L2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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a Native American male in his late twenties, is tied with a rope and being dragged behind a POSSE OF COWBOYS on horseback. He is naked and beaten. His HORSE follows at a safe distance as if it knows what to do. INT. HUNTSVILLE PRISON 1878 NIGHT White Bear is chained to a wall with thick shackles. He is bleeding and looks near death. A nearby CONVICT COWBOY speaks across from another cell. CONVICT COWBOY Hey, White Bear. Are you okay chief? White Bear opens one eye and looks around. Quietly, he slips easily out of the shackles. Moving over to the bars, he whispers. White Bear That word you taught to me. Can you write it on the paper? CONVICT COWBOY Sure. The Convict Cowboy finds a small piece of paper and a pencil and scribbles something down. He tosses it through the bars. White Bear takes it and ties it into his long stringy hair. White Bear Did you make the knife? The Convict Cowboy goes to his bunk and lifts up the mattress. He takes out a hand made blade and slides it to White Bear. CONVICT COWBOY Its a sharp one alright. Best I ever done. I hope you kill all those son of a bitches. White Bear Okay. Thank you. He puts the blade under his own mattress. Someone is coming so he quickly assumes his position in the shackles. A COWBOY JAILER comes into his cell and taunts him. He spits at him and pokes him in the chest. JAILER Big bad Chief White Bear. You dont look so mean now. Lets see you escape this time! White Bear whispers something. The Jailer moves a little closer to him. JAILER (CONTD) Are you saying something to the Devil? White Bear bites the man on his mouth. The Jailers cries are muted with the blood from his own lips. White Bear slips out of his shackles and overcomes the Jailer in a short second, knocking him out cold. He removes his own prison uniform and lays it on his bunk. Taking out the blade, he cuts strips and ties the Jailer up, gags him, and takes his keys. 00020000083F000007B1839,From a crack in the wall, something evil and unseen observes. White Bear walks over to the shaving mirror on the wall. He takes the piece of paper from his hair. The word innocent is printed crudely. While looking in the mirror, he carves the word into his skin at the abdomen. As he slices himself, it becomes clear that the letters are exactly in reverse. Blood spills onto the dirt floor. The Convict Cowboy watches in awe until White Bear finishes carving his flesh then unlocks his own cell door. CONVICT COWBOY Theyll kill you when they catch you. You know that dont ya? White Bear Yes, and I will set all the spirits free. You have seen them, yes? He passes the Convict Cowboy and gives him the keys and blade. With a silent nod, White Bear is gone. EXT. OUTSIDE THE HUNTSVILLE PRISON 1878 NIGHT White Bear makes the sound of a locust and his horse comes running up into position. White Bear leaps on and rides away into the darkness. EXT. EAST TEXAS WILDERNESS 1878 DAY White Bear is once again tied with rope and being dragged behind the Posse of Cowboys. His horse follows behind but this time, a YOUNG COWBOY breaks from the Posse, finds Yellow Tail, and shoots the animal dead. INT. HUNTSVILLE PRISON 1878 NIGHT Several COWBOYS and the Jailer hold White Bear back, pinning his arms and legs. He struggles as an OLDER COWBOY takes a knife and drives it deep into his stomach, just above the mirror imaged carving of the word innocent. Blood spills thick onto the dirt floor as they hold him until they are sure he is dead. The Jailer then takes the knife from the Older Cowboy. They take White Bear to the top floor railing and throw him off. He lands on the ground in a twisted heap. OLDER COWBOY Poor savage went and killed his self. JAILER Sure did. Suddenly it gets very dark. Outside the barred window, a storm surges from nowhere. Lighting strikes with a loud thunder clap. From the crack in the wall, something horrible emerges. The Cowboys and Jailer scream in terror. They run as the shadow of the evil unseen creatures overcomes them. Blood runs down the sandstone wall. 00020000064100000FEA63B,INT. A DORM STYLE PRISON THE PRESENT DAY On a table in the day-room are several objects including a plastic fan, a small alarm clock, a radio, and a plastic electric heating pot. WALTER JONES, a thirty-year-old inmate sits smiling, as he seems to be having an auction. He is surrounded by shouting INMATES in solid white uniforms. WALTER What do I hear for a fully functioning hot-pot, not quite eight years old. It has been slightly altered of course. The other INMATES clamor with bids and laughs. Dorm INMATE #1 I got two stamps! Dorm INMATE #2 Ill do three stamps and a rubber band! WALTER I want to remind you that all your money is being donated to a worthy cause! Walter points to INMATE #3 who smiles and stands up. Dorm INMATE #3 Im just a poor indigent soul. The others laugh and continue the bidding. Dorm INMATE #2 All right then, I'll make it three stamps, a rubber band, and a shot of coffee. WALTER Sold! I now offer this clothesline. It is in excellent condition. I will also throw in this radio, complete with headphones that still make sound on the left and right side, a rare thing even when new. The party atmosphere continues as the bidding and laughing fades into the night. INT. A DORM STYLE PRISON NIGHT Walter sits at a table across from an OLD GUARD in a tired gray uniform. The guard fills out a property form as Walter lists his meager belongings and places them in a red mesh bag. OLD GUARD Thats it? Just these letters? WALTER Yes sir boss-man. OLD GUARD Says here youre going to The Walls in Huntsville. You must be going home. How much time did you do? 00020000071600001625710,WALTER Eight on a dime. OLD GUARD You made parole? I didnt think anybody made parole anymore. WALTER I got lucky I guess. OLD GUARD Just dont be coming back here. All right? WALTER No sir. OLD GUARD I bet you werent trying to come here this time except that you got caught. WALTER Hell no sir. I was innocent. The Old Guard smiles and gives a copy of the paperwork to Walter and then attaches a sticker to the red mesh bag. OLD GUARD You and everybody else. WALTER Is the Walls Unit the same as the Huntsville Unit? OLD GUARD Yep. Its been there since eighteen forty-eight. Thats where the old prison cemetery is too. Peckerwood Hill they call it. For them poor bastards who die in here and dont got family to claim the body. They do all the executions there too. About one a week seems like. WALTER Yes sir. OLD GUARD Yep. Only two ways out of Texas Prison, the front door and the back door, and they are both at The Walls. WALTER Yes sir. OLD GUARD Alright then, good luck to you son. He stands up and leaves. Walter is left in the day-room. Dorm Inmate #3 comes up quietly and joins him at the table. All the others in the dorm are asleep. WALTER This is like eight years of a terrible dream. Dorm INMATE #3 Yeah. Im wanting you to have some of this money you raised for me. He places a handful of stamps on the table. WALTER Im going home. You keep it. Dorm INMATE #3 You never been to The Walls before? WALTER No. Dorm INMATE #3 They gonna take you to the old East building. That bitch is haunted as hell. Its all closed up but they keep a couple of them old cells for storage. Thats where the free world clothes are. For five stamps, the old boy who works over there will lace you up good. Otherwise you get those ho-ass welfare looking clothes. You go out looking like a clown. You feel me? 00020000064400001D3563E,WALTER Yeah. You know what though? My wife will meet me there and take me straight home. It wont matter what I look like. INMATE #3 Your wife huh? Damn youre lucky. I aint heard from my people in five, six years. WALTER I tell you what though. If you got one stamp, one envelope, and one sheet of paper, I can write a little poem for her to get later. Like a surprise after Im already home. INMATE #3 Thats romantic. I like that. Okay then. You want I should mail it for you? WALTER Yeah. That would be real nice. Walter smiles as the man walks away into the darkness of the dormitory. INT. A LIVING ROOM DAY ALICIA JONES, a woman the same age as Walter, sits on a couch. She is laughing. She begins to float in the air as she laughs. Walter joins her and they float together. ALICIA Tell me. Who am I? WALTER My precious baby. ALICIA Tell me how you love me. WALTER To the stars and back. ALICIA Tell me how you hold me. WALTER Forever. Ill never let you go. Alicia giggles and smiles. Suddenly it gets very dark and they both sink to the floor. The room becomes foreboding. A steam whistle blows in the distance. ALICIA I thought you were home to stay. Why do you have to go back? WALTER I wont be free until tomorrow darling. I have to go back. ALICIA Dont leave me. I cant take another night. It isnt fair. Everything gets very bright. Alicia screams. AlICIA (CONTD) Walter! INT. A DORM STYLE PRISON DAY A GUARD shines a flashlight in Walters face, waking him from his dream. MORNING GUARD Walter Jones! WALTER 7747834! MORNING GUARD Get up! Youre on the chain. Lets move it! 000200000703000023736FD,EXT. A LOADING AREA DAY Walter is among several Inmates chained together in pairs. They wear sleeveless jumpsuits with Transit written in large letters on the back. They are loaded onto a rusty old bus, reinforced with steel bars and plates. Each man carries his red mesh bag of meager belongings. The Guards yell and scream in the background. EXT. A LONG HIGHWAY DAY The bus moves down the road as the sun rises. It moves past several farms and other landmarks and finally a sign that reads Huntsville 15 miles. The back of the bus has its own sign that reads, Get Respect! Be a Correctional Officer! Call 1-800 TEX WORK. EXT. A FAST FOOD DRIVE THROUGH DAY A CHUBBY GUARD sits in the front seat of the bus and strains to see the menu. The DRIVER of the bus calls back to the SHOTGUN GUARD who is riding in a small cage at the back of the bus. DRIVER What do you want? SHOTGUN GUARD I just want french-fries and an orange soda. DRIVER Do you want to super size that? SHOTGUN GUARD Of course. CHUBBY GUARD I want double meat and double cheese. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WALLS UNIT DAY Razor wire gleams on top of huge red brick walls. Up high on one corner is a small wooden picket. A guard with a rifle sits in a chair, asleep. The picket overlooks the historic Huntsville Walls Unit. The bus pulls up next to a gate below the picket. It opens slowly and the bus rolls inside. INT. A LARGE GARAGE DAY The Inmates are unloaded from the bus onto a ramp that leads even further into the prison compound. Walter steps off the bus chained to another Inmate. The Shotgun Guard is dipping fries into ketchup while drinking from the super size cup and trying to balance the shotgun in one hand. The shotgun gets dropped and it fires toward the Inmates. Walter and the others hit the floor. 00020000061800002A70612,The Driver and the Chubby Guard laugh uncontrollably. CHUBBY GUARD You almost got you one! SHOTGUN GUARD I spilled my damn drink. INT. A LARGE GYMNASIUM DAY The Inmates line up against a wall of a gym sectioned by wire mesh into giant birdcages. Guards walk around with folders and call out names. Inmates respond and come forward to one of several tables. MRS HALE, a woman in her sixties or seventies, reads over papers at one of the tables. She is one of few dressed in regular clothes. Walter stands in one of the cages and waits. Two INMATES HEADED HOME talk nearby. HEADED HOME #1 Im gonna get a steak and a salad. HEADED HOME #2 Youre killing me here. HEADED HOME #1 And a potato with butter. HEADED HOME #2 I aint never gonna have another bean in my life. Or ho-ass noodles. HEADED HOME #1 Eating with a knife and fork on a real plate. Sitting on a chair that aint made of metal. Carpet under my feet. HEADED HOME #2 Looking out a window with curtains. Seeing grass. Weeds even. The two Inmates keep on daydreaming as Walter suddenly gets teary eyed. He moves away and sits alone in a corner. A BABY FACED GUARD steps in the cage with a file folder. He is eating a chocolate bar. He looks at the file folder closely and then looks again. BABY FACED GUARD Walker! Walker Jones! Jones Walker? Walter Jumps forward and waves. WALTER Yeah! Thats me boss-man. Its Walter Jones, 7747834. The Baby Faced Guard looks at the file folder for the number under a chocolate smudge. BABY FACED GUARD It says Walker Jones. That aint you so sit down. 00020000063D00003082637,WALTER Im sure its me boss. Check my number. BABY FACED GUARD I said sit down! WALTER But Im sure its me boss. BABY FACED GUARD Sit down now! Walter moves toward him and points to the folder. WALTER Just check my number. 7747834! BABY FACED GUARD Back off! Im warning you! Walter grabs the folder but the Baby Faced Guard holds firm. They grapple with it until it falls to the ground. WALTER 7747834! Look at my number you moron! I can see if from here! BABY FACED GUARD Get the fuck away from me! The Baby Faced Guard pulls out his pepper spray can and fires a stream into Walters eyes. Walter stands his ground. WALTER 7747834! 7747834! BABY FACED GUARD I need some help over here! Some guards come running over and the rest of the Inmates back away, covering their faces from the fumes. Walter chokes and his eyes burn red as he stands firm. WALTER 7747834. 7747834. 7747834. The guards throw him to the ground and cuff him. Outside the cage, LIEUTENANT LAREAU, a tall man of military stature, approaches. He moves near Mrs. Hale as the Baby Faced Guard shouts to his helpers. BABY FACED GUARD Take this idiot to cell restriction! LT LAREAU Hold up! BABy FACE GUARD This Inmate attacked me sir! WALTER Im going home! Why would I attack anybody? BABY FACED GUARD Shut up! LT LAREAU You will take him to Four Building with everyone else until we sort this out. Walter is escorted out with his eyes swollen red and mucous dripping from his nose. Mrs. Hale approaches Lt. Lareau, both of them coughing as well. MRS HALE Lieutenant Lareau, I saw that boy provoke that Inmate. LT LAREAU 0002000006F5000036B96EF,That doesnt surprise me. If you want to do a follow-up on the incident, I will approve it. MRS HALE Thanks Dan. As the Lieutenant marches out, he makes eye contact with SERGEANT DICKENSON, a short red-faced man in his forties. Sergeant Dickenson smiles weakly. He then orders an INMATE WITH A BROOM. SGT DICKENSON S.S.I.! Clean this shit up. JANITOR INMATE Yes boss-man. The S.S.I. sweeps up mess, including the chocolate bar wrapper and the file folder marked Walker, Jones 7747834. Mrs. Hale stops and picks the file up from the rest of the trash. INT. FOUR BUILDING DAY Walter sits on a narrow bunk in a small cell with his head hanging low. Mrs. Hale appears silently. She watches him for a second. MRS HALE Walter Jones? WALTER Yes maam. MRS HALE My name is Mrs. Hale. I am the parole administrator. Are you hungry? I ordered a johnny-sack for you. WALTER Yes maam. Thank you. MRS HALE I saw what happened down there and I cant blame you for getting angry. These places are over-run with geniuses, as you well know. WALTER Yes maam. MRS HALE Luckily, the Lieutenant was there as well. This can get really complicated. A disciplinary charge has already been filed by that young guard. Do you understand what that means? WALTER Ive never had a disciplinary case. MRS HALE If this makes it to the parole board, they could annul your release recommendation. Im going to make sure that does not happen, but I need you to keep a cool head. Do you understand? WALTER Yes, maam. Whats going to happen to me? MRS HALE I will call you to my office tomorrow. Everyone else will be released around eight oclock tomorrow night. I dont think you will make it with that group, but stay with me on this and well get you home. Do you have a number I can call for you? 00020000068900003DA8683,WALTER Yes, my wife. Mrs. Hale points to a number in Walters file. MRS HALE Is this the same number? Walter nods and hangs his head, fighting back tears. MRS HALE (CONTD) I wont go into detail. I will just tell her there was a delay. WALTER Thank you. Ill keep my cool. MRS HALE Whatever they tell you, however they treat you, just go along. Okay? Dont make any waves whatsoever. WALTER Yes maam. Im not here to make trouble. I just want to go home. MRS HALE Alright. She leaves quietly. Walter leans up against the wall for a second, then he jumps as a cockroach crawls on him. He watches it crawl away. Outside the cell, an INMATE approaches carrying a box full of brown paper sacks. JOHNNY-SACK INMATE Are you Jones? I got a johnny for you. He pushes one of the brown paper bags through the bars and Walter picks it up eagerly. WALTER Yes, thanks. Walter quickly eats the hard-boiled egg and dry sandwich from inside the bag. EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL DAY BUDDY GRANT, a giant over-sized Inmate, pats the ground of the old cemetery with his shovel. He stands over a grave marker that reads Chief White Bear 1878. Buddy looks over his shoulder at MR. KILROY, a middle aged guard who shouts constantly. MR KILROY God damn it Buddy! Are you that stupid? I got no time for your Indian Voodoo crap. I got two bodies stinking in that morgue and it looks like its gonna rain all goddamned week. Get your retarded ass over here and dig some goddamned holes. BUDDY Yes boss-man. Buddy takes a feather from his huge boot and places it in the ground and covers it up. He looks up at the clouds and smiles. Mr. Kilroy turns and stomps away, cursing under his breath. 