2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ountain mist floats through the trees lining the road like specters, crossing the road in tattered remnants. An eerie CRY is heard. There is no movement aside from the mist. ED - SUV LS of a road curving along the side of the mountain. An SUV comes into view. Within seconds, it vanishes into a tunnel only to appear moments later on the other side. ID - SUV Inside the SUV are five people. They are ENRIQUE, couples BAPTISTE and CONNIE, her sister LYNDA, and cousin ADAIR. Enrique wears a Pink Floyd T-shirt while Baptiste sports Lenny Kravitz. Connies in a blouse and short skirt, Lynda in a UNC Charlotte sweatshirt over jeans, while Adair is dressed entirely in black. Baptiste is driving and Connie sits next to him. Enrique, Lynda and Adair are in back. The radio is playing but music can barely be heard through static that continuously breaks up the connection. Adair Turn that noise off. Connie switches off the radio. Enrique 000200000C06000003C0C00,Bap, where the fudge are we? Baptiste Almost there, buddy...almost there. Lynda Were probably lost. ED - W The mists swirl around the road before the SUV, around the SUV, and behind the SUV. ID - SUV Connie removes a map from the glove compartment and spread it open upon her knees. Switching on the overhead light, she studies the map intently. Connie We just passed Deer Ridge... Baptiste That means, my dear, we are almost there. Connie looks over at Baptiste. Connie Were headed...where? Baptiste pops a CD into the player; Wumpscut is heard. Enrique To hell and back. Baptiste No, my friend. Lynda Then where? Suddenly, a dark form darts across the road, low to the ground. Shrieks fill the SUV as Baptiste swerves to avoid hitting the creature. ID - SUV Adair Bappy, watch out! ED - SUV The SUV hurtles closer to the precipice, a flimsy looking rail the only obstacle between it and a mile-long drop. ID - SUV The steering wheel is locked. CONNIE Turn the wheel, damn it! ED - SUV The wheel unlocks, and the SUV swerves sharply back into the winding road at the last possible moment. ID - SUV Connie leans back against the headrest with eyes closed. Lynda sighs in relief. Enrique Goddamn Bap, you trying to kill us or what? Baptiste Fuck the dumb shit. This is your hooptie ride, Rico, not mine. Damn steering wheel froze up on me. Lynda I can't understand it. We just had it inspected over to Jaliscos. Adair You need to stop having those Mexicans look at your rides. They dont know shit about cars. Enrique What the fudge, Addy! Im Hispanic myself! Baptiste So? Im Black, but that doesnt mean Im gonna have some Negro who dont know what hes doing fuck up my ride. Connie Daccord! Enrique reaches down into the styrofoam cooler sitting between his feet and removes a can of beer. Enrique Well, I think its time for some booze. Adair After that harrowing experience, even I need some alcohol - and I dont even drink. Lynda Yeah...pass me that miniature bottle of Chambord, Connie. Everyone but Baptiste laughs. Baptiste Piss off, you skanks. Enrique pops open the can and has a long drink of beer as Connie passes the Chambord back to Lynda. Adair takes out a bottle of Absolut Citron, holds it up for all to see, and then gets an orange juice out of the mini-cooler. Adair then proceeds to mix herself a screwdriver. Baptiste (CONTD) Someone gimme a drink, would ya? Adair hands the screwdriver over to Baptiste, who takes a healthy gulp. Adair takes out some Triple Sec and starts to make herself a Cosmopolitan. Connie Hey look - theres a sign. Lynda Pine Valley at last! Cheers and applause fill the SUV. Baptiste I told you wed get there soon. Connie So - whats this place like? Baptiste shrugs. Lynda You mean you dont know? Baptiste Naw. Mitch told me about it. Lynda That dipshit... Enrique Lyddie, be nice. Lynda Hes a royal screw up. Adair A royal dipshit. Connie Were actually gonna spend the entire weekend in a place recommended by Mitchell DeRoach?! Baptiste Jesus Christ... Connie Ill bet it looks like a hellhole. 00020000077900000FC0773,Adair Exactly. Mitch spent two months in the jungles of Vietnam when he went over to fetch his mail-order bride. Hed consider anything nice after such an experience. ED - SUV The SUV approaches a sign reading PINE VALLEY ESTATE. ID - SUV Baptiste downs the rest of his drink. Baptiste Heres where we turn. ED - SUV The SUV turns off the main road to follow the packed-dirt back road. This road branches off to the left and the SUV heads down the more narrow road, which appears less traveled in the headlights of the SUV. No on speaks. ID - SUV Adair glances up at the darkened hills beyond the windows. Adair Ive always loved the mountains. Lynda They are pretty majestic, eh? Connie Theyre gorgeous but nothing like the Alps. Adair Particularly Mont Blanc. Now that was a view and a half! Baptiste Like your majestic bosom. Enrique and Baptiste laugh. Lynda giggles, but Connie reaches over to smack Baptiste on the head. Adair Oh, shut the fuck up! ED - B As the SUV drives along the narrow road, the engine begins to backfire. ED - CAB Dusk has become twilight as the small log cabin comes into view. The SUV continues to pop and stalls twice. ID - SUV Enrique Me lleva la chingada! I just sent those assholes a check... Lynda Well, wed better put a stop on it. Connie That cabin doesnt look like much, does it? Baptiste Quit griping already. At least were not sleeping in a tent. Connie Ill bet theres only one bedroom. Adair Looks okay to me. I wouldnt mind staying longer than the weekend. Baptiste And there are two bedrooms for your information, Connie. ED - CAB The group hop out of the SUV and walk up to the cabin carrying various types of baggage. Enrique handles the mini-cooler. Urns sit to either side of the door. Baptiste checks first one, then the other. A set of keys is under the second urn. After trying each of the five keys, Baptiste finally unlocks door. 0002000009AE000017339A8,ID - M.R. Connie opens the door and enters to grope for a light switch. The log cabin is primitive but pleasant, with Native American rugs, wall hangings, and furniture coverings. There are two beds in each of the small bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and the living room. There is a stone fireplace set into one wall, a fold-up cot leaning against another, and a second door. They set down their things, and Enrique goes to the other door and tries the knob. It is locked. Baptiste Probably just leads out back. Lynda wanders into the kitchen and checks out the refrigerator. Enrique, following after her, opens the cupboards. Lynda The fridge is totally empty. Enrique takes a mason jar out of a cupboard. Enrique Look what I found. Mullethead Moonshine! Connie Mullethead? Enrique holds up the jar - on the homemade label is a guy with a mullet and Billy Bob teeth. Baptiste Looks like were gonna have a kick-ass weekend now! Enrique Shit yeah! Baptiste and Enrique high-five each other. Connie Theres no TV. Adair Hey, check this out! Adair holds aloft a wooden board. The others crowd closer to see that it is a homemade Ouija board. Connie Uh oh! Enrique twists off the lid of the mason jar and takes a cautious sip, grimacing in an exaggerated way. Lynda smirks. ET - CAB Night has come. The moon is but a crescent in the misty sky. IT - M.R. Adair sits alone at the kitchen table, the Ouija board before her. She is reading from a book entitled RELIGION AS MYTH. As she reads, the planchet moves unexpectedly. Adair puts down the book and stares at the Ouija board. The planchet has stopped on the word yes. There is an eerie call from the woods. Adair glances toward the window but the blinds are drawn. Something moves outside. Another strange cry is heard. Adair glances down at the Ouija board. The planchet has moved to the word no. She stares incredulously as the planchet moves from letter to letter, spelling out a word. D - E - A - T - H. The strange cry comes again, but sounds further away. Adair sits completely still, her wide eyes on the Ouija board. One trembling hand moves to her throat. The book shed been reading is pushed off the table by an unseen force. Adair gasps, gets to her feet, moves away from the table. An odd sound, like that of wood being chopped in two, is heard from outside. Adair flees the kitchen, not seeing the planchet as it spells out another word. K - I - L - L. The sound of heavy panting comes from outside. 