Q}2Final Draft, Inc. Final DraftuPFFFF000000060002000177AA00000000007F000000002000110180499000480048-24F1D95200F4-18048058048056400640064718B1D953EFFFFF010607CE0000100000168000000050A3F4084024F1F77673A7A1C03CE00275B23F76723F0A3F125A4084017671F7D0B3A280903CC004CFF1F7D0B26E0125A1B7840840D0B1F712953A291D03CE005128923F129523F01B7821C540840113331F717493A264403CC007173D23F1749277021C52BC040840217491F71D953A29EF038E0091D711F71D9524B0000200000A4500000000A3F,OPEN TO: Int. Office A man sits behind a desk. The room is smokey and dimly lit. The man is only known as THE DETECTIVE. He sits casually, smoking a cigarette, looking offwards. Detective (V.O): Every man is made of glassevery man can be shattered once, never to be put back together again. That's the crummy part of life. Once you're shattered, there's no hope of going back. I've been shattered for years. Before I got into this detective business, I was still a beautiful glass sculpture, being molded and shaped. And then it happened I shattered. Some are shattered by drugs, or alcohol.not me. What shattered me was a beautiful woman. Crossfade with The face of Sarah imposed on the side with a close up of the side of the detective's face, who continues to be suspended in thought. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Sarah, was her name. The fact that she existed wasn't what caused it. That was what kept me molded. CUT TO: Sarah as she paints an interesting painting. The Detective walks behind her, delicately putting his hands on her shoulders and kisses her on the cheek. She looks at him and smears a paint covered hand on his cheek. He looks surprised and dips his hand in paint as well, smearing her face with it as well. She pushes him away playfully and they get into a cute tussle, ending up with her kissing him deeply and passionately. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) The thought of a bright bright future with eachother, living in a decent home, while she makes her money selling her paintings.. CROSSFade to: The detective playing the saxophone in a jazz club. Sarah watches in the front row, smiling happily. A sweaty drenched detective notices her and raises a seductive eyebrow, bursting into a climatic solo, much to Sarahs delight. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) While I make money playing in a jazz band. CUT TO: Ext. Streets of downtown city. Night. The Detective and Sarah walk briskly down the street holding hands. DETECTIVE (V.O.) We were happy. Then it happened. CUT TO: INT. SLEAZY apartment. Night A door opening up revealing Sarah and another guy in bed. The shadow of the detective is seen in front of the light protruding from outside. Close up of the detective's face. A glass shatters to the floor. DETECTIVE (V.O.) Another man. The damn whore. She used me. She needed an excuse to move to Chicago, to get away from her parents. Her parents loved me, thought I was good for her. But what she really wanted was this sleazy scumbag. CUT TO: EXT. Night. streets of Downtown city. Sarah puts her hands on the chest of her secret lover as he leans against a wall. DETECTIVE (V.O.) 00020000082100000A3F81B,A drug dealer, a compulsive gambler. A loser. Her High Their lips about to touch DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) School Lips touching DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Sweetheart. Lips kissing Their hands clasp together, as they walk down the same exact street that Sarah and The Detective walked down before DETECTIVE (V.O) (CONT'D) Her parents hated him. For good reason too. Left her all alone at her senior prom because he was too drunk to even get out of the car to take her in. She told me about him. She never told me she was still in love with him CUT TO: INT. DETECtives office. The detective sits behind his desk. He gets, moving towards the nearby window. DETECTIVE (V.O.) That's when I shattered and moved back here. I studied law and found my refuge through it. It kept my mind off of the past. But nights like this, when I'm sitting in my office, isolated from the crooks, the murderers, the whores, the pimps..I think about her. The detective moves to the window and peeks outside. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) She took my heart..and will always have it. Detective moves back and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) When you're shattered, you no longer have a true goal to reach. You do things jus' for the hell of it. This detective job..I could care less about who gets murdered and who gets caught. He goes and lights a match. The detective stares, transfixed on the withering match. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Let all of the suckers of this God forsaken city burn for all I care. I'll light the match that starts the fire myself. Just let them provide their fuel. Detective takes one drag out of his cigarette DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) But it keeps me occupied. Maybe through this I feel like I'm making myself into something better than her. I wanted to be better then her. The detective puts his cigarette in an ashtray then turns slowly and fixes himself a drink, but only a small drink. He swirls the drink around in its cup watching it with a thoughtful eye before taking a sip out of it and looking back at his case file. 0002000009240000125A91E,DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) To succumb to alcohol and become a drunk stumbling shell of myself would have made me less then her. I wanted to go through life knowing that I stood for something. Maybe I could pick up some pieces along the way. But a shattered sculpture that is glued back together is just shards of pieces glued together to resemble what it was before. .. But the past can't be dwelled on. I got a murderer to catch. EXT. crime scene The detective is there looking down at a dead body, a red ribbon tied upon its neck. DETECTIVE (V.O.) The red ribbon murderer. I've been on his trail for months. He leaves a red ribbon with a clue attached to it, addressed to me personally. The detective reaches down and pulls it off, reading the message that comes with it. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Funny, red is my favorite color. It says " Three behind the Warehouse. A saxophone player will die there. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) "three behind the warehouse. A saxophone player dies there." Easiest clue yet. They've been getting easier lately. He's either getting lazy Detective walks back up the street with the ribbon in hand. DETECTIVE(V.O.) (CONT'D) Getting bored The detective gets in the car and closes the door. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Or he wants to be caught. The Detective takes a drink of his wine. He finishes it off and sets the wine glass next to a gun. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) If he doesn't go down like good wine.I got a bullet for his skull. The detective puts on his suspenders, ties his tie, looks at his watch and see's that it's 2:30. He throws his coat on and grabs his gun. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Sure, the powers that be don't like having to deal with the paperwork when I kill someone.but if I have an excuse, I will kill whenever I have too. The detective gets in his car and drives off. Camera lingers and zooms in slowly on a bicycle. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) It used to bother me to kill. Back when she was in my life. But killing is like riding a bike. As soon as ya get the hang of it, it kind of gets fun. Except you don't want to tell people that. EXT. warehouse willies. The Detective parks his car outside of the front of the building. DETECTIVE (V.O.) Warehouse Willie's. Great food. I recommend the potato soup. There's going to be a murder here, unless I can stop it. 00020000065300001B7864D,A man with a saxophone walks out and stands outside. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Man walking out the backdoor of Warehouse Willie's. Saxophone in hand. The victim. Another man walking fast is visible, approaching the alleyway with his hands in his pockets DETECTIVE(V.O.) (CONT'D) There's another man walking rather fast toward the alley. The detective watches and gets out of his car. DETECTIVE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Time to go to work. The man walking fast walks into the alley. The saxophone player watching the man walk towards him DETECTIVE (CONT'D) Freeze. -The man stops in his tracks and puts his hands up. Suddenly a gunshot is heard. The man with his hands up falls to the ground. Detective is surprised and points the gun at the saxophone player who is pointing a gun at the detective, his identity still skewed by a fedora hat.- DETECTIVE (CONT'D) Put down your weapon now! WOMAN'S VOICE: Why should I.when you didn't. The detective hesitates DETECTIVE Sarah? The saxophone player walks into the light. It is Sarah. Sarah Two years with you, JamesI knew what you were trying to do. Gonna 1 up me were ya? Yeah I used yajus like I used everybody. I'm a determined woman and I'm goin' to get what I want. So I found you, all standin' there that night at Jackie's club.tryin' to look suave, but too nice and shy to whistle at the dames like the othas. You were perfect for my parents DETECTIVE I loved you Sarah (Laughing) Of course ya did. I gave ya everythin' ya wanted.and what did ya go an' do once ya found out that I was nothin' but a liar and a cheata'? You won't tell anyone that will ya? 000200000A01000021C59FB, DETECTIVE It doesn't matter. SARAH IT DOES. IT DOES MATTER! I gave you love, James. I broke ya heart. You shoulda protected yourself more..that's your fault. You didn't have to do what you did.ya shot him James. Twice in the chest.one in the head Did that kill the pain, James DETECTIVE You know it didn't Sarah SARAH Yaof course it didn'tit never does. DETECTIVE Then what are you doing? SARAH You broke me down like I broke you down. You wanted to take everything good away from me. Ya shoulda killed me instead!! I want you to do what you shoulda done that night. You should've killed me, James. You should've just killed me. I don't wanna live in a world without anything anymore! I don't have anything. NOTHING! The detective drops his gun and goes to hug Sarah Detective I'll be here for ya. Ya still got me, darling, you always have. Just stay here with me. Well rebuild what we shouldve had. I dont have anything neither, Sarah. All I have is you and the memories we made, before. Lets jus.... - A gunshot is heard. Another gunshot is heard. The detective looks surprised. He looks at Sarah. Sarah is crying. The detective backs up and looks at his stomach. He looks back up at Sarah. He gives off a slight smirk, shakes his head as if hes been told a so bad, its good. joke. He shoots Sarah. Sarah reacts and stumbles against the wall,slipping down it dead. He stumbles over and falls against the wall, slipping down next to her. He grabs the saxophone from around her neck and starts playing.- DETECTIVE (V.O.) There's always going to be parts of the story that the storyteller leaves out to gather more sympathy towards it's central character. You don't think Robin Hood might have had a drinking problem? Maybe King Arthur was a homosexual. It's all left out so that the person can get you to root for them. Fitting end. Two people shattered eachother. But in the end, the bitch still got the one up on me. Maybe I did kill Sarah's high school sweetheart. I did pin him for a murder he didn't commit, then murdered him in his jail cell. I planted evidence and did wrong. I didn't want to tell ya that. A shattered statue can only be shattered once. What remains is the pieces. What does that make death? -Broken glass lays on the ground while the detective continues to play the saxophone. The winds blows softly, causing dirt and dust to fly over it.- DETECTIVE (CONT'D) Quite frankly, when death comes to take me..it won't matter a damn bit. I'll just turn into sand And scatter. - Cut to black.