0002000005EC0000442B5E6,BUDDY (CONTD) Hear me benevolent warrior. This present year has brought us to the tempest, the blighted sacrament, and the feast of the innocent ominous ones. I enlist to serve you should the game begin. Mr. Kilroy appears again. MR KILROY Goddamned freak! What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you not hear a fucking thing? BUDDY Yes sir boss-man. Buddy turns and ambles away with a giant smile. EXT. A BEAUTIFUL BEACH DAY Alicia Jones is smiling and waving. She runs down the beach and then turns around and waves again. Walter runs for a few steps and then floats in the air toward her. ALICIA Hurry up baby! I got a surprise for you! WALTER I hope its a cold drink with ice in it. ALICIA Nope! Better than that even. WALTER Its been eight years since Ive seen ice in a glass. This must be good! ALICIA Youll see! Laughing, she runs away down the beach. The beach gets brighter and a loud noise of clanging metal breaks the peaceful scene. INT. FOUR BUILDING NIGHT Walter wakes from his dream as a bright light from a flashlight is shining into his face. A STERN FACED GUARD stands outside the bars, banging a clipboard onto the metal. She screams. STERN FACE Walker Jones! Count time! WALTER 7747834! She looks down at her roster of Inmates on her clipboard. She bangs the clipboard against the bars again. STERN FACE I.D. card! He scrambles around and finds his I.D. card under his bare mattress and hands it to her. She checks him off her list and continues on, banging and shouting as she goes. 00020000065000004A1164A,Walter sits up and shouts after her. WALTER Its Walter with a T! How hard is that? He senses someones presence and strains to look out but the bars obstruct his view to either side. EARNEST, a ghost from the 1930s is lurking just out of site. He appears as a small thin teenager and wears an old-fashioned striped uniform. EARNEST I cant get used to having ladies working in the cell block. It just dont seem right. Walter presses his face to the bars and looks hard to one side but still cant see who is speaking. WALTER Who are you? An S.S.I.? EARNEST I aint no glorified janitor! I was an orderly in my day. My name is Earnest. Dont you just hate that midnight count? WALTER Im Walter. And yeah, midnight count sucks. All of it sucks. EARNEST You reckon when you get home and somebody wakes you up in the middle of the night, your gonna call out that number? WALTER Probably. EARNEST I hear you got wrangled out of the herd. You doing alright in there? WALTER Its a nightmare that doesnt want to end. EARNEST Them bosses dont have your best interest in mind. No matter what they say. WALTER After eight years, I still wake up and wonder how I ended up in here. EARNEST I know. WALTER You work this late? EARNEST I just roam around mostly. Every few years I get to stir up a little ruckus. WALTER How long have you been locked up? EARNEST Ive been here for a minute. WALTER Not to be rude. You just sound really young. EARNEST Mrs. Hale says shes going spring you outa here huh? WALTER Ill be home tomorrow. Thank god. A couple of seconds go by. Walter looks out into the darkness of the run. 0002000007820000505B77C,WALTER (CONTD) Earnest? Are you there? The run is empty and no one answers. Walter waits a second and then lays back down on his bunk and closes his eyes. INT. EAST BUILDING 1934 DAY Walter floats in the air and watches. Earnest is rolling a cart of food trays down the main run in a very ancient looking cell block. Convicts in striped uniforms wander about. A GUARD escorts Earnest and unlocks an iron gate marked ROW 15 DEATH ROW. Earnest rolls the cart as CHARLIE FRAZIER, a sinister looking convict, slips through the gate behind him. They move to a cell where, BLACKIE THOMPSON, a mean ugly death row resident, waits. The Escort Guard unlocks the cell door and both Blackie and Charlie attack him and beat him unconscious, leaving him in the cell on the floor. The trio moves down the run and they release two other convicts, RAY HAMILTON and JOE PALMER. Walter watches from above in amazement as Earnest leads the gang through an outside exit. EXT. THE YARD 1934 DAY Walter follows in the air as the gang make their way out onto the courtyard of the prison unit. Several other Convicts in stripes are hanging out and playing basketball. WHITEY WALKER and ROY JOHNSON, two more sinister convicts, join the gang and pull out guns concealed in their boots. A loud clang of metal interrupts the action. INT. FOUR BUILDING PRESENT - DAY Walter lays on a mattress with no sheets. He is dripping with sweat from the heat. The Stern Faced Guard bangs her clipboard on the bars and wakes him from his dream. STERN FACE Walter Jones! WALTER 7747834! STERN FACE Get dressed and report to the Searchers Desk. She walks on by and Walter scrambles to put his jumpsuit on. He grabs his red mesh bag and his boots as the cell door rolls open with a loud crash. He moves quickly out just as the bars slam closed behind him. Boots and bag in hand, he hurries down the run to the stairs and down to the bottom row. 000200000667000057D7661,He sees the Stern Faced Guard standing near the cell block gate with keys in her hands. She opens the gate and stares at him as he stumbles to put on his black boots. WALTER Where is the Searchers Desk? STERN FACE Between West Building and the old East Building. WALTER Where is that exactly? STERN FACE Go across the yard and past the Captains office. Walter runs through the gate into a confusing maze of iron stairs and steel catwalks. He changes directions a few times and then finally finds a door. He pushes it open and falls out into the courtyard. EXT. THE YARD DAY Walter moves quickly, looking all around him. The buildings that surround him look exactly like those in his dream. He passes the familiar recreation area and then runs straight into FRANK, a very jolly man in his sixties. Frank stands with his cane on his arm. FRANK Hold up there new boots! Are you trying to get a haircut or trying to get somewhere? Walter looks up and sees and old striped barber pole in front of a red brick hut. WALTER Im sorry. I need to be at the Searchers Desk. Frank smiles and points to his left. FRANK I can lace you up, no problem. Just ride in that general direction and youll drive straight up to it. WALTER Alright. Walter heads that direction. Sergeant Dickenson appears with the Baby Faced Guard. SGT DICKENSON Where the fuck are you headed? Walter stops dead in his tracks. Sgt. Dickenson gets up in his face. The Baby Faced Guard snickers and follows behind. WALTER To the Searchers Desk sir. SGT DICKENSON What the fuck are you doing walking on my goddamn grass? Get over behind that yellow line and stand there. 0002000007DE00005E387D8,Walter looks desperately but sees no grass or yellow line. The entire courtyard is concrete but he moves to where the officer seems to point. The Baby Faced Guard takes Walters red mesh bag and throws it to the ground. He kicks it like a football. The Sergeant and the Baby Faced Guard laugh out loud and then sit down on a bench and stare at Walter as he stands there. Frank watches from the front of the Barber Shop. Finally CAPTAIN SIMON, a physically fit man in his thirties, comes out of another red brick hut marked with a sign that reads CAPTAINS OFFICE. He stands in the doorway. CAPT SIMON What do you want? WALTER Im supposed to report to the Searchers Desk. Captain Simon points to a spot on the pavement. CAPT SIMON You dont ever walk here. You only walk there, on the outside. Got it? WALTER Yes sir. CAPT SIMON The Searchers Desk is just inside that door between those two old buildings back there. Walter quickly retrieves his red mesh bag and moves along. INT. SEARCHERS DESK DAY Walter approaches the desk cautiously. CLARA, a young woman in her twenties is seated there. The desk is cluttered with assorted snack foods and drinks. OFFICER COOK, a mischievous looking male guard in his early twenties, stands talking with her. Clara You could never afford me. Cook Dont underestimate my potential. CLARA Ill see about your potential during count-time. You just show up. COOK Ill put the bastards in their cells so it dont take so long. Give me more time to impress you. CLARA Yeah, you do that. Cook leaves and Clara goes back to eating her snacks. Walter stands for a more few seconds as she eats and ignores him. Then she speaks without looking up. CLARA (CONTD) What do you want? WALTER I was sent here. CLARA Number? WALTER 7747834! She looks over at a list of names and then places two slips of paper at the edge of the desk and continues eating. Walter steps forward and takes the slips, reads them and takes a deep breath. WALTER (CONTD) Is Mrs. Hale in her office? 00020000067C00006610676,CLARA No. WALTER How about Lt. Lareau? CLARA He is on vacation. Are you refusing your job assignment or housing assignment? Do you want to go to lock up? WALTER No maam. I am just new here and I dont know where anything is. Thats all. She looks up at Walter for the first time. She sticks out her hand. CLARA Slips! Walter hands her the two slips of paper. She reads them and hands them back. CLARA (CONTD) Right over there is a breezeway that goes to West Building. There is steel gate that opens up into four sections. Each of them has a steel gate. B line is the one on the left and three row is on the main run. Go down the stairs to one row, drop off your stuff and show this slip to the key boss. Then you can go to the showers and change into regular whites instead of that jumpsuit. The kitchen is the big building behind the barbershop. You report there today at ten oclock for work. WALTER Thank you. CLARA You are kind of young to be on this unit. We dont allow trouble makers here. Just so you know. WALTER Yes maam. He walks toward the door and she goes back to her snacks. INT. B LINE DAY Walter looks through the main gate at the KEY BOSS who is sitting with his feet propped up. WALTER Can I come in? KEY BOSS What do you want? WALTER I have been assigned to cell block B. Walter is let in through the front gate and then the cell block gate. He goes down the iron steps and sees water flooding the first row at ankle depth. Several Inmates are wading around in it. He wades past some rows of benches in the day-room area of the run and finds his cell. JAGGER, an Inmate in his sixties, stands in the cell with a mop in hand. 0002000006C200006C866BC,JAGGER You must be my new cellie. Welcome to the Walls. The sewer is backed up again. SIDEWINDER, an Inmate with the look of a snake, appears from nowhere. SIDEWINDER Say there new-boots. I can get you a hot-pot for ten stamps. JAGGER This unit is all about the Death House. Thats all they care about. Nothing here but old men. Pretty quiet. Walter wades over and puts his red mesh bag on his bunk. SIDEWINDER I can get you a pillow for two stamps. How about a radio? Three stamps. Special for new-boots only. INT. KITCHEN UPSTAIRS DAY. Walter is sweating over a steaming sink as he scrubs pots and pans. The kitchen is buzzing with activity. MRS. BOX, a loud round woman, sits in a chair in front of the only two fans in sight. She screams out orders and curses. Inmates dripping in sweat, carry large pans and trays of food, hustling to fulfill her demands. Mrs. Box turns her attention to Walter. MRS BOX You there, new-boots! I need those pans downstairs now. Follow me. Walter takes an arm-load of pans and follows her to the locked gate of the stairwell. She unlocks it and motions him down. INT. KITCHEN DOWNSTAIRS DAY Jagger is in a corner baking biscuits by the hundreds. LAWRENCE, an Inmate is his forties, stands inside a steel gate at the bottom of the stairway. He carries a mop and a bucket and calls out to another INMATE nearby. LAWRENCE Say, I just heard the truck driver say we got lettuce! KITCHEN INMATE #1 I havent seen lettuce in a year. LAWRENCE I heard him say it loud and clear. The most beautiful lettuce he ever saw. I used to be a truck driver, you know. Mrs. Box comes down behind him and unlocks the gate. Lawrence moves out with his mop and bucket as Mrs. Box immediately calls to him. 0002000006610000734265B,MRS BOX S.S.I.! Go get some ice in my glass. LAWRENCE Yes maam. He runs off with her large plastic cup. She stands waiting with her arm extended. Walter stands waiting with his arms full of clean pots. In the foreground, WILSON, an Inmate in his late seventies, drops a pan of food and then stands in place like hes frozen stiff. He looks around bewildered and falls to his knees. Mrs. Box explodes. MRS BOX Get up off that floor and clean this shit up! Wilson looks at her but doesnt speak. He looks up and down and pulls his arms together. MRS BOX (CONTD) Dont fuck with me, Wilson. I said get up! A few Inmates stop and look but mostly they keep working. Lawrence returns with the filled glass. He places it in Mrs. Boxs outstretched hand. She takes a drink as Jagger approaches her cautiously. JAGGER Excuse me maam but that looks like heat stroke. Ignoring him, she takes out her clipboard and writes on it. She tears off a colored sheet of paper and tries to hand it to Wilson. MRS BOX Your stupid ass just caught a case. Sign this or youll get another one. Wilson falls over and lays perfectly still as the disciplinary slip falls to the floor next to him. Mrs. Box goes over and nudges him with her boot. Wilson doesnt move. Then she heads for the stairs with Lawrence at her heels like a puppy. MRS BOX (CONTD) New-boots! Get your stupid ass over here with those pans. Walter obeys and follows her through the gate and up the stairs. Jagger and a few other Inmates gather around. They lift Wilson and carry him toward the gate and set him down. JAGGER He isnt sweating. Find a fan quick! Bring some water. 0002000006510000799D64B,One Inmate brings a fan and plugs it in. Others scurry around. JAGGER (CONTD) Somebody go upstairs and yell out the window and see if we cant get a nurse over here. An Inmate runs to the gated stairway and calls out! KITCHEN INMATE #2 I need a key Boss! We got a hurt Inmate down here! JAGGER Youll have to do better than that! KITCHEN INMATE #1 I got an idea. Bring me the Wardens ice cooler. He and Inmate #2 begin to shovel ice into a cooler. KITCHEN INMATE #2 I see what your plan is. Once they let us upstairs, Ill sneak over to the infirmary. The cooler is filled and they haul it to the gate at the bottom of the stairs. They shake the bars and call out. KITCHEN INMATE #1 We need a key boss down here! KITCHEN INMATE #2 I got ice for the Wardens Office and its melting fast! Almost immediately, a KITCHEN GUARD hurries down and unlocks the gate. He looks at the ice cooler and then curiously at Wilson. KITCHEN GUARD How long has the Warden been waiting? KITCHEN INMATE #1 At least ten minutes. Damn! Hes gonna be pissed! The Inmates bring the cooler up. Sidewinder appears and slips in through the gate and up the stairs as the Kitchen Guard shuts the gate and locks it. INT. THE CHOW HALL DAY Meanwhile, in the Chow Hall, Inmates are lined up and filed in as they wipe sweat from their foreheads. Two small fans are running for the whole room. It is loud and hot. SERGEANT HUNTER, a small man with a barking voice, takes a red marker and places an X on each mans shirt as they go through the serving line. SKINNER, SMITH, and CURLY, three Inmates in their forties, come through the line. 00020000069300007FE868D,SKINNER Only in the Texas Penitentiary system can a man get fed a childs portion of dog food. SMITH Isnt this great? I love prison! Curly barks and growls like a dog. CURLY Gruff! Gruff! SKINNER Oh look! We get a red mark on our lovely white shirts. Gosh darn. Now I cant get back in line for seconds. SMITH The police are doing a fine job protecting the glorious State of Texas. Further behind them, three REAL CONVICTS in their sixties are standing in line. REAL CONVICT #1 When the jury sentenced me, they even read out lout that I would be eligible for parole in fifteen years. REAL CONVICT #2 Thats what Im saying. It was assumed that if you done all the right things that youd get out. REAL CONVICT #3 It aint right. REAL CONVICT #1 I took bitch-ass college classes. I even took those goddamned anger management classes. REAL CONVICT #2 Its a set-up. They aint trying to let us go. They got us broke down and cornered. REAL CONVICT #1 I even took that goddamn behavior modification class. Now aint that some bullshit! REAL CONVICT #3 Bullshit. REAL CONVICT #1 Thirty goddamn years in this son of a bitch. In the front of the line, Smith, Skinner and Curly approach Sergeant Hunter and he marks them with the red pen. SKINNER Thank you, sir, for this fabulous slop. SMITH A table for three, please, on the terrace my good man. CURLY Grrrrrrrrrr! Grrruuff! He snaps at Sergeant Hunter, who ignores him. They are sent to a table. The Real Convicts come through. REAL CONVICT #1 Youre gonna mark up my shirt over this ho-ass shit? SGT HUNTER You can always go to lock-up. Sergeant Hunter marks his shirt with an X and the line moves on. More Inmates get served. 