000200000501000020DB4FB,IT - K/M.R. Enrique and Lynda are in one of the bedrooms, sitting on one of the beds. Enrique is drinking a glass of moonshine. Lynda is trying to use her Blackberry to send a text message. Lynda Its just not going to work up here. Enrique tries to pass the moonshine to Lynda, but she pushes it away. Lynda I hate whiskey. Enrique It tastes more like bourbon. Lynda Same thing. Enrique Well, Bappy and I wont let it go to waste. There is a tap at the door. Lynda gets up to open it. Adair peers into the room. Adair (whispering) Can you come here for a minute? Enrique holds up the glass of moonshine. Enrique Hows about a drink, Addy? Adair shakes her head. ADAIR Lynda? Please...? Lynda glances back at Enrique, who grins foolishly at them. Lynda Ill be right back. Lynda follows Adair into the kitchen. The Ouija board sits on the table, but the planchet has stopped on the word good bye. Lynda gazes down at the talking board in disbelief. Adair stands by the refrigerator, arms akimbo. Outside, the wind seems to be picking up. The book Adair had been reading is still on the floor. Lynda Youve been communing with spirits. Adair shakes her head. Adair I didnt touch the planchet. It moved on its own. Lynda On its own. Yeah, right. Adair It fucking did! 00020000074B000025D6745,Lynda moves from the table, glaring at Adair as she passes her cousin. Lynda I think wed better see about getting some dinner on the table. Lynda stalks from the kitchen as Adair glowers after her. The chopping sound is heard again. Adair glances nervously toward the locked back door. IT - K Lynda puts the finishing touches to a platter of sandwiches - dollops of mustard for some, mayo for others, fresh spinach, sliced tomatoes, and for one or two, pickles. IT - D.R. Lynda joins the others who are now seated at the table and serves the sandwiches. Baptiste sits between Adair and Connie. Enrique is dumping potato chips from a huge bag into a large bowl. The Ouija board is nowhere to be seen. Baptiste (whispering) The spirits say death...the spirits say kill... Adair Will you cut it out? Connie Yeah, thats not funny. Baptiste Hey, relax why dont ya? You gals need some serious loosening up. Lynda puts a paper plate down in front of each person. Enrique grabs his throat, a gurgling sound choking forth. He speaks in a raspy voice. Enrique Death! Death! Kill! Kill! Adair picks up a sandwich. Adair If I werent so hungry, Id throw this damn thing in your ugly face. Lynda Come on, you guys...lets be nice and enjoy our meal. Adair Some dinner! The guys break out into laughter but cease instantly when a loud chopping sound, followed by a strangled sob, is heard. Baptiste What the hell... They glance at one another, then stand and hurry from the kitchen into the living room. There is knocking at the door. IN - M.R. The young women stand together as the two guys venture closer to the window. Baptiste peers through the blinds. Enrique looks over his friends shoulder. Outside, it is dark and more misty now than earlier. A surreal form moves in the mist. It is humanoid but bent in such a way as to suggest a deformity. 000200000A7200002D1BA6C,Enrique What is that?! Baptiste I - I - it looks like a person. Baptiste moves toward the door. Connie No, Baptiste! Dont open the door. Baptiste Dont be a wuss, Connie. Thats a human being out there. She or he might need our help. Christ! Enrique grabs the keys off the hook. He unlocks the door, throws it open, and gazes out into the night. Lynda Maybe its just an animal. Baptiste I know a human when I see one. Enrique steps out into the darkness. Lynda Rico, what are you doing! Enrique Since you cowards are too afraid to help, Im going to. He disappears. Lynda gasps, her hands to her face. Connie puts an arm around her. Baptiste stands in the doorway. Baptiste Hey, is she all right? The three women look at one another. Adair moves to the door and peers out into the mist. Adair My Goddess. Whats wrong with her? Baptiste and Adair back away as Enrique enters the cabin with his arm around a violently shaking young woman. The stranger has very long black hair, pale skin, with an Asian Indian look about her features. A murmuring sound comes from her throat. She is damp and her fingernails appear bluish with cold. The woman is clad only in a dress that is so wet, they can see her nipples and buttocks through the sheer fabric. She is not wearing any underwear. The three girls glance at one another. Lynda Id better make her some hot tea. Connie, get her a blanket, please! Connie hurries away to do Lyndas bidding. Lynda vanishes into the kitchen; cupboards bang open and shut. Lynda (O.S.) I found some green tea! Enrique helps the young woman into the only armchair. She sits there, teeth chattering, gazing from Enrique to Adair to Baptiste and back again. Adair hugs herself nervously. Enrique Hey, whats your name? There is no answer. Connie appears with the blanket, which she carefully places around the shaking womans shoulders. Connie Shes wet through to the skin! Adair But it hasnt been raining lately. Connie Howd she get so wet? They look at each other mutely. The newcomer continues to tremble, but her teeth arent clacking together as much. Enrique Lynda, could you heat a can of soup? Lynda (O.S.) Tomato or chicken noodle? Enrique goes over to the fireplace and attempts to light it. Enrique I dont think it matters. Lynda enters the room with a cup of tea. Enrique is using matches to light the fireplace, but nothing happens until Baptiste pours lighter fluid onto the wood piled inside. IN - C They sit at the kitchen table, the remains of their meal of sandwiches and chips before them. No one speaks for a time. They merely sit there, occasionally drinking from mugs of tea or cans of beer. 000200000B2800003787B22,Enrique Baptiste? Baptiste shakes his locks. Enrique (CONTD) Where do you think she came from? Baptiste shrugs. Lynda What are we going to do with her? Baptiste Howm I supposed to know? Connie (whispering) I dont think we shouldve let her in. I think... Lynda Yes? Connie I think getting involved with her is a bad idea. Adair So do I. Enrique What are you gals talking about? Shes just an unarmed female, cold and wet and hungry. Connie That may be so, but whats she doing way out here in the middle of nowhere late at night? Enrique makes no reply. He simply drains his can of beer and reaches inside the refrigerator for another one. Baptiste plays with a potato chip, making it dance on his plate. Adair sighs. Connie breaks apart the crusts of bread on her plate. Lynda stares into space. Baptiste Anybody want some dessert? EN - CAB Outside, the mist swirls around the cabin. IN - M.R. The strange woman is huddled in the armchair with the blanket still around her, though she is no longer shivering. The others sit close by the fireplace talking quietly. Enrique and Baptiste share the jar of moonshine. Connie, Lynda, and Adair pass around a bottle of Amarula. Lynda I think the scariest horror movie of all time is The Silence of The Lambs. Enrique Youve got to be crazy! That isnt a horror movie, its a thriller... Baptiste The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - the original. Now thats a scary movie. Adair Scary how? Connie No, The Exorcist wins hands down. Enrique Well..that is scary. But how about A Nightmare on Elm Street? Adair Hated it! Connie I thought that one was a horromedy? Baptiste Psycho? The Birds? Lynda One of the most horrifying movies ever is The Shining! EnriQUE Heres Johnny! Connie Friday The 13th scared the shit outta me. Enrique does part of the soundtrack where the funny breath-like noises are heard. Adair Ill tell you whats truly frightening. I used to know this girl named Vicky, only everyone called her ReeRee. She lived in a haunted house and the reason it was haunted is ReeRees grandparents both died in it - first her grandfather, then her grandmother about two years later. I believe they both had cancer. (pause) Anyhow, I spent the night there once - yes, once - and I heard someone walking up the steps to where ReeRee and I were staying in her bedroom. The steps would walk past the room and stop at the end of the hall. It went on like that for maybe thirty minutes...I assumed it was ReeRees stupid brother Aaron, who was a pothead with a serious acne problem. (a beat) At any rate, I didnt learn who had really been walking up the steps past the bedroom until the following morning, when I mentioned the footsteps to ReeRee. Turned out it had been her grandad, who used to come upstairs every night to check on ReeRee and Aaron before going to bed himself. 