f2Final Draft, Inc. Final Drafty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ade in: EXT. NIGHTWIND MANOR - NIGHT A full moon illuminates the Gothic Manor standing alone on the hillside. Fireflies dance among the weeping willows that surround it. The long tree branches wave in the nights cool breeze enhancing the Manors Gothic look. INT. manor master bedroom - night A gentle breeze blows the white lace drapes into a swirl around NATHAN NIGHTWIND, the owner, 30, medium-build. The first guest is arriving and Nathans eyes fix upon the fireflies as they scatter away from the lights of the stretch limo rolling up the winding drive. It vanishes from sight as it pulls under the drive through arch. The limo stops and the "GREETER", CHAD JEFFRIES, a young man 20, in a suit, approaches the limo door and opens it. A long slender leg slides out from the car, a black high-heeled shoe clicks against the cobblestone. A tall, slim, female wearing a tight black dress, capturing curves, with blonde hair tied back, ice blue eyes. . . MICHELLE MOORE, 25, takes Jeffriess hand gently existing the limo. A second limo pulls up from behind. MICHAEL MOORE, 30, steps from the limo sporting a black suit with long tails, ruffles line Michaels chest with frills finishing off his sleeves, long black hair flows down Michaels shoulders in the breeze. JEFFRIES Welcome to Nightwind Manor. May I see your invitation please? Michael Moore, hands over one unrolled scroll. Jeffries looks it over and smiles. JEFFRIES Mister and Mrs. Moore, follow the red carpet into the main room, feel free to help yourselves to the refreshments. Michael and Michelle stand for a moment admiring the grandness of the manor. MICHELLE We shall, thank you. INT. NIGHTWIND MANOR Before the Moores rises a great marble stairwell to the second floor. Resting upon separate banisters, two grand statuettes of naked women hold spheres of light. A crystal chandelier glistens high above their heads. In the main living room, furnished with antique furniture, a fireplace flickers and crackles. Numerous candles rest in their silver crafted holders, casting long shadows about the room. A polished silver tray waits on an old oak stand. Two vintage bottles of wine sit within a circle of six glasses. MICHELLE This place is amazing. Michael lifts a glass and clinks it against one of the wine bottles. Michelle sighs approaching Michael. MICHELLE You never were good with your hands, Michael. MICHAEL Your trailer park is showing, my dear. Michael looks the wine bottle over with wide eyes giving it a double-check to be sure then stares at Michelle. MICHELLE What in the hell are you staring at? MICHAEL I was looking at the date this wine was bottled in, Im afraid to drink to much. Michelle places her arm around Michaels shoulder. MICHELLE (Laughs) Why not? You do any other time. MICHAEL For one, it was bottled in 1508. I might end up drunk and accidentally sleep with you. Michael pours a very small amount of the blood red vintage into his glass and carefully puts the bottle back. Michelle clears her throat, looks at Michael. 00020000078C00000BDA786,MICHELLE Sleeping with me is the least of your worries. Getting it up is hard enough for you as it is. MICHAEL Only with you, my lovely, only with you. MICHELLE Whatever! Wheres my wine? Michael holds out both his arms. MICHAEL Do you see shackles on these wrists? MICHELLE What are you implying? MICHAEL Im not your slave sweetheart. Get your own wine. Michelle sighs. MICHELLE Fine you bastard. After all Im here to enjoy myself. She takes the bottle of wine pours herself some then sips it. MICHELLE Superb! Ive never tasted anything like this. This Lord Windbag has class. MICHAEL His name is Lord Nightwind. Dont you dare make a fool out of me in front of him tonight. Pretend to have some class so I dont look like the idiot I was for marrying you. Michelle drinks her wine flipping Michael the bird. EXT. NIGHTWIND MANOR A black 1972 Ford Mustang muscle-car squeals to a halt, nearly running down Jeffries. Jeffries quickly jumps away from the path of the car. The drivers side door opens and CROMWELL SPEARS exits, 33, medium-build, clean shaven, wearing an old English suit of black crushed velvet with ruffles and frills and a dark top hat. CROMWELL Jesus, kid! Why in the hell were you standing in the way? You didnt hear this monster coming? Are You deaf? JEFFRIES Sorry, sir. . .No, sir! May I see Your invitation please? Cromwell throws Jefferies the scroll. JEFFERIES Forgive me Mister Spears, welcome to Nightwind Manor. Cromwell admires the architecture of the building looking it over. CROMWELL Early Gothic-era, late fifteenth century architecture. Slightly Impressive. So Alfred anyone else arrive yet? JEFFRIES Jeffries, sir. My name is Chad Jeffries. The Moores have recently arrived. . . CROMWELL My condolences on the name, kid. Oh, thats just great. Two of the snobbiest, wealthy ass holes your boss couldve invited. How many are due tonight, kid? JEFFERIES I believe around five, sir. 000200000C8600001360C80,Cromwell throws Jefferies his car keys, hands him a hundred dollar bill. CROMWELL Oh, think of this car as my wife. Fuck with her and your night wont be pretty. JEFFERIES Dont worry, sir. Ill treat her like my own. CROMWELL Hell, thats what Im afraid of, kid. INT. NIGHTWIND MANOR Cromwell enters the manor hearing voices in the next room, checking, spotting the Moores who stare from a distance. Cromwell nods. CROMWELL Good evening. MICHAEL Evening. Michelle smiles, giving Cromwell the once over. MICHAEL I see someones slut senses are tingling. You find him attractive, do you? MICHELLE Is that jealousy in your voice? I wont lie. . . Michael cuts Michelle off. MICHAEL Why not? Stick with your strengths I always say. Are you screwing this one too? MICHELLE No, not yet. Only you. . . for all you have. The moment you sign those divorce papers Im gone forever... marrying you was a good investment. Michelle blows Michael a kiss, winking at Cromwell. MICHAEL You gold digging Bitch! MICHELLE (Smiles) Thats the sweetest thing youve ever called me, baby. MICHAEL I swear to God almighty, Ill see you dead before you get everything. MICHELLE Threats now too, Michael? My case just looks better and better as time passes. Youre pathetic! The Moores stand aside, as Cromwell approaches. CROMWELL May I butt in? Id like some wine. MICHELLE Sure you can, please forgive our rudeness Mister? Michelle extends her hand... Cromwell looks it over yet does nothing. CROMWELL Cromwell. . . pleased to meet you. MICHELLE (Surprised) Oh, you own that fabulous fantasy vampire club. Club Night Raven, isnt it? I frequent it often. . . very erotic. CROMWELL Thats great. MICHELLE Im Michelle Moore. . . for the time being that Is. This is my soon to be ex-husband Michael. Cromwell looks for a handshake to only get a dirty look from Michael. Michelle pours Cromwell a glass of wine handing it to Cromwell. CROMWELL Whats the vintage? MICHAEL Fifteen o eight. Cromwell swirls the vintage in his glass, giving it a quick sniff taking a drink. CROMWELL Ive tasted better. Wheres our gracious host? MICHAEL Weve not seen him as of yet. CROMWELL Figures, no doubt prepping his make-up and wardrobe. Ive heard were not supposed to go upstairs. What kind of a rule is that and why have it? MICHAEL Every one has rules, Sir. Cromwell lights a cigarette, looking towards the second floor. CROMWELL That doesnt mean they cant be broken, Sir. MICHELLE Finally, a man with some balls. MICHAEL I hope you dont plan on causing trouble. We were, after all, invited here, Mr. Spears. CROMWELL So whats your point, pal? Trouble can be put into many different categories. We just have to know which to look out for. Remember that. MICHAEL As if I needed you to remind me of anything, Mr. Spears. MICHELLE Oh, trust me, you do. INT. MANORs MASTER BEDROOM Nathan admires his attire in a full-length mirror. An odd sensation lulls Nathan back to the terrace window. A rush of air slaps Nathan in his face nearly blowing the top hat off his head. Looking outside, Nathan notices the shadow of someone walking the drive, as Nathan steps onto the terrace, a woman stops and looks to Nathans direction. 0002000005DA00001FE05D4,This woman wears a black leather jacket, red tee shirt, blue jeans with a tear in the left knee, and red cowboy boots. The woman has raven black hair; cut short enough that this woman could be mistaken for a man. Nathan tips his hat and the woman nods in return, boot heels clicking up the drive. EXT. NIGHTWIND MANOR Jeffries approaches the young woman. JEFFERIES Your invitation please? NIKKI JACOBS, 25, attractive, red tee shirt, jeans, raven black hair cut short, unrolls the scroll with a nervous laugh. NIKKI How did you know about this? Some guy gave it to me, very shady fellow. This cant be real, its fake, right? Jeffries takes the scroll from Nikki looking it over. JEFFRIES No, Miss Jacobs this is an authentic invitation. The Nightwind family seal proves as much. Why do you question its reality and your invite? NIKKI Give me a break, man. Look at this place and these cars. This is a rich stiff party. Do I look like Id blend into this group? JEFFRIES I dont see why not, Miss Jacobs. Mister Nightwind cares not of your financial status. Dont worry. Enjoy yourself. NIKKI Okay. Cool. Id like some air first, if thats all right? JEFFRIES Thats fine, Miss Jacobs. Dont stray to far, once all the guests have arrived Lord Nightwind will begin. You wouldnt want to miss the meeting. NIKKI Oh, Ill remember. Nikki paces, wringing her hands, stares at the limo. NIKKI Whoa. . . these people definitely outclass me. I so dont belong here. Someone made a big mistake... 000200000662000025B465C,Nikki is startled as Jefferies comes up behind her. NIKKI Jesus, man! Give a girl a damn heart-attack. JEFFRIES Im sorry if I startled you, Miss Jacobs. You seem a bit edgy. Are you all right NIKKI Im fine. Youre sure this isnt a mistake? JEFFRIES Quite sure, Miss Jacobs. NIKKI (Sighs) If youre sure, but if security looks at me funny Im gone. I dont want any trouble. JEFFRIES Lord Nightwind doesnt use security guards. NIKKI All this. . . and no security? Jeffries nods. NIKKI The rich really are crazy. Im going inside now, sorry I dont have a tip for you. JEFFRIES Its been my pleasure aiding you, Miss Jacobs. I expect no tip. Just enjoy yourself tonight and relax. The current guests watch as Nikki enters. Nikki giggles. MICHAEL Find something amusing miss? CROMWELL I think its quite obvious what shes laughing at. Honestly, who in the hell dresses like this anymore? NIKKI Hes right. Im sorry. I didnt think rich people went for Gothic parties. CROMWELL Im not offended, embarrassed, but not at all offended. Michael stares at Nikki. MICHAEL I see youre not dressed appropriately. You know the subject matter of this meeting. Youre supposed to be dressed like a vampire. Must be of the lower-class. Nikki bites her nails, rocking on her boot heels. Walks to the fireplace glancing at the Moores rubbing the warmth into her body keeping away the shakes. Cromwell glances at Michael blowing a stream of smoke. CROMWELL Not all of us can afford silk suits, Mikey. So keep your comments to yourself. Michael swipes the smoke cloud away coughing. MICHAEL As unfortunate as that may be, youre correct. 0002000008D900002C108D3,CROMWELL Then back off, she was invited just as you, no one here is special. Id rather be dressed like she is right now instead of wearing this monkey suit. Nikki instantly takes a liking to Cromwell. Cromwell looks at Nikki then his glass, walking to the tray taking an empty glass, the open wine bottle. Cromwell approaches Nikki. CROMWELL Dont let that asshole upset you. How about joining me for a drink of wine? Its very rare and quite good. My name is Cromwell and yours would be? Cromwell hands Nikki a half-full glass of wine. NIKKI Yeah, wine isnt usually my poison but Ill drink some. My name is Nikki, Sir. CROMWELL Please, Nikki. Call me Cromwell for Gods sake. You calling me "Sir" makes me feel a hell of a lot older than I am. Nikki takes a small sip of the wine. NIKKI Shit. This isnt half bad tasting after all. Cromwell stares at his glass and surroundings. CROMWELL Its a fine vintage, yet I think an ice cold beer tastes much better. Our host has good taste, at least it seems hes studied the myth closely. NIKKI I totally agree with the cold beer thing. You know, you dont remind me of a rich stiff. Youre. . . I dont know. . . far to laid back I guess. CROMWELL Oh, Im rich, but a stiff like Mikey there Im not, and damn proud of it. When you do what I do for a living, money really doesnt matter. NIKKI Im guessing that was your Mustang out in the lot? Kick ass car youve got there. Mind if I ask what you do for a living. . . Cromwell places a finger against his own lips before Nikki can finish. CROMWELL Remember? Its Cromwell. I really dont think this is the time nor place to tell you my life story, Nikki. No offence. Nikki smiles in return. NIKKI Sorry. I understand. What do you mean when you say, he studied the myth? CROMWELL Well, you see in. . . A MAN, with short blond hair, enters from an adjoining room wearing a very old fashion get-up. MAN Fifteen o eight. . . The man takes off a pair of mirrored sunglasses. MAN . . . In 1508, an alleged vampire broke the eternal silence to an English writer. Its the date she revealed the hidden truth. Taking a wine glass from the table, the man opens a second bottle pouring a glass. CROMWELL I was telling her until you felt it necessary to interrupt me. 000200000F5C000034E3F56,NIKKI Its cool, Cromwell. Calm down. Cromwell stands. CROMWELL I dont like it when someone approaches me from the dark. Just who in the hell are you? MAN My name is Jonathan Labeau. That vampire wouldve been my great, great, great Grandmother. Jonathan stares at the guests, then Cromwells lit cigarette. JONATHAN Im sorry, sir. Theres to be no smoking in the manor. CROMWELL I dont see a no smoking sign anywhere, pal. Besides, Im not doing the smoking the cigarette is. Nikki laughs. Cromwell puts the cigarette out in an old ashtray blowing a stream of smoke into Jonathans face. CROMWELL Happy now? Let me guess, youre either a guest with bad timing or our hosts informant? JONATHAN I aided our host with the details of this