2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ade In Twenty-five year old, BRENT is asleep in his bed. Brent is handsome but a look of distress is on his sleeping face. A shadow of a person passes over Brents bed. FOOTSTEPS are heard. We see shoes walking around Brents room. The person surveys Brents belongings and the photos which are in picture frames. The person picks up a photo of Brent and his best friend MORGAN FOSTER. Morgan Foster is equally as handsome as Brent. The two young men look happy and carefree in the photo. The person places the photo back and walks over to a near by desk and chair. The person sits in the chair and leans his hand over to turn on a near by desk lamp. In the light the persons identity is revealed to be Morgan. The same young man in the photo. Morgan lets out a deep sigh as he sits and watches his friend sleep. Morgan notices a glass water pitcher and glass on the desk. Morgan smiles at seeing the two items and then his gaze turns back to his friend. Morgan Brent! Wake up! Brent is startled awake. Brent Morgan! Is that you? MORGAN Its me. Brent wipes the sleep from his eyes. BRENT Did you get home OK? What are you doing here? MORGAN Dont you remember... The bargain we made. Brent sighs deeply and shamefully. BRENT Yes, I remember. Fade Out Fade in INT. MORGANS APARTMENT MORNING The Tick of Morgans bedroom clock is heard. The second hand is seen ticking away when the loud blast of the ALARM goes off. Morgans hand reaches out from under the covers and shuts the alarm off. He reluctantly gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. His apartment is elegant but small. 000200000FC300000634FBD,MORGAN V.O. The Bargain is one many reasons why I am here, but first I should say that my life is, was uneventful... Morgan looks into the bathroom mirror and starts to shave. MORGAN V.O. There has only been one tragic event in my life. Int. House years earlier The BABY-SITTER is laying on a sofa. She is watching TV. A small scented candle is lit on the coffee table. She looks relaxed. The sound of the TV is heard as she slowly drifts off to sleep. Suddenly she becomes startled at a sound of muted scream. She jumps from the sofa and slightly knocks the coffee table. The candle shakes but does tip over. She surveys her surrounding. BABY-SITTER Morgan are you up! We are done playing games. You have to go to bed. The Baby-sitter walks down a long hallway to Morgans room. Her heart pounds and she steadies herself by touching the walls with her hands. A dark shadow is seen crossing the hall. She stops cold and her breath becomes shallow. BABY-SITTER (CONTD) Morgan, It that you? LAUGHTER is heard coming from behind Morgans closed door. BABY-SITTER (CONTD) This is not funny. You're supposed to be asleep! I am going to tell your mom and Dad. The Baby-sitter is tentative about opening the door. She touches the handle but removes her hand quickly. She hears a VOICE coming from inside the room. Voice O.S. We will fool them. Voice Two O.S How can this be done? VOICE O.S. Pleasure. Pleasure is the way. Int. MORGANS ROOM The baby-sitter opens the door to find five year old Morgan sound sleep. BABY-SITTER You are not fooling Me, Morgan Foster. Go to sleep! She slams the door shut. Int. hALLWAY She walks down the hallway. She notices smoke is coming the living room. A dark shadow runs across the floor. LAUGHTER is heard. She follows the LAUGHTER and returns to the living room to find it ablaze. The smoke is blinding and she runs back down the hallway. BABY-SITTER Morgan! Morgan! Wake Up! Wake Up! She pounds on the closed door and tries to open it. The handle turns but the door remains closed. She struggles with door. BABY-SITTER (CONTD) (Panicky) Let me in Morgan! Int. Morgans room Morgan is sound asleep when he hears the Baby- Sitters cries. He gets out of bed and stands in front of the closed door. The knob turns with no result. Morgan sees a shadow flash across the door. He backs away from the door and crawls under his bed. He hears the Baby-sitters pleas. Morgan covers his ears with his hands to block out the screams. BABY-SITTER O.s. Open the door! Please! Help me! Int. Hallway The baby-Sitter continues trying to open the door. She feels the heat of the flames. She turns to look down the hallway. The flames, who seem to have a personalty crawls on the walls and overtakes the hallway. Terror fills her eyes. The Baby- Sitter screams as the flames overtake her. Ext. HOuse fire night years EARLIER A firefighter is seen carrying a five year old Morgan out of the burning house. MORGAN V.O. My familys house burnt down and my baby-sitter went with it. I never think about that night. Expect for an occasional nightmare. Int. Morgan apparment bathroom Again we see Morgan sheaving. Other then that, my childhood was typical. My parents were The type of parents that saw every event in my childhood as a steeping stone to me becoming a success. Whatever that meant. EXT. Ball filed A twelve year old Morgan is at bat. His father is pitching. Father Now, Keep your eye on the ball! MORGAN V.O. I remember when my dad thought I was going to be the next Babe Ruth. We would spend hours practicing after school. Ext. Ball Filed A twelve year old Morgan is at bat during a little league game. He strikes out. MORGAN V.O. Until, he figured out that I wasnt going to make it to the majors. Morgans father is in the stands with a disappointed look on his face. Morgan walks off the filed noticing his fathers disappointment. Int. Twelve year old Morgans bedroom Twelve Year old Morgan is at his desk. His father walks in carrying a pile of books and drops them in front on Morgan. 000200000781000015F177B,FATHER You better hit the books. Father leaves a distraught Morgan. Int. GRADUATion ceremony Older now, Morgan is seen graduating. He sits with his class in his cap and robe as his parents look on. MORGAN V.O. Even with all my parents prodding, I never did better then average in school. Principal Our class valedictorian, Lisa Visnak. The crowd breaks out in applause, as Lisa takes the stage. Again, Morgans father looks disappointed. INt. Foster Home The Fosters are giving Morgan a graduation party with family and friends. Their house is large and elegantly furnished. Morgan walks through the party more like a guest. He stops and watches his Mother talking to her friend. MORGAN V.O. But it was enough to get into school that my parents wouldnt be embarrassed to tell their friends I was attending. Freind I hear Morgan in starts CU in the fall. Mother Yes. Its a good school. FREIND (Meant to wound) Yes... Did I tell you Lane starts Stanford. MOTHER (Hiding her annoyance) I heard. FREIND Hes very excited to get out of state. MOTHER I am sure he is. Int. Dorm We see Morgan moving in to his new dorm room. He carries his suitcases up a flight of stairs. A fellow Freshman is struggling to carry a trunk up the stairs. MORGAN V.O. I am a modern man. Things have come relatively easy for me. To be honest, I never really had to struggle. I see guys all the time who have to struggle their whole lives. Everything for them takes effort. Life has never been that for me. Things have come relatively easy. Morgan watches his classmate struggle. He smiles and passes his classmate by. Int. Dorm rOOM Morgan makes his way to his dorm room where his greeted by Brent. MORGAN V.O. Most of what I learned in college was. Well, crap. A waste of the hundred thousand my parents had to pay. But what could I do. I had to go... The good thing about college was Brent. He was just like me. College was a blast. 000200000FFB00001D6CFF5,Int. Fraternity house Morgan and brent are seen binge drinking with fraternity members. MORGAN V.O. We rushed the same fraternity and got in. The rest of my college years, with the exception of few classes. Was a non stop party. Int. Club night Morgan and Brent are seen dancing at a club. Girls flock around them. MORGAN V.O. Girls. Yea, There were girls. Lots of girls. And yes that was easy too. Morgan kisses one of the girl and turns and kisses another. MORGAN V.O. (CONTD) We hooked up with so many girls. Brent and I got this crazy idea on how to keep track. Int. Fraternity HOUSE Brent and Morgans room A large glass jar is seen sitting on a desk. The jar is labeled Tips. MORGAN V.O. We called it the tip jar... Every time one of us hooked up. We had to put a dollar in. Morgan and Brent are seen coming and going out of their room. As they come and go, Morgan and Brent put a dollar into the tip jar. Ext. Fraternity house night Mandy exits the Fraternity in a rage. She meets Brent at the door. He is just returning for the night. Brent Hey, Mandy. How are you? Mandy Get away from me! Mandy walks off and Brent is amused. Morgan comes out the door shirtless. BRENT What in the hell happened? MORGAN Who knows. When you come over at three in the morning. What do you expect to have milk and cookies. Waste of my time. Morgan and Brent walk back into the house. BRENT You want me to make a call. MORGAN Make a call. Brent dials his cell phone. BRENT (Into phone) Jordan, how you doing. You want to come over? MORGAN Tell her to bring a hot friend. BRENT (Into phone) You have any cute friends? Bring her over. (Brent winks at Morgan ) Well be here. MORGAN Thats a good wing man. Ext. Basketball court day A group of Fraternity brothers are playing basketball with Morgan and Brent. The action breaks. MORGAN (Taking ball) Time out! The bothers groan. MoRGAN (CONTD) I need my hydration. Morgan grabs a water bottle and drinks. He offers it to Brent. Brent shakes his head no. MORGAN (CONTD) I cant believe I am up this early. What was I thinking. Brent is thoughtful. BRENT It was a crazy night. MORGAN