0002000006FE000042A96F8,Baptiste Holy Moses... Adair While we were having breakfast the next morning, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I nearly choked on my eggs when I glanced back and no one was there! ReeRee noticed and said, Oh dont be afraid, thats just grandma. She comes around to check on us too, just like grandad. (pause) Needless to say, I never spent another night with ReeRee, though I did go back to the house from time to time. And I never experienced those footsteps or her grandmas touch again... For long beats, no one speaks. Connie jumps as a strangled cry breaks the silence. Baptiste What was that? Connie I think its - I think its our - visitor. The five young people glance over to where the stranger sits wrapped in the blanket. She pays them no attention. Baptiste Maybe she needs a shot of moonshine. Enrique chuckles. Lynda Guys, lets not bother her, okay? Baptiste I was just teasing! Jesus Christ. Baptiste pulls out a bag of weed and some rolling papers. Connie Speaking of pot heads. Enrique Why dont we put on some music or something? CONNIE Theres no stereo. Baptiste starts rolling a doogie. Adair Remember the name of the demon from The Exorcist? EnRIQUE Nah. I didnt know the demon had a name. Lynda I thought it was Captain Howdy. EN - CAB The strange woman shakes off the blanket and stands. The group of five goggle wordlessly. Staggering, the woman makes her way toward the front door. IN - M.R. Adair Where the hell is she going? Enrique and Baptiste get to their feet. EN - CAB The visitor weakly bangs her fists against the locked door. IN - M.R. Woman Martiya! EN - CAB Enrique and Baptiste look at each other. Baptiste shrugs. Together, they lunge forward and grab the young woman. With a piercing shriek, she struggles to be free of them. 00020000068F000049A1689,IN - M.R. Connie Oh my God... Woman (screaming) Martiya! EN - CAB The mist has thickened considerably. Crows caw. In the distance, a wolf howls. IN - M.R. Connie Whats the matter with her! Enrique and Baptiste fight to keep the wildly bucking girl in their grip. Woman Maaar - teee - yahhhh! EN - CAB Thunder suddenly rumbles. The wolf howls again. Crows caw. IN - M.R. Tears are streaming down Lyndas face. Lynda Will somebody please make her be quiet! The woman, writhing and shrieking, gets away from Enrique and Baptiste by first sinking her teeth into Enriques arm. With a shout of pain, he lets go of her. Then the woman rakes her claws across Baptistes cheek. He stumbles back cursing, and the woman leaps through the window like a crazed beast, shattering the glass and knocking down the blinds. Lynda and Connie both scream. Adair stands there wide-eyed. The woman lands on her bare feet outside, glowering back over her thin shoulders at them. Her eyes seem to glow scarlet in the dark. Adair moves back until she slams against the far wall. Enrique Goddamn it! The crazy bitch bit me! She fucking bit me! Baptiste Hell, she just scratched the shit outta me, man. Lynda stands in the center of the room, sobbing. Connie runs to the window and peers out, but the wild woman is nowhere in sight. CONNIE Shes gone. Adair races into one of the bedrooms and rummages through the bags there. She returns to the living room bearing a first aid kit. Adair Lets get your wounds treated. Enrique falls upon the sofa with a heavy sigh. Enrique God, it hurts. That crazy bitch! Connie Whos Martiya? Enrique Fuck that! I got bit by that wild beast! 0002000004260000502A420,Adair cleans the wound. Adair It really doesnt look all that bad. EnRIQUE Maybe not, but it hurts like hell. Adair finishes disinfecting Enriques wound. She then dresses the bite mark. Enrique grabs up the mason jar of moonshine and takes a long, healthy swallow as Baptiste gets his turn. Adair cleans and disinfects the nasty scratch on his cheek. As Lynda and Connie watch, wincing now and again, Adair bandages Baptistes wound. Afterward, Baptiste has a drink of moonshine. Enrique shudders down two aspirin from the first aid kit before handing Baptiste two of them as well. Quickly, Baptiste swallows the aspirin and washes them down with the homemade whiskey. Enrique Fuck! Baptiste That damn witch. Shed better be gone, or Im gonna have her ass! Connie I really dont... Connies voice trails off. Lynda Really dont what? Connie shoots her friends a nervous look.. Connie I really dont think she was a real person. Her friends merely stare at her. Connie (CONTD) I dont think she was human. EN - CAB A figure moves about in the woods. 0002000007430000544A73D,IN - C.B. Lynda Im ready for bed. Enrique Bed, hell! Im not going to shut my eyes while that dingbat is running around loose out there. Adair What are we going to do about the window? They look over at the window. The blinds lay on the floor and bits of glass litter the area around. A slight gust is making the cabin cold; the flames in the fireplace flicker and dance in the wind. BapTISTE Ill be dipped in dog shit. Connie moans and buries her face in her hands. CONNIE What are we going to tell the Potters? EN - CAB The figure in the forest looms closer. It is not the strange young woman who had attacked Enrique and Baptiste earlier. It is different, taller, with what appear to be wings and a long, forked tail. It moves branches and leaves out of its way as it moves closer to the edge of the trees. EN - W The two men have removed a closet door and are hammering it into the place over the broken window. The three women stand before the fireplace watching them. Connie I knew we should never have let her in here. Adair Did you see her eyes? Adair shivers. AdAIR (CONTD) They were red as fire! Lynda stares at her cousin. Lynda No way! ADAIR They were red. They glowed like an animals in the dark. Lynda glances at her sister. Lynda Peoples eyes dont glow in the dark. Yall are...I dont know. Connie She wasnt a person, Lyddie. Lynda walks away from them, arms folded, into one of the bedrooms where she sits upon a bed and stares at the floor. Adair shrugs when Connie looks at her. They continue to watch the young men, who finish boarding up the window. EN - CAB A large shadow moves past the cabin. EN - CAB CONNIE Im ready for bed now. Baptiste goes over and puts an arm round her shoulders. Baptiste Yeah, Im done in. Baptiste glances at his watch. BaPTISTE Its half past midnight, time to get some sleep. 000200000E8A00005B87E84,Enrique We got a long hike ahead of us tomorrow. Enrique motions to Adair. ENRIQUE Youre sharing the room with Lyddie, right? Adair nods wearily. ENRIQUE I think its best if I stay out here tonight, sorta keep an eye on things...ya know? Adair shrugs again. Baptiste and Connie vanish into the first bedroom calling Good night over their shoulders. Adair disappears inside the second one, where Lynda is now lying across one of the twin beds. Enrique checks the doors and windows in the kitchen, then goes back to the living room and makes sure the front door is locked. He removes his clothes down to boxers and a wife beater shirt, and drapes himself across the sofa with a wince. ENRIQUE I still cant believe that crazy bitch bit me! IN - M.R. Baptiste is snoring away. Connie lies in the next bed, wide awake. A shadow moves outside past the window, startling Connie. She sits up in bed. CONNIE What the hay... Connie looks at her boyfriend. Connie (whispering) Baptiste! Baptiste! Baptiste groans and moves about slightly. CONNIE (CONTD) Baptiste! Wake up! Theres someone outside! Baptiste thrashes about a few seconds, then moans. Baptiste Wuzz it - who - wuzz up? Connie gasps as the shadow cavorts by the window again. CONNIE Oh my God, Bap! Its back! Its out there! Baptiste opens an eye. BAPTISTE Whadda fuck...? Connie leaps from her bed to his and hugs Baptiste tightly. Connie Its her...its that crazy woman. Baptiste Crazy woman? Connie Bap, I want to leave! I dont want to spend the weekend here. Theres something not right about this place. (a beat) First that thing in the road almost makes us have an accident - Baptiste puts a hand over Connies mouth to shush her. Baptiste I'm sure as hell not going anywhere tonight. It took us four fucking hours to get here, Connie. And you want to pack up and jet all because of some psycho slut from nowhere. Connie Baptiste - BAPTISTE Im not going any fucking where but back to sleep. Connie Ill get Rico to take me into the nearest town. Its his SUV. Baptiste drops back to the bed and pulls the covers over his head without another word. Connie, fighting back tears, leaves the bedroom for the living room, where Enrique lies on the sofa smoking a cigarette. He laughs when he sees her. Enrique You cant sleep either? Connie I have a favor to ask. Enrique gestures for her to keep talking. CONNIE Theres something outside the cabin. I think its that crazy girl who attacked you and Bap. I - I dont think I can stay here the whole weekend, Rico. I need a ride back to the nearest town - Enrique Thats about a forty-five minute drive away! CONNIE How about I pay you a hundred dollars to take me? Enrique contemplates this for a moment. ENRIQUE Are you sure you cant wait until morning? Connie shakes her head. Enrique sighs. ENRIQUE Okay. Ill take you. Just let me finish my cigarette, okay? Connie nods and goes back to the bedroom, where she packs her things hurriedly. Enrique heads for the bathroom. He takes a leak, but is shocked when it comes out pinkish-red rather than pale yellow. ENRIQUE What the hell...?! EN - CAB Connie takes her things to the front door where she waits for Enrique. Enrique staggers from the bathroom with a muffled cry. Connie turns to him, startled. Connie Rico, whats the matter? Enrique leans against the wall holding onto the injured arm. His face is pale and sweaty, a study in agony. Connie rushes to him. CONNIE My Goodness...Rico...look at you! EN - CAB Adair sits up in bed, throws off the covers, and gets up. She makes her way sleepily