meeting. Im highly interested in the myth of the vampire with my colorful past. CROMWELL Yeah, if I were you I wouldnt go bragging about your colorful past. Seeing as most of it is red with blood. JONATHAN I beg your pardon? How dare you speak of my past in such a manner. Who in the hell do you think you are? CROMWELL The man about to bust your ass if you dont lower your tone. I know your families past, Labeau. You should be ashamed for trying to make it sound honorable. NIKKI Cromwell? Give the guy a break. Hes talking about his family. CROMWELL Fuck him! Fuck his family! Do me a favor Nikki, keep your nose out of places it doesnt belong. Like my business for one. At least until you understand the situation. JONATHAN Theres no need to drag the young woman into this. We can easily settle it ourselves right here right now! CROMWELL Oh, really? Im standing right here! Cromwell lunges forward as does Jonathan. Only Nikki jumps in between them. NIKKI Enough of this macho bullshit already! If any of you feel like taking a swing itll have to go through me first! You guys up for hitting a woman? Cromwell struggles as does Jonathan. NIKKI I swear if you guys like your balls where they are youll stop this shit right now! Michelle laughs out loud. MICHAEL It figures youd laugh. . . MICHELLE What? I think Its funny. You just dont have a sense of humor, Mikey. Cromwell calms down slightly, staring down at Nikki. CROMWELL If you were anyone else you wouldnt be getting away with this so easily, Nikki. But its far from over, Jonathan! Jonathan takes a swipe at Cromwell. JONATHAN Lets go, bastard! Or are you going to let a little girl order you around? Nikki plants her knee into Jonathans crotch. NIKKI Do you see a little girl around here anywhere, Cromwell? Cromwell stares at Jonathan holding his crotch in pain. CROMWELL Yeah, only I like the way the little girl handles herself. Quick reflexes. . . I like a fast woman. Nikki walks way from Cromwell shaking her head. NIKKI And I like men who were raised to respect women. When you learn some come and talk to me again. MICHELLE Whoa. . . Someone just put themselves in the dog house for the night. CROMWELL What? What did I say? Jonathan finally recovers enough to speak. Jonathan Its not what we said Cromwell, its what we did. I treated you quite rude, will you accept my apology, Miss? NIKKI I guess. . . and how about you, Cromwell? CROMWELL Im not apologizing for telling the truth. You can forget about it, little girl. NIKKI You son of a. . . Michael interrupts. MICHAEL I think weve heard enough of this melodrama. When is our host going to show himself? I dont plan on standing around all night like an idiot. MICHELLE Oh, but you do it so well, Michael. JONATHAN Including myself there are five guests here, when the sixth guest arrives Mister Nightwind will. . . INT. NIGHTWIND MANOR BEDROOM Nathan paces about the master bedroom, glancing at the grandfather clock, one minute till midnight. The gong of the clock striking midnight echoes throughout the rooms. Other clocks follow in unison, a clock in the living room alerts Nathans guests, still held spellbound by its hollowness. 0002000006EC000044396E6,Nathan walks to the stairs. A long black cape wavers behind Nathan traversing the long hall; cane and shoes clicking on the marble floor. Hearing the noise above, the guests look towards the upper level stairwell. CROMWELL Speak of the devil. . . Down the stairs Nathan walks cape dragging behind, approaching the living room Nathan smiles. NATHAN I welcome you all to Nightwind manor. My name is Nathan Nightwind. Together well expand our beliefs and. . . The front door blows open behind Nathan, a gust of wind flaps Nathans cape about, blowing out every candle in the room. The guests stare at the doorway as a thick fog slowly drifts inside. CROMWELL (Clapping) Bravo! Is this part of the show, Mr. Nightwind? NATHAN (disturbed) No sir. It is not. I dont know how to explain this. A shadow with a female voice speaks. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) I hope Im not late. NATHAN We were just about to begin. Im glad youve made it. The fog dissipates as Nathans new guest enters shutting the door behind. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Ill relight the candles so you can continue, Mr. Nightwind? NATHAN I can do. . . The waxen shafts flicker back to life, woman entering the living room, the guests stare at each other. CROMWELL Nice pyrotechnics, Mr. Nightwind. NATHAN What pyrotechnics? Cromwell nods in the direction of the candles. CROMWELL Cut the bullshit, Nightwind. The candles, they dont relight themselves. The new guest EVELYNN LABEAU, appears 25, is the most eccentric of them all. Wearing a black silk cape with red lining, long red hair, flowing like the silken drapes in the master bedroom. This woman also wears a rather revealing lacy silk top, tight fitting leather pants show slender curves, close to knee high boots lined with rare gems plus gold embroidery. 000200000E7E00004B1FE78,EVELYNN I smell wine. 1508, four hundred and ninety years of perfection. No offense to your current vintage, my Lord. Evelynn pulls a bottle of wine from her cape. EVELYNN I have here some from my own private stock. I hope you dont mind? NATHAN Of course not Its interesting to see a fellow collector of fine wines. What year is it, Miss? EVELYNN One year after I was born, 1507. Cromwell appears anxious, as if prepared to jump into action. EVELYNN Im impressed with your home, Mr. Nightwind. Michael grunts in disbelief. MICHAEL 1507? Such wine cannot be bought for no less than. . . Evelynn guest turns towards Michael. EVELYNN Five thousand dollars per bottle; A very small price to pay for such a grand year. Evelynn fills Michaels glass boosting. EVELYNN Theres nothing better than a fine wine on a night as lovely as this. Evelynn sits in a chair crossing her long legs. EVELYNN I believe its time for our host to announce who he is and the purpose of this meeting? NATHAN Well, yes, I have to agree with Miss. . . I have yet to learn your name. EVELYNN My name shall be revealed when the time is right. Cromwell grabs Nikki gently by Nikkis wrist pulling Nikki away from the group. CROMWELL I need to talk to you. . . NIKKI What in the hell do you think youre doing? Id like to hear Mister Nightwind, if you dont mind? CROMWELL Its about the woman that just walked in. NIKKI What about her, Cromwell? CROMWELL I dont want to frighten you, but Im not here as a simple guest. That woman isnt what she appears to be, Nikki. Cromwell watches Nathan sit in a throne-like chair. Cromwell notices a cold gaze from Evelynn fixed upon him. Evelynn smiles. NIKKI What are you trying to tell me that shes really a vampire? Please. . . NATHAN My name is Nathan Nightwind, owner of this estate and founder of The Nightwind Group. Were here too discuss the myths of vampires. Nathans small introduction is met with applause. Evelynn stops clapping. EVELYNN Are we free to ask questions, Lord Nightwind? NATHAN Yes, you can ask questions. Such is the purpose of the group. To gain knowledge by sharing our thoughts and experiences. EVELYNN I know youve studied the many lore and legends in great detail. Am I not correct? NATHAN Yes, I would say that this is truth but I dont deserve all the. . . EVELYNN Then why try and hide the truth from us? From me? Youre a vampire Mister Nightwind. Cromwell is ready to kill you for being such. NATHAN (laughs) You truly dont believe that Im a vampire do you? Thats foolishness! Cromwell interrupts. CROMWELL Ive watched you during visits to my Club. I even know about your entire family Clan. Youve fooled no one trying to hide your true identity. JONATHAN (Shocked) How could you possibly know the truth, Cromwell? Jonathan is interrupted by Evelynn. EVELYNN Share with us how you know Nathan is a vampire, Cromwell? Tell these people that youre really part of the Righteous Ones, seekers and destroyers of all things deemed unnatural. Every eye is upon Cromwell. NATHAN A Righteous One? What in the hell is a Righteous One? Cromwell stands. CROMWELL Im not here to explain myself to the likes of you, Nightwind! I had my suspicions about this meeting. It seems I was right about them all along. NATHAN You dare arrive here with threats, Mr. Spears? CROMWELL I dont do threats. . . Mr. Nightwind. . . I do the work of god. And with the hands of the righteous. . . evil cannot triumph! Cromwell pulls two sawed-off shotguns aiming one at Nathan and the other at Evelynn. Michelle and Michael scramble for cover. Nathan and Evelynn move with blurred speed, just as both shotguns erupt blowing basketball sized holes in each chair. 0002000006B9000059976B3,NATHAN Are you fucking insane? CROMWELL You lied to these people about this meetings true purpose! You are an abomination, just as that woman, Evelynn Labeau! Cromwell allows the sawed-off shotguns to reload themselves through automatic cartridge modifications built in. NATHAN This is an outrage! I demand you lower your weapon at once! Yes, Im a vampire but I had no idea this woman was one too! CROMWELL (Laughs) Youre threatening me? Ive faced Master Vampires, Werewolves, and Geddons, none have ever survived a battle against me. EVELYNN You think youre so impressive playing God. What gives you the right to judge if our kind live or die? CROMWELL Im so damn good at it. What gives your kind the right to feed off of humans, bitch? You are no different than I am, Evelynn. Jonathan attempts to attack Cromwell. Only to eat a shotgun barrel, Jonathan falls back blood spraying the air. CROMWELL Hurts to try and play a hero, doesnt it? You no good fucking familiar! (Aims a shotgun at Jonathans face) Tell Satan Cromwell says hi. Cromwell is grabbed from behind by Evelynn. EVELYNN You should pay more attention, Cromwell! You always have annoyed me with your mouth, perhaps Ill just kill you instead of sharing my news. Lifting Cromwell off the floor Evelynn throws Cromwell through the air. Cromwell collides with the far side of the wall. EVELYNN Yet if I were to do that, itd make me the supposed killer you claim I am. Ill never stoop that low, not even to kill a bastard like you. NIKKI Thats enough! Stop this, all of you! Cromwell quickly stands unloading two more shotgun bursts in Evelynns direction. Evelynn is far to fast to be hit, however, Nikki finds herself blown to the floor. 000200000F440000604AF3E,CROMWELL Nikki. . . No! MICHAEL Good God! The fucking nutcase shot her! Someone call 9-1-1! EVELYNN Its always the innocent ones that end up hurt or dead in your quests to destroy. I promise not to harm anyone. For tonight, Ill reveal something to you all that will be grand indeed. Cromwell runs over to Nikki. NIKKI It hurts. . . Cromwell. . . please stop fighting. Am I going to die? CROMWELL Try to Relax, Nikki! Youre going to be all right! Were calling for the Paramedics now. . . (Cromwell stares at Evelynn) ) As for you. . . I could care fucking less about what you have to say! Youre the cause of this. EVELYNN As usual you blame it on the vampire, right? Youve never been able to admit it, even the righteous can fuck up! We watch Michelle try to dial out using a cell phone. Then nearly crushes it out a fit of anger. MICHELLE You piece of shit cell phone! Im not getting a signal! There is some kind of interference. Is she all right, guys? Cromwell charges towards Evelynn with a shout. CROMWELL You dare try and blame what has happened to Nikki on me? Cromwells punch catches Evelynn square, actually knocking Evelynn back some. A trickle of blood flows from Evelynns nose, with a smile, the trickle slowly crawls back up inside her nostril. EVELYNN Quite impressive. . . I see you still possess your powers. Thats what puzzles me the most, why you were needed here at all? Cromwell and Evelynn throw punches and kicks with great speed. Though not a single blow is struck, only easily blocked, still they both continue to try. CROMWELL God has sent me to take you down, you and your friend Mr. Nightwind have shed enough blood! Jonathan makes the mistake in trying to stop Cromwell and Evelynn. JONATHAN Why are you two still fighting! Theres a girl dying here and youre trying to kill each another! Stop. . . Cromwell and Evelynn let Jonathan have it sending him across the room. EVELYNN Shell live. To Michelle and Michaels surprise, Nikki suddenly stands, rushing over to where Cromwell and Evelynn fight. MICHELLE What in Gods name are you doing? Youre in no condition to get up! Nikki. . . Cromwells next kick is blocked by a very unexpected person. NIKKI I thought I told you to stop fighting, Cromwell! Please. . . do it for me? CROMWELL Good Lord. . . Nikki. . . your gunshot wound has healed. Please, tell me youre not one of them too? Nikki looks down at where the wound used to be in shock. NIKKI What in the hell is going on here? This just isnt possible! I. . . I cant breathe, help me, Cromwell! Cromwell backs away holding both shotguns high. MICHAEL Oh, shit! Now this one is a vampire too! Michelle, Id say we get the hell out of here now! Evelynns eyes glow. EVELYNN There is nothing to be afraid of, sir. Unfortunately, leaving is not an option. Im merely here to relay information to you all. Evelynn has gained the attention of the group. EVELYNN This information Ive held secret in my mind for many, many centuries, it shall change each life in this room. Nathan turns the lights on while rushing to close all the windows. EVELYNN If youll all please relax. Ill gladly begin too explain. Keep in mind if I wanted any of you dead, you would have been so by now. CROMWELL That much I believe, murderer. Lets go! Jonathan. . . Mister and Misses Moore. . . I want you to stay close behind and follow my lead. Nikki tries to follow Cromwell. CROMWELL Stay back, Nikki! Ill not warn you again. NIKKI But, Cromwell? CROMWELL Im sorry, Nikki. But youre one of the undead. . . I cannot allow you to leave this building. EVELYNN You must have enjoyed killing your own kind all of these years, Cromwell? And to think of how many were just as Nikki is now. Not really sure how or why they were vampires. CROMWELL Are you trying to say that Im a vampire? Ive never so much as been scratched by one of your kind let alone bitten. 