be
                         dead when I am done with you.

               Carl walks over to the door and bends down by it. He pushes
               the wall and a small part of it opens. He pulls out a
               toolbox. He picks it up and walks over to Kim.

               He violently places it on her legs and the nails dig deeper
               in her body.

               He opens the toolbox and looks inside. He takes out a hammer.

                         I see you lost some teeth back
                         there. I won't mind taking the rest
                         out for you. Ya know? A good deed
                         deserves another.

               Carl takes the toolbox off of her legs and puts it on the

                         I wouldn't want you to knock the
                         toolbox on the floor. You're gonna
                         be in a lot of pain.

               Carl lifts the hammer above his head and strikes her mouth.
               Blood starts to pour from it and a few teeth come out.

                         They out yet?

               Carl grabs her mouth and opens it.

                         Nope not yet.

               He softly puts the hammer on her jaw. He smiles at her. He
               moves the hammer back and slams it on her jaw. Her jaw is
               heard breaking while Carl strikes it again and again. Her jaw
               is heard breaking.

               Her mouth drops open. The skin around her mouth is all ripped
               and the inside of her mouth is seen. It is bleeding nonstop
               and all of her teeth are gone. Belle stares at this sight
               with absolute horror on her face.

               Kim cries. Her body is clearly going into shock. He turns the
               hammer around and points the sharp side by her neck.

                         Might as well get this over with,

               Carl swings and stabs her in her throat and pulls out. Blood
               sprays everywhere. She leans over, dead.

               Carl drops the hammer on the floor. He looks in Kim's eyes
               and kisses her on the cheek. He wipes the blood from his lips
               and onto his shirt.

               He turns around and looks directly at Belle! He smiles.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle wakes up with a sickening gasp. She sits on the bed,
               her face still in her hands. She looks around the room, her
               breath calming.

               She looks at the time on her cell phone. 6:30. She stands and
               walks to the bathroom.

               INT. BELLE'S BATHROOM

               She puts her head by the sink and splashes water in her face.
               She stops and looks up in the mirror. She slowly lifts her
               head up. No one is seen. She looks relieved.

               KNOCK, KNOCK. Belle jumps. She recovers herself and leaves
               the bathroom.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle walks over to the door and opens it. A MAN IN A SUIT is
               on the other side.

                                   MAN IN SUIT
                         Hello Ms. Rogers. I am here to
                         inform you that at 8 tonight there
                         will be a play held in the theatre.
                         The play will be Macbeth and
                         everyone staying at the Hotel is
                         able to view the show free of
                             (Takes a breath)
                         Would you like to come?

                         At eight?

                                   MAN IN SUIT
                         Yes ma'am.

               Belle smiles.

                         Of course I will come.

               The man holds up and piece of paper and checks off Belle's

                                   MAN IN SUIT
                         Thank you and I hope you enjoy the

                         No, thank you sir.

               The man nods his head and walks up the stairs. Belle watches
               him until he is gone. She closes the door and shakes her

               She walks over to the closet and opens it. The red dress
               hangs in it.

                         What the...

               Belle takes the dress out and lays it on her bed. She smiles
               as she looks at it.

               INT. HOTEL - OFFICE

               A hand reaches down and picks up a phone receiver. Carl holds
               the phone to his ear and dials a number. The line rings.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)

                         Hi, is this Belle's boyfriend,
                         Daniel DeFisto?

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Who the hell is this?

                         My name is Carl Boyle up here at
                         the Seaside Hotel? Let me tell you,
                         you are one lucky guy to have

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Who did you say you were?

                         She's about the best lay I've had
                         in years. She was struggling so

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Is this some kind of sick joke?
                         Brian, is this you?

                         No, I'm not Belle's brother,
                         Daniel, I'm the guy who been up
                         here fucking you girl.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Whoever this is, I'm gonna kill
                         you! I know you're lying because
                         she's not like that.

                         Oh i'm not lying. I never raped a
                         girl before. It's actually quite

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         You're a fucking dead man.