It was great night... Whats wrong with you. BRENT Nothing. Its just. Sometimes I wonder if what we do is. MORGAN (Interrupting) Is what? BRENT (Taking ball) Forget it. Lets play. The group starts to play again. Int. Club NIGHT Morgan dances with Julie. Julie is a pretty nineteen year old. INt. fraternity HOUSE BRENT AND MORGANS ROOM Julie and Morgan stubble into the room. They laugh as they fall onto the bed. Morgan Kisses Julie and Julie kisses Morgan. Morgan starts to unbutton Julies shirt. JULIE Do you love me? MORGAN What? JULIE Say You love me. MORGAN (Kissing) Sure. I love you. Int. Culb night Morgan and Brent are seen binge drinking with a group of girls. A waitress delivers a tray of shots and walks away. BRENT (To Morgan) Make a toast! MORGAN You guys want me to make a toast? Girl one Ya! Make a toast! MORGAN I am very good at giving toasts. Girl two Give it to us then! The group breaks out into laughter. MORGAN (Raising his glass) We all heard this one before. Here is to the girl that gave me this. It hurts like hell when I take a pis. But if that girl is still here, when I get well. Ill catch it again. Sure as hell. The group cheers and takes their shots. Morgan finishes his shot and roughly kisses the girl next to him. Julie watches the scene closely. Int. Fraternity HOUSE BRENT AND MORGANS ROOM Morgan walks into his room. Julie is waiting for him. MORGAN (Dazed) Julie! What are you doing here? Julie Where have you been? MORGAN What, are you my mother. Ive been out... What are you doing in my room. JULIE (Upset) I thought? MORGAN You thought? Look we have a good time together. Lets keep it that way. JULIE What? MORGAN You said we could keep things causal. JULIE I know what I said. Its just that I thought... After a while... It would be more. MORGAN (Laughing) Oh honey. Lets keep things simple. I told you I dont want a girlfriend. JULIE No girlfriend. I get it. (To herself) Why I am I never the one? 00020000093700002D61931,MORGAN Julie, I am tired. You need to go. JULIE Why Dont I mean anything! Julie takes out knife and points it at Morgan. MORGAN (Startled) Whoa, You mean something. JULIE Not to you. Not to anyone. MORGAN Thats not true. JULIE It is true... I hate you! I hate You! Julie goes after Morgan with the knife. Julie cuts Morgan on his stomach. The wound is just a scratch. MORGAN You whore! Morgan slaps her. Julie falls onto the bed. Morgan pins her down and takes the knife away. He carelessly drops the knife on the floor. JULIE (Crying) I am sorry. MORGAN (Screaming) You're Sorry! Julie looks weak as she huddles on the bed. Morgan gets up and tends his wound. Morgan walks into the hallway. Int. Hallway MORGAN Someone call the police. There is a psycho bitch in my room! INt. Fraternity HOUSE BRENT AND MORGANS ROOM Julie is distraught and looks over at the knife. The light dances on the knife which was thoughtlessly thrown on the floor. Morgan Turns back to see Julie grabbling the knife. Julie cuts her wrists. MORGAN What in the hell are you doing! Ext. FRATERNITY HOUSE An ambulance is seen in front of the house. Morgan watches the scene as Julie is taken away. MORGAN V.O. She didnt die. But she did spend time in a psych ward. I dont know what happened to her after that. And I didnt care. Int.House The fire blazes in Morgans room. Five year old Morgan is stuck under his bed unable to move. He whimpers and calls for his parents. MORGAN V.O. I still have those nightmares about the house fire. But I am not five in them anymore. Ive grown older in my nightmares. The frightened five year-old grows into a man. Morgan now a man whimpers under his bed unable to move, His whimper turns to a scream. Int. MorganS APARTMENT MORNING The hands of the clock tick by. The alarm blears loudly. Morgan is shirtless as he pops out of bed. He is breathless and covered with sweat. He shuts it off. He runs his hands through his hair as if he is trying to drain his body of fear. A scar on his stomach is easily seen. Int. Accounting Firm day Morgan is seen working at a desk. MORGAN V.O. College is over. I passed my CPA exam on the second try. It took Brent three times. We both got hired at the same firm. Anderson and Turner. I started at forty a year. Now I pull down sixty-four. Pretty good for a guy my age. Brent is at sixty-one. 00020000066B00003692665,Brent is seen working at the desk next to Morgan. MORGAN V.O. (CONTD) All together a pretty good life. And we still have the tip jar. Its as full as ever and we even have a version for work. Granted its slim picking here at Anderson and Turner. Between Morgan and Brents desk is clearly seen a smaller version of the tip jar. BRENT Hey, Morgan. What do think about this one? A woman coworker walks by their desks. MORGAN Not wroth the effort. AMY JORDAN a Pretty twenty three year old walks by. Her hair is up in a pony tail. BRENT Who is this? MORGAN Ive never seen her before. BRENT Dude, She is hot. And that pony tail. It drives me crazy. We have to take a shot. MORGAN Who first? Brent takes a coin out of his pocket. BRENT Flip for it? You call it. Brent flips the coin. MORGAN Heads Coin lands on heads. Morgan has a pleased look on his face. BRENT (Annoyed) Bastard. Morgan and Brent watch their prey as she walks into the lunchroom. They give each other a sly smile. MORGAN (Getting up his desk) I guess I am on. INt. Lunch room Amy pours herself a cup of coffee as Morgan walks in. Amy smiles at Morgan. Morgan reaches for the coffee pot. MORGAN You are new here? Amy Yes. Started Monday. I am Mr. Days new assistant. MORGAN (Showing concern) Oh, Mr. Days. AMY Is he that bad? MORGAN I feel a little sorry for you. Hes a hard ass. You know the type. AMY Hes my uncle? MORGAN Dedicated to his work. A real asset to the firm. You know Hard ass. AMY (Laughing) Quick recovery. MORGAN I am fast on my feet... I am Morgan Foster. A look of concern flashes over Amy face. MORGAN (CONTD) Youve heard of me. I take it. 000200000BC000003CF7BBA,AMY I heard about you. Amy Jordan. MORGAN All Good? AMY Ive heard of you? MORGAN Ouch. AMY (Amy offers her hand) Its good to met you Morgan Foster. MORGAN Yes. You too, Amy Jordan. AMY (Smiling) Hes not really my uncle. Amy leaves the break room. Int. Acounting firm Morgan makes way back to his desk. Brent is eager to hear of his progress. BreNT Well, How did it go? MoRGAN I cashed and burned. BRENT How is that possible? You're very charming. MORGAN I think so. I dont know. She saw me coming. BRENT Maybe shes a little harder to crack. But not impossible. MORGAN Never impossible. BRENT I think its my turn. Brent gets up from the desk and follows Amy back to her desk. Morgan gets back to work by starting to look at his e-mail. His eyes run down the e-mails until he reaches an e-mail with no subject line. Morgan clicks on the e-mail. The screen opens to see the words Time is running out. Morgan smiles uncomfortably to himself. He looks around the office to see if the author of the e-mail will make their self known. Brent is soon back. BRENT (CONTD) (defeated) She shot me down flat. MORGAN Did you send me an e-mail? BRENT (Sitting at desk) Not today. Why? Morgan shows Brent his computer screen. The words Time is running out is clearly seen. BRENT (CONTD) What in the hell does that mean? MORGAN Who knows? BRENT Who sent it? MORGAN I dont recognize the address. BRENT Why did you click on addresses you dont know. You probably have a virus now. MORGAN (Smiling) I love to live on edge. BRENT Your living on the edge is going to shut down every computer in this office. Play it straight! Morgan notices fellow coworker Tom copper diligently working at his desk. MORGAN Tom copper plays it straight. You want to be Tom copper? Brent looks at Tom. BRENT Tom Copper doesnt want to be Tom copper. (Brent motions to Tom) Hey, Tom. Tom looks up from his desk and gives an uncomfortable nod. Tom returns to his work. MORGAN Deep down youre really a Tom Copper. BRENT Hell No! MORGAN (Laughing) Come on. We both know its true. Instead of getting excited about a new club opening. Copper gets excited planing his kids next birthday party. If he has kids? Brent laughs. Brent stares at Tom for a few minutes and then turns to the pile of work in front of him. BRENT Tax season is almost over. And I still have a pile in front of me. MORGAN Me too. Lets knock this out. Morgan deletes the e-mail. Int. Bar evening Morgan And Brent sit at the bar together. Beers are placed in front of them. Brent notices as Tom Copper passes by the bars window. Brent You think Tom copper ever gets laid Morgan laughs loudly. MoRGAN What do you think? BRENT I think hes married. MORGAN (Taking a drink) Married! Isnt he our age? What a sucker. (Disgusted) Does he have kids? BRENT Ya, I think so. MORGAN I almost feel bad for him... No, I dont. Brent drinks his beer. BrENT I dont know, man. I dont think I'm going make it through this season. This load is severe. Truly severe. 