00020000098000006F8897A,EVELYNN You misunderstand, Cromwell. You see. . . youve always been a vampire. CROMWELL The bitch is lying! EVELYNN I realize this truth is hard to swallow. You, one of the holy Righteous Ones, a vampire himself. Have you ever questioned your unnatural strength and speed? CROMWELL Shes fabricated this lie to pull me under her charm. Tell me then, how do I survive in the sun, and never have the need to drink blood? Evelynn pours herself some fresh wine. EVELYNN You couldnt expect our kind to remain in the dark forever? Thats why Nikki healed so quickly. Each and every one of you here are the next step in vampire evolution. (Beat) You havent the need for blood, because you drain small amounts of life force from the humans you come in contact with. Nikki drained just enough of everyones energy to heal herself. MICHAEL Now if that isnt a swift kick in the fucking head! Now were all supposed to be vampires. A new breed at that. . . bull shit! Michelle gives Michael an ice cold stare. MICHELLE Dont you ever shut the fuck up? Michael gives Michelle the finger, swallows a full glass of wine. MICHAEL Well, that would explain why when youre around, I feel as if the life is being drained out of me, sweetheart! MICHELLE Kiss my ass! CROMWELL So this is why youve come, to hand us bad news? Nathan steps forward. NATHAN The news you bring is rather shocking. Ill admit. But how can I, a normal vampire by birth, have been changed as you say? Evelynn places the glass on a stand. EVELYNN Tell me. . . how much knowledge do you have of your manor? NATHAN Its been in my family for Centuries, passed down from Father to Son. Its how I inherited it. EVELYNN The Nightwinds have owned this manor since it was a castle. Years have remodeled the exterior but not interior. The relics in your basement speak of your families past. NATHAN What exactly are you getting at? EVELYNN Bare with me please? MICHAEL No! Im tired of this sick perverted game of yours, Miss Labeau! The group stare at Michael. CROMWELL Open your mouth again, I mean even so much an inch, and youll be breathing through a third nostril. EVELYNN You may know the artifacts and relics left behind by your forefathers exist. But theres one youve yet to. . . Michael tackles Cromwell, stripping one of his shotguns, aiming it at Evelynn. MICHAEL Ignore me now, bitch! I want to leave! Ill use this with little hesitation! Evelynn smiles. 0002000004D9000079024D3,Evelynn points towards the front door. EVELYNN If you wish to leave. Be my guest, Mr. Moore. Michael takes Michelles hand, she swats it away. MICHELLE Get your hands off me, asshole! You truly think that Id leave with you? Michael aims the shotgun at Michelle with a laugh. MICHAEL Maybe I should just blow your head off right now bitch! Itd save me from losing everything! MICHELLE You dont have the balls! Not in front of all these witnesses. Come on. . . Do it! Cromwell gets Michaels attention. CROMWELL Hey, Asshole? You forgot a gun! Drop it. . . now! MICHAEL Shoot me! If what she told us is true you cant hurt me! Im leaving! Opening the door Michaels faced with a new sight. We see an exact duplicate of Nightwind Manor, only its in flames. A dark figure walks out of the blaze. The entire group witnesss this horrible vision. Beyond the fire, within the courtyard, bodies hang from makeshift crosses. On closer inspection Michael sees that the bodies are their own, mangled beyond recognition. NIKKI (Gasps) Those bodies. . . they look like. . . like ours. In the horror the group doesnt seem to notice the fog drifting in the doorway. MICHAEL What is this? What are we seeing? EVELYNN A possible outcome. . . 0002000006AD00007DD56A7,CROMWELL Just tell us, damn you! EVELYNN What will happen if anyone leaves this group. There are six of us for a reason. Six is a number of power and celestial strength. (Beat) This will help us alter the future we now see. Together, we are the Sacred Six. NIKKI I think you should remain with the group. Dont you, Mr. Moore? Michael continues to watch the shadowy figure in the vision grow closer. It stops before clearing the wall of fire. With a great shout, it raises a sword high, the crucified bodies burst into flames. MICHAEL My God! Who or what is it? Its killed us all! The shotgun drops to the floor, as does Michael in tears. MICHAEL Please. . . close the door. I cant stand anymore. Evelynn closes the door. EVELYNN A powerful force now flows within each of us, and strengthens us for the dark hours ahead. Severing the six would give him victory over us. Cromwell picks the shotgun up off the floor. CROMWELL I think its time for a little explaining. This thing in the vision. Who or what the fuck is it? EVELYNN I was getting to that before Mr. Moores interruption! What Im about to tell you may aid us in surviving. NIKKI Would you mind telling me how in the fuck were supposed to fight that? EVELYNN First, I will tell you all the ancient secret Nightwind Manor holds. Follow me back into the living room, please. They return to the living room each taking a seat. The air about the room turns ice cold and fog hugs the floor, surrounding their outer-parameter not enveloping them. CROMWELL I feel a psychic cold. It means theres a spirit present. EVELYNN Yes, this fog is a form of spiritual protection. Its protecting us from his prying mind. The mind of he who lurks below. 0002000007350000847C72F,NATHAN Wait. . . Youre talking as if theres someone down there. EVELYNN Indeed. . . Only I know the location of his Forgotten Kingdom. Jonathan wakes up hearing those two words. JONATHAN Forgotten Kingdom? EVELYNN Over a thousand years ago he was born. According to legend, vampires can only bare female children, so this made him unique. The air wavers with the image of a child, eyes as dark coal with a mark upon his forehead- the Nightwind family crest. In the image this child matures rapidly, till his skin has turned black and his pre-determined age reached. EVELYNN He grew to an appropriate age in the span of one hour. . . Nathan interrupts. NATHAN He bares my family crest on his forehead? Throughout my families history only females have been conceived. EVELYNN True Nathan, Jericho was the one exception, a dark secret hidden in your families past. NATHAN I have a brother? EVELYNN Nightwinds are the only clan capable of baring female children, any children for that matter. This sets them highest in the vampire clans of the world. CROMWELL Theres no way, its just not possible. How did centuries of vampires go unnoticed or undocumented? EVELYNN Good question, the Nightwind clan kept to themselves never revealing their secret. They would feed off the blood of cattle and wild animals in the fields. NATHAN My Mother and Father had another son? EVELYNN Yes. Their history is a clean one and your clan very honorable. They still remain a proud and generous race to this day. CROMWELL (Laughing) Proud and generous my ass. Not a single jugular-junkie should be treated with respect. NATHAN How dare you mock my family! JONATHAN What will it take to make you accept the truth, Mr. Spears? For God sake youve just been told youre a vampire! Still you run them into the ground, treat them like shit, try to kill them. 00020000062000008BAB61A,CROMWELL Well, you know what, Jonathan. I dont believe a single thing Ive been told. Its the way they work, Vampire High-Magic, trickery! Nothing more. . . JONATHAN Then how in the hell do you explain Nikkis wound healing like it did? Have you seen many human beings do that, Mr. Spears? NIKKI Yeah, explain that to me, Cromwell. You seem to act as if you possess this infinite wisdom or something. CROMWELL You were already a vampire. This was a set-up for us normals. . . Everyone in the group finds their heads begin to burn in intense pain. Nathan and Cromwell double over in pain, holding their heads with the others. EVELYNN The pain youre feeling now will strengthen our bond as a family. The pain subsides. Evelynn looks at Michelle with a smile. EVELYNN Mrs. Moore, take from your purse the mirrored compact you carry. Use it to look at your forehead. Michelle takes a compact from her purse, opening it to gaze at her forehead. MICHELLE What the. . . MICHAEL What is it now? Give me that! Michael grabs the compact off Michelle looking into it for himself, what Michael sees reflecting back at him is unbelievable. MICHAEL No. . . This cant be possible. Im a Moore for God sake. Cromwell strips him of the compact. CROMWELL Give me the damn thing! I want to see what all this is about? Cromwell peers into the mirror. Cromwell sees the Nightwind family crest, mysteriously etched into his forehead like a tattoo. CROMWELL This just keeps getting better and better. Oh, really working your magic tonight, huh, Evelynn? Check this out, Jonathan. 00020000063A000091C5634,Cromwell tosses the compact to Jonathan. Jonathan grabs it out of the air, looking into it, seeing the very same mark. JONATHAN The Nightwind family crest! CROMWELL Its a mere illusion! It has to be! NATHAN Only blood relations of my family have ever bared the Crest upon their foreheads. These people arent linked to my heritage in any way. EVELYNN They are now, through Jerichos blood. Just as the only weapon capable of defeating him, will be in that of the very sword that entombed him. The Nightwind Sword. CROMWELL Wait. . . you just said through Jerichos blood. None of us have ever encountered Jericho. So how in the hell does that make us part of Nathans family? NATHAN The Nightwind Sword? Ive never heard of such a weapon in my familys history. EVELYNN Ill explain that soon, Mr. . . Cromwell interrupts grabbing Evelynn by the throat. CROMWELL I asked you a question, bitch! You said weve all become Nightwinds through Jerichos blood. How? Michael pours himself another glass of Evelynns wine. EVELYNN The wine I brought was tainted with the blood of Jericho. Michael spits out a mouthful of the wine. MICHAEL What? You let us drink someone elses blood? Holy Jesus! NATHAN (Shocked) Is this true, Evelynn? EVELYNN It is. CROMWELL (Shouting) You turned us on purpose? Thats it. . . Cromwell places one gun barrel against Evelynns right cheek. CROMWELL . . .Im going to blow your head clean off! EVELYNN Your weapon will do little good, Cromwell. I told you, you were a vampire long before you drank my wine. Jerichos blood had nothing to do with your change. 00020000072B000097F9725,CROMWELL Right. . . well, well just see if my weapon is of no use to me. EVELYNN The weapon will not harm any member of the Sacred Six. I needed you all to be of Nightwind blood for us to succeed. MICHAEL You couldve given us a choice! NATHAN No. . . Evelynn is right cant you see that? If she hadnt tricked you into becoming part of my family, we would soon have suffered the fate we saw in that vision. EVELYNN Hes right, Cromwell. We should put aside our differences, join together before its too late. Mankind is at stake. . . Cromwell shouts shoving Evelynn away from him. CROMWELL I dont believe this shit! Im a Righteous One, a soldier of God and youve tainted me. . . my very soul is lost! I do this for the sake of man, not for you, Evelynn. EVELYNN I understand. Cromwell looks briefly at Nikki and the Group. Slides both shotguns back into each holster walking to the far end of the room. CROMWELL One word of warning to all of you, dont fuck with me, you got it? I dont care if you were tricked into this, youre still the enemy. EVELYNN I made myself a Nightwind by drinking the blood. Something that Im not very pleased with yet it had to be done. This is much more important than feeling self righteous now, Cromwell. She turns her back to them and sighs. CROMWELL I really dont think anyone here feels sorry for your ass, Evelynn. MICHAEL Ive seen the aftermath if any one of us leaves this group. Ill stay with you on this, its not like we really have a choice in the matter. The circle of fog vanishes. EVELYNN The time is upon us! Jericho has grown strong enough the diamond cocoon holding him is losing its strength with each passing hour. Light bulbs burst in their sockets, showering everyone with blue sparks, plunging them into darkness. The manor shakes with the force of an earthquake. 000200000D1900009F1ED13,NATHAN I take it this is the doing of my brother? EVELYNN He knows of our intentions. We must hurry to the basement at once. Each of them are in shock once noticing they can see perfect in the darkness. NIKKI Hey, now this shit is cool. I can see everything in this blackness. EVELYNN A vampire seeing the beauty of night for the first time. It brings back fond memories for me. We can see that each group members eyes glow a beautiful purple color. The tremors cease. They follow Nathan down a long hall, enter a large kitchen. CROMWELL This Jericho isnt just going to allow us to enter his kingdom without some form of resistance. Youre all just following Evelynn, like lambs to a slaughter. NIKKI Im not happy that my life has been turned up side down in a single night either. Ive always thought vampires were the creations of imaginative writers. But it is for mankind remember. Cromwell turns to face Nikki. CROMWELL Look, Ive nothing against you, Nikki. You dont know Evelynn like I do, you havent seen the blood shes spilt over the years. I have. You cant expect me to accept what she says as the gospel truth. NIKKI You dont think that I know that much? Im more frightened right now than I ever have been in my life. You helped me once, Im asking for it again. Please? Cromwell wipes a tear from Nikkis cheek, raising her chin with his hand, so her eyes meet with his. CROMWELL Oddly enough, your eyes look beautiful glowing purple. You realize Im going against all my principles for you. Ill watch your back if you watch mine? NIKKI Deal. CROMWELL Come here. Cromwell takes Nikki in his arms. Michael interrupts. MICHAEL Excuse me? Are we finished with this Hallmark moment? Id like to. . . CROMWELL Shut up. Evelynn? Whats our next move? EVELYNN We obtain the six daggers and enter the Forgotten Kingdom, Im not sure what form of resistance to expect. CROMWELL Very comforting, Evelynn. . . very comforting indeed. We all know hes not going to let us waltz into his domain without a fight. So, youre all hearing this, expect a confrontation at any time. Nathan opens the door, the group starts down. INT. NIGHTWIND MANOR CELLAR They reach the bottom of the stairs, full of glass heirloom cabinets, a very large rack of vintage wines. NATHAN The shield with my families crest on it isnt to far from here, if my memory serves me correct. EVELYNN Yes. Near the back of the basement. NATHAN I know it. Follow me. The Group follows Nathan to the shield, which is quite the piece of craftsmanship. With a V shape forming bat wings, within its center rests a raised vampire skull. JONATHAN Wow, what unbelievable craftsmanship, it must be worth a small fortune. Why wasnt I told about this, Nathan? NATHAN It really didnt have any significance towards the meeting, Jonathan. EVELYNN Now, all of you must place a hand on the shield together. It will open the hidden chamber of the daggers, activating an elevator that will take us to the Forgotten Kingdom. They each place a hand on the shield, the wall it hangs on slides inward and to the side. INT. DAGGER ROOM The room is circular in formation. Six daggers lay on a dust-laden shelf. The daggers give off a beautiful white glow, a white vapor rises from them. A larger space at the center is empty, but bares the dusty remnants of where a sword wouldve rested. 