               CLICK! Carl hangs up and smiles.

                         No, you are.

               INT. HOTEL - THEATRE - NIGHT

               The theatre is packed with people and the play is going on at
               the moment she walks in. She wears the red dress. She looks
               around the audience. She is holding a crowbar behind her

                             (whispers to herself)
                         Where are you Carl?

               She looks around some more and does not see Carl.


               Belle walks out of the theatre.

               INT. HOTEL - LOBBY

               Belle stands in the middle of the lobby. No one else is
               around. The elevator bell chimes and she looks over at it.
               The doors close.

               She walks over to the elevator as she watches what floor it
               goes on. It stops at the 4th floor. Belle presses the button.
               After a minute the doors open and a MAN walks out from it. He
               is wearing a suit.

                         How do you do?

               The man nods his head.

                         Fine, thank you.

               The man walks away and Belle gets on the elevator.

               INT. ELEVATOR

               Belle presses the button for the fourth floor. She waits and
               the doors open. She walks out.

               INT. HOTEL - FOURTH FLOOR

               Belle walks down the aisle and looks at the room numbers. She
               comes across room 431 and knocks on the door.


               She knocks again but no answer.

                         Agnes you there?

               She turns around to suddenly see a man standing behind her.
               His name is EARL JOHNSON (31) and has short brown hair. He is
               wearing a red shirt and black pants.

                         May I help you miss?

                         No, no. Not at all. I was just
                         seeing if my friend was home... But
                         apparently she is not.

                         In that room.

               Earl points to the room.

                         Yes, why?

                         Because no one is in that room.

                         What do you mean?

               Earl takes out a set of keys and opens the door.


               The room is empty.

                         Hmm. Well maybe I have the wrong
                         room. I am sorry Sir.

                         No problem at all...


               Earl smiles.

                         No problem at all Belle. I'm Earl.
                         Are you going to the play?

                         Yes, yes. I am just looking for my
                         frien... This man that works her.
                         Me and him were suppose to... Go to
                         the play together.

                         What's his name I'll give him a

               Earl grabs his walkie talkie which was clipped to his side.

                         Oh no you don't need to do that.
                         He's probably waiting outside the
                         play for me.

                         No I insist Ma'am. What's his name?
                         It will only take a sec.

                         Carl Boyle.

               Earl presses the button on his walkie talkie.

                         Carl Boy-

               The man looks at Belle strangely. He takes his finger off of
               the button.

                         Carl Boyle you say?

                         Yes why?

                         Have you met him?

                         Um... Yeah i have. Uh... There
                         wouldn't happen to be a police
                         station close to here would there?

                         Now why would you wanna go
                         somewhere like that?

                         Carl um... Took me against my

               Earl smirks.



                         Carl Boyle... Is dead.

                         What? What do you mean he is dead?

                         Well actually he disappeared. But
                         that was over 100 years ago. He is
                         dead Belle.

               Belle stands there, shocked.

                         I'm... Sorry.

                         He can't be dead! He fuckin'...

                         What does he look like?

                         He... He has black hair. Wears
                         jeans and a button up shirt.

               He stares at her.

                         Let me take you back to your room.
                         Where is your room?

               Earl and Belle walk towards the elevator.

                         The basement.

               Earl stops. He looks at her.

                         The basement?

                         Yeah... What now?

                         Nothing, nothing.

               They start to walk again.

                         It's just that I've never seen
                         anyone stay down there. Since...

                         Since what?

               Earl stops and looks at Belle.

                         Since what was found down there.

                         What was found?

                         Well back about...

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle stands at her door. Earl stands with her.

                         Get some rest Belle. I think you
                         need it.

                         Yeah, yeah. Thanks.

                         Don't worry about the room. It's
                         all over with.

                         Yeah i know. Goodbye.


               Belle closes the door and turns around. She screams. The room
               is dark and is let by only a lamp. Bodies hang from the
               ceiling. The bodies are all cut open. Belle focuses on one of
               the bodies. 