0002000008D4000048B18CE,Morgan is barely paying attention to his friend. BRENT (CONTD) But that new hottie would make it all worthwhile. But I dont think she likes us. Which is shocking to say the lest. I mean if they dont like me. They at lest like you. And vise visa. It makes no sense. (Brent notice Morgans thoughts are else where) Where are you? MORGAN Im here. BRENT You're not here. Whats got you spooked. MORGAN Who says I am spooked. BRENT You're spooked. Whats your deal. It cant be that e-mail. (Smiling) It is the e-mail. MORGAN What do you think it means? Time is running out. Of all the things to send. It makes no sense. BRENT No. Youre wrong. It makes perfect sense. It is tax season. And you my friend, have been slacking. MORGAN I never slack at work. Brent laughs. BRENT There are few things I know about Morgan Foster. You have two great passions. One. This. (Lifting up the beer) And two women. MORGAN You dont share these passions? BRENT Oh, I share them but its your lifes mission. Charm alone can not get you through life. MORGAN It has so far. BRENT Ya, so far. MORGAN (Sober) What if its Julie? BRENT Julie from college? MORGAN Ya, Julie from college. BREnt (Laughing) The one who wanted to carve you up . MORGAN Yes, that one. Brents laughter becomes even louder. MORGAN (CONTD) (Angry) This is serious! BRENT (Calming) No possible way. They locked her up in the nut house. What made you think of her? MORGAN I dont know. She just popped into my head. BRENT Thats a strange thing to happen... Julie is not coming after you. But I think we need another beer. (To bartender) Can we get another round? This place is dead. MORGAN Maybe we should hit a club. Amy walks into the bar. BRENT (Seeing Amy) Heads up. Morgan turns to see Amy walking towards them. She is carrying a large envelope. AMY Hi guys. I was told I could find you here. (Handing Morgan the envelope) Morgan, a client stopped by and left this for you. MORGAN That was thoughtful of you. Bringing me more work. AMY I was just on my way home and thought it might be important. BRENT Why dont you stay for drink. Ill buy. Amys face show reluctance. MORGAN We dont have the plague. AMY No, I dont think you have the plague. Its just that. I really need to get home. 000200000D030000517FCFD,MORGAN What you have five kids and a husband waiting. Whats the deal with you. AMY No. None of that. MORGAN Then pretend you're a human and stay for a drink. BRENT What my rude friend is trying to say is we would really like to get know you. AMY I hear he dose that a lot. MORGAN Dose what a lot? AMY Get to know girls. I am not one of those girls. MORGAN (Laughing) Thats what you all think. The funny thing is you all become one of those girls. AMY Not all. BRENT (Motioning to bartender) We work together. Its important for all of us to get along. Team work. You know. Amy (Sitting) Well then, Ill pretend I'm human and stay. BRENT What do you drink? AMY A beer is fine BRENT (To bartender) Can you get a beer for the lady. The bartender serves Amy a beer. AMY Thanks. BRENT You from around here? AMY No, I from Florida. Brent Where at? AMY Jacksonville. Near Atlantic beach. BRENT It must have been hard to leave the beach for the rocky mountains. AMY Have to go were the job is. BRENT I get that. I am from Seattle. Morgan was born and raised here. AMY Really. (To Morgan) Did you ever what to live anywhere else. MORGAN (Rudely) The opportunity never presented its self. AMY You are not your charming self today. MORGAN There doesnt seem to be a reason today. AMY And you do need a reason. MORGAN Would you like to give me a reason. AMY Sorry cant help you. BRENT Dont pay any attention to him. He got an e-mail today that has him a little freaked out. AMY What did this e-mail say, to make him change his carefree nature. BRENT Get this. Time is running out. MORGAN (To Brent) Did you have to tell her? AMY Thats all. It seems harmless enough. BRENT (Laughing) I agree. AMY Who sent it? BRENT Who knows. MORGAN (Sober) I dont know the address. AMY It could mean nothing or everything. MORGAN Everything. AMY I dont know... How do you know it was yours? It could have been sent to you by mistake. BRENT See, It could have been a mistake. We could try to trace it? AMY Well, there you go. MORGAN No, this is pointless. It was just a rouge e-mail. BrENT Of course it was. AMY Well then , why think about it? Morgan nods. MORGAN Thats exactly right. Why think about it. (Looks for bartender) Lets get more drinks. AMY I havent finished mine. MORGAN (To bartender) Another round. Morgan slams his beer to finish it before the bartender returns with another round of drinks. BRENT (To Amy) Hey why dont you like Morgan? Hes a very likeable guy. AMY (Embarrassed) I dont dislike him. I dont know either of you. BRENT You seem to know Morgan. MORGAN (To Brent) What about you? BRENT Have you heard about Morgans checkered past? AMY Ive heard you both have a checkered past and present. MORGAN What about the future? AMY No one knows the future. MORGAN Who talks about us? AMY Who doesnt talk about the two of you. Brent laughs loudly. BRENT This is something no one at the office knows. AMY Whats that? BRENT Morgans past is a little more checkered. He had a bad experience. AMY Just one? MORGAN (To Brent) I think your past is just as Checkered as mine. BRENT (Laughing) I didnt have a psycho girl attacking me a knife. AMY (Smiling) That seems to be a reasonable response. Morgan breaks out in fake laughter. MORGAN Im so glad that everyone thinks being stabbed by a lunatic is so reasonable. 0002000009FD00005E7C9F7,AMY Bad relationship? BrENT The worse. But we all have our dealings with a psycho girl now and then. AMY It comes with the territory. BRENT Ya, I guess so. AMY Why do men always call women psycho. Did you ever consider that you are the reason we go crazy. MORGAN Typical woman. Never takes the blame. AMY (Finishing her beer) Thats were youre wrong. I am not a typical anything. And I take the responsibility even if its not mine to take. Like most women. (Getting up from her seat) Thanks for the beer but I have to go. BRENT Thanks for having a beer with us. AMY (To Brent) Tell your friend. I think that e-mail is the lest of his worries. Amy leaves bar. BRENT (To Morgan) Shes a pip. MORGAN Shes a waste of our time. BRENT You think so? Ext. Street night Morgan and Brent, slightly drunk, are walking along a street. BRENT Feel like going to a club? MORGAN Im up for it. You? BRENT Sure. The chruch? MORGAN That sounds good. I should go to chruch. BRENT Its the only one Ill go too... What do you think of Amy. MORGAN I dont think of her. BRENT Well, shes not going to fall on the bed with her legs in the air. But it could be a challenge. MORGAN (Stumbling) I dont have the inclination. BRENT Bull shit! MORGAN What did you say? BRENT You heard me. Bull shit! MORGAN Im not interested. BRENT Bull shit! There is nothing hotter then being told no...she could be the one. MORGAN What in hell are you taking about. BRENT The one, we have been waiting for. MORGAN (Stumbling) Youre not talking about the L word. Because I really dont think I can stomach that. BRENT Of course not! The tips! She could be worth all the tips. MORGAN (Stumbling) You serious? BRENT Yes... Ill make you a Bargain. Who ever nails her first gets the money in the tip jars. MORGAN Both of them? BRENT Both of them. There has to be close to a thousand dollars in there. Morgan smiles as he considers the idea. MORGAN (Offering his hand) Its bargain then. BRENT (Shaking Morgan hand) And after your behavior this evening. I think I am in the lead. MORGAN Dont be so sure. I think she was feeling me. BRENT No way. She hates you more then ever. MORGAN (Smiling) Ah, Theres such a thin line between love and hate. BRENT For your sake I hope so. MORGAN Then, its on? BRENT Its on. Int. HOuse A fire rages. The furnishing are consumed with a furious vengeance. Grown up Morgan, watches the flames come closer to his body. As the flames lick at Morgan, its personality forms faces of anguish. Morgan screams at the flames but the flames only mock his pain. 0002000006940000687368E,Int. Morgans apartment Morning We see Morgans Clock tick as the alarm goes off. Morgan is breathless and covered in sweat. Morgan shuts it off. He gets out bed and heads to the bathroom. Morgan starts the shower and then looks into the bathroom mirror. He starts to brush his teeth. MORGAN I can win. I will win. (Smiling) Shell love me. Int. AcOUNTING FIRM Morgan is on the phone when Amy walks over to him. Brent watches the scene. MORGAN (Into phone) I need all pertinent documents by Friday... That sounds good. See you soon. (Hangs up phone) Hey Amy. What can I help you with? AMY Mr. Day is out of town this week MORGAN I know. AMY Hes selling his house in Genesee. Its being appraised today. MORGAN Is it? AMY It is. He wants me to go and wait for the appraiser. I thought since you grew up here you could show me where Genesee is. I still have a hard time finding my way. I know its tax season and you're busy. MORGAN I can go with you. AMY (Pleased) You can. That would be great. MORGAN Ill just finish things here. Ill meet you in the garage in twenty minutes. AMY Yes, twenty minutes. Amy walks away. Brent gives a disappointed look. MORGAN (Getting up from his desk) Thin line. (Pats Brent on the back) Int. Garage day Morgan walks to his car in an underground garage. As he walks closer to his car he sees a flash of brown hair. Julie or who he believes is Julie near his car. Morgan stops cold as he watches Julie drawing on his car window with her finger tip. MORGAN Julie! The women is startled and runs off. Morgan runs after her. The womans feet can be seen walking among the cars. Morgan searches the garage for her but she always out of reach. 