0002000006160000AC31610,NATHAN The daggers. . . they look like. . . EVELYNN Each blade is pure diamond, they havent been touched since their creation. Their purpose is to subdue Jericho long enough to destroy him. Cromwell lets out a loud laugh. CROMWELL What good is a dagger If you need to get close to this guy? Jericho is supposed to be as powerful as a god. You really think well live long enough to stab him? NATHAN I take it the sword was there? Nathan points to an empty space with the outline of a sword. EVELYNN The sword was constructed by a member of your distant family who studied the necromantic arts. He discovered that diamond was the only element capable of harming Jericho. FLASHBACK EVELYNN (V.O.) An army of knights impaled Jericho with the sword, but it merely entombed him in a diamond orb. The man who constructed the sword made six daggers foreseeing this night. An army of Nightwind knights clash with the vampire known as Jericho Nightwind. Jericho kills a group with a bolt of fire from his hands, while draining the blood of others. A single knight, armed with the sword, runs in shoving it through Jerichos chest. The knight suffers a terrible demise, before the magical diamond slowly encases Jericho in a cocoon of pure diamond. END FLASHBACK EVELYNN The daggers will protect us against Jericho and his minions. But to destroy Jericho, the sword must be pulled from his entombed body, then used to sever his head. MICHELLE That doesnt make any sense, why didnt the knights just cut his head off when they had the chance? Why let him live? 0002000006640000B24165E,EVELYNN They had no idea of the power of Jericho. Only two of the kingdom knew, myself, and the Necromancer. MICHAEL Pulling out the sword to set him free doesnt sound like the best of ideas, lady. EVELYNN I realize how it sounds but its the only way. The diamond orb will shatter thus giving us our opportunity. JONATHAN Its insane! Hes not just going to let us decapitate him. EVELYNN No, my grandson, we should expect a fight. Yet, if we succeed in stabbing him with all six daggers, this will paralyze Jericho, allowing Nathan to use the sword. MICHELLE Why do we even have to do this? If hes entombed as you say, why in the hell would we want to risk freeing him for Gods sake? Its suicide! EVELYNN He will eventually awaken with or without our intervention. NIKKI I guess since there isnt any other way of destroying him weve no choice. As much as I hate the idea. EVELYNN Jericho plans on enslaving the human world if hes not defeated. Would you have that happen, Cromwell? Now place your hands on the shield, time is not on our side. NIKKI You said that this Necromancer knew of this night. If thats so our names should be on each dagger. Im looking these things over and only see strange hieroglyphics. EVELYNN Allow intuition to guide your hands. Each dagger was forged with an individual in mind. Be warned. . . If you choose wrong it will mean your death. (Beat) Once all the daggers are taken from their resting places, the floor shall begin its decent into the Forgotten Kingdom. NATHAN Miss Labeau. . . Your lack of concern is disturbing. You tell us to choose wisely or die trying with no sympathy. 0002000006A00000B89F69A,CROMWELL Nathan, I normally dont ask forgiveness from anyone. At first I thought you and Evelynn were somehow together in all this. Im sorry. I was wrong about that. (Beat) Youre talking to a Dark Vampire, young man, they have no sympathy for anything. Theyve been known to kill their own kind if food was low. EVELYNN Yes, forgive me Nathan, compassion has become a stranger to me over the centuries. We Dark Vampires have been hunted by humankind for as long as I can remember. (Beat) Sympathy and similar feelings died with thousands of my kind. The daggers were enchanted to know your soul, the true intention you hold towards this quest. Nathan approaches one of the daggers. NATHAN So, the dagger can sense if Im going to be true or dishonest in wielding it? EVELYNN Yes. MICHELLE Maybe we wont need to worry about those divorce papers after all, Michael. If we choose wrong were both dead anyway. Michael stares at Michelle. MICHAEL Oh, thats real funny! Im glad I decided to take you up on coming to this. . . great party! The group spreads out to look over each dagger. CROMWELL You didnt clear up a thing, Evelynn! Will these things give us a sign or do we just play Russian Roulette with our lives? EVELYNN I would imagine the daggers know their rightful owners, thus revealing in return some form of a sign. Still, I cannot be certain of this. JONATHAN That isnt much to go on, trusting in an ancient weapons enchantment. Nathan steps up to the center room display, his hand hovers over the daggers. NATHAN True. Seeing is I started this, I shall choose first. There is a chill, the blades are ice cold. The vapor is like placing your hand near an air conditioner. 0002000006920000BF3968C,Nathan moves his hand over top the first, second, and third dagger but nothing happens. Once his hand hovers over the fourth dagger, everyone in the group is startled by what they see. NATHAN Why are you looking at me like that? The Nightwind crest upon Nathans forehead glows. . . the dagger also. NIKKI Look. . . One of the daggers is glowing! CROMWELL Yeah, along with your Nightwind crest. Take your hand away quickly, Nathan! Nathan quickly takes his hand away from the fourth dagger. The glow fades from the dagger and the Nightwind crest. NATHAN Maybe that was the sign we were looking for. CROMWELL I gather thats a possibility. I do know one thing. . . (Looks at Evelynn) . . . You know an awful lot about what might happen, Evelynn. I want to know how you know? And no more riddles or history lessons! Evelynn stares at Nathans crest, the dagger in question, the glow slowly fading. EVELYNN (Laughs) Cromwell. . . Always the inquisitive one. Fine. Ill tell you how I know. I was there when the daggers were forged, when Jericho was born and entombed. (Beat) You see, the Nightwind Necromancer and I were secret friends. This is how I know the possible workings of the daggers. NATHAN And you planned on telling us this when, Evelynn? EVELYNN There was no need for you to know such information. Yet, I would have to say that dagger has accepted you. Feeling your physical and spiritual essence, thus reacting. CROMWELL Now isnt that quite convenient, Evelynn? After all these centuries you just happen along and bring us together. Something deep inside tells me youre. . . The elevator is rocked by a powerful tremor, it tosses them all about the small shaft. 0002000006780000C5C5672,EVELYNN Take up your dagger, Nathan. Before the option is no available to us! We all know the source behind that tremor, its only going to get worst. Nathan places his hand over the dagger the glow returns. NATHAN Its now or never. CROMWELL Think long and hard before doing that, Nathan. Remember whos giving you the orders, a Dark Vampire. One that cares less if you or all of us choose the wrong dagger. Are you willing to die for her? NATHAN I happen to believe her, Cromwell. Just because you have a problem with Evelynn doesnt mean I have too. Are you willing to suffer the fate we all saw if shes right? Im not. Nathan takes the dagger from its resting place, Nathan finds his mind flooded with an image of Jericho encased in a diamond cocoon, sword protruding from his chest. Nathan yells dropping to the floor, the others help him to his feet. JONATHAN You all right Nathan? NATHAN I seem to be fine but I did see a strange... A faint yet audible click is heard. MICHAEL Okay. . . what was that sound? EVELYNN That was just one of the elevators locks releasing, preparing for the descent. The group look up to see that one of a ring of six latches in the ceiling has disengaged from a hole in the wall. As each of the daggers is removed, the others have the very same vision upon taking their weapon. . . another latch disengages. Cromwell is last, the only member to hesitate. Only one latch remains engaged. NATHAN What are you waiting for, Cromwell? You watched us all take ours and survive. Youre wasting time and we dont have much to waste. CROMWELL Im not falling for Evelynns lies anymore. She knows more than shes telling. 0002000006BF0000CC376B9,(Cromwell pulls his shotgun) Something happened to them when they took their daggers. What exactly. . . Cromwell aims a shotgun at Evelynn. EVELYNN They had a brief vision of Jericho, resting within the lower chamber of his castle. CROMWELL Whats the purpose? If any. EVELYNN Ive explained all this before, to show them Jericho is real, and not merely a fictional creation of my imagination. CROMWELL We know hes real! We havent questioned his reality. Unless there is some reason to? Start talking! EVELYNN Theres no time to waste on history lessons, Cromwell. Take your dagger. . . CROMWELL Go to hell. . . you may think theres no time for history lessons. I do! (Beat) Besides, times not important to me, Evelynn. Life is, my life, and the lives of these people. The more we know about Jericho the better our chances. EVELYNN (Sighs) Very well, Ill tell you. But only after youve taken your dagger. CROMWELL Screw that. . . Tell me what I want to know. Now. Evelynn gives Cromwell a growl of anger. EVELYNN Jericho knows the Dark-Arts like the back of his hand. Hes the only vampire sunlight has no effect on, with the exception of you five, the nights embrace gives him god-like strength. Hes capable of feats greater than those of the Elders. Does that satisfy you? CROMWELL Dont cop an attitude with me, bitch. You may be our tour guide on this twisted quest, but Ill not hesitate to drop your ass on a moments notice. Itd be my pleasure. Cromwell and Evelynn stare at each other for a few moments of silence. NATHAN Would you two stop this! We have enough to worry about. If he really is more powerful than an Elder Vampire? Our chances of getting close to him, yet alone killing him are impossible. 0002000005DB0000D2F05D5,EVELYNN Your ancestors succeeded, Nathan. Why do you think that you cannot? NATHAN My ancestors had the aid of an army of Vampire Knights on their side. Were but six uneducated vampires. It doesnt take a genius to figure out whos going to win, lady. MICHAEL Hes right. Who knows how many other vampires Jericho has waiting for us. EVELYNN One thousand strong. . . CROMWELL One thousand. . . are you fucking kidding me!? EVELYNN I understand its seems like a battle six couldnt possibly. . . Cromwell interrupts. CROMWELL Dont even say it, Evelynn! For once in your pathetic life tell everyone the truth. Theres no way in hell were going to survive and you know it. EVELYNN Theres always hope, Cromwell. The goodness of light always triumphs over the evil of darkness. There are ancient rules even they must follow. Cromwell laughs. CROMWELL Oh, please! Stop shoveling us your bullshit, Evelynn! Were quite full already. EVELYNN You dont understand, Cromwell. A Nightwind cannot go against his ancient rules of confrontation, to do so means an instant death. Am I not correct, Nathan? NATHAN Yes, my forefathers used to fight one-on-one, to decide the next Lord of our clan. But there was a Prime rule never to be broken. One must issue a challenge of combat in order to attack the other. CROMWELL Do you think they give a shit about an ancient rule of combat? In a battle that intense, wed be dead after the first few attacks. Even if we knew how to use all of our vampire powers. 00020000066D0000D8C5667,MICHAEL Shit. . . I mean Cromwell has a point. How in the hell can we deal with that many vampires and hope to survive? EVELYNN Jerichos minions will not wake till he breaks free from the cocoon. But if we make it in time, well only have to worry about Jericho. Or is the famous and feared Cromwell Spears afraid himself? Cromwell glares at Evelynn reaching for his dagger. CROMWELL Im still going to kill you if we survive, Evelynn. Cromwell gasps as his mind is flooded with the vision. Above them, a final click of the last latch starts the elevator down. INT. JERICHOS CENTRAL CHAMBER In the darkest recesses of Jerichos central chamber, Jericho stirs within the cocoon eyes open, another crack forms. JERICHO (V.O.) The time is almost at hand, soon Ill free myself from this prison. I feel them above ,theyre coming for me, they want to destroy me. The fools. . . let them come. Another thin crack forms. INT. HIDDEN CHAMBER OF DAGGERS With a soft rumble, the elevator continues down. Evelynn loses her balance grabbing her forehead. EVELYNN Ive just had a vision. The cocoon shows signs of great wear, many cracks have begun to form. It will not be long now before Jericho frees himself. MICHELLE Shit. Dont you ever have any good news? EVELYNN (Laughs) Im sorry Miss Moore but not in this dire situation. CROMWELL Is this elevator going to make it to the bottom, or just drop like a lead balloon from years of neglect? EVELYNN Itll hold. The Nightwinds were fine craftsmen in their time. CROMWELL I dont care how damn good of craftsmen they were. You sit around for a few centuries and see how you react under stress. 