- ROLL CREDITS0004000005D2000000DD0B9A15C3CF42CA9FB2CB3DC4EDA10E7E220C221E22EC22FE24F1025BE28A13293B299C31ED338E34EC34FE39FB3A7C54FD56AE58310589E5961059FE5ECC5ED135F6B5FBC6E0D6FAE727B730A756C79AD7ACE7CFB7D7A7F4C8C2D8D4E9A3109ABE9ACB9B4A9DACA2CDA3EEA77CA91DAABEAB3CAC1DADBEAE7CB68DB81EC60BC68AC81CCD0DCE1CCE2EDE7CE1CDE37EE65CEA4DEBFEF7CCFD1DFECE1088C10B7D10D1E115DC125AD1274E1409A141AC146FD1480E150BC1561D157BE159CC15E6E15E7D1601E163FC1640E1690C16CDD16E6E16F5C1728D1742E175CC17BFD17D9E17F9101800E181DC18A7D18C1E1914101920E1957C19B7D19D1E1A52101A54E1A93A1AACC1AEFD1B01E1B78C1BAED1BC8E1BDC101BE4E1C1CC1C78D1C91E1CCBC1CFAD1D14E1D28C1D8AD1D9DE1DA5C1EBBD1ECFE1EEAC1EEBD1EFAE1F05101F0CE1F19C1F31D1F3BE1F43C1F7BD1F81E1F95101F9DE1FBF101FC4E1FE2101FE8E201F102024E204D102055E207310207FE20C51020CBE20EDD20F7E2104D210A112115E213210213CE214010214BE217F102186E21981021A0E21C5D21D0E21E5D21EBE223310223AE228710228FE22AD1022B7E22E4D22EEE2309D230FE2310102316E232110232AE2338D2342E235CD2362E23C01023C7E23F61023FDE24A5C24D7D24E1E25C7D25C9C26DFF26E4C27C1D27D3E292010292AE2A8AC2B1FD2B32E2BA3B2BB4122BC2120005000003FE0000009B091015AB3BC4C220A221C22EA22FC28AE299A31EB338C34EA34FC39FE3A7A54FB56AC5ECA5EDE5FBA6E0B6FAC727E73010756A79AB7ACC7CFE7D7107F4A8C2B8D4C9ACE9B4109DAAA2CBA3ECA77AA91BAABCAB3AAC1BADBCAE7AB68BB81CC60EC6810C81ACD0BCE1ACE2CDE7AE1CBE37CE65AEA4BEBFCF7CAFD1BFECC1088A10B7B10D1C115DA125AB1274C140910141AA146FB1480C150BA1561B157BC159CA15E6C15E7B1601C163FA1640C1690A16CDB16E6C16F5A1728B1742C175CA17BFB17D9C181DA18A7B18C1C1957A19B7B19D1C1A93101AACA1AEFB1B01C1B78A1BAEB1BC8C1C1CA1C78B1C91C1CCBA1CFAB1D14C1D28A1D8AB1D9DC1DA5A1EBBB1ECFC1EEAA1EEBB1EFAC1F19A1F31B1F3BC1F43A1F7BB1F81C20EDB20F7C2104B210AD2115C21C5B21D0C21E5B21EBC22E4B22EEC2309B230FC2338B2342C235CB2362C24A5A24D7B24E1C25C7B25C9A27C1B27D3C2A8AA2B1FB2B32C2BA3E2BB4F2BC2000060000046B00000014E0C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 3093010FFFF0C00000 10 3093020FFFF0C00000 10-103093030FFFF0C00000 10 3093040FFFF0C00000 10-103093050FFFF0C00000 10 3093060FFFF0C00000 10 3093070FFFF0C00000 10-103093080FFFF0C00000 10-1030930-20FFFF0C00000 90-1030930-70FFFF0C00000 E0-1030930-30FFFF0C00000 360 30930-40FFFF0C00000 310-1030930-60FFFF0C00000 5D0 30930-30FFFF0C00000 30-1030930-60FFFF0C00000 1D0-1030930-50FFFF0C00000 10 30930-80FFFF0C00000 10-1030930-70FFFF0C00000 20-10 -1000070000026F0000001101018016C480 1018026C4801801018036C480C0101804FC5A0C0101805D8-70 101806B40 1018020718C630C01018086C48018010180-718C630C010180-36C480C02A0180-4FC5A0C02D0180-6B40 340180-5D8-70 1018020-718C630C080180-86C48018010180-26C480180701800008000002BE0000000440,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E407010100000011640,Courier40,Courier Final Draft12401614E407010101040,Courier Final Draft40,104070114E407010300009000000170000000202DE57B02DE57B000A0000001D00000002718B31F3EF718B31F3EF000B00000005000000020000C00000018000000017CE53A2FC50771000F000000590000000050E0A0 104,@7y4,77A4,4,4,4,54,0900130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF001280000000C000000012BC2001290000000C000000012BC20FFFE000000060002000177AAD v XFFFF000000060002000177AA0000000000550000000020001101-777C6F000480048-20F20612E-10 F264FFFF010200001000000340000000103408105AF20A20388000203F20A0000200000007000000003,[].00040000000C00000003023530005000000090000000201500006000000EE0000000430C30FFFF0C00000 10 10930FFFF0C00000 20 10C201020040FFFF0C00000 10404AC5012E71504010930FFFF0C00000 10438B900 00070000003800000002010180205A0 101800008000001690000000240,System40,Courier10A014E440007014000100000011640,Courier Final Draft40,Courier104070114E4070101000000116000900000005000000020000A00000013000000020F2640F264000B00000005000000020000C0000000A0000000101000F0000005500000000400 10 104,77A4,104,|4,4, |4,014,F2000130000007E00000000DA91F8CE1C1D1E1F7F1B044,-..'"FFFF0FFFF0012800000009000000015001290000000900000001500014000000AC00000000E715045C23E20421E7150802C,E,42,>Page #aN! 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