00020000062D00006F01627,MORGAN (CONTD) Julie! The women disappears. Fear overcomes him as walks back to his own car. He sees his car window and the message left in the car dust. Time is running out is clearly seen. Morgan rubs the message off the window with great force. Amy walks up to Morgan, just as he is done wiping the window. Amy sees the fear in his eyes. AMY Whats happened. MORGAN Julie was here. AMY Julie? MORGAN That girl we talked about. AMY Oh, Julie. MORGAN She left a message on my window. AMY What message? MORGAN The same one that was in the e-mail. She is stalking me. AMY Did you talk to her? MORGAN (Frightened) I called to her but she ran away. I followed her but I lost her. AMY You are really scared. Arent you? MORGAN (shouting) I am not scared. (Calming) I am not scared... Should we go? AMY We can do it another day. MORGAN The appraiser is coming today, right. AMY Yes. MORGAN Then I guess we cant do it another day. Lets go The two get in car and drive off. Int. Car day Morgan and Amy are together in the car. Morgan drives with a tense look on his face. AMY This whole thing really has you worried. MORGAN No, I am fine. AMY I dont believe you. MORGAN Really, I am OK. AMY It has you off your game. MORGAN (Smiling) You think so? AMY Maybe thats a good thing. MORGAN You dont know me that well yet. I am never off my game. AMY (Smiling) Theres the cocky guy. I know and love. MORGAN Love, Hey? AMY Its an expression. I Dont love you. MORGAN (Laughing) Not yet. AMY (Laughing) Not ever. MORGAN Ill have you know. Many people think I am very charming. 00020000054B00007528545,AMY I am sure there are many. Until they figure out you're in it just for the ride. Then they start stalking you. MORGAN This is an unusual case. AMY Every case is unusual. MORGAN Girls are not like they used to be. Their not the shrinking flowers anymore. Most of time now, they make the move. Not me. Theyre in it for the ride too. AMY I am sure you're right... I think its sad how easily we give are selves anyway. Like its no big deal. Like were nothing more then a collection of body parts. To be used, abused, by god knows who. So when we leave. We can be the butt of the jokes they tell their friends... Weve come a long way. MORGAN Youre thinking about it all wrong. It just love. How can love hurt anyone? AMY Love? Is that what you call it? Its hurts a lot of people. MORGAN Tell me what they say about me at the office. AMY Do you want to know? MORGAN I want to know. AMY They have one of two opinions about you and Brent. MORGAN Which are? AMY They either love you or they wish you a death by cruel and unusual methods. MORGAN So cruel. AMY I guess there is two types of women. Women who have slept with one or both. MORGAN V.O. (Laughing) And the others who want too. Amy rolls her eyes. AMY And that whole tip jar. That, both groups hate. MORGAN (Shocked) What! What do they think it means. AMY Are you really playing dumb? 00020000068A00007A6D684,MORGAN (Uncomfortable) That tip jar doesnt mean anything. Its just an inside joke, AMY That everyone knows. The car stops in front of a large house. MORGAN We are here. AMY Yes we are. Amy starts to get out. MORGAN They know. They really know. AMY Yes, they really know. MORGAN What group do you belong too. AMY I hope I wont be in either one. Amy gets out of car. Ext. Mr. Days house day A large, beautiful home is seen. The house is surrounded with trees. The grounds are lush and well kept. Amy and Morgan look around in ah. MORGAN This is quite a place. I didnt know Day did so well. Amy I think its been in his family for years. Amy and Morgan walk to the door. Amy unlocks the door and the two companions walk in. Int. MR. DAYS HOUSE DAY The companions tour the house. They are playful with each other as they go from room to room. MORGAN (Playful) Maybe I should buy the place. AMY (Playful) Can you afford it? MORGAN Sure, Ill write check. I might need a roommate. You want to move in? We could get married. Have couple of kids... In this place we could have twelve kids. Morgan getting closer to Amy. Amy is shaken as Morgan gets closer. AMY Ill pass. MORGAN You dont want to move in? AMY No, this place is to big. I could get lost here. Amy walks away. Morgan follows. Amy comes to a locked door. She tries to open the door. MORGAN What do you think Mr. Day has in there. Skeletons? AMY Not everyone has skeletons. MORGAN Sure they do. Even you Amy Jordan must have a few. Amy smiles. AMY I bet. I have key. Amy searches the key chain for the right key. She tries different keys in the door until she finds the right fit. She opens the door. 000200000561000080F155B,Int Chapel In the room is a small Chapel. An alter and a crucifix are in the front of the room. A few small pews form an aisle. MORGAN Wow. This is medieval. AMY I think its beautiful. Its a smaller version of the church I go too. MORGAN (Playful) Amy Jordan, you do have skeletons... Tell me. How often do you go? AMY Every Sunday. MORGAN Oh. That makes sense. AMY (playful) What does that mean. Morgan Foster are you afraid to pray? MORGAN Oh, no. I think that prayer and mediating are relatively harmless for most people. Its people that take it really seriously are the ones you have to watch out for. AMY (Playful) You better watch out for me, then. MORGAN I guess I do. AMY Come on we are going to pray right here and now. MORGAN Oh, no. You wont get me to do that. But if you want to. Please, feel free. Amy kneels down. AMY Are you sure you dont want too? MORGAN Very sure. AMY OK. Amy smiles warmly as she starts to pray. AMY (CONTD) Please, dear Lord grant my new Friend Morgan. One mercy. Please, Lord mercy. Morgan is uncomfortable and embarrassed as he watches Amy pray. AMY (CONTD) Amen. MORGAN (Mocking) Amen. AMY Feel different? MORGAN Sure. I am new man. AMY Good. I am glad. Appraiser o.s Is any one here? AMY We are here! Amy and Morgan walk out of the chapel to meet the Appraiser. Int. MR. DAYS HOUSE DAY The three meet near the front door. 00020000079E0000864C798,Appraiser (To Amy) You must be Mr. Days assistant? AmY (Offering hand) I am Amy Jordan. Amy shakes hands with the Appraiser. MORGAN (To amy) Ill wait outside. Amy nods. Morgan makes his exit out the front door. Ext. MR. DAYS HOUSE DAY Morgan is thoughtful as he walks the grounds of the house. The wind blows the branches of the trees. He smiles to himself as he plots his next move. Morgan comes to sudden stop. He turns around. He feels he is being watched. His smile fads from his face as he hear whispers of voices. The voices mock him. VOICE O.S. You fool. Time is your enemy. Time is running out. Morgan becomes uneasy but remains strong. MORGAN I wont listen. VOICE O.S. You fool. Morgan sees a flash of woman who face is hidden by long hair. MORGAN Julie! AMY Morgan! Morgan turns to see Amy at his side. MORGAN (Breathless) Amy. AMY Did you see her? MORGAN I thought... No I didnt. Its my imagination. AMY Are you sure. MORGAN Yes. Lets stop talking about it. Amy studies Morgan for moment. Her heart aches with sympathy for him. AMY (Sober) The Appraiser is done. MORGAN (Shaken) Is he. We can head back then. AMY Sure... I want to help you. MORGAN Help me do what? AMY Find Julie or what ever is haunting you. MORGAN Thats crazy. There is nothing haunting me. AMY You dont believe in anything? MORGAN I believe in what I can see and touch. And I will not let a miss fire of neurons mess with me. AMY I want to help. Amy takes Morgan hand for a short moment. MORGAN V.O. Ive heard that your life can change in a moment. That sinners can become saints. And Saints can fall. In that moment. I could have given it all up for her. I could have really fallen in love. Real love. I could have spent the rest of my life with her. I could of had children with her. I could have grown old with her. She was mine. She was designed for me. Me alone. In that moment I knew it... But No I couldnt go back on the bargain. I couldnt. 00020000069400008DE468E,Morgan Grabs Amy and kisses her roughly. Amy pulls away disgusted. Amy walks way angry. Morgan catches up with Amy. MORGAN I sorry. I am really sorry. Amy reluctantly gives an understanding nod. Int.hOUSE The fire rages as Morgan tries to make his way out. A piece of the ceiling falls onto Morgan. It sears his flesh. The fire surrounds him. The flames take on shapes of women, The women moan to Morgan. The flames over take his body. Morgan screams in agony Int. MORGANS APARTMENT MORNING We see the tick of Morgans clock. Morgan is sleep when Brent throws a pillow at him. BRENT Wake up! Morgan is stunned by the abrupt action. MoRGAN What are you doing here? What time is it?. BRENT (Opening the blinds) Early. You didnt answer my text last night. I couldnt wait to see how you made out. Not well. I see. MORGAN (Smiling) I made progress, yesterday. BRENT Progress? Progress is not a closed deal. MORGAN Shes going to be tough. BRENT Tough or are you going soft? MORGAN Never. Ill get it done. BRENT Well, at lest theres still a chance for me. MORGAN No chance shes in to me. BRENT Ya, sure. I going to take a shot. Its only fair. I cant just give it to you. MORGAN You wont get an opportunity. BRENT I already have one. Today. In fact I have be there in about an hour. MORGAN What. Were are you going? BRENT I am feeding the homeless. MORGAN (Laughing) Whats the deal? BRENT I am being a true do-gooder, today. I signed up to feed the homeless down at the shelter on sixth. And if our miss Amy just happens to be there as well. All the better for me... You know Morgan, you really should do some of your volunteer hours some time. Its good for the heart. 