0002000006920000DF2C68C,EVELYNN Itll hold. The elevator continues down the shaft, the walls are revealed through an unknown light source, a construction of human skulls piled atop one another. MICHAEL Sweet Jesus. . . the architects were some sick bastards. EVELYNN Dont blame the Nightwinds, Mr. Moore. These ancient faces are the victims of Jericho and his minions. MICHELLE There must be thousands of them. EVELYNN Yes. . . it was a very tragic period for the Sacred Kings, even they were powerless against him. Someone as evil as Jericho deserves only death. The anxiety of the group heightens, as it seems the elevator is never going to stop. NATHAN How far does this elevator go down? EVELYNN When the skulls scream for vengeance, the forgotten kingdom will be reached. NIKKI Did you just say when these skulls. . . The skulls suddenly begin to scream interrupting Nikki. The elevator stops. A large stone door bearing the families crest faces them. EVELYNN Quickly! You must all touch the door, by doing so their torment will end, and our way will be opened. SKULLS (Shouting) Vengeance! Vengeance! Vengeance! As they touch the door, the shouts cease. The door rumbles upward into the ceiling. A sight lies a small distance away. They step cautiously out of the elevator. They say nothing. Fear can be seen in their faces. EXT. JERICHOS FORGOTTEN KINGDOM - NIGHT A great castle looms with spires rising fifty feet into darkness. The gloom seems oddly illuminated by an unseen light source, as if the very castle itself gives off the glow. EVELYNN Welcome to the forgotten kingdom, Sacred Six. Shall we begin? CROMWELL Just when you think youve seen it all, its the Anne Rice theme park. 00020000059A0000E5B8594,Nikki laughs. EVELYNN Good. . . A sense of humor were all going to need every good and decent emotion we can muster. It will help us. CROMWELL You sure as hell know how to give a get together, Mr. Nightwind. MICHAEL I wish I still had that bottle of wine. MICHELLE Is that all you ever think about? Id shove it up your ass if we did have a bottle! Holding their daggers close, their trek to Jerichos castle begins. The stone doorway begins to close. Michael rushes over to it and bangs on it with his fists. MICHAEL Great! Just fucking great! How are we supposed to get back to the manor if we survive this? EVELYNN The world we left behind no longer exists, Mr. Moore. MICHAEL What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Evelynn points toward the castle. EVELYNN What you now look upon is the Nightwind Manor, as it was before our current time line saw to its present form. CROMWELL Well, holy shit. . . weve been taken back in time folks. EVELYNN Youre far more intelligent than I first anticipated, Cromwell. That is exactly what has transpired. CROMWELL No shit!? Whats to stop us from using our vampire strength to force that door open? EVELYNN That is impossible, it would be even if we combined our strength. Nothing more than Jerichos swift demise will budge it. MICHAEL This shit isnt happening! Cromwell turns toward Michael. CROMWELL God, Im about to plant a stiff boot up your ass! Would that shut your mouth? 0002000006170000EB4C611,MICHAEL Well, excuse me, Mr. Spears! I dont usually fight legions of the un-dead. Thats your department. So cut me some damn slack! EVELYNN We dont have time to argue like five year olds. Jericho lies ahead and theres no turning back now. We should face our fears and push on. NIKKI Shes right. Im not about to go out like we did in that vision. Evelynn starts toward the castle and the others follow close behind. Footsteps echo about the vastness of the new reality, all seems amplified and in slow motion. No movement can be seen in the fog ahead or the blackness above. Suddenly, a strange sound fills the air. They ready their daggers. It sounds like raging waters somewhere above them and descending rapidly. NIKKI What in the hell is that sound? EVELYNN The first of our trials! Back to the entrance way at once! Quickly! CROMWELL What the hell for? You said that. . . Evelynn lifts Cromwell off his feet and throws him towards the stone pillar. EVELYNN Anyone else need a cue? Do as I say and now! Run! The others need no pushing. They run with blurred speed towards the pillar. Evelynn stops and looks to the dark above. EVELYNN Its coming! I need to quickly manifest a barrier around us before it hits. She starts chanting in a strange language. They all look up to see a tsunami like wall of water. As if some flood gate or dam had burst. A purple barrier forms around them. The water hits it. They stare upon a lake that hadnt been there before. Only a very small patch of dry earth remains. Theyre surrounded on all sides. NATHAN 00020000061E0000F15D618,What is this, Miss Labeau? EVELYNN A lake. CROMWELL Hey, BITCH! Cromwell aims the shotgun and opens fire, blowing a large hole through Evelynns chest. Evelynn drops to the dirt. CROMWELL Thats for fucking touching me! The others stare in total shock as Evelynn gets to her feet. Evelynns chest wound slowly heals. EVELYNN I told you, Cromwell. The weapon cant harm me. CROMWELL I can always try again! NATHAN ENOUGH! We need to find a way to cross this lake. CROMWELL You know, Ive just about had enough out of you too! Mr. Nightwind, youve been protecting this un-dead bitch all night and it makes me sick! NATHAN Im sorry if you feel that way, Mr. Spears. Yet we need Evelynn to make it through this ordeal. CROMWELL Thats what shed have you believe. I could easily get us to the castle safely. Hell, this is only water, we could swim. Bending down Cromwell places a finger in the water. His fingers are burnt. CROMWELL (Blowing on fingers) Son of a bitch! That burns! EVELYNN (Smiling) Sorry for the late warning, Cromwell. Its a lake of holy water, a trap as you said, created by the Nightwind clan necromancer. CROMWELL Youre sorry all right! Fucking lucky too! NATHAN Amazing! A lake of holy water. One of my ancestors created this lake using necromancy? EVELYNN Indeed. . . as i said he was highly skilled in the necromantic-arts. JONATHAN How are we supposed to get across? Were completely surrounded on all sides. EVELYNN We must call upon a dark force to cross. A ferryman. His name is Necron, but he asks a heavy price for safe passage. 00020000064E0000F775648,CROMWELL Necron? Hes a Pastor meant to suffer a horrible curse, being that of a living, decaying corpse for great offenses committed against God. I still might get my chance to blow away at least one piece of shit after all. NIKKI What did he do to piss off God so much? CROMWELL He sacrificed his entire congregation to a Dark God. Necron needs the life forces of others to remain intact. (Beat) His followers and he possess a remarkable power, enabling them to manipulate the earth, become as one with it. I faced him a few times, old rot face I call him. Powerful son of a bitch though. MICHAEL Since the very start weve been asking questions. Miss Labeau will tell us if she knows, which I believe she does. MICHELLE But how does she know so much? How do we know shes not on Jerichos side? CROMWELL Finally! A question that makes some damn sense. EVELYNN (Laughs) Youve already been given the answer to that question. I was here remember. (Beat) Im part of this as much as you all. If I were on Jerichos side youd be dead. CROMWELL You dont need to remind us of that, Evelynn. NIKKI So how do we get this Pastor Necrons attention? CROMWELL Oh, I know Necron. He probably already smells our fresh flesh. Unless of course youve a better way, Evelynn? EVELYNN There. . . Evelynn points to a spear sticking out of the mud of the shoreline. They walk up to it, seeing a skull impaled atop its rusty point. EVELYNN Mr. Nightwind? You must take the skull from the spearhead to call upon Necron. NATHAN Okay. . . Nathan reaches for the skull and notices the mark of his clan etched into its forehead. 0002000006260000FDBD620,NATHAN It has the Nightwind clan symbol. Whose skull is this? EVELYNN The skull of the necromancer that placed the trap and saw to Necrons imprisonment here. Removing it is the means of calling Necron forth. NATHAN You said Necrons price is a high one, Miss Labeau. What exactly is his price? The skull turns, faces them, and speaks. SKULL Necrons price is that of your powers. In return hell guide you across to the castle. It drops limp and silent. NIKKI Holy Shit! The skull just spoke! Wait. . . that would make us human. Wed never stand a chance against Jerichos minions as human beings. EVELYNN You will never succeed if you have no faith in yourselves. Its not power or strength that win a war, its the will and determination of those who wage it. CROMWELL (Laughing) Great speech, you ever consider running for office? EVELYNN Take the skull, Nathan. We need to cross and quickly. CROMWELL Brilliant idea, Evelynn! Brilliant! EVELYNN The loss of your power will only be for a short duration. Theyll gradually return with time. CROMWELL Fine, Necron and his clan will feast upon us once were drained. Hes not going to get that chance though. . . Cromwell shoulders one of his shotguns with a grin. EVELYNN Ill not allow you to interfere in this, Cromwell. As much as you hate Necron we need him. Besides, Its against the rule of engagement, even Necron and his followers are bound by the Nightwind oath of combat. NIKKI And how is that, Evelynn? You told us Only Nightwinds were bound by this rule. If Im not mistaken, Necron is not a Nightwind. 000200000679000103DD673,CROMWELL Right. . . Necron doesnt have Nightwind blood, that means he can do as he wants. EVELYNN Once again youre jumping to conclusions, Cromwell. The rules apply to him as well only there different in Necrons case. A spell set upon them sees to our safety. So there is no reason to be trigger happy. Nathan takes the skull of the necromancer from the spearhead. Rising from the bowels of Earth, the followers of Necron appear, surrounding the group. They wear hooded robes, the foul stench of decay lingers in the stale air. One, NECRON, with long flowing white hair and gleaming yellow-green eyes, approaches them. NECRON You wish to cross? Do you not? EVELYNN We do. Necron, stares at each member of the group. NECRON I smell the scent of vampire blood upon you all yet only one is pure. These others smell. . . different somehow. Explain? EVELYNN These others have evolved to the next stage of vampire evolution, Necron. They are only part vampire. I am the pure blood here. NECRON They are worthless to me vampire. You know the toll for crossing to the castle. EVELYNN I do and am willing to pay, but my companions come with me. NECRON (Laughs) Your companions are useless to me and my followers. You may pass but they must remain. Cromwell aims his shotgun at Necron. CROMWELL Hey, rot face! Long time no see, huh? If she goes we all go, got it? EVELYNN Do not interrupt. . . NECRON Cromwell Spears? You dare bring him to my domain! There will be no crossing only death! Cromwell smiles. CROMWELL Youd think one would get tired of losing followers. Ill gladly help them into the next plane of existence, if thats what you want! EVELYNN 00020000066100010A5065B,No! Damn you, Cromwell! Ill make a deal with you, Necron. Forget Cromwell, they all ride across with me even him. My powers are vast and more than enough to pay their fares. NECRON Why should I deal with a vampire who keeps a Righteous One as her company? Something doesnt seem quite right with you. (Necron smells Evelynns neck) Yet. . . You do radiate vast power. Very well, they may pass in exchange for your powers. But heed my words Cromwell! We shall meet again! Cromwell puts his shotgun away. CROMWELL Oh, Ill be looking forward to it, rot face. Only next time you wont have someone to save your ass for you. Necron reaches out a bony hand. The flesh visibly dangles in ribbons. As Evelynn steps forward, Necron rams his hand into Evelynns chest. CROMWELL Hey, killing her is going to be my pleasure. It looks like I get to waste your ass after all! Cromwell pulls both shotguns blowing away two of Necrons minions, their bodies burst in a cloud of dust and flesh. EVELYNN (Groans) Stop! Hes not going to kill me! This is his way of taking my power, nothing more. NECRON I take the terms of my deal back, vampire! All may pass but for Cromwell! Kill him! Three of Necrons minions rise out of the earth surrounding Cromwell. Cromwell spins both shotguns with a wink sent Nikkis way. CROMWELL Finally, the partys getting started. Lets dance! Necrons minions charge forward, a blast from both shotguns takes one minions head clean off. Cromwell flips over the second to attack causing the creature to slam into his partner. Upon landing Cromwell turns aiming. CROMWELL Two birds with one stone! Bye-bye now! 00020000067A000110AB674,The shotguns erupt sending blessed pellets burrowing through the chest of the first creature, the exiting blast hits the second creature lifting him off the ground. CROMWELL Is this all you guys have got? At least try to make it difficult! NECRON You fools! End this and end it now! KILL HIM! Those in the group dont know how to react. NIKKI Arent we going to help him? Necrons creatures have accepted the challenge to fight. I say we give them one. MICHAEL Did you forget about who blew a hole in your stomach, darling? Why should you even want to help him? Why should we get killed trying? MICHELLE You always were a pansy, Michael. I say we at least try to help the poor guy. JONATHAN I agree. Hes not the friendliest guy, but at he was trying to save us from Nathan and Evelynn. Before he found out they were on our side. Cromwell finds himself surrounded by six creatures. Necrons body begins to glow; ghostlike shades of light escape Evelynns body to enter the followers. Necron pulls his hand from Evelynns chest; she drops to her knees collapses to the ground. NECRON Yes, you held vast power vampire. Vast power indeed, now you all may cross. The fares have been paid. An old worn ferryboat appears from out of the thick fog, Necron steps onto it taking a pushing pole in hand. His followers once again dissolve into the earth. Jonathan sees to his relative, helping her to her feet. JONATHAN Are you all right? EVELYNN Ill be fine. Just help me onto the ferry. The rest of you board as well. The castle of Jericho awaits our arrival. One by one they step onto the ferry, it creaks as if its going to fall apart at any given moment. 