0002000006920000867568C,One INMATE IN LINE signals to an INMATE SERVING BISCUITS and he gets an extra one. Mrs. Box appears behind the serving line. She has caught them! She screams out and the serving line comes to a halt. MRS BOX I saw that! You there! Stop right there! Sergeant Hunter springs into action and the Biscuit Thief is apprehended. Mrs. Box unlocks a door and comes around to the front side. Sergeant Hunter screams at the Biscuit Thief. Mrs. Box takes his food tray and throws it to the ground. SGT HUNTER Get up against the wall and spread em! MRS BOX Give me your I.D. card! The Biscuit Thief pulls his I.D. card from his pocket. Sergeant Hunter pushes him to the wall. SGT HUNTER I said get up against the wall stupid! While they harass the Biscuit Thief, other Inmates that were eating, take off their shirts and turn them inside out. The red X concealed, they get back in line. From their table, Smith and his partners comment. SKINNER Texas Law enforcement at its finest. SMITH The infamous biscuit thief is apprehended at last. Curly makes the sound of a siren. CURLY Whirrrrr! Whirrrrrr! SMITH Thank god we are safe now. Curly makes the sound of a voice through a bullhorn. CURLY Weve got you surrounded. Step away from the biscuit! The front door is unlocked from the outside and Kitchen Inmate #2 rolls in with a wheel chair. He is followed by a NURSE, a woman in her twenties. They roll the wheel chair over and wait by the locked kitchen door as Mrs. Box and Sgt. Hunter strip search and interrogate the Biscuit Thief. Sidewinder is making his way through the crowd, selling sandwiches from under his shirt. He sells three to the Real Convicts and collects his stamps. 0002000005CB00008D015C5,REAL CONVICT #1 Somebody probably snitched on the poor bastard. REAL CONVICT #2 Thats all they got on this unit is ho-ass snitches. SIDEWINDER If these walls came crashing down, these ho-ass snitches would run up and help rebuild it. He moves along. The serving line starts up again as the interrogation of the Biscuit Thief continues. The Nurse gets tired of waiting and finally speaks up. NURSE Excuse me? Did somebody call for a nurse? INT. THE BARBERSHOP DAY Lawrence sits in the barber chair as Frank works on him with electric shears. REVEREND, a frail Inmate in his eighties, sits on a bench with other GOSSIPING INMATES, waiting their turn. LAWRENCE I know CPR and everything like that so I jumped in and pushed that bitch Mrs. Box clean out of the way. Then I told her to get her ass on that phone and get some help in here. GOSSIP INMATE #1 You reckon hes dead? LAWRENCE When I left him, his pulse was normal but is eyes were dilated. Back in the world when I used to be a registered nurse, I would have administered a couple of ccs of adrenaline and rushed him to a hospital by ambulance. GOSSIP INMATE #2 No way in hell well ever get an ambulance in here. GOSSIP INMATE #1 Hell no. Costs too much. Probably cost a thousand dollars for an ambulance these days. EXT. THE YARD DAY Buddy strolls across the courtyard toward the Barber Shop. Dirt falls from his boots as he strolls. INT. THE BARBERSHOP DAY Frank watches through a window as Buddy approaches. 000200000665000092C665F,FRANK I saw that little ole nurse drive him across the yard there to the infirmary. Old boy was slumped over in the wheelchair. He looked runned over and flat weeded. LAWRENCE Oh, he is fine, I know for a fact. Ive seen lots of heart attacks back in the world when I was a nurse. FRANK I heard it was heat stroke. GOSSIP INMATE #2 I heard it was a seizure. LAWRENCE Oh no. It was definitely a heart attack. But Warden Hale himself told me that Wilson was doing just fine. GOSSIP INMATE #1 Damn. Poor old Wilson. LAWRENCE Yep, hes doing fine. Im just glad I was there or it could have been real bad you know. Buddy steps into the doorway, casting his huge shadow through the room. Frank stops his work and takes an envelope from under a towel. He walks to the doorway and hands it to Buddy. FRANK Say there Buddy. Its all here, three samples from three heads. BUDDY Thank you my friend. Buddy hands Frank a handful of stamps. Frank counts them as Buddy checks the contents of the envelope and sees three locks of hair. He smiles and lopes away across the yard. Frank takes the apron off Lawrence and shakes it. Lawrence steps down and exits as Reverend takes his place in the chair. GOSSIP INMATE #2 Thats the grave-digger from Peckerwood Hill aint it? REVEREND And there shall be upon every high mountain, rivers and streams of water in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. Isaiah 30:25 All is quiet for a second. FRANK I heard a little ole rumor were getting lettuce for chow tomorrow. Maybe even some onions. REVEREND Luke 15:23. And bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry. 0002000006410000992563B,FRANK Its just a rumor Reverend. There aint no need for a sermon about it. INT. B LINE DAY The cell block is three stories high. Between the cells and the windows is the crowded day-room area. Some watch a TV, others sit at small metal tables and play dominoes or chess. Sergeant Dickenson stands at the top row looking over the area as he reads his announcement. SGT DICKENSON Effective immediately, all pillows will be considered contraband. Turn in your pillows or you will be written up for destruction of State property. Moans are heard almost in unison. Sgt. Dickenson leaves quickly. Officer Cook enters and yells. COOK Alright! Turn in your pillows. I dont want to hear all the crying. You got a complaint, write your congressman. REAL CONVICT #1 Why do you want to take a mans pillow? COOK Just because. Thats why. REAL CONVICT #1 Youre a real piece of shit. COOK If you want to go to lock up, then keep your pillows. Otherwise, throw them out on the run and the S.S.I. will pick them up. The Real Convict joins the others and walks grudgingly over to his cell, grabs his tattered pillow and throws it in a pile with the others. Meanwhile, Officer Cook has gone on with other duties. COOK (CONTD) Count time B Line! Get your I.D. cards out and get in your house or stand in front of it. The Inmates rush to get into place as Officer Cook looks at his watch. The cell doors roll open with a loud clang. EXT. COUNT WHISTLE DAY On top of a building inside the prison compound, an old fashioned steam whistle blows once. Steam floods the air. A voice comes over the loudspeaker. 00020000077C00009F60776,VOICE ON SPEAKER Count time. Stop all movement for count. INT. B LINE DAY Officer Cook walks and checks off names from his clipboard. Reverend stands at attention outside his cell. COOK Winston! REVEREND 388666. Further down the run, Walter is in his cell with Jagger they both listen to the radio with small headphones. The men are stripped to their boxers and dripping in sweat. A small fan oscillates on the floor. A cockroach crawls on the wall across the word innocent carved in reverse. Then it scurries out to the wall of the main run and up to the third floor. There, a crack in the mortar of the bricks has broadened and crumbled away over time. The cockroach crawls into the large crack. From inside the wall, something ominous looks out through the crack. EXT. IN FRONT OF THE WALLS UNIT DAY A REPORTER stands and gives his radio address. REPORTER The execution is scheduled for six oclock tomorrow. The twenty third execution so far this year in Texas. Protesters are already gathering as this year promises to be a record breaking year for executions. INT. B LINE DAY Cook stands outside the cell door and bangs his clipboard on the bars. Walter removes his headphones at the sound. COOK Jones, whats your number? WALTER 7747834! COOK You also got a lay-in for Mrs. Hale in administration. You make parole or something? WALTER Hell yes, I am out of here! COOK Sign here. Jagger whats your number. JAGGER 565421. Walter is signing and smiling big. COOK Next time I come by here I better not see that pillow. Cook keeps on going down the run. Walter shows the slip of paper to Jagger. WALTER Im out of here tomorrow night. So I guess I get to help you cook for the Death House in the morning after all. JAGGER You dont have to help me. If it were my last day, I would stay in bed. WALTER I like to keep moving. It keeps me from thinking too much. He puts the slip under his mattress. 0002000007350000A6D672F,INT. C LINE DAY Cook stands at the front of an identical cell block and screams. COOK C-Line! Count time! Get in your house or stand in front of it. INMATES are tossing their pillows out into the main run as Cook walks down the rows. He approaches Smith and Skinner in their cell. COOK (CONTD) Smith, whats your number? SMITH 897360. Cook checks him off the list. He looks at Skinner who has headphones on, listening to the radio. COOK Skinner! He doesnt respond. Cook bangs on the bars with his clipboard. Skinner casually walks to the bars. SKINNER 986133. EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL DAY Buddy looks over his shoulder and sees that Mr. Kilroy is sleeping under the shade of a tree. He then walks over to the grave marker of White Bear, takes out the envelope and pours the locks of hair onto the ground. He takes his shovel and gently covers the hair with dirt. BUDDY Should death invite another casualty in this decadent contest, then we will welcome you as our protector. The space between the slaughter of two blameless souls shall be filled with the ageless curse of eye for eye and tooth for tooth. Ride for us, benevolent warrior. He looks up at the sky and then walks down the slope of modest grave markers. As he passes Mr. Kilroy sleeping, he pauses for a second and then screams horribly. BUDDY (CONTD) Aaaauuugggghhhh! Mr. Kilroy jumps and grabs the air. MR KILROY What the fuck? Buddy laughs out loud and strolls away as Mr. Kilroy curses him. EXT. COUNT WHISTLE DUSK The old steam whistle blows twice. A voice comes over the loudspeaker. VOICE ON SPEAKER Count is clear. The yard is open. EXT. THE YARD DUSK A large concrete slab surrounded by red brick buildings is the recreation area known as the yard. Men gather in small groups, some sitting on metal benches, others walking in a large circle around the grounds. 0002000006860000AE05680,The Biscuit Thief stands naked in front of the ramp leading to the chow hall. Walter walks alone in the large circle. He hears a slice of conversation as he passes. REAL CONVICT #1 A real convict from my day had a code. He never even looked a gray-suit in the eye, much less talk to them son-of-a bitches. REAL CONVICT #2 Thats what Im saying. Real convicts like us dont got no way of getting a damn thing. It all changed in just a couple of years seems like. REAL CONVICT #1 Nothing but a bunch of tired old men on this unit. REAL CONVICT #3 Its all gone to hell. REAL CONVICT #1 What does it matter I got some old bitch-slapped pillow. What am I gonna do, kill some poor bastard with a goddamned pillow? REAL CONVICT #2 Thats what Im saying. Its just a mind-fuck these days. I aint seen a good fight in seven or eight years. REAL CONVICT #3 Its a disgrace. No respect. REAL CONVICT #1 Back in my day we would have kicked some ass! We stood together! REAL CONVICT #2 These hos aint trying to do anything but eat, sleep and complain. REAL CONVICT #3 Bitch-ass hos. Walter smiles and strolls a little further. He sees Frank sitting with some others. FRANK Say, youngster! I sure didnt mean to steer you into that wreck this morning. You drove off and next thing I know, the police had you jammed up. WALTER Im used to it. FRANK Can I ride around the block with you? WALTER Sure. Frank gets his cane and they walk around the yard. FRANK Im Frank the barber, and you are the fella on his way home to a beautiful wife. My occupation allows for me to have first look at the rumors going around. All based on true fact and from reliable sources you know. 0002000003A10000B48539B,WALTER A pleasure to meet you Frank the barber. Have you been on this unit very long? FRANK I fell out of the world and landed here in 1968. Got myself three forty-year sentences stacked up end to end. So I see that ole parole board for the first time in 2028. WALTER Thats a lot of time. FRANK I was nineteen years old, on my way to California, hoping to get to try some L.S.D. in San Francisco. Hitch hiking from Alabama. Should have never come through Texas. Should have gone way around. Lawrence approaches them and interrupts the conversation. LAWRENCE You work in the kitchen? I saw you down in the dish-room. WALTER Yeah. LAWRENCE Yeah, I owned a catering business in the world. Thats why the Captain put me in the kitchen. WALTER Yeah. LAWRENCE Im in pretty tight with the Warden. FRANK Say Lawrence. You just jump in a moving car like that? We aint trying to pick up no hitch hikers. LAWRENCE Oh, sorry Frank. 0002000009940000B82098E,FRANK You gotta keep the doors locked and the windows rolled up in this neighborhood. Lawrence stops abruptly and walks away. Frank smiles after him. FRANK (CONTD) That ole boy is alright. Ill let him make it. He just needs to be rocked and burped regularly. They walk past the Biscuit Thief. He has a few cuts on his face and a black eye. His hands are still cuffed behind him. They nod to him as they pass. FRANK (CONTD) You nervous about being back in the world? WALTER I was a nice guy when I got locked up. Im not a nice guy anymore. I have mean thoughts. FRANK At least you got someone to go home to. Your people do the time with you. They suffer. Eventually they cant do it anymore and they stop writing. WALTER What if I have become this horrible creature and I dont even know it? FRANK I remember when they had the electric chair here. Right over through that door back there. They had Death Row here too, called it Row 15. They moved Death Row a long time ago but they still do the killing here. Got a killing going on tomorrow. WALTER Yeah, I know. I had this crazy dream about this place. FRANK I reckon they need that death penalty as a deterrent for crime. But I wonder if any fella ever stops to think, hey I better not do that on account of I dont want no lethal injection. I wasnt thinking about nothing like that when I caught my case. WALTER It was these old convicts in stripes and they were standing right here. Probably just stress. FRANK Seems to me that knowing right from wrong comes on different levels. Its like a little kid wants to do right because he dont want to get punished. Thats one level. WALTER I should be happy as hell but I just cant stop worrying. FRANK Then there is the ole boy who does what hes supposed to because he wants the reward, whether it be now or in the afterlife. WALTER I keep thinking about what if I cant get a job. Or worse, I get one and then get fired somehow. FRANK Then I think there is this whole other level that dont get recognized. What Im talking about is when a man just up and decides to do things different on account of he got it in his head the kind of man he wants to be. So he makes changes in himself to be that man. WALTER I dont know. They walk past Reverend who is sitting on the ground by himself. He teases some ants with a stick and then writes the word innocent backwards. The ants begin to march in unison like soldiers. Reverend looks up. 0002000006300000C1AE62A,REVEREND A fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about. FRANK We call him Reverend. He is thrown off real bad. Walter laughs but is drawn to the image in the dirt. FRANK (CONTD) Alright then. Im gonna pull over and park. Good luck to you. WALTER Thanks. Lawrence approaches again and Walter instinctively walks away. So Lawrence tries to talk to Reverend. LAWRENCE I know for a fact we are getting onions tomorrow. How long has it been since you had onions? I used to be a buyer for a major chain of grocery stores. I got to travel a lot. REVEREND Would to God we had died by the hand of the lord in the land of Egypt. For ye have brought us into this wilderness to kill us with hunger. Lawrence walks away rejected. At the far end of the yard, a Guard leads large Group of Inmates. They march in their sleeveless jumpsuits, carrying their red mesh bags. Walter and the other men in the courtyard stop to watch this silent parade of smiles as it moves toward the unseen front gates beyond the brick walls. INT. B LINE DAY Walter is asleep on his bunk. A group of cockroaches crawl in a perfectly straight line and then separate into a formation like a square dance. A beam of light flashes and the formation freezes in place. A new GUARD WITH A BULLISH FACE speaks with a thundering voice. BULL FACE Walter Jones. WALTER 7747834. BULL FACE William Jagger. JAGGER 5821016. Bull Face moves on down the run. Both men answered in their sleep but Walter sits up. The cockroaches are gone. He retrieves the slip of paper from under his mattress and stares at it. 0002000006460000C7D8640,Earnest appears outside the cell door. EARNEST Walter, I thought you were getting out. WALTER Earnest! I was wondering if I would see you again. I got this pass to see Mrs. Hale tomorrow. Its all been taken care of. Walter jumps down and shows the slip of paper for Earnest to see. EARNEST Get dressed and come out. I gotta show you something. WALTER I cant come out. These doors are locked at night. There is a clicking sound from the top of the cell door and it rolls open slowly. Walter is stunned and steps forward. He sees Earnest for the first time. WALTER (CONTD) Where did you get that uniform? EARNEST Up and down stripes are called second graders. You get those if you are a trouble maker. Stripes that go around like this are for serious hard-heads like me. WALTER Youre just a baby! What are you doing on this unit? EARNEST There aint time for all this gum flapping. I got something to show you. Come on! WALTER I cant do that. Im going home later on this afternoon. I cant just wander around the unit at night. Walter steps back and pulls the cell door closed. EARNEST You got no idea whats going on here. I am pretty sure you are in real danger. WALTER Look, kid. I dont know what you are up to but I do know that if I go to lock up, they will never let me go home. EARNEST I aint no kid! I just got stuck like this because that is what I looked like when I was last here. Its gonna get real bad in here tomorrow and I think somebody is trying to kill you. Jagger begins to stir around so Walter whispers. WALTER Look, Earnest. I know how it is to be desperate for answers. 