0002000005F8000094725F2,Brent pounds on his chest and smiles. MORGAN V.O. The firm always wants its employees to volunteer in the community. Its not mandatory but it is well thought of. So they have these sign up sheets in lunch room of different organizations were you can volunteer. It might give you an edge in a promotion or getting a raise. Brent and I never signed up. We never needed too. But this just might give Brent an edge. It was smooth. I should thought of it. Brent starts to leave. BRENT (Laughing) See Ya, sucker! MORGAN Damn it! Int. Homeless Shelter Morning Amy and Brent are serving food to the homeless as Morgan walks in. Amy sees Morgan and looks pleased. Brent looks displeased. AMY Morgan! What are you doing here? BRENT Ya, What are you doing here? MORGAN I thought I would help out. BRENT Your name wasnt on the list. AMY Well, Your name really doesnt have to be on list to help out. BRENT I think it does. Its against the rules. AMY There arent any rules. (To Morgan) Get a spoon. Morgan grabs the spoon. He gets in between Brent and Amy. Morgan gives Brent a smug look. Ext. HoMELESS SHELTER MORNING Morgan walks outside alone. He leans on the building. A homeless women comes up to him and begs with her hand held out. MORGAN I dont have anything. Again the woman holds out her hand. MORGAN (CONTD) I dont have anything! The woman gets closer to Morgan. Morgan is repulsed. MORGAN (CONTD) (Angry) Go away! I dont have anything! Homeless woman Time is running out. MORGAN (Upset) What did you say to me? 00020000055100009A6454B,The woman backs away. MORGAN (CONTD) (Angry) Did someone tell you to say that? Answer me! Answer me! The Woman hurries off. Brent walks out of the building. BRENT Why in the hell are you yelling. MORGAN That woman. BRENT What about her? MORGAN Nothing. Never mind. BRENT You are losing it. And whats the deal with you showing up. Its my turn. MORGAN Since when do we play fair. BRENT Fine! You want to bring out the big guns. I can do that. Amy walks out. AMY See you guys Monday. BRENT Wait. Amy I was just going to get lunch. Would you like to join me. AMY I am not really hungry. Thanks. MORGAN Hey, maybe we can go some place else. Its shame to waste a day. You have plans? AMY No. BRENT Why not all of us go. You know. Team building. MORGAN (To Amy) You probably havent seen our citys art museum yet. Its not far from here. BRENT We could all go. Together. Amy Sure. Int. Museum The three companions walks the halls of the art museum. Amy grabs a brochure and thumbs through it. BRENT (To amy) Do you like art? Amy (Smiling) Yes. It lifts the soul. Brent softens in Amy presence. Morgan notices this and is upset. Brent opens door for Amy. Amy drops her brochure. Brent quickly picks it up for her. AMY (CONTD) (TO Brent) Thank you. Brent is pleased with her attention. The Companions come to an exhibit of ancient Egyptian mummies. BRENT 00020000065100009FAF64B,Who wants to see the mummies? Brent doesnt wait for answer and walks into the exhibit. AMY (To Morgan) You seem far away. MORGAN This is Brents day AMY Is it? This was your idea. MORGAN (Cold) Was it? Morgan becomes thoughtful as he realizes he is ruining his changes. MORGAN (CONTD) I am sorry. I was just thinking about this Julie thing. Will you help me? AMY I said I would. Brent o.s Are you coming? Amy and Morgan walk into the exhibit. Int. Exhibit Egyptian mummies are displayed in glass cases. Displayed on the walls are explanations of the rites of burial. BRENT They buried them with a lot of shit. AMY They wanted to make sure their loved one was ready for the afterlife. MORGAN What a waste. All that food. BRENT All that gold. MORGAN Just to rot. AMY They didnt think it was a waste. MORGAN But it was a waste their is no afterlife. AMY How do you know. BRENT Well, No one has ever come back and said their was an afterlife. MORGAN Every sensible person knows its story. AMY I guess I am not sensible. MORGAN I didnt mean you. AMY No, its OK. We just disagree. MORGAN Look, I am sorry. I didnt want to offend you. AMY You didnt. MORGAN (Laughing) Ill make you both a deal. The first one of us that dies. Will come back and tell the other two if their is an afterlife. AMY (Smiling) Ill take you up on that. BRENT (Laughing) Not me. I dont want to know. AMY Are you sure you dont want to know. You can sell the story to the tabloids and make some money. BRENT (Laughing) In that case I am in. Ext. MUSEUM Morgan, Amy and Brent are standing outside the museum. Brent is close to Amy. 0002000006350000A5FA62F,AMY I had good time. BRENT You seem surprised. AMY Not surprised. MORGAN You were surprised. AMY Well, maybe. BRENT We had a good time too. Right Morgan! MORGAN The best time. AMY (Walking away) See you guys Monday. Morgan call me. I want to help. MORGAN I will. Morgan and Brent look uneasy as they watch Amy walk away. MORGAN (CONTD) (Sober) Feel like going out tonight? BRENT (Sober) Ya, sure. Int. Club NIGHT Morgan and Brent sit quietly at table. The music is pounding as they watch their drinks. MORGAN What are we doing here? We are suppose to be having fun. Lets have some fun. BRENT Ya! You're right. I say we forget about this Amy. The bargain. Everything. I say we get wasted and have a good time. MORGAN Lets do it! Morgan slams his drink and Brent follows. Int. Club NIGHT Morgan is dancing with a girl. He seems dazed as the lights flash in his eyes. A woman with long brown hair hiding her face roams through the dancing crowd. Brent is seen near Morgan also dancing. As the woman gets closer to Morgan, a knife slips into her hand. Morgan sees the woman and the knife. Fear sobers him and he moves just as the woman reaches him. MORGAN Julie! GIrl My name is Tammy. The woman rushes through the crowd. She tries to escape. Morgan follows her. He passes Brent who has stopped dancing. MORGAN (To Brent) Its Julie shes here! Brent is stunned and follows Morgan out of the club. Ext. strEET NIGHT Morgan runs after the fleeing woman. He fellows her into the crowded street. When he reaches the street the woman is no where to be seen. Brent comes out soon after. 00020000067F0000AC29679,Brent (Breathless) You really saw her? MORGAN (Angry) You didnt? She was here. With a knife! BRENT I thought you were going crazy but I saw someone. I didnt see her face. It could have been her. I dont know. MORGAN (Angry) You saw the knife? BRENT No man! I didnt see a knife. MORGAN She had one! She wants to kill me! BRENT Calm down. We dont know it was Julie. And I didnt see a knife. MORGAN Dont you think I know what I saw! BRENT You might be over reacting! MORGAN I am not over reacting! I saw her! In fact I been seeing her every where! Brent Get hold of yourself. Youre drunk! MORGAN (Pushing Brent away) Youre drunk! BRENT (Angry) Dont push me! The two come to blows for a few moments until a Bouncer steps in. Bouncer You two cool it or Ill call the cops! Get out of here! Brent Were going. MORGAN No one needs to call the cops. BOUNCER Take a walk! Brent We're walking. MORGAN V.O. There was only one place to go. INt. Amys apartment Night Amy opens her door to find Morgan and Brent nursing their wounds. AMY This is unexpected. MORGAN You said you wanted to help. AMY I did but I didnt think it would be at three in the morning. BRENT Can we come in? AMY I guess, I cant say no. The two walk in. AMY (CONTD) What happened to you guys. You look terrible. BRENT We went to a club. AMY I see. Brent sits on the sofa. MORGAN Julie was there. Brent saw her too. AMY You did? BRENT I dont know what I saw. I am drunk. MORGAN I have to find her. AMY Maybe you should go to the police. MORGAN No police. I need to find her. BRENT We can facebook a friend of Julies. You remember, Kate Reynolds. Shes a friend of mine on facebook. 00020000067D0000B2A2677,MORGAN You didnt tell me this earlier? BRENT I didnt think it was that big of a deal. AMY Lets e-mail her. Ask her what she knows. Int. AMYS APARTMENT NIGHT Amy is at her computer. She types an e-mail as Morgan watches over her shoulder. AmY What do think? MORGAN It looks good. AMY Then Ill send it. Amy hits the enter button. AMY (CONTD) Now, we wait for an answer. MORGAN I wonder how long? AMY Im sure it will be a little while. It is four in the morning. MORGAN Thanks for this. AMY I said I wanted to help. Brent is sleep on the sofa. MORGAN Hes out cold. AMY Why did you two fight? MORGAN I dont even know. Its so not like us. We both been acting strange. AMY Growing pains. MORGAN We are grown up. AMY You look grown up. MORGAN I should go home. Is he going to be OK here. AMY Hes fine. MORGAN Thanks again. Morgan leaves. Int. HOUSE The fire blazes. It consumes every thing it touches. Int. MORGANS APARTMENT MORNING We see the tick of Morgan clock. The alarm goes off. Morgan Eyes pop open. Int. ACOUNTING FIRM Brent is at his desk. He stops his work and surveys the tip jar. Morgan sits at his desk. BRENT Hey, Morgan. MORGAN (Sober) How did you make out. BRENT I didnt win. MORGAN You spent time with her. BRENT My head was pounding when I woke up. She was in hurry that morning trying to get me out. But I stayed. We talked while she got ready. And she left. I dont know were she went so early. Nothing happened. And I didnt even want it too. Shes different. MORGAN Shes strange. BRENT Shes not strange... No, You're right, she is strange. I dont know maybe we should forget about this whole thing. My heart isnt in it. 00020000067C0000B919676,MORGAN Were is youre heart? BRENT What if we are doing something wrong? MORGAN Who decides what is wrong? Its just a game. We arent hurting anyone. BRENT Ourselves. Maybe we are hurting ourselves. Brent reaches for the tip jar and removes it from the desk. He hides it the bottom drawer of his desk. MORGAN What are you doing? BRENT I dont want it up there anymore. I dont want people to see it. MORGAN You're getting soft. BRENT (Sober) I dont care what you think Morgan. I got to get back to work. I have so much shit to do. Brent goes back to work. Amy walks up to both of them. She breathless and nervous. Amy I need to talk to both of you now. Int. aCOUNTING FIRM The three friends make their way to the break room. BRENT Whats going on? AMY Kate, e-mailed me back this morning. MORGAN What did she say? AMY Read it. Amy hands Morgan a copy of e-mail. Morgan intently reads. After he finishes he crumbles the paper. BRENT What did it say? MORGAN Shes dead. Has been for two years. AMY She killed herself. MORGAN (Cold) I guess she finely got the job done. BRENT What does this mean? MORGAN