0002000006480001171F642,CROMWELL Sweet Jesus, rot face, is this thing going to make it across? It sounds like its going to fall apart. MICHAEL Yeah, its no luxury boat, Ill agree with that. Michelle steps onto the boat. MICHELLE Someone do me a huge favor and push his ass into the drink. Please? NECRON For a price Ill fulfill your request. Michelle looks Michael over for a moment. . .then Necron. MICHELLE Hes not worth the fare. NECRON Very well. Would you prefer to swim vampire? Its the only other option, but I dont think youll make it very far. My ferry is sound enough to make the trip. CROMWELL Then shut up and start rowing your fares paid! Nikki laughs. With a groan, Necron begins to row out onto the lake. Only the great spires of the castle in the distance are visible through the thick fog on the lakes surface. The creaking of Necrons joints can be heard as he rows. CROMWELL So, Evelynn, what other surprises are in store once we come ashore? EVELYNN Geddon, the guardian of the gate. CROMWELL Youve got to be kidding me. . . NIKKI Who or what is a Geddon? EVELYNN Its a guardian. . . Cromwell interrupts Evelynn. CROMWELL An ancient being from the spirit realm. There are many different forms in the spirit realm. . .which Geddon might this be? NECRON The Geddon Lord. CROMWELL The big boss himself, the big-daddy of them all. Say your best prayers friends because were going to need God on our side. NIKKI We have to fight this creature? There must be a spell or rule or something, right? Please someone tell me Im right. CROMWELL The Geddon Lord is impervious to all forms of magic. But the 00020000062100011D6161B,old fashioned ass kicking still has an effect, plus my shotgun. Ill not let anything harm you, Nikki. The ferry bumps into something, startling them. The castle appears to be about one hundred feet ahead. NECRON We have arrived at the castle of Jericho. They step onto the shore. Michelle turns to discover the ferry and its owner have vanished. MICHELLE Where in the hell did he go? EVELYNN Back into the earth. Without warning, a voice resounds in the air. VOICE (O.S.) Impressive! I see youve made it this far. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Jericho Nightwind. I await you all with great anticipation. CROMWELL Trust me. . . this is company you dont want, pal! JERICHO (O.S.) (Laughs) The great Cromwell Spears, how do you feel after all these years discovering youve been murdering your own kind? CROMWELL They were no kind of mine! Nightwinds dont slaughter innocent people only scumbag vamps like you, pal! And Im itching to destroy a vampire tonight. JERICHO (O.S.) Evelynn. . . Why not tell them what youve been hiding from them. It would make for a most interesting turn of events. EVELYNN Ive been hiding nothing my friends. Hes trying to turn you against me. Jerichos a master of deception, believe nothing you hear. JERICHO (O.S.) Oh, thats rich coming from such dark lips as yours, Evelynn. Does she also have you believing those daggers and your sacred number is fair protection? Foolishness. . . NIKKI If youre so fucking tough why are you hiding your ugly face from us, Jericho?! Come out and show us you dont fear our strength. 0002000005E30001237C5DD,Cromwell and the others stare at Nikki in disbelief. Cromwell gives her a flashy smile. NIKKI What? Cromwell approaches Nikki. CROMWELL I like that fire hidden in you girl. NIKKI Stop it. Youre making me blush. I do have a question for you though. CROMWELL Shoot. NIKKI I know you own Club Raven. But why would a vampire hunter own a club where vampires and wannabes frequent? CROMWELL Think about it, its a pretty good way of finding vampires. Even more so if they feel welcome. NIKKI Yeah, that does make sense. Im there most every night, just look in the most secluded area. Its that fear of being around people thing, you know. He places his arm around her shoulder. CROMWELL I tell you what, next time you visit. Ill personally invite you up to my private room. We can scout bad vamps together. Hows that sound to you? NIKKI It sounds wonderful, though I still cant believe this is truly happening to me, or all of us for that matter. CROMWELL Weve dealt with the punches so far, havent we? I think well live as long as we keep that inner-fire youre displaying. Michelle breaks up the moment of peace. MICHELLE Look, after you two stop playing soap opera maybe youll wake up. Our lives are in real fucking danger here. This Jericho asshole isnt playing games! MICHAEL You dont think they know that. They dont need you butting your big ass in and making things worst. MICHELLE You can just kiss my big ass, Michael! MICHAEL No thanks! Thats how we got involved in the first place. 0002000005B3000129595AD,Dont need that starting all over again. MICHELLE Like you still dont look from time to time! Dont act all innocent, buddy. I know you still find me attractive. This time Nikki interrupts. NIKKI Excuse me! Someone complained about a soap opera. You two arent setting to high of an example right now. We should just move ahead, kiss and make up already. Michelle stares at Michael, who gives her a faint smile in return. MICHELLE He can only wish! MICHAEL Id rather kiss Necron. CROMWELL Hey, I bet Evelynn could arrange that. EVELYNN Enough! Cromwell is right if we stick together we should live through this. Lets continue to the gate of the castle. Cromwell and Nikki converse together as the group moves ahead. NIKKI Cromwell, have you ever, you know, fought one of these Geddon creatures? CROMWELL Ive fought a few Minor Geddon, bullets take them down easy. But Ive never faced their Lord. Dont think Im scared, but Im not sure if anything will have an effect on it. NIKKI Well, what about your shotgun? The shells are blessed, right? CROMWELL Still be like hitting a tank with a baseball bat. Worthless. . . the perfect way to piss it off. EVELYNN Theres one chance a direct confrontation may be avoided. JONATHAN Really? EVELYNN The Geddon Lord is highly intelligent, perhaps it will listen to our cause and see the nobility in it. MICHAEL Knowing our luck its brain has deteriorated over the centuries, making it dumb and forgetful. 00020000067E00012F06678,Michelle whispers into Michaels ear. MICHELLE Then you two should get along great, huh? EVELYNN Were here. NATHAN Holy mother of god, look at that. CROMWELL Its a hell of a lot bigger than Id thought too. The Geddon Lord, looking like a muscle bound super-hero out of a comic book, stands before them in the shadows of the castle. Arms crossed standing directly in front of the drawbridge. But its not moving. CROMWELL Wait, somethings not right here. Its looks like its encased in stone. EVELYNN Weve yet to cross the threshold, Cromwell. Once we step onto the drawbridge and approach the Geddon Lord, then it shall awaken. CROMWELL Everyone think before we move now. Cromwell puts his arms out to stop them from stepping onto the bridge. CROMWELL We should be able to just fly into one of the windows, we dont even need to touch the drawbridge. Why rustle the hornets nest when stealth is much easier. NIKKI Yeah, thats a better idea than waking this nightmare. But how do we fly exactly? EVELYNN You cant, its more like teleportation. But youre not educated enough to use that power as of yet. The drawbridge is the only way. Nathan steps onto the drawbridge. CROMWELL Nathan! Think about what youre doing you stupid idiot! Get off the drawbridge before. . . The sky above fills with rolling thunderheads that gather like roaches in a darkened room. Lightning flickers and flashes violently; thunder shakes the earth beneath their feet. A single bolt of lightning streaks downward, striking the guardian electrifying it. A great geyser of blue-green fire erupts beneath. The stone falls away in pieces. The creature roars as it awakens. 0002000006730001357E66D,CROMWELL Too late! Cromwell notices the creature about to pummel Nathan with one of its large fists. CROMWELL (Shouts) Look out, Nathan! The Geddon Lords fist hammers Nathan, hurling him through the air. He nearly lands in the lake. Cromwell races to check on him, he appears all right but unconscious. CROMWELL Damn! Hes out cold! Not such a good idea now, huh, Nathan? Its thundering footsteps head in their direction. GEDDON LORD FOOLS! No one gets by me to release the unholy one within. Prepare yourselves for a painful death! Evelynn runs up towards the Geddon Lord, both hands raised towards the beast. EVELYNN Hold, guardian! Search our minds! Unveil the true purpose for our presence here. I beg of you. GEDDON LORD You dare give me orders, filthy vampire? I know your intent and it is to free Jericho from his tomb. This I cannot allow! A stream of fire shoots in the groups direction; they scatter as it explodes in a shower of orange sparks. CROMWELL Right, Evelynn! He seems real sympathetic toward our cause. EVELYNN Somethings wrong! CROMWELL I know whats wrong, it needs a good ass kicking! Well, Im about to give it one and now! EVELYNN NO! Fighting back will only make it believe youre here to free Jericho, instead of destroy him. The Geddon Lord seems to calm after hearing Evelynns words. GEDDON LORD You speak of destroying the unholy one? EVELYNN Yes, we are the sacred six. The Nightwinds, here to destroy Jericho and put an end to his evil for eternity. The creature bows, getting to one knee. GEDDON LORD Forgive me, I was merely doing my duty as guardian of these gates. I allowed my anger cloud my judgment. 000200000C9900013BEBC93,EVELYNN There is no need to kneel, guardian. Rise, so that we may be on our way inside. It rises. GEDDON LORD Stop! First, I must ask the group three questions. The answers to these questions will determine if I permit you to enter. CROMWELL We dont have time for twenty fucking questions! Will you hold yourself responsible if Jericho breaks free while you ask questions? GEDDON LORD It is required of me to ask these questions. If I fail in doing so Ill be entombed in stone for eternity. EVELYNN Then do your duty and ask your questions. But do so quick and for the sake of mankind. The guardian lets out a small growl. GEDDON LORD What if I were to tell you that in truth Im on Jerichos side? EVELYNN Then wed do all in our power to destroy you. GEDDON LORD Youve answered correctly, even if you managed to destroy me youd still need me to open the gate. Question two, why do you care about the safety of mankind? EVELYNN We. . . The guardian interrupts Evelynn. GEDDON LORD This question is to be answered by the six, Evelynn. It stares at each member awaiting an answer, Nikki is the first to respond. NIKKI I believe man and vampire kind should live in peace. Yet I wont stand around doing nothing while Jericho seeks to kill innocent people. GEDDON LORD Good. . . next? The guardian stares at the Moores. MICHAEL Us? GEDDON LORD Yes, you too, answer the question. MICHELLE I agree with Nikki. Except for the man and vampire living together in peace bit. We know that will never happen in this time period. MICHAEL Humans destroy our vampires because they fear their power. But still. . . its no reason to let Jericho carry out his sick plan. GEDDON LORD Also acceptable answers. . . It turns its attention toward Nathan. GEDDON LORD Now you. Jericho is your brother through blood and family. Making this answer most important. NATHAN The door really swings both ways. If I were vampire or human Id still try to stop my brother. GEDDON LORD Your answer shows great courage and honorableness, Nathan Nightwind. As your clan has displayed through countless centuries. Next the Geddon Lord looks at Jonathan. JONATHAN My turn, huh? The Geddon Lord nods its head. JONATHAN Okay. . . we cannot allow the delicate balance of good and evil to shift any further than it already has. If Jericho were to succeed that balance would affect the entire planet. GEDDON LORD Simple but to the point and correct. Finally, I come to you, Cromwell Spears. You have much rage within, Jericho can use to his advantage. CROMWELL Human, vampire, Geddon, in my eyes and the eyes of god are all abominations that should be destroyed. GEDDON LORD You say even human beings are abominations? This is a disturbing revelation. Explain to me why you think this way. CROMWELL If you dont know then youre not as intelligent as my books tell me. We kill each another every day which makes us no better than any other creature on earth. GEDDON LORD Id expected such an answer out of one like you. Keep your anger in check, Cromwell. One day it may be your undoing. CROMWELL Is that a threat, pal? GEDDON LORD No. Merely sound advice to live by. CROMWELL Ill try to remember that. Just ask your final question, this is getting old. 0002000006600001487E65A,GEDDON LORD My final question is what would you say if I were to tell you all that the vision you saw in the manor will indeed come to pass? CROMWELL Id say Bullshit! In that vision Jericho or someone had beaten us. Thats not going to happen while Im around. GEDDON LORD That is not an answer, Cromwell. Merely your opinion, I need an answer or you cannot pass on. CROMWELL Listen you piece of. . . EVELYNN Wait, Cromwell! This is a trick question. Allow me answer this one for the entire group. CROMWELL Wake up call, Evelynn! It just told us were going to fail! Whats the point in answering its question. EVELYNN The answer to the final question is this, Geddon Lord. If we all perish fighting Jericho then at least we gave it our best effort. The Geddon Lord begins to fade. GEDDON LORD You are wise, Evelynn Labeau. Wise indeed. You all may pass. The protests of the aged gate, the clatter, out of it as the first of the large doors slide upward and the steel gate opens. They watch the Geddon Lord vanish, as if hed never been. A blast of cold stale air escapes from the opening, causing them to wrinkle their noses in disgust. MICHAEL What is that smell? EVELYNN The bodies of the Nightwind knights were never removed after their battle with Jericho. NATHAN So youre saying that this smell has been sealed within the castle along with hundreds of bodies? EVELYNN Exactly, but we have nothing to fear from the bones of ancient warriors. Shall we continue inside? NIKKI Corpses? Im not so sure of this now. CROMWELL Theyre just Skeletons. Ill be at your side the entire time. I wont let anything happen to you. 00020000064D00014ED8647,NIKKI