               It is her mother!

                         Oh my god.

               INT. BELLE'S BATHROOM

               She opens the cabinet under the sink and looks inside. A look
               of surprise crosses her face. Under the sink, there is a
               hammer identical to the hammer used in her dream. The hammer
               is clean.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               She carries the hammer to the lock. She bangs the lock
               numerous times. The lock breaks off. She throws the hammer to
               the floor and opens the trap door.

               It is very dark and the steps leading down are wooden. She
               runs over to her bag and takes a flashlight out of it.

               She walks down the steps.

               INT. HALLWAY

               Belle finds herself in the hallway from her dream. She shines
               the flashlight down the hall. At the end of the hall is the
               door. Belle gulps.

               She looks up the stairs and then back down the hall. With a
               deep breath she walks towards the door.

               At the door, she reaches for the knob and twists. It gives
               easily and the door swings open to a dark room beyond. Belle
               takes a pensive step inside.

               INT. TORTURE ROOM

               Belle swings the flashlight along the wall next to the door.
               There is a light switch on the wall. She reaches over and
               flips it. Nothing happens.

               Slowly, Belle swings the light around the room. Belle stops
               the swing and gasps, her hand going over her mouth. There, in
               the center of the room, is the chair of nails.

               Belle walks across the floor towards it. Blood stains mark
               its surface. A crunch comes from under foot. Belle pauses in
               her steps.

               She kneels down and feels under her foot. She comes up with
               something in her hand. She holds it in front of the light. It
               is a tooth!

               She stands but fails to notice someone stands in silhouette
               in the door behind her. Belle hyperventilates and drops the

               She backs toward the door. She turns and runs right into
               Carl, the light shining in his face causing a menacing
               shadow. He smiles.

                         See anything you like?

                         What is this you bastard?

                         A dirty little secret.

               Belle backs into the room, keeping the light trained on Carl.
               He swings the hammer in his hand.

                         So what? Do you rape girls and kill
                         them? Is that you're fucking game?

                         I'm kind of glad you came in here
                         on your own. I was going to bring
                         you down here eventually.

               Carl swings the hammer. Belle sidesteps him, swinging the
               flashlight around and clocking him in the back. He swings the
               hammer again. She ducks and hits him on the head with the

               She makes a bloody gash in his head and it drips blood.

               He goes down, dropping the hammer. Belle raises the
               flashlight over her head to clobber him, but he knocks it out
               of her hand. It rolls into a corner, illuminating nothing.

               Carl comes to his feet. Only the minimal light from Belle's
               room and the flashlight give any light to this dark room.
               Carl looks around.

                         Belle? Come on, now. Let's not make
                         this any harder than it already is.

               Carl turns around.


               Belle smacks him on the side of his eye with the hammer. His
               eye turns red and starts to bleed. He falls over. Belle
               bashes his face in with the hammer until his face is
               literally turned inside out. Blood gushes all over his face.
               He falls down. Blood pours from his face.

                         Fuck you!

               Belle spits on him. She walks over to the door and opens it.
               She runs outside.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle enters via the trap door. She walks across her floor to
               the exit, but pauses. She turns back to the trap door.

               INT. TORTURE ROOM

               Carl's face reconstructs of its own accord. 

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               She walks back to the trap door and closes it.

               INT. TORTURE ROOM

               Carl's face finishes its self-reconstruction. He rises to his
               feet. He takes his shirt and wipes most of the blood from his
               face.  He looks down the hall.

               INT. BELLE'S ROOM

               Belle pushes her bed over the door, resting a leg on the door
               itself. She backs away for a few steps, watching. A thumping
               sounds from the other side of the door.

               Belle snags her cell phone out of her purse. She turns and
               runs through the door to her room.

               INT. HOTEL LOBBY

               Belle charges out of the basement and rushes across the
               lobby. She slows as she runs, looking around.

