There is TRUE love and then there is… AMERICAN LOVE written & directed by Matthew J. Orobko Cast of Characters: McGregor………………..hired hit man Camille…………………..McGregor's wife Tony……………………..Camille's boyfriend on the side Chico…………………….McGregor's current client Pam………………………Chico's girlfriend Fran………………………Chico's sister Fat Joe……………………McGregor's friend PRESENTAION CREDIT: "A Movie By Matthew Orobko" TITLE CARD: "Enter McGregor and Chico" FADE IN EXT. PERCY'S BAR – NIGHT We are in front of a bar in downtown Chicago. SUBTITLE: "The City Of: Chicago, Illinois" A brown car pulls into the parking lot. INT. PERCY'S BAR – NIGHT A man (Chico) enters the bar and scopes it out. He decides that the bar looks pretty alive and decides to stay. Chico walks over to the bar and sits down. He signals to the bartender. The bartender passes a beer to him. While the bartender is there Chico asks him something. CHICO Hey! Do you know a guy by the name of McGregor? BARTENDER Yeah, he's in here all the time. He always is talking to somebody. CHICO Do you know what time he usually shows up? BARTENDER He's sitting right over there. The bartender points to a booth. A man wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar watches the strippers. Chico gets up from the bar and walks over to the booth. He stands in front of the booth. The man sitting in the booth (McGregor) speaks. MCGREGOR Who are you and what do you want? CHICO My name's Chico. MCGREGOR Sit down. Chico sits down across from McGregor. He wastes no time in not talking business. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) What's the subject's name? CHICO Pam. MCGREGOR What's her relation to you? CHICO She's my girlfriend. McGregor puffs on his cigar. A waitress places three more beers in front of McGregor. MCGREGOR What exactly is the problem? CHICO A few nights ago we had a dinner party. I introduced Pam to my sister, Fran. INT. CHICO'S HOUSE – NIGHT SUBTITLE: "The Dinner Party: A Few Nights Earlier" Chico walks to the front door. He opens it to reveal a beautiful woman (Fran) standing at the door. Chico smiles. CHICO Glad you could make it. FRAN Glad I could be here. Fran enters and Chico takes her coat. Chico call to Pam. CHICO Pam! Pam! Fran is here. Pam, a beautiful woman in blond hair walks to the door and shakes Fran's hand. PAM You must be Fran. FRAN And you must be Pam. They stare into each other's eyes. Chico hangs Fran's coat up in the closet. CHICO (V.O.) Fran was my sister, Pam was my girlfriend. I had talked about Fran for a while now, and I thought it was time for Pam to meet her. PAM It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Fran looks at Chico. FRAN Well you're a lucky girl, Pam. The three smile and laugh. PAM Should we eat? CHICO We should. INT. DINING ROOM – NIGHT Chico sits across from Pam. Fran sits between both Chico and Fran. Chico is relaying a story to Fran and Pam. CHICO It was the weirdest fucking story I ever heard. This guy, from Texas marries this beauty queen. They punch out a couple of kids. A few years after they get married, the guy finds out his wife is a lesbian. Not only that but she' s fucking his sister. Well, the lesbian leaves the guy and takes the kids. The guy's heart broken, I mean he becomes suicidal. His friend sympathizes with him and gives them the idea he should get a sex change. He does. The guy thinks that now his lesbian ex-wife will find him ten times more attractive and then re-marry him. When he finally tracks her down he gets the shock of his life. It turns out that she was never a lesbian. It was just an excuse for her to leave without any broken hearts. Pretty fucking wild, eh? Chico sees that his girlfriend and his sister are staring and each other, smiling. CHICO (V.O.) That's when I noticed something wasn't right. INT. PERCY'S BAR – NIGHT Chico tells the story to McGregor. McGregor listens intently. MCGREGOR Listen. I don't need a fucking bio. Just tell me the facts so we can get this thing squared away. CHICO Her girl friend is fucking my sister. Pause. MCGREGOR Has Pam left you? CHICO No. MCGREGOR Has she told you? CHICO Shit, no! MCGREGOR Has your sister told you? CHICO Look, what does this shit matter? McGregor gets up and starts walking towards the exit. Chico runs after him and stops him. CHICO (CONT'D.) Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry, man. MCGREGOR Listen, I'm here as a favor to you. So, you better answer my fucking questions. CHICO Ok, ok. I'm sorry. McGregor and Chico head back to the booth and sit down. MCGREGOR As you were saying… CHICO No, my sister has not told me yet. They don't know that I know. MCGREGOR So, what exactly are you asking me to do? Pause. Chico seems ashamed about what he's about to say. CHICO I want my sister killed. MCGREGOR No problem. CHICO But, I want it to look like a suicide. MCGREGOR What difference does it make? CHICO Well, if it looks like somebody came in there and blew her fucking head off they're going to start asking questions. Sooner or later they'll find out that she was… you know? Then they're going to come to me. If we go down that road, I'm fucked. MCGREGOR Suicide? It's going to cost you… CHICO Whatever it takes. MCGREGOR You want your girl out of the way to? CHICO Why? MCGREGOR Well, that way there are no paths the john-Q's can sniff their noses on. CHICO Won't that look suspicious? MCGREGOR Not if it's an accident. CHICO I see where you're going with this. MCGREGOR You have no idea where I'm going with this. Chico shrugs his shoulders. They lean in close so nobody can hear. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Ok, your girlfriend dies in a tragic car accident. Upon further inspection they conclude it was faulty breaks. A few days later, they find your sister. She killed herself. CHICO How? MCGREGOR Two barrels of a shotgun in her mouth. CHICO Ah, continue. MCGREGOR The police find this odd. They investigate. They find out both girls were having an…affair. They conclude that because of the accident your sister killed herself. McGregor leans back and smiles. CHICO Why does she kill herself? MCGREGOR I don't know. Maybe ‘cause the death of the only woman she'll ever love was too much for her to handle. Boom! CHICO Sounds pretty good. MCGREGOR It's idiot proof. Chico's eyes brighten and he snaps his fingers. CHICO You know what? I'm going to out of town this weekend. Think you can do it then? MCGREGOR Absolutely. Chico smiles. CHICO There's my alibi. MCGREGOR Ok, ok. Do you think that there's the slightest possibility that the cops might even consider the possibility of you hiring a guy like me. CHICO Serious doubt. They would interrogate my friends and family. From what they would gather, I'm a pretty nice guy. MCGREGOR Yeah, a pretty nice guy that wants his girlfriend and sister killed. CHICO Just don't piss me off and I'll be nice. MCGREGOR Ok. CHICO Ok, so this weekend I'm out of town. You go to my apartment… Chico hand McGregor and slip of paper with his address on it. CHICO (CONT'D.) …you go there on Friday. You cut her brakes. The next day, she's dead. MCGREGOR What if she