00020000079E0000CE18798,JAGGER Cellie? Who are you talking to? WALTER Sorry Cellie. Its my friend Earnest, the S.S.I. here at night. JAGGER There are no S.S.I.s at night on this unit. Youre sleepwalking, huh? Walter looks but Earnest is gone. He tries the door but it is locked tight. WALTER I didnt mean to wake you. Walter climbs back on his bunk. The cockroaches are crawling again. Soon his eyes close. At the back of the cell, someone is lurking in the shadows. The unseen ghostly presence invisibly opens Walters red mesh bag. The letters are opened one by one. EXT. A BEAUTIFUL BEACH DAY Alicia Jones is running down the beach. She stops and points to something. ALICIA Look at the movie Walter! Its a true story! Look! Suddenly she is in prison stripes and she runs across to a 1930 model car and jumps onto the running board. It speeds away. Walter floats into darkness. EXT. THE WALL UNIT 1934 DAY Walter floats back into a familiar scene from the historic past. He watches from above as the gang of convicts wait by a set of long ladders chained to a pole. Earnest darts across from a nearby building with a set of bolt cutters. Ray Hamilton takes them and Whitey Walker grabs Earnest by the arm and drags him away. TURNER, a guard in his thirties, jumps on Whitey Walker. They fight and Whitey stabs Turner with a hand-made blade. Earnest spits on Turner as he lies dying. Whitey handcuffs Earnest to a post. Earnest resists but Whitey is too strong. Ray Hamilton, Blackie Thomson and Joe Palmer are already on the ladder going over the wall. A guard on a nearby picket begins to fire his rifle at them. Blackie returns fire. Whitey is shot dead as he tries to run to the ladder. Charlie Frazier is shot and he falls off the ladder, but gets up and tries again. He is shot repeatedly. Blackie runs out of ammo and throw his gun at the guard in the picket. He, Ray and Joe run and jump on the running boards of a getaway car as it speeds away. 0002000006420000D5B063C,Roy Johnson comes out of hiding and surrenders. INT. B LINE PRESENT NIGHT Walter wakes up from this dream and Earnest is standing inside his cell right next to him. WALTER What the hell? EARNEST You are coming with me. Walter is pulled from his bed as the cell door clicks and opens. Earnest takes his hand and soon they are floating past OFFICER MILLER, a female guard who is asleep with the keys dangling in her hand. The front gate to the cell block swings open and they land back on the ground to walk out into the breezeway. WALTER Where are you taking me? EARNEST Shut up and look at me. I am dead. I have been dead for about sixty years. No, eighty. Damn! WALTER That sounds great except that I am just dreaming you. See if you were here, someone else would have seen you. EARNEST Living folks can see only what we let them see. WALTER Great! Now I argue with my nightmares. INT. OLD EAST BUILDING NIGHT They walk through the shadows to another gate of steel bars. It too, clicks and opens. They float again to a large dark corridor. WALTER I know Im dreaming because I dont ever float when I am awake. EARNEST The world of the living and the world of the dead overlap in dreams. Thats how Ive been trying to tell you about myself and what is going on. Aint you been having dreams about convicts escaping? They walk again. In the shadows, other GHOSTS are lurking. From the Civil War era to the present, the Spirits wear what they were wearing whenever they died. Earnest points to an old run down cell block with cracked walls and rusted iron bars hanging loose from the frame. 0002000006960000DBEC690,EARNEST (CONTD) See over there? Me and Roy Johnson and Whitey Walker was playing dominoes. Whitey was a mean son of a gun. Anyway, they come up with some crazy escape plan. Charlie Frazier had done it before and Whitey got some guns from some old drunk boss man. Said I could be in on it too! WALTER I already dreamed this. EARNEST I know and you still wont listen to me. Shut up for a second. Blackie Thompson and Joe Palmer were on Death Row around that corner. Row 15. WALTER When was this exactly? JIMBO and HANK, two of the ghost that have been lingering, step up and join the conversation. Walter is startled. JIMBO It was the summer of 1934. EARNEST Blackie used to be in Whitey Walkers gang. Joe and Ray was riding with Bonnie and Clydes gang. Anyway, there was a big shoot out. Whitey got killed, Frazier got shot a bunch of times. Blackie, Ray and Joe got away. Boss-man Turner got killed. HANK The first guard ever killed in a Texas Prison. Big deal! JIMBO Thats when the curse got more complicated. EARNEST The other bosses tried to get me more time for helping but they didnt have nothing on me. So one night they put up a twisted bed sheet right over that pipe right there. Wrangled me up with my neck in the knot of it and watched me wiggle around till I couldnt wiggle no more. All the bosses watched. WALTER I need to wake up. A COWBOY GHOST speaks up from the back of the cellblock. Walter notices how many ghosts are present. COWBOY GHOST No, you need to listen. EARNEST There is supposed to be another execution tomorrow. If that boy gets killed, all hell is gonna break loose in this place. WALTER Im going home. It doesnt make any difference to me. 0002000006C10000E27C6BB,JIMBO The innocent ones are trapped in the walls and they are suffering. When the walls get too full, the Indian Chief comes and sets them free. This will be the third time Chief White Bear has liberated the creatures. WALTER What creatures? HANK The innocent ones. They got hanged, electrocuted, and poisoned for something they never done. Their souls trapped in the walls, taking the shape of all the creatures they consume. COWBOY GHOST Theyll chew the skin right off your bones. Clothes and all. Ive seen it. WALTER I dont want to hear anymore of this. EARNEST The thing is, we gotta feeling about why they brought you here. WALTER Take me back to my cell. I cant hear anymore of this. I am going home. HANK All of us that was ever killed by the guards are the players in the game, but since that old guard got killed, they got a spy in here helping em. WALTER What game? Never mind, Im outa here. He turns and walks down the dark cell block. The GHOST OF TURNER appears in his path. He is in full uniform. Earnest and the others jump in between them. Walter screams. TURNER Its called Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth. A simple game, really. EARNEST Nobody invited you! TURNER So you still trying to outsmart me? Thats the problem with all of you convicts. You think your smarter than us. JIMBO I know youre a cheater. TURNER Its all legal. You just gotta figure out the rules of the game. The other Ghosts start to close in on Turner. He starts to back away. A GHOST FROM THE CIVIL WAR era joins the group. He has a patch over one eye. COWBOY GHOST You aint welcome here Boss-man. JIMBO The Chief is gonna burn you for cheating. TURNER I aint scared of no stupid Indian. CIVIL WAR GHOST Go back to hell! 0002000006730000E93766D,Earnest grabs Walters hand and they float away through the gate. INT. B LINE NIGHT Walter and Earnest float past the sleeping Officer Miller at the cell block gate. Then to the front of Walters cell. EARNEST I will do all I can to protect you. WALTER I just want to go home. This is too weird. I like my normal nightmares. EARNEST Whatever you do, dont never trust none of the bosses. None of them. Okay? WALTER Whatever. Walter goes into his cell, closes his door and climbs into his bunk. He notices the writing on the wall for the first time. Earnest appears again inside the cell. EARNEST One more thing. I got to know. Did you really do what you got put in here for? WALTER It doesnt matter. EARNEST It does matter. Thats how they cheat. WALTER Please go away. Earnest fades away and Walter closes his eyes. He sits up and looks at the writing on the wall again and then lays back down, closing his eyes tightly. INT. C LINE DAY OFFICER SPIVEY, a proud Texan in pointed boots and a giant silver belt buckle, stands at the front gate and screams out. SPIVEY Key boss! Officer Miller sits near the front gate with her head nodded forward, her eyes closed, and the keys still dangling from her limp hand. Spivey can see her so he yells louder. SPIVEY (CONTD) Unit Maintenance, turn out! Nearby in the day room, Skinner, Smith and Curly are waiting. They can see Officer Miller through the bars of the cell block gate. SMITH I wonder how much it costs to get your hair done up to look like the ass end of a horse. SKINNER I wonder how she can afford those pills on her salary. Probably prescription. State employees get good insurance. 0002000006B40000EFA46AE,Curly snarls and makes assorted horse sounds. CURLY Neeeeeehehehe. Snort. Snort. Neeeeeeehehehe. Officer Miller jumps and wakes up disoriented. She stands up and opens the cell block gate to let them out. Officer Spivey stands at the other side yelling as she opens the outside front gate. SPIVEY Goddamn lazy bastards. Why do you three stooges want to make me wait every fucking morning? The men are unaffected by the shouting. Smith passes by close enough to smell bad breath. SMITH Have a couple of cocktails with breakfast boss-man? SKINNER Vodka and fruit loops, the breakfast of champions. SPIVEY Are you getting smart with me? SMITH We wouldnt do that sir. It would not be fair. Mrs. Box barrels her way toward the front gate. She walks in front of Curly, forcing him to stop and let her pass by. MRS BOX Get out of my way stupid He barks at her. CURLY Grrrruff. Gruff. Grrrrrrrr. She turns around and glares at him. Even Spivey laughs. Unable to do anything, she turns her venom toward the cell block. MRS BOX Kitchen workers, turn out! I mean now! You keep me waiting and therell be hell to pay. INT. THE KITCHEN DAY Walter and Jagger are in the far corner of the kitchen, slightly removed from the chaos of the meal preparation. They are stirring, mixing and measuring. WALTER I had a crazy dream about all this execution stuff. At least I think it was related. JAGGER I woke up this morning and saw you standing at the bars talking to an imaginary friend. You even tried to introduce me. They both laugh. Jagger places a list and spreads several recipe cards on a table. JAGGER (CONTD) I used to have nightmares too, when I first started cooking for the Death House. I guess I am jaded. WALTER 00020000063B0000F652635,It seems like a lot of people are coming just to see a guy get killed. JAGGER Its disturbing. All the cookies and cakes. A little tea party in the Death Chambers. WALTER I guess I always thought it happened at midnight and it was a solemn and ominous ritual or something. JAGGER Of course the family of the victim is invited, and the Warden never misses one. Its his favorite part of his job. He gets all dressed up. Major Burton too. Then usually somebody that is running for office, or writing a book. Then there are these people that seem to show up almost every time, like groupies. WALTER Doesnt he get a last meal or something? JAGGER He wants ice cream. Thats all. Hes the retarded kid that killed the policeman. This party is gonna be a real bash. Jagger pulls some baked goods out of an oven and sets them to one side. Then he points to a large metal door several yards away. JAGGER (CONTD) Get Mrs. Box to unlock the walk-in for us. There are some serving platters in there with some leftover pastries from yesterday. WALTER What do you want me to do with them? JAGGER Just bring them all out and I will show you. Walter goes across the room to the large metal door. He looks around but sees only other Inmates. Sidewinder approaches him. SIDEWINDER I got some cheese and some sugar I need to move out today. Ill cut you in fifty-fifty. WALTER No thanks. SIDEWINDER What are you? A snitch? WALTER No. Just not interested. Sidewinder slithers along his way. Walter notices the padlock on the walk-in is loose and the door is slightly open, so he walks in and looks around. 000200000E7A0000FC87E74,Mrs. Box is hiding in the corner of the cooler, hunched over with both fists full of pastry goods. Her mouth is stuffed full as well. She is surprised and then reacts angrily as she lunges up from her crouched position, spewing food as she screams. MRS BOX What the fuck are you doing in here! Get out of here! Walter runs out of the walk-in and Mrs. Box is right behind him. She chases him over to the area where Jagger is working. She stops and realizes she cant breathe. She is choking. Other Inmates stop and watch as she gasps for air. No one moves to help. She seems to want to scream at someone but nothing will come out. She looks angry as she thrashes and gags. A new desperate look overcomes her. She is pleading as she gasps. All watch in silence as she collapses to the floor. Finally, Walter moves over behind her and places his fists together at her rib cage and pulls hard. A large chunk of food flies out. Walter steps away. Mrs. Box regains her composure slowly and everyone silently returns to work. Mrs. Box exits without a word. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WALL DAY A large group of people are marching with signs and banners. News trucks with reporters and photographers are mingling in with the crowd. The Reporter stands ready to go on the air. REPORTER Ready? Okay, in three, two, one. Here in Huntsville, Texas, several hundred people have already gathered to protest the execution of Scott Humphrey, a mentally handicapped man who was found guilty of the murder of a police officer in Dallas and condemned to death by lethal injection. His attorneys have long maintained not only the innocence of this man but also have insisted that his I.Q. score of about seventy is reason to grant a retrial in this case. These protesters, mostly college students from Houston, Austin and Dallas began arriving yesterday and as many as a thousand more are expected. Int. Inside the walls - day Inside the walls, there is a flurry of activity. Rats, cockroaches and other insects crawl vigorously. Suddenly there is a glimpse of something horrible. But it lurks mostly unseen. RePORTER (O.S.) This historic prison facility, built in the mid 1800s was nicknamed The Walls for its giant brick fortress construction. Originally, the walls were sandstone, but twice in its long history, the walls have been rebuilt over the existing wall, entombing the ancient bricks first laid here in 1848. It has long been the home of all executions in Texas. EXT. THE YARD DAY Frank walks out of the barbershop toward West Building. He is carrying a roll of toilet paper. OFFICER HARRISON, an athletic male guard in his thirties, stands on the porch of the Captains office with the Baby Faced Guard, Sgt. Dickenson, and Officer Cook. They are joking around and laughing. Harrison points to Frank as he walks by. They decide to harass him. HARRISON Say! You in the white, hold up there! Frank stops in his tracks. The others giggle in anticipation of the little game. FRANK Alright. HARRISON What is that in your hand? FRANK Just a little paperwork boss-man. Can you let me make it? HARRISON You stole my toilet paper didnt you? FRANK No sir. I traded for it fair and square. Two stamps. The guards laugh at first but Cook decides to join the harassment. He steps off the porch into the walkway. Harrison takes the tissue out of Franks hands. COOK That sounds like a confession of trafficking and trading. HARRISON Who did you get this from? FRANK I couldnt tell you that, boss-man. I went to the drive through window. It was dark you know. You can have it. I dont need it anymore. You take it. Cook puts handcuffs on Frank. Harrison throws the toilet paper to the ground and signals to the others. 00020000069100010AFB68B,COOK We are going to have to take you to lock up grandpa. FRANK Come on boss-man. Cant you let me make it this time? I aint trying to be in a wreck over some shit tickets. Let me go to the house and you wont see me no more. HARRISON I hate it when it is dark and you cant see what is going on. Dont you Sergeant? Sgt Dickenson spits on the pavement. INT. MRS HALES OFFICE DAY Walter sits anxiously as Mrs. Hale looks through some papers. She opens Walters file and looks up with a smile. MRS HALE Well, its just about over now. All the paperwork for your case is done. Spelled correctly of course. That way we can be certain this time. All they have to do is place you in some really goofy street clothes and send you out the door. I bet you are ready to get home. WALTER I cant wait. It has been miserable the last couple of days. MRS HALE Unfortunately this is not the first time a mistake like this has been made. The State of Texas does not like to admit mistakes. That is why I am taking care of this one personally. She slides a form over to Walter and hands him a pen. He looks, figures it out and signs it while she continues. MRS HALE (CONTD) I will be here in the morning first thing. They will probably call you out around seven so be ready. They will put you with the rest of the early group. You will be released before ten oclock at the latest. WALTER Oh. I thought I might be leaving today. His disappointment is very obvious. MRS HALE Dont worry. It is going to be fine. I tell you what. I am putting this in a folder with your parole certificate and all your reporting information. That way, god forbid, I should have a car wreck or something. 