               The hotel is run-down. She runs to the door. It is boarded
               shut. She crosses to the windows. They are boarded and
               broken. But on the bright side, it's not raining.

                         What the hell?

               A thumping sounds from the basement stairs. Someone is
               coming. Belle frantically dials a number.

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         Hi, you've reached the home of

                                   BELLE (V.O.)
                         ...and Belle...

                                   DANIEL (V.O.)
                         ...We can't come to the phone right

                                   BELLE (V.O.)
                         ...but leave a message...

                                   DANIEL & BELLE (V.O.)
                         ...and we'll call you back.


                         Daniel, are you there, please pick
                         up. Please, Daniel pick up, I'm at
                         that freaky hotel and someone is
                         trying to kill me.

               She hangs up and runs into the first floor hallway where the
               pictures hang.

               She stops for a moment and stares with a dumb-founded
               expression at one of the portraits.

               Colonel Von Stratton is gone!

               Someone's hands rest gently on her shoulders.

                                   CARL (O.S.)
                         You've been a very bad guest.

               Belle gasps and turns towards him, breaking his grip. They
               look at each other in stand-off formation. Belle slips her
               phone into her pocket.

                         What happened to the guy in the

                         The colonel? Oh, he's around.

                         What do you want from me?

                         Do you think it was coincidence
                         that you just happen to come by
                         this hotel in that rainstorm?

                         Of course.

                         You said you were heading to your
                         mother's funeral, right?

                         What about it?

                         How'd she die?

                         What does that have to do with

                         Think about it.

               Belle stares at Carl, apparently not trusting he won't attack
               her. She looks off.

                         She was on vacation...

                                   BELLE'S MOTHER (V.O.)
                         It's the quaintest little hotel
                         right off the roadway here.

               Belle's eyes grow wide.

                                   BELLE'S MOTHER (V.O.)
                         Like a taste of the Civil War era.
                         Ah, if only your father were here
                         to see it...

                         Oh my God.

                         It was a lawyer named Cam Rogers
                         that exposed the Colonel. That name
                         ring any bells, Belle?

               Belle stares at him, as if unable to speak.

                         Been losing a lot of family lately?
                         Some of them on the way to funerals
                         or on vacation?

               Belle shakes her head in disbelief.

                         Your father died on a business
                         trip, I believe, wasn't it?

               Belle's eyes reflect anger and sadness. She fights back
               tears, but isn't winning.


                         Colonel Von Stratton owned this
                         hotel, and he was not willing to
                         let it go without a fight.

               INT. HOTEL - FLASHBACK

               COLONEL VON STRATTON, larger than life, stands near the front
               counter in the pristine hotel. He has a very sinister look on
               his face.

                                   CARL (V.O.)
                         Deal was, if he was going to lose
                         the hotel, he was going to take a
                         few people with him. So he had us
                         lock all the doors to stop anyone
                         from leaving.

                                   BELLE (V.O.)

                                   CARL (V.O.)
                         That's right, Belle.

               At the front door to the hotel, a worker locks it. The worker
               turns around to reveal he is Carl, looking no different.

                                   CARL (V.O.)
                         I was there. His entire staff
                         killed every guest here.


               A) The door to a room is busted open. A man runs in with a
               knife and stabs the man in the bed. He screams as he stabs
               him over and over.

               B) In the lobby, several guests try to escape through the
               locked doors. A series of men stand in a line with shotguns.
               They all shoot them to their death.

               C) A guest climbs out onto the roof. Carl follows him. Carl
               and the guest scrap for a moment before Carl brings out a
               knife, slashing the guests throat. Blood gushes from his
               throat. He falls from the roof, blood suspending in mid-air
               following his descent until he lands with a sickening crunch
               on the ground.

               D) In the closet of a room, a woman cowers in the corner
               holding a cross, mumbling a prayer. The closet door opens.
               She screams as an axe pierces through her head.

               E) On the front stoop of the hotel, blood seeps out from
               under the front doors and runs like a waterfall down the

                                   CARL (V.O.)
                         It was glorious.