survives? CHICO Oh shit. MCGREGOR Does she drive by any steep hills on her way to work? CHICO Negative. MCGREGOR Fuck! CHICO Wait, I got it! MCGREGOR Spill! CHICO You ever seen the movie Heavenly Creatures? MCGREGOR Sure. That Winslet chick is extremely fuckable. CHICO Nonetheless, they committed suicide at the end, right? MCGREGOR I guess. I never really played any attention to it. Too busy jacking off… CHICO Yeah, ok. Why can't you make it look like that? MCGREGOR I could. CHICO And, of course, my alibi would still be in play. MCGREGOR I'd be killing two birds with one stone. CHICO You could just go through with it on Friday night. MCGREGOR I could. Then, my entire weekend is free. CHICO Great, so this entire situation benefits us both. Chico gets up, McGregor pulls him back and sits him back in the booth. MCGREGOR There's just one more thing. CHICO Oh yeah? What's that? MCGREGOR The matter of payment. CHICO Oh yeah, I forgot. Chico pulls off and innocent smile. McGregor is extremely serious. He talks business. MCGREGOR Now, if you don't comply with my billing procedure you walk away and I forget all of what you told me. Of course I am the cheapest shmooze this side of the galaxy, unless you do away with them yourself. Understand? CHICO Yeah, yeah. Sure. MCGREGOR Ok, let's start. McGregor begins writing numbers on a napkin. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Now, usually I charge 20 000 a corpse. You have two so already your at… McGregor is quick to come up with and answer. MEGREGOR (CONT'D.) 40 000. Right? CHICO Right. MCGREGOR But, you have told me a specific way in which to carry it out. Now, usually people give a name and address and boom, boom, bang, bang, the deals done. But, for set instructions it's going to set you back about… 2 thou. CHICO 42 000 bucks? MCGREGOR Hold on, I'm not done. CHICO Ok… MCGREGOR Now, I charge 200 bucks for just having this little conversation. But, I like you so it'll only be 100. 42 100 so far. CHICO More? MCGREGOR You can chip in 50 bucks for bullets. CHICO 50 bucks for bullets? MCGREGOR Hey, I'm doing math here. CHICO Ok, ok. Sorry. McGregor adds on the napkin. MCGREGOR So, in total, you owe me… Chico waits for an answer. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) 42 150. CHICO Well, I guess that's a fair price…. MCGREGOR Plus tax. CHICO What? MCGREGOR Hey, a man's gotta live! Chico sighs. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) I'm just shitting down your throat! CHICO What? MCGREGOR I'm joking! CHICO Oh, about the whole thing? MCGREGOR No, just about the tax part. Chico sighs again. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) The money must be in my hands by noon tomorrow. CHICO How do you want it? MCGREGOR Small, un-marked bills. CHICO Should I give it to you here? MCGREGOR Fuck no! Chico is startled by his snap. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Just come by my pad. CHICO Where is that? MCGREGOR I call tomorrow with an address. CHICO Ok. Chico and McGregor smile. McGregor sticks out his hand. Chico shakes it. MCGREGOR Pleasure doing business, Chico. CHICO Yep. MCGREGOR By the way, who told you about me? CHICO You're not going to believe me. MCGREGOR Try me. I'm in a very believable mood tonight. CHICO Ok, well last night I got this call at the museum… INT. MUSEUM – NIGHT Chico sits at a desk. He clears away some paper work. Suddenly, the phone rings. Chico picks it up. CHICO Chico's desk. The voice on the other line is deep and powerful. VOICE ON OTHER LINE (O.S.) I hear your girlfriend is a lesbian… CHICO What? VOICE ON OTHER LINE (O.S.) What would you say that that problem could be solved? CHICO Who is this? VOICE ON OTHER LINE (O.S.) Tomorrow night, Percy's Bar. Ask for a man named McGregor. He'll help you with your problem. CHICO Hey how- The phone goes dead in Chico's hands. He looks at the phone and then hangs up. He stares at his desk, contemplating the voice's proposition. CHICO (V.O.) I didn't know what to make of it. I though the guy was crazy. But, at this point I was heart broken. I was willing to try anything. The guy phoned back a few minutes later and said that this McGregor would solve all of my problems. When I asked how he said you were a hit man. I came here not knowing what to expect. Did I really want my girlfriend and sister killed? INT. PERCY'S BAR – NIGHT McGregor listen to Chico. Chico snaps back to the present time and out of his flashback. CHICO Do you know who it was? MCGREGOR Yeah, I have a feeling. CHICO Who? MCGREGOR Just a friend. Business has been kinda slow lately. He follows guys with problems and phones them, telling them to look for me with answers. CHICO Oh. MCGREGOR Don't worry about it. Go home, go to sleep and don't think about it. Go out of town and when you come back, your problems will be solved. Chico smiles. CHICO Ok. Will do. Chico gets up from the booth and exits the bar. McGregor still sits at the booth, smoking a cigar and watching the strippers. EXT. FAT JOE'S APARTMENT – NIGHT A red car drives into the parking lot of an apartment building. McGregor gets out and walks to the entrance of the apartment building. INT. FAT JOE'S APARTMENT – NIGHT We see a wooden door. The number 34 is on it. McGregor pounds on it. Nothing. He pounds on it again. We hear a faint wheezing voice (Fat Joe). FAT JOE (O.S.) What the fuck? Who the fuck is it? MCGREGOR Open up you piece of shit! Suddenly, the door opens a crack. Fat Joe sticks his head out and puffs on a joint. FAT JOE The fuck you want? McGregor pushes the door open and bursts inside. He slams the door shut behind him. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT Fat Joe seems scared. McGregor walks towards him. MCGREGOR Sit down! Sit on the fucking couch. Fat Joe agrees and sits down on a couch in his apartment. He still smokes the joint. FAT JOE Hey man, you wanna blaze? I got a whole fucking wad of it- MCGREGOR Shut up, shut up! Do you know wht I'm here? FAT JOE I have an idea. MCGREGOR Why do you do it? FAT JOE You're my friend. MCGREGOR I don't give a shit! One of these days your gonna get caught and my ass will be in jail! Quit following people around! FAT JOE Hey, man I was just doing you a favor. I mean what the fuck? MCGREGOR Your favor is going to get you and me killed. FAT JOE Ok, I'm sorry. McGregor sits down. Fat Joe lights up another joint, chain smoking. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) So, how's Camille? MCGREGOR Strung up as usual. FAT JOE Bummer. MCGREGOR Shut the fuck up! You're the fucker who got her like that. FAT JOE Hey man, you need what you need. Long pause. Fat Joe stares at McGregor. McGregor stares at the ground. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) What do you need? EXT. FAT JOE'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor walks out of the apartment building. We can see that there's a white bag in his hands. He gets in his red car and peels away. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT We are in a pitch-black room. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a door unlocking. A door is opened. Light pours from the hallway into the apartment. Chico walks in and flicks the light on. He walks into the kitchen and sees Pam, sitting at the kitchen table. She drinks a glass of milk. Chico stares at her. PAM Hey. CHICO Hey. Chico heads to the fridge and grabs a beer. PAM Where were you? Chico walks over to the counter and opens the beer. He leans against the counter. CHICO At the bar with Benny. PAM You went to the bar for beer and now you're going to have beer here. Chico shrugs his shoulders. CHICO What are you doing up? PAM Thinking. CHICO About? PAM The baby's name. Chico freezes. He holds a mouthful of beer and swallows. Pam stares at Chico and smiles. CHICO What? Pam looks at the full glass of milk. PAM The doctor called a few hours ago. CHICO What? PAM I told him I didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl so he didn't tell me. CHICO Holy shit. Chico grabs a stool and sits down. He tries to think about the situation. CHICO (CONT'D.) Is it… Is it… PAM It's yours. CHICO Holy shit. PAM What do you think? CHICO What? PAM About the name… CHICO Holy shit. INT. MCGREGOR'S APARTMENT – NIGHT We are an aerial view of a woman in bed (Camille). Camille, McGregor's wife is asleep in the bed. Suddenly, McGregor comes into frame and spoons her. Camille talks with her eyes closed. CAMILLE Any clients? MCGREGOR One. CAMILLE Good. MCGREGOR I guess. CAMILLE Guy or girl? MCGREGOR What difference does it make? CAMILLE Well, if it's a guy then they want her killed because she's fucking somebody else. If it's a girl it's because she just hates him. McGregor smiles and kisses her cheek. MCGREGOR Guy. CAMILLE And? MCGREGOR She's fucking somebody else. CAMILLE Ah-ah. Pause. Camille yawns. She still talks with her eyes closed. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) How many people? MCGREGOR Two. CAMILLE Clean trail? MCGREGOR As a whistle. CAMILLE Good. Another pause. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) How much? MCGREGOR 42 150. CAMILLE Are you nuts? He won't pay. MCGREGOR The deals been made. CAMILLE Holy shit. Pause. McGregor yawns and closes his eyes. CAMILE (CONT'D.) I gotta see Fat Joe tomorrow. McGregor opens his eyes. He seems shocked by this. MCGREGOR What for? CAMILLE I'm out. Camille reaches over and pulls and empty zip-loc bag into frame. McGregor looks at it. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT Joe lies on his bed. A scruffy, gold dog rests its head on his stomach. Joe smiles as he smokes a joint. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Chico is sitting on the edge of a bathtub. He has the phone in his lap. He dials a phone number. It rings a couple of times. CHICO Hi. I need to confirm a test for Pamela McPherson. Pause. CHICO (CONT'D.) Thanks. Long pause. CHICO (CONT'D.) Ok thank you. Chico hangs up the phone. INT. CHICO AND PAM'S BEDROOM – NIGHT Chico stands in the doorframe, staring at his wife sleeping above the covers. Chico has a sad look on his face. He leaves the doorframe. INT. CHICO'S DEN – NIGHT Chico has a blanket and pillow. He lies on the couch and turns on the tv. He tries to fall asleep. INT. MCGREGOR'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor is at the breakfast table eating cereal. In the background we see Camille leave through the door. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY A shot of a dead corpse on the floor. Blood pours from his nose. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. FAT JOE (O.S.) Who is it? CAMILLE (O.S.) It's C. Fat Joe stands over the body. His eyes go wide. FAT JOE Oh, how lovely! Fat Joe runs to the door and opens it. Camille smiles and steps in. CAMILLE How are you? FAT JOE Right as rain, and you? CAMILLE Dandy and randy! Camille sees the dead body. She throws her purse on the couch beside the corpse. CAMILLE (O.S.) Who's he? FAT JOE Some strung out junkie. Camille sits on the couch. CAMILLE What happened? FAT JOE It's a pretty interesting story… TITLE CARD: "Last Night…" INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT A wooden door. The door is being pounded on from the other side. A man yells as he pounds and pounds. WHITE JUNKIE (O.S.) Hey! Hey! Man, open the door! Open the fucking door, he's dying man! Fat Joe walks up to the door and looks through the peephole. FAT JOE What? From the other side the man still yells. He sounds hysterical. WHITE JUNKIE (O.S.) He needs a hit! He's fucking dying! FAT JOE This isn't a fucking hospital! Get out of my face! WHITE JUNKIE (O.S.) Jesus Christ! Just give us some stuff! Holy shit! Fat Joe still looks through the peephole. He thinks about what he should do. FAT JOE Fuck that shit! Suddenly, door is kicked open. A white junkie, dragging a black, bald junkie bursts in. The white junkie throws him onto the couch. WHITE JUNKIE Give him a fucking hit! FAT JOE Get him the fuck out of here! Fat Joe watches as the white junkie pulls a handgun out of his pants. The white junkie cocks it at Fat Joe, his eyes go fierce. WHITE JUNKIE You either help him, or you let him die right here on the couch. Now get the fucking stuff or I put a bullet through your fucking skull. Fat Joe gets on his hands and knees. WHITE JUNKIE (CONT'D.) What the fuck? Fat Joe rips off a baseboard from the floor. FAT JOE I'm getting the stuff. Fat Joe reaches deep inside the floor. He pulls out a bag of cocaine and throws it to the white junkie. The white junkie catches it and throws the handgun to the floor. The black junkie begins coughing and breathing hard. WHITE JUNKIE Hang in there, buddy! Hang in there! The junkie pours the coke on the glass coffee table and begins to make a line. Fat Joe watches. The junkie takes out a rolled up one-dollar bill and lifts the black junkie' s head into the straw. WHITE JUNKIE (CONT'D.) Take it man, take it. The black junkie follows instructions and takes it. He lies back. The white junkie wipes sweat away and throws down the bill. Fat Joe looks into his bedroom. He sees another bag of white powder lying on the bed. Fat Joe's eyes go wide as he looks at the two bags. FAT JOE Oh fuck! WHITE JUNKIE What? FAT JOE I think he just took heroin. WHITE JUNKIE What the fuck you talking about? FAT JOE This morning I took the bag of coke from the floorboards and I hid the heroin there. I must've forgot to hide the coke. The both look at the black junkie. He is passed out and his nose is bleeding badly. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Oh shit! Is he dead? WHITE JUNKIE What the fuck do you think? The white junkie checks the black junkie's pulse. He feels it and then yells. WHITE JUNKIE (CONT'D.) Oh fuck me! They booth look at each other. Then, they focus on the gun on the floor. Fat Joe dives for it and grabs the gun. He fires one shot, the bullet flies and hits the white junkie in the head. A flare of red behind him. The white junkie falls down, dead. Fat Joe still holds the gun up. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Camille listens to Fat Joe's story. CAMILLE Jesus. FAT JOE I know. Camille looks around. CAMILLE Where's the other guy? Fat Joe smiles a mischievous smile. EXT. ALLEY BEHIND FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY A garbage truck dumps a dumpster into its back. A garbage man watches. He sees the dead body of the white junkie tumble out of the dumpster. GARBAGE MAN Whoa! Whoa! The truck stops lifting. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Fat Joe snaps out of it. FAT JOE Anyways… What'd you need? Camille takes out the empty zip-loc bag. She shows it to Fat Joe. CAMILLE I need a re-fill. INT. MCGREGOR AND PAM'S APERTMENT – DAY McGregor eats cereal. The phone rings. McGregor picks it up and answers with a mouthful of cereal. MCGREGOR Hello? (intercut between McGregor and Chico) Chico is on the other line. He sits on the couch in the den. CHICO McGregor? MCGREGOR Yeah. Who's this? CHICO It's Chico, from the bar… MCGREGOR Oh yeah. Got the money? CHICO Not yet. Listen, I might not need what I wanted you to do now. MCGREGOR What? CHICO Listen, I'll find out everything tonight and I'll give you call. MCGREGOR Hold it. CHICO All call you tonight. (intercut ends) The phone goes dead in McGregor's hand. He is puzzled as he hangs up and continues to eat the cereal. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico sits on the couch. In the background we see Pam stick her out from the kitchen. PAM Honey? CHICO Yeah? PAM I'm getting a few things from the store. Do you need anything? CHICO Mouthwash. PAM What kind? CHICO Green. PAM Ok. CHICO Love you. PAM (O.S.) Love you. We hear the door slam in the background. Chico gets up and walks briskly to the window. He watches Pam get into her car and drive away. EXT. APARTMENT PARKING LOT – DAY Chico walks out of the building. He walks to the brown car and gets in. Chico drives away, following Pam. INT. STOP ‘N SHOP – DAY Chico walks into a small grocery store. He is careful that Pam doesn't see him. Chico walks into an isle. He sees Pam and Fran in each other's arms, laughing and picking out items for each other. Chico turns around the corner and slides to the floor. He sits down and puts his head in his hands. The people walking by see him and pull off strange expressions. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico walks into his apartment and throws the keys on the table. The keys skid and hit the floor. Chico doesn't care. He collapses onto the couch. He picks up the phone and feels it in his hands. CHICO (Inner Monologue) If I can't be happy with her, nobody will. Chico dials a few numbers and waits. CHICO Ok. I'll get the money. Meet me at Percy's in an hour. Chico hangs up. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor hangs up the phone and gets back in the shower in which he got out of to answer the phone. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Camille is at the door. Fat Joe sees her out. CAMILLE See ya, Joe. FAT JOE Real soon. Camille holds up the bag of white powder and shakes it. CAMILLE Sooner then you think. Fat Joe closes the door. INT. APARTMENT HALLWAYS – DAY Camille turns around and sees a bulky man enter the apartment in front of Fat Joe's. They smile at each other. Camille blushes. BULKY MAN Hi. CAMILLE Hello? BULKY MAN Do you live here? CAMILLE No, no. Camille gestures to the door behind her. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) Just visiting a friend. BULKY MAN Ah. Too bad. The bulky man enters his apartment and shuts the door. Camille walks down the hallway and exits the apartment. INT. PERCY'S BAR – DAY The bar is extremely quiet. Percy and McGregor sit at the booth from the night before. They talk about the job. MCGREGOR Let me ask you this: Why the hesitation? CHICO Pam's pregnant. McGregor has little interest in this. MCGREGOR Yours? CHICO Yeah. MCGREGOR Jesus. Still? CHICO Yeah, here's the money. Chico hands McGregor a paper bag. McGregor puts the paper bag beside him on the booth. MCGREGOR Still this weekend? CHICO Sure. MCGREGOR Ok. McGregor gets up with the paper bag and leaves the bar. Chico is alone with his thoughts. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Fat Joe walks from the bedroom into the den. He smokes a joint, as usual. He sees that Camille has left her purse on the couch. FAT JOE Shit! Fat Joe runs for the phone and dials the numbers. He waits and then talks into the phone. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Hi, Camille? Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Hi, it's Joe. Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Yeah, you left your purse here. Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Yeah. Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Ok, I'll be here. Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Ok, see ya. Fat Joe hangs up the phone and returns to the bedroom. EXT. APARTMENT – DAY We see Camille walk out of the apartment and get into her white car. She drives away just as McGregor in his red car pulls into the parking lot. McGregor's car stops and he gets out, grasping the paper bag. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor bursts in and has a happy tune in his voice. MCGREGOR Camille? Nothing. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) C? McGregor shrugs. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Fat Joe leads Camille through his apartment. FAT JOE I want you to meet someone. They come out into the den. To Camille's surprise she sees that the bulky man is sitting on the couch, holding her purse. Camille smiles. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) This is my friend, Tony. CAMILLE Hi. TONY Hi. Purse. Tony throws the purse to Camille. Camille catches it and laughs. FAT JOE He just moved in across from me last week. CAMILLE Really. Camille and Tony stare at each other with love in their eyes. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) Well I better go. Camille turns around. Fat Joe stops her. FAT JOE C'mon stay. Have a drink. Camille smiles. CAMILLE Ok. FAT JOE Great! He asks everybody what they want. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Marguerites? They both nod their heads yes, still staring at each other. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) I'll uhhh, I'll leave you two alone for a while. Camille sits down on the couch beside Tony. TONY So, what kind of work do you do? CAMILLE Hair dresser, you? TONY I don't like to say. CAMILLE Oh c'mon. TONY No, you'll never speak to me again. CAMILLE Please… TONY Ok, please don't laugh. CAMILLE Ok. TONY Ok. You know that place downtown, The Manhole? CAMILLE The gay bar? Tony smiles. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) Oh my god! You work there? TONY I'm just a bartender. CAMILLE Are you… TONY NO! GOD NO! CAMILLE Ok, good. TONY I just work there. CAMILLE Yeah. Tony spots the wedding ring on Camille's finger. TONY Married? Camille looks at the ring. CAMILLE Uhhh… Well, yeah. Yes I am. Tony nods his head. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) I'm sorry. Was that inappropriate? Cause I was flirting with you a bit. Does that make me a bad person? TONY No, no, no. So you need a bit of freshness in your life. So what? CAMILLE Ok. Wow. TONY What? CAMILLE I can't believe you were ok with that. TONY Why? CAMILLE Well, if I were in the same situation with my husband he would be out the door already. TONY Well, I'm not out the door… Yet… Camille giggles. Suddenly, the silence is broken when Fat Joe storms into the room. FAT JOE Can you fucking believe it? I have no fucking ice! You'll guys be ok here, alone? CAMILLE/TONY Sure. FAT JOE Ok, I won't be long. Fat Joe leaves the apartment. Tony and Camille look at each other. TONY So, how do you know Joe? CAMILLE He's my dealer. And my husbands best friend. TONY Dealer? CAMILLE Yeah, you know… Suddenly, Camille and Tony begin making out. We don't know who initiated it. Camille pulls away. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) I should really go. Camille gets up but Tony pulls her back to the couch. They begin kissing again. Tony puts his hand under her skirt and between her legs. They lie on top of each other. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor is eating a bag of chips and watching TV. ------FLASH BETWEEN SHOT OF MCGREGOR WATCHING TV AND CAMILLE/TONY MAKING LOVE------ INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY It is a few moments later. Camille and Tony are getting dressed. CAMILLE I really have to be going. TONY But, Joe's going top be back with the ice in like 5 minutes. CAMILLE I'm sorry. Camille heads for the door. Tony runs after her. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) I'm really sorry. I would like to see you again, though. Tony smiles. TONY Yeah, sure. Come by anytime. Camille opens the door and begins to head out. TONY (CONTT'D.) Camille? Camille turns around. CAMILLE Yeah? Tony grabs her arm and they begin kissing again. Camille moves her hand on his crotch. She finally leaves. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) Bye. Camille leaves the apartment. Tony smiles and walks across the hall to his apartment. We stay in the hall for a long time. Then, Fat Joe comes back carrying a bag of ice. He enters the apartment. We here his voice. FAT JOE (O.S.) I'm back. Pause. FAT JOE (O.S./CONT'D.) Guys? GO TO BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "Pam And Fran" INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Chico, Fran and Pam are sitting on the couch. Chico and Pam sit together, Pam sits across from them. SUBTITLE: "After The Dinner Party: A Few Nights Earlier" They laugh after a joke is heard. CHICO Well, it's been fun, but I gotta go to the museum. There's a few things a have to look after. Chico gets up and kisses Pam on the mouth. He walks across the room and kisses Fran on the cheek. CHICO (CONT'D.) Bye Fran. Chico leaves the room. FRAN Bye. CHICO (O.S.) Bye Pam. PAM Bye honey. Pam, Fran and the audience hear the door being shut. Pause. FRAN Well, it's late. Fran gets up. Pam follows. PAM Yeah it is. FRAN Thanks for having me over. You're a lucky girl, Chico's great. PAM He is isn't he? FRAN Yep. And you're a lucky woman. They look at each other in the eyes. They smile and blush. There is a pause. PAM Well… FRAN Do you mind if a use your bathroom for a minute? PAM Not at all, go right ahead. FRAN Thanks. INT. BATHROOM – NIGHT Fran walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind her. She walks to the sink and straightens out her makeup. She looks at the shower rod and sees Pam's panties hanging over them. Fran walks to the shower and pulls the panties of the rod. She holds them and then smells them. She closes her eyes in pleasure as she does this. Fran sits on the toilet and continues to smell them. EXT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Pam is standing on the other side of the bathroom door. She looks through the keyhole. She sees Fran smelling her underwear. Pam smiles and closes her eyes. She knocks on the door. PAM Fran? FRAN (O.S.) Yeah. PAM Can you unlock the door? Pause. Pam hears the door unlocking. The door opens to reveal Fran with an inviting look on her face, Pam walks into the bathroom, she closes the door. INT. BATHROOM – NIGHT Fran sits on the toilet. Pam kneels in front of her and begins to unzip her jeans. She slides them off with her underwear. Pam gets up and climbs on top of Fran. They begin kissing romantically. Pam takes of her shirt while Fran takes off Pam's jeans the kiss even more romantically. EXT. APARTMENT – NIGHT Chico's brown car pulls into the parking lot. He gets out and sees the light in the bathroom on. He looks at it and sees Pam and Fran, naked and standing up. They kiss each other. Chico's eyes go wide. He sees Fran slide down her body and out of the window frame. Pam raises her head and then looks down. Chico sits on the hood of his car and watches them with a horrified look on his face. It begins to rain. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico and Pam sit at the breakfast table. He stares at Pam. CHICO So, what time did Fran leave last night? PAM As soon as you left. CHICO Oh, really? PAM Yeah, she said she was tired. Chico smiles a fake smile. CHICO Good ‘ol Fran. Pam smiles. PAM I really like her, Chico. CHICO Yeah, you two really hit it off, didn't you? PAM Yeah, we did. CHICO You two friends now? PAM I guess. CHICO Cool, cool. Chico stares at Pam. PAM What? CHICO Nothing, nothing. I just can't get over how beautiful you are. Chico reaches out to touch her face, She gets up and takes her mug and plate. Chico's fake smile turns to a real frown. PAM I have to run to the liquor store today. CHICO Marry me? PAM What? CHICO Marry me. PAM Chico… Chico has another smile. PAM (CONT'D.) Not yet. CHICO We've been living together for three years! PAM Chico, please don't do this. Pam leaves the room. Chico continues to eat his eggs. He thinks. INT. LIQUOR STORE – DAY Pam walks up and down the isles of the store. She acts like nothing had happened the night before. INT. PERCY'S BAR – DAY Chico is sitting in the bar, talking to his friend (Jerry). CHICO It's true. JERRY Holy shit. CHICO Can you fucking believe it? A fucking dyke! JERRY Well, if it's any consolation… I think it's pretty fucking cool. CHICO There wasn't any consolation to what you just said, Jerry. JERRY Well, let me put it this way: I think that Pam is pretty fucking hot. I also think that your sister is hot. And- CHICO Shut the fuck up, man. This is my girlfriend you're talking about here. JERRY I'm just making things better. CHICO Wells, things aren't any better. JERRY Obviously. Pause. Jerry and Chico both drink their beer. JERRY (CONT'D.) Holy shit. CHICO What? JERRY You know what I just though of? CHICO What? JERRY If you hadn't had a dinner party, this probably wouldn't have happened. Chico stares. He has a weird look on his face. He comes back to reality and takes a sip of his beer. CHICO I'm going to pretend you never said that. Jerry laughs and eats some peanuts. The camera moves to the other side of the bar. We see Fat Joe, listening to Chico and Jerry's conversation. He is careful to keep his head in the beer. JERRY Do you want my advice? CHICO Please. JERRY You're not going to like it. CHICO Jerry, my girlfriend is a fucking lesbian! Please, any suggestions… JERRY Ok, I didn't want it to come to this but here goes. One word: THREESOME. Chico stares at Jerry with a disgusting look. CHICO What the fuck is wrong with you? JEERY I told you, you weren't going to like it. CHICO First of all, Fran is my sister. Second of all, if Pam ever found out I knew, she would leave before you can say lesbo. JERRY Hey, I'm just telling you to keep your options. CHICO Well, please keep your options to yourself. Pause. It looks like Jerry wants to say more. JEERY I remember this one time I found out my mom was a lesbian. Ho, ho, that was wild! Chico gets up. He can't take it anymore. CHICO All right. JERRY Hey, man. Where you going? Where are you going? Chico leaves the bar. The camera turns back to Fat Joe. He still sits there, shaking his head and laughing. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT Fat Joe is on the phone, he talks to Chico who is one the other line. FAT JOE I hear your girlfriend is a lesbian… Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) What would you say that that problem could be solved? Another pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Tomorrow night, Percy's Bar. Ask for a man named McGregor. He'll help you with your problem. Fat Joe hangs up the phone. He smiles and then his eyes go wide. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Oh shit! He grabs the phone and we see him hit "re-dial". The phone is lying open on the kitchen table in front of him. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY We are back to the present time. Camille comes into the apartment. MCGREGOR Camille? Camille comes into the den. CAMILLE Yeah? McGregor picks up the paper bag lying on the coffee table. He throws it back to Camille. Camille catches it and looks inside. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) He paid. MCGREGOR Yep. Camille doesn't seem to care and throws it back. CAMILLE That's good. Camille leaves the room. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY Fat Joe is talking to Tony. TONY It worked. FAT JOE Good. TONY She is sooooo hot. FAT JOE Listen, her husband is my friend. I kind of feel guilty about this whole thing. If you two are still going to see each other, don't do it so often. He comes here quite a bit, just be careful. TONY No problem. FAT JOE Good. They give each other high-fives. Pause. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) You want a hit, or something? INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Chico and Pam have just gone to bed. She rolls over and talks to Chico. PAM All packed? CHICO No. I haven't even started. I'll get packing tomorrow. As he says this, Chico has a strange expression on his face. PAM What's the matter? CHICO Nothing. Pam sees he doesn't want to be disturbed and rolls over again. She turns off the desk lamp. Chico lies with his eyes open. BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "Wednesday" INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor is sitting at the breakfast table. Camille comes in and sits down beside him. MCGREGOR Good morning. CAMILLE Good morning. Camille doesn't look up. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY We are in the hallway of Fat Joe's building. We see Camille turn the corner and walk down the hallway. She comes down the hallway and knocks on Tony's door. After a few moments Tony opens the door. They stare at each other and then Camille walks in. The door closes. Moments later Fat Joe comes out of his apartment, eating an apple and smoking a joint. He shakes his head and goes back into his house. BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "McGregor Finds Out" We hear the ringing of a phone. INT. MCGREGOR'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor is sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. He reaches over and picks up the phone. MCGREGOR Yeah? We hear Fat Joe's voice on the other line. FAT JOE (O.S.) McGregor, it's Joe. MCGREGOR Oh. Hey. FAT JOE (O.S.) We need to talk. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT McGregor sits on the couch in Fat Joe's apartment. Fat Joe stands in front of him. This time, Fat Joe is not smoking a joint. FAT JOE Ok, I need to tell you something. Well, actually I need to confess something. Well, I actually have to do both. MCGREGOR Ok. FAT JOE Ok. This guy moved in across the hall from me, his name is Tony. McGregor listens. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Ok, a few days ago Camille came by for her daily fix… INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – DAY It is a few days ago. SUBTITLE: "A Few Days Ago" We see Camille just leaving. Fat Joe sees her out. FAT JOE (V.O.) Now, I knew the guy that moved in across from me. When C left, Tony came in. All of the sudden Tony bursts in on Joe. TONY Joe! Joe! FAT JOE What the fuck? Tony seems out of breath. TONY Who was that girl that left just now? FAT JOE Camille? She's here all the time. Why? Tony collapses on the couch and looks in the air. TONY I think I'm in love. FAT JOE What the fuck are you talking about, man? TONY She is the hottest chick I've ever seen. FAT JOE Are you serious? TONY Dead serious. FAT JOE She's married, man. TONY Fuck! That's what she told me. To who? FAT JOE Does it matter? TONY Well… FAT JOE He's a bad mother-fucker. He kills people for a living! TONY Shit! Tony gets up and starts pacing around the room. TONY (CONT'D.) I have to see her again. FAT JOE Well, it's not going to happen. Fat Joe blazes up another joint. TONY If we worked together, we could make her forget about that asshole. Fat Joe looks puzzled. FAT JOE No fucking way. TONY C'mon man. One favor FAT JOE Do you know what would happen if he ever found out? He'd fucking kill me. TONY Please. FAT JOE I'll introduce you two. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT McGregor looks mad. MCGREGOR Did they meet? Fat Joe is reluctant to say an answer. FAT JOE Yeah. McGregor looks extremely pissed off. MCGREGOR You set them up? FAT JOE Hey, hey, hey! I won't go as far as saying that. MCGREGOR Did they fuck? FAT JOE Since that day, a couple of times. McGregor stands up and moves to the window. He stands and stares. FAT JOE (CONT'D.) Now, McGregor, I'm only telling you this because you're my friend and I feel guilty. MCGREGOR You should feel guilty. McGregor reaches for a lamp on a small end table. Fat Joe walks forward. FAT JOE You ok? McGregor swings with the lamp. The lamp connects with Fat Joe's face. We see Fat Joe's jaw snap. He falls down and hits his head on the glass coffee table. The back of his head comes down with a thud. Blood begins to flow away from his body. The glass coffee table shatters. McGregor stands with the lamp in hand. INT. TONY'S APARTMENT – NIGHT We see the door of Tony's apartment, closed. Suddenly, it flies open. McGregor stands there, holding the lamp. He walks in and sees that all of the lights are out. McGregor carries the lamp and wanders throughout the house. He notices that nobody is home. McGregor spots a pair of panties strung over the couch. He walks over to them and picks them up. INT. FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT We see the horrified face of Fat Joe. His eyes are wide open. There is a huge pile of blood that flows from his body. McGregor sits on the couch, smoking a cigar. We stares at the lifeless body of Fat Joe. MOMENTS LATER… McGregor is wrapping Fat Joe in a blanket. He wipes up all of the blood off the floor. He throws the towel that he used for the blood in the garbage. McGregor walks over and starts to drag Fat Joe's body towards the door. He slings him over his shoulder and walks out of the room. EXT. ALLEY BEHIND FAT JOE'S PAD – NIGHT It's pouring rain. McGregor is hauling the wrapped up corpse of Fat Joe. He walks to a dumpster and dumps the corpse in. He looks around to make sure nobody is watching. McGregor runs out of the alley. He gets into his car and drives away. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor walks into the apartment. He is soaking wet. He turns on a lot of the lights and then heads for the kitchen. McGregor opens a beer and starts to drink. He stops when he hears a strange noise. He walks over to the window and peers through the window. McGregor sees, through the rain, the silhouette of Tony, climbing down the fire escape. McGregor walks over and sits on the couch, Camille walks out. CAMILLE Hi honey. McGregor doesn't say anything. CAMILLE (CONT'D.) Where did you go? MCGREGOR Over to Fat Joe's for a moment. CAMILLE Oh really? MCGREGOR Yeah, he had to tell me something. CAMILLE What did he tell you? MCGREGOR Oh nothing. Camille seems a little uneasy. She walks into the kitchen. McGregor stares at the blank tv set. BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "Friday: Chico Leaves Town" INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico stands at the kitchen counter. Pam comes in and greets him. PAM: All ready? CHICO I think so. PAM So, when are you expected back? CHICO I'd say by about Tuesday. PAM Ok. Pam comes by and kisses him on the neck. PAM (CONT'D.) I love you. CHICO Me too. Pam heads to the fridge and begins to root through. PAM Do you need a hand out with the bags? CHICO No, I'll be all right. PAM Ok. Waiting for your cab? CHICO Yeah. Pause. Suddenly, we hear a buzzing noise. Chico leaves the kitchen. PAM Have a nice trip. CHICO (O.S.) Ok. Pam is alone in the kitchen. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY McGregor walks to the door. He puts on a jacket and leaves. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Pam walks over to the phone. She dials a couple of numbers. PAM Fran? It's Pam. Pause. PAM (CONT'D.) Yeah, he's gone. Pause. PAM (CONT'D.) Yeah sure come over right now. Pause. PAM (CONT'D.) Ok. Bye. Pam hangs up the phone and runs to her bedroom. At this time in the film a daunting sad theme plays until noted to stop. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING – DAY McGregor gets out of the building and into his car. He drives away. As he pulls out of the building Tony's car pulls in. Tony's car drives up to the building and he gets out. Tony runs to the building, carrying a paper bag. EXT. HIGHWAY – DAY We see a sea of yellow taxicabs grid locked. The camera focuses on one. Chico is sitting in back with a sad look on his face. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY The camera is mounted in the hallway. Pam emerges from the bedroom in sexy lingerie. She only wears her undergarments. The doorbell rings. Pam gets on an inviting position on the bed. PAM It's open! Fran walks in wearing a trench coat. FRAN Where are you? PAM (O.S.) In the bedroom… Fran walks into the bedroom. She smiles as she sees Pam lying on the bed. Fran drops her trench coat to reveal her naked body. We don't see her from the front. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY The camera is focused on a bottle of wine on the kitchen table. It moves to the den to reveal Tony and Camille kissing on the couch. Camille takes his hand and leads him into the bedroom. They close the door. INT. RICK MINELLI'S PLACE – DAY McGregor sits at the foot of the desk. He talks to his weapon supplier, Rick Minelli. MCGREGOR All I need is a shotgun. RICK That's it? MCGREGOR That's it. Rick thinks for a bit. RICK Ok. Curly will show you to my cache. Rick points to a fat bald man standing behind him. McGregor gets up and follows Curly out of the office. INT. AIRPLANE – DAY Chico sits in the plane. He still has a sad look on his face. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Fran comes out of the bedroom, she clutches her trench coat. Fran runs out of the apartment, she tip toes as she does this. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY Tony kisses Camille at the door. Tony smiles and then leaves. INT. RICK MINELLI'S PLACE – DAY Curly hands McGregor a pump-action shotgun. McGregor looks at he loads it and smiles. MCGREGOR This'll be fine. BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "Down with Tony, Fran and Pam (And Camille)" INT. CAMILLE AND MCGREGOR'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor sits at the edge of the bed. He looks back at his sleeping wife. McGregor gets up and walks over to the closet. He picks up the shotgun and holds against his wife's head. McGregor pulls the trigger. His wife's head explodes and the entire bedroom is covered in blood. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Pam and Fran lie in each other's arms as they watch a movie on tv and eat popcorn. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING – NIGHT McGregor's car pulls into the parking lot. McGregor gets the shotgun out of his trunk and runs into the building. INT. TONY'S APARTMENT – NIGHT Tony is smoking a joint. He stares at a blank tv set. Suddenly, McGregor bursts in and runs up to Tony with the shotgun. He aims it at his head. Tony doesn't seem to care. TONY Holy shit. MCGREGOR Do you know a girl by the name of Camille? TONY What? MCGREGOR Camille! Fucking Camille! TONY Oh, oh sure. How the fuck is she? MCGREGOR Do you know who I am? TONY No. MCGREGOR I'm her husband. TONY Oh sh- McGregor pulls the trigger. The bullet hits Tony in the face. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor bursts in. The two girls scream and jump up. McGregor runs towards the girls who are still screaming. MCGREGOR Shut up, shut up! The girls calm down as they see the shotgun aimed at him. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Now. You two are going to die. The girls scream and start to cry again. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Shut the fuck up! The girls calm down again. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Let's go to the bedroom. Moments later… We are in the bedroom. McGregor sits in a chair in front of the bed. Pam and Fran sit on the bed, scared out of their wits. McGregor lights a cigarette. MCGREGOR Which one of you is Pam? Pam raises her hand. PAM I am. MCGREGOR Ok. So, you must be Fran. Fran nods her head. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Ok. I'm not going to kill you. The two girls sigh in relief. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) You need to kill each other. The girls seem frightened again. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Pam, take the pillow behind you. Pam and Fran seem to be crying. Pam reluctantly takes the pillow. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Good. Fran, lie on the bed. Fran lies on the bed, reluctantly. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Smother her. Pam doesn't move. Fran cries. McGregor loads the shotgun. Pam puts the pillow on her face, killing Fran. Fran struggles put Pam continues to hold the pillow on her face. Pam seems to cry. Finally, after a few seconds, Fran's arms are motionless. Pam takes the pillow off Fran's head. She cries hysterically. McGregor smiles and stands up. He walks over and raises the lifeless body of Fran and props her up. He puts the shotgun in her hand and aims it at the beautiful face of Pam. Pam cries and closes her eyes. McGregor puts down the shotgun and sighs. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Chico never said how beautiful you were. Pam opens her eyes and stares at McGregor. She smiles at him, he smiles at her. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – NIGHT McGregor leads Pam in his apartment. He puts the shotgun on the kitchen table. They head for the bedroom. McGregor stops her. MCGREGOR (CONT'D.) Let's go on the couch. BLACK SCREEN TITLE CARD: "Epilogue…" EXT. AIRPORT – DAY We see Chico standing outside the airport. He waits for a cab. SUBTITLE: "Tuesday" A cab pulls in front of Chico. Chico gets in. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico bursts into his apartment. He throws his bags in the corner and walks over to the kitchen. He gets a beer and walks to the bedroom. Chico stops dead when he sees the lifeless body of Fran, lying on his bed. His eyes go wide. Moments later… Chico is frantically searching a drawer he gets a whit card out. On the card is a phone number. Chico picks up the phone and dials with a crazy look in his eyes. There is no answer. He slams the phone down and goes back to the bedroom. He stares at his dead sister. Moments later… Chico is standing by the phone. He runs over to the phone book and searches under "M". He finds the last name McGregor and matches it with the phone number. Chico copies the address down. INT. MCGREGOR AND CAMILLE'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico walks into McGregor's apartment. He hears moans coming from the couch. Chico looks over and sees the shotgun, lying on the kitchen table. He grabs it and reloads it. Chico walks over to the couch and before McGregor or Pam can do anything he shoots both of them twice. The living room is filled with blood. The camera pans over to the apartment next door. INT. APARTMENT NEXT DOOR – DAY An elderly man has his ear to the wall. He listens carefully. His wife listens next to him. ELDERLY MAN What the heck was that? HIS WIFE It sounded like a gun. ELDERLY MAN Call the cops, Nora. Nora leaves the wall and walks out of frame. The camera pans back in the other apartment. Chico stares at the two lovers. He sits on the couch between them. Chico then lies on Pam's stomach. He gets up and throws the shotgun across the room. Chico leaves. INT. APARTMENT HALLWAY – DAY Chico walks down the hallway of the building. He sees three cops heading towards him. He tenses. The cops walk right past him. Chico sighs with relief and jogs out of the building. EXT. ALLEY – NIGHT We see Chico dragging Fran's lifeless body to the dumpster. He throws her body in a dumpster and walks away. INT. CHICO'S APARTMENT – DAY Chico eats cereal. It is the next day. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Chico walks to the door and opens it. We don't see the people on the other side of the door. MAN'S VOICE (O.S.) Good morning. I'm Detective McKnight and he's Detective Munroe, may we come in? CHICO Sure. Chico holds the door open as the two detectives walk in. Moments later… Chico is sitting on the couch as Det. McKnight talks to him and Det. Munroe sits in the background. MCKNIGHT Did you happen to know the whereabouts of your girlfriend last night? CHICO My girlfriend? Why, did something happen? MCKNIGHT Can you please answer the question? CHICO No. I was out of town and I just came back last night. I was really tired and I didn't know where she was so I though nothing of it. MCKNIGHT I see. Well, yesterday morning we found your girlfriend shot to death at some guy's apartment? CHICO What? MCKNIGHT Do you know if she could've been having an affair with this man? CHICO No, no. She was a very ahh- The police wait for a response. CHICO (CONT'D.) I'm sorry I can't do this right now. MCKNIGHT We understand. McKnight is about to leave. Munroe spots the open phone book and the phone number. MUNROE McKnight! MCKNIGHT What? MUNROE Look at this. McKnight walks over to Munroe. Chico watches them. We can't hear them talk. McKnight walks over to Chico again. MCKNIGHT This McGregor… Who is he? CHICO Oh, uhhhhh… MCKNIGHT This is the address of the guy that was shot yesterday. Do you have something to do with this? CHICO What? INT. POLICE STATION – DAY We see a montage of Chico getting fingerprinted. Then, Munroe slaps a file on a desk. MUNROE His fingerprints match the ones found on the shotgun. MCKNIGHT Jesus Christ! INT. INTERROGATION ROOM – DAY McKnight interrogates Chico. MCKNIGHT We got you for double homicide. I want the entire story. CHICO The entire story? MCKNIGHT Every word. CHICO Ok. It started when invited my sister to have dinner with my girlfriend and me. I left them alone and they became… together. MCKNIGHT You mean…lesbians. CHICO Yeah. Well, I was heartbroken. I hired a hit man, McGregor, to kill my sister and my girlfriend when I was out of town so I would have an alibi. I came home and saw he only killed one. MCKNIGHT Where's your sister? CHICO I dumped her in the dumpster behind my building. MCKNIGHT Jesus. CHICO I had no idea where my girlfriend was so I went to McGregor's I found them there and I killed them both. MCKNIGHT What about the woman in the bedroom? CHICO What woman in the bedroom? The image quickly flashes to Camille's bloody corpse on the bed and then back to the room. MCKNIGHT The dead woman in McGregor's bed. CHICO I had nothing to do with that. McKnight rubs his eyes and sighs. MCKNIGHT So, out of this entire ordeal, you're the only one that isn't dead? CHICO Yep. MCKNIGHT Holy shit. INT. JAIL HOUSE – DAY The camera begins to pan past a number of jail cells. The camera focuses on one and becomes to zoom in. It dollys into the cell to reveal Chico, lying in the bottom bunk. He looks up at the other bunk and smiles as he carves something into the steel. The camera moves up to reveal the following carved into the steel of the bunk beds: AmErICan LovE ThE END I lOYEd PAM Then, the song "THE SAME OLD SONG" blares. The screen goes black and the following title card appears: WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY MATTHEW OROBKO The rest of the credits appear as the song blares. THE END. ©2002