0002000006C1000111866BB,WALTER Oh no. MRS HALE I will be here. I promise. I will walk you out that door myself. She takes her desk phone and sets it in front of him. MRS HALE (CONTD) So why dont you make a phone call home. Ill go get some coffee. Walter looks at the phone frozen. Mrs. Hale picks up the receiver and hands it to him. MRS HALE (CONTD) Ill dial it for you when you are ready. Walter nods and Mrs. Hale dials a number. She then gets up and leaves him alone. Alicia answers right away. WALTER Alicia, its me. ALICIA (on phone) Oh my god! Are you out? I will be right there! WALTER Not yet baby doll. In the morning though. I will be out by ten. ALICIA (on phone) Im gonna leave right now. Ill get a room and then I can be there waiting as you walk down those steps. WALTER My precious baby. Its finally over isnt it? We made it! ALICIA (on phone) Tell me how you love me. WALTER To the stars and back. ALICIA (on phone) Tell me how youll hold me. WALTER Forever. Ill never let you go. INT. FOUR BUILDING DAY Sgt. Dickenson is punching Frank while Harrison and Cook hold him. Frank is still handcuffed with his hands behind him. He is bleeding from his face. The Baby Faced Guard holds the cane and spits at him. Cook unlocks the handcuffs. SGT DICKENSON Officer Cook, where is the weapon that this Inmate tried to cut you with? COOK I havent found it yet. HARRISON But we will sir. Dont worry. SGT DICKENSON I need to fill out my report before the Captain gets back from his dinner break. COOK Yes sir. EXT. THE YARD DAY A black van drives in through a gate into the courtyard area and around to the back side of East Building, stopping at a small door. Two guards come out of the door and open the back of the van. 00020000061800011841612,SCOTT HUMPHREY, a pleasant looking man in his early twenties, emerges with cuffs at his hands and feet. He smiles and looks around as he is gently escorted from the back of the van to the small door. SCOTT This looks old just like my school. My school was really old just like this. Rain begins to fall lightly as Scott enters the building. INT. THE DEATH HOUSE DAY Scott has been freed of his cuffs and is stripped completely. After a thorough search, the guards place him in a small clean cell and they leave. The DEATH HOUSE GUARD comes in and opens the cell door. He places some clean white prison issue clothes and a box inside the door and shuts it back. Scott looks in the box and sees a jigsaw puzzle. He smiles and immediately begins to place a few pieces together on a small table as the Death House Guard watches. SCOTT Can I have ice cream now? DEATH HOUSE GUARD Sure Scott. Ill bet its here already. Why dont you get dressed. He gets on his radio and calls. Scott is preoccupied with his puzzle. DEATH HOUSE GUARD (CONTD) Death house to kitchen. KITCHEN VOICE (on radio) Kitchen here. DEATH HOUSE GUARD We are waiting for groceries. KITCHEN VOICE (on radio) It will be a few minutes. We got an Inmate returning from his Parole interview right now. DEATH HOUSE GUARD Copy that. He returns to the cell door and looks in. SCOTT This puzzle is a real good one. It has all the really good colors like I like. DEATH HOUSE GUARD Scott. You are going to have to get dressed before I can give you ice cream. A clap of thunder shakes the room. 00020000078300011E5377D,EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL DAY Lightning streaks the sky and rain falls on the grave marker of Chief White Bear. The samples of hair seem to smoke and steam as the rain hits the ground. The clouds quickly darken the sky. Int. East building - day Walter is pushing a cart with the metal container of ice cream. Clara opens the gate and lets him through. He begins to roll the cart down the dark corridor of the old cell block when she stops him. Clara Hold it there Inmate! Walter stops and waits. Clara shuts the gate and locks it. Clara (CONTD) You need to get out of that uniform. I gotta search you before you go to the Death House. Walter stands to one side and removes his boots and socks. He hands them to Clara and she shakes them out as he slips out of his white pants and white shirt. She shakes them out and drops them to the ground. He stands in his state issue boxers. CLARA (CONTD) You gotta get out of those too. Walter takes off the boxers and stands naked. Clara looks him over carefully. CLARA (CONTD) Spread your legs. Walter complies with all commands. CLARA (CONTD) Lift your balls. Turn around and bend over. Stand up and face me. Open your mouth. Stick out your tongue. Walter obeys. Then he is left standing naked for a long awkward moment as Clara just looks at him. She smiles and walks away. Walter dresses himself quickly and continues down the dark eerie corridor of old cell block. A GHOSTLY FIGURE appears behind him as he walks. More GHOSTS appear and stare. INT. B LINE DAY A few Inmates watch TV and others play chess or dominoes. Sergeant Dickenson stands on the third row, reading his newest announcement. SGT DICKENSON I am not going to tolerate anymore stealing of the toilet paper from the supply room. So anybody caught with extra toilet paper will be given a major case and sent to lock up for a minimum of seven days. Thats the final word. The partys over. Any questions? 000200000D36000125D0D30,ANONYMOUS INMATE Yeah. Fuck you! Sgt. Dickenson reels around but cant see who made the comment. He steams and puffs up. SGT DICKENSON Come and say that to my face faggot! Come on! I dare you! It is very quiet for a second. ANONYMOUS INMATE I meant to say your hair looks nice. The entire day room explodes with nervous giggles. SGT DICKENSON What was that? It gets very quiet again. Sgt. Dickenson seems empowered by the exchange. SGT DICKENSON (CONTD) Thats what I thought. He marches off proudly and the day-room resumes normal activity. The three Convicts are seated at a table playing dominoes with a fourth man. REAL CONVICT #1 Bastards give us one roll of paper for a goddamn week. How is a grown man supposed to go a whole week like that? REAL CONVICT #2 Thats what Im saying. Dont none of it make sense. It wouldnt get stolen if they gave out enough to begin with. REAL CONVICT #3 Dont make no sense at all. REAL CONVICT # 1 Its like they sit around all day thinking about what else they can do to punish us. REAL CONVICT # 2 If I wasnt up for parole, I would beat that bitch down. REAL CONVICT #3 Do it anyway. Aint gonna make parole no how. The conversation stops suddenly. They all stare at #3. REAL CONVICT #3 (CONTD) I was just saying. Int. EAST BUILDING - day Walter is returning with the cart. Clara is standing at the end of the corridor waiting. As he approaches she opens one of the old cells. ClaRA Hold it there Inmate. Walter stops. He takes off his clothes as she watches him. ClarA (CONTD) Step in here. She motions to the empty old cell. CLARA (CONTD) Get on the floor, on your knees. He complies and she walks up to him and places a handcuff on one of his hands and cuffs him to the bars. Then she undresses herself. Walter Please dont do this. CLARA Shut up. I will have you put in lockup until you wither away. Do you understand? WALTER I cant do this. Im going home. She backhands him across his face. Walter looks up and she kicks him in his side. CLARA So how do you want to play? INT. THE DEATH HOUSE DAY Scott has ice cream on his face and his clothes. He agonizes over the puzzle he has yet to complete. The Death House Guard calls on the radio. DEATH HOUSE GUARD This is Death House to laundry. Can you send a fresh set of whites over here? LAUNDRY VOICE (on radio) Copy that. And a heads up. The Warden and the Major are on their way to you. The Death House Guard opens the cell door and enters, closing it behind him. DEATH HOUSE GUARD Scott. We need to get you out of those clothes and get you some clean ones. Okay? SCOTT This puzzle is wrong. There is a piece missing. I know it. The Death House Guard takes him by the hand toward the sink. SCOTT (CONTD) It isnt fair. That puzzle had a piece missing. It was a terrible mean puzzle. I hate it. DEATH HOUSE GUARD Come on Scott. Lets go wash your face. WARDEN HALE, a sturdy man in his sixties, appears outside the cell door with MAJOR BURTON, a forty-year old man with the large build of a football player. Both are dressed in suits and ties. WARDEN Thats him. MAJOR Cop killing bastard. Int. East building - day Clara is naked on top of Walter. She moans and grinds. Walter is somewhat reluctant but his human nature takes over. INT. B LINE DUSK Sidewinder and the Gossip Inmates are standing at the large barred windows, looking out at the rain on the yard. 00020000060C00013300606,GOSSIP INMATE #1 What are we having for breakfast? SIDEWINDER Supposed to be eggs and biscuits. GOSSIP INMATE #2 Thats what they said last week. Turned out it was them ho-ass dry pancakes. SIDEWINDER I can get sausage and egg sandwiches from the officers hall for two stamps. GOSSIP INMATE #2 Be different if they gave you butter or syrup. GOSSIP INMATE #1 Do they got cheese on them? SIDEWINDER With cheese for three stamps. Just past them, in the day-room, the TV plays the News. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WALLS NIGHT A huge crowd is marching with signs and banners. The Reporter stands under an umbrella. REPORTER In just a few minutes, Scott Humphrey, a young man with an I.Q. of just 71, will be executed here at The Walls in Huntsville, Texas. This case was controversial from the very beginning with reports of improper management of evidence, bribes from prosecutors, and a public defender fired, but it has all come to an end on this stormy summer night. No more appeals will be heard and the Governor has all but ignored this case. INT. THE DEATH HOUSE NIGHT Scott lies down on the table. The guards strap him down and open the curtain to the mirrored glass window. A crowd of witnesses are seated, enjoying cakes, cookies and coffee. The Warden and Major are on the front row. SCOTT Its really cold in here. Can I get a blanket? Its really cold. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WALLS NIGHT The crowd of protesters stands silently in the pouring rain. INT. B LINE NIGHT Lawrence approaches the group at the window. They look out at the storm. 00020000067900013906673,LAWRENCE I guess we wont be going to the yard tonight. GOSSIP INMATE #2 They sure call us out for work in the rain, but I already know we aint gonna get out when its for us. GOSSIP INMATE #1 Youre sure right. SIDEWINDER Theyre killing somebody tonight. GOSSIP INMATE #2 Oh yeah. Officer Cook stands at the railing on the third floor of the cell block. A cockroach crawls across the floor. He steps on it. COOK Rack it up for count! Everybody get in your house. Rack it up for count! General grumbling is heard throughout. REAL CONVICT #1 Why do we have to rack up? COOK Just because. Thats why. REAL CONVICT #1 That aint a rule. We dont have to go to our house for count. COOK You got a choice. Rack it up or I can write you a case. I get paid the same either way. The three Real Convicts move along with everyone else. REAL CONVICT #1 This is stupid. REAL CONVICT #2 Thats what Im saying. REAL CONVICT #3 Stupid. COOK You got something to say? Anybody got something to say to me, say it to my face! The Inmates go into their cells and the doors are slammed shut for the count. EXT. COUNT WHISTLE NIGHT The old steam whistle bursts out a scream almost covered by the thunder and wind. The voice comes over the loudspeaker. VOICE ON SPEAKER Count time. Stop all movement for count. INT. THE DEATH HOUSE NIGHT The guards zip up a black body bag and place it in the black van. EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL NIGHT The grave of White Bear ruptures open sending dirt and rocks into the air as a magnificent GHOST HORSE emerges from the earth with a GHASTLY White Bear as its rider. They strut in place for a second and then lunge toward the streets. 0002000008D400013F798CE,INT. B LINE NIGHT The Inmates are inside their cells. Officer Cook walks down the run on the third row. He leans against the wall at the crack in the mortar. Tiny teeth from HORRIBLE CREATURES bite his fingers and hold on. Cook screams in pain and tries to pull his hand free. The Creatures in the Wall pull harder and it seems that Cook might be siphoned into the small crack. The Creatures take several more chunks of flesh from Cooks hand and fingers. Finally, Cook pulls free but he falls backward over the railing and lands twisted on the metal table in the day room. All is quiet for a moment. A YOUNG KEY BOSS comes by and looks through the bars of the main gate. YOUNG KEY BOSS Say! Cook! He unlocks the gate and walks into the day room. He sees the body on the table and screams into his radio. YOUNG KEY BOSS (CONTD) Officer down! Help! Officer down! He runs out still screaming in panic. EXT. CITY OF HUNTSVILLE NIGHT White Bear rides toward the walls unit. All around him the storm surges. A police car drives up with siren and lights flashing. The POLICEMAN gets out and confronts White Bear. POLICEMAN Get down from the horse! White Bear laughs and the horse stands on its back legs. The policeman draws his weapon. White Bear commands his steed forward as the Policeman fires shots into the darkness. Int. B liNE DAY Small canisters roll in from the main gate and the quiet cell block is flooded with tear gas. The steel gate opens again and a squad of guards in riot gear step in precise formation with helmets, masks and shields. They stomp slowly forward until they reach Cooks lifeless body. They lower their shields and look around, realizing no one is anywhere near. The Inmates gag and cough from inside their cells. Reverend stands at his cell door screaming. REVEREND A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger! Captain Simon marches in and looks the area over. He takes a handkerchief and covers his mouth and then moves carefully forward. He stands over the twisted body of Cook and checks for a pulse. Cook is dead. He looks around at the guards in riot gear and the yellow remnants of the tear gas. CAPT SIMON What the hell is all this? The Inmates are locked in their cells! The man fell! 00020000085E00014847858,A shrill scream is heard in the distance. Captain Simon gets on his radio. CAPT SIMON (CONTD) Simon to C-line. What was that screaming? There is nothing but static coming through. With a loud thunder clap and a flash of lightning, the lights and power go out. All is dark except for a couple of emergency lights. Captain Simon gets on the radio again. CAPT SIMON (CONTD) Captain Simon to Unit Maintenance. He waits. The guards are spooked. Nothing but static again on the radio. CAPT SIMON (CONTD) What the hell is going on around here? Sergeant Dickenson and the Baby Faced Guard come running in, out of breath. SGT DICKENSON Mrs. Hines is down. She was on A-line. CAPT SIMON Post somebody here and get over to the maintenance building and find out what happened to our back-up generator. Sergeant Dickenson points to the Baby Faced Guard who reluctantly steps in to the post on B-line. Dickenson then leaves in a hurry. The radio spurts and crackles to life. VOICE FROM C LINE (on radio) C-line to Unit Maintenance. We got a blackout here. CAPT SIMON Captain Simon to C-line. Rack up all your Inmates immediately. We are now on lock-down until further notice. VOICE FROM C LINE (on radio) Yes sir, Captain. He points to a couple of the riot squad guards. CAPT SIMON You get over to the Infirmary and get a bag and stretcher for this body. You go to every cell block, A through L, and make sure they are locked down. Make sure they have flashlights. The rest of you come with me. And get out of those stupid riot suits! The two designated guards leave quickly. Simon exits with the others. The Baby Faced Guard sits at a table and props his feet up. Int. East building - day Walter is still cuffed to the bars. Clara is still sitting on top of him. She is tired. WalTER The power must be out. Its count time too. Somebody will be looking for me. Clara stands and goes over to her uniform. She takes cigarettes out of the pocket of her shirt. ClARA Im not done yet. You smoke? WALTER No. INT. C LINE NIGHT A GUARD stands in the day-room of C-line. It is dark and the Inmates are grumbling about the blackout and the lock-down. 0002000004E40001509F4DE,Smith, Skinner and Curly make their way through the crowd to the front. C LINE GUARD What do you want! SMITH We need to go to work. C LINE GUARD You heard me! Go to your house. Its a lock-down until Unit Maintenance can get the power up again. SKINNER We are Unit Maintenance The Guard is dumbfounded. His mouth drops open. SMITH Oh my god! You have shorted out his control panel. Say something before his tiny head explodes. Curly makes sizzle and crackle noises. The he mimics the sound of an explosion. SMITH (CONTD) Its going to be okay sir. We are here to help. Quick, somebody translate. Does anyone here speak redneck? Skinner raises his hand like a volunteer. He speaks very slowly with an exaggerated accent while Curly makes hand