               END SERIES

               EXT. HOTEL - DAY - FLASHBACK

               Several horses gallop up to the hotel pandemonium. On the
               lead horse is CAM ROGERS, wearing a Sheriff's badge and
               looking very confident. He takes a drag on a Cigar and points
               his posse to the hotel.

               EXT. HILL - SUNSET - FLASHBACK

               Several bodies are hung by their feet on trees. A group of
               kids are bashing their heads in with bats. Brains and blood
               are seen on the ground under them.

                                   CARL (V.O.)
                         Cam Rogers had us all hanged. We
                         swore he would not rest until the
                         entire Rogers clan was destroyed.

               INT. HOTEL - PRESENT

               Carl looks toward the entrance, pride shining in his eyes.

                         And here you are, one of the last
                         of your fam-

               Carl turns to find Belle's fist flying at his face. He gets
               decked -- hard! He flies back a few feet, crashing to the

               Belle leaps on him and pummels him for a moment. She
               scrambles to her feet and runs off. Carl groans.

                         Nerve endings suck.

               INT. HOTEL - VARIOUS FLOORS

               Belle runs up the stairs and emerges on the 2nd floor. She
               looks around briefly.


               She heads back into the stairwell. Runs up to floor 3. Exits
               the stairwell and looks around for anyone.

               Giving up again, she takes the stairs to floor 4. Exits the

                         Is anyone here?

               A low whir sounds. Belle snaps up. The elevator is moving.
               She looks around frantically. Room 431 stands right next to
               her. She quickly opens the door and enters closing the door
               just as the elevator pings.

               INT. HOTEL - ROOM 431

               Belle turns around. The room is in pristine condition. It is
               perfect. Footsteps are heard in the hallway. Belle quickly
               looks at the door and then the closet at the other end of the

               Belle runs over to the closet and gets inside it. She closes
               the door.

               INT. CLOSET

               Belle pulls her phone back out. She dials another number.

                                   BRIAN (V.O.)

                         Brian, this is Belle. You've got to
                         call the police and get them out to
                         the Seaside Hotel.

                                   BRIAN (V.O.)
                         Why? What's going on?

                             (whispers, through tears)
                         Brian, just do it. There's a guy
                         here who is trying to kill me.
                         There's a lot of freaky stuff going
                         on here.

                                   BRIAN (V.O.)
                         You're not playing with me, are

                         No! Brian, please just-

               The door opens. Belle looks up.

                         Do it!

               Through the cracks in the closet Belle watches Carl walk in
               the room. Carl closes the door.

                         Why does your instinct tell you to
                         come in this room?

               INT. HOTEL - ROOM 431 - FLASHBACK

               Cam Rogers stands in the room with his wife.

                                   MRS. ROGERS
                         This is wonderful.

                         Yes, Mr. Phillips has done wonders
                         with the place.

                                   MRS. ROGERS
                         It was awful nice of Mrs. Johnson
                         to take the kids for the weekend,
                         so we could share this just between


               He leans down to her. They kiss. He starts to put his hand
               his hand up her skirt.

               The door bursts open. Carl stands in the doorway. Cam and his
               wife stand.

                         This is impossible. You're dead.

                         And you are too.

               Carl raises a shotgun and points it at Cam. Carl shoots him
               in the chest twice and then in the head. His brains hit the
               wall behind him and his body is scattered around the floor.
               Cam's wife screams.

               She runs for the door, but Carl grabs her by the hair and
               yanks her back. She falls to the floor. She rises to her
               hands and knees. Carl kneels behind her and wraps a taunt
               piece of wire around her neck.

               He pulls it and slices her head completely off. Blood sprays
               everywhere. Her head rolls over to the closet door leaving a
               bloody trail. Belle screams.

               INT. HOTEL - ROOM 431 - PRESENT

               Carl looks over at the closet. He smiles and walks over to
               it. He opens it. Belle is sitting on the floor. He grabs her
               and she kicks and screams.