to the door, opens it, and jumps back in fright when Enrique lunges for her with a snarl. Connie Enrique! Adair 0002000008CC00006A0B8C6,What the hell...! Enriques brown eyes glow crimson in the dimly-lighted room. His lips curl back to reveal incisors grown into fangs. Spit drips from his sneering mouth down his chin as he glares at the two women hatefully...hungrily. His breathing is deep and raspy. As they watch, terrified, Enriques hands hook into claws; right before their staring eyes, his fingernails lengthen and turn black. Connie whimpers. Adair (CONTD) Enrique...whats the matter with you? Whats wrong? Connie is growing more hysterical by the second. Connie She bit him! She bit him! Thats whats wrong Enrique growls deep in his throat. As the two women gaze dumbly at him, his face darkens and hair starts to grow - his eyebrows thicken, a moustache grows, a beard sprouts - his ears elongate and the tips become points tipped with fur. Connie screams suddenly and turns to run into the bedroom Adair just left. Enrique, snarling fiercely, leaps after her. Adair drops to the floor in a faint. EN - B Connie races around the empty bed, shrieking. Enrique sees Lynda asleep in the other bed and with a howl, leaps upon the bed. Lyndas eyes pop open. Lynda Rico...what on earth do you think youre doing? Im trying to sleep! Enrique palms Lyndas cheek with his hairy paw. Lyndas eyes widen as drool splashes her cheek. She inhales sharply. Connie She bit him, she bit him, OhmyGod, she bit him! Lynda lets out a piercing scream as Enrique grins at her. EN - CAB Adair comes to slowly, sits up rubbing her forehead. She hears the awful noises coming from her bedroom and gasps. Adair gets to her feet and slips inside the other bedroom. She is shaking violently. Baptiste lies in bed, snoring like a freight train. A shadow moves past the window but Adair doesnt notice. Baptiste has the covers pulled up to his face; all that can be seen are his dreadlocks. Adair moves closer to the bed and reaches out an arm. Her trembling hand stops in mid-air for several moments. Baptiste continues to snore. Adairs hand lands upon the blanket-covered mound and rests there. A muffled scream is heard. Suddenly, Adair shakes Baptiste so roughly that he comes awake shouting and kicking, almost falling out of the bed. BapTISTE What the hell...?! 000200000F15000072D1F0F,Adair Get up! Its - Its Rico. Hes attacking Lynda and Connie! BAPTISTE What?! Adair Theres something wrong with him, Bap. Hes - Hes not - not human anymore. Baptiste gazes into Adairs frightened features for a long moment. There is another muffled scream. Baptiste jumps from the bed and without bothering to put on any clothes, races out into the hall wearing only boxer shorts. Adair hurries behind him, wringing her hands. Baptiste drop kicks the door to the second bedroom open and stops cold. BapTISTE Rico, man - what the fuck...?! Enrique turns from where he is crouched over Lyndas body. Blood runs in rivulets from his mouth, which is curved into a leer. His eyes blaze redly with madness. Connie is still in the corner, whimpering and mumbling to herself. BAPTISTE Okay, I guess Im gonna have to fuck you up, dude. Adair But - But how are you gonna stop him? bAPTISTE Dont worry about it. Baptiste runs back to the other bedroom. Enrique returns his attention to Lynda, who lies moaning upon the bed. Blood covers her lower face and throat. Her face is deathly pale. Connie Hes going to kill us all! Adair No hell hes not! EnriQUE And whos gonna stop me? He grins back at Adair, his fangs scarlet with blood. ENRIQUE Before the night is over, you all will be just like me. Connie sobs. Adair cant help staring at the wolf-like creature that is drinking the blood of her cousin. Adair You - You - son of a bitch! Enrique Cant you be more original than that, Adair? Enrique rips open Lyndas nightshirt and starts kissing her naked breasts. Connie gags, then as she gets to her feet, manages to vomit all over the second bed. Adair watches numbly. Baptiste returns bearing a handgun. BAPTISTE This here is a 500 Smith & Wesson. One of the most powerful handguns out there. Adair You - Youre not going to - to shoot anybody with it, are you? Connie staggers past and out of the bedroom, still retching. BAPTISTE Somebodys got to stop his clock - look at him, girl. Hes fuckin killed your cousin! Adair fights back a sob. Enrique glances back at them. ENRIQUE (sing-song) Uh oh...Bappys gonna shoot me! Enrique starts to grin. At the horrible sight, Baptiste moves into a shooters stance and aims the gun at his friend. BAPTISTE Im really sorry about this, amigo. Adair Maybe theres a - another way to - to end this? Baptiste Theres only one way, and thats to shoot the motherfucker! Enrique bursts into demonic laughter. His voice, when he speaks, is unearthly. eNRIQUE Shoot me! Go ahead, shoot me! Baptiste pulls the trigger. The bullet enters Enriques chest. Baptiste and Adair watch as Enrique falls from the bed due to the bullets force. There is silence other than Lyndas increasingly weak moans. Without warning, just as Baptiste is starting to move slowly toward the bed to check on his victim, Enrique leaps to his feet with a snarling chuckle. Adair gasps. Baptiste points the gun at his friend once more and pulls the trigger, this time hitting Enrique in the forehead. Enrique staggers back against the wall but doesnt drop. He faces his friends, eerie laughter bubbling forth from his throat. BapTISTE Goddamn... Enrique Gonna shoot me again - buddy? Adair runs weeping from the room. Baptiste looks at Lynda lying on the bed. Black stuff is coming from her eyes, her nose, and her slightly open mouth. With a grimace, Baptiste begins backing from the room, first slowly as Enrique stands there grinning at him, then more quickly. As soon as he stumbles over the threshold into the tiny hall, Baptiste reaches in and slams the bedroom door shut. Then he hustles into the other bedroom, where Connie and Adair sit on the beds gazing at him with punched-drunk expressions. Baptiste shuts the door, locks it, and takes a seat next to Connie. Connie Hes not dead. 000200000925000081E091F,BAPTISTE No. CONNIE Is Lyddie? BAPTISTE I dont think so. Adair Shes turning into what Rico is. Connie She bit him. That thing we let in here. She bit Rico and he turned into - into a - I dont know what. And now hes attacked Lyddie and - and shes gonna - turn into one of them too. Connie sways, and Baptiste places an arm about her to steady her. BAPTISTE Weve got to get out of here. Silence. ADAIR How are we going to do that? The shadow passes by the window. No one notices. Connie Ricos got the key. BAPTISTE Shit. They sit there quietly, listening to nothing. Then a sound is heard from the other bedroom - the cackle of feminine laughter. Connie Lynda. She starts to cry. Baptiste holds her tightly, kisses the top of her head. They hear movement outside the room. Enrique Cahh - neee! Oh, Cahh - neee! Lynda Open the door, yall! There is a knock at the door, followed by a demonic giggle. Connie sobs harder. ADAIR Weve really got to get the fuck out of here. Outside, the shadow passes by the window again. Baptiste I dont understand whats happening here. Connie It was that girl. She bit Rico and he - he turned into a - a demon. He bit Lynda and now shes one too! Someone rams against the bedroom door. Baptiste drops into his shooters stance again. Connie cowers upon the bed, praying and whimpering in fear. Someone smashes into the door once, twice. The lock is weakening. Adair runs to the closet and hides herself inside. Baptiste shoves the gun down the waistband of his boxers and begins pushing the other bed toward the door. Connie sits there for a moment, then gets up to help her lover. Together, Baptiste and Connie shove the bed against the door just as the lock breaks and the door starts to open. Connie squeals as they catch a glimpse of Enriques enraged features, before the door slams and the foot-frame of the bed is hard against it. Connie is by the window in a single bound, drawing up the blinds and raising the window. Enrique bays like a wolf as he and Lynda both batter the door. Cursing beneath his breath, Baptiste takes up his shooters stance once more. Connie is struggling to crawl out the window. Outside the bedroom, Lynda and Enrique are howling, screeching, and cawing like animals as they continue to batter the door. BAPTISTE I cant believe this fuckin shit! 000200000A0600008AFFA00,IN - M.R. Enrique and Lynda exit out the front door after Enrique kicks it open. The mists swirl around them as they race away into the forest. Connie, partly out of the window, sees them and drops back inside with a shriek. Baptiste turns toward her. CONNIE Its them! They just ran off into the woods! BAPTISTE Rico and Lynda? Connie nods. Baptiste snorts. He moves to the window and gazes out into the misty night. bAPTISTE (CONTD) Theres something up with that. Adair crawls out of the closet. Adair I think wed better