signals like a game of charades. SKINNER The, Captain, wants, us, to, fix, the, lights. The Guard gets on his radio reluctantly. Curly makes the sound of a crowd cheering. INT. INFIRMARY NIGHT The Nurse is tending to MRS. HINES, a very round woman in her thirties. Outside the window, Captain Simon is on his radio. The body of Cook is in a black body bag on a stretcher. A few guards are transferring it to a table. It is dark except for the emergency light. Captain Simon comes back into the room. 000200000CF40001557DCEE,HINES It felt something was biting me. Like it wouldnt let go. I feel so stupid screaming like that. NURSE It looks like maybe you cut yourself on something. HINES Maybe it was a wire coming out of that little hole in the wall. CAPT SIMON The rest of you come with me. Captain Simon and the guards leave. Officer Hines lies back on the examination table. EXT. OUTSIDE THE WALLS UNIT NIGHT A guard stands just outside of the wooden picket at the top of the red brick walls. He has his rifle on his shoulder as he watches the storm. White Bear appears below. He rides to the edge of the wall and the guard looks down in disbelief. Reaching for his radio, the guard lifts the rifle up and aims. Suddenly lightning strikes the wall and it shakes and fractures, sending him and the rifle tumbling to the ground. Hundreds of the Horrible Creatures descend from the crack in the brick onto the body of the fallen guard, devouring him in seconds. He screams as each Creature tears a small piece of his flesh. He pulls away briefly but the swarm overcomes him. White Bear and his horse now stand on top of the wall. He smiles and looks at the mass of starving insect-ghouls he has liberated. The Creatures crawl along the walls of various buildings toward the main grounds of the prison. White Bear and his horse jump over to the top of a building inside the Unit. He dismounts and looks down over the courtyard. Int. East building - day Clara finishes her cigarette and flicks it into a corner. As it lies burning, one of the Horrible Creatures appears on the wall just above it. ClaRA I bet you got a couple more rounds in you. WALTER These cuffs are hurting my hand. Three or four more of the Creatures gather behind her. CLARA I can fix that. You wont go anywhere. You cant. She walks over and retrieves her keys. Before she can unlock the cuffs, She gets bitten by one of the Creature. Walter sees this and squirms in panic. Several dozen of the Creatures now attack Clara and she drops the keys. She screams with each bite. The pain takes her to her knees. Walter is horrified and reaches for the key ring with his free hand. One of the Creatures stops and turns to look at Walter. Walter tries to reach the keys but cant. He tries with his legs but he cant reach. Two or three of the Creatures have now turned to look at Walter. They seem to be studying him. Earnest appears. With a wave of his hand, the cuffs drop off. EaRNEST Get dressed. Hurry. Walter grabs his clothes and puts them on quickly. EARNEST (CONTD) The curse has started. Ill look out for you but you gotta be on your toes. Walter grabs his boots as Earnest lifts him into the air and they float away, leaving Clara to her fate. The steel gate clicks and swings open as they fly through. INT. B LINE NIGHT[] The Baby Faced Guard still sits with his feet propped up and his eyes closed. Just behind him, one of the Creatures crawls slowly across the brick wall. Inside his cell, Jagger is cleaning up the yellow residue from the gas. Earnest and Walter float to the outside gate of West Building. The Gate clicks open and the Young Key Boss looks out in amazement. He steps out and looks around. Walter and Earnest slip in high over his head as the cell block gate swings open. They float in before the Young Key Boss sees them. 00020000072D0001626B727,They land and begin to walk quietly to Walters cell. The door slides open as Walter drops his boots with a loud thud. BABY FACED GUARD You there! What are yall doing out of that cell? Walter jumps into his cell and the door shuts magically behind him. Earnest turns toward the Baby Faced Guard and smiles wickedly. More of the Creatures appear behind the unsuspecting guard as he pulls out his pepper spray. BABY FACED GUARD (CONTD) Who the hell are you! Get back. Im warning you. EARNEST Dont worry. Im already dead. Us dead folks cant do much of anything except open and close doors, turn lights on and off, throw things across the room, and mess with the weather sometimes. Earnest waves his hand and the pepper spray flies across the room. The radio soars off the table high into the air and then falls, shattering into pieces on the floor. The Baby Face Guard takes a step back. Just within reach of the Creatures, a dozen sharp jaws take bites out of his flesh. He pulls himself away and tries to run toward the cell block gate. Earnest jumps in the way. EARNEST (CONTD) Its time to take responsibility for your actions young man. Bleeding from his bite wounds, he hums a muted cry. EARNEST (CONTD) You shouldve thought about that before you done your crimes. The Creatures catch up to him. His body jerks violently as he is eaten alive. EXT. OUTSIDE THE GENERATOR HOUSING - NIGHT The rain pours as lightning strikes nearby. Curly stands in the fierce wind, holding a ladder. Smith and Skinner are on top of a small structure attempting a repair. On the ground under an umbrella, Spivey nurses a whiskey flask. SMITH There is only so much we can do with tin foil and paper clips. SKINNER If the glorious State of Texas would just splurge on some duct tape, we could have this whole unit remodeled in a few hours. 00020000067D00016992677,The motor comes to life and Skinner shouts down to Curly. SKINNER (CONTD) Curly! Try to crank it up! Curly leaves his post at the ladder and moves to a covered panel. He grabs the handle of the switch and lowers it. Nothing happens. He screams back to Skinner. CURLY Still dead! SPIVEY How hard can it be! Goddamn idiots! CURLY Next time you order parts, let us actually fix something before you sell them on the internet. SPIVEY You watch yourself Curly. Ill get you shipped so far away; your wife will never afford to visit you again. CURLY You know Spivey? I got two life sentences. What do you think keeps me from smashing your face in? SPIVEY Is that a threat? CURLY Let me spell this out for you. As long as my two buddies up there get home to their families, safe and sound, then I wont cut you into tiny pieces like I did my boss out in the world. Spivey stares him down. Curly goes back to the ladder. INT. B LINE NIGHT The Young Key Boss looks through the open gate of the cell block, toward the table where the Baby Faced Guard met his demise. No blood or evidence remains except the smashed radio and pepper spray canister. YOUNG KEY BOSS Whos on duty in there? I didnt leave this door open did I? No one answers. Mrs. Box appears from behind and frightens him. MRS BOX I need to get some of my workers to make johnnies. YOUNG KEY BOSS I thought the Captain put somebody in there. He goes through the gate and looks around. No one is there. YOUNG KEY BOSS (CONTD) Ill go crank open the cell doors. He steps back into the control area and turns a large wheel. The cell doors all open in unison with a loud bang. No one dares step out. 0002000006B1000170096AB,MRS BOX Jagger? Are you up there? Jagger? How about Jones? Jones? YOUNG KEY BOSS Listen up! When Mrs. Box calls your name, step out immediately. This is a kitchen crew for lock-down. If Mrs. Box does not call your name do not step out! No one responds at all. Finally, Jagger sticks his head out and looks around. He steps out and beckons to Walter. They put on their boots as Mrs. Box calls out more names. MRS BOX Lawrence Brady? Lawrence? He looks out cautiously and then steps out. Mrs. Box seems suspiciously nice. MRS BOX (CONTD) Come on out. Where is Hernandez? INT. INFIRMARY NIGHT Alone in the pharmacy room, the Nurse is looking through a cabinet. Just behind her, one of the Creatures crawls on the wall and waits. Finding what she needs, she turns around to see JIM HARPER, a ghostly remnant of a thirty-year old man. He is stripped to boxers and standing very close. The Nurse jumps. JIM HARPER Remember me? NURSE What are you doing in here? Who are you? JIM HARPER Jim Harper. Number 2521. In 1964, you injected me with air bubbles so I wouldnt testify against the Warden from Ferguson Unit. You remember dont you? NURSE I wasnt even born in 1964 and neither were you. You should not be in here. Put some clothes on right now and get back to your house! She is angry and hostile. Jim Harper moves slowly and deliberately closer. On the wall behind her, more of the Creatures have gathered. JIM HARPER You changed your hair, but I remember you. Lovely hands. He reaches for her and she backs up into the grasp of the Creatures that now swarm the corner. She screams in terror with each gash from the sharp insect-ghoul teeth. But she quickly subsides and is consumed. Jim Harper laughs. 00020000061F000176B4619,In the main room, Officer Hines sits up. She has heard the scream and is now staring uncomfortably at the body bag. HINES Sarah? Are you okay? Who is back there with you? She only hears the crazed laugh of Jim Harper. She gets up and starts to walk toward the door. One of the Creatures follows her movements along the wall. HINES (CONTD) I really dont need those pain pills after all. I think I can just make my way to my car and go home. As she reaches for the doorknob, one of the Creatures lands on her arm and she screams. As she jumps back she falls into the jaws of another. She struggles to free herself as blood splatters from her wounds. She falls to the ground and moans as the Creatures overcome her. HINES (CONTD) Ooooh damn. Jim Harper enters and looks at the body bag. He waves his hand and it unzips. Cooks body rolls out and the Creatures swarm to it. JIM HARPER Shouldnt waste food. INT. KITCHEN NIGHT Mrs. Box has Lawrence, Walter, Jagger and some others working at a large table making sandwiches by the hundreds and putting them into brown bags. Mrs. Box is working side by side with the Inmates. It is dark with only the emergency lights on. MRS BOX I think we have enough sandwiches. What else? KITCHEN INMATE #1 We usually only get peanut butter and bread in a johnny. This bologna and cheese is gonna make us famous. MRS BOX Arent there some crackers or chips somewhere? LAWRENCE The officers hall always has cookies and crackers and chips. Mrs. Box nods and quickly goes off with her keys. Lawrence follows her instinctively. 00020000078B00017CCD785,KITCHEN INMATE #1 Did you hear that? KITCHEN INMATE #3 Maybe she is sick. She told me to put pickles and mustard on these. KITCHEN INMATE #2 This whole thing is spooky. Mrs. Box aint screamed at nobody yet. Not even Lawrence. JAGGER In the twelve years Ive been here, this is a first. I never saw her help make johnnies or anything. Never. KITCHEN INMATE #3 We need to help her. Whatever she gets, its gonna be about a thousand of em. WALTER I think we should stay right here. Kitchen inmate #2 You sure is jumpy. Whats wrong with you? Walter stays behind as the others leave to help. Finally he decides not to be alone and runs to join them. They walk through a dark area and turn toward a hallway. As they move along down the corridor, one of the Creatures follows them. Mrs. Box and Lawrence come around a corner. Lawrence is pushing a cart loaded with boxes. More Creatures gather as Mrs. Box gets near. They begin to surround the entire group. MRS BOX We found cookies! The lights suddenly come on. The sound of electricity flowing hums through the building. The Creatures scurry away into the shadows. INT. CAPTAINS OFFICE NIGHT Warden Hale is still dressed in his Death House best. Captain Simon screams in his radio as Major Burton enters from outside. CAPT SIMON Are you saying there is no one posted on B-Line? Voice of Young key boss (on radio) Yes sir. I looked all around. CAPT SIMON Call Sergeant Garza for that post for now until I can get back to you. MAJOR What is it now? WARDEN HALE That baby-faced kid, I cant remember his name. He left his post on B-line. No one has seen him. MAJOR This place is a goddamn zoo. I couldnt find anybody at the infirmary. Even the body bag was empty. CAPT SIMON What the hell? Is it Halloween or something? What the fuck is going on? Smith, Skinner, Curly and Spivey enter from the storm. The Inmates are soaked and shivering. The Warden shifts the conversation. 0002000007420001845273C,WARDEN HALE Good job men. Maybe we can sort the rest of this out, now that we have lights. CAPT SIMON Lets get these fellas to the showers Mr. Spivey. Ill call the kitchen and see if we cant get some hot food for them too. SPIVEY I dont got keys for the showers. WARDEN HALE Try using your radio and call the laundry Sergeant. Whatever it takes, just get these men what they need. They saved your ass today. SMITH Thank you, sir. SKINNER We appreciate it. Curly does his best Elvis impersonation. CURLY Thank you. Thank you very much. Captain Simon gets another call on his radio. Spivey grumbles out the door and the three Inmates follow. Curly swaggers, blows kisses and bows. Voice of SCOUT (on radio) Scout Team leader to Captain Simon. CAPT SIMON (into the radio) This is Captain Simon. What have you got? VOICE OF SCOUT (on radio) I cant see anyone in the picket on the west side wall. CAPT SIMON (into the radio) Who was up there? VOICE OF SCOUT (on radio) Adams was on the roster for it. MAJOR That one is a goddamned idiot! CAPT SIMON (into the radio) Couldnt you get him on the radio? VOICE OF SCOUT (on radio) No sir. There is one more thing sir. Captain Simon shakes his head. VOICE OF SCOUT (CONTD) The post on the northwest side says he saw a naked guy on a horse jump up on the wall and then jump down on top of the textile factory building. SIMON (into the radio) Youre fucking with me now? VOICE OF SCOUT (on radio) Thats what he said sir. The telephone rings and Warden Hale picks it up. WARDEN HALE (into the phone) Warden Hale speaking. Hello Dan. CAPT SIMON (into the radio) Can you get somebody up there? Send a search party goddamn it! WARDEN HALE (into the phone) Alright, thanks Dan. VOICE OF SCOUT (on radio) Yes sir. All three men stand in silence for a second. The rain and thunder blasts fill the air. CAPT SIMON 00020000061E00018B8E618,Now we got two missing knuckle heads, one of them carrying a goddamn rifle, a missing dead body, and some crack-head hallucinating about a horse. WARDEN HALE That was Lieutenant Lareau. Hes coming in. Said he heard there was a small tornado reported in town. MAJOR Fucking great. INT. B LINE NIGHT SERGEANT GARZA is at his post on B-line. Reverend stands in his cell screaming his bizarre sermon for all to hear. Jimbo and Hank hover nearby, keeping watch. Lawrence and Kitchen Inmate #3 lug a huge box of johnny-sacks from cell to cell passing them out. REVEREND But the fearful, and unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whore-mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. Warden Hale, Captain Simon, Major Burton and Lieutenant Lareau enter the cell block and look around. WARDEN HALE What can you tell us Sergeant? GARZA I didnt see any sign of him or anybody sir. MAJOR Where do they find these kids they hire for us these days? CAPT SIMON Welfare rejects, high school flunkies, and police academy dropouts. Lieutenant Lareau finds the smashed radio. He picks it up and brings it over to the group. LAREAU The key boss said he never saw him leave. He might still be here. CAPT SIMON Key boss! Roll the doors! The Young Key Boss goes to the wheel and turns it gently so the doors slide open quietly. Captain Simon calls out to the Inmates. CAPT SIMON (CONTD) Listen up fellas. After you get your johnny-sack, step out of you cell and into the day room area. 0002000006B1000191A66AB,GARZA One row, listen up. After you receive your johnny-sack, step out of your cell immediately! No talking! Go to the day room area and do not go anywhere else! We are still on lock-down! INT. SHOWERS NIGHT Spivey sits on a bench glaring at Smith and Skinner as they dress. Curly is still in the shower, lingering under the water. SMITH Its so damn humid and hot, I cant tell if I have dried off yet. SKINNER I havent seen Warden Hale in a while. He seems older. SPIVEY You idiots shut up and get dressed. I aint got all night. SMITH So much for the hero treatment. Back to being a worthless dog. SKINNER Fame and fortune eludes me once again. They are both dressed. Smith calls out to Curly who is still enjoying the water. SMITH Quit playing around with that and lets go get some decent food before they change their minds. SPIVEY You two go ahead and run down to the chow hall. Ill wait for Curly. Spivey smiles as Smith and Skinner exit. Then he goes over to a bench and pulls a hammer from underneath his raincoat. He moves to the light switch and shuts them off. Curly looks up and calls out. CURLY Very funny guys. Ha. Ha. I laughed. Spivey moves over to hide as Curly steps out and finds his way over to the dressing area benches. Spivey backs into the shadows. Just behind him, one of the Creatures waits on the wall. Curly dries off and begins to dress. CURLY (CONTD) Ooh! Im so scared of the dark. Those mean guys turned the lights off. Oooooh. He laughs to himself and looks around for Smith or Skinner to jump out. Spivey creeps up and holds the hammer high above his head, ready to strike. Suddenly the Creature leaps onto his face and bites him. He screams and drops the hammer. 