               He picks her up and throws her on the floor. He holds the gun
               to her head. But she kicks the gun out of his hands.


               Carl slaps her and turns around for the gun. Belle quickly
               gets up and runs out of the room.

               INT. HOTEL - 4TH FLOOR

               Belle looks down the hallway and sees a large window at the
               end. She looks back in the room and sees Carl about to turn

               Belle looks back at the window and starts running towards it.
               She puts her arm to her face as she gets closer to it.

               Carl walks out of the room and takes a few shots at Belle but
               they all miss. Belle jumps and the glass breaks as she falls
               out the window.

               EXT. GRAVEYARD


               Belle slams on the ground. She barely opens her eyes and sees
               Carl looking out of the window down at her. He mouths a curse
               word and then walks away.

               Belle slowly tries to get up but she can't. She tries again
               and succeeds. She slowly walks with a limp and looks around.
               Everything is wet and damp.

               Grave stones are everywhere. She walks over to one.
                         EARL JOHNSON
                         Born.1920 Died.1975
                         Proud employee and loving husband

               INT. ROOM 431 - NIGHT - FLASHBACK

               Earl is seen kissing young Agnes.

                         Don't be too long.

                         I won't be. Just wait here for me.

               Earl smiles.

                                                                CUT TO:


               Earl is seen walking through the graveyard. He stops and
               looks in the woods. Men are seen being hung and shot. He sees
               the cave and runs over to it. Suddenly an axe pierces through
               his back. He falls to his knees.

               Carl walks to Earl and pulls the axe from his back. Earl
               turns around and falls on the ground. He looks up at Carl.

                         What are you do-

               Carl swings the axe in the air and it hits between Earl's
               eyes. Blood pours from his face. Carl then pulls it out and
               hits him again. Half of his head slides off. 

               EXT. GRAVEYARD - PRESENT

               Belle walks away from it. She sees the dirt stairs leading
               underground. She looks around and walks over to them. The sky
               lights up from lightning and the bodies are seen laying on
               top of the dirt in front of their gravestones.

               They go away when Belle looks around. Belle walks down the

               INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT

               Belle walks off of the steps and at the end of a large
               tunnel. The tunnel is one way and goes down till Belle can't
               see the end. There are lanterns on the walls. Belle takes one
               and walks down the tunnel.

               The lanterns seem to end half way and Belle only has the one
               in her hand. The light circle around her is all that is seen.
               She slowly walks down the tunnel.

               INT. ROOM

               Belle walks into a room. The room's walls are slimy and the
               floors are wet. In the middle of the room lays a coffin.
               Belle holds the light up to her face and looks around the
               room. She holds her nose and has a gross look on her face.

               She notices the coffin and jumps at the sight of it. She
               slowly walks over to it. She brushes her hand against it as
               she walks to the end of it. A gold plate is on the coffin.
               Belle shines her light on the plate.

               A name is on the plate. Belle wipes the gold so it is
               visible. It reads Belle Rogers. Belle's eyes get big and she
               backs away.

               Someone groans. Belle jumps. One wall isn't a wall at all.
               It's a curtain. Belle walks over to the curtain and pulls it
               back just a little bit.

               She looks behind it. Her eyes grow wide. She zips the curtain
               out of the way. Daniel lies strapped to a table. His shirt is
               off and he has dried up blood on his face.

                                   CARL (O.S.)
                         Your boyfriend, Daniel. He was much
                         easier than you. He didn't run.
                         It's almost as if he wants to die.

               Carl enters behind Belle. He walks around her to Daniel.

                         I told him about us, you know. He
                         wasn't too happy. Go ahead, Daniel.
                         Ask her.

               Daniel looks at her. Belle shifts her weight uncomfortably.

                         Fuckin' tell me, Belle.


                         Oh, my God! Why? Why would you do
                         this? Why the fuck would you do

                         I didn't. I had no control.