try to escape. Baptiste How the hell are we gonna manage that? Those two freaks just ran off. If we try to leave, theyll intercept us from the woods. Adair Then what the hell are we gonna do? Sit here and wait for them to come back and kill us? BAPTISTE I don't know. ADAIR Weve got to get out of here! CONNIE We cant. Ricos got the keys. Baptiste looks at her for a couple of beats. Then he grabs his discarded clothes and begins searching through pockets. He finally holds up the keys. Baptiste Everything's gonna be okay now. Connie throws her arms around Baptiste and kisses him. EN - CAB It is quite dark in the forest. Enrique and Lynda sit in a small clearing, panting and sweating and growling. Enrique is tearing off his clothes - he is transforming further into an entity that appears to be a cross between a wolf and a demon. Lyndas eyes roll back as scales grow upon her skin; her lips blacken as her mouth stretches open in a silent scream. A pair of leathery, bat-like wings burst through the flesh of her back and wiggle there, damp and sticky with some type of gelatinous covering. After several seconds, the wings manage to open fully and flap listlessly at first, then strongly. A pair of horns pop forth from Enriques forehead. He keens as his feet burst out of his shoes; they are now cloven hooves. IN - M.R. Adair peers out of the window. Adair I dont see any sign of them. Baptiste joins her at the window. Baptiste Think we oughta make a run for it? CONNIE Yes! Baptiste Okay. Lets just run for it - dont stop to pack anything. Oh, wait - Baptiste plucks the box of ammunition from his duffle bag. AdAIR Yeah, were gonna need all of that! Connie races from the room before they can get another word out. Adair is right behind her, with Baptiste bringing up the rear. They hurry to the SUV, open the doors and hop in, locking the doors as Baptiste rams the key into the ignition and turns it. The engine coughs and sputters. CONNIE Oh no! God, no! Dont let this happen...please! 0002000006A3000094FF69D,Baptiste rests, then tries the ignition. The engine doesnt turn over. Adair, seated in the back, moans fearfully. They notice a dark figure by the edge of the forest. Connie cries out as the engine continues to cough and gasp. Baptiste curses angrily, rests again, then tries the ignition once more. The dark figure starts to move toward them. BAPTISTE Come on, little fucker, come on. Two more figures join the first one. The three shadows begin to advance toward the stalled SUV. Connie screams and curses, slamming her fist against the dashboard crazily. Then she covers her face with her hands, sobbing wretchedly. Baptiste (cONTD) Honey, are you okay? She says nothing. Adair is silent in the backseat. Baptiste tries to crank the engine one final time, and just as the three demonic creatures reach the SUV, grinning like lunatics as they try to open doors and start banging against windows, the engine gives over and Baptiste floors the motor, backing away from the entities that are after them. Baptiste (CONTD) Son of a dick-smoking bitch! IN - S.B. The SUV turns around and drives away from the cabin with the terrifying creatures in pursuit. IN Connie (screaming) Faster, faster! Theyre coming after us, ohmyGod, go faster! Baptiste puts the pedal to the metal. Adair, not wearing a seat belt, slides about in the backseat. She glances out the window, sees three pairs of scarlet eyes glaring hatefully after them, and squeezes her eyes shut. EN - S. BATH As the SUV disappears down the dirt road, the demons howl and wail in anguish. IN Baptiste Connie? She sniffles. CONNIE I - Im all right. BAPTISTE Adair? ADAIR Same here. Just - Just lets keep driving, okay? 00020000081900009B9C813,IN - S.B. Screaming, the demons race through the forest. Suddenly, one of the creatures starts to fly. Then a second entity flaps its wings and lifts off into the air. The third creature, which has no wings, shrieks in fury and continues to run. IN - M.R. Baptiste turns on the CD player, filling the SUV with the sounds of Das Ich. Connie is quiet though tears stream from her eyes like a faucet. She uses a tissue on her face from time to time but otherwise is motionless. Adair sits in the back, gazing out the windows at the misty darkness. She is very pale and her hair is wildly out of place. She runs her fingers through it almost constantly. BAPTISTE Forty-five minutes to the next town. Anybody know the name of it? ADAIR Mmmm...Quaker Falls? The song shouts demented German lyrics over driving industrial music. A smile lifts the corners of Connies mouth. She begins to giggle helplessly. BAPTISTE You all right? Connie shakes her head, giggling maniacally. Baptiste shares a glance with Adair in the rearview mirror. Adair shrugs. CoNNIE (laughing) She scratched you, Bap. Baptiste examines the fingernail marks in the rearview mirror. They appear to be healing properly. BAPTISTE I think you have to be bitten to get infected. CONNIE Infected? Infected by what? The Mad Girl virus? Connie keeps laughing as they drive away down the dark mountain road. EX A pick up truck is sitting on the side of the road. A young man is under the hood. A young woman is leaning against the vehicle, arms folded across her chest, staring at the ground. As the SUV drives past, the young woman looks up suddenly and starts waving her arms in the air. The young man glances out from beneath the hood, but returns to what he was doing. The SUV screeches to a halt several yards away. The young woman is now jumping up and down, still waving her arms. The SUV backs up until it draws parallel to the kaput pick up. In the distance, a wolf bays, causing the young woman to hug herself shivering slightly. Baptiste lowers his window and calls out. BAPTISTE 000200000C340000A3AFC2E,Were heading to Quaker Falls. Need a lift? The young man shuts the hood and walks over to the SUV. Young Man We need to get to our cottage. Its just fifteen miles down the road. Quaker Falls is another forty or so miles away. Young Woman Our truck wont start. Its the engine or something. Young man Its the head gasket. Wont be able to move her til the morning. Baptiste Well, dont just stand there - hop in! The couple gratefully get in the back with Adair, who eyes them rather suspiciously. Young Man Im Ryan Bascomb, this is my wife Sheri. BAPTISTE Im Baptiste, this is my lady friend Connie and her cousin Adair. Sheri Pleased to meet ya, and thanks ever so much for the ride. I thought we were gonna be stuck there all night. Ryan We could have walked. SHERI Fifteen miles?! Something slams against the SUV. Connie screams piercingly. Baptiste almost loses control of the vehicle as he tries to avoid the dark shape that looms in front of the SUV. People shout and curse as another figure slams against the vehicle. Ryan What the hells that?! Baptiste Weve been trying to figure it out ourselves. Sheri Oh sweet baby Jesus, Ry! Look at that thing... Sheri lets out a shriek as something presses against the back window. Scarlet eyes glow in the darkness beyond. Adair closes her eyes. Ryan What the fuck is that thing?! Connie starts to giggle. AdAIR They - They are demons. The engine coughs, sputters, and pops as the SUV begins to slow. Baptiste gives it some gas but to no avail. The SUV dies along the side of the road, and is immediately surrounded by three dark shadows. Baptiste Ohhh - shit. Sheri moves closer to Ryan. RYAN Dont tell me - your ride just went out on us too. Baptiste glances back at the frightened young couple and merely lifts his shoulders. Connie continues to chuckle until Adair reaches over the seat and slaps her in the face. AdAIR Shut up that goddamn crazy noise! EN - CAB The demons crawl all over the stalled vehicle battering at it angrily. The entity formerly known as Enrique throws back its head and yowls in the manner of a jungle cat. The creature formerly known as Lynda is atop the SUV, beating upon it with large fists, a terrifying grin on its face. The other thing attempts to bash in the windshield. Baptiste removes the 500 S&W from his pants and aims it at the demon. IN - M.R. Inside the SUV, Ryan and Sheri are huddled together. They both wear expressions of disbelief mingled with pure fright. IN - L.B. The Enrique demon cracks the back window. IN - M.R. As the first demon puts a crack in the windshield, Baptiste cocks the gun and pulls the trigger. The bullet slams into the creatures chest and sends it flying back a couple yards. Sheri screams; Connie starts to giggle and sob at the same time while Adair prays silently, eyes screwed shut. Baptiste Were gonna have to run for it. Adairs eyes pop open. Adair No! Baptiste We cant just sit here and let them take us. RYAN What the fuck are those things? Baptiste Never mind them. Lets jet...and make sure you keep your woman safe. aDAIR I - I - I cant do this... 000200000E1B0000AFDDE15,Baptiste Youd better damn well try. Ryan Hes right. We cant stay here while they smash in the windows. Theyll rip us apart