It means that I let my imagination run wide. AMY It was your Imagination? MORGAN What else could it be? BRENT A Ghost? MORGAN (Laughing) Thats crazy! AMY Someone might hear you. MORGAN I dont care! Let everyone know I am going nuts. Half of them would be over joyed. Remember? BRENT If you are losing it. So am I. Ive seen that woman before. MORGAN Before the club? BRENT Everywhere. Ever since we got that e-mail. MORGAN Why didnt you say something BRENT I dont know. I didnt want you to think... I dont know. All I can say is I dont know. 00020000060D0000BF8F607,MORGAN (Upset, angry) I dont believe you. (Motions to Amy ) And I dont believe you either. (Walking out of the room) I dont believe any of this! AmY Morgan, Dont go! MORGAN I have to get out here! BRENT Morgan, stay! We can figure it out together. MORGAN (Running out) No! No! Ext. ACOUNTING FIRM Morgan runs out of the building. He is dazed and confused as he walks the streets. Ext. Street day Morgan walks aimlessly. He stumbles upon a church. Morgan stops but is unsure why. He looks up at medieval building and walks in. Int. Church Morgan walks in and notices some ladies waiting in line for the confessional. Morgan is shaken and he begins to talk to himself. Her runs his fingers though his hair as he tries to calm himself. The women are startled by Morgans behavior. MoRGAN (To himself) Time. Time is running out. A young Priest sees Morgan and walks over to him Priest Sir, Can I help you? MORGAN Can you help me? Can you? PRIEST Come with me. The priest takes Morgan away to another side of the chruch. INt. ChURCH Morgan and the Priest are sitting in a pew. PRIEST You seem like you are in trouble. MORGAN No, I am fine. PRIEST Youre fine? Why are you here? MORGAN I dont know... Things have been happening. PRIEST What type of things? MORGAN Ive been seeing this girl. PRIEST Yes, You have been seeing a girl. MORGAN But, she is dead. So I couldnt have been seeing her. PRIEST I see... You think she is haunting you? MORGAN I dont believe in any of that. PRIEST Our belief is not necessary for something to be true. 0002000007330000C59672D,MORGAN You dont think I am crazy? PRIEST (Touching his collar) A lot of people think I am crazy. Tell me what you see? MORGAN She is everywhere. Everywhere I look. She leaves messages for me. PRIEST What do they say? MORGAN Time is running out. PRIEST I believe, the dead are still with us. The things we do affect them and the things they do affect us. In fact, it is only a thin veil that separates them from us. These souls have been know to visit the living to give them messages. MORGAN What type of messages? PRIEST Often they want our prayers to pay their debt. They can no longer help themselves but we can. MORGAN Debt? PRIEST For their sins... We all have a debt that must be paid before we enter heaven. If the debt is not paid here then in the next life. It must be. MORGAN You mean purgatory? PRIEST Youve heard of it? MORGAN I said I dont believe. Not, I didnt know. PRIEST (Smiling) Then, you know. MORGAN You think she wants me to pay her debt. How? PRIEST Good works. Prayers. MORGAN Why would she come to me? PRIEST You go to your friends, relatives. People you are close too. For help. Its the same when you are dead. MORGAN I was never close to this girl. I mean we were close but not close. PRIEST I understand... How do you feel when you see her? MORGAN How do you think I feel... I am afraid. A look of concern comes over the young priests face. PRIEST Afraid? You feel fear? MORGAN Yes! The Priest is thoughtful. PRIEST Do you know shame? MORGAN Havent we evolved past that emotion? PRIEST A mans ability to feel shame speaks to his nature. When he no longer feels it. He is. MORGAN (Interrupting) What does this have to do with Julie? The priest nods. PRIEST This soul that is following you is not in purgatory. With the souls in purgatory a person would never be afraid. MORGAN Were is this soul from? 0002000007680000CCC3762,The priest looks intently at Morgan. Morgan jumps up from the pew. MORGAN (CONTD) I dont believe is this. I dont believe. PrIEST Wait. Dont go. Morgan stumbles to the door. MORGAN I dont believe! I dont believe in you or this place! Morgan leaves the church. Int. HOUSE The fire rages as Morgan is trapped by falling debris. Morgan is panicky as he lies helpless. A hand is seen taking his. Morgan looks to see its Julies hand. Int. MORGANS APARTMENT MORNING We see the tick of Morgans living room clock. Morgan is a sleep on the sofa. Different liquor bottles are see on the coffee table. Morgan is startled awake. The DOORBELL RINGS. Morgan makes his way to the door. MORGAN Im coming! Morgan opens the door to see Brent. MORGAN (CONTD) I thought you had a key. BRENT I must of left it at home. MORGAN Come in. I just woke up. BRENT (Making his way in) I see that. Morgan again sits on the sofa. He reaches the remaining bottles for a drink. He finds a drop and drinks it. Brent sits in a chair. BRENT (CONTD) We were worried about you. MORGAN We were? BRENT What happened to you? You didnt answer your phone. MORGAN I was busy. Why are you here? Because to tell you the truth I am not interested in having a hart to hart. BRENT I want to talk to you about the bargain. MORGAN The bargain. BRENT I want to call it off. MORGAN It was your idea. BRENT I know that. MORGAN Shes getting to you. BRENT No! Not at all! But maybe Julie is. MORGAN This has nothing to do with Julie. BRENT Maybe its why she has come back. MORGAN Thats crazy. She has not come back. Its nothing. BRENT You cant just ignore it. MORGAN Why cant I. BRENT Things dont go away because we ignore it. MORGAN Sure they do... This has nothing to do with Julie. Its about Amy. (Slyly) You dont think you can win. BRENT I dont care if I win. MORGAN (Laughing) Thats it! You dont think you can win. 0002000008C40000D4258BE,BRENT I said, I dont care. MORGAN (Laughing) Alright. Well call it off. BRENT That was easy. Dont you think you can win? MORGAN I know I can. I was just doing what you wanted. BRENT I could win. I just dont care if I do. MORGAN You said that... I really dont care either. A few moments pass. MORGAN (CONTD) Why didnt you say anything about seeing Julie? BRENT I dont know if who I saw was Julie. MORGAN What is it like when you see her? How do you feel? BRENT Im afraid. You? Morgan shrugs his shoulders. MORGAN I talked to this priest. BRENT What did he say? MORGAN Nothing that means anything. BRENT What should we do? MORGAN Nothing. BRENT Nothing? MORGAN It will stop. It is nothing more then a figment of our imagination. Nothing a pill or a drink cant take care of. BRENT (Getting up) I hope youre right. It will go away... I better go. See you at the office. Brent walks to door. MORGAN Ya, I better start getting ready. BRENT Only a few more days until the fifteenth. MORGAN (Smiling) I guess time is running out. Brent walks out the door and shuts it behind him. Morgan relaxes on the sofa and smiles. Int. ACOUNTING FIRM Morgan is seen working. The office is a buzz of activity. Brent is on phone when Morgan looks at him. They exchange an awkward glance. Morgan watches the activity around him. Julie stands in the middle of the office. His coworkers see nothing but Morgan is griped with fear. Julies is sunken in and busied. Her long hair is matted. She mouths words that Morgan can not hear. She takes her finger and points to the clock that hangs on the wall. A pile of mail lands on Morgans desk which breaks his attention. He jumps at the thud of mail. When he turns back to Julie. She is gone. He turns to Brents desk but Brent is gone. Sweat pours down Morgans face. Morgan walks out of the office as Amy watches him leave. Int. Bar day Morgan is upset as he walks into the empty bar. His hands shake as he sits at the bar. The bartender walks to him. Bartender Rough day. Its not even noon yet. MORGAN Ya. I need a drink. A shot of jack. BARTENDER Sure, Buddy. The bartender pours the shot and Morgan slams it. MORGAN Another one. Again the bartender pours a shot, The Bartender starts to walk way. 00020000078B0000DCE3785,MORGAN (CONTD) Leave the bottle. Just leave the bottle. BARTENDER Sure. The bartender leaves the bottle and walks away. Amy walks in and sits next Morgan. AMY Getting drunk. As if that solved anything. MORGAN Well, it will make me feel better. AMY For a while. MORGAN What are you doing here? AMY I saw you leave. I thought I could help. MORGAN (Laughing) Is that it? You think all of us are lost souls that need your help. AMY Do you? Just ask and I will help. MORGAN I dont want your help. All I need is jack, here. Morgan pours another shot. AMY What is getting wasted going to do? MORGAN Itll get me through the day and I just want to get through the day AMY Why wont you ask for help? MORGAN What I am going to ask for. For this Bitch of a ghost to stop haunting me. AMY You think she is haunting you? Maybe she is. Maybe all the horrible things you have done are finely catching up with you. MORGAN What have I done? I never forced any girl. They came willingly. I dont understand you women. You pretend it doesnt matter. No, I dont want to get serious. You say. And When We dont take you serious. You freak out. Even when you are dead. They still dont let it go. Woman Should be more like men. AMY Should they? Anyone can say it doesnt mean anything. But we werent designed for it not to mean anything. It always means something... You think we can do what we like when we like. But everything we do touches someone else's life. For that reason alone. Its not fair to do things without thought... Good. Bad. There is something to gain or something to pay... What do you think a man is? Someone who sleeps with as many girls