0002000006C9000198516C3,Curly looks around but cant see anything clearly. CURLY (CONTD) Damn it. That almost sounded real. Spivey screams again and manages to fight his way out of the grasps of the hundreds of tiny jaws. He is bleeding and wounded as he crawls away in desperation. CURLY (CONTD) That was fake as hell guys. That first one was good. You almost had me. But the second scream was too fake. He finishes getting dressed and moves to the door. Spivey is writhing in pain on the floor, he moans as he tries to escape but his foot gets grabbed by several more Creatures. They take multiple bites of his foot as he tries to pull away in anguish. CURLY (CONTD) All this spooky shit is making me hungry. Im outa here. He leaves out the door as Spivey is still trying to squirm his way free. Jimbo and Hank appear and stand over him. JIMBO Does it hurt? Its okay to cry. SPIVEY Who the fuck are you? JIMBO Im Jimbo. That there is Hank. The boy next door. Quiet. Keeps to himself. Never bothers anyone. We are all so surprised to hear he was a notorious cat burglar. INT. B LINE NIGHT The Inmates are all gathered quietly in the day-room, eating their johnnies. The ranking officers are up on the top rows still looking for signs of the Baby Faced Guard. Sergeant Garza watches TV. NEWS ANCHOR (on TV) The wind damage in Huntsville so far has been minor. But just look at this caught on video. The guy there on horseback, apparently naked, riding around in the rain. Sergeant Garza turns the TV off quickly as Captain Simon calls to him. CAPT SIMON All clear Sergeant! GARZA Everyone back in your house! Take your johnnies and rack it up! As the Inmates wander back to their cells, Turner appears near the gate and gets Reverends attention. 00020000071800019F14712,TURNER The demons of hell have been unleashed Mr. Winston. REVEREND Who are you? TURNER Im an angel, here to set you free. The gate clicks and swings open. Reverend looks at it but doesnt move. REVEREND And there came to me one of seven angels with seven vials full of the seven plagues saying, come hither. TURNER I couldnt have said it better. REVEREND And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates. TURNER Yes, there are twelve gates. Reverend is terribly pleased by the conversation. He steps through the gate without hesitation. Then the outside main gate swings open as well. The officers are preoccupied. Reverend slips out into the corridor and walks toward the next set of doors. INT. THE CHOW HALL NIGHT Mrs. Box comes out from the kitchen area with hamburgers and french-fries for the maintenance heroes. Walter and Jagger serve them happily as they make jokes. SMITH Mrs. Hill is no longer the ugliest woman here. There is a new one. Did you see her this morning? SKINNER Face like a moose? Yeah, I sure didnt want to wake up to that face. CURLY Teach me to come to prison. MRS BOX Jagger, you and Jones sit down and eat. There is plenty. They eagerly join in. Skinner holds up a french-fry and examines it. SKINNER What are these called again? SMITH I have seen them on TV but I cant remember exactly. CURLY Thanks maam. This is real nice. Mrs. Box smiles and leaves the happy Inmates to their feast. She walks back into the dark kitchen area. INT. KITCHEN NIGHT Mrs. Box heads toward the gated stairway and unlocks it. She shuts and locks the gate behind her and then goes down the dark stairwell to the main kitchen area. Several hungry Creatures follow her movements along the wall as she descends. At the bottom of the stairs, the GHOST OF WILSON waits for her. She sees him. 0002000006430001A62663D,MRS BOX Oh my god! Wilson? Is Sergeant Hunter here or something? Never mind. How are you feeling? I have been thinking about you. I thought you would still be in the hospital. WILSON Youve been thinking about me? MRS BOX Actually, I really have. Wilson is slowly approaching her. The Creatures on the wall are poised, ready to feed. Mrs. Box is unaware of any danger. She is focused on her speech. MRS BOX (CONTD) This is going to be awkward no matter what I say or how I say it. So here goes. Wilson smiles as she continues. MRS BOX (CONTD) I will understand if you dont believe me. After the way I have been and the things I have done, I wouldnt believe me either. Wilson listens with great intent. The Creatures are reaching and stretching out to grab her. MRS BOX (CONTD) I am truly sorry about what happened to you and I am doing my best to try to change. Something happened the other day and I just sort of snapped, you know? I saw myself and I thought what am I doing? I dont want to be like this. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was sick. WILSON Youre sorry? MRS BOX Yes. I really am. And I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I promise. WILSON Its a little late for that. You watched me die. Now I am going to watch you die. Mrs. Box backs up just enough and suddenly becomes aware of the Creatures as one of them latches on to her and takes a bite. She screams and runs back up the stairs with Wilson following her. She fumbles with the keys in the gate as the Creatures continue to tear at her arms and legs. She drops her radio to the bottom of the stairs. 0002000006750001AC6366F,MRS BOX Somebody help me! One of the Creatures crawls onto her face and bites. Wilson waves his hand and the keys fly out of her hand and slide across the floor. Mrs. Box is screaming and crying. Walter comes running in. He sees the bloody feeding and is horrified. He cant decide what to do. He yells at Wilson. WALTER Dont just stand there! Do something! WILSON I am doing something. I am witnessing an execution. It is my right as a victim. I need closure. Walter sees the keys and picks them up. He runs to the gate and tries to unlock it. All the while Mrs. Box is moaning for the last time. The Creatures have almost completely consumed her. Walter looks at Wilson and decides not to unlock the gate after all. Instead, he runs back into the chow hall. INT. CHOW HALL NIGHT Walter stumbles in at a full run. He stops and tries to say what he has just seen. At that moment, Sergeant Hunter enters through the front door. He sees Walter but his eyes focus on the keys. SKINNER This cant be good. SGT HUNTER Everybody face the wall. Come on! Move! JAGGER We are here making johnnies sir. Mrs. Box is in the back. SGT HUNTER Shut up! You with the keys. Drop them now and get your face to the floor! Walter complies and Sgt. Hunter moves in and cuffs him. He takes his radio and calls. SGT HUNTER (CONTD) Dickenson? Are you on? Ive got a situation here in the kitchen. DICKENSON (on radio) This is Dickenson. Go ahead. SGT HUNTER It looks like some Inmates broke into the kitchen, got into some food looks like. You want to call the Captain on this one? DICKENSON (on radio) Negative. I will send someone over there. How many did you get? 0002000006230001B2D261D,SGT HUNTER Five so far. I got them under control. DICKENSON (on radio) Roger that tough guy. Be right there. Sergeant Hunter stands proudly with his catch. SGT HUNTER Boys, you get to go to lock up. EXT. OUTSIDE WALL NIGHT The storm is relentlessly dumping rain and blowing debris. Two SEARCH TEAM GUARDS in rain gear approach the huge crack in the wall underneath the guard picket. One of them calls on the radio to another SEARCH TEAM GUARD above in the picket. SEARCH TEAM #1 I dont see anything but mud and tree limbs and stuff. What do you got up there? SEARCH TEAM #3 (on radio) The picket is empty except for some cold fries and a half a burger. No radio, no rifle, nobody. One of the Creatures emerges from the crack in the wall. SEARCH TEAM #2 What the fuck is that thing? More of them come out quickly and attack both guards. Their screams are drowned out by the storm. EXT. TOP OF THE WALL NIGHT Search Team #3 looks around the picket one more time but finds nothing interesting. He walks back out on the wall, into the storm and shines his flashlight down to the ground. He calls on the radio. SEARCH TEAM #3 Search Team three to Search Team one. What are you little fags doing down there? He sees something moving. SEARCH TEAM #3 (CONTD) Ross? What is that down there? Did you find the guy? Make sure and secure the rifle. Ross? REVEREND (on radio) It came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. SEARCH TEAM #3 What was that again? Come in Ross. REVEREND 0002000006270001B8EF621,(on radio) They destroyed all that was in the city, man, woman, and child, with the edge of the sword. SEARCH TEAM #3 We got interference on this channel. Switch to twenty two. He turns the dial on his radio and waits. SEARCH TEAM #3 (CONTD) Ross, are you there? CAPT SIMON (on radio) Who is on this channel? SEARCH TEAM #3 Its the west wall search team sir. We had interference on our channel. CAPT SIMON (on radio) What do you see up there? SEARCH TEAM #3 So far nothing but debris from the storm. CAPT SIMON (on radio) Stay at your post until I give you further orders. And get off my frequency. SEARCH TEAM #3 Yes sir. He turns the dial on his radio and looks up. Turner is in his face. TURNER Watch your step pretty boy. The guard turns away but runs into Reverend, who is holding the missing rifle and radio. Startled, the guard loses his balance and falls against an old rail that collapses from decay. He holds on to what is left of a rusted iron post. One of the Creatures crawls onto his hand and down his arm. More follow that one as the guard screams out. They bite and chew on him until he finally lets go and falls to the ground. INT. WARDEN HALES OFFICE NIGHT Captain Simon comes in weary and wet. Warden Hale, Major Burton and Lieutenant Lareau have Lawrence standing in the center of the room. MAJOR Why would those Inmates tell me that? LAWRENCE I dont know sir. Rumors I guess. MAJOR Another Inmate came up to me and said you told him that you knew for a fact that my corrections officers were leaving in protest of the execution. WARDEN HALE 0002000007070001BF10701,So are you in fact, a member of an international organization to infiltrate the Texas prison system? Turning my officers into rebellious protesters? LAWRENCE No sir. I swear I never said anything like that. Never ever. WARDEN HALE I mean, it does sound a little far- fetched. I just cant figure out why three separate Inmates would come up with the same outrageous story. MAJOR You realize how serious it is to make up something like that? We have to take these things seriously. LAWRENCE No sir. I would never just make up something. Im a straight talking kind of guy. I tell it like it is. MAJOR Okay, go to your house. Lawrence leaves quickly. The officers get to release the laughter they were holding inside. Mrs. Hale steps into the doorway and knocks. MAJOR (CONTD) Mrs. Hale? WARDEN HALE Mom? What are you doing here? MRS HALE Its a long story. WARDEN HALE Can you gentlemen excuse us? The men leave out of the office and shut the door behind them. MRS HALE This thing has gone from bad to terrible. WARDEN HALE Tell me about it. She tosses Walters parole file onto the desk. MRS HALE We have got to take care of him now. It cant wait until morning. INT. FOUR BUILDING NIGHT Walter is in a segregation cell, bewildered and pacing. Sergeant Hunter and Sergeant Dickenson come to his cell door and unlock it. Harrison joins them. Walter backs up against the wall as they move in with malice. HARRISON Should I cuff him? Earnest appears behind them in the hallway. EARNEST Its a bad idea fellas. It aint nice to hurt folks. Sergeant Hunter spins around and lunges at him, but Earnest dodges to one side. He points to the heavy cell door and it swings open, knocking the other two men back. Walter makes a break for the opening and just gets by them, stumbling into the hallway. 0002000007480001C611742,Jagger, Smith, Skinner and Curly are each standing at their cell doors. Frank is lying on his bunk with swollen eyes and bloody cuts on his face, but he gets up and limps to the cell door to try to see what is happening. Harrison, Dickenson and Hunter chase Walter down the run. Suddenly they stop. A dark majestic horse has appeared at the end of the hallway. His nostrils steam and he stomps in place. The fierce warrior on his back stares with black hollow eyes at the terrified guards. They freeze in place as White Bear and his horse advance slowly. Earnest waves his arms in the air and all the cell doors swing open. Curly is the first to step out. Jagger, Smith and Skinner step out and stare with awe. Frank moves out with his cane and joins them. He smiles with the greatest joy of his life. FRANK White Bear! Buddy was right! Its him! White Bear moves past Frank as he and his horse corner the three not-so-brave guards. Walter and the others step slowly back with great caution, looking all around. They see the main gate is open. CURLY I think its time to leave. JAGGER Where do we go? SMITH Back to the kitchen where we were! They all run out quickly. Curly helps Frank. White Bear and his horse strut slowly forward a hordes of the Creatures crawl across the walls. Harrison is the first to feel the bite of one of the Creatures as it crawls up his leg. Hunter tries to kick himself free from one Creature but more have landed on his face. Dickenson tries to run but falls to the ground. The last thing he sees in his life are the teeth of one of the Creatures as it chomps into his eye. The Civil War Ghost appears. Civil war ghost Eye for an eye! EXT. THE YARD NIGHT The Inmates spill out into the courtyard. The relentless storm drenches them as they run toward the chow hall entrance. Earnest appears and opens the door for them. 0002000006300001CD5362A,INT. B LINE NIGHT All is quiet on the cell block. Warden Hale, Mrs. Hale, and Major Burton enter the main run. Sergeant Garza stands up and tries to look busy. They make their way to the cell where Jagger and Walter live and look inside. MRS HALE He is gone? MAJOR Jagger is the baker in the kitchen. He turns and yells to Sergeant Garza. MAJOR (CONTD) Sergeant! Get this cell open and bring your roster with you. Sergeant Garza and the Young Key Boss leap over themselves to comply. The cell door opens and Warden Hale steps in. He sees on the top bunk, the red mesh bag of Walters meager property. INT. THE CHOW HALL NIGHT Walter makes his way through the chow hall to the door that leads into the kitchen area. Jagger is behind him. Smith and Skinner come in, followed by Curly who is helping Frank. INT. KITCHEN NIGHT Walter and Jagger enter and Jagger finds the light switch. Walter hurries over to the gate. There is no blood. The only evidence is the radio squawking at the bottom of the stairwell. The men silently return to the chow hall area. INT. THE CHOW HALL NIGHT The other four Inmates are sitting in a bewildered silence. CURLY So that was a ghost or something? No one says a word. Walter and Jagger sit down, exhausted. Walter sees Franks injuries. WALTER Frank! What happened to you? FRANK It aint nothing. Just a little ole fender bender. INT. K LINE NIGHT Hank and Jimbo appear in the cell block. Officer Miller is asleep at a day-room table. The cell block is quiet, but not for long. Jimbo jumps onto a day-room table and waves his arms. 0002000006730001D37D66D,JIMBO K line! Turn out! The cell doors roll open and a few INMATES stick their heads out. K line inmate What time is it? Officer Miller stirs a little but does not wake up. HANK Lets go boys! The doors are open! The yard is open! Its all open! Yee ha! A few more INMATES sleepily stumble out and look around. Most of them turn around and go back to their bunks to sleep. JIMBO This is pitiful. What is wrong with you people? The doors are open! Storm the gates! Start a riot or something! SLEEPY INMATE Whats all the racket? INT. THE CHOW HALL NIGHT The front door opens and Mrs. Hale enters with the Warden and the Major. She sees Walter. All the Inmates stand at attention. MRS HALE There you are, thank god. MAJOR Relax gentlemen. Everything is a little crazy tonight. We are just making the rounds. Curly and Frank sit back down as Smith moves over to the window and looks out. The Major, the Warden and Mrs. Hale pull Walter to the side. They find a table and sit. Walter sees that the Major holds his red mesh bag. WARDEN HALE Youre Walter Jones? Im Warden Hale. This is Major Burton, and you know Mrs. Hale. WALTER Yes sir. I just want to go home. WARDEN HALE And we are here to make sure that happens. MRS HALE I have your file here. You sign a few papers and I will walk you out that front door right now. She looks at her watch and then at the Warden. Walter sits and signs. Major Burton takes his fingerprints. The Warden signs all the papers. MRS HALE (CONTD) We need to get you over to East Building and get you some clothes to wear. When is your wife coming? WALTER She said she would get here at eight and wait for me. 00020000066D0001D9EA667,WARDEN HALE Will you be okay out there until then? WALTER Out there anywhere will be great. Yes sir. They all stand up and get ready to exit. Warden Hale checks his watch. Smith suddenly gets excited and calls out to Skinner. SMITH Its him! Come look! Skinner, Jagger and Frank come and look out. In the courtyard, riding around in a large circle, is White Bear on his horse. JAGGER He is magnificent. The others come up and look out. CURLY This is so great. Mrs. Hale looks casually and heads for the door shaking her head. MRS HALE Thats one of the things I have always hated about this unit. All the mother-fucking ghosts. INT. B LINE NIGHT Hank and Jimbo appear in the cell block. Sergeant Garza freezes in place with surprise. HANK Turn them out Jimbo! Jimbo waves his arms and all the cell doors open. To the amazement of the Young Key Boss, the front and side gates swing open as well. JIMBO Come on B-line, turn out! Lets tear it up! Its an old fashioned convict blast! A few Inmates walk out of their cells a little bewildered. HANK Yeeee! Haaaa! Real Convict #1 walks out of his cell and straight over to Sergeant Garza and punches him in the nose. Garza is stunned. REAL CONVICT #1 Thats for taking my goddamned pillow! JIMBO Thats what Im talking about! EXT. IN FRONT OF THE CHOW HALL NIGHT Mrs. Hale, Warden Hale, and Walter walk out the front door and down the ramp. Almost immediately, gunfire erupts. Warden Hale looks up at the wall and a bullet just misses his head. He panics and runs toward the Captains office. Walter follows as more shots ring out. Mrs. Hale seems very calm as she follows them inside. 