when they get to us. Sheri But - But if we try to run... RYAN Darling, were just gonna have to run like the Devil himself was after us. EN - CAB The Enrique entity uses its claws to slash the back tires. The shot demon is now rising to its feet, roaring in fury as the Lynda demon jumps up and down on top of the vehicle. IN - M.R. Baptiste unlocks the doors, then all of a sudden his door is open and hes out of the SUV and racing away towards the woods. Ryan and Sheri, holding hands shove open the back door and run after him, with Adair fleeing behind them. Connie, almost doubled over with laughter, falls to the road and lies there gazing up at the nighttime skies. A hideous face fills her vision. Tears stream down Connies cheeks as she stares into the creatures crimson eyes. It moves closer to her as though to kiss her. Connies eyes close as the creatures slathering lips cover hers. IN - L.B. The others sprint through the forest as quickly as they can. They run, Ryan grasping Sheris hand, Adair bringing up the rear, and Baptiste in the far lead. Finally, after several minutes of running, Baptiste stops near a ridge and bends over with knees bent, gasping for breath. The others catch up with him, fighting to regain control of their breathing. Sheri slumps to the ground, hugging her knees. Several beats go by before anyone is able to speak. ADAIR Wheres Connie? They look at her, each other, then gaze off into the forest. BAPTISTE Oh hell. Ryan I thought she was behind us. ADAIR Maybe she was but...Goddess, she was acting so strange! She kept - kept laughing... SHeri Perhaps she's all right? bAPTISTE No. Not if those - those things got a hold of her. rYAN What the hell are those things? Baptiste hangs his head without responding. Adair shrugs. ADAIR We really dont know. All we do know is, this weird chick came to the cabin all wet...she wasnt even wearing underwear, for plutos sake! (a beat) We got her warmed up, gave her some tea and soup and...out of the blue, she went wild on us. RyAN Went wild how? aDAIR She started screaming. One word it was, over and over. Mar - ti - ya. When Baptiste and Enrique tried to grab her, she bit Enrique and clawed Baptistes cheek. Then she jumped out the window and ran off into the night. Sheri moves closer to Ryan. Ryan Mother fuck! Baptiste looks up at Ryan. BAPTISTE What is it? RYAN Theres a legend around about a Gypsy caravan that was run out of the area back in the 30s. One of them was lynched, supposedly for having sex with a white landowners teenage daughter. The Gypsies then took a local boy and beat him within an inch of his life. (pause) In retaliation, some of the locals kidnapped one of the Gypsy girls and raped her. She cursed them and the area, saying that Martiya - the Spirit of the Night - would avenge her and her people. (a beat) The Gypsies vanished, and ever since that time theres been murders, disappearances, and other weird stuff going on that no one can explain, not even the sheriff and his deputies. Adair moves closer to Baptiste as Sheri hugs Ryan. BAPTISTE What kind of murders? RYAN Bodies found with the heads off, or barely a drop of blood left...one mans teeth had been removed, his hands cut off...and a womans - um - breasts had been torn off her body. Sheri shoves Ryan. SHERI Why are you telling us this? Im already scared enough! Baptiste takes a Blackberry from his pocket, taps a few buttons, shakes his head. 000200000A950000BDF2A8F,BAPTISTE Nothing works up here! How the hell do you people call the sheriff anyway? EN - CAB Connie is sitting on the road, blood dripping from her mouth and a gaping wound in her neck. Her eyes roll white as her back arches; a serpentine hiss escapes her bloody lips. IN - M.R. The demon Martiya, followed by the Enrique and Lynda entities, are destroying both the stalled SUV and the pick up truck. They smash windows, twist off doors, and slash tires in a maddened frenzy. When finished, they howl and shriek and bay their fury into the misty night. EN - CAB Connies skin is morphing into reptilian scales. As she wails, her old fingernails fall out as her hands hook into claws; the nails that grow in their place are blackened, misshapen, and pointed. A tail sprouts from Connies tailbone that lengthens by the second, finally stopping at around four feet; it is tipped by hair and looks like a donkeys. Horns burst free just above her now-pointed and fur-tipped ears, but she doesnt grow any wings. Connie yowls like a cheetah and leaps to her feet; her shoes are gone and her feet look like the hooves of a horse - indeed, so do her legs. In fact, Connie resembles a Centaur in some ways...a Centaur bred with a demon. IN - M.R. Baptiste, Adair, Ryan, and Sheri have started walking again. They hear the distant howls as they scurry along the ridge to a high mountain bridge, too narrow and weak for vehicles, just right for humans. The hollow below is dark and quiet. AdAIR Does anyone live way down there? SHERI Yeah. Its called Greers Holler by the mountain people; holler means hollow, of course. ADAIR Like Sleepy Hollow. BAPTISTE Lets not get back into a horror film discussion. Thats what made that lunatic go off on us in the cabin. ADAIR No, its not! BAPTISTE Yes, it is. Soon as you mentioned that demon from The Exorcist, that chick went off like a rocket. ADAIR Sleepy Hollow wasnt even scary. Ryan barks laughter. RYAN It sure as hell wasnt. Not anything like what were going through. Sheri This is definitely scary. IN - L.B. Connie and Enrique gallop through the forest as Lynda and Martiya fly overhead. Occasionally, Lynda caws or Martiya hoots. They reach the ridge where the four humans had rested. Enrique sniffs the air. The demons eyes glow red as they turn their heads as one in the direction of the swinging bridge. IN - M.R. On the other side of the bridge, Baptiste leads the others down a path that winds its way into a thick grove. It is quite dark. They stumble into each other was they hurry along the trail, Baptiste and Ryan muttering curses. They hear a shriek that sounds more near than far, and instantly they start running. 0002000007DF0000C8817D9,ShERI Ryan, I - I just dont think I can - can run like this...anymore. rYAN Weve got to, honey...if you feel you cant make it, let me know and Ill carry you on my back. ADAIR You wont get very far doing that. Ryan grabs Sheris hand and pulls her along after him. Baptiste sprints easily and is ahead of the others by a few yards, but even he is tiring. Adair almost trips as she jogs along but manages not to fall entirely. ADAIR This is - not going to work... we...we are...we're all gonna fuckin die out here... SHERI We're not! Were not gonna die! No ones gonna die out here! adAIR Theyre gonna get us. Watch...! Sheri lets go of Ryans hand and grabs Adair, shaking her violently. ShERI We're not dying! We're not dying! No one is dying out here! Theyre not gonna get us! Theyre not ...theyre not...theyre not...! Adair hauls back and slaps Sheri across the face. Baptiste has stopped to watch; Ryan separates the two women and holds Sheri struggling furiously against him. RyAN Cut it out! Weve got to stick together and if you girls keep fighting... Sobbing, Sheri jerks free from Ryan. Adair watches the other woman with narrowed eyes. SHERI I don't want to die out here. Not - not being - mauled - by some creature out of a - a horror movie. ADAIR (mockingly) Well, some creature out of a horror movie is gonna get you - theyre gonna get all of us - because now its even. Four against four, and the odds are not in our favor! Baptiste (yelling) Hey, lets get moving here! Ryan Come on, Sheri...darling baby... Sheri Weve got to get down to Greers Holler. ADAIR And what are those hillbillies down there gonna do to save us? Sheri screeches and leaps from Ryans arms to attack Adair in a sort of frenzy. Wildly, Sheri punches at the other woman, who shields herself as best she can. SherI Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! Adair raises her leg and knees Sheri in the solar plexus. With a grunt, Sheri falls backward on her butt. Ryan stands there looking exasperated. 