                         You probably liked it too...

               Daniel winks to Belle. She notices it.

                         Well fuck you Daniel! It was all

               Carl smiles while watching them fight.


               Daniel then grabs a knife from the table.

               Carl quickly picks up a saw from a table. Daniel holds the
               knife to Carl's throat. He walks into it.

                         Do it! I dare you.

                         Please! Don't kill him. Let him go.
                         Why are you doing this?

                         He's a part of the family, right?
                         Everybody loves Daniel. Say good
                         bye to Daniel everyone.


               Carl pushes him to the floor and stands over him. Belle runs
               over to him.

                         Please no. I love him. I love him
                         more than anything. Don't hurt him.

                         Just go Belle. It'll be fine.

               Belle staggers backward.

                         If this is about her family, I
                         don't want to be a part of her

                         Yeah, life's a bitch.

               Carl places the saw on his chest. He rips his shirt off and
               he moves it up and down, only scratching his chest.

                         Let me go! I'll give you whatever
                         you want dude!

                         Oh I already got what I want.

               Carl smiles down at Daniel.

                         And that is you, Daniel.

               Carl gives Belle a wink and then slams the saw on Daniel's
               side and saws from his shoulder to his waist. Dan screams as
               his insides splatter on the floor. Belle screams.

               Carl walks to the other side and repeats the same thing. Dan
               takes a last gasp as he spits out blood. He dies.

               Belle vomits. She staggers around a moment before fainting.

               BLACK SCREEN.

               INT. HOTEL - BASEMENT

               Belle wakes up, chained to the wall. Her nose is bloody. A
               dim light hangs from the ceiling. There are other bodies on
               the walls around her. The only difference is that they are

               Carl walks in the room.

                         What the fuck?! Get me out of here!

               Carl smiles. Colonel Von Stratton kicks the door open. A man
               comes slamming on the floor, face down. Belle watches him.
               Von Stratton walks in the room.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         Hello Belle.

               He closes the door. Belle continues to stare at the man on
               the floor.


                                   BELLE'S MOTHER (V.O.)
                         Watch over your brother Belle. You
                         are all he has left in this world.

               BRIAN looks up. He has blood all over his face and red hair.
               His clothes are torn.

                         Thought we would shake things up a
                         bit. Someone must have called the
                         cops because we found him knocking
                         on the door of this here Hotel.

                         Brian. Why did you come here?

               He looks back up at Belle.

                         You called me. I just wanted to

                         Wow, two in one night. Belle,
                         you're really useful at getting
                         people killed. Did you want us to
                         take out anyone else?

               Von Stratton holds a gun to his head.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         Things have changed now haven't

                         We're dead Belle. We're all dead.

               Von Stratton pulls the trigger. Brian takes one last look at
               Belle before the bullet enters his brain. Blood splatters on
               the floor and his head slams on the ground.

                         You fucking bastard! I'll fucking
                         kill you! I'll kill you! Let me go!

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         You want to be free?

               She nods her head.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         Fine then.

               Carl walks over to Belle and takes the chains off of her. She
               punches Carl in the face. He laughs after every punch. Belle
               runs out of the door.

               INT. HALLWAY

               The hallway is pitch black. Belle looks both ways.


               Belle runs down the right side. She runs for at least a
               minute until she looses her breath and stops. She continues
               to run some more. She stops at an open door.

               Carl and Von Stratton stand inside watching her. They are

               She runs more but ends up in the same place. They stare at

                         Are you ready to make a deal?


               Carl walks closer to her. Belle puts her hand up.

                         You stay there! What's the fucking

               Von Stratton walks next to Carl.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         Your entire family is dead. Your
                         mom is dead. I made sure of that.

               Belle has a stunned look on her face.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         You're the last one left. All we
                         want is you.

                         That's not a deal. There's nothing
                         in it for me. Why do you need to
                         kill me so bad?

                         So we can be free. And not be stuck
                         in this fucking place forever.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         The Devil has a place for us Belle
                         Rogers. And all we want is to be in
                         that place.