0002000006A30001E05169D,White Bear and his horse continue in a circle as the bullets fly. EXT. THE OUTSIDE WALL NIGHT Reverend is firing the rifle wildly with Turner standing beside him. TURNER I thought you could shoot! You missed him! REVEREND There went out a horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat thereon. TURNER Oh just shut up! INT. THE CAPTAINS OFFICE NIGHT Captain Simon looks at the Warden as he cowers against the wall. Lieutenant Lareau runs for the phone. CAPT SIMON That was gunfire! WARDEN HALE That son of a bitch almost killed me! Walter is holding his red mesh bag close to him. Mrs. Hale is not looking happy at all. Lieutenant Lareau calls 911. Captain Simon looks cautiously out the window. LT LAREAU (into the phone) This is Lieutenant Lareau at the Walls Prison Unit. We got somebody shooting at us in here. CAPT SIMON What is with the freak on the goddamn horse? What is this shit? MRS HALE We are going back out there! LT LAREAU (into the phone) As many men as you can spare. It seems to be coming from the west corner picket. WARDEN HALE I almost got killed! MRS HALE Dont be such a baby! WALTER I want out of here! MRS HALE See? Such a brave young man. You want to go for it, dont you! WALTER Yes maam. I want to go home! She takes Walters hand and they head out again. She also grabs the Warden and pulls him toward the door. MRS HALE Come on chicken shit! EXT. THE YARD NIGHT They get out the door and the Warden runs. The gunfire begins again. Walter pulls at Mrs. Hale who is taking her time. WALTER Come on! Bullets fly all around as Mrs. Hale looks up to the wall. She pulls at Walters hand, slowing him down, but he drags her to the entrance and inside. 00020000066D0001E6EE667,White Bear slows his horse to a stop. He screams a war cry and lightning strikes the ground next to him. INT. THE CAPTAINS OFFICE NIGHT Lt. Lareau is looking through the window as he continues on the phone. Captain Simon frantically calls on his radio. LT LAREAU (into the phone) Just one more thing. There is this naked man on horseback. CAPT SIMON (screaming at the radio) Sergeant Hunter! Sergeant Dickenson! Anybody! INT. THE CHOW HALL NIGHT Everyone is looking out the window at the excitement. One of the windows blows out, sending them all diving to the floor. INT. EAST BUILDING NIGHT Mrs. Hale, Warden Hale and Walter are in the clothing storage area of the old cell block. Walter is changing into some ridiculous looking free-world clothes. WALTER So you know about the ghosts? MRS HALE Oh yes. You have seen them too, I am sure of that. WALTER What was the name of the Indian on the horse? MRS HALE White Bear, he killed himself here back in 1878. Earnest appears behind her. Warden Hale is looking in Walters folder, reading his court papers with great interest. EARNEST He was murdered just like I was murdered. It wasnt no suicide. Dont listen to them Walter. They cant be trusted. MRS HALE Whatever. Anyway, legend has it that supposedly there are innocent victims of the death penalty somehow trapped in the walls. Whatever they are, when it gets overcrowded, White Bear sets them free. They feed on human flesh until the next innocent Inmate is killed. WARDEN HALE This is the part I dont understand. Walter Jones 7747834. Why would anyone plead guilty to a crime that he so obviously didnt commit? WALTER 0002000006170001ED55611,What is going on here? WARDEN HALE Just answer my question Inmate Jones 7747834. Why plead guilty when you didnt do it? That is weak! Its pathetic. WALTER I was in college. I was looking at a life sentence. I couldnt afford a real lawyer. I had just gotten married. They offered me ten so I took it. It happens all the time. Its over now and done with. Okay? Now somebody please tell me what is going on. Turner appears and Mrs. Hale smiles to greet him. MRS HALE Hello Grandpa Turner! WALTER Grandpa? EARNEST I told you not to trust any of the bosses. I told you! Several other GHOSTS now begin to appear in the shadows and observe. Warden Hale pulls out a large pistol and points it at Walter. He then looks at Turner. WARDEN HALE Of all the Inmates you could have put up on that wall, you found the only one who cant shoot worth a fuck. He almost killed me! TURNER Shes the one that said get Winston, he was a sharp-shooter in the Korean War. MRS HALE I said Wilson, not Winston. Inmate Wilson was a sniper in Vietnam. Winston is a mental patient. WARDEN HALE Wilson is dead. MRS HALE What do you mean hes dead? WARDEN HALE He keeled over in the chow hall from heat stroke. TURNER I heard it was a heart attack. Wilsons Ghost appears and steps up to set the record straight. WILSON It was heat stroke. Everyone ponders this for a moment. TURNER Just send him back out to the yard and I will make sure we get him this time. He fades away with a wave to Mrs. Hale. She waves back. Warden Hale grips the gun tightly as he points it at Walter. 0002000006670001F366661,WARDEN HALE You heard him. Back out to the yard. Earnest transforms into his fiercest look and lunges at the Warden who flinches slightly. EARNEST Back off, Im warning you! WARDEN Im not afraid of you. Youre just an apparition. What can you do to me? With a swooping gesture, Earnest commands the gun to fly out of the Wardens grip and the lights go dark. EARNEST Run Walter! Run! Walter runs one direction but stops when he sees the hungry Creatures gathering on the wall in front of him. EARNEST (CONTD) Dont worry, they wont eat an Inmate! Follow me! He heads down the main run of East Building with Walter right behind him. Mrs. Hale is in close pursuit. Warden Hale finds the gun and gives chase as well. They turn the corner toward the Searchers Desk. Earnest waves his hand to send a mop and bucket sliding across the floor and trip Mrs. Hale. She tumbles to the ground and into the grip of one of the Creatures. She gets bitten. MRS HALE Oh hell no! She kicks the Creature in the head and pulls free with only a flesh wound. Warden Hale helps her up and they continue pursuit. EXT. THE YARD NIGHT White Bear stands on his horse with his arms outstretched. A small funnel cloud forms over him. INT. THE CAPTAINS OFFICE NIGHT The windows blow out, sending Captain Simon and Lieutenant Lareau diving to the floor as the glass flies. INT. B LINE The windows blow and the glass flies. Real Convict #1 walks out through the gate of the cell block. REAL CONVICT #1 Fuck this ho-ass shit. Im outa here. EXT. THE OUTSIDE WALL Reverend is enjoying himself in the rain. He has forgotten about the gun. Turner appears again. 00020000067C0001F9C7676,REVEREND Take the kings away, everyman out of his place, and put a captain in their room. And number thee an army TURNER For the love of god you are a pathetic clich! What the hell are you doing? REVEREND Like the army thou hast lost, horse for horse, chariot for chariot. TURNER Look you fucking freak. Takest thou that fucking rifle and shooteth it where I goddamn tell you. Reverend picks up the rifle again. REVEREND The skies sent out a sound. Thine arrows went abroad. TURNER Thats it. Sendeth thine arrows down there to that doorway when I tell you. Reverend aims the rifle to the doorway of East Building. INT. SEARCHERS DESK NIGHT Walter is hiding behind the Searchers Desk. Warden Hale and Mrs. Hale are looking around for him. Earnest hovers overhead and the other Ghosts observe as if watching a movie. Warden Hale comes up behind Walter. WARDEN HALE Get up and march or I swear I will kill you myself. Walter doesnt move. WALTER Shoot me then. I dare you. You know if you do, you will end up in here. You are a coward. You wouldnt make it in here. Go ahead. Shoot me! Warden Hale balks but Mrs. Hale grabs the pistol and fires wildly. Walter jumps and runs the wrong way out the door to the yard. EARNEST No! Wrong way! I need some help here. Earnest tries to appeal to the Ghost crowd. The Cowboy Ghost, Hank and Jimbo appear and assist. EXT. THE FRONT OF THE WALLS UNIT NIGHT Police and Sheriff patrol cars pull up to the front of the Walls Unit. With lights flashing, the Police Officers assume positions. A search light mounted on a trailer is cranked up and the light operator sweeps the light beam across the top of the wall. 0002000006220002003D61C,EXT. THE YARD NIGHT Walter has run straight out into the firing zone. A shot is fired immediately and it barely hits the edge of his shoulder. He is shocked. He runs toward White Bear. EXT. THE OUTSIDE WALL NIGHT Turner continues to guide the misguided Reverend. TURNER Thats it. I think you got him. Hit him again. Reverend begins to fire again but the Cowboy Ghost appears in front of the gun barrel and Reverend jumps and misses terribly. EXT. THE YARD NIGHT White Bear points to Walter and he stops immediately. White Bear points to the East Building door and Walter turns around and runs back. White Bear then looks up at Turner on the wall. He commands his horse forward toward him. INT. THE SEARCHERS DESK NIGHT Walter runs in and the Warden tries to push him back out. The Real Convict comes in from the West Building corridor. He punches the Warden squarely in the eye. The Ghost audience applauds. REAL CONVICT #1 That was for not letting me call my wife when she was sick. WARDEN HALE Who the hell are you? Walter is caught by Mrs. Hale. She points the pistol at him. WALTER If you are going to shoot me then go ahead. But, I am walking out that door! The antique brass gate slides open and Walter enters the corridor. Mrs. Hale fires through Hank and Jimbo as they try to distract her. HANK Put the gun down. We have you surrounded. JIMBO Turn yourself in lady. Its over. Earnest stands by the second set of antique brass gates. He commands them to slide open. Walter is twenty-feet from the free world. Mrs. Hale takes aim again and misses. 000200000603000206595FD,The Real Convict punches the Warden in the eye again. REAL CONVICT #1 That was just because. Walter clears the last set of brass gates and steps toward the automatic glass doors. Mrs. Hale fires again as they open, shattering them. EXT. THE OUTSIDE WALL NIGHT White Bear rides up to Turner. He commands a huge bolt of lightning that strikes Turner, evaporating him instantly. EXT. IN FRONT OF THE WALLS UNIT NIGHT The local SHERIFF and other officers are poised with their guns drawn. Reverend shoots at them from the top of the wall as the glass shatters and the lighting strikes. They immediately begin shooting wildly as if under attack. Walter stumbles through the front doors and falls down the steps, dropping his red mesh bag. Reverend is shot several times and falls to the ground. As he falls, the wind dies down and the rain reduces to a sprinkle. SHERIFF Hold your fire! Stop shooting! Walter crawls to the parking lot and sits on the curb, exhausted and relieved. INT. THE SEARCHERS DESK NIGHT Mrs. Hale is wounded. Behind her Earnest and Hank seem stunned. The Ghost audience looks disappointed. MRS HALE Im hit! HANK Its over. The Ghost audience starts to leave, grumbling about the ending. EARNEST Its over. EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL NIGHT White Bear rides into the cemetery to his gravestone. He dismounts and leads his horse into the ground as if there were steps. Twelve of the Creatures follow in a line. They climb a nearby tree and dangle from the branches, spinning until they form twelve large cocoons. 00020000071D00020C56717,EXT. IN FRONT OF THE WALLS DAY Walter waits on the curb. In the distance a small compact car drives up and parks. Alicia Jones gets out and anxiously looks around. There are media trucks and police cars everywhere. Police officers are putting up yellow caution tape around. Walter smiles broadly to see her. He watches her for a moment and then approaches her. WALTER Hey precious. I was waiting here for you. You look beautiful. She turns but doesnt see him. She seems preoccupied with all the chaos. Walter smiles and runs up to her. WALTER (CONTD) Baby doll, its me! You didnt recognize me did you! I lost a little weight. These clothes are ridiculous. She looks right through him. Earnest appears next to her. EARNEST She cant see you. Youre gonna have to learn how to make yourself visible to her. Youll learn how to talk to her. Walter looks at him in disbelief. He looks back to Alicia in desperation. WALTER Darling, look at me. Its me! She runs away suddenly toward the Sheriff and begins to question him. Walter starts to follow her but Earnest stops him. EARNEST I tried to protect you. I really did. WALTER What are you saying? EARNEST They got you Walter. They killed you. Your body is in a bag they hauled away over an hour ago. Walter looks down at himself. WALTER But I did everything right. I did everything I was supposed to do. I have always done everything I was supposed to do. They cant do this. EARNEST They cheat. Walters attention is drawn again to Alicia with the Sheriff. He hands her the red mesh bag and takes her off to one side. Walter chases after them. Earnest shakes his head sadly. EXT. PECKERWOOD HILL DAY Buddy is filling the dirt around White Bears grave. On the tree behind him the dozen cocoons have grown much larger overnight. They almost touch the ground. 000200000CA60002136DCA0,BUDDY The vengeance was short-lived, but your ride was a vigorous one. A proud storm. Mr. Kilroy stomps in screaming. MR KILROY Why the fuck do you insist on digging on that old Indian grave? Are you that stupid? The cocoons begin to move. Kilroy notices them. MR KILROY (CONTD) What is this mess? He turns to Buddy in a rage. Behind him, one of the cocoons rips open and a naked Mrs. Box emerges. MR KILROY (CONTD) I have had it up to here with your voodoo bullshit. Mrs. Box walks up to Mr. Kilroy. He is impressed. MR KILROY (CONTD) Mrs. Box! I never saw you like this! Mrs. Box walks up to him slowly. She smiles and he smiles back. Behind them another cocoon bursts open and Cook falls out naked as well. Mr. Kilroy looks lustfully at Mrs. Box as she suddenly takes a huge bite out of his neck. Cook joins her and they eat Mr. Kilroy together. Behind them another cocoon bursts open and the Baby Faced Guard spills out. INT. A LIVING ROOM DAY Alicia Jones is going about her daily household tasks. Walter, still in his ridiculous clothes, watches her and tries to talk to her as she moves about the house. WALTER You should just relax. This house is clean enough. She sits down on the couch and pulls out a letter that has already been opened. She reads it and puts it back. WALTER (CONTD) Its not that good really. I had never tried to write a poem before. It was a last minute thing. I was on my way home. I wanted to surprise you with a romantic moment. Alicia suddenly looks toward Walter. She stands up. WALTER (CONTD) You heard me! Did you hear me? You did! Alicia grabs the letter again and holds it close. ALICIA Walter? Are you here somewhere? WALTER Baby doll, I am here. Can you hear me? ALICIA I have been having these dreams about you. I wish I could talk to you. I miss you. WALTER Its me darling! Im here. ALICIA If I could just hear your voice one more time. Alicia sits back down and cries to herself. Walter realizes she did not hear him after all. He moves close to her. ALICIA (CONTD) Tell me who am I. WALTER My precious baby. ALICIA Tell me how you love me. WALTER To the stars and back. ALICIA Tell me how you hold me. WALTER Forever. Ill never let you go. Alicia cries harder and puts the letter away. Walter is in pain as he watches her. EXT. IN FRONT OF THE WALLS UNIT DAY The reporter stands in front of a crew of Inmates as they repair the crack in the wall. REPORTER Another execution is scheduled for today here in Huntsville, Texas. It has only been a week since the riots that claimed the lives of two Inmates here at the Walls Unit. An international underground left wing political group is believed to be responsible for the violent uprising that included the walkout of twelve corrections officers. These officers were reportedly members of this same international organization designed to undermine the criminal justice system here in the State of Texas. None of the former corrections officers would talk to us here at News 8. Today there are no protesters. The Walls is open and operational after a few minor repairs cause by a small tornado that struck on the same night. EXT. COUNT WHISTLE DUSK The old steam whistle blows twice, sending steam billowing through the air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