00020000074E0000D05A748,RyAN Why the hell do you two keep fighting each other? Weve got those goddamn - things- after us; we dont have time for these internal battles. An unearthly howl rents the night air. They glance around in fear, and Sheri scrambles to her feet quickly and holds out her hand. SHERI Im sorry. Adair takes the other womans hand and they shake. Adair Just make sure it doesnt happen again. Baptiste joins them. BAPTISTE Lets stop this clowning around and get the fuck away from this place, all right? Were too exposed here. RYAN Sheri? Sheri nods. The group then move away further into the woods following the trail Baptiste has the 500 S&W out, and he occasionally walks backward to study the terrain behind them, sweeping the weapon from side to side. Adair What was that? BAPTISTE What was what? Adair puts her finger to her mouth to hush him. They stand there silently, listening to the mountain forest sounds. A menacing growl is heard. Slowly a shadow detaches itself from the trees and starts towards them. Baptiste aims the gun in the direction of the shadow. BaptiSTE Hold it right there - whatever the fuck you are! The shadow stops. Silence. Then the growling starts again and the shadow begins to move toward them. Sheri gasps. Ryan draws her into his arms. Adair reaches down and grabs hold of a large stick. The shadow becomes visible. It is a medium-size, mangy-looking dog. Ryan Oh...hell. Baptiste suddenly runs toward the dog yelling and cursing, kicks it violently in the side. Yelping, the animal takes off through the forest without sparing them a second glance. EN - CAB Connies eyes are glowing fiercely, white orbs like two miniature full moons. She stands by the side of a dirt road next to Enrique and Lynda; Martiya flies in the skies above them making hawk-like cries. Lynda speaks; her voice is decidedly inhuman. 0002000009040000D7A28FE,Lynda Theyll never live through this night - never, ever, ever! Abyssus abyssum invocat. Enrique and Connie laugh hideously. EnRIQUE Just wait til I get my hands on that Baptiste. They laugh together as Martiya flies shrieking above. IN - M.R. Sheri is crying again. rYAN Baby, baby, please...stop crying, will you? It just hurts my heart to hear you go on so...when there is nothing I can do to ease your suffering. SHERI I dont want to die, Ryan. I dont want to die! Baptiste Hey - hey, Sheri please - Im not going to let you die. No ones going to die...except those damn creatures. SHERI B-B-But how are we g-g-gonna kill them? They hear shrill, wicked laughter and halt in their tracks on the trail. Just a few feet ahead stand the four demons; Connies eyes glow whitely and Martiyas are yellow, but the other two have eyes that are bright red. Enrique Baptiste - yo mataria tu! As the Enrique entity charges forward, a gunshot rings out. The bullet slams into Enriques chest, knocking him flat on his wingless back. The Lynda creature snarls and leaps at the frightened humans, and once again, Baptiste pulls the trigger. A hole appears in Lyndas forehead and she flies back against Connie; they both hit the ground screaming. BAPTISTE Run! Run! The humans race back the way theyd come, Martiya taking flight to give chase, high above the trees. The demon caws and crows as it keeps abreast of them. Sheri sobs. SHERI I cant...I cant do this! I just cant run anymore. Sheri lets go of Ryans hand, staggers next to a tree crying and shaking. Adair runs back, snatches Sheris arm, and starts dragging the woman along the path. AdaIR Come on, goddamn it! You cant give up now. Baptiste leaves the trial, followed by Ryan and the women. From behind them, they hear Enrique screaming curses in Spanish and Lynda wailing. Martiya hovers above them still, hooting and calling. Up ahead, the fleeing people see the dark shape of a building of some type - lights glow in one or two windows. Baptiste dashes for the building - it is a cabin similar to the one they were staying in but with a larger porch. The others follow him onto the porch, Sheri weeping in fear. Baptiste bangs upon the door frantically. A muffled voice is heard from the other side of the door. 0002000008920000E0A088C,BAPTISTE Open up, please open up! Adair glances back, sees the glowing eyes of her former cousins and friend, and starts banging on the door herself. The door opens to reveal the frightened face of a fairly YOUNG WOMAN. They herd into the cabin almost running the woman down, and Ryan shuts the door behind them, locking it. The woman stares at them with soulful dark eyes, not seeming a bit surprised. She is dressed in long colorful skirts and a peasant-type blouse, a scarf over her black hair, which has gold coins braided into it. A MUSCULAR MAN, thirty-ish like the woman, appears out of nowhere. He wears black jeans and a Bob Marley t-shirt, his hair pulled back in a ponytail. Gypsy maN What is this? Who are you people? Sheri Please - youve got to help us! Outside on the porch, footsteps are heard. Something calls in the distance. The Gypsy woman and her husband share a look. Gypsy Woman Martiya... EN - CAB The mist swirls about the cabin like dancing ghosts. IN - M.R. Inside, Angelita, the Gypsy woman is busy making tea for their unexpected guests. Gustavo, the Gypsy man, sits in a recliner eyeing the four tired, frightened people warily. EN - CAB Enrique gazes through the kitchen window but cannot see past the frilly curtains. Snarling, the demon returns to the front porch where Connie and Lynda crouch, hissing in fury. IN - M.R. Angelita places the teapot on a tray along with a platter of pastries and heads into the living room. EN - CAB As his wife serves their guests, the Gypsy man gets up and takes a bottle from inside a world globe-shaped bar. Gustavo Perhaps some of you would care for something a bit stronger than tea? RYAN Brandy? Gustavo nods and Ryan holds out his cup. So does Baptiste. Gustavo obliges them, then fills his own cup. Adair greedily eyes the pastries before grabbing one. Sheri sits there on the sofa between Ryan and Adair, gazing down into her tea with red, wet eyes. Their Roma hosts take seats and sit there for a few beats watching the Gadje with suspicious dark eyes. Gustavo Someone sent Martiya after you. BAPTISTE Who is this Martiya and why would anyone send it after us? We havent done anything to anyone. 0002000006930000E92C68D,ADAIR We dont know anybody up here - we rented the cabin from the friend of an acquaintance. Angelita sighs. Angelita Martiya is the Angel of Death. Sheri chokes on her tea. ADAIR I knew it! IN - M.R. Outside, the winged demon lands upon the roof of the cabin. Angelita (moans) Ohhh... Her husband looks at the ceiling. There are thumping sounds. Sheri whimpers as Ryan puts an arm around her. There is a loud noise, as if the thing has jumped down hard on the roof. Baptiste takes out the 500 S&W and swiftly reloads. The Roma eye him nervously. Gustavo We must get down into the cellar. RyAN Why? Gustavo If Martiya gets in here, were dead. RYAN But why is this - this Martiya - after us anyway? BAPTISTE Thats what Id like to know...we tried to help this girl who just went ballistic on me and my friend. Next thing we know, hes turned into some type of demon. Adair Hes out there right now with my cousins...trying to get in and kill us! The Romani couple exchange a look. Angelita Many, many years ago, a young Romani chey was - violated - by a group of Gadje. Gustavo She placed a revenge curse on those who had harmed her and their descendants. GYPSY WOMAN The same thugs who hurt her had lynched her cousin - because they thought hed taken a local girl against her will. But the truth was, shed eagerly seduced him. Gustavo (disgustedly) He wasnt even her first. Angelita The people who own that cabin where you were staying- is it in Pine Valley? AdaiR Yes. Angelita nods. Angelita The Eubanks have been in this area since the 1920s. I wouldnt be too surprised if they are descended from some of those men who raped poor Ludja and murdered Bobko. 0002000008AF0000EFB98A9,A few beats of silence. ADAIR But - But why is Martiya after us? Were not descended from those people at all, were not even from the area! BAPTISTE Hell, we come from Charlotte! We dont know anybody up here. Gustavo Perhaps you were attacked because you were on the Eubanks property. BAPTISTE Where are they? Gustavo Arizona. Adair gives a snort. ADAIR No fricking wonder... BAPTISTE Well...how can we stop them? The Roma shake their heads. Gustavo You cant. Only a descendant of the cursed men can remove a revenge curse. Well have to ride out the night...in the morning, it will seem like last years nightmare. BAPTISTE I dont think so! Sheri chokes back a sob. ShERI Why cant anything be done? Angelita This is the anniversary of the night Ludja was raped. It is the only time Martiya is active. The four Gadje stare at her. AdAIR You mean, if we had chosen another weekend to come up here...none of this would have happened? Angelita Yes. BAPTISTE Mother fuck! IN - S.B. Lynda howls. Thunder rumbles in the distance; lightning flashes. The mists have mostly evaporated. A wolf bays as Enrique hoists a very large rock over his head and flings it at a window. Glass shatters. Inside there are screams. Connie moves toward the window and reaches inside to knock down the curtains. Enrique pokes his head in and snarls as his red eyes fall upon Baptiste, who aims the gun at him. Angelita The cellar... As Baptiste pulls the trigger, the others dash toward the cellar door behind the Romani couple - Gustavo grabs a rifle propped against the wall by the cellar door as his wife throws the bolt open. Enriques head vanishes from the window; Baptiste races after the others but Connie is right on his tail. Baptiste hits the floor as Connie leaps past him and onto Ryans back, who was almost through the door. Sheri, who is right in front of him, looks back and screams when she sees Connie riding Ryans back. Baptiste tries to beat her off with the gun but Enrique is back, growling and swiping at Baptiste with his claws. Lynda crawls in through the broken window as Baptiste fires at first Enrique, then Connie. Lynda flies across the room and grabs Ryan by the head. She laughs inhumanly. 