                         This was your choice to do this.
                         How can you not leave if it was
                         your choice?

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         It was your choice to come here...
                         And now you're never leaving.

               Carl runs up to Belle and pulls her in the room.

               INT. ROOM

               He holds his hand over her mouth. He brings Belle to the
               ground. Belle makes noises and kicks, trying to get free.

               Von Stratton walks over to Belle.

                         What do you want to do sir?

               Von Stratton walks out of the room and stands staring at both
               of them.

                                   COLONEL VON STRATTON
                         She's the last one. Make it worth
                         your while.

               Von Stratton closes the door. The room is pitch black. Noises
               and chains are heard. Carl flips the light switch on.

               Under and dangling light on the ceiling is Belle. She is
               strapped to a chair. She has a sock stuffed in her mouth.

               Carl walks over to the wall. On the wall there are saws,
               hammers, jackhammers, nails, plant cutters and a chainsaw.
               Carl grabs a few nails and the hammer.

               He lays them on the table next to Belle. He walks back over
               to the wall and grabs the jackhammer and the plant cutters.

                         This is so you can't run.

               Carl lifts her ankle up.

                         Oh, yeah.

               Carl duct tapes the sock in her mouth.

               He lifts her ankle back up and takes the plant cutters. He
               puts her ankle between the cutters and works on her ankle.
               Belle screams with the sock in her mouth.

               Blood sprays out and onto Carl's shirt. The foot falls on the

               He walks around the table and does the same thing with the
               same effect on her other ankle. It also falls on the floor.

               Blood pours from both her cuts. She continues to scream.

               Suddenly, the people she has seen in the hotel appear all
               around her. Belle hyperventilates, watching.

                         I warned you. Why couldn't you

                         He was never a nice boy. He only
                         brought you up to torment me.

                         If I could have walked you out, I
                         would have.

                         Sweetie, I'm so sorry. But we'll be
                         together again.

                                   BELLE'S FATHER
                         You'll be trapped here forever.

                         And they'll be free.

                         You're the last of our lines.

                         The Rogers and the Johnsons. You
                         were the missing link.

                                   MRS. ROGERS
                         And now the line is dead.

                         You will be one of us...forever.

                                   KIM & AGNES
                         One of us.

               The chant continues, each ghost adding to the carcophony of
               sound. Carl prepares his next torture, oblivious to the
               sound. As the ghosts chant, the way they died shows on their
               bodies. Blood flows freely from their wounds.

                         One of us. One of us. One of us.
                         One of us!

               Kim's teeth disappear and nail wounds appear.

               Agnes' flesh disintegrates as if she just rotted away.

               Earl's face shows the impact of the axe.

               Gertie gains a hundred cuts all over her. 

               Belle's father flattens like he was crushed, but his head
               continues chanting.

               Brian's head changes to show the bullet wound.

               Daniel's sides open up, letting his insides spill out.

               Cam's chest shows two bullet wounds and his head splits open
               from the head wound, but he continues chanting.

               Mrs. Rogers' head falls off and into her arms.

               The chanting continues. Belle screams.

                         You're one of us now Belle. And
                         there is no turning back.

               BLACK SCREEN

               THE BASEMENT

               From the mind of Andrew Roby.

               CREDITS ROLL

               After the credits roll words appear.

               One Week Later...

               A GIRL (18) with long brown hair is laying on a hospital bed.
               She looks very exhausted. The DOCTOR (44) walks in. He smiles
               at her.

                         You child is fine. I just need you
                         to write this. All we need is for
                         you to write his full name on this

               The doctor hands her a paper and pen.

                         If you don't mind me asking, where
                         is the father?

                         He's... Gone.


               The doctor looks down.

                         I am sorry to hear that.

               She hands the doctor the paper. He looks down at it.

                         It was his fathers last name.

               The doctor nods his head. He looks at the paper again.


               BLACK SCREEN.

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