that will let him and count them with a tip jar on his desk? Is a man someone who goes and gets drunk to hide from his problems? Is that a man? Its noble to love and be loved. Its noble to take responsibility for the people in our lives. Men Run to nobility not away from it... 00020000065C0000E468656,MORGAN I havent done anything wrong. I really havent. People take things too seriously. It doesnt mean anything. It doesnt. Amy (Getting up) I have to go. MORGAN Where are you going? Stay. Ill order you a drink. AMY No. I dont belong here. Good bye Morgan Foster. Amy leaves the bar. Morgan drinks another shot. INt. ACOUNTING FIRM Morgan walks back to desk. Brent watches him. BRENT Where have you been? Mr. Day came by. MORGAN Did he now. BRENT Are you drunk? MORGAN No. I am not drunk. BRENT You've been drinking. MORGAN I havent. BRENT Go home Morgan. Ill tell everyone youre sick. Go home. MORGAN I dont want to go home. She might... Morgan stops himself. BRENT She might what? Morgan, go home. MORGAN I am fine. Hey, want to go out tonight. BRENT No. MORGAN Why not? BRENT I have to work. I have to take clients out to dinner tonight. MORGAN Where are you taking them? BRENT (Annoyed) I dont know. I thought I take them to Lukes steak house. MORGAN Lukes is always a safe bet. BRENT (Annoyed) Go home Morgan. Go sleep it off. MORGAN Maybe you're right. Ill go home. Morgan leaves the office. MR. DAY walks over to Brents desk. Mr. Day Were is your pal going? We have work to do. BRENT Sick sir. Real bad stomach flu. Mr. Day walks away. Ext. Street DAY Morgan walks the streets. Julie haunts him where ever he goes. Every where he turns she seems to be there. The sighting sober Morgan. Ext. Chruch Morgan finds himself in front the same chruch he was in just a few days ago. Morgan is unsteady as walks in. The Young Priest is lighting candles as Morgan walks up to him. MORGAN Do you remember me? 0002000008340000EABE82E,PRIEST I do. MORGAN Last Time I was here you said souls can come back to give messages. PRIEST In rare occasions. MORGAN How can you make them go away? PRIEST It depends on why they have come. MORGAN Why do you think this soul haunts me. PRIEST A soul from hell comes. MORGAN (Interrupting) How can you be sure they are from hell. PRIEST Only the dammed produce fear. MORGAN I dont believe in hell. If there is a God. He wouldnt send people to hell. PRIEST What makes you think he sends them? We all have a free will. MORGAN I dont believe it. Why would there be a place like that. PRIEST Something is either true or not true. It cant be both... Every society on this earth has a prison were they send their criminals. Because if they did not. The just would suffer at the hands of the unjust. Would that be justice? Why would God not do the same? MORGAN Whatever! How do I stop her? PRIEST The dammed have no power over us unless we give it to them. A saint once said that the devil is a chained dog and only a fool allows a chained dog to bite them. MORGAN How do I stop this? PRIEST Get away from the dog. The dog that stalks us is clever. He plots against us. He knows our passions and he uses them. MORGAN Passions are a good thing. PRIEST Only when we master them. If they master us they lead us to him... What is this passion you can not control? MORGAN I control everything. PRIEST Do you? You dont control what haunts you. MORGAN How do I control her. PRIEST Master your passion. MORGAN Thats it! Cant you give me a blessing or something? PRIEST Would you believe in it If I did? MORGAN Why would it matter? It would be a blessing. PRIEST If you dont believe what would be the point? Master your passion. And there is nothing to fear. Morgan becomes angry. MORGAN Thats it! Thats your answer! PRIEST You dont like my answer. MORGAN No, I dont ! Because its not an answer! PRIEST What did you expect? MORGAN I want a solution! Some sort of medieval ritual. That will send Julie back to hell or were ever she came from! Your antiquated idea of the world no longer applies. 000200000CAB0000F2ECCA5,PRIEST Then neither would my blessing... Have men changed so much? MORGAN Yes! We now decide what is right and what is not. We have become our own masters. We do not rely on outdated notions of morality! We are happier! We are free! I am a modern man! PRIEST In your so called freedom you have become salves to your inclinations. Your inclinations are a cruel master... And reason has left modern man. MORGAN Give me a blessing! PRIEST I dont understand why you want one! It is an antiquated notion. MORGAN (Angry) Give me a blessing! I wont leave without one! Morgan shakes the Priest violently. The priest tries to pull Morgan off him. PRIEST Alright Ill give you a blessing! Morgan backs away. MORGAN Then do it! The Priest thinks for a moment. PRIEST (making the sign of the cross) Abillo benedicaris, in cujus honre cremaberis. Amen MORGAN Is That It? The priest nods yes. MORGAN (CONTD) Then she wont come back? PRIEST I gave you a blessing. MORGAN (Happy) I feel better already. Morgan leaves satisfied. Ext. StREET evening Morgan walks the streets. He smiles. Morgan is overcome with relief. Suddenly a look of dread appears on his face. He looks at his watch. INt. ACOUNTING FIRM Flashback MORGAN Go home Morgan. Ill tell everyone youre sick. Go home. MORGAN (CONTD) I dont want to go home. BRENT Morgan, go home. MORGAN I am fine. Hey, want to go out tonight. BRENT No. MORGAN Why not? BRENT (Uncertain) I have to work. I have to take clients out to dinner tonight. MORGAN Where are you taking them. BRENT (Uncertain) I dont know. I thought Id take them to Lukes steak house. MORGAN (Relaxed) Lukes is always a safe bet. BRENT Go home Morgan. Go sleep it off. Ext. Street NIGHT Morgan crosses a city street with little thought. A car honks its horn at Morgan. Morgan is unconcerned as he rushes across. Ext. Lukes RESTAURANT night Morgan makes his way to Lukes. He reaches the restaurant and stands in front of the large glass window. Morgan peers into the window were he sees Brent and Amy together at a table. Amy flips her hair as the two talk. Brent has his hand on table. He smiles at Amy. His eyes are filled with devotion for Amy. Amy touches Brents hand briefly. A look of anguish comes over Morgan. MORGAN V.O. I knew at that moment that she was not mine. She was his. Morgan flies into a rage. Int. Brents appartment Night A door is seen. POUNDING on the door is heard. Brent, half asleep walks to the door. BRENT I am coming! Hold on! Morgan O.S. Open up! BRENT Morgan is that you? MORGAN O.S. Open up! BRENT Alright! Alright. Brent opens the door to Morgan holding the tip Jar. Morgan forces his way in. Brent shuts the door. BRENT (CONTD) Its four in the morning what are you doing here? Were is your key? MORGAN I must of left it at home. (Placing the tip jar on a counter) I thought you should have this. BRENT Why? I called it off. MORGAN Did you? Or was that your plan. Ill admit is was pretty good. BRENT What? You think I called it off just to win the bet. MORGAN (Excited) I saw the two of you at Lukes. I should have thought of it first. (Morgan offers hand) Well played. Well played. BRENT (Sober) You have the wrong idea. MORGAN Were is she? Is she in your bedroom right now? 0002000007D90000FF917D3,Morgan walks to Brents bed room. He opens the door to find the bed empty. Morgan walks back to the living room. Dumbfounded. BRENT You really thought shed be here...Im done Morgan. I dont want to play this game anymore. MORGAN I thought for sure that... BrENT You dont know her at all. You think you know so much about women but you dont know anything. I called off the bargain because. MORGAN Because what? BRENT I thought I could love her. I mean the real thing. MORGAN (Laughing) Love? There is no such thing. Its a fable that we are told as children to behave. Why behave? No point in it... We were put on the earth to retrieve as much pleasure as we can. Pleasure is all that this life should be about. Because before you know it youll be in the cold ground with nothing but dirt around you. Its stupid to deny yourself. What else is there? Im not hurting anyone. I am just having a good time... DO you even know what love is? BRENT No, I dont. But I want too. Because when I am alone. I dont feel anything but lonely. My hart aches for something. I dont even know what. But this life we have. Its not enough anymore. Its just not enough. And what ever I am looking for. Ive got go find it. MORGAN (Laughing) I guess we have both lost our minds. BRENT What do you mean? MORGAN (Laughing) I was blessed. BRENT You were blessed? MORGAN (Uncomfortable laughter) Can you believe that? I begged for it. I almost assaulted a priest for a blessing. BRENT (Sober) Why did you do that, Morgan? MORGAN Because we both have gone crazy. I thought it would stop Julie. Thats why. Do you still see Julie? BRENT No. Not any more. MORGAN Me either. It must have worked. Morgan starts to leave. BRENT (Pointing to the tip jar) What should we do with this? MORGAN You keep it. BRENT I dont want it. Brent takes the tip jar and offers it to Morgan. MORGAN You won. Morgan pushes the jar back to Brent. BRENT I didnt win anything. The two struggle with the jar. Each pushing the jar to the other. 