Promise? CROMWELL You bet your fangs I promise. His little joke gets a rouse out of everybody, all except for Evelynn. The laughter ceases once they enter the main hall. INT. JERICHOS CASTLE Torches on the walls burst to life. Illuminating the skeletal remains of the knights, many missing heads, and long since fallen to the cobblestone floor. A great chamber looms ahead and resting in a shaft of light, is the onyx cocoon. CROMWELL Shit, that was easy. At least we didnt have to search the entire castle to find Jericho. EVELYNN Yet the cocoon is supposed to be deep in the lower chamber. I smell something unnatural in the air. Can you all not smell it as well? CROMWELL Yeah, its called the smell of death. EVELYNN No, its scent of a mortal. Someone has reached here before us. And is here as we speak, a familiar smell too. CROMWELL Impossible! No ordinary human couldve survived in here for so long without food or water. How did he, she, or it get pass the Geddon Lord? EVELYNN Whoever this is its human, but I sense unnatural power. Cromwell, have you ever crossed paths with such a human during your crusade? CROMWELL Ive read about one such slayer. Also saw some impressive handy work I couldnt explain. But hes supposed to be just a slayer folk-tale. NIKKI What is his name? CROMWELL Shadeborn. . . as the story goes he was born for the sole purpose of destroying unholy abominations. Legend tells that he vanished during a battle with a vampire unlike any. EVELYNN The battle with Jericho. I sense an immense power all about us. We should use extreme caution from this point on. 00020000065C0001551F656,MICHAEL Youre could be sensing Jerichos power, Evelynn. EVELYNN I dont believe that is the real cocoon my friends. CROMWELL What makes you say that? EVELYNN Look very close do you see the Nightwind sword? CROMWELL Ill be damned! Shes right. Theres no sword. NATHAN Is there any chance this Shadeborn character could be an ally of Jerichos? EVELYNN Not a chance, Mr. Nightwind. Shadeborn is one the purest crusaders in history. Sworn by blood oath to do the Lords work. NIKKI How would he have gotten pass the lake and guardian? EVELYNN Have you forgotten, Shadeborn is no vampire, the waters or the lake wouldve had no effect. And the guardian only attacks vampires. MICHAEL If this slayer is that damn good? Why didnt he just take Jericho out himself? EVELYNN Only a direct descendant of a Nightwind can destroy a Nightwind, Michael. MICHAEL This chamber could be a trap set by the slayer. EVELYNN There is only one possible way of finding that out. MICHELLE Thats kind of a stupid move, dont you agree? No one just walks into a trap to see if there is one. Thats suicide! EVELYNN We have no choice its the only way to get deeper into the castle. INT. COCOON CHAMBER - NIGHT The group pushes ahead, slowly entering the dimly lit chamber. Over fifty crusader skeletons litter the circular room. Evelynn approaches the cocoon. INT. JERICHOS HIDDEN CHAMBER Deep in the recesses of his chamber, Jerichos prison pulses with a red glow, a dark clawed hand shatters from the top of the cocoon. The red light pulses quicker as the cocoon explodes, showering the chamber with thousands of glistening black shards. 00020000070400015B756FE,Standing from a fetal position, slime dangles from his ebony body, the Nightwind sword protrudes from the center of his chest, Jerichos body ignites in a bright red fire that burns away the slime of ages. JERICHO FREE! Free at last! The aura of fire surrounding him fades. His black eyes blaze purple energy, his body thin yet muscular, hair long and dark like flowing tar, reaching beyond his chest. Jericho steps from the remains of the cocoon. In a flash of light a dark suit manifests, covering Jerichos naked frame. JERICHO It is time for the mortal world to know of my existence. The sword within Jerichos chest angers him. Jericho grips it close to the wound, kicking the skull of a Nightwind knight lying on the floor. The skull shatters against the wall. JERICHO Damned knights! Wait, I sense the six above accompanied by the legendary slayer Felicia Shadeborn. This has proven to be a very exciting outcome. Jericho kneels and touches the castle floor with his finger. The decrepit ancient stones begin to return to their former glory and the entire castle follows in a wave effect. INT. JERICHOS CASTLE The group is surprised as the change erupts all around them; banners of silk with the families crest flow brilliantly. Stained glass windows, once shattered, return to their former beauty. EVELYNN Were to late! Jericho, he has risen from his cocoon. Hes restoring the castle as it was in his own time. MICHELLE Why restore the castle to its former self? EXT. OUTSIDE CASTLE GATE - NIGHT Beyond the gate of the castle, the darkness begins to move. One after the other hundreds of "minions", roughly human looking vampire creatures, eyes blazing red, saliva dripping from their fangs drop from above. From all directions, they all march toward the entrance of the castle. 00020000064F00016273649,INT. JERICHOS CASTLE The group members are still in the chamber. A trap door opens beneath Nathans feet. Jonathan tries to help him. Its too late! He falls through it. The panel in the floor closes. The vampire creatures begin to swarm into the chamber. EVELYNN They will not attack us. INT. SHAFT Nathan finds himself sliding down a steep shaft, trying to grip the sides. Its impossible, hes moving to fast to gain a sturdy grasp on anything. Nathans ride ends as he falls into another chamber, one vaguely similar to the one hed just been in. INT. JERICHOS HIDDEN CHAMBER Striking the stone floor, he loses his onyx dagger as it flies across the room. Jericho is heard, but is not seen. JERICHO (O.S.) Welcome, brother. I trust you enjoyed the ride? I see youve lost your dagger during your fall. Well, you wont need it. Hundreds of candles illuminate the darkness of the chamber. Nathan stands looking at his surroundings, finds himself in a very familiar place, one known only to him through tales told by now deceased family members. NATHAN The chamber of Kings. Before him is a long marble table, throne-like chairs surround it on all sides, above hanging with pride, long silken banners, upon each the crests of the many vampire clans of the world. JERICHO This is where they used to meet, the clans, good and evil, to discuss battles and negotiate peace treaties. The sanctified place for all vampire kind. Jericho sits at the very head of the table. JERICHO Centuries ago my father and yours sat where I sit now, to decide my fate. Now his bones are nothing but ash and I sit in his place! 000200000624000168BC61E,NATHAN What are you? JERICHO Im your brother, Nathan. Sit and well talk like civilized Family members. Ill explain all you want to know. NATHAN No! JERICHO Why must things always be made so difficult? SIT! Lifting a flaming hand, Nathans muscles are no longer his to control; Jericho makes him sit at a throne against his wishes. JERICHO There, that wasnt so hard now, was it? Jericho seats himself, a bottle of wine and glass appears in front of him, taking the bottle he pours himself a glass, then a glass appears in front of Nathan, slowly filling with a dark liquid. JERICHO Drink with me while I explain my true story, brother. Its not quite as bad as Evelynn makes it sound. NATHAN You lie! JERICHO Hear me out before you pass judgment. Its quite an interesting story; one I believe youll be able to relate to, in some ways. NATHAN Youre not talking to one of your brainwashed minions, Jericho. I know your story and its a disgrace to the Nightwind family name. JERICHO You speak of nobility as if you know all there is to know of our families past. You dont know the half of it, brother! Jericho stands, walks over to the Nightwind family banner, stroking it, glaring at it with an odd sympathy. JERICHO Father and Mother feared me because I was different, so they discarded me, like unwanted trash. It was fear not love they felt in their hearts. He tears the banner with his claws; Nathan actually spots tears pooling in his eyes. NATHAN Mother and Father never would have. . . Jericho rushes towards Nathan getting eye-to-eye with him. JERICHO 00020000063800016EDA632,Oh, but they did, Nathan! They did! That night I was left to the wolves beyond the castle walls. That was there first and last mistake. NATHAN No. . . JERICHO Thats right, you had many brothers and relatives. It was unnatural you see, theyd become accustomed to bearing only female offspring. NATHAN Then how do you explain my birth, Jericho? Why did they allow me to live? JERICHO You were born in a more forgiving time, brother. By your time, theyd seen the error of their ways. You were an exception, their very last. NATHAN You mean. . . you mean you killed Mother and Father? JERICHO I did. Dont say you wouldnt have done the same if youd been in my position. It was lack of love that turned me the way I was then. Jericho stands walks over to his vacant throne sitting in it. JERICHO All I ever wanted was for my parents to love me. Now youre all I have brother. I am not your enemy. NATHAN Thats rich, Jericho! I feel for you and the others, but mankind had nothing to do with what our clan did to you. JERICHO Is that what Evelynn has you believing I intend to do? She has you more deceived than Id first thought. NATHAN We saw the vision of you, youd destroyed the manor and killed the group. Is the vision a lie as well? JERICHO Think, exactly, how could one vampire, not of our blood, know so much about all that would happen till this very moment? NATHAN She has our family crest upon her forehead. She told us that hed been here centuries before, witnessing all he needed to tell us. JERICHO Our family crest you say? She has grown powerful since she raised me. 0002000006AF0001750C6A9,NATHAN Raised you? JERICHO Who do you think found me when I was abandoned? But she knew with time Id grow strong enough to stop her and her plans to infect mankind. NATHAN Then Evelynn Labeau is our true enemy? JERICHO Yes! Shes using your group for her dirty scheme. Was it not she who said, it takes a Nightwind to destroy a Nightwind? NATHAN How can I trust you? JERICHO Do as you like, once she makes her way here, itll be too late to make decisions. Jericho stands to walk over to Nathan. JERICHO Pull this sword from my chest and sever my head. Ill give you no retaliation. Is that not enough trust? NATHAN Your brothers were attacking. Why? JERICHO My brothers above are not attacking. NATHAN Evelynn told us youre a master deceiver and not to be trusted. Jericho sits on the edge of the table. JERICHO I understand you do not trust me. So as a sign of good faith and peace between us, I now release my hold upon you. Nathan looks down and flexes his arms and legs. He is once again capable of moving. INT. CASTLE CHAMBER ABOVE In the chamber above, Evelynn leads the group down a long hall into a room. She shuts and bolts the metal door behind. EVELYNN You should worry about yourself. JONATHAN What did you just say. . . The room grows dark around them, Evelynns eyes blaze red, in one swift movement, Evelynn blurs toward Jonathan. Nikki screams as something warm splashes her. The torches in the room return to life, Jonathans body drops to the floor, minus its head. Cromwell stares at Evelynn, who holds Jonathans head in her bloody hands, a wide grin on her changed face, which now looks like that of a demons, the Nightwind crest no longer visible on her forehead as it once was. 00020000062200017BB561C,EVELYNN My grandson. . . well at least he was. Its time for me to reveal the truth to you worthless little pawns in my chess game. CROMWELL Pawns? What have you lead us into? You bitch? EVELYNN You think Im about to kill all of you, hey, Cromwell? Dont fret, little man. I still need the five of you alive, youre my key to destroying Jericho. Cromwell pulls his shotgun from its holster at his side and aims at Evelynn. Evelynn doesnt move. CROMWELL Youve been leading us on like a flock of fucking sheep! EVELYNN And it was so easy, like taking candy from a baby. I needed you all to get here, made you Nightwinds, now the games are over. CROMWELL DIE! The shotgun erupts in orange bursts, pushing Evelynn back against the wall. Cromwell continues to unload his blessed shells into Evelynns body. Evelynns head raises slow, a smile upon his face, gleam in his red eyes, wounds healing before Cromwells eyes. Evelynn licks her own blood off her fingers, then blurring towards Cromwell, lifts him off the floor by his throat and shatters both shotguns like toys - along with Cromwells hand. EVELYNN Fool! You know your puny weapons wont work! Nikki runs over to Evelynn, being swatted away like a fly, slamming into the Moores. Cromwell slashes out with his onyx dagger, opening a gash across Evelynns throat, being released Cromwell round kicks her following up with a flying kick. Evelynn slams to the floor in a fit of laughter, gurgling like a woman drowning. Cromwell advances on Evelynn, who rises to her feet, very much to Cromwells surprise. 0002000005E9000181D15E3,EVELYNN Its not that easy, Righteous One! Im a god, and gods demand worship and praise. On your knees! INT. JERICHOS HIDDEN CHAMBER Nathan and Jericho can hear whats going on above. JERICHO Its begun, brother. Jonathan Labeau is dead and Cromwell Spear, though hes fighting valiantly, will soon fall too. NATHAN Cromwell will been killed too? JERICHO He yet lives, brother. Pull this sword from my chest and together well defeat Evelynn. As brothers. As family! Nathan hesitates. JERICHO Do you trust me, my brother? Our fate lies in your hands now. Nathan takes a hold of the sword. Jericho groans. JERICHO Slowly, brother! Nathan slowly pulls the sword free from Jerichos body. The wound heals instantly, Jericho embraces his brother. JERICHO Thank you. Ive waited so long for you to arrive, for you to release me of my prison. Im sorry for killing mother and father. (Beat) Ive never forgotten them, theyre faces are burned in my mind forever. Can you forgive me? Please say you can, Nathan? NATHAN I. . . JERICHO Nathan. . . I need your forgiveness before I can continue. Please. NATHAN I forgive you, but if you deceive me in any way, Ill sever your head without a second thought. JERICHO Thank you, brother. Keep the sword; its the only way of defeating Evelynn. Ill use all of my powers to help you. Lets go! INT. CASTLE CHAMBER ABOVE Evelynn stares to the floor. She senses that Jericho has been freed of the swords hold. EVELYNN NO! The brothers have reunited their lost trust. 