000200000B600000F862B5A,Lynda Ill break his fucking neck! Sheri shrieks and faints, tumbling down the cellar stairs into the arms of Gustavo. Connie jumps down into the cellar and hisses at the four people assembled there. ConNIE You will die - die - DIE; and the devil will have your stinking, rotting corpses to feed to his hell hounds! Angelita gasps and makes the sign of the evil eye. Her husband aims the rifle at Connie and blasts away. IN - M.R. Upstairs, Ryan stumbles toward the kitchen door with Lynda on his back. She laughs demonically as her victim falls to his knees, struggling to remove her from his back. Baptiste pumps a bullet into Lyndas head, but it doesnt faze her. Enrique plucks the gun from Baptistes hand and chuckles. ENRIQUE Surrender, my old buddy. Give up - for tonight...you die! Baptiste does a roundhouse kick that knocks the gun from the demons claws. Then he turns and races for the cellar door. EN - CAB Down in the cellar, Connie is slammed against the far wall by the force of the bullets from Gustavos rifle. IN - MR Baptiste jumps down into the cellar with Lynda right behind him. Screams fill the cellar as Baptiste blasts away at Connie with the gun. Lynda grabs Sheri and takes a huge bite out of the young womans shoulder. Gustavo fires several shots into Lyndas hideous visage, causing dark green liquid to gush from the wounds. Some of it sprays Adairs clothing and she cries out in disgust, backing away from the creature. Enrique appears in the doorway and is blasted off his hooves by Gustavos expert shots. Baptiste keeps firing away but the gun is now empty. The Lynda demon falls to the cellar floor, half its face blown away. The Connie creature is half-slumped against the wall, steaming intestines hanging from the large holes in its scaly torso. Sheri is sitting on the steps, moaning and shuddering. The bite on her shoulder drips blood like a leaky faucet. Gustavo and Angelita share a look. Gustavo shakes his head. BAPTISTE What? What are yall thinking? IN - C From the cellar comes the sound of several gunshots. IN - M.R. On the roof, Martiya shrieks in rage at the cold mountain rain that suddenly starts to pour down. The demon flaps its leathery, bat-like wings and howls. The front door opens and Gustavo appears dragging Lyndas corpse while Baptiste has hold of Connies. Adair and Angelita carry Enrique between them - the demon stirs slightly and they hurry off the porch and into an area just past a shed, where Angelita uses the end of a shovel to bash in the demons face. No one speaks. Gustavo and Baptiste then start to dig without saying a word. The women watch them, silent. The wind picks up, growing colder as the rain showers the earth steadily. Martiya watches them from the roof of the cabin, cooing like a dove. Adair picks up the last remaining shovel and goes to help the two men. She sings to herself. 000200000847000103BC841,Adair Ohh ohh...on the wings of a dove... Angelita glances up at the dark shadow on the roof of the cabin and crosses herself. Martiya calls like a loon. The eerie sound causes Adair to shiver violently. Baptiste (whispering) Connie...my lost love... Tears fall down Adairs face. Gustavo works without a sound, without looking up from his task. Angelita murmurs a prayer in a foreign tongue. On the porch of the cabin are two grinning figures - Ryan and Sheri stand together claw in claw. Baptiste doesnt look up from his digging. Martiya hoots like an owl. Angelita glances toward the cabin and spies the two newly made demons grinning over at them, eyes as red as fire. Gasping, all Angelita can do is grab her husbands arm and point to the cabins porch. Gustavo What is it? Gustavo looks to where his wife is pointing. So does Adair and Baptiste. BAPTISTE Shit! Ryan and Sheri leaps from the porch as one and race toward the people digging the demons graves. Gustavo uses his shovel to knock hell out of the Ryan-thing as it nears him; Baptiste takes his and whacks Sheri across the face. She lands backside on the ground, howling in fury. Adair raises her shovel and brings it down on Sheris neck, almost taking off the creatures head. Gustavo and Baptiste beat the Ryan demon down to the dirt, then Gustavo does the same to him what Adair did to Sheri. Ryans head tumbles into the hole, the mouth still snarling and hissing. Adair brings the edge of the shovel down again, and Sheris head flies off and into the hole next to her lovers. Inhuman noises issue from the bloody, fang-filled mouths. RYAN You goddamn dirty rotten pricks! Baptiste grabs a large rock and uses it to smash the Ryan demons features. He brings it down again and again and again and again. Blood spatters the other three people, who silently gaze on. The Sheri demons head shrieks and curses and finally moves to try to bite Baptiste, and he takes the rock and smashes it to a bloody pulp too. BAPTISTE Die, motherfuckers! Die! With a loud cawing, Martiya flaps its wings and takes off into the skies. 000200000E5000010BFDE4A,IN - M.R. The bodies are now piled in the holes. Before they can start refilling the graves, Connie's corpse sits up and opens its white eyes. It stands and moves toward Baptiste as Adair cries out in horror. Baptiste kicks at the entitys face as its claws reach out to grab at his legs. With a shout, Gustavo takes his shovel and slams the edge of it into Connies leering, drooling features again and again, nearly cleaving the head in two. Baptiste stumbles back several steps and falls onto his rear, breathing heavily. Angelita crosses herself. Angelita Yov sasti Mari, pherdi dey, Devel tusa, Punidi tu mashkir jul'ende I punido tire and'ako phel - Isos. San Mari, Isoseskiri day, Mang Devles vash amenge papanenge, Akana i ade amare meripaskiri hor. Ad'a teyavel. Gustavo and Baptiste begin tossing the dirt over the graves. IN - M.R. Baptiste stands on the porch with Gustavo, both drinking coffee and watching the sun rise. Birds sing. The forest is tranquil. Inside the cabin, Angelita is making breakfast. Adair lies on the sofa wrapped in blankets. Her eyes remain closed for a long moment, then slowly she starts to waken. Angelita is singing a Romani song in the kitchen. Adair sits up, yawning and stretching, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The birdsong filters through the open door - the broken window from the night before has been boarded over. Adair sits there staring at the hastily repaired window. She gets to her feet and walks to the bathroom in her socked feet. In the mirror, Adair eyes her reflection. Her dyed black hair is wild, her eyes tired. Her face is wan and battle-worn. There are still remnants of the thickly applied eyeliner from the day before. Adair fills the basin with cold water and splashes her tired face repeatedly. She uses her clouse to dry her face, then leaves the bathroom. Angelita is still singing and cooking - pots and pans bang about. Baptiste enters the cabin. BAPTISTE Good morning. Adair stares at him blankly. Finally, she moves toward him. ADAIR Is it, I wonder? Baptiste sets down the empty mug and hugs Adair fiercely. She squeezes her eyes tightly shut but the tears get past anyway. Baptiste strokes her back gently, his own eyes watering. BAPTISTE Connie...Connie...my God... Adair begins to sob on his shoulder. Angelita peers into the room at them from the kitchen, but beats a hasty retreat. She is no longer singing. However, Gustavo plays a violin out on the front porch. The mournful sounds of the Romani music cause Adair to weep ever harder, and Baptiste has to struggle to fight back his own tears. ADAIR Bap... Baptiste stares at nothing. He lets go of Adair, wiping at his eyes, his head lowered shamefully. ADAIR (CONTD) Bappy? BAPTISTE Yeah? ADAIR Theyre at peace. I - I know that doesnt make it - things - any easier but...at least theyre no longer suffering. Baptiste raises his head to the ceiling, sighs. BAPTISTE What makes you think they suffered? From the kitchen come the sounds of breakfast being places upon the table. The violin music fades away. The birds impose their songs upon the lovely late Autumn morning once more as the sun starts to rise over the distant peaks. ADAIR They were in pain, Baptiste. No one could look like that and not suffer. Baptiste swallows hard. Gustavo enters the cabin, looking at the two Gadje almost shyly. He moves past them quietly and vanishes into the kitchen. They gaze after him, and then Baptiste puts his arm around Adair. BAPTISTE How about a hot Gypsy breakfast? ADAIR Sure. Why not? She manages a smile, and together they walk into the kitchen. FADE TO BLACK. Roll 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