00020000082A00010764824,MORGAN (In a rage) Its yours. In the struggle the jar is dropped and crashes on the floor. Money and glass go everywhere. The two friends stand motionless for a few moments. MORGAN (CONTD) In the end we never want to be alone. Both look ashamed. Morgan steps over the glass and leaves the apartment. INT. HouSE The smoke from the flames is so black it blocks out all light. Morgan inhales the smoke causing him to choke. As he inhales the black smoke his lungs expand. Int. MORGANS APARTMENT MORNING Morgans Clock ticks as the alarm goes off. Morgan wakes up gasping for air. His eye are sensitive to the light and he rubs his eyes. He slides out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Int. MORGAN APPARMENT BATHROOM Morgan makes his way to the bathroom sink. He turns on the cold water and lets it run. As he touches the water it burns his hands. He cruses the water. Int. ACOUNTING FIRM A crowd of coworkers is gathered in a large room. An elegant buffet awaits the coworkers. Champagne and wine bottles are seen. Waiters pass out glasses of champagne to the coworkers. Mr. Day lifts up a glasses of Champaign. All the coworkers lift their glasses. Amy is near Brent they are both attentive to Mr. Day as his makes his speech. Morgan is distracted. Morgan smiles at a pretty coworker but she ignores him. Mr. Day We have all spent late hours and early morning to make this season a success... Time with our family and friends have been sacrificed. But we all know when hard work is put in. We are rewarded. And now that the season is over. We can enjoy the fruits of our labor. So I hope you will all enjoy this spread we have for you all. (The crowd cheers) In closing, we are all family here. And as family, we have responsibility to each other. To family. Crowd To family! The crowds drinks. Morgan does not drink but watches Brent and nods to him. Brent politely nods back. MR. DAY Lets enjoy this feast. Morgan walks up to Brent. Amy leaves when she sees Morgan coming. MORGAN Nice spread. BreNT Its OK. MORGAN You going to stick around? BRENT Itll look bad if we dont. 0002000008F100010F888EB,MORGAN I guess we should stay. BRENT You dont have to if you dont want too. MORGAN Do you want too? BRENT No. This is lame lets get out of here. MORGAN What about your girlfriend BRENT Shes not. Lets go if you what to go. The two sneak out of the party. Int. Bar EVENING The two friends sit at the bar together. They sip their drinks. A painful silence is between them. MORGAN So whats going on with you two? BRENT I dont know. MORGAN You love her. Brent looks embarrassed. MORGAN (CONTD) If you do, you should just say it. BRENT I know you dont believe in it. MORGAN Hell, I dont believe in a lot of things. Doesnt make it not true. BRENT (Shocked) Whats this? You softening on me? MORGAN No man. I will forever be a happy bachelor. When Im eighty ,Ill still be making passes at hot nurses. Its too late for me... This place is dead tonight. BRENT Its still early. There is still time. MORGAN Is there? What are you doing with your weekends? Now that there is no prowling for you. BRENT Just hanging out. I guess. This weekend, Tom Copper invited me to his kids birthday party. I have to get a gift and everything. I mean what do you get a two year old. MORGAN Wow! Youre in the fast lane now. BRENT I know. MORGAN Lets get out of here. The two friends pay for their drinks and walk out of the bar. Ext. STREET NIGHT The two friends stand on the street looking at the night. MORGAN Hey, Lets go to a club tonight. I heard of a new one. Just opened up on first street. It should be a real good time. A lot of girls. Brent smiles at Morgan for a moment. All the good times with his once close friend come to his mind. Suddenly he becomes sober and thoughtful. BRENT No man. I dont think so. I am going to head home. I have that birthday tomorrow. MORGAN Oh ya! Thats right. BRENT Cant show up hung over. MORGAN No, that wouldnt be a good thing. BRENT Why dont you came with me tomorrow. Make it a early night. MORGAN (Smiling) No. Its not for me. Too many prospects out there. Just waiting for a guy like me. BRENT (Joyful) Alright. Im going to go. You going to make it home OK? MORGAN (Confident) Of course. BRENT (Sober) See you around. MORGAN See you around. Brent walks away as Morgan watches him. Morgan turns and begins to walk down a dark alley. 0002000006100001187360A,Ext. AlLEY NIGHT Morgan starts his walk alone. He hears steps behind him and he stops and turns. MoRGAN Brent? Deciding it is nothing, Morgan continues his walk. Julie comes out of the shadows. With her cat like movements she fellows Morgan on his lonely journey. Again Morgan becomes fearful and turns to the darkness. Julie hides herself in a shadow. MORGAN (CONTD) Julie! Is that you? Fade Out Fade In A Twenty-five year old, BRENT is asleep in his bed. Brent is handsome but a look of distress is on his sleeping face. A shadow of a person passes over Brents bed. FOOTSTEPS are heard. We see shoes walking around Brents room. The person surveys Brents belongings and the photos which are in picture frames. The person picks up a photo of Brent and his best friend MORGAN FOSTER. Morgan Foster is equally as handsome as Brent. The two young men look happy and carefree in the photo. The person places the photo back and walks over to a near by desk and chair. The person sits in the chair and leans his hand over to turn on a near by desk lamp. In the light the person identity is reviled to be Morgan the same young man in the Photo. Morgan lets out a deep sigh as he sits and watches his friend sleep. Morgan notices a glass water picture and glass on the desk. Morgan smiles at seeing the two items and then his glaze turns back to his friend. Morgan Brent! Wake up! Brent is startled awake. Brent Morgan! Is that you? MORGAN Its me. Brent wipes the sleep from his eyes. BRENT Did you get home OK? What are you doing here? MORGAN 00020000068E00011E7D688,Dont you remember... The bargain we made. Brent sighs deeply and shamefully. BRENT Yes, I remember. I feel. MORGAN (Interrupting) Shame. You feel shame. BRENT Yes. MORGAN Thats a good thing. In fact its a very good thing. I wish I had felt it then. Now it this all I feel. Well not all. BRENT Whats wrong, Morgan? Are you OK MORGAN No. I am not. Something happened. BRENT What has happened. MORGAN How can I say it? BRENT Say it! MORGAN Ive come here to keep the bargain. BRENT I dont want to talk about it anymore. It was stupid! MORGAN (Laughing) You are thinking of the wrong bargain. BRENT (Scared) Why are you laughing? Tell me what you came to tell me! Have you won? MORGAN No. I have lost... Dont you remember the deal we made. INT. MuSEUM MORGAN (Laughing) Ill make you both a deal. The first one of us that dies. Will come back and tell the other two if their is an afterlife. AMY (Smiling) Ill take you up on that. BRENT (Laughing) Not me. I dont want to know. AMY Are you sure you dont want to know. You can sell the story to the tabloids and make some money. BRENT (Laughing) In that case. I am in. Int. BrENTS APPARTMENT NIGHT Brent crawls to the end of the bed. He looks panicky as he stares at Morgan. BRENT What are you saying Morgan! Why have you come! Morgan looks again at the glass water pitcher and smiles. MORGAN Her prayer was granted. Int. Chapel Amy kneels in prayer. AMY Please, dear Lord grant my new Friend Morgan. One mercy. Please, Lord, mercy. Int. BRENTS APPARTMENT NIGHT Morgan pours water into the glass. As he takes the glass into his hand the water begins to boil. Morgan swallows the boiling water with little discomfort. 0002000009E4000125059DE,MORGAN One mercy... Just one... Cold water. Nothing like a glass of cold water. BRENT (With fear in his eyes) Answer me Morgan! MORGAN (Wiping his mouth) Our life is measured in moments. And how we use those moments. When we accept the moments given us we receive more of them. But if we turn our back on these moments they come less and less. And soon they dont come at all. We are given over to our sins. And it is they that haunt us. They come out of the shadows to devour us. They mock me now. They line up in front of me. I cruse them and they cruse me. Ext. Alley NIGHT Morgan turns to the darkness. MoRGAN Julie, is that you! Two Muggers come out the shadows and point a knife at Morgans gut. Mugger one Give us your wallet! MORGAN (Offering his wallet) Take it! Mugger two (Nervous) Lets get out here. Mugger ONE No! Hes holding out on us. (To morgan) What else do you have? MORGAN Nothing! Thats all I have. Mugger ONE You have something! MORGAN No man! I dont! Mugger TWO (Nervous) Someone is going to see us. Mugger ONE He has something else. The Mugger begins searching Morgan. Morgan struggles with the Mugger and the Mugger stabs him. The two muggers run off. Morgan drops to the ground and a pool of blood surrounds him. MORGAN V.O. Death comes when we lest expect. And it will not be denied its prey. Int. BrENTS APPARTMENT NIGHT Morgan stands and walks over to the bedroom door. The chair he was sitting in is charred and smoldering. He grabs the handle and opens the door. Brent jumps out of bed. Runs to Morgan. Morgan motions him to stop. MORGAN You cant go were I am. I came back. Just like I promised to do. It would have been so easy to avoid this. But I have been a fool. And time has run out. BRENT There is more time! MORGAN No! There is no more time! (Morgan calms) BRENT (Upset) You were blessed! MORGAN (Smiling) I was blessed. He gave me what I asked for.... Abillo benedicaris, in cujus honore cremaberis. Its the blessing they give the incense at the mass. BRENT Incense? MORGAN He knew... Be blessed by him in whose honor thou art burnt. Brent is overcome with fear. Morgan stands in front of the open door. Brent is a state of wonder and fear as he watches his friend. BRENT So their is a heaven? MORGAN So there is. So there is a hell. Because Im there. And so would you be. If not for her. Flames overtake the doorway. The screams and moans of the damned are heard. Brent is over come with terror. Morgan gives a nod to Brent and then falls backward into the flames. Fade Out 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