000200000651000187B464B,CROMWELL You used us to get to Jericho? Why do you want Jericho? EVELYNN I took him in when his parents abandoned him centuries ago, taught him to hone his new abilities. I knew one day hed rise against me! INT. JOINING CHAMBERS Cromwell backs away from Evelynn, the others gathering behind him. CROMWELL What makes you think that well help you, Evelynn? Fuck you! EVELYNN Fuck me, you say? Oh, youll help me, Cromwell. Nikki finds herself under Evelynns complete control. EVELYNN I know you have feelings for this bitch. Come to me my dear. Come. CROMWELL No, Nikki! Stop! Nikki pushes her way past Cromwell, who tries to stop her, an electrical shock entangles his body as he makes contact with hers, sending him to the floor in pain. Nikki walks over to Evelynn, she wraps an arm around her neck, knocks Nikkis dagger from her grasp. EVELYNN Her life is in your hands. Ill tear her head from her shoulders! MICHAEL Fine! Well do as you say, just dont hurt her. EVELYNN Continue through that doorway ahead, youll find a stairwell heading down into a chamber. Move! Now! Michael helps Cromwell to his feet and they make their way toward the door, it opens before they near, Nathan and Jericho enter the room, Nathan with the sword risen high. EVELYNN Jericho? JERICHO Evelynn! Release the female at once! This battle is between you and I! EVELYNN Release her, you say? Nikkis neck is snapped like a twig. EVELYNN Shes been released per your request, Jericho. CROMWELL NO! EVELYNN I challenge you, Jericho! I shouldve destroyed you centuries ago, instead of taking you under my wing as a son. Come! 00020000060E00018DFF608,Evelynn shouts, throwing Nikkis body to the floor. Evelynn begins to grow fangs as does Jericho. The two charge one another, colliding, fangs ripping, and claws slashing into each others flesh. EVELYNN This is all the fight you have to offer me, boy? JERICHO Youre in my kingdom now, Evelynn! Here I rule and youre the simple whore! Jericho responds, hammering Evelynn with a thundering punch, sending her across the room against the wall, a torch drops, catching a banner on fire. JERICHO Brother, take the sword and get the others out of here at once! The fire begins to spread, growing larger with each passing moment. NATHAN Jericho? You told me that I needed to sever Evelynns head to see to his defeat why are you telling me to flee? Jericho screams in pain as he finds the burning banner thrown over his body. Fighting to throw it off, it burns his suit and flesh beneath. Nathan attacks Evelynn, swinging the sword. Evelynn raises a hand to guard herself. It is lopped off at the wrist in a spurt of blood. Nathan continues his assault; Evelynn recovers, but is too fast to hit. Cromwell pulls the burning banner off Jericho, his suit has been burnt away, face and chest exposed and heavily charred. Evelynn grabs the sword, turns the blade upon Nathan and dispatches him as she jams it into his chest. JERICHO Nathan! Jericho Grabs Cromwell by his jacket. JERICHO Get your friends out of here! Now! The castle is coming down! The sealed door shatters inward; the vampires rush in, noticing the fire and current situation. EVELYNN 0002000006300001940762A,Whats this? Evelynn pulls the sword from Nathans body, preparing for battle, Jericho, and all the vampires charge her at once. Evelynn fights with all her strength but the odds are highly stacked against her. Large chunks of flaming rock fall from above, blocking the battle from the group members. CROMWELL Lets go! Michael, grab Nathans body. Were getting the hell out of here! Cromwell quickly picks up Nikkis body. MICHAEL Whats the point in taking them with us? Theyre both dead, Cromwell! Larger pieces of the castle crash to the floor, showering them with orange embers. CROMWELL Call it an odd feeling! Just do as I say damn it! Or well never make it out of here! They race out the door, down the long hall, nearly being flattened by a falling stone pillar. Continuing on they enter the first chamber, the gate awaits their exit. INT. BURNING CHAMBER The vampires surround Evelynn on all sides, slowly moving in for the kill. She laughs boldly. EVELYNN Foolish infidels! Know my true power! Evelynn lets out a scream, her eyes turn a deep purple. A line of young vampires rush in to try and attack Evelynn, they are instantly burned to ash making contact with an unseen barrier. Evelynns skin stretches and tears away like paper, muscles and bones expand and pop growing larger and longer. Her fingers lengthen and from each fingertip out slides five inch claws. Doubling over with a great shout, cloths tearing free from her body, she straightens herself with a great roar. In a spray of blood leathery dragon-like wings sprout from her back and spread wide. 00020000069200019A3168C,Electricity crawls about her form, she now stands ten feet tall with scale-like skin and thick muscles traced with black veins. Her face is no longer the flawless featured humans it once was. Evelynns jaw had grown slightly longer with her larger fangs, all but two holes for a nose and glowing purple eyes glare at them. Oddly enough her hair hasnt fallen out, yet rather grown into thick dreadlocks that whip about like snakes, each lock ending in a sharp point. Evelynns very roar vibrates the castle walls with power. Jericho is the one to laugh. JERICHO So youve made yourself uglier than before, Evelynn! I feel what power you speak of and even in this form its pathetic! EVELYNN Your friends may have escaped, but there is always another time. Only not for you Im afraid. Are you prepared to face death? Jericho raises the Nightwind sword. JERICHO Are you? EVELYNN (Laughing) Come. . . boy! Jericho charges Evelynn who launches another beam attack from her right hand. Jericho deflects it with the Nightwind sword, continuing forward his sword slashes are so fast they leave trace blurs. Evelynn blocks every blurred blow with her forearms, grabbing the blade to deliver a powerful front kick into Jerichos stomach, sending the vampire across the room. Jericho slams into the wall his body causing a crater, but hes unharmed and quickly gets to his feet. EVELYNN Impressive! JERICHO You havent seen a thing yet! So, you like to play with vampire magic, Evelynn. Lets see how you like this little trick! Jericho throws the Nightwind sword high into the air, he snaps his fingers and the blade hangs stationary above his head, spinning like a mad ceiling fan. 0002000006290001A0BD623,He opens the palm of his right hand, the sword separates into six duplicate blades all spinning together, lined up like soldiers side by side. Jericho brings together both hands creating a loud CLAP, this ignites his hands with white fire that travels upward in a straight line igniting the swords. The air becomes electrified, wind picks up to fan the blaze surrounding them more. EVELYNN What do you have planned? Evelynn stares up at the swords with caution. JERICHO Oh. . .just. . .THIS! Jericho raises his fist, the swords streak downward like missiles impaling Evelynns body with small flashes of light and blood, until all six are protruding from every inch of her body. Evelynn gives a cry of pain heard beyond the castle walls. Jericho raises a hand and the true Nightwind sword glides through the air, returning to its rightful masters. JERICHO Look at you now, old one. You killed my brother, and turned me against my family! Once I thought of you as a mother. Jericho slowly starts to walk away, raising both hands high then bringing them down, causes all the flaming swords to spin, cutting large gashes into Evelynns flesh. JERICHO The moment was very brief. That was for my Mother and Father! May the flames of hell burn your unholy soul forever! Jericho begins to look for a way out of the burning castle, a laugh grabs his attention. Hes grabbed from behind and hurled across the room, this time he flips regaining his footing. Jericho stares at Evelynn only her body is whole, as if no damage had been dealt in his previous attack. JERICHO (Stunned) 00020000061C0001A6E0616,IMPOSSIBLE. . . EVELYNN (Laughing) Foolish, Nightwind! Thats why I destroyed the rest of your surviving brothers. They were incompetent just as you are! JERICHO You killed my brothers? Evelynn blurs forward slashing out with her claws, opening large wounds across Jerichos chest in a spray of blood. EVELYNN Thats right, boy. Just as Im going to kill you, nice and slow, so I may savor every scream! Youll beg but Ill ignore every plea. JERICHO Never. . . EVELYNN! NEVER! EVELYNN We shall see about that! Jericho is hammered by an untold number of blurred punches to the face, so many his white hair and eyes are bloody. Jerichos wounds heal but not fast enough to be coherent and fight back at full strength. Yet Jericho does manage to get a few stunning blows in, before being attacked again by Evelynn. Who grabs Jericho and flies through the ceiling of the castle at full speed. EVELYNN Are you enjoying the ride? Lets see how you like the landing! Evelynn plummets towards the lake of holy water, gaining great speed as they drop. EVELYNN I think you could use a bath! Cleanliness is next to Godliness so they say! A purple force barrier forms around Evelynns body, keeping Jericho completely unprotected from the deadly water. Once they strike the lake the impact causes a grand explosion, sending a wave of tremendous force across the entire area. Pitting the spot where Evelynn impacts, erupting from the lake Evelynn lands on shore with a laugh. EVELYNN Now to find the sword and kill the others. Then all of mankind will kneel before. . . 0002000006620001ACF665C,Emerging from the lake, sword in hand, Jericho rams the blade into Evelynns chest. Evelynns flesh sizzles, smoking from the holy water doused weapon, Evelynn tries to pull the sword free but it only burns more. EVELYNN Impossible! Youre a vampire! The holy water shouldve burned you into nothingness! JERICHO This has nothing to do with the possible or impossible, Evelynn. It has everything to do with fate! Was it not you who said, the light always triumphs over the dark? (Beat) Your time on this planet has come to an end. Time to die. . . vampire! EVELYNN You cannot defeat. . . Jericho swiftly pulls the Nightwind blade from Evelynns chest and severs her head, grabbing it out of the air, throwing it into the lake of holy water it bursts into flames. JERICHO (Sighs) It has ended. . . Now for the only possible way to see he doesnt return. Jericho rams the Nightwind sword into the earth in front of the still standing body of Evelynn, and breaks the onyx sword in two. Everything seems placed in slow-motion, then all is consumed in a nuclear like wave of purple fire. EXT. LIT BY EXPLOSION Cromwell and the others just make it outside, only to be consumed by a purple fire. Their surroundings change, the castle transforms back into the Nightwind Manor, they find themselves laying in the front lawn, twenty-five feet from its entrance. EXT. NIGHTWND MANOR FRONT LAWN - NIGHT JEFFRIES approaches, startled by their sudden appearance. JEFFRIES Mr. Nightwind? What are you doing here? Is everything all right? MICHELLE What in the hell just happened? I feel like Ive been through a bad acid trip. Wheres Michael? 000200000AE50001B352ADF,Nikki sits up with a yell surprising everyone. NATHAN What are we doing in the front lawn of the manor? CROMWELL You dont know? Good. . . Lets just leave it at that, shall we? NIKKI Oh, my neck is so stiff. Cromwell watches Nikki try to crack her neck and stops her. CROMWELL I really dont think thats a good idea. Trust me. . .your neck is a lot better than it was about five minutes ago. Just dont try to crack it. NATHAN Wheres Jonathan? CROMWELL You two dont remember very much, do you? Evelynn tricked us and killed Jonathan, we barely survived. NATHAN She killed her own grandson? And youre saying that she tricked us, in what way, and for what purpose? CROMWELL (To Himself) Odd. . . they dont seem to remember what just happened five minutes ago. Perhaps, Its better this way. Who needs to remember such terrible incidents. Cromwell notices a puzzled and concerned Jefferies looking at them. JEFFRIES Im going to ask one question. Is everyone alright? CROMWELL Hell, yeah! Thanks for the concern. Just never mention a thing about what you may have seen here tonight to anybody. Theyd just think you were crazy. JEFFRIES Oh, I can see how one might think that, Mr. Spears. They all stand and head towards the manor. CROMWELL Mr. Nightwind? No offense to your fine group. But I think its best to make this our final meeting. Agreed? NATHAN Yes, though Im not really sure why Im agreeing to end the Nightwind group on its first meeting. It just feels like the right thing to do. MICHAEL Agreed. I could sure go for A drink right now. How about everyone else? Michelle approaches Michael placing an arm around his shoulder, giving him a kiss. MICHELLE Any other time I feel as if Id kill you for asking that. But I agree for once, I could use a drink. We need to talk about nullifying certain papers. CROMWELL (To Himself) Wait, how does Michelle remember their divorce, but not what we just went through? What happens now? The Sacred Six has been severed. Ah, the hell with trying to figure all this out. (To Nikki) Join me for a drink, Nikki? NIKKI Id be glad to, Cromwell. One question. Why did you stop me from cracking my neck? CROMWELL You really dont want to know. (Thinks on it) No, no, it creeps me out just to know that I know. Forget it. They enter the manor, closing the door behind; something falls from the dark sky like a flaming lance, sticking in the yard. The Nightwind Sword, purple flames still licking it, a figure walks out from the shadows of the drive, takes the sword. JERICHO Thanks again, brother. Have a drink for me. Ill be watching. . . enjoy your life. But be careful and never let your guard down. We will meet again, Nightwind Group. Jerichos footsteps are heard echoing